Re: [SOGo] Outlook EAS with mailboxes > 3GB

2015-10-12 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
We have the same problem here, people with large mailboxes using EAS with
Outlook 2013 have issues with initial sync being slow, some mails never even
show up in Outlook and the same goes for the calendar, some events never sync.
The same people are using EAS on their Android phones and it's working fine

Right now I too recommend them to use IMAP and CalDavSynchronizer.

Now that I took a quick peek in our logs I found this one that I haven't seen
before I think...

"Fatal error occured - tried to call -processSyncAddCommand: ... on a mail 
folder. We abort"

... other than that it's mostly just "found no viewer for MIME type". I suspect
this might have nothing to do with it though and it's probably more than one 

// Mattias

* Peter Beck ( wrote:
> On 10/10/2015 08:22 PM, Alain Abbas wrote:
> > for now we had stopped the deployement of activesync and outlook2013 
> Hi Alain,
> good to know I am not the only one ;-)
> I've also switched (at least the big mailboxes) to IMAP and
> CalDavSynchronizer (which will hopefully soon get CardDAV support).
> But still hoping someone can enlighten us here on the list...
> Regards
> Peter
> -- 

[SOGo] Event created in Outlook doesn't sync to SOGo

2015-06-16 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
If I create an event in Outlook (using EAS) it doesn't sync to SOGo however if I
create an event in SOGo it does get synced to Outlook. When I have
SOGoEASDebugEnabled turned on I can see the event I created in the SOGo web
interface being synced through EAS to Outlook but I see no such log entry for
the other one.

// Mattias

Re: [SOGo] Sogo 2.3 throws errors after weblogin

2015-06-11 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
Here's a little step-by-step.

# echo deb wheezy/updates main contrib  
# apt-get update
# apt-get install libldap-2.4-2=2.4.31-2
# rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy.list
# apt-get update
# echo \
Package: libldap-2.4-2
Pin: version 2.4.31-2
Pin-Priority: 1001  /etc/apt/preferences.d/libldap

* Rasca Gmelch ( wrote:
 do you have a step by step for this downgrade / pinning as
 it worked for you?
 Would be very nice.
 Am 10.06.2015 um 17:02 schrieb Mattias Fliesberg:
  I have no insight into what the actual issue is. I could however downgrade 
  the wheezy libldap (and pin the package) so it works for now. A developer 
  to take a look at this issue though, I'm not of much help.
  * Rasca Gmelch ( wrote:
  Hi Matthias,
  Thank you for your answer. Recompiling is not an option
  for us. I tried downgrading the libldap with an Debian 7
  package but it failed because of unresolved dependencies.
  Is it a bug in the libldap or just some kind of incompatibility
  between libldap and sogo?
  Or would it be the best option to switch away from Debian
  to Ubuntu 14.04/64bit?
  Any recommendations?
  Am 10.06.2015 um 12:42 schrieb Mattias Fliesberg:
  I had the same issue, solved it by downgrading libldap
  * Rasca Gmelch ( wrote:
  after upgrading from sogo 2.2.17a and Debian 7 to sogo 2.3
  and Debian 8 I see continuous errors in sogo.log as soon as
  I login on the web interface. Sometimes the errors stop after
  about twenty entries, but if I switch to the mail tab it looks
  like the errors are not stopping until I kill the sogod process.
  The CPU load of the sogod process goes up to 100% and it looks
  like the process is eating more and more memory until the process
  is kill by hand or killed by OS (out of memory).
  The error in the logfile is:
  sogod [18302]: [ERROR] 0x0x7f010a3b3930[WOHttpAdaptor] http server
  caught: NGCouldNotAcceptException: 0x7f01118192d0
  NAME:NGCouldNotAcceptException REASON:Could not accept: descriptor is
  not a socket descriptor INFO:(null)
  The setup in general: openLDAP for user database, postgreSQL as database
  backend and apache for web access.
  Any ideas?
  Rasca Gmelch | IT | JabberID:
  OpenPGP Key ID: 8168E925, Key server:
  Fingerprint 1FD0 3199 13B7 7ADC 5DF1 A8EF FA4C 4AC0 8168 E925
 Rasca Gmelch | IT | JabberID:
 OpenPGP Key ID: 8168E925, Key server:
 Fingerprint 1FD0 3199 13B7 7ADC 5DF1 A8EF FA4C 4AC0 8168 E925
 ART+COM AG | Kleiststr. 23-26 | 10787 Berlin | Germany
 Fon: +49.30.21001-466 | Fax: +49.30.21001-555
 HRB 68308 | Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
 Vorstand: Andreas Wiek, Prof. Joachim Sauter
 Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Volker Tietgens
 USt-IdNr.: DE811998328

[SOGo] EAS in Outlook incorrectly parses addresses

2015-06-11 Thread Mattias Fliesberg

I'm having an issue with Outlook and EAS when I try to send a mail to multiple
recipients. If I enter, the resulting To
header looks like this


i.e. The mail only gets sent to with the label
The same thing occurs if I enter the addresses from my address book or in any
other way I've tried. Unfortunately I don't see anything interesting in sogo.log
even with SOGoEASDebugEnabled enabled.

