Re: I am not able to access my writing

2024-07-10 Thread Keith McKenna

Rufus Ogilvie wrote:

To begin with, I have used Open Office for over 10 years because I
have never been able to afford the cost of Microsoft Word, and I
seriously disapprove of their monopolistic practices and outrageous
and exorbitant prices, even as a university student. Now, I can
neither print nor at times even access my writings on your system.

I really dislike computer technology's current practice of no live
tech support. Several years ago a Microsoft technician, who I
erroneously allowed remote access to my computer, crashed it and
fried my hard drive and I lost an entire half of a novel I had
written. I have never been able to piece that work back together. In
2024, I have had nothing but trouble with Open Office. It crashes
frequently and I have downloaded it no less than 7 times over the
past few months—today being the last time. Work is lost too often,
and starting today it will not print my work. Neither can I access
the work using WPS Office. I need a reliable and stable word
processing program that I can print works out from and save what I am
writing, or use another program to access the work from to do the
same, or that is compatible with what I have saved. Since there is no
actual technical support except community forums where I must sort
through other peoples endless problems to find something remotely
similar, and which I don't see how anybody has the time, I find
myself not only frustrated, but resolute in what my next steps will
be. That is the problem with companies in this 21st Century that have
no concern for their customers. Now, I have come to  the point where
I am ready to cut your product loose since I can get no help fixing
the problem, no solution whatsoever. I would love to own a device
that is strictly a word processor not attached to a retarded and
unsupported computer system, but I know those devices don't exist in
today's society or are too expensive for a person on Social Security
to afford.

I will wait for a response and possible solution to my problem, for a
reasonable time, and in order to be certain I am able to save what I
have written before I remove everything from this computer that has
over 500GB of space still left on the hard drive, and start again
from scratch. I am totally fed up with the arrogant Tech industries
in America at this point.

Thank you ahead of time for your assistance, Rufus Ogilvie


First off the only way to recover from a disaster such as you
experienced in 2004 is to do frequent backups of your system. I suggest
using removable media as you can simply connect it to a new system and
restore your data in a reasonable amount of time.

As far as live support I share your  concern in terms of commercial
products. However Apache OpenOffice®, like all Apache projects as well
as the Foundation that supports them, are all run by volunteers, which
makes live support with a person virtually impossible.

As far as your particular problem, the following information is needed.
The operating system that you are running, the version of OpenOffice you
are using, the model of the printer you are using as part of the problem
is printing, as well as a clear step by step breakdown of what you are
doing at the time that either of the problems occur.As well if you could
provide a copy of one of the files you are unable to open or print to
one of the many free services that host files for download so that a
volunteers can troubleshoot it.

Please understand that neither Apache OpenOffice® nor the Apache®
Software Foundation that hosts the project are companies. They are
501(C)(3) non-profit charities dedicated to producing software for the
"common good".

As your are not subscribed to this mailing list I will also forward this
to your e-mail address, please only respond to

Keith N.McKenna

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Re: Query re best version of OpenOffice to use

2024-07-10 Thread Keith McKenna

Sophie Bel wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,
Please may I ask what version of OpenOffice is the most reliable and best
version to use please?
OpenOffice 4.0.1 or OpenOffice 4.1.15?
Kind regards,
Sophie Bel

Dear Sophie;

It is always best to upgrade whenever a new released. As 4.0.1 is very 
old, it is best to use 4.1.15 as there have been many improvements and 
security related fixes between the two.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Crashing, crashing

2024-07-10 Thread Keith McKenna

nicholas wrote:

am using OpenOffice 4.1.6 and just got three spread sheets that keep crashing 
after opening. Thoughts?

First thought is that you are 9 versions behind the current released 
version which is version 4.15 I strongly urge you to upgrade as many of 
the versions were security related.

As too your initial question, the following information will help 
facilitate a speedier answer:

1: Operating system your use, i.e. (Windows, macOS, or a Linux

2: Does it crash repeatably at the same place in the document or
   when a particular action takes place
Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Logiciel pour puce M1

2024-06-22 Thread Keith McKenna

Brian Barker wrote:

At 12:16 19/06/2024 -0400, Keith McKenna wrote: wrote:

Je voudrais avoir le lien pour installer open office sur mon Mac 
(Puce M1)

The macOS version for Apache OpenOffice® can be downloaded from be sure to select the 
> 10.7 version. Once downloaded install as you would any application 
on the mac.

Except that OpenOffice for MasOS works only with Intel hardware: see . For his 
Apple M1 processor, the enquirer needs first to install Rosetta 2, which 
enables such hardware to run applications built for Intel processors.

Brian Barker

Thank you Brian I had forgotten that, sa I rarely work with macOS.


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Re: Logiciel pour puce M1

2024-06-19 Thread Keith McKenna wrote:


Je voudrais avoir le lien pour installer open office sur mon Mac ( Puce M1)


Salutations ;
La version macOS d'Apache OpenOffice® peut être téléchargée à partir de Veillez à sélectionner 
la version > 10.7. Une fois téléchargée, installez-la comme n'importe 
quelle application sur macOS.

The macOS version for Apache OpenOffice® can be downloaded from be sure to select the > 
10.7 version. Once downloaded install as you would any application on 
the mac.

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Re: Compatibility/Windows 11

2024-04-20 Thread Keith N. McKenna

David wrote:

Pamela Green-Nanni wrote:
I recently got a new computer and it has Windows 11.  I've downloaded 
Open Office and Java, but I've lost a lot of functionality.
1.  I cannot find the "T" where I can type into the presentation.2.  I 
cannot get  "Format Line" to work.3.  I cannot get "format Area: to 
work.4.  I cannot make borders or any colors to work.
Please advise with simple instructions on what I might need to further 
download in order to get these to work.

Thank you,
Pam Nanni

It would help if you could tell which component(s) of OpenOffice you are 
using in respect of each problem you have raised above; and what you 
have tried and what happened as a result.

Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the 
replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists 
go to

As a courtesy I have forwarded a copy of this reply to you as well as to 
the mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at 
 - replies to my personal email address 
will be ignored.
Along with David's excellent advise, you also need to download a 32bit 
Java. Apache OpenOffice is a 32 bit executable and needs a 32 bit Java 
for some functionality.


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Re: AndrOpenOffice

2024-01-09 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Krotka wrote:

Jednak pomoc do AndrOpenOffice
Ma być na - co pokazują skany.
Nie załączone dalsze skany prowadzące do konkretnie tej listy dyskusyjnej.

Where is help and support to AndrOpenOffice?
Skans show.

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Jak już wcześniej powiedziano, AndrOpen Office jest portem Apache 
OpenOffice stworzonym przez stronę trzecią i nie jest częścią naszej 
bazy kodu. W celu uzyskania wsparcia MUSISZ skontaktować się z

Keith N. McKenna
as you have been told before, AndrOpen Office is a port of Apache 
OpenOffice by a third party and is not part of our codebase. For support 
you MUST contact

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Darabase on AndrOpen Office, error

2024-01-07 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Krotka wrote:

On AndrOpen Office 5.3.9, after entering the .odb database, that someone
sent me, it seems to open, but as soon as I click somewhere, e.g. 'create
form', I get the following error:

Permission Denial: reading
ExternalStorageProvider uri content:
%3ADownload%2FELMQLIPR from
pid=9684, uid=10189 requires
that you obtain access using

What to do?

AndrOpen Office is a port of our software to the Android operating 
system by a 3rd party. You can contact there support at

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: your update

2024-01-07 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Krotka wrote:

Me helped, a moment ago, was setting the RAM options on the phone,
'increasing memory capacity',
He didn't ask how much, he set it to 2GB.
Had to reset the phone. (I changed it to the wrong one the previous day).

If you are asking about using Apache OpenOffice on your phone, then we 
cannot help you here as we do not have a version that runs on the phone.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: DataBases in AndroOpen Office

2023-12-18 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Krotka wrote:

I have installed AndrOpen Office 5.3.9 Polish version at Android 12.
I go to Calc, then to:
   Tools/Options/AndrOpen Office Base/Connections
   and it crashes, it returns to the initial form - selecting the document
to open.
It's the same when I choose:
   Tools/option/AndrOpen Office Base/Databases.
What should I do ?

AndrOfiice is a port of OpenOffice. Any questions that you have about it 
should be addressed to them.

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Re: Mi autorizzate a vendere il vostro software Open Office su CD-ROM?

2023-12-18 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Fernando Cassia wrote:

La licenza del software openoffice è GPL.
Risposta breve: sì, puoi.

Ecco cosa dice Richard Stallman sulla vendita di software libero


Apache OpenOffice® is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, NOT GPL


On Mon, Dec 18, 2023, 07:35 Simone Nardoni  wrote:

Salve, come da titolo mi chiedevo se potreste autorizzarmi a vendere il
vostro software Open Office su supporto CD-ROM?
Grazie e cordiali saluti.

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Re: Query regarding the license compliance

2023-12-06 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Muralidaran S wrote:

Hi Team,

In my organisation, we are planning to migrate from our existing office
application to “Apache OpenOffice”. Which means, we are planning to install
OpenOffice for about 1000 systems for my employees to use. We will be using
this application for business and commercial purpose.

In this regard, we would like to know if there any enterprise version
available & is there any license cost associated for using Apache
OpenOffice at enterprise level.

Looking for your response and support. Thanks!


Muralidaran S

Associate Director – IT

Mobile: 9003659922

Greetings Muralidaran;

First off, thank you for considering Apache OpenOffice® for your 

There is no separate Enterprise Edition. OpenOffice was designed to be 
used in both commercial and personal settings. It is licensed under the 
Apache License Version 2.0 (Available from is free for 
personal or commercial use.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Software support

2023-11-07 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Gemma Lloyd wrote:

Dear Open Office Support,

My grandfather who has used Open office via you and Sun Systems for years and 
worked as an engineer in the tech and electronics sector (ICL,D2D, Fujitsu and 
Celestica) all his life now at the grand age of 81 has issues with his eye 
sight due to macular degenerative disease. I was wondering if there is anyway 
Open Office more specifically excel can be enlarged or if there are any 
accessibility settings or software you know of that could help him continue to 
use his computer at all?

