Can't get enough of those EvilNumbers...

2021-07-12 Thread Jared Hall
Turns out I ordered Norton for like a gazillion machines.  Add this 
number, +1(867)768-0009, to the list thusly:

Services Activated Successfully.

Order Details:-

0rder Date:   July 12, 2021

Product :   Norton

Amount :  USD 311.06

Order ID : AKSF-624F

Payment Mode :Auto-Debit

If you have any issues regarding this order,

Connect with us: +1(867)768-0009.

Thanks and Regards,



-- Jared Hall

Re: Email Phishing and Zloader: Redux

2021-07-12 Thread Jared Hall
1) Kenneth:  Uncomment the line in v343.  Rules in the present 
are thusly:

ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OLEVBMacro

  # increase number of mime parts checked

  olemacro_num_mime 10

  if (version >= 3.0040005)

    body KAM_OLEMACRO eval:check_olemacro()

    describe KAM_OLEMACRO Attachment has an Office Macro

    score    KAM_OLEMACRO 7.5

    body KAM_OLEMACRO_MALICE eval:check_olemacro_malice()

    describe KAM_OLEMACRO_MALICE Potentially malicious Office Macro

    score    KAM_OLEMACRO_MALICE 10.0

    body KAM_OLEMACRO_ENCRYPTED eval:check_olemacro_encrypted()

    describe KAM_OLEMACRO_ENCRYPTED Has an Office doc that is encrypted


    #This may cause more CPU usage

    olemacro_extended_scan 1

    body KAM_OLEMACRO_RENAME eval:check_olemacro_renamed()

    describe KAM_OLEMACRO_RENAME Has an Office doc that has been renamed

    score    KAM_OLEMACRO_RENAME 0.5


    describe GB_OLEMACRO_REN_VIR Olemacro and fake Outlook

    score    GB_OLEMACRO_REN_VIR 10


  body KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW eval:check_olemacro_zip_password()

  describe KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW Has an Office doc that is password protected in 
a zip

  score    KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW 1.0

  body KAM_OLEMACRO_CSV eval:check_olemacro_csv()

  describe KAM_OLEMACRO_CSV Macro in csv file

  score    KAM_OLEMACRO_CSV 5.0


  #describe KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW_NOMID  OLE macro sent by a bot / ratware

  #score    KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW_NOMID  5.0


  describe KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_BOT    OLE macro sent by a bot / ratware

  score    KAM_OLEMACRO_ZIP_BOT    5.0


Yes, there does seems to be one "endif" too many but  I don't think it 
matters much with this type of a plugin.

Thanks for the information from hornetsecurity.  It's the most 
comprehensive write-up on Zloader that I've seen.

I did do some testing with Word and MHTML.  A Word document when sent 
out is assigned Content-Type: application/msword and 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64.  A MHTML file is sent out with 
Content-Type: text/html and Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 
(w/ my document anyway).

I'm curious as to what HornetSecurity saw in their E-mail MIME header.  
It DOES make a difference, at least regarding plugin scanning.  But a 
.doc file is a .doc file as far as Word is concerned.

I put forth a query to them.  I'll let you know if they respond.

-- Jared Hall

I simpy uncommented it in /etc/spamassassin/v343.pre:

# OLEVBMacro - Detects both OLE macros and VB code inside Office 

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OLEVBMacro

the takes care of the rest.

Re: SPAM scanned twice

2021-07-12 Thread Joe Acquisto-j4
I just forgot how email works, it seems.

It just now struck me it is not be rescanned at all, but merely has the 
posted again, so it appears as part of the "new message"?  I thought it odd the
SPAM scores were identical.  That should have been the first clue x four.  

But, no . . .

In the words of Lt. Commander Data, I was "chasing an untamed ornithoid 
without cause".   

Perhaps sheepishly yours . . . . 

joe a.