Also, this doesn't only occur for me but for other people using this SOGo 

// Mattias

Re: [SOGo] Sogo 2.3 throws errors after weblogin

2015-06-10 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
I had the same issue, solved it by downgrading libldap

* Rasca Gmelch ( wrote:
 after upgrading from sogo 2.2.17a and Debian 7 to sogo 2.3
 and Debian 8 I see continuous errors in sogo.log as soon as
 I login on the web interface. Sometimes the errors stop after
 about twenty entries, but if I switch to the mail tab it looks
 like the errors are not stopping until I kill the sogod process.
 The CPU load of the sogod process goes up to 100% and it looks
 like the process is eating more and more memory until the process
 is kill by hand or killed by OS (out of memory).
 The error in the logfile is:
 sogod [18302]: [ERROR] 0x0x7f010a3b3930[WOHttpAdaptor] http server
 caught: NGCouldNotAcceptException: 0x7f01118192d0
 NAME:NGCouldNotAcceptException REASON:Could not accept: descriptor is
 not a socket descriptor INFO:(null)
 The setup in general: openLDAP for user database, postgreSQL as database
 backend and apache for web access.
 Any ideas?
 Rasca Gmelch | IT | JabberID:
 OpenPGP Key ID: 8168E925, Key server:
 Fingerprint 1FD0 3199 13B7 7ADC 5DF1 A8EF FA4C 4AC0 8168 E925

Re: [SOGo] Sogo 2.3 throws errors after weblogin

2015-06-10 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
I have no insight into what the actual issue is. I could however downgrade to
the wheezy libldap (and pin the package) so it works for now. A developer needs
to take a look at this issue though, I'm not of much help.

* Rasca Gmelch ( wrote:
 Hi Matthias,
 Thank you for your answer. Recompiling is not an option
 for us. I tried downgrading the libldap with an Debian 7
 package but it failed because of unresolved dependencies.
 Is it a bug in the libldap or just some kind of incompatibility
 between libldap and sogo?
 Or would it be the best option to switch away from Debian
 to Ubuntu 14.04/64bit?
 Any recommendations?
 Am 10.06.2015 um 12:42 schrieb Mattias Fliesberg:
  I had the same issue, solved it by downgrading libldap
  * Rasca Gmelch ( wrote:
  after upgrading from sogo 2.2.17a and Debian 7 to sogo 2.3
  and Debian 8 I see continuous errors in sogo.log as soon as
  I login on the web interface. Sometimes the errors stop after
  about twenty entries, but if I switch to the mail tab it looks
  like the errors are not stopping until I kill the sogod process.
  The CPU load of the sogod process goes up to 100% and it looks
  like the process is eating more and more memory until the process
  is kill by hand or killed by OS (out of memory).
  The error in the logfile is:
  sogod [18302]: [ERROR] 0x0x7f010a3b3930[WOHttpAdaptor] http server
  caught: NGCouldNotAcceptException: 0x7f01118192d0
  NAME:NGCouldNotAcceptException REASON:Could not accept: descriptor is
  not a socket descriptor INFO:(null)
  The setup in general: openLDAP for user database, postgreSQL as database
  backend and apache for web access.
  Any ideas?
 Rasca Gmelch | IT | JabberID:
 OpenPGP Key ID: 8168E925, Key server:
 Fingerprint 1FD0 3199 13B7 7ADC 5DF1 A8EF FA4C 4AC0 8168 E925

[SOGo] No events in web UI since updating to 2.2.17a.20150518-1

2015-05-19 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
Since I updated to the latest nightly I no longer see events in the web UI and
I'm getting...

NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Unknown column 'a.c_description' in 'field list'

.. errors in sogo.log. Sort of looks to me like som database migration wasn't
run or something. What do I need to do?

// Mattias

Re: [SOGo] No events in web UI since updating to 2.2.17a.20150518-1

2015-05-19 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
Well look at that, there was a migration script,

Ran it, now it's working again.

* Mattias Fliesberg ( wrote:
 Since I updated to the latest nightly I no longer see events in the web UI and
 I'm getting...
 NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Unknown column 'a.c_description' in 'field list'
 .. errors in sogo.log. Sort of looks to me like som database migration wasn't
 run or something. What do I need to do?
 // Mattias

Re: [SOGo] Is there a way to have SOGo not send mail alarms as the organizer?

2014-11-17 Thread Mattias Fliesberg
I thought about that, then realized that I could just use the sendmail transport
and my local postfix could just relay it to the one requiring authentication.
I obviously also needed to have the SOGo host in mynetworks there with some
permit_mynetworks in smtpd_sender_restrictions and smtpd_recipient_restrictions

Just having this with the SMTP transport didn't work because authing in the
webinterface of SOGo started failing. Also, sending mail in Outlook with
OpenChange didn't work with it just giving up after EHLO for some reason...
might have been a different issue, last week is a total blur, but using the
sendmail transport solved all my mail-sending issues at least.

// Mattias

* Marcel Waldvogel ( wrote:
 can you make Postfix listen on another port for SOGo, where only SOGo is 
 allowed to login and where reject_sender_login_mismatch is not active?
  Am 10.11.2014 um 10:42 schrieb Mattias Fliesberg
  We have a postfix server with...
 smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_sender_login_mismatch
  This means that the user we use for the sogo-ealarms-notify cronjob can't 
  as all the other users. Is there a way to make SOGo not try to send From 
  If not, how have other people with this kind of setup solved this issue?
  // Mattias


[SOGo] Is there a way to have SOGo not send mail alarms as the organizer?

2014-11-10 Thread Mattias Fliesberg

We have a postfix server with...

smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_sender_login_mismatch

This means that the user we use for the sogo-ealarms-notify cronjob can't send
as all the other users. Is there a way to make SOGo not try to send From the

If not, how have other people with this kind of setup solved this issue?

// Mattias