Re: [SOGo] ZEG install script

2013-10-01 Thread Steven Swarts

On 1/10/2013 9:57 PM, Pablo Carranza wrote:

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Steven Swarts wrote:

I've almost got a dedicated VDS to use for this sole purpose.

​ Why not build this on GitHub; that way, other members of the SOGo 
community can easily contribute?​


vDevices, LLC <> | Providing Hosted IT Solutions 
for Lawyers & Other Mobile Professionals

You're talking about the documentation right?
I'm talking about a complete tutorial of how to install everything to 
replace Exchange and AD proprietary

There are already some tutorials that do a fantastic job:

Just a matter of understanding the correct terminology for newcomers 
like myself and properly setting things up to begin with is what my 
point was.

As you can see sjau has already started a install script on GitHub if 
that is what you are looking for.

But I would also encourage the documentation to be community driven as 
well, seeing that those who would contribute have recently overcome some 
type of issue and are more likely to give back to the community.

Anyway that is just my 3 cents worth,



Re: [SOGo] ZEG install script

2013-10-01 Thread Steven Swarts

Still on the back burner as work picked up...
I've almost got a dedicated VDS to use for this sole purpose.
Trying to collect all the right information at the moment and then I'll 
work on it.


On 30/09/2013 11:04 PM, Pablo Carranza wrote:
I, too, would be willing to help out on creating more documentation. 
Has anyone started on this?

-Pablo <> | Providing Hosted IT Solutions 
for Lawyers & Other Mobile Professionals

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:20 AM, Steven Swarts <>> wrote:

On 22/07/2013 3:15 PM, Szládovics Péter wrote:

​ ...

Thanks mate,

Downloading now.

Also this would be great to have better documentation. For example
what is meant by Kerberos Realms, etc?

Then anyone who just wants to give it a go can understand exactly
what to do. I am very happy to do this myself and make up a
tutorial with screen shots, but I don't want to steal anyone's
thunder (work) so I guess I'm asking for assistance and then
hoping to give back.

Steven Swarts

PRIVILEGE & CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic message is 
intended only for the named recipient(s). It may contain privileged 
and confidential information and, therefore, should not be disclosed 
to third parties without our express permission. If you have received 
this electronic mail in error, any review, dissemination, 
distribution, electronic storage, transmission or copying of is 
strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and purge 
the electronic message from your system. Thank you. 


Re: [SOGo] TB plugin update site

2013-09-25 Thread Steven Swarts

Good job,

I'm hoping to implement SOGo within the next month or 2. Will be very 
interested in looking into this.


*/Steven Swarts/*

On 25/09/2013 9:22 PM, Szládovics Péter wrote:

Dear Friends,

I've modified the update site generation script, because usability 

At the past the script checked the followings:
- Is SOGo site existing?
- Is update site already existing?

If the site not exists, you cannot get the script. If the update site 
already exists, you also cannot get it.

This checks was gone.
You will got the script all the time, without any conditions.

Excuse me for the strict conditions before. :)

When the TB24 plugins will be available, I'll modify the site for 
working in dual mode (you will can choice between version 17 and 24).



Szládovics Péter
informatikus mérnök

Mobiltelefon: +36 20 92 68 098
Onlinedemo.HU <>


Re: [SOGo] Active Sync support in SOGo

2013-09-19 Thread Steven Swarts

On 19/09/2013 9:09 PM, Davor Vusir wrote:


-- Skickat från mobilusken! --

18 sep 2013 kl. 23:23 skrev "Ludovic Marcotte" <>>:


We've been pretty silent when it came to Active Sync support in SOGo 
for multiple reasons.

First of all, there are licensing implications with Microsoft Active 
Sync. Moreover, there's a plethora of Active Sync implementations out 
there. We also wanted to see how vendors would adopt CalDAV/CardDAV, 
how down the drain Funambol would go and the market's impact of the 
new Windows/Blackberry phones.

After digesting all the above for a few weeks, we came to the 
conclusion we should most likely add Active Sync support to SOGo.

Over the past few days, I've been (and still are) in contact with an 
IP Licensing person at Microsoft. We had interesting discussions 
which led us to believe we could:

 1. create an Active Sync bundle in SOGo for synchronization
 2. license it under a free but non-GPL (BSD, for example)
 3. distribute it for free

We can't use the GPL because of patents restrictions. 
Z-Push/OPush/Synchotron are all using patented technologies without a 
license and Microsoft currently does not license to GPL 
implementations - so using these is not an option.

