Re: [Users] error using vi in VE but no beans?

2007-08-27 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Steve Hodges wrote:
 On 27/08/2007 9:16 AM, Gregor Mosheh wrote:
 Steve Hodges wrote:
 E297: Write error in swap file
 E303: Unable to open swap file for rc.local, recovery impossible
 rc.local 17 lines, 387 characters

 That's vi saying that it can't save a backup of the file (yeah, swap
 file really intuitive) That's probably just a permissions issue. Are
 you able to manually create and then delete a fake swap file named
 .rc.local.swp ?

 It turned out to be a disk quota issue.

 GOOD: the VE didn't chew up all the available disk space (as it would
 have in a couple of hours)
 BAD: the violation of the disk quota doesn't show up in user_beancounters

It shows in df (or df -i) -- standard UNIX/Linux tool; it is all
described in (which I guess I
should add to must read category.

See, ff there is a standard way of seeing something, why invent
something new and unique? For disk space there is such a tool, for
beancounters there was no, since beancounters only appeared in OpenVZ.

From the host system though there is a way to see all per-VE disk quotas
and their usage -- cat /proc/vz/vzquota
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Re: [Users] Routing problems using SMP kernel

2007-08-27 Thread Kirill Korotaev

Sure, SMP shouldn't affect your routing and it is very strange. I guess 90% of 
are running SMP kernels.

From your report it is totally unclear what OVZ kernel version is (e.g. 
something like 028stab039)
and where this kernel was got from. Have you built it yourself?
Can you please provide a bit more details on what is working and what not?
Why have you decided that it is rounting to blame to?


Steve Hodges wrote:
 After getting most of my problems solved I decided to move my test 
 environment onto the production server.
 The server is a dual xeon which, with hyperthreading, appears (to Linux) 
 to have 4 processors.  So, when I built this machine I decided to use 
 the ovzkernel-2.6.18-smp
 The rebuild caused me all sorts of routing problems which I have managed 
 to track down to being caused by the kernel.  I just replaced the kernel 
 with ovzkernel-2.6.18 
 aptitude install ovzkernel-2.6.18
 aptitude remove ovzkernel-2.6.18-smp
 shutdown -r now
 problem solvered!
 It seems pretty odd that the smp kernel sould cause this, but I really 
 don't know what is different about that kernel.
 The symptoms were similar to the ones I had before I set the netmask of 
 the venets correctly, but more extreme.  Whereas the netmask issue 
 seemed to cause packets to go out of the wrong interface, this problem 
 seemed to stop packets getting out of the server at all.
 If there are any questions about the symptoms, I will be able to swap 
 back to that kernel for the next day or so to test things out.
 What will the impact be of running the non-smp kernel on a 
 multi-processir machine?  Will I only effectively use a single processor?
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Re: [Users] error using vi in VE but no beans?

2007-08-27 Thread Gregor Mosheh
Since we're on the topic, I thought I'd pipe up for Steve's benefit 
about a small matter which I found baffling for a few days...

If you run df -k in a VE, you will often get a different answer than 
vzquota. This is because vzquota doesn't keep to-the-moment statistics 
in its cache file. You must run vzquota stat VEID in order to have the 
cache updated; then vzquota will report the correct usage. This is in 
the Wiki, but I thought to save you some time. :)

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth
System Administrator, HostGIS cartographic development  hosting services

Remember that no one cares if you can back up,
 only if you can restore. - AMANDA
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] error using vi in VE but no beans?

2007-08-27 Thread Steve Hodges

On 28/08/2007 12:14 AM, Gregor Mosheh wrote:
Since we're on the topic, I thought I'd pipe up for Steve's benefit 
about a small matter which I found baffling for a few days...

If you run df -k in a VE, you will often get a different answer than 
vzquota. This is because vzquota doesn't keep to-the-moment statistics 
in its cache file. You must run vzquota stat VEID in order to have 
the cache updated; then vzquota will report the correct usage. This is 
in the Wiki, but I thought to save you some time. :)

Thanks :-)

And for the benefit of Kir, I wasn't intending the GOOD/BAD thing wasn't 
intended as a criticism of openvz.  It was really only bad because I had 
become fixated on the user_beancounters as a diagnostic and had 
forgotten about all the other good tools :-)  The error from vi sort of 
pointed me at a memory issue which didn't help much either.

However I was extremely grateful that my silly error in causing the VE 
to consume about 8 GB per hour had stopped at the quota limit of 40 GB 
rather than consuming all free space on that partition.

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