Any help or advice would be most appreciated. Looking forward to your response.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Lloyd

Sent from my iPhone

Greetings Gemma

There are a couple of ways to increase he zoom level of any of the parts 
of OpenOffice.

1.  Click View > Zoom and play with the options on the page that opens.

2.  Use the slider at the bottom right of the screen to set the zoom
level that is comfortable for him.

Keith McKenna

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Re: Problem with authentication OpenOffice

2023-10-05 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Natalia Lewkowicz | FINSEC wrote:

I have a problem with OpenOffice.
Every time when I open the program, a window pops up to enter data and initials.
What should I do to stop this window from popping up?
Please help

Z pozdrowieniami,
Natalia Lewkowicz

The easiest way is to enter the data it asks for. That data is written 
to your Apace OpenOffice (AOO) profile and is used by many of the letter 
wizards that come with it and can also be used to manually insert the 
data into documents

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Unable to open product

2023-08-26 Thread Keith N. McKenna

lauren mitchell wrote:

Apple support reads:  If you see this warning, it means that the app was not 
notarized, and Apple could not scan the app for known malicious software.
You may want to look for an updated version of the app in the App Store or look 
for an alternative app.

On Aug 23, 2023, at 11:43 PM, lauren mitchell>> wrote:

This is also addressed in the in the official Release Notes For Apache 
OpenOffice. Please read and follow the directions linked below for your 
version of macOS.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Deleting presentation

2023-06-21 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Frank Roshau wrote:

How in the world does a person delete an entire slide presentation. I’ve 
probably spent an hour trying to find a way to do so, but to no avail and also 
tried to wade through the community forums.

Sent from Mail for Windows

The easiest way is to issue a delete or remove command from the OS.
ex del "name.odp from the Windows Command Prompt, or rem "name".odp for 
nix type systems.

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Re: Developer Verification

2023-05-16 Thread Keith N. McKenna wrote:

I just reloaded Open Office after a hard disc failure. I cannot open OpenOffice 
because my Mac cannot verify the developer. What to do?
“OpenOffice” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.

See the Release Notes a 


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Re: Extenions

2023-05-04 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Frank Houston wrote:

Does OpenOffice have one?

Get Outlook for Android<>

There is no PDF editor available from Apache OpenOffice® except the 
aforementioned  extension


From: Keith N. McKenna 
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:13:11 PM
Subject: Re: Extenions

Frank Houston wrote:

Extensions how do you access and use them.? Like access them for use?  For 
instance PDF import?
Please help?
Sent from Mail<> for Windows


Extensions are available from The
pdf import that you mentioned is available from
Be advised that most PDF's are image files and editing can only be
achieved using Draw. If you want to extensively edit PDF's you really
need a dedicated PDF editor.


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Re: Extenions

2023-05-02 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Frank Houston wrote:

Extensions how do you access and use them.? Like access them for use?  For 
instance PDF import?
Please help?
Sent from Mail<> for Windows


Extensions are available from The 
pdf import that you mentioned is available from 
Be advised that most PDF's are image files and editing can only be 
achieved using Draw. If you want to extensively edit PDF's you really 
need a dedicated PDF editor.


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2023-04-19 Thread Keith N. McKenna

SEHERz422 wrote:

Quick question: If I download Apache OpenOffice (right now is 4.1.14) and use 
it, is all of the information I type/draw, etc. into it I am the only owner of 
it ??
Is any of what I type/create in OpenOffice sent to Apache OpenOffice or > 
affiliate(s) via internet ??

In other words how private is the contents which I create/draw/write/usage > of 
the Clip art in it, etc. in Apache OpenOffice? Is all content I create really mine-I 
am only ownership of it or again, > does Apache OpenOffice and/or affiliate(s) 
have ownership in it/of it ??

Thanks & Sincerely,
Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith

Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.

Mrs. Smith;

All content that ypu create in Apache OpenOffice is created on your 
computer and is yours only. It is only stored on your system unless you 
decide to put it elsewhere.

Keith N. McKenna

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Copy Function Causes Error

2023-03-25 Thread Keith and Vicki Pfister
When I use the copy function in OpenOffice Calc, it freezes and shuts 
down every time. I have used OpenOffice Calc for years with no issue. 
Since using it on my new laptop with Windows 11, I am experiencing the 
problem. I cannot locate where to update my user profile which was 
suggested in some of the user forums.

V Pfister

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Re: New feature…?

2023-03-25 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Amin Jack Pędziwiater wrote:

Expected rain about 16.

On Sat, Mar 25, 2023, 15:27 Sara Mahoney  wrote:

Um, ummm….*bashfully*
Is there perchance a feature that would let me type on what looks like.
lined paper? You know, like paper with those light-blue to bluish-purple
lines with the pink lines in the margins? Like a template of this?
I tried yesterday to replicate a sheet of loose leaf thinking that maybe I
could type on it or in it (with a text box)…alas, my plan didn’t work 🥲

Sent from Gmail Mobile

Your reply does nothing to add to the discussion of 

Your reply does nothing to add to the discussion of Sara's question and 
is not appropriate. I would refer you the Conduct Guidlines at

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Re: Open Office versions

2023-03-02 Thread Keith N. McKenna

108mileranch wrote:

Do you have version of Open Office working on Android 13 OS?CheersTizSent from 
my Galaxy

The project does not have a version for Andriod. You could try 
AndrOpenOffice which is a port of Apache OpenOffice to Android by a 
third party.


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Windows is freezing my work. Open Office 4.1.13

2023-02-27 Thread keith Harrison
When I have documents made up through open office, micro soft then freezes my 
files and ask me to sign up with them for a fee..
How can I get Windows from kidnapping and extorting my files. I don't want to 
pay Microsoft when I can use Apache which works great 

Can they legally covert and freeze Apache documents on my computor.?
kindest regards. 

Keith Harrison

Re: Format problem

2022-09-19 Thread Keith N. McKenna

eric wrote:

I have been using Open Office 4.1.3 for many years---No problems

Recently,when I open a new document and start typing, every word and 
line are underlined with a red squiggly line.

I can find no way to get rid of it---It prints out too!

Hope you may help


Eric Friedland


This is a sympton of corruption in the user profile forOpen Office. To 
fix this see the following how to on the wike:

It will tell you where the profile is, and how to reset it.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Cannot Install Apache Open Office on Mac

2022-08-24 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Rob Cook wrote:

Hi Open Office Users,

I have been an Open Office user for several years on my Windows Laptop. Since 
purchasing a new Mac for the very first time I thought I would be able to load 
the latest version onto that machine but I can't. When I try I get the 
following message:

macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
This item is on the disk image 
Safari downloaded this disk image on 11 August 2022.

Does anyone out there know if it is possible to install and use Apache Open 
Office onto a Mac? I can’t bear the thought of having to learn and use Apple 

Kindest regards,

Rob Cook

See the instructions at this link from the Release Notes:


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Re: Cannot load Open Office in my iMac with Cantinna loaded. It says programer has not verified the program. Do you have version

2022-07-20 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Wayne Reid wrote:

Do you have a aversion from you, not apple that will work on my iMac? Or can 
you verify the one you put on the Apple iMac??? Please reply. It works on my
Windows 10 but not on my imacj…..

See the Known Issues section of the Release Notes:


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Re: Spellcheck puts wavy red underline for each word

2022-07-07 Thread Keith N. McKenna

loefflerwm wrote:

After a couple of years of use in Windows 10, the spellcheck does not work in 
this app. Dell Computer Technicians tried to connect OpenOffice with Grammarly 
but could not. They advised I contact you. I want to keep this word program but 
my eyesight is getting worse and many keypad errors are caught by spellcheck - 
at least when it worked. Now every word has a red wavy line underneath.
William Loeffler

This is usually caused by corruption in the User profile.See the "Hpw 
Too" at the following link on how to reset the profile to correct 

There are a number of grammer checkers as extensions to AOO. The one I 
use with the AOO Documentation team is LanguageTool. It along with 
others can be found at the following link:


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Re: Winding OpenOffice down

2022-06-25 Thread Keith N. McKenna

TAP General wrote:
Apache OpenOffice works just fine for me.  Frequent addition of new 
features seems not to be necessary.

Do you find that OpenOffice is not being updated as necessary to work 
with new releases of operating systems?  Is something else of importance 
being neglected?

More work on OO Documentation would be useful.  An automated system for 
checking the integrity of downloaded versions would be nice.

We have rebooted the documentation effort and are now writing the user 
documentation using AOO Writer. If you are interested in helping with 
the effort you can subscribed to the documentation website and we can 
get you started.

You can subscribe to the list by sending a blank e-mail to You should receive a reply which 
could end up in your spam folder, so be sure to check there. Just reply 
to that e-mail and you will get a reply back that you are 
subscribed.Then introduce yourself to the list and we will get you started.


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Re: Openoffice calc

2022-06-08 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Hello Clive
Clive Marais wrote:

To whom it may concern

I use openoffice and this is the first time that I am using openoffice and was 
looking for openoffice calc, I would like to know where I could find it and 
howto install it or add it to the list?

Wre need a little bit more information to be able to help you.
1) What version of Apache OpenOffice Are you Using
Latest version is 4.1.12

2) Where did you obtain your copy of Apache OpenOffice.
If it was not from


I only have 6 listed and I am looking to use openoffice calc but it’s not on 
the list when opening openoffice.

Mr Marais

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

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Re: OpenOffice 4.1.12 installer fails

2022-05-27 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Hi Ollie. Comments in line
Olle Olsson wrote:

Trying to update using
which I just downloaded from

Running it ...
choosing "typical setup"
reaching "Ready to install"  hittingf "Install" button

Then it says:
   Please exit OpenOffice 4.1.12 and the OpenOffice 4.1.12
   Kickstarter before you continue...

Hmmm ... no such things seem to be running ... And it is a single user
system ...So there is nothing special for me to do, right?

Why does it make this remark?

The only action is presents is the "OK" button.

It is actually the Quickstarter, and to close it Open Task Manager (on 
Windows 10 click in the area where your start key is) and look for any 
soffice processes that are running and close them  bye right-clicking on 
them and choose End Task on the fly-out menu that opens. Once that is 
done re-run the installer and all should be well.