Since the addition of Active Sync support in SOGo would be a 
server-side implementation, there would be a per-mailbox fee to use 
it. That fee, would have to be paid to Microsoft directly. On our 
end, everything would be free of use.

Evidently, if we start working on Active Sync support in SOGo, we'll 
definitively drop Funambol support - which is probably even more 
exciting then adding Active Sync support.

Ludovic Marcotte   ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 

Um... I just want to say you guys ROCK!!!
Now we are getting somewhere :)


*/Steven Swarts/*

Re: [SOGo] ActiveSync question

2013-09-16 Thread Steven Swarts

I am interested, very much so just haven't go around to it.
Sounds like you put a lot of effort in, so please hold on out :)


*/Steven Swarts/*

On 14/09/2013 10:59 PM, Szládovics Péter wrote:

2013-09-04 08:37 keltezéssel, Anna Christina Naß írta:

Am 03.09.2013 21:19, schrieb Szládovics Péter:


CalDAV and CardDAV work fine and are not very complicated to set up
for the users (except when using Lightning/SOGo Connector where the
full paths seem to be needed).

Did you try the SOGo Integrator?
If you build it for yourself, and set up an update site next to SOGo,
the set up will be very simple, and you can use the share/subscribe
features on the pages of Lightning and Addressbook apps.

If more people interested in this method, I can create and present a
short doc about easy set up these things on your site for you.

I looked at the documentation (SOGo Mozilla Thunderbird 
Configuration.pdf), decided that this documentation is far from 
complete and ignored the Integrator for now.

It would be great if you could provide some more documentation on it, 
especially on:

- what do the options in the files
- what does the directory custom/sogo-demo do?

Some examples (and a overall documentation on the options) of 
update.php also would be great.

I created the site what can generate a script for correct update site, 
and share the link, but no one interested in it since more than a 
week. :(

I though some people need it...


Re: [SOGo] ActiveSync question

2013-09-03 Thread Steven Swarts
Not being a programmer forgive my ignorance, but could that code be 
used? They have a done a fantastic job so far in my opinion.


*/Steven Swarts/*

On 4/09/2013 12:59 AM, Corrado Fiore wrote:

Dear Albrecht,

Another question is: Have these projects all to be based on z-push? What if 
hordes ActiveSync interface also could be used as starting point?

Actually, Horde's ActiveSync module is based on Z-Push:

"The code that handles the protocol level is essentially the same, though it has 
been heavily refactored and cleaned."




Re: [SOGo] ZEG install script

2013-07-22 Thread Steven Swarts

On 22/07/2013 3:15 PM, Szládovics Péter wrote:

2013-07-22 08:54 keltezéssel, Steven Swarts írta:

On 20/07/2013 3:22 AM, Szládovics Péter wrote:

2013-07-18 12:43 keltezéssel, Szládovics Péter írta:

2013-07-08 18:10 keltezéssel, Szládovics Péter írta:
I have a script, so anybody can install a ZEG appliance in about 
30 minutes with using it.

This <> webpage 
contains some informations and resctrictions, and you can download 
the tarball with the script from it.

Please read the page from the begin to the end as attentively.

Dear All,

I freshed the package by the following reasons:

 1. Sogosync changed to PHP-Push-2 - in ActiveSync settings
 2. I created an other step: vcard settings
This is create a useful feature for you: you can download the
user's vcard in VCF file directly, and also download a QR code
what is contain an URL pointing the user's vcard file (more
info on the webpage above - Title: Step 17).
 3. New script:
You can add photo for any user in your LDAP (more info on the
webpage above - Title: Scripts).


Dear Guys,

A minor modification has ben happened on the vcard feature (2nd 
point above) because teh output nedd to strictly closer the RFC2426 
(vcard 3.0).
If you not interested in, you can ignore that, otherwise you can 
dowload the updated package.

I have an issue guys. Thought I did everything right, but at step 4 
this is what shows up. Is this because I'm using Ubuntu Server 13?


I think yes.
Please use LST version of Ubuntu server.

Thanks mate,

Downloading now.

Also this would be great to have better documentation. For example what 
is meant by Kerberos Realms, etc?

Then anyone who just wants to give it a go can understand exactly what 
to do. I am very happy to do this myself and make up a tutorial with 
screen shots, but I don't want to steal anyone's thunder (work) so I 
guess I'm asking for assistance and then hoping to give back.