> On Monday 12 July 2021 at 20:07:16, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>> SpamAssassin 3.4.5 (2021-03-20) on Suse Leap 15.2 (their distro IIRC)
>> Noticed that mail marked as SPAM was scanned again by SA after it had been
>> "disposed" as an attachment.
>> I uncommented  "report_safe 0" and did a restart of SA.   Next SPAM came
>> through as a normal email, still marked as SPAM and only scanned once.
> I think we'd need to know a bit more about how you have SpamAssassin 
> connected 
> in with your MTA, and what your delivery paths are, to be able to comment 
> usefully.
> Antony
> -- 
> GIT/E d- s+:--(-) a+ C$(---) UL$ P+(---)>++ L+++()$ !E W(-) N(-) 
> o? w--(---) O !M V+++(--) !PS !PE Y+ PGP+> t- !tv@ b+++ DI++ D--- e+++(*) h++ 
> 5? !X- !R K--? G-
>Please reply to the list;
>  please *don't* CC 
> me.

Re: Process of domain submission for inclusion in

2021-07-12 Thread Bill Cole
On 2021-07-12 at 14:38:43 UTC-0400 (Mon, 12 Jul 2021 20:38:43 +0200)
Robert Harnischmacher 
is rumored to have said:

> Hi Bill,
> thanks for the detailed explanations. I understand the purpose of the 
> def_whitelist_auth list better now, but wonder if its benefit is not 
> overcompensated by significant negative effects, certainly not desired by the 
> community.
> First of all, I would like to contribute some statistical findings:
> A look at the exemplary group of the largest 1,000 U.S. online stores 
> according to Alexa Rank shows that about 15 percent of the domains are 
> whitelisted in There are no significant and especially 
> no consistent differences in the email reputation of these 15 percent 
> compared to the rest of the top 1,000.

Sure there is: they have a default WL entry in SpamAssasin. That's a reputation 
metric in itself, albeit a very noisy and incomplete metric.

I feel like I need to point out that SpamAssassin is designed on the premise 
that there is no such thing as a perfect rule for discriminating between spam 
and ham. Imperfection in a SA rule or feature is not enough of a reason for it 
to be removed altogether.

> This would not be a problem if the Spamassassin whitelist did not 
> unintentionally give the 15 percent a competitive advantage. Based on the 
> high spam score bonus of 7.5 points, which USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL and 
> USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL bring, one can for example risk a higher frequency of mass 
> mailings, run riskier reactivation campaigns or write to "broader" 
> distribution lists: Possible spam scores, for example due to blacklisting, 
> would be ironed out by the above-mentioned "bonus". And indeed: With some 
> stores from the 15 percent group I see again and again - partly even 
> consistently - serious blacklistings.

If you (or anyone) has definitive evidence of a sender with a default WL entry 
sending spam which is classified by SA as ham incorrectly, you can submit it in 
a bug report and there's a very strong chance that the WL entry will be removed.

Hand-waving about what the general feature of a default WL might enable for 
hypothetically listed senders is not an actionable bug report. If we removed 
every feature in SA that had hypothetical negative effects, it would be a 
useless and tiny bit of software.

> There are about 16 DKIM rules and 12 SPF rules in Spamassassin that are meant 
> to evaluate in a technically automated way whether and how good the SPF and 
> DKIM implementation of a sender is. Interestingly, the comment in 
> says: "These listings are intended to (...) reward 
> senders that send with good SPF, DKIM, and DMARC." With this in mind, it 
> seems like a logical overlap to me that USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL and 
> USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL introduce additional high "bonus" scores based solely on 
> human judgment at the one-time point of a check. Almost all of the senders 
> listed in have changed their email service providers one 
> or more times over the years, with sometimes significant changes in the 
> quality of their deliverability settings and with significant differences in 
> list hygiene, sending frequency, etc. But the spam score bonus of 7.5 remains 
> nailed down all the time!

Anyone using SA can set that value to anything they like, including zero, or 
knock out individual senders from the list as they like. For example, I knock 
the bonus for those rules down to 2 points on systems where I control scoring. 
Anyone running SA can do the same.

> In short, I would recommend considering removing the DKIM and SPF whitelists 
> in Spamassassin altogether. It would make the spam-fighting world a better 
> and fairer place!