To disable the QuickStarter from loading go t oTools > Options > 
OpenOffice > Memory and deselect the Load OpenOffice during system 
start-up item.

Keith N. McKenna

Hitting it results in:coming back to the normalTools > Options > OpenOffice > 
Memory. Installer window, saying
Installation Wizard Completed

   The wizard was interrupted before OpenOffice 4.1.12 could be completely

   Your system has not been modified 


What's up folks? How to make this update of OpenOffice work?



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Re: Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 released

2022-05-05 Thread Keith N. McKenna

Girvin Herr wrote:

Greetings Carl,

Umm. It might be nice to update the web page ( ) to allow downloading 4.1.12. It 
is still stuck on 4.1.11 as the latest.

Girvin Herr

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 released
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 18:24:00 -0400
From: Carl Marcum 
Organization: Apache Software Foundation

04 May 2022 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the 
release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12.

This release is dedicated to Jörg Schmidt, who was a valued contributor 
to the project and suddenly passed away at the end of last year.

Apache OpenOffice is a popular Open Source office document productivity 
suite available in 41 languages on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 is a maintenance release incorporating bug 
fixes and other enhancements.

This release also includes the latest dictionaries.  All users of Apache 
OpenOffice 4.1.11 or earlier are advised to upgrade.

For the complete overview see the list in Bugzilla:

Full version of this announcement:

Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 Release Notes:

Download the source:

Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 from the original source only:

Follow Apache OpenOffice:


At 17:03 EST in the United States, it is showing 4.1.12 as latest. If 
itis still showing 4.1.11 for your locale, please get back to us.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: x64

2022-02-24 Thread Keith N. McKenna
In article , says...
> Hello!
> Is Open Office available in x64?  Thanks!
> ed

Currently Apache OpenOffice is only available as 32-bit on 
Window. However It runs perfectly fine on a 64 bit system. 
The only proviso is that you MUST install a 32-bit Java.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Formatting for USA Telephone Numbers

2022-02-24 Thread Keith N. McKenna
In article <64a75984-4f03-422e-7ccb-0358112cb1f6>, says...
> Hi:
> How do I format cells for entry of USA Telephone Numbers, as:     1 
> (###) ###*-*
> whenever, for example,I have typed a ten-digit number, e.g., 1234567890 
> (no spaces, no negative/minus sign, no parenthesis, by use of the number 
> keypad (NumLk is enabled).
> Yes, I want the "1" prefix, the area code to appear within parenthesis, 
> and a negative/minus sign between the 3rd digit and the 4th digit. A 
> space follows the prefix "1" and a space follows the closing parenthesis.
> I have tried to set a user defined number-format, but am getting strange 
> results with apostrophes and/or double quote markings mixed in when 
> viewing the Format Cells dialogue, e.g., (#") "###"*-*". And, I 
> don;t understand why that is. I was hoping to find a pre-defined/default 
> format for use when entering USA telephone numbers. I am flexible; I can 
> probably do without the "1" prefix and/or the parenthesis.
> Should I be formatting these cells as "text" (left-justified) rather 
> than as numbers (right-justified)?
> Regards,
> VinceB.

Format the cell as text and enter the characters as you 
want them to be displayed. trying to enter it as a number 
format will not get you to where you want. As Brian 
stated, Entering the way you want are not numeric values, 
but text.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: version 4.1 odt and calc instructons

2022-02-09 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On Sun, 06 Feb 2022 16:47:11 +, Susie Perrone wrote:

> is there a pdf of version 4 calc instruction manual?and odt office
> manual?
> When i access the help section on my odt and calc on my computer the
> instructions are there.

The guides for the Version 4.1 line are being worked on now. THe Getting 
Started Guide is currently being readied for publication as PDF's. The 
Writer, and Calc guides will be the next to be worked on.


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Re: Frustrated With Open Office!

2022-01-15 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 19:48:50 +, teamtracy wrote:

> I have been using Open Office for many years. I don't need it for work,
> I don't need it professionally. It's not really compatible with other
> word processors. But, I still need it for legal purposes, documentation
> purposes, etc. It is important to me, for Open Office to WORK!
> Over the last many months, every time I use Open Office, I need to"
> Start Recovery". Every time! I'm have documents using 4.1.7 and 4.1.8.
> If I down load a newer version (i.e., 4.1.11) will all my documents be
> compatible? Why doesn't Open Office update automatically?
> I'm frustrated.
> Thanks for your help.Dennis

Yes, any of your OpenOffice files will open in the latest version which is 
version 4.1.11

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: corrector does not work anymore

2022-01-15 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 15:17:31 +, Swantje Baumgart wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using open office writer. The corrector does not work anymore. It
> does not know any words. The language is correct anyway. I tried with
> the new language pack. Everything is as it should be according to the
> forum but it does not work anyway. What can I do but using another
> program?
> RegardsSwantje


The most likely scenarion is that your user profile has becomae corrupted. 
See the instructions to fix this at the following link: https://

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Apple Big Sur 11.4

2021-06-24 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 17:29:31 +0200, Matthias Seidel wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> Am 24.06.21 um 16:12 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
>> On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 02:23:22 +0100, Rob Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi Snce I auto upgraded to Big Sur 11.4 my Open Office has stopped
>>> working - apparently its not compatible. Any idea when it might be?
>>> Thanks Rob
>> This is why we write Release Notes. Goto
>> confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Releases, pick the version that you are
>> running, in the sidebar click the link for the Release nots and goto
>> the known issues for macOS section. There you will find instructions to
>> deal with the gatekeeper.
> I am not sure if it really is a gatekeeper issue or if he only has a
> very old (32-bit) version of AOO installed.
> Regards,
>    Matthias


That is why I refered him to the Releases area and to grab the release 
notes for the version he is using.


>> Regards,
>> Keith
>> -
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>> additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Apple Big Sur 11.4

2021-06-24 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 02:23:22 +0100, Rob Taylor wrote:

> Hi Snce I auto upgraded to Big Sur 11.4 my Open Office has stopped
> working - apparently its not compatible. Any idea when it might be?
> Thanks Rob

This is why we write Release Notes. Goto
confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Releases, pick the version that you are 
running, in the sidebar click the link for the Release nots and goto the 
known issues for macOS section. There you will find instructions to deal 
with the gatekeeper.


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2021-06-23 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2021-06-23 04:26, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jun 2021 01:34:24 +
> Michael Lermer  wrote:

>> Thank you for your suggestion.  I am indeed using Windows 10, and I have 
>> enabled Clipboad History as you suggest, and I see that it does enable me to 
>> use a Clipboard, but it is still necessary to paste each item separately, 
>> rather than being able to paste up to 24 items at a time with one click.  
>> Still, better than nothing.  Re your suggestion that I add this to Open 
>> Office - unfortunately I have very limited IT skills, so would not have the 
>> first idea how to do this!
>> Thank you again
>> Mike
> Be advised that previous postings, over years, indicate that OpenOffice can 
> have problems with clipboard add-on utilities.  Whether that applies to a 
> built-in system utility I cannot say; not using Windows 10 I am unable to 
> test for any such problems.
> RoryOF
Although I have not done any formal testing, I have used the Windows 10
clip-board history feature with Writer with no apparent dilatory effects.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Openoffice message `contact the developer

2021-06-03 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2021-06-03 12:44, Jasmina Mitrovic wrote:
> Hello 
> I followed your instruction below
> For macOS 10.12 "Sierra" and up: In Finder, Control-click or right-click the 
> icon of the app. Done Select Open from the top of contextual menu that 
> appears.  Done Click Open in the dialog box.  No dialog box appeared, program 
> opens documents menu. If prompted, enter an administrator name and password. 
> This is needed just the first time you launch Apache OpenOffice.
> Thank you
> Jasmina


You are very welcome Jasmina.It is always good practice to check the
Release Notes when you update Apache OpenOffice, or any other software.
You can find the release notes for any Version at the following link: just
click the Release that you want to check them for.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Openoffice message `contact the developer

2021-06-02 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2021-06-02 13:01, Jasmina Mitrovic wrote:
> Hello I have transferred content of my old MacBook Air to new one. 
> Nevertheless, Openoffice is disabled and I need to contact the developer. As 
> the app in snot in App store please support me. 
> Thank you in advance 
> Jasmina
You are running up against the macOS Gatekeeper facility.See the Know
Issues Section of the release Notes at the following link:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

openoffice writer - bug applying a style with special characters?

2021-05-04 Thread Keith Stewart

Hi All,

I've been using openoffice writer to prepare a book for publication 
using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

To do so, you need to download a KDP template, which contains place 
holders for the chapters in the book.

To add a chapter, you cut your source chapter in the original document, 
then paste into the template, replacing the dummy chapter.

In my source document, I use Georgia font, and each paragraph has 1.5 
lines after it.

The book source uses garamond font, and no spacing.

To apply the requiring formatting to the chapter, I highlight 
everything, and then select the style defined in the template.

This changes the font, removes my 1.5 line spacing, as you would hope.

However, the text in my book includes several special characters, 
specifically latin extension characters, so, for example an 'e' with an 
acute, or grave, also a z with an acute.

After the formatting is complete the special characters - sometimes - 
remain in Georgia font, I have to find them manually in the text, 
highlight the character and then re-apply the style, to correct them.

Is this a known bug?



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Re: trouble installing latest OpenOffice

2021-05-02 Thread Keith N. McKenna

This sounds more like that the QuickStarter is running. To check go to
Tools->Options->Memory and at the bottom of the dialog window there is
an entry Loan OpenOffice at System Startup. If the check box has a check
mark in it then the QuickStarter is active and needs to be closed before
trying to install a new version.

Most newer systems do not need the QuickStarter running. If the box is
checked, uncheck it and that will turn it off permanently.

