Re: removing the "new project" support for Ant projects

2021-04-20 Thread Lisa Ruby
For those of you who have used Maven for a long time it may seem simple and 
straightforward, but for those of us who haven't it's not. I've struggled to 
try and understand it and figure out how to use it for my software project and 
gave up. And it's a huge amount of overhead, extra disk space usage, and more 
bits and pieces to keep track of that isn't justifiable for small simple 
projects. ANT works just fine for me, and I will keep using it for as long as I 
possibly can. I need to focus my time on getting my software out, not on the 
tools I have to use to do it.


On 4/20/2021 10:00 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

> I agree, the Ant-based project creation should be removed and I disagree that 
> there should be any kind of conversion between Ant and Maven -- that simply 
> will never work and we'll spend the rest of our days fixing bugs in that. To 
> convert from Ant to Maven: create a new Maven project and copy the Java 
> source files from your Ant project into it.
> Gj
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:58 PM  wrote:
>> Honestly, I think NB should have an internal conversation about removing the 
>> "new project" support for Ant projects, while still being able to open 
>> existing ones. It just confuses a lot of people if they're not going to be 
>> supported.
>> I agree, if and ONLY if you provide at least a rudimentary way to convert 
>> ANT projects to Maven projects. I have been struggling with this issue too 
>> long. I have hundreds of Ant based projects that I would love to turn over 
>> immediately to Maven... but I can't , am struggling, and haven't coded a 
>> darn line in two months... I used to code 10 hours a day ... and now... 
>> embarrassed by my inability to convert.,.
>> I exaggerate a bit, I still code in "Old" Netbeans 8.2, but I know the days 
>> are numbered...
>> On 2021-04-20 08:23, Will Hartung wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:55 AM Wayne Gemmell | Connect 
>>>  wrote:
 Is the perception that nobody does Maven EAR's anymore or that nobody uses 
 EARs? I have a web app that has given me no shortage of issuse with ant.
 I'm trying to move it to Maven. If nobody is using maven then I need to 
 move to something else. If nobody is using EAR's anymore then I'm pretty 
 stuck figuring out this Maven issue.
>>> Well, it's several things.
>>> EARs are less popular because their necessity has been greatly reduced. 
>>> Session beans can be placed in WARs now, so for many use cases, a WAR is 
>>> completely adequate to the task.
>>> However, it's not suitable for all use cases.
>>> Notably, MDBs can not be deployed in WARs. But only as an EJB either 
>>> deployed standalone, or bundled within an EAR.
>>> With the hue and cry over micro services and "down with the monolith", just 
>>> the idea of a large application bundled in a EAR is falling out of favor.
>>> Also, there's a history of advocacy underlying this. Sun used NetBeans as a 
>>> mechanism to advocate for Java and Java EE. It behooved them to have 
>>> something like NetBeans to make Java EE development easier. So, it was 
>>> important for NetBeans to have really first class Java EE support. Bundling 
>>> the Java EE wizards and templates along with Glassfish all helped promote 
>>> that.
>>> Of course, now, with the great Java Diaspora out of Oracle, the goals and 
>>> drivers are different.
>>> For your project, if all you have is a web app and some session beans, then 
>>> a simple WAR file is good to go. The Ant projects seem to essentially be 
>>> deprecated now, so I would not rely on those for anything. If practical, 
>>> especially if your project is young, I would migrate it to Maven. The Maven 
>>> WAR is a pretty simple project and seems to work ok. Maven isn't going away 
>>> any time soon, Gradle, it's primary competitor, doesn't really have the 
>>> traction to overcome it yet, and it's been going for some time. If nothing 
>>> else, the pom.xml file has become a de facto portable project format if, 
>>> for nothing else, to capture dependencies.
>>> Honestly, I think NB should have an internal conversation about removing 
>>> the "new project" support for Ant projects, while still being able to open 
>>> existing ones. It just confuses a lot of people if they're not going to be 
>>> supported.
>>> And I still haven't heard any concrete position the project has on 
>>> internalizing Maven archetypes used for project wizards, or the process of 
>>> adopting that.
>>> Legacy archetypes that used to work in NB 8 are now failing because they've 
>>> vanished from Maven central. So, an external dependency broke an internal 
>>> feature.
>>> Feel free to follow up with specific questions about getting your project 
>>> to work and/or converted to Maven.
>>> Regards,
>>> Will Hartung

Re: Java FX Project identity

2021-03-22 Thread Lisa Ruby
Hi Will,

Have you set up the location of Scenebuilder in Netbeans? Here is how to
do it if you haven't:

 From Nebeans Menu:
- Tools/Options
- Select the Java tab in the options window
- Select the JavaFX tab in the Java options
- Enter the location of Scenebuilder and click Apply