Steven Swarts

Re: [SOGo] ZEG install script

2013-07-21 Thread Steven Swarts

On 20/07/2013 3:22 AM, Szládovics Péter wrote:

2013-07-18 12:43 keltezéssel, Szládovics Péter írta:

2013-07-08 18:10 keltezéssel, Szládovics Péter írta:
I have a script, so anybody can install a ZEG appliance in about 30 
minutes with using it.

This <> webpage 
contains some informations and resctrictions, and you can download 
the tarball with the script from it.

Please read the page from the begin to the end as attentively.

Dear All,

I freshed the package by the following reasons:

 1. Sogosync changed to PHP-Push-2 - in ActiveSync settings
 2. I created an other step: vcard settings
This is create a useful feature for you: you can download the
user's vcard in VCF file directly, and also download a QR code
what is contain an URL pointing the user's vcard file (more info
on the webpage above - Title: Step 17).
 3. New script:
You can add photo for any user in your LDAP (more info on the
webpage above - Title: Scripts).


Dear Guys,

A minor modification has ben happened on the vcard feature (2nd point 
above) because teh output nedd to strictly closer the RFC2426 (vcard 3.0).
If you not interested in, you can ignore that, otherwise you can 
dowload the updated package.

I have an issue guys. Thought I did everything right, but at step 4 this 
is what shows up. Is this because I'm using Ubuntu Server 13?

netadmin@srv1:~/scripts$ sudo apt-get -y install samba4 openchangeserver 
sogo-openchange openchangeproxy openchange-ocsmanager 
openchange-rpcproxy sogo

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 sogo : Depends: libgnustep-base1.22 (>= 1.22.1) but it is not installable
Depends: libmemcached6 (>= 0.44) but it is not installable
Depends: libsope-appserver4.9 (>= 4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is 
not going to be installed
Depends: libsope-core4.9 (>= 4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is not 
going to be installed
Depends: libsope-gdl1-4.9 (>= 4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is not 
going to be installed
Depends: libsope-ldap4.9 (>= 4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is not 
going to be installed
Depends: libsope-mime4.9 (>= 4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is not 
going to be installed
Depends: libsope-xml4.9 (>= 4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is not 
going to be installed
Depends: sope4.9-libxmlsaxdriver but it is not going to be 

Depends: sope4.9-db-connector
 sogo-openchange : Depends: libgnustep-base1.22 (>= 1.22.1) but it is 
not installable
   Depends: libsope-appserver4.9 (>= 
4.9.r1664.20130627) but it is not going to be installed

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Steven Swarts

Re: [SOGo] Training

2013-06-27 Thread Steven Swarts
Ah well that would mean I need to do a lot of manual reading. Ok well 
thanks for the reply's guys.*/


*/Steven Swarts/*

On 27/06/2013 5:25 AM, Jonathan Goyette wrote:
No lies, 2 weeks ago I didn't know anything about postfix, cyrus, how 
to setup an ldap server, sasl or anything related to a 'business linux 
mail server'. and thanksfully, with alot of effort, I managed to 
learn about all of those modules and setup a working lab composed of 
postfix, cyrus-imap, ldap, sogo, sasl and some startls etc etc. I just 
finished making everything work with the thunderbird addon today and I 
must admit that I find this alternative very interesting so far !! :)

Thanks alot for this :D

to get back on the topic, I would admit that it is a little hard to 
find good information that looks like 'course' or good tutorial that 
really covers everything. I believe that this is simply because all 
those things are heavily configurable and most of the tutorial I saw 
lacked alot of information. Hell, just postfix in itself is a beast 
when it comes down to the amount of possible option settings there is!

I personally chose self training, by reading alot of the original 
manual, mixed with a few trial errors from some tutorials, more 
reading! and well, make a lab with some vm (I use virtual box..) and 
fix some objective... Then in the process you might have a better idea 
of what kind of course you're looking for and might even find it 
yourself ;p hehe, well that was just my 2 cents. no need to flame me 
on that :D

in the process of building sogo I figured out that there is so much 
différent things you can use...