Keith N. McKenna

On 2021-04-30 22:34, jd1008 wrote:
> One of the problems I have always had with windows is that even when I
> exit an application, the app does not not fully exit. For some reason,
> it stays resident, but not visible. So I have always had to use other
> apps to display all running apps, and kill the one that should have died
> in the first place.
> On 4/30/21 8:06 PM, David Belina wrote:
>> Try shutting your Windows machine down and turned off, restart and
>> before you do anything else, try to use the install.  This should be
>> the quickest way t stop the installer from starting twice.
>> On April 30, 2021 at 8:01:09 PM, Lix Newton ( wrote:
>> Hello Apache
>> I have been trying to install the version 4.1.9 but everytime I run the
>> installation wizard it gets stuck at the window where I have to indicate
>> if I want to create a start link on the desktop - another window pops
>> up, saying "Please exit OpenOffice 4.1.9 and the OpenOffice 4.1.9
>> Quickstarter before you continue. If you are using a multi-user system,
>> also make sure that no other user has OpenOffice 4.1.9 open" and if I
>> hit the OK button or close the window down, it aborts the installation.
>> Help please, I need to print some OpenOffice files out today for a job I
>> have to tomorrow.
>> Many thanks
>> Liz Newton

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Encrypted Message

2021-02-22 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2/9/2021 10:57 PM, Conroy, Neal wrote:
> Greetings, I initially wanted to report a bug, but was not able to register
> for a Bugzilla account.

Self registration for Bugzilla was turned off due to a barrage of spam.
To register for an account send a mail to you report the bug be sure
specify the Operating System and what version of OpenOffice that you are
using (there are fields in the form for that). Also attach the xlsx file
that you are having problems with.

As you are not subscribed to the mailing list I have cc'd your e-mail
address please reply only to

Keith N. McKenna

> Here is the bug.
> There was an issue when I opened a document with Calc from an Excel sheet
> .xlsx.
> Some cells if it had colors in it, the Calc opened with duplicate.
> For example:
> Name/Test
> The Calc opened it as Name/TestName/TestName/Test
> The amount of repeating patterns, I have not been able to find a pattern.
> Not all cases with a color change had the duplicates. So I still wasn't
> able to find that pattern either.
> Thanks.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: What Open Office version do I use?

2021-02-19 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2/19/2021 12:21 PM, Rick Spencer wrote:
> I have a MacBook Air, macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
> Is there an Open Office version that will work with my Mac?
> What version works with my Mac?
> Thank you,
> Rick 

Our latest version 4.1.9 will work just fine on High Sierra.You should
only download it from here:

As you are not subscribed to the list I have cc'd you as a courtesy.
Please reply only to


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: crash of open office - not meant for me

2021-02-18 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2/17/2021 1:25 PM, Robbie Martin wrote:
> This was not me
> Sent from my iPhone


You are subscribed to the mailing list and will get all messages sent to


>> On Feb 17, 2021, at 10:31 AM, Dave Fisher  wrote:
>> Hi -
>> It’s hard to read the screenshot, but it looks like you are on OpenOffice 
>> 4.1.7?
>> You should update to 4.1.9.
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 17, 2021, at 9:23 AM, GramPcola  wrote:
>>> What can I do to open Open Office? I keep getting this page:
>> -
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Open Office/Apple macOS 11

2021-02-09 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2/9/2021 12:10 PM, Carlo Strata wrote:
> Use both LibreOffice for MacOS!
> Have a nice day,
> Carlo
No need for that as Apache OpenOffice announced Release of 4.1.9 yesterday.


> Il 6 febbraio 2021 14:02:03 CET, "Pogány Ferenc"  ha 
> scritto:
>> Same problem. I can hardly wait for the solution.
>>> 2021. febr. 6. dátummal, 11:52 időpontban David Shelton 
>>>  írta:
>>> Dear Sirs,
>>> I use a MacBook Air which I updated to macOS 11 in december, and then had 
>>> problems with your Open Office which I have been using for a long time.
>>> I read your Announcement of 6th January concerning this situation which is 
>>> about exactly the problems I am facing.
>>> Could you please tell me if and when you will be releasing a new version to 
>>> solve these problems. I am not competent enough to help in your testing, I 
>>> just need a solution.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> David Shelton
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Checking for an update failed

2020-12-26 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 12/25/2020 8:42 AM, Yvette Delachat wrote:
> Why this message : « Checking for an update failed. » when I try to update 
> Openoffice ?
> I didn’t find any information in the Openoffice forum, but I think it’s a 
> known problem because many people are complaining on the internet.
> Regards
> Yvette Delachat
That is a known problem and has been corrected in version 4.1.8 which is
the latest version and can be downloaded from:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Format for Header & Footer

2020-12-19 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On Sat, 19 Dec 2020 10:28:35 -0700, David Belina wrote:

> Open Office has a Wiki and I did a web search and found this page that
> has how to do header’s and footers (about the third topic on the page).
>  If your custom header or footer was done in OpenOffice you might be
> able to copy and paste the text but I think other attributes will need
> to be viewed and manually revised.

David, it seems that you neglected to include the link in your reply


> On December 19, 2020 at 7:55:24 AM, D DUB ( wrote:
> Hello,
> If I wanted to install a predesigned header and footer to Apache Open
> Office what format should it be?
> Can you also send me some instructions on how to do it?
> Thank you,
> David W
> -
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> additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: OpenOffice 4.1.8 release

2020-11-23 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/23/2020 8:44 AM, Hugo Costa wrote:
>  for them, they do not let  us...On Monday, November 23, 20

Apache OpenOffice does work on Windows 10 as I have it open on Windows
10 right know and I also did extensive testing with it before it was
released. Windows Defender is getting very aggressive about not allowing
you to install applications not from their app store without extra

Also this is not a bug tracking system, it is just users of the software
like your self offering support on there free time. I have seen more
than once on both here and on the Forum that people will suggest that
someone enter a bug in Bugzilla or will do it themselves.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Problem Opening and Editing Documents

2020-10-28 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/28/2020 2:15 PM, Jan Beasley wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been having trouble opening and editing Open Office documents, so I
> decided to download the latest release today thinking that would resolve
> the issue. It did not. I still receive the following error message when
> trying to open documents: Locked for Editing by: Unknown User. Open
> Document Read-Only or open a copy of the document for editing.
> So, every time I need to edit a document, I have to open a copy, make
> changes, and then save it as a new document under a slightly
> different name. This results in multiple documents for the same thing
> really.
> How can I fix this? Do I just lose all of my documents I have been saving
> for years, uninstall the program completely, and start all over? Please
> help!!
> Thank you, Jan
What is happening is that the lock file (.~.lock"filename") is not being
cleared when you save and close the document. This usually happens
either because of a power failure or more likely shutting down or
closing the lid on a laptop to soon.There is some internal housecleaning
that has to happen such as making sure all the buffers are written to
the disk, that cache is cleaned up and lastly the lock file is deleted.
If you interrupt this process by shutting the lid on a laptop or
powering off the computer etc. That will leave the lock file in place.
Always follow proper shutdown procedures for you operating system.


> *Jan Beasley, REALTOR®*
> *Team H2 Realty, LLC*
> *Direct*: (540) 836-5572
> *Email*:
> RE/MAX Advantage
> 2017 West Main St
> Waynesboro, VA 22980
> Team H2 Realty - "DRIVE & EXPERIENCE"
> *Licensed to Sell Real Estate in Virginia*
> <>
> Virus-free.
> <>
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Open Office 4.[1.7] Spell Checker

2020-10-13 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/13/2020 11:00 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
> On 10/13/20 08:31, Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 08:10 13/10/2020 -0400, Dan Lewis wrote:
>>> On 10/12/20 21:33, Paul R. Morin wrote:
 When do you plan to or do you plan to have the spell checker work on
 Open Office 4.[1.7]? Open Office is a great app but the spell
 checker doesn't work.
>>> A similar question occurs to me. When will this problem be corrected?
>> Er, what problem, please? Spelling checking works for me and for
>> millions of others. Why not for you?
>> Brian Barker
>    For more than 10 years, the configure folder has become corrupted by
> some action. This prevents the spell checker from working any more.
> Deleting the this folder and then running OOo corrects this as you
> already know. LibreOffice has learned how to avoid this. Since these two
> office programs are very similar, I would think that the solution would
> be to apply the same solution.
>    I also know that this affect very few people, but it is a consistent
> problem that appears in this mailing list.
> Dan

Just because LO fixed it does not mean that AOO can apply that patch. In
general LO is duel licensed under Mozilla Public License v2 and the GNU
Lesser GPL v3+ licenses which are incompatible with the Apache License
version 2.0 (ALV2) and cannot be used unless the developer also
licensees it under the ALV2[1].


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Text overwriting and data not presenting

2020-09-26 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 9/25/2020 11:09 PM, Rochelle wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using Apache Open Office 4.0.1 with my 2012 Mac Air and have had
> little problems in the past.
> I usually save my documents to my drive in MS (.doc and .xls) as they are
> often are shared with other MS and MAC users.
> I recently had a mac store migrate my files to a new 2017 Mac Air with 1TB
> upgrade as my older mac air storage was limited and freezing up on me.  I
> have not had any issues opening older documents saved on my drive.
> #1
> I found that a few recent saves in open office .doc form appear with all
> the text superimposed upon itself and I'm unable to make sense of the
> document. It does not happen with all documents received, just a few.
> This has also happened when I opened and tried to save a .docx email
> attachment
> #2 Spreadsheet data not presenting - Very Strange
> Cells in the spreadsheet appear to be hiding. Clicking on a cell will show
> the data, but does not appear otherwise.
> Also the situation is not static. When I scroll on the page, sometimes some
> of the data will appear and othertimes, data that was visible is no longer
> viewable unless one clicks on the cell.
> Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. This is very stressful
> and more so during covid, where reliable software is crucial to get any
> work done.
> Rochelle

Version 4.0.1 is 8 releases behind the current release of 4.1.7, and
there have been many bug fixes and security fixes since then. I would
first try installing the latest version form If that does not solve
your issue, I would Ask your question on the development mailing list at This is where the developers (and
others) hang out and you may have better luck getting an answer there.