Lisa Ruby

On 3/22/2021 10:44 AM, Will Hartung wrote:
> What does it take to convince NB that a project is a JavaFX project?
> If you create one from the Wizard, then the IDE knows about FXML
> files. It has options to create them, if you double click on one it
> launches SceneBuilder, etc.
> If you create a plain Java Maven project, it doesn't know about any of
> those things. For example, you can not create an FXML file with the
> New menu.
> Adding java fx dependencies doesn't do anything to the IDE.
> Now, I've "uplifted" a normal project a little bit.
> Part of a FXML project is a custom nbactions.xml file. This, most
> notably, leverages the maven javafx:run goal instead of generic main
> class method.
> I think when I added this nbactions.xml file, the IDE now became more
> aware of JavaFX. Now, many of the JavaFX specific things show up in
> the New menu and wizards.
> But I still can not double click on an FXML file and launch
> SceneBuilder. So, I'm missing some other link.
> Any idea how I can make that final connection? And where is it
> manifest? I don't see any hidden files, or any files I can not explain
> differing from one project to another. Is there another place project
> specific information is stored besides within the project directory
> itself?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> WIll Hartung

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Re: Java FX Project identity

2021-03-22 Thread Lisa Ruby
Hi Will,

Have you set up the location of Scenebuilder in Netbeans? Here is how to
do it if you haven't:

 From Nebeans Menu:
- Tools/Options
- Select the Java tab in the options window
- Select the JavaFX tab in the Java options
- Enter the location of Scenebuilder and click Apply


On 3/22/2021 10:44 AM, Will Hartung wrote:
> What does it take to convince NB that a project is a JavaFX project?
> If you create one from the Wizard, then the IDE knows about FXML
> files. It has options to create them, if you double click on one it
> launches SceneBuilder, etc.
> If you create a plain Java Maven project, it doesn't know about any of
> those things. For example, you can not create an FXML file with the
> New menu.
> Adding java fx dependencies doesn't do anything to the IDE.
> Now, I've "uplifted" a normal project a little bit.
> Part of a FXML project is a custom nbactions.xml file. This, most
> notably, leverages the maven javafx:run goal instead of generic main
> class method.
> I think when I added this nbactions.xml file, the IDE now became more
> aware of JavaFX. Now, many of the JavaFX specific things show up in
> the New menu and wizards.
> But I still can not double click on an FXML file and launch
> SceneBuilder. So, I'm missing some other link.
> Any idea how I can make that final connection? And where is it
> manifest? I don't see any hidden files, or any files I can not explain
> differing from one project to another. Is there another place project
> specific information is stored besides within the project directory
> itself?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> WIll Hartung

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Re: What Project should I use if I have existing source?

2021-03-01 Thread Lisa Ruby
Hi Tom,

Kind of sounds like this isn't what you need, but if you worked with
your source in an older version of Netbeans and want to move it to
Netbeans 12.2, you can export the project from the old version of
Netbeans and then import it into 12.2. The export and import options are
under the File menu item.

If you don't have the source in project in an older version of Netbeans,
you can create a New Project and select 'Java with Ant', and in the
right box select 'Java Application'. You don't have to select one of the
sub options under 'Java with Ant'.  Uncheck the box for Create Main
Class on the second screen. To get your source into the project you can
copy it into the project src directory, or you can remove that directory
and in the Project Properties use the Add Folder option for Sources to
add your folder of source code. You'll also have to add your Main Class
to Run under Project Properties, and add any libraries you need to the
Project Properties. There may be a few other things you'll have to do in
Properties.  I did this with a project I originally created in Netbeans 8.

Lisa Ruby

On 3/1/2021 3:28 PM, Thomas Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess I haven’t tried to create a  project in a long time.  Today, I
> had the need to, but an option that has always been available in the
> past (NB 8?) - “Java application with existing source” doesn’t seem to
> exist in 12.2.  Is there an equivalent in ant, gradle, or maven
> projects?  I saw an Java FX project with existing source (but I don’t
> use FX) as well as a couple enterprise project options that don’t
> really correspond to the plain vanilla POJO application that my source
> represents.
> Any pointers would be much appreciated. (I’d prefer an ant-based
> project type if there is one).
> Best,
> Tom Wolf

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Re: Heads-up: EOL on March 6th

2021-02-26 Thread Lisa Ruby
Thank you. I had somehow navigated to someplace I can't find now that had a 
link that was still pointing to the plugins on the site.