Just as an example, I found out that you have Directory389, slapd, 
apacheDS or even freeipa. Oh well, sorry for the lack of reference, 
and good luck :)

Jonathan G.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Steven Swarts <>> wrote:

Quoting Wayland Sothcott>>> On 26/06/2013 06:35, Steven
Swarts wrote:

G'day guys

I've been following SOGo for awhile now, used the ZEG and
played with the tutorial that Oliver has kindly made

My question is I have access to a vast amount of small
businesses that I currently support and would love to
support in the area of an Exchange alternative. But my
reluctance is that I don't understand SOGo, OpenChange,
Dovecot, Samba4, Sope, etc. I was wondering if anyone knew
or could tell me where I could get training in this area.

Currently I have a basic understanding of Linux, but I'm
looking for a cutting edge education. The local education
places only support Samba3 which annoys me to no end.

So in a nutshell, if I were to do some courses (online
preferably) what is the recommendation?

Also I just want to say brilliant venture, I love Linux so
keep up the great work.

Hello Steven,

I have been following SOGo for several months now and played
with the ZEG and tried to add SOGo to a Debian server. I think
there is a long way to go with this before I can use it and I
don't think it's a matter of training. I have used ClearOS 5.2
successfully for small businesses. With it's web interface
it's very easy to get it to do all the things it's capable of
such as file sharing, email and hosting the companies website.
(I can't say the same about ClearOS 6)

The 'Internet' defines lots of things for us, like how
websites work, how email works and how DNS works. What it does
not define is how address books work. All I want is a simple
centralised database of email addresses that is shared by all
email users in the company.

Back in the 90's there was a fantastic thing called Lotus
Notes which was the ultimate groupware. There are no open
standards to let you create one in Linux. Whare are the IMAP
and SMTP protocols for address books and calendars?

I have no idea why people would create standards such as IMAP
yet not carry on and create standards for address books.
Unless it's so that Microsoft Exchange has no competitor in
the Open Source area.


(Someone please correct me if I am wrong)


Mobile: 07925 431381
Office: 01787 388165

-- <>

Well currently i use Horde Webmail groupware. It supports CalDav
and CardDav plus active sync capabilities with iOS and Android up
to AS 14.1

But SOGo and the native Outlook support 

Re: [SOGo] Training

2013-06-26 Thread Steven Swarts
Quoting Wayland Sothcott > On 26/06/2013  
06:35, Steven Swarts wrote:

G'day guys

I've been following SOGo for awhile now, used the ZEG and played  
with the tutorial that Oliver has kindly made available.

My question is I have access to a vast amount of small businesses  
that I currently support and would love to support in the area of  
an Exchange alternative. But my reluctance is that I don't  
understand SOGo, OpenChange, Dovecot, Samba4, Sope, etc. I was  
wondering if anyone knew or could tell me where I could get  
training in this area.

Currently I have a basic understanding of Linux, but I'm looking  
for a cutting edge education. The local education places only  
support Samba3 which annoys me to no end.

So in a nutshell, if I were to do some courses (online preferably)  
what is the recommendation?

Also I just want to say brilliant venture, I love Linux so keep up  
the great work.

Hello Steven,

I have been following SOGo for several months now and played with  
the ZEG and tried to add SOGo to a Debian server. I think there is a  
long way to go with this before I can use it and I don't think it's  
a matter of training. I have used ClearOS 5.2 successfully for small  
businesses. With it's web interface it's very easy to get it to do  
all the things it's capable of such as file sharing, email and  
hosting the companies website. (I can't say the same about ClearOS 6)

The 'Internet' defines lots of things for us, like how websites  
work, how email works and how DNS works. What it does not define is  
how address books work. All I want is a simple centralised database  
of email addresses that is shared by all email users in the company.

Back in the 90's there was a fantastic thing called Lotus Notes  
which was the ultimate groupware. There are no open standards to let  
you create one in Linux. Whare are the IMAP and SMTP protocols for  
address books and calendars?

I have no idea why people would create standards such as IMAP yet  
not carry on and create standards for address books. Unless it's so  
that Microsoft Exchange has no competitor in the Open Source area.


(Someone please correct me if I am wrong)


Mobile: 07925 431381
Office: 01787 388165


Well currently i use Horde Webmail groupware. It supports CalDav and  
CardDav plus active sync capabilities with iOS and Android up to AS 14.1

But SOGo and the native Outlook support is a winner in my books, plus  
coupled with Samba 4 and goodbye Microsoft in a couple of years I  
would say.

The trick I'm sure is to know how to set it up, but most importantly  
how to keep it running.

Anyway I hoping that someone has an answer for my original question.