Keith N. McKenna

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Transfering custom syles from an old document

2020-06-04 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 6/3/2020 9:35 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:
> Yes, this can be done using the Styles and Formatting dialog. How to
> change styles in a document is described in the Writer Guide for AOO.
> You may need to do a search to download it. In addition, you should also
> use these custom styles to create a template for future use. That will
> give you access to these styles anytime you need it. How to do this is
> also explained in the Writer Guide. (It is an excellent source for how
> to use the Writer component for AOO when doing any number of tasks.) I
> no longer use AOO, so I can not give you complete instructions, but in
> the long term you need to know what is contained in this guide. Download
> it and study its contents.
> Dan


Thanks for advice David had already given me a link for the Guide. The
reason I wanted to copy the styles was to create a template that would
give all the documents in the project a standard look and feel.


> On 6/3/20 21:15, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>> I have a document originally done on a system I no longer have access to
>> which has custom styles I would like to use for a new project. Is there
>> an easier way to to transfer them from that document to my present
>> system than opening the old document and a new one and recreating then
>> one by on in the new document?
>> Thanks in advance for your advice
>> Keith

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Transfering custom syles from an old document

2020-06-04 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 6/3/2020 9:32 PM, David Robley wrote:
> You may find your solution in


Thanks for the link it is exactly what I needed.


> On 4/6/20 10:45 am, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>> I have a document originally done on a system I no longer have access to
>> which has custom styles I would like to use for a new project. Is there
>> an easier way to to transfer them from that document to my present
>> system than opening the old document and a new one and recreating then
>> one by on in the new document?
>> Thanks in advance for your advice
>> Keith
> Cheers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Transfering custom syles from an old document

2020-06-03 Thread Keith N. McKenna
I have a document originally done on a system I no longer have access to
which has custom styles I would like to use for a new project. Is there
an easier way to to transfer them from that document to my present
system than opening the old document and a new one and recreating then
one by on in the new document?

Thanks in advance for your advice

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2020-05-27 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 5/27/2020 1:52 AM, Haim Giloh wrote:
>   Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
> instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
> To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
> Sincerely,
> Haim Giloh


As Peter already explained this is a public mailing list; which means
that all subscribed users receive all e-mails sent to the list. If you
do not want wish to receive these mails you can unsubscribe  to the
list. At the bottom of e-mails there is a link to unsubscribe. Just
click that link and it will send an e-mail. You will then receive an
e-mail that you must reply to that will complete the process.

>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Java Version

2020-05-19 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 5/19/2020 2:17 PM, Vince@GMAIL wrote:
> Hello Group:
> My Windows 10 Home is used on a 64-bit architecture DELL desktop.
> I recently downloaded and installed Libre Office software.  So, now I
> have both packages:
> 1. Apache Open Office: AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496
>    2017-12-11 17:25 (This is AOO 32-bit version.)
> 2. Libre Office: Version: (x64)
>    Build ID: dd0751754f11728f69b42ee2af66670068624673
> The two JREs available to me are:
> 1. jre-8u201-windows-i586
> 2. jre-8u241-windows-x64
> Given that a 32-bit java and a 64-bit java should/must not be installed
> on the same machine/partition. I therefore must remove one of the JREs
> from my machine.    Or, install and run the AOO 64-bit version, and
> keep the JRE-64 bit. But I am uncertain if I would loose any of my
> 32-bit AOO existing files and/or templates.
> How should I proceed if I go ahead with the 64-bit AOO installation? 
> Will I loose any 32-bit AOO files/templates? Are there any practical
> advantages included in AOO-64 over AOO-32?
> Your suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks for reading this. Stay well and be safe.
> VinceB.Both jres can co-exist on the same system. with Apache OpenOffice you
need the 32 bit jre if you are using the 64 bit version of LibreOffice
you need the 64 bit version. Which one gets used at least for Apache
OpenOffice is set in Tools->Options->Java.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 5/16/2020 11:01 AM, David Belina wrote:
> Open Office has 64-bit versions so using a 64-bit version of Java with it 
> would make the instructions just as valid.
> On May 16, 2020 at 7:59:52 AM, Joost Andrae ( wrote:

Apache® OpenOffice® on Windows *does not* have a 64 bit version, it is
only 32 bit and therefore a 32 bit Java is necessary to run Base and a
few other things.


> Hi, 
> if you have installed a 32 bit java (I would recommend Java 8 in this 
> case and it should be 32 bit because OpenOffice is 32 bit) and you've 
> connected OpenOffice with the installed Java via menu item 
> tools->options->OpenOffice->Java 
> then you can setup a JDBC remote connection to your database 
> click on "Database" on the OpenOffice dashboard 
> check the "connect to an existing database" radio button 
> then click on "Next >>>" button 
> place your cursor into the field "Datasource URL" and press the F1 key 
> where this kind of unified resource locator (URL) is discribed more 
> deeply (eg. mysql://hostname:port/database_name) 
> If you run both your desktop PC and your notebook within the same 
> network you have to check the IP address (or hostname) of your system 
> you want to connect to 
> Checking the IP address of this system: 
> press the Windows button (start menu) 
> type cmd and open the command line 
> type ipconfig /ALL 
> note the IPv4 address because this is the address you have to add to the 
> hostname part of the datasource URL 
> You have to know the port address of the database and you have to know 
> the name (eg. accounting) of your database you want to connect to. 
> Maybe you need to install a database driver on your client system. This 
> driver has to be selected then. 
> An alternate variant can be the connection using a ODBC connection 
> This connection has to be configured within the ODBC settings dialog 
> (search for ODBC in Windows system settings). Once set up within your 
> Windows system the configuration within OpenOffice is quite similar. 
> Kind regards, Joost 
> Am 16.05.2020 um 09:50 schrieb Jose Molina: 
>> Im trying to connect to a database created on my laptop running on windows 
>> 10 pro and trying to connect it so I can open it on my desktop running on 
>> windows 10 home. How does one do that, exactly? 
>> Sent from my iPhone 
> - 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> For additional commands, e-mail: 

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Images.

2020-05-09 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 5/9/2020 11:04 AM, Eileen Fray wrote:
> I’m writing a memoir using apache open office. Each time i log on I get 
> photos where I want them.  I come back and half are gone. Then I can’t 
> remember even which ones they were. I get this image below on screen. I’ve 
> spent 3 months on this project and am at my wits end and reduced to tears 
> today  because I can’t keep photos loaded from photos on pc to stay  in 
> position. 
> I’m nearly 70 and not computer savvy  at all so am really struggling. 
> I’ve tried to read forums and have read pages and pages of hints that make no 
> sense to me at all  as I don’t understans the jargon.  Lockdown means 
>  I can get no one to help me. 
> Please can you help me  ? 
> I will be most grateful !! 
> Stay safe 
> Eileen Fray 07716132040
> Sent from my iPhone
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

I suspect your problem may be with memory options in OpenOffice. Here is
the first thing we should try to help alleviate the problem

1)  Start OpenOffice
2)  Click Tools -> Options
This will open a dialog box
3)  On the left side of the box under OpenOffice click Memory
If you do not see the Memory option listed click the +  
next to OpenOffice

4)  On the Right side  of the box under Graphics cache set the Use  for
OpenOffice Spin box to 256 by highlighting the number already there and
typing 256

5)  Clock OK button
 Close OpenOffice and try editing your memoir again and see if it helped
then reply to this message as to whether it worked or not.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Migrating from MSO

2020-03-22 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/22/2020 9:37 AM, Lucetta wrote:
> Stick with Microsoft. 
> I spent more time than I cared to sorting this out & eventually replaced 
> software & older much loved hardware at an extremely awkward time. 
> Not helped by a troll & disappearing & impossible to copy emails. (If you get 
> a bizarre email sent to you personally through this group print it out as 
> proof)
> Still love OO but eventually...
> All the best
> Lucetta

Lucetta we are not trolls. We are all volunteers who donate our time to
this project. It sounds as though you are unfamiliar with how mailing
lists work. Once you subscribe you get all mail sent to the list. You
can ignore what you want as you wish.The other way is to unsubscribe
from the list. The link to do that is at the bottom of every e-mail from
the list.


>> On Mar 22, 2020, at 12:50 AM, Stan Hendryx  wrote:
>> I’m evaluating migrating to OpenOffice from MSO, using a MacBook Pro with 
>> Mojave, MSO Office Mac 2011. I’m new to OpenOffice. I work on documents 
>> collaboratively with others who use MSO, so my edits need to be transparent 
>> to them in style and layout. My first trial had serious problems. I opened a 
>> .docx document in OpenOffice 4.1.7. The original document comprises multiple 
>> tables, one table per section, each table being about one or two pages or 
>> so, total 60 pages. When opened in OpenOffice, the font was changed from 
>> Times New Roman to Calibri. The footers do not show in OpenOffice, although 
>> they are listed and checked under Insert->Footer as Converted1-Converted59. 
>> The text boxes were missing. The number of pages was 57 instead of the 
>> original 60 (possibly due to the missing footers).  Are these problems 
>> endemic, or is there a way to avoid them, have my documents look the same as 
>> in MSO?
>> Advice?
>> Thank you,
>> Stan Hendryx
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: problemi

2020-03-10 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to op who is not subscribed.


