[ovirt-users] Unable to change engine-config

2023-03-25 Thread James Wadsworth
I wanted to change the default keyboard layout. I ran 
# engine-config -s VncKeyboardLayout=it
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dcom.redhat.fips=false
Cannot set value it to key VncKeyboardLayout. Valid values are 

I have tried with other values but the same result:
# engine-config -s ClientModeConsoleDefault=vnc
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dcom.redhat.fips=false
Cannot set value vnc to key ClientModeConsoleDefault. Valid values are 

Am I making a mistake with the syntax or should I open a bug?
Thanks, James
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[ovirt-users] Re: Unable to reinstall 2nd and 3rd Host after restore HE backup onto 1st host

2023-03-25 Thread James Wadsworth
Well after many hours of debugging the issue was not with hosts but with the 
ovirt-engine. We didn't think it was the engine because we had successfully 
redeployed the engine on the first host. However it was the engine and it was 
due to the fact it was running the latest version of ansible 2.14.2  which uses 
python3.11. Unfortunately python3.11 does not have all the module yet compiled 
for this version so the adding of the host failed due to the netaddr module 
being missing. So we put python3.6 as the default version on the system because 
vdsm and other service need this version. We then copied from python3.9 the 
module netaddr to the python3.11 module folder. At this point we could 
reinstall the hosts. 

Somebody else had exactly the same problem at the same time and you can read 
the issue report here.
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[ovirt-users] Unable to reinstall 2nd and 3rd Host after restore HE backup onto 1st host

2023-03-23 Thread James Wadsworth
Hi there, 

We are running ovirt 4.5.4 on 3 RHEL 8.7 host with a on self hosted engine 
again using RHEL 8.7. We are making some changes to our company network so we 
followed these instructions here to move the ovirt engine onto a new storage 
with different IP address. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6529691

We used a host to redeploy the hosted engine from a backup and we managed to 
get the hosted engine running on the new storage with the IP address. We then 
tried to reinstall the 2 other hosts but the reinstallation failed with the 

Host ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com installation failed. Task Restart services failed 
to execute. Please check logs for more details: 

In the ovirt-engie host deploy log we see [ "Traceback (most recent call 
last):", "  File \"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\", line 18, in ", "import 
vdsm.tool", "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vdsm'" ]

In the vdsm log on the host there are no errors except for a couple of warnings 
2023-03-23 07:58:22,335+0100 WARN  (periodic/1) [throttled] MOM not available. 
Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory (throttledlog:87)
2023-03-23 07:58:22,336+0100 WARN  (periodic/1) [throttled] MOM not available, 
KSM stats will be missing. Error:  (throttledlog:87)

We have tried a completely new install for ovirt2, but we have finished back at 
the same point with the same error. 

[root@ovirt2 ~]# systemctl status vdsmd
● vdsmd.service - Virtual Desktop Server Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vdsmd.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2023-03-23 08:35:32 CET; 56min ago
  Process: 22942 ExecStart=/usr/libexec/vdsm/daemonAdapter -0 /dev/null -1 
/dev/null -2 /dev/null /usr/libexec/vdsm/vdsmd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 22876 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/vdsm/vdsmd_init_common.sh 
--pre-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 22942 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Mar 23 07:58:20 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com vdsmd_init_common.sh[22876]: vdsm: 
Running test_space
Mar 23 07:58:20 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com vdsmd_init_common.sh[22876]: vdsm: 
Running test_lo
Mar 23 07:58:20 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: Started Virtual Desktop 
Server Manager.
Mar 23 07:58:22 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com vdsm[22942]: WARN MOM not available. 
Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Mar 23 07:58:22 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com vdsm[22942]: WARN MOM not available, KSM 
stats will be missing. Error:
Mar 23 08:35:32 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: Stopping Virtual Desktop 
Server Manager...
Mar 23 08:35:32 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: vdsmd.service: Succeeded.
Mar 23 08:35:32 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: Stopped Virtual Desktop 
Server Manager.
Mar 23 08:35:33 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: Dependency failed for 
Virtual Desktop Server Manager.
Mar 23 08:35:33 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: vdsmd.service: Job 
vdsmd.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.

Mar 23 08:35:33 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: vdsmd.service: Job 
vdsmd.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
[root@ovirt2 ~]# systemctl start vdsmd
A dependency job for vdsmd.service failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for details.
[root@ovirt2 ~]# journalctl -xe
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: Stopped Auxiliary vdsm 
service for running helper functions as root.
-- Subject: Unit supervdsmd.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: https://access.redhat.com/support
-- Unit supervdsmd.service has finished shutting down.
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: Started Auxiliary vdsm 
service for running helper functions as root.
-- Subject: Unit supervdsmd.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: https://access.redhat.com/support
-- Unit supervdsmd.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com daemonAdapter[28677]: Traceback (most 
recent call last):
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com daemonAdapter[28677]:   File 
"/usr/libexec/vdsm/daemonAdapter", line 16, in 
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com daemonAdapter[28677]: from 
vdsm.config import config
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com daemonAdapter[28677]: 
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vdsm'
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: supervdsmd.service: Main 
process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: supervdsmd.service: Failed 
with result 'exit-code'.
-- Subject: Unit failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: https://access.redhat.com/support
-- The unit supervdsmd.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 
Mar 23 09:34:35 ovirt2.ad.tintolav.com systemd[1]: supervdsmd.service: Service 
RestartSec=100ms expired, scheduling restart.
Mar 23 09:34:35 

[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.4.10 running on RHEL 8.7

2023-01-19 Thread James Wadsworth
Thanks for your reply. After studying the documentation further I think the 
safest option will to set the rhel release to 8.5 while we are running 4.4
subscription-manager release --set=8.5
subscription-manager release --show

Then update the cluster to 4.4.10. After which we set the release to rhel 8.6 
and update to ovit 4.5 following the instruction in the link

What are people's thoughts on this?