Steven Swarts
Swarts IT

Wayland Sothcott  wrote:


[SOGo] Training

2013-06-25 Thread Steven Swarts

G'day guys

I've been following SOGo for awhile now, used the ZEG and played with 
the tutorial that Oliver has kindly made available.

My question is I have access to a vast amount of small businesses that I 
currently support and would love to support in the area of an Exchange 
alternative. But my reluctance is that I don't understand SOGo, 
OpenChange, Dovecot, Samba4, Sope, etc. I was wondering if anyone knew 
or could tell me where I could get training in this area.

Currently I have a basic understanding of Linux, but I'm looking for a 
cutting edge education. The local education places only support Samba3 
which annoys me to no end.

So in a nutshell, if I were to do some courses (online preferably) what 
is the recommendation?

Also I just want to say brilliant venture, I love Linux so keep up the 
great work.



*/Steven Swarts/*


RE: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial

2013-03-12 Thread Steven Swarts
That's exactly what it was. Thank you muchly.


I'll continue to toy around with it, but I can confirm that it works great
with Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Windows 7.

This is brilliant news guys, finally no more MS Exchange J



Steven Swarts

From: Olivier Bitsch [] 
Sent: Monday, 11 March 2013 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial


Hi Steven,


You probably forgot to change the Administrator bind, make that :


su - sogo -s /bin/bash

defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({CNFieldName = displayName;
IDFieldName = cn; UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName; IMAPHostFieldName =; baseDN
= "cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=local";

bindDN = "cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=local"; bindPassword =

canAuthenticate = YES; displayName = "Shared Addresses"; hostname =
"localhost"; id = public; isAddressBook = YES; port = 389;})'


/etc/init.d/sogo restart


Don't forgot to change bindPassword and bindDN.




2013/3/11 Olivier Bitsch 

Very happy to heart that, I hold the invitation in australia :P


Is it possible to provide my the log file for /var/log/samba/log.samba and
/var/log/sogo/sogo.log during the tries.






2013/3/11 Steven Swarts 

G'day Oliver,


I have followed your tutorial, first up you are a legend - if you come to
Australia, Perth I will buy you a beer.

Easy to follow, I have got my Win 7 Test machine connected to the domain,
Igestis works great, only 1 issue.




I can log in to the domain controlled windows 7 machine using username set
by igestis - sjswarts - I can find my server in outlook, is underlined and
my set email address is populated correctly. But when Outlook tries to
connect to the default folders it fails with this error:


"Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft
Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize you folders
with your Outlook data file (.ost)"


I also cannot log in to http://*server*ip/SOGo with the same username. The
authentication side works (if I put random name and password it says
authentication failure) but it can't find the username - sjswarts


Any help would be very much appreciated,


Thank you



Steven Swarts


From: Olivier Bitsch [] 
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2013 11:19 PM

Subject: Re: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial


No, it's not missing, it's only in the optional step igestis :


You can add igestis repository and install pam-mkhomedir package, or
download this file at
/usr/share/pam-configs/ and run again pam-auth-update.


Best regards.




2013/3/7 Netwodist 

I think there is one thing missing from pam configuration. It is this line
session required

Which creates a home directory if it doesn't exist for the new user in AD
after authentication.

What do you think Olivier?

On 06/03/13 08:02, Dirk Werner wrote:

Sorry, my mails yesterday did got stuck, don't knwo why.
The WIn client has the sogo server as only DNS Server, I have stopped and
restarted Samba, the file log.samba is very big, here's an excerpt from it
when I try to join the domain and when the message 'Wrong username or
Password' on the Win7 client is shown:

cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3
user=AIRWERK-NB3$ version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]
  cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3
user=AIRWERK-NB3$ version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]
  cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3 user=(null)
version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0

RE: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial

2013-03-10 Thread Steven Swarts
Ok so I changed the password for postgres user sogo, now that error doesn't
show up. However its still showing this in :


tail -f /var/log/sogo/sogo.log


localhost - - [11/Mar/2013:13:53:10 GMT] "GET /SOGo/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3808/0
0.493 11697 67% 3M

Mar 11 13:53:15 sogod [2135]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user
'sjswarts' - expire = -1  grace = -1

Mar 11 13:53:15 sogod [2135]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f4560f653c0[LDAPSource]> Could
not bind to the LDAP server localhost (389) using the bind DN:

Mar 11 13:53:15 sogod [2135]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f4560f653c0[LDAPSource]>
 NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind
failed: Invalid credentials (0x31) INFO:{login =
"cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com"; }

2013-03-11 13:53:15.418 sogod[2135] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL encoding in

localhost - - [11/Mar/2013:13:53:15 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 200
27/48 0.229 - - 932K

2013-03-11 13:53:15.430 sogod[2135] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !

2013-03-11 13:53:15.456 sogod[2135] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector setObject:forKey: on NSNull !

2013-03-11 13:53:15.456 sogod[2135]   didn't set return value for type 'v'

localhost - - [11/Mar/2013:13:53:15 GMT] "GET /SOGo/sjswarts HTTP/1.1" 404
37/0 0.030 - - 44K



Steven Swarts


From: Steven Swarts [] 
Sent: Monday, 11 March 2013 12:46 PM
Subject: RE: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial


G'day Oliver,


I have followed your tutorial, first up you are a legend - if you come to
Australia, Perth I will buy you a beer.

Easy to follow, I have got my Win 7 Test machine connected to the domain,
Igestis works great, only 1 issue.




I can log in to the domain controlled windows 7 machine using username set
by igestis - sjswarts - I can find my server in outlook, is underlined and
my set email address is populated correctly. But when Outlook tries to
connect to the default folders it fails with this error:


"Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft
Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize you folders
with your Outlook data file (.ost)"


I also cannot log in to http://*server*ip/SOGo with the same username. The
authentication side works (if I put random name and password it says
authentication failure) but it can't find the username - sjswarts


Any help would be very much appreciated,


Thank you



Steven Swarts


From: Olivier Bitsch [] 
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2013 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial


No, it's not missing, it's only in the optional step igestis :


You can add igestis repository and install pam-mkhomedir package, or
download this file at
/usr/share/pam-configs/ and run again pam-auth-update.


Best regards.




2013/3/7 Netwodist 

I think there is one thing missing from pam configuration. It is this line
session required

Which creates a home directory if it doesn't exist for the new user in AD
after authentication.

What do you think Olivier?

On 06/03/13 08:02, Dirk Werner wrote:

Sorry, my mails yesterday did got stuck, don't knwo why.
The WIn client has the sogo server as only DNS Server, I have stopped and
restarted Samba, the file log.samba is very big, here's an excerpt from it
when I try to join the domain and when the message 'Wrong username or
Password' on the Win7 client is shown:

cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3
user=AIRWERK-NB3$ version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]
  cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3
user=AIRWERK-NB3$ version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]

RE: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial

2013-03-10 Thread Steven Swarts
G'day Oliver,


I have followed your tutorial, first up you are a legend - if you come to
Australia, Perth I will buy you a beer.

Easy to follow, I have got my Win 7 Test machine connected to the domain,
Igestis works great, only 1 issue.




I can log in to the domain controlled windows 7 machine using username set
by igestis - sjswarts - I can find my server in outlook, is underlined and
my set email address is populated correctly. But when Outlook tries to
connect to the default folders it fails with this error:


"Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft
Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize you folders
with your Outlook data file (.ost)"


I also cannot log in to http://*server*ip/SOGo with the same username. The
authentication side works (if I put random name and password it says
authentication failure) but it can't find the username - sjswarts


Any help would be very much appreciated,


Thank you



Steven Swarts


From: Olivier Bitsch [] 
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2013 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Re: New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial


No, it's not missing, it's only in the optional step igestis :


You can add igestis repository and install pam-mkhomedir package, or
download this file at
/usr/share/pam-configs/ and run again pam-auth-update.


Best regards.




2013/3/7 Netwodist 

I think there is one thing missing from pam configuration. It is this line
session required

Which creates a home directory if it doesn't exist for the new user in AD
after authentication.

What do you think Olivier?

On 06/03/13 08:02, Dirk Werner wrote:

Sorry, my mails yesterday did got stuck, don't knwo why.
The WIn client has the sogo server as only DNS Server, I have stopped and
restarted Samba, the file log.samba is very big, here's an excerpt from it
when I try to join the domain and when the message 'Wrong username or
Password' on the Win7 client is shown:

cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3
user=AIRWERK-NB3$ version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]
  cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3
user=AIRWERK-NB3$ version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]
  cldap netlogon query domain=SOGO.AIRWERK.NET host=AIRWERK-NB3 user=(null)
version=22 guid=(null)
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip=fe80::5054:ff:fece:108c%eth0
bcast=fe80:::::%eth0 netmask=:::::
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  added interface eth0 ip= bcast=
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  4]
  dreplsrv_notify_schedule(5) scheduled for: Tue Mar  5 23:25:01 2013 CET
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  3]
  Kerberos: TGS-REQ from
ipv4: for cifs/
[canonicalize, renewable, forwardable]
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  3]
  Kerberos: TGS-REQ authtime: 2013-03-05T23:24:54 starttime:
2013-03-05T23:24:55 endtime: 2013-03-06T09:24:54 renew till:
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  3]
  Terminating connection - 'kdc_tcp_call_loop: tstream_read_pdu_blob_recv()
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  5]
  imessaging: cleaning up /var/lib/samba/private/smbd.tmp/msg/msg.0.34
[2013/03/05 23:24:55,  3]
  single_terminate: reason[kdc_tcp_call_loop:

RE: [SOGo] Help installing from source

2013-01-25 Thread Steven Swarts
Ah nevermind. the tutorial doesn't tell you to make sure that Samba4 isn't

Funnily enough you need it to run to resolve DNS but it can't due to the
fact that slapd uses port 389 as well.

Onto the next part. Love this stuff J



Steven Swarts


From: Steven Swarts [] 
Sent: Saturday, 26 January 2013 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: [SOGo] Help installing from source


Thanks Rowland,


Now however my Debian system fails to install slapd.

$ apt-get install slapd




root@server2:/etc/apache2/conf.d# apt-get install slapd

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

Suggested packages:


The following NEW packages will be installed:


0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 0 B/1,589 kB of archives.

After this operation, 4,018 kB of additional disk space will be used.

Preconfiguring packages ...

Selecting previously deselected package slapd.

(Reading database ... 64390 files and directories currently installed.)

Unpacking slapd (from .../slapd_2.4.23-7.2_amd64.deb) ...

Processing triggers for man-db ...

Setting up slapd (2.4.23-7.2) ...

  Moving old database directory to /var/backups:

  - directory unknown... done.

  Creating initial configuration... done.

  Creating LDAP directory... done.

Starting OpenLDAP: slapd failed!

invoke-rc.d: initscript slapd, action "start" failed.

dpkg: error processing slapd (--configure):

subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

configured to not write apport reports

  Errors were encountered while


E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


I've tried googling, some say it's a broken package. Is this true? Do I need
to compile from source as well?


Another question why does SOGo require slapd? Can't it use Samba4 to
authenticate? Doesn't Samba4 have its own slapd? Is that possibly what is
causing the issue?


Thanks in advance



Steven Swarts


From: Rowland Penny [] 
Sent: Saturday, 26 January 2013 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Help installing from source


On 25/01/13 17:12, Steven Swarts wrote:

Thank you for the heads up, I have now completed everything up until the run

As openchange user I run the command


$ sogod 


This is what it comes back with:


-su: sogod: command not found


Any ideas?



Steven Swarts


From: Rowland Penny [] 
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2013 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Help installing from source


On 25/01/13 03:38, Steven Swarts wrote:

G'day guys,


I'm following this tutorial: 


Major steps 








Now I'm trying to compile and run openchange, sogo, sope as an exchange
replacement on the Debian 6 Squeeze server.


So far everything is working as expected.


However part of the SOGo tutorial assumes that I have a user openchange
which I've created (I'm guessing from the beginning) but I didn't.


All I have is root user access, and so far that didn't cause any issues.


Does this mean that I have duped my whole system? Need to re-install
everything using sudoers and a username openchange?? Does he have to be part
of root group?


I couldn't find any information on the tutorial about that.


Thanks in advance,


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

Hi, I pointed this out some time ago, just create the user:

useradd -d /home/openchange -m -N -r -s /bin/false openchange

then become the user:

su - -s /bin/bash openchange

then continue where you left off, just type 'exit' after you have done the
SOGo commands, you will need to become the openchange user again to run SOGo


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

Hi again, just use the full path: /usr/local/sbin/sogod


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 


RE: [SOGo] Help installing from source

2013-01-25 Thread Steven Swarts
Thanks Rowland,


Now however my Debian system fails to install slapd.

$ apt-get install slapd




root@server2:/etc/apache2/conf.d# apt-get install slapd

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

Suggested packages:


The following NEW packages will be installed:


0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 0 B/1,589 kB of archives.

After this operation, 4,018 kB of additional disk space will be used.