On 3/10/2020 12:55 AM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> Hi,
> Deepl translation:
> Scusate se non parlo italico.
> 1) Segnare il testo e premere Ctrl+B, questo dovrebbe formattare il
> testo in un blocco. Suppongo che questo sia quello che volete.
> 2) si prega di reimpostare il profilo utente:
> original:
> sorry I do not speak itallian.
> 1) Mark your text and press Ctrl+B this should format the text in a
> block. I assume this is what you want.
> 2) please reset the user Profile:
> All the best
> Peter
> Am 07.03.20 um 08:05 schrieb
>> Buongiorno,
>> ho installato sul mio computer l'ultima versione di OpenOffice, ossia
>> Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7, ma rilevo 2 problemi, in modo particolare:
>> 1)Scrivendo un testo, alla fine di ogni riga, non riesco ad andare a
>> capo automaticamente, occupando tutto lo spazio utile della riga
>> stessa, ossia, se necessario, spezzando l'ultima parola inserita sulla
>> riga prima di andare a capo in sillabe, in modo automatico
>> 2)Se attivo il tasto ''Controllo ortografico automatico'', in un
>> testo, mi viene sottolineata in rosso ogni parola, tranne i numeri,
>> anche le parole giuste , quindi, e non solo quelle errate
>> Cosa devo selezionare, nei vari menu degli strumenti, per risolvere
>> tali problematiche?
>> Grazie anticipatamente per quanto potrete farmi sapere.
>> Saluti

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Frustrated

2020-03-05 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/5/2020 7:01 PM, manda.joyce wrote:
> How do I get my auto spell check to work? Spelling and Grammar Comes up when 
> asked but does nothing.
> Works in email but suddenly not when working on a document.
> Help!
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> Anne and Michael Joyce
> 21/1 Regatta Drive
> Valla Beach  NSW  2448
> Ph: 02 6569 5702
Please see the FAQ at the following link:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help with document

2020-03-04 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/4/2020 9:11 AM, wrote:
> Hello.
> I do not know how to fix your problem.
> I have tried to contact Apache with no success to making the connection and 
> to solve my problem.  The cells can no longer be filled with color background 
> and ln previously filled cells, the colors have been removed .  In my contact 
> attempts, all I get is a bunch of trash with no email address or telephone 
> number to seek help.  I am about ready to dump the program altogether.
> Wish I could help.
> Jim Ingram
> -Original Message-
> From: Bella Dowthwaite 
> To: users 
> Sent: Wed, Mar 4, 2020 12:18 am
> Subject: Help with document
> Hello,
> I am an Open Office user and am having a big issue with a document. 
> I downloaded a template for university studies, filled it in, and then when I 
> closed it and re-opened it (I had already saved it as is) a whole column in 
> the template had disappeared, full of my written work. 
> I downloaded the template and filled in the column again on a new document, 
> but when I closed it again and reopened it the same thing has happened. A 
> whole column of writing had disappears and I cannot find it anywhere. 
> I have lost a lot of work and am very concerned. 
> Please let me know how to resolve this. 
> Call on 0434672500 if possible. 
> Thank you kindly 
> Bella Dowthwaite 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


I do not see any messages from you using this e-mail address so I have
no clue as to what your issue may have been. As far as a telephone
number there is not one. Apache OpeOffice® is an Open Source project
sponsered by the Apache® Software Foundation. The project is completely
developed and supported by volunteers. There are 2 major support
branches. This mailing list ( which
you appear to be subscribed to or both  of
which provide help from volunteers. As with all help venues the more
detailed a summary of your problem along with the Version of AOO you are
using and the Operating System and version you are using the better we
can assist you.

Keith N. McKenna

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bug with writer-document

2020-02-25 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2/25/2020 8:52 AM, Tommy Skoglund wrote:
> Hi
> Suddenly it is impossible to write any longer in my writer-document. Why? The 
> document has been longer earlier. 150 000 word. Its a novel, and very 
> important for me to fix the document. I have tried to copy latest 24 hours 
> text mass into earlyer version, but the there still seems to be a maximum 
> length, it stops and I can't write any longer. Seems to be some kind of 
> "coding" to make that happened. I can't "neutralize" my document and fix the 
> font etc again without ruining loads of bold and italic effects. So please 
> help me asap. I also tried to duplicate document, reinstall Open Office, my 
> Mac etc.
> Regards
> Tommy

You give us very little information to answer your question. We will
need the following information to try to help you.
1) what version of macOS are you using
2) What version of Apache OpenOffice® are you using both before and
after re-installing.

As you are not subscribed to this mailing list please reply only to


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Downloading Open Office and Verification

2020-02-08 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2/8/2020 7:44 PM, Carol wrote:
> RoryThanks for the response!  I believe Windows 10 is listed in the 
> instructions as one I could use, if I read it right.  Are you saying I can't 
> use Windows 10?Carol
Yes you can use windows 10. I have been using it for a number of years
now and Apache OpenOffice® works fine. As others have mentioned the
verification step is not mandatory and 99+% of the time it will install
with no problems.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Calc cell large

2020-02-04 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to OP who is not subscribed.

On 2/4/2020 1:28 PM, Alan B wrote:
> Dana,
> Try opening Calc and going through the menu View > Zoom...
> If 100% is not marked, click, it then click the "OK" button.
> If you find 100% already marked this certainly won't be the solution. If it
> is not marked it may be the fix that's needed.
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 2:03 AM Dana Lynch  wrote:
>> Calc cells suddenly are huge and I can't reset calc. I did default
>> format, reinstalled, and even did computer restore from before problem
>> but to no avail. I can adjust height and width, but one at a time. This
>> only affects new files and not ones I have stored on external hard
>> drives. Please help me as I don't want to purchase Microsoft Office.
>> Thank you.
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Need help in foreign language (Cambodia)

2019-12-21 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 12/21/2019 6:25 PM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need help with a user on Facebook.
> He speaks not very well English, and has issues with the gatekeeper on his 
> Mac.
> He seems to be from Cambodia (Google translate claim)
> It would be cool if someone can jump in who speaks Cambodian or can point me 
> to a Cambodian Ressource how to handle the gatekeeper.
> I already posted the link to the English forum with the article. (we had a 
> wiki article somewhere but I could not find it)
> Thanks
> All the best
> Peter

I can't help you with Cambodian, but the English instructions for
gatekeeper are in the 4.1.7 release Notes:
There are 2 sets of instructions one for Up to 10.11 and another for
10.12. That should really be 10.12 and up. I will change that in  the
Release Notes and in the Template.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Original Open Office.

2019-12-03 Thread KEITH PAICE

Dear sir,              I used the Original  Open site for many years. However  
I recently  have had my  PC. destroyed.    How can I now get access to the 
original Open Office which contains various letters & documents which are 
mainly associated  with  my current Last Will & Testament.  These  documents 
need to be updated.   Therefor  I am desperate to be able to locate these  
My  Details are.  Name :  Keith John Paice.                             E-Mail  
:  k.j.paice@btinternet. com
Can you tell me how I can access these files held on  These 
document were entered on Open Office at least 6 years ago.
I look forward to you reply & hopefully what I need to do to access  my 
documents held  in Original Open Office.  Regards,
Keith. Paice.         UK Tele number. 01454320415
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

reply Photos

2019-12-01 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/30/2019 2:11 PM, Dag wrote:
> I have been using your program for many years with no problem, but lately I 
> am having trouble with photos.   I add several photos to a document with no 
> problem, but the next day some of them, not all, are gone and replaced with a 
> note "Read Error"  Can you help me?
>    Thank you.  Dag Saunders.   
1) What Operating System & Revision
2) What Revision of Apache OpenOffice are you using

The answers to the above will go a long way to help properly diagnose
the issue.

Please reply only to so that more people can
provide guidance.

As you are not subscribed to the list I have sent a courtesy copy to
your e-mail address. All reply's to my personal e-mail will be
considered permission to post them to the proper list.

Keith N. McKenna

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Microsoft works files

2019-10-09 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/9/2019 2:07 PM, Steven Ahlers wrote:
> Sandy,
> If you still have access to MS Works you can open the files in Works and then 
> export them in MS Office (Word, Excel) format and then import them into 
> Apache OpenOffice. Spreadsheets can also be exported in CSV format and then 
> imported.
> If you don’t have access to MS Works you can utilize online file converters.
> Is a free service that works well.
> Any conversions can result in formatting errors so careful proofing is 
> advisable.
> If you have any further questions please contact:
> so that all users can provide assistance.
> Steve 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 9, 2019, at 9:45 AM, Sandy M  wrote:

Along with Steve's excellent advice about converting them; at least for
the spreadsheet files it will depend on the version of Works that you
had. Later versions of Microsoft Works saved spreadsheets in a modified
Excel (.xls) format with the extension of I believe .xlr. If the
spreadsheets have that extension then AOO should open them with no
problem. If they are in the old format and for the Word Processing
documents I am afraid Steve's advice is the best that can be given.

As you have not subscribed to the mailing list I have cc'd you as a
courtesy. Please respond only to

Keith N. McKenna

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: How to Convert Open Office to PDF File?

2019-06-03 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to OP who is not Subscribed. Fred please respond only to

On 6/3/2019 5:55 PM, Alan B wrote:
> From the File menu, select "Export As" then "Export Directly as PDF". Or,
> if you need to tweak the PDF settings instead of Export Directly, select
> "Export as PDF..."
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 3:36 PM Freddie Campbell
>  wrote:
>> Dear Sirs,Am having difficulty in uploading Open Office
>> Docs to Facebook-Without the viewer having to "Download" the File to view
>> it. Is PDF an option,and how can I convert the File to PDF?
>> Freddie Campbell

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: MS DataBase accdb Convert To OpenBase odb format

2019-04-17 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to op who is not subscribed.

On 4/17/2019 11:14 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
> Please reply back to this mailing list as to the operating system you
> are using. Windows requires one method and Linux requires another.
> Dan
> On 4/16/19 11:30 PM, Alex Koh wrote:
>> Hi Open Office Support Team,
>> I wish to convert my current DataBase(MS accdb) to Open Office Base and
>> allow me to key in data and modify table. I had import and convert, but
>> appear read only file, I can't edit new data on the new field.
>> Please advise.
>> Thank you very much and best regards,
>> Alex Koh

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Lost work

2019-04-15 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to OP who is not subscribed.

On 4/15/2019 1:07 PM, Alan B wrote:
> Michael,
> "...file does not exist..." can happen when a file's location changes (so
> the file still exists) but the "recent files" entry in the menu is pointing
> to the last place the file was. So, the exact file name, including the
> path, referred to in the menu doesn't exist any more.
> The message can also happen if the file's name is changed but the file is
> still in the same place. Again, from the point of view of the "recent
> files" entry, that exact file name doesn't exist.
> Did you change the name of the file?
> Did you change the location of the file?
> If you did either of the above then you must use the File > Open command
> from the menu and pick out the renamed or relocated file.
> If you didn't do either then my final suggestion would be to search the
> hard drive of your pc for the file. Presuming you're using Windows 7 or
> later do the following:
> Open powershell and enter the following commands...
> cd \
> get-childitem -filter "yourfilename" -force -recurse -erroraction
> silentlycontinue | select-object FullName
> When the command completes there will either be an empty line (file was not
> found) or the path and name of the file, e.g.
> c:\users\me\documents\temp\somewhere\myfile.odt
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 11:18 AM Michael Pettit
>  wrote:
>> I have been writing  a book on OpenOffice for several weeks and saving all
>> work as I went.  Yesterday I attempted to resume work and taskbar icon was
>> gone.  I reopened it and attempted to open recent work.  I got a message
>> saying file does not exist.  Multiple attempts to find "mybook" were
>> unsuccessful.  Any way I can recover this?  Thanks.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2019-04-14 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 4/12/2019 11:55 PM, Tracey White wrote:
> Hi
> I have Office Org on my computer, but my spell check has stopped working.  I 
> have tried to remedy this issue by downloading the english dictionary etc, 
> but nothing works.
> Could you please tell me how to fix this as it is very annoying to have no 
> spell check.
> Thank you so much
> Tracey
This is almost always a problem with the user profile. Please see the
the following link for instructions for resetting your profile.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: java

2019-03-25 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/24/2019 11:12 AM, zahra ayat wrote:
> hi.
> if you dont need database, and also you dont use wizard: letter, fax,
> agenda, web page i believe you dont need to install java.