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[ovirt-users] Ovirt 4.4.10 running on RHEL 8.7

2023-01-18 Thread James Wadsworth
Hi there, 

we currently have ovirt 4.4.9 running on RHEL 8.5. 

Can we upgrade the cluster to ovirt 4.4.10 on RHEL 8.7? 
Do we need to following these steps in this link?


Many thanks, James
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Cannot to update hosts, nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 7.6.0-2 needed by vdsm-

2021-11-18 Thread James Wadsworth
We had the same problem when updating to 4.4.9 on RHEL 8.4

Essentially to get past the problem we installed the following repo
# /etc/yum/repos.d/ovirt-4.4-stream-advanced-virt.repo
name=Advanced Virtualization CentOS Stream testing packages for $basearch

The solution can be found in this thread
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[ovirt-users] Impossible to move disk after a previous disk move failed

2021-08-23 Thread James Wadsworth
This is the log of when it fails

2021-08-23 21:24:10,667+0200 WARN  (tasks/0) [storage.LVM] Command with 
specific filter failed or returned no data, retrying with a wider filter: LVM 
command failed: 'cmd=[\'/sbin/lvm\', \'lvcreate\', \'--config\', \'devices {  
preferred_names=["^/dev/mapper/"]  ignore_suspended_devices=1  
write_cache_state=0  disable_after_error_count=3  
filter=["a|^/dev/mapper/36001405299f83b19569473f9c580660c$|", "r|.*|"]  
hints="none"  obtain_device_list_from_udev=0 } global {  locking_type=1  
prioritise_write_locks=1  wait_for_locks=1  use_lvmetad=0  use_lvmpolld=1 } 
backup {  retain_min=50  retain_days=0 }\', \'--autobackup\', \'n\', 
\'--contiguous\', \'n\', \'--size\', \'40960m\', \'--wipesignatures\', \'n\', 
\'--addtag\', \'OVIRT_VOL_INITIALIZING\', \'--name\', 
\'c23a5bef-48e0-46c7-9d5b-93c97f0240c0\'] rc=5 out=[] err=[\'  Logical Volume 
"432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168" already exists in volume group 
"c23a5bef-48e0-46c7-9d5b-93c97f0240c0"\']' (l
2021-08-23 21:24:10,859+0200 WARN  (tasks/0) [storage.LVM] All 2 tries have 
failed: LVM command failed: 'cmd=[\'/sbin/lvm\', \'lvcreate\', \'--config\', 
\'devices {  preferred_names=["^/dev/mapper/"]  ignore_suspended_devices=1  
write_cache_state=0  disable_after_error_count=3  
 "r|.*|"]  hints="none"  obtain_device_list_from_udev=0 } global {  
locking_type=1  prioritise_write_locks=1  wait_for_locks=1  use_lvmetad=0  
use_lvmpolld=1 } backup {  retain_min=50  retain_days=0 }\', \'--autobackup\', 
\'n\', \'--contiguous\', \'n\', \'--size\', \'40960m\', \'--wipesignatures\', 
\'n\', \'--addtag\', \'OVIRT_VOL_INITIALIZING\', \'--name\', 
\'c23a5bef-48e0-46c7-9d5b-93c97f0240c0\'] rc=5 out=[] err=[\'  Logical Volume 
"432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168" already exists in volume group 
 8e0-46c7-9d5b-93c97f0240c0"\']' (lvm:561)
2021-08-23 21:24:10,859+0200 ERROR (tasks/0) [storage.Volume] Failed to create 
 Cannot create Logical Volume: 'vgname=c23a5bef-48e0-46c7-9d5b-93c97f0240c0 
lvname=432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168 err=[\'  Logical Volume 
"432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168" already exists in volume group 
"c23a5bef-48e0-46c7-9d5b-93c97f0240c0"\']' (volume:1257)
2021-08-23 21:24:10,860+0200 ERROR (tasks/0) [storage.Volume] Unexpected error 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/volume.py", line 1254, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/blockVolume.py", line 
508, in _create
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/lvm.py", line 1633, in 
raise se.CannotCreateLogicalVolume(vgName, lvName, err)
vdsm.storage.exception.CannotCreateLogicalVolume: Cannot create Logical Volume: 
lvname=432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168 err=[\'  Logical Volume 
"432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168" already exists in volume group 
2021-08-23 21:24:10,860+0200 ERROR (tasks/0) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='55a4e8dc-9408-4969-b0ba-b9a556bccba1') Unexpected error (task:877)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/task.py", line 884, in 
return fn(*args, **kargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/task.py", line 350, in run
return self.cmd(*self.argslist, **self.argsdict)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/securable.py", line 79, 
in wrapper
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/sp.py", line 1945, in 
initial_size=initialSize, add_bitmaps=addBitmaps)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/sd.py", line 1216, in 
initial_size=initial_size, add_bitmaps=add_bitmaps)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/volume.py", line 1254, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/blockVolume.py", line 
508, in _create
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/lvm.py", line 1633, in 
raise se.CannotCreateLogicalVolume(vgName, lvName, err)
vdsm.storage.exception.CannotCreateLogicalVolume: Cannot create Logical Volume: 
lvname=432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168 err=[\'  Logical Volume 
"432ceb20-efb7-4a40-8431-1b5c825a6168" already exists in volume group