Preconfiguring packages ...

Selecting previously deselected package slapd.

(Reading database ... 64390 files and directories currently installed.)

Unpacking slapd (from .../slapd_2.4.23-7.2_amd64.deb) ...

Processing triggers for man-db ...

Setting up slapd (2.4.23-7.2) ...

  Moving old database directory to /var/backups:

  - directory unknown... done.

  Creating initial configuration... done.

  Creating LDAP directory... done.

Starting OpenLDAP: slapd failed!

invoke-rc.d: initscript slapd, action "start" failed.

dpkg: error processing slapd (--configure):

subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

configured to not write apport reports

  Errors were encountered while


E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


I've tried googling, some say it's a broken package. Is this true? Do I need
to compile from source as well?


Another question why does SOGo require slapd? Can't it use Samba4 to
authenticate? Doesn't Samba4 have its own slapd? Is that possibly what is
causing the issue?


Thanks in advance



Steven Swarts


From: Rowland Penny [] 
Sent: Saturday, 26 January 2013 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Help installing from source


On 25/01/13 17:12, Steven Swarts wrote:

Thank you for the heads up, I have now completed everything up until the run

As openchange user I run the command


$ sogod 


This is what it comes back with:


-su: sogod: command not found


Any ideas?



Steven Swarts


From: Rowland Penny [] 
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2013 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Help installing from source


On 25/01/13 03:38, Steven Swarts wrote:

G'day guys,


I'm following this tutorial: 


Major steps 








Now I'm trying to compile and run openchange, sogo, sope as an exchange
replacement on the Debian 6 Squeeze server.


So far everything is working as expected.


However part of the SOGo tutorial assumes that I have a user openchange
which I've created (I'm guessing from the beginning) but I didn't.


All I have is root user access, and so far that didn't cause any issues.


Does this mean that I have duped my whole system? Need to re-install
everything using sudoers and a username openchange?? Does he have to be part
of root group?


I couldn't find any information on the tutorial about that.


Thanks in advance,


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

Hi, I pointed this out some time ago, just create the user:

useradd -d /home/openchange -m -N -r -s /bin/false openchange

then become the user:

su - -s /bin/bash openchange

then continue where you left off, just type 'exit' after you have done the
SOGo commands, you will need to become the openchange user again to run SOGo


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

Hi again, just use the full path: /usr/local/sbin/sogod


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 


RE: [SOGo] Help installing from source

2013-01-25 Thread Steven Swarts
Thank you for the heads up, I have now completed everything up until the run

As openchange user I run the command


$ sogod 


This is what it comes back with:


-su: sogod: command not found


Any ideas?



Steven Swarts


From: Rowland Penny [] 
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2013 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Help installing from source


On 25/01/13 03:38, Steven Swarts wrote:

G'day guys,


I'm following this tutorial: 


Major steps 








Now I'm trying to compile and run openchange, sogo, sope as an exchange
replacement on the Debian 6 Squeeze server.


So far everything is working as expected.


However part of the SOGo tutorial assumes that I have a user openchange
which I've created (I'm guessing from the beginning) but I didn't.


All I have is root user access, and so far that didn't cause any issues.


Does this mean that I have duped my whole system? Need to re-install
everything using sudoers and a username openchange?? Does he have to be part
of root group?


I couldn't find any information on the tutorial about that.


Thanks in advance,


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 

Hi, I pointed this out some time ago, just create the user:

useradd -d /home/openchange -m -N -r -s /bin/false openchange

then become the user:

su - -s /bin/bash openchange

then continue where you left off, just type 'exit' after you have done the
SOGo commands, you will need to become the openchange user again to run SOGo


This message has been scanned for viruses and 
dangerous content by  <> MailScanner, and is 
believed to be clean. 


[SOGo] Help installing from source

2013-01-24 Thread Steven Swarts
G'day guys,


I'm following this tutorial: 


Major steps 








Now I'm trying to compile and run openchange, sogo, sope as an exchange
replacement on the Debian 6 Squeeze server.


So far everything is working as expected.


However part of the SOGo tutorial assumes that I have a user openchange
which I've created (I'm guessing from the beginning) but I didn't.


All I have is root user access, and so far that didn't cause any issues.


Does this mean that I have duped my whole system? Need to re-install
everything using sudoers and a username openchange?? Does he have to be part
of root group?


I couldn't find any information on the tutorial about that.


Thanks in advance,