I am unconvinced that "better" is true and I am quite sure that "fairer" 
doesn't have a useful definition in this context. Nothing in SA is designed to 
provide "fairness" between different senders or between senders and recipients. 
We are heavily biased towards our users, who are the recipients and their 
immediate service providers. If a feature benefits THEM uniformly while 
unevenly punishing/benefitting various senders, that's just fine.

The purpose of the default WL is to eliminate "false positive" spam 
identification for mail whose senders have had such problems for affirmatively 
wanted mail (as noticed by SA users) while NOT sending any discernible spam.  
As far as I can tell, there's never been a case of a sender successfully 
advocating for inclusion or even being consulted about inclusion or removal. 
We've not had any cases of a listing being a matter of meaningful controversy. 
I have no idea how we'd handle anything resembling an edge case.

>> Am 29.06.2021 um 06:52 schrieb Bill Cole 
>> :
>> On 2021-06-28 at 17:04:05 UTC-0400 (Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:04:05 +0200)
>> Robert Harnischmacher 
>> is rumored to have said:
>>> In which form can one submit the subdomain of a mail sender for the 
>>> integration in 

Re: Process of domain submission for inclusion in

2021-07-12 Thread Robert Harnischmacher
Hi Bill,

thanks for the detailed explanations. I understand the purpose of the 
def_whitelist_auth list better now, but wonder if its benefit is not 
overcompensated by significant negative effects, certainly not desired by the 

First of all, I would like to contribute some statistical findings:

A look at the exemplary group of the largest 1,000 U.S. online stores according 
to Alexa Rank shows that about 15 percent of the domains are whitelisted in There are no significant and especially no consistent 
differences in the email reputation of these 15 percent compared to the rest of 
the top 1,000. This would not be a problem if the Spamassassin whitelist did 
not unintentionally give the 15 percent a competitive advantage. Based on the 
high spam score bonus of 7.5 points, which USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL and 
USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL bring, one can for example risk a higher frequency of mass 
mailings, run riskier reactivation campaigns or write to "broader" distribution 
lists: Possible spam scores, for example due to blacklisting, would be ironed 
out by the above-mentioned "bonus". And indeed: With some stores from the 15 
percent group I see again and again - partly even consistently - serious 

There are about 16 DKIM rules and 12 SPF rules in Spamassassin that are meant 
to evaluate in a technically automated way whether and how good the SPF and 
DKIM implementation of a sender is. Interestingly, the comment in says: "These listings are intended to (...) reward 
senders that send with good SPF, DKIM, and DMARC." With this in mind, it seems 
like a logical overlap to me that USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL and USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL 
introduce additional high "bonus" scores based solely on human judgment at the 
one-time point of a check. Almost all of the senders listed in have changed their email service providers one or more 
times over the years, with sometimes significant changes in the quality of 
their deliverability settings and with significant differences in list hygiene, 
sending frequency, etc. But the spam score bonus of 7.5 remains nailed down all 
the time! 

In short, I would recommend considering removing the DKIM and SPF whitelists in 
Spamassassin altogether. It would make the spam-fighting world a better and 
fairer place!



> Am 29.06.2021 um 06:52 schrieb Bill Cole 
> :
> On 2021-06-28 at 17:04:05 UTC-0400 (Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:04:05 +0200)
> Robert Harnischmacher 
> is rumored to have said:
>> In which form can one submit the subdomain of a mail sender for the 
>> integration in Which information is required for 
>> consideration?
> There is no process by which a sender can pro-actively apply for the addition 
> of a def_whitelist_auth entry in that file. Entries are added rarely, when a 
> committer to the project sees a need for an entry due to false positives or 
> borderline scoring of messages from a sender who is not known to send ANY 
> spam and is known to send "ham" that users value highly. Removal of entries 
> is equally ad hoc and unilateral, and more rare. If a committer is convinced 
> that an entry is causing spam to be misclassified as ham, they can remove 
> that entry.
> Note that the above describes concrete process and vague criteria, not any 