You also need Java for certain features of the help system.


> On 3/22/19, Matthias Seidel  wrote:
>> Hi Dick,
>> Am 22.03.19 um 14:58 schrieb Dick Martin:
>>> I want to download Open Office. I have Windows 7, 64bit OS. I do not have
>>> Java installed.  What Java application do I need to download from  the
>>> Java website?
>> You will need Java in 32-bit:
>> See also:
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> jdm

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Is there a way to change the assigned attributes when using Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?

2019-03-14 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/14/2019 11:54 AM, David Belina wrote:
> The way the data is displayed in any spreadsheet is determined by the
> formatting which is linked to cell/row/column and not the particular
> data.  The search and replace function searches the data not the
> format.
> You might be able to write a script (in excel you do this in vbs
> (visual basic) but I’m not sure in OO.
In AOO you would use OpenOffice Basic the guide for which can be found

> The question is what you want to highlight.  If it is a summary or
> other function you eventually want to arrive at - you can just format
> the last result cell.
> On March 14, 2019 at 9:24:27 AM, WA.TWORSX via AOL
> ( wrote:
> AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25
> Desktop Windows 10-64 Home
> I am trying to change the attributes on data that exists within an
> AOO Calc cell when using the Find & Replace function. For example, if
> the cell presently shows:
> Goes
> I want it to be replaced with:
> *Goes*
> That is, add the *bold* attribute to the existing data.
> In the Find & Replace dialogue window, I have selected:  Fewer
> Options, with none of the boxes checked.  I have also selected:
> Search in: "Values" (near the bottom of that window). **
> Is there a way to change / replace the assigned attributes when using
>  Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?
> Regards,
> VinceB.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OO format change?

2019-03-10 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/10/2019 4:25 PM, wrote:
> Can OO CALC document transfer to OO Writer text format on Windows 7 and
> where  find Format option to select text? 
> How and where? 
> CJ 

That I can see there is not an easy way to convert a spreadsheet to a
text document. If you can explain exactly what you are trying to
accomplish we may be able to find alternatives to trying to convert
between two quite disparate formats.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2019-03-01 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 3/1/2019 1:15 AM, Andrea Vt wrote:
> Just for interest:
> - What is zh_PINYIN?
> - What is RFE?
> abbreviations are almost funny:
> Google gives me:
> - Radio free Europe
> - Reason for encounter
> - Rat für Erwachsenenbildung
> ... ah - request for evidence, request for enhancement
As you discovered in the context of this message thread RFE is a Request
for Enhancement. zh-PINYIN is the International Standards Organization
(ISO) language code for the System of Romanization of the Chinese (Han
Dialect) Language.

> Am 28.02.2019 um 21:25 schrieb jonathon:
>> All:
>> What do I have to configure, for Apache OpenOffice to recognize
>> dictionaries and grammar checkers for zh_PINYIN?
>> Is it a case of having to submit an RFE for explicit support for
>> zh_PINYIN?
>> jonathon
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OpenProj

2019-01-23 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 1/22/2019 7:08 PM, Lee Garrett wrote:
> Thanks!  The only challenge is that I can't perform certain functions
> because I guess it's the free version.  I'm willing to pay something to
> unlock those features.  I just don't know how to go about that.  For
> example, I can't manipulate scaling so that I can print out the document in
> a way that makes sense for me to present the information as I desire.
For that you would have to contact openproj

> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 7:04 PM Keith N. McKenna 
> wrote:
>> On 1/22/2019 1:26 PM, Lee Garrett wrote:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Greek Language Pack

2019-01-09 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 1/9/2019 12:21 PM, ??? ?? wrote:
> Good afternoon
> I would like to ask you if there is an available greek language pack for 
> OpenOffice.
> Because I searched a little bit in your website, but the links were not 
> working.
> Errors with the response from the servers appeared.
> Is there any other solution?
> Thank you in advance
> John Houlis

There is both A full installation and a Language for Greek at our
download site: There was
some scheduled maintenance earlier that may have been your problem.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Segnalazione: malfunzionamento del soft. Draw

2018-12-25 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 12/24/2018 6:45 PM, wrote:
> Buongiorno
> Vi segnalo un malfunzionamento del software Draw.
> Draw NON disegna il triangolo equilatero con la procedura Shift+triangolo 
> (preso dalle Forme base). Infatti se si applicano le quote di dimensioni ai 
> tre lati, la base risulta avere una dimensione diversa degli altri due lati 
> (e la differenza è abbastanza grande ed è visibile anche a occhio nudo)
> Solo per informazione: la stessa procedura Shift+rettangolo invece funziona 
> bene. Infatti viene disegnato un quadrato, come risulta anche applicando le 
> quote e anche come indicato nella barra di stato
> Grazie
> Luigi Fasoli
Along with Brian's Excellent explanation you could address this to our
Italian Language user group at mailto://


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Insert autofields in footer no longer working

2018-12-24 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 12/24/2018 1:46 AM, Carolyn wrote:
> Dear Open Office Support Team,
> Thank you so very much for your dedication to OpenOffice.
> I'm familiar enough with Office apps, spent last 6 yrs of my career
> teaching staff to use MSOffice and OpenOffice plus mainframe programs used
> for the state of TX.  I retired 6 yrs ago so we were using OO3.x at that
> time.  I have been using OO latest version personally since then.
> Last week Writer started inserting plain text into footer rather than the
> actual auto field for document name, date, page counts..etc.  I don't know
> if it was caused by myself or by the latest update applied by Microsoft on
> Wed, 12/20/18 to my Windows 7 Home Premium. I use a Dell Inspiron15 3000
> series with Core i3 processor. I have MS updates set to take only necessary
> security updates, not optional. The last update applied was 2018-12
> Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 for
> x64-based systems (KB4483187)  and the update indicates that it was
> successful.   I do not use Internet Explorer as my browser at all.  I use
> Chrome 99% of the time, and Firefox rarely.
> I did, however, have the bright idea of creating an OO Writer template that
> would always have the footer on with Document Name w/o extension and with
> page no and page count.   It is possible that I messed up the default
> template for Writer.  I researched and tried to follow all the directions
> to replace the template and I even tried using the FIX for installation of
> the currently installed version of OO 4.1.1.. I think.. then when that
> didn't fix the problem, I downloaded and installed 4.1.6.Writer is
> still not inserting the auto fields in the footer.. just text name of the
> auto field.
> Can you please help me with the quickest way to do this.. like a new
> default template for writer.. that comes with it when it's not broken... or
> if it was MS that broke my OO, tell me how to fix, please?   I have
> searched and cannot find anything that fixes my problem.
> Thank you so much,
> Carolyn
> *"I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me."*

I suspect that you have inadvertently toggled a view setting. This can
be corrected by editing your template document and doing either of the
following: Click View/Field Names or ctl+F9 then check the footer,
verify that the field contents are showing, then re-save the template


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Apache Open Office 4.1.5

2018-11-30 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/30/2018 11:46 AM, Allen Simon wrote:
> Apache open office was working fine. A window opened to switch to p.d.f. Now 
> not able to print any files. Any help to print files? 
> Sent from my iPad
You do not give us much detail to work with. Can you please answer the
following questions.

1) What operating system are you using.
2) Describe What you are trying to accomplish

Please reply only to

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Q. on why Apple OS 10.13.6 security won't let me open up Open Office, saying it is not from a recognized developer. Any simple way around this?

2018-11-18 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/17/2018 7:36 PM, Skip Kaltenheuser wrote:
> Thanks for any assist,
> Skip
See the Following Link:
for procedure.

Please respond to only

Keith N. McKenna

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Printing on envelopes

2018-11-16 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/15/2018 10:27 PM, Donald Gray wrote:
> I wanted to just print addresses on a 9.4 X 4 envelope.  Following the
> "help" on Open Office I selected   then  .  Every thing
> went fine except that when I told it to print, it first printed an 8.5 X 11
> blank paper. ThiUse Files was kind of awkward because I had to change from 
> plain
> paper to the envelope after the blank page had printed.  I could not find
> any way to specify printing just the envelope.
> I don't know if this is relative, but my printer is an HP OfficeJet 3830.
Use file->print rather than the the Toolbar printer Icon. This will open
the print dialog box. In the section Range and copies Select the pages
radio button and in the input box next to it make sure only page 1 is
selected. This will then print only the envelop.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Open Office Writer crashes

2018-11-06 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to OP whom is not subscribed.
Lin; please reply only to the list at


On 11/6/2018 2:21 AM, David Robley wrote:
> On 6/11/18 12:49 pm, Lin Iseminger wrote:
>> I apologize if this is not the right place to send this but in case it
>> is…
>> Almost every time I use the program it says something unexpected
>> occurred and anything I had open needs to be recovered.  Most of the
>> time the recovery is successful but once in awhile it fails.  Any Ideas?
>> Apache Open Office 4.1.5
>> AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496
>> 2017-12-11 17:25   
>> Lin
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> I assume you are using Windows 10; there have been reports of Windows 10
> updates causing issues - see
> Cheers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

slow ods

2018-11-05 Thread Keith
Suddenly Apache open office takes a long tile to load an ods file, much 
longer than for an rtf file. Is this normal? Should I download Office 
again? If so which download site do you suggest that I use?

