Re: [SOGo] SOGO without OpenChange?

2015-03-28 Thread Kai-Uwe Rommel wrote on 28.03.2015 18:17:21:
> I'm not completely sure of the relationship between SOGO and OpenChange, 
> this is what I believe: SOGO is a groupware server, providing 
> email, and calendars; OpenChange is for making SOGO (and other groupware
> servers?) accessible by Microsoft Outlook (possibly other MS products?).
> My general question is: is the above approximately correct?

Yes, I think so.
> My other question is mostly specific to Zentyal (I've also asked the 
> on their forum, but would appreciate thoughts from the SOGO community as
> well): do I need to configure or have installed the OpenChange component 
> Zentyal if I don't plan to use Outlook? I would probably use the 
> client on Windows machines, and Apple's Mail, Contacts, and Calendar
> applications on Mac machines.

Yes, this is possible, you don't need OpenChange. I also run a SOGo server
without OpenChange (even without an LDAP or Samba server).

Kai-Uwe Rommel

ARS Computer und Consulting GmbH,
Ridlerstrasse 55, 80339 Muenchen, Deutschland

Application Development Services, Business Transformation Services, IT 
Infrastruktur Services
Beratung und Vertrieb zu IBM Software, System x, POWER Systems, Storage
License Management Services, IBM Passport Advantage Lizenzierung

Handelsregister Muenchen, HRB 101829, USt-ID: DE 155 068 909
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michael Arbesmeier, Kai-Uwe Rommel, Roland Schock, 
Joachim Gucker


[SOGo] SOGO without OpenChange?

2015-03-28 Thread gary
I'm not completely sure of the relationship between SOGO and OpenChange, but
this is what I believe: SOGO is a groupware server, providing shared contacts,
email, and calendars; OpenChange is for making SOGO (and other groupware
servers?) accessible by Microsoft Outlook (possibly other MS products?).

My general question is: is the above approximately correct?

My other question is mostly specific to Zentyal (I've also asked the question
on their forum, but would appreciate thoughts from the SOGO community as
well): do I need to configure or have installed the OpenChange component in
Zentyal if I don't plan to use Outlook? I would probably use the Thunderbird
client on Windows machines, and Apple's Mail, Contacts, and Calendar
applications on Mac machines.

Any clarification would be most welcome.


Gary Schiltz
Mindo, Ecuador