On 2/26/2021 12:07 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

> Gj
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 1:22 AM Lisa Ruby 
> []( 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For anyone that might be interested, Here is a downloadable copy of
>> "Developing Applications with NetBeans IDE" document/book for Netbeans 8.2:
>> Is anyone doing anything about archiving plugins? Will they be
>> findable/accessible once goes away? The apache Netbeans web
>> page points back to for plugins.
>> Lisa
>> On 2/23/2021 6:26 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
>>> Hello NetBeans community,
>>> I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it would be me
>>> announcing with mixed feelings that the domain will reach
>>> its end of life on 6th of March, 2021. March 6th is the date when Oracle
>>> hosting of the Hg repositories, website, BugZilla, Wiki, Plugin Portal
>>> and many other services will be turned off followed by complete
>>> decommissioning of the infrastructure.
>>> So, if anyone still wants to download some old binary such as
>>> NetBeans IDE 8.2 installer [1], remember old icons/posters [2], see
>>> historic screenshots [3], backup favorite FAQs [4] or clone some of the
>>> repositories [5], the right time has come.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> [5]
>>> Many thanks to NetBeans founders, all Sun Microsystems Inc.
>>> engineers and all contributors from the NetBeans community who worked on
>>> the Build Your Own Tool idea over the years!
>>> Long live to domain! :)
>>> -Jirka
>>> -
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>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: Heads-up: EOL on March 6th

2021-02-25 Thread Lisa Ruby

For anyone that might be interested, Here is a downloadable copy of
"Developing Applications with NetBeans IDE" document/book for Netbeans 8.2:

Is anyone doing anything about archiving plugins? Will they be
findable/accessible once goes away? The apache Netbeans web
page points back to for plugins.


On 2/23/2021 6:26 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:
> Hello NetBeans community,
>  I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it would be me
> announcing with mixed feelings that the domain will reach
> its end of life on 6th of March, 2021. March 6th is the date when Oracle
> hosting of the Hg repositories, website, BugZilla, Wiki, Plugin Portal
> and many other services will be turned off followed by complete
> decommissioning of the infrastructure.
>  So, if anyone still wants to download some old binary such as
> NetBeans IDE 8.2 installer [1], remember old icons/posters [2], see
> historic screenshots [3], backup favorite FAQs [4] or clone some of the
> repositories [5], the right time has come.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
>  Many thanks to NetBeans founders, all Sun Microsystems Inc.
> engineers and all contributors from the NetBeans community who worked on
> the Build Your Own Tool idea over the years!
> Long live to domain! :)
> -Jirka
> -
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Re: Netbeans code assist not picking up classes under JRE Full Profile

2021-02-08 Thread Lisa Ruby
I am having the same problem with Netbeans 12.0 on Windows. I use ANT. I 
understand the overall concept of modules. When I use anything from java.sql in 
my code and try using Ctrl-Shift-I to have Netbeans add the import statements 
to the code file, it doesn't work. Same as what Bob reported. The Classes and 
Sources lists for my Platform for my project, which uses AdoptOpenJDK 
11.0.9-hotspot, contain java.sql. What else exactly needs to be done to make 
sure I have java.sql module imported?

Thank you.


On 2/8/2021 5:19 AM, Daoud Abdelmonem Faleh wrote:

> Make sure you have Java.sql module imported
> [](

Re: How to reset/remove the stored Git password?

2020-12-02 Thread Lisa Ruby
Wish I could help more, but I only use git locally.
Might be helpful to try the git community.

And/or the git documentation here:


On 12/2/2020 10:45 PM, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> Hmm.
> There is no such directory in the NetBeans user directory.
> If you are referring to the the config file in the Git repository itself: it 
> does not contain any passwords (or credentials).
> Thomas
> Lisa Ruby schrieb am 02.12.2020 um 17:01:
>> Try looking in .git/config
>> Lisa
>> On 12/2/2020 1:28 AM, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I accidently entered the wrong password for my git remote server and chose 
>>> "Save password".
>>> How can I delete that stored password? (NetBeans seems to try to use the 
>>> old password, causing my Git account to be locked)
>>> I could find a "svn" sub-directory in my NetBeans User directory which 
>>> apparently stores this for Subversion, but nothing for git.
>>> Thanks
>>> Thomas
> -
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Re: How to reset/remove the stored Git password?

2020-12-02 Thread Lisa Ruby
Try looking in .git/config


On 12/2/2020 1:28 AM, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> Hello,
> I accidently entered the wrong password for my git remote server and chose 
> "Save password".
> How can I delete that stored password? (NetBeans seems to try to use the old 
> password, causing my Git account to be locked)
> I could find a "svn" sub-directory in my NetBeans User directory which 
> apparently stores this for Subversion, but nothing for git.
> Thanks
> Thomas
> -
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