Many thanks,

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Re: Configuration Control Issue

2018-11-03 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/2/2018 6:11 PM, chuck ef wrote:
> A reply to Keith McKenna.
> Found it. Things work fine. This was just an intellectual issue for me - the 
> work around was trivial.
> I have never actually tested one of these backup files - I simply copied them 
> to the drives. Installing the files onto this new machine was a first. 
> Somehow, I don't understand it, but somehow those "lock" files came with the 
> .ods files themselves. There were actually several in different backup 
> folders.
> For other Mac users, the cmd + shift + "." keys make hidden files visible in 
> Finder.
> You can also find them in a terminal window but this was easier.
> Thanks.

Just to satisfy the intellectual curiosity the .lck files are not backup
files. They are created every time a file is opened in AOO and are used
Lock the file by being opened for write by someone else. The only reason
one should be left behind is if AOO terminated abnormally. The most
common reasons are because of a power surge or power failure or by
closing the on a laptop before AOO has finished all it internal clean
up. Glad we were able to solve your problem.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Configuration Control Issue

2018-11-01 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 11/1/2018 6:44 PM, chuck ef wrote:
> So, as I mentioned in an earlier email, I bought a new iMac and it is using 
> 10.14.1 (Mojave). I have been in the process of setting it up with files from 
> the old iMac. I use two backup eternal drives (for redundancy). I just today 
> put those files onto the new machine (USB-C is wonderful).
> As it happens, there are two versions, different dates,  of a spreadsheet (an 
> .ods file) with the same name - in two separate folders, associated with one 
> backup drive or the other. I opened up the one with the older date (as it 
> happened) to address an earlier issue identified another OO user (jerky 
> scrolling in Mojave). I closed that file and tried to open up the other 
> version (with a newer date but same name, though different folder) - I get a 
> message that this file is locked by me blah blah blah - do I want read-only, 
> copy, cancel?
> Never happened before. I tried quitting OO but that did not release the file; 
> I went back to the older-date version to see if there is something I can do 
> to release it. Nothing.
> Maybe reboot?
> Not a big deal in any sense but I am curious about what OO is doing since 
> these are two different files (different dates, different paths) - the only 
> similarity is the name.
> Thanks.
It sounds like AOO did not release the lock file for some reason. The
first think to do s check the directories on each disk that you opened
the file from and see if there is a file of the form.~lck.filename.ods.
If you find one delete it and then try to open the file again.

If there is none or deleting it does not work reply back to the list
with that information and someone will try to walk you through other

Please reply only yo the list address at


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OO & Mojave issue?

2018-11-01 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Forwarding to OP who is not subscribed.

On 11/1/2018 7:38 AM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> Looping in Users.
> OpenOffice on Mac can react wired when the scrolling is setup do not
> match. I returned to Linux so I forgot where the settings has to be set
> and how.Maybe someone on users can help?
> I think it was not scrolling line by line, or something similar.
> All the Best
> Peter
> On 01.11.18 11:20, Michael Turner wrote:
>> Hi, can you assist,  I note on my 2018 iMac, with Mojave Ver 1014 running 
>> that O O's Ver 4.1.5 video frames, or if scrolling through a project that 
>> movement has become very jerky.   There seems to be a slight time lag 
>> between mouse input and screen activity.  
>> I wondered if Apache is aware and is working on or updating OO to run 
>> smoothly on Mojave, or do I have a problem?
>> My regards
>> Michael Turner
>> Cambridge
>> UK
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Inability to access pdf

2018-10-31 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/31/2018 5:26 PM, Donald L. Finch wrote:
> I recently reinstalled Open Office in my computer after a reset. A pdf 
> message was sent to me today which I could not read and I clicked on an Open 
> Office alternative, but still couldn’t unblur the document and read it. These 
> pdf files have been available to me in the past. Do I need to delete and 
> re-install Open Office?
> Donald L. Finch
> Ventura, California
> Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

Apache OpenOffice (AOO) does not and never has natively opened PDF
files. It has always required an extension. The extension for the latest
extension can be obtained at the following

If all you need is to be able to read the PDF's than any of the
available free PDF readers may well be the best route to take.

Please reply only to the list at and
not my personal e-mail. All replies to my personal e-mail will be
construed as permission to forward to the list address.

Keith N. McKenna

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Apache OpenOffice Facebook page

2018-10-31 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/9/2018 2:11 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:
> Hi Users,
> If any of you regularly use Facebook we are getting many user questions on 
> the “Apache OpenOffice” page. Any help there would be appreciated. The 
> questions are very much the same as come here.
> Regards,
> Dave
I have been trying my best to check it every day our to and answer as
best I can.Do you think a post on the home page something like:

Though we try our best to answer questions that are asked here; not all
of our volunteers have Facebook accounts. We do however have dedicated
support channels, For more information see

would be useful?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Apache OpenOffice Facebook page

2018-10-22 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/22/2018 12:54 PM, Shari Lynn Smith wrote:
> Is there a group? The page is great for announcements, however it's much
> easier to help people via a group. You have to come at it from the backend,
> as with a group you get notifications. You can set the page to not allow
> posts from others and have a button at the top of the page that says visit
> group. Not sure who could set it up, but it would sure make it easier to
> deal with people and questions on facebook.
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 1:11 PM Dave Fisher  wrote:
>> Hi Users,
>> If any of you regularly use Facebook we are getting many user questions on
>> the “Apache OpenOffice” page. Any help there would be appreciated. The
>> questions are very much the same as come here.
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
We have two (2) support avenues

I will see about posting those to the Facebook page.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bug in Open Office Version 4.1.5 in Windows 10 platform.

2018-10-21 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/21/2018 11:34 AM, Satyabrata Datta wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I am an user of Open Office for Windows since its inception.
> At present I am using Version 4.1.5 installed in Windows 10. I was facing 
> problems with auto spell check in documents saved in .doc format in Open 
> Office. It was highlighting the entire document as spelling errors.
> Recently I have changed my Computer and installed the same with Windows 10 
> and thereafter installed Open Office 4.1.5 therein. Initially, it was all OK.
> With completion of updation of the Windows 10 the same error again started 
> even with earlier saved .doc files whereas the same is not showing such 
> errors while opening the same with Office 365 (Word).
> Request please look into the matter and arrange fixing of the same.
> Thanks & regards,
> Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10
> For the spell check issue download the script and follow the
instructions at the following Link:

As a courtesy I have cc'd your personal e-mail address as you are not
subscribed to the list. Please direct any replies to Replies to my personal e-mail
address will be forward to the list address.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: app store

2018-10-18 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 10/18/2018 2:47 PM, wrote:
> First time right click [ctrl + left click] and select dialogue option 
> to run app. 
> Subesequent times open as per native app.
>> Original Message
>> From:
>> Date: 18/10/2018 18:15
>> To: 
>> Cc: "Cheryl T"
>> Subj: Re: app store
>> On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 13:14:27 -0300
>> Cheryl T  wrote:
>>> Hi i had issues with open office so deleted it nd tried twice now to
>>> reinstall. it will not let me use your appication because it was not
>>> downloaded from the app store. can you add it to app store??? i love 
> open
>>> office and wouldnt know what to do without it :( help!!!
>>> i have a mac
>>> -- 
>>> * Let it be on Earth as it is in Heaven *
>> Tell Mac's Gatekeeper to allow you install OpenOffice.  This is 
> possible on a Mac.
>> -- 
>> Rory O'Farrell 
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
Folow the steps at the Folling link for your version of macOS:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Will not save my spread sheets

2018-09-26 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 9/26/2018 1:41 PM, Geoffrey Hartwell wrote:
> Have you tried making another deliberate change?  Some programmes 'grey out' 
> the 'Save' if they haven't registered changes.  Another work around is to 
> 'Save as' with a slightly altered filename and amend the name later.

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Will not save my spread sheets

2018-09-26 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 9/26/2018 1:41 PM, Geoffrey Hartwell wrote:
> Have you tried making another deliberate change?  Some programmes 'grey out' 
> the 'Save' if they haven't registered changes.  Another work around is to 
> 'Save as' with a slightly altered filename and amend the name later.
> -Original Message-
> From: Kathi Holmes [mailto:] 
> Sent: 26 September 2018 06:55
> To:
> Subject: Will not save my spread sheets
> It was saving and now I can not save an updated sheet.  What do I need to do?
> Kathi Holmes

Forwarding to op whom is not subscribed.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Files won’t open

2018-09-01 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 9/1/2018 2:10 PM, Toby Hall wrote:
> Please unsubscribe me - Thanks.
Send a blank email to and
then reply to the return e-mail you will get. If you do not see the
reply in your inbox check your spam folder.


>> On 1 Sep 2018, at 00:08, Rory O'Farrell  wrote:
>> On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 23:28:20 +0100
>> Mary  wrote:
>>> I have typed 6 important files and now they won’t open. I am worried they 
>>> are all lost! Please help.
>>> Firstly when I open open office is says ‘Windows is searching for soffice’  
>>> so I press browse to locate files. They then appear on screen but when I 
>>> try to open them, it says ‘ error - the system cannot find the file 
>>> specified’ 
>>> Please can you help? 
>>> Thank you 
>> Search first for soffice.exe, to establish that OpenOffice is still on your 
>> computer.  If it is, then starting soffice.exe will allow you to use /File 
>> /Open to open each of your target files in turn.  You can set OpenOffice to 
>> be the default program for opening its files by the following methods - this 
>> is called setting File Associations:
>> I'm out of touch with modern versions of Windows, bu the traditional method 
>> of setting File associations is to right click on a file of the type you 
>> wish to associate, then from the popup choose "Open with" and select the 
>> file you wish to open that type. At the bottom of the window should be an 
>> "Always open with" link (words to that effect). Best to choose this to 
>> ensure that OpenOffice always opens the files.
>> I am told that these settings can also be changed by Settings > Control 
>> Panel > Default Programs > Set your default programs ..., and Settings > 
>> Control Panel > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a 
>> program (in this case, OpenOffice, which may show as soffice.exe). 
>> Note that MS Windows updates may silently reset these associations to point 
>> to their trial Office365; so you may have to do this after such updates.
>> -- 
>> Rory O'Farrell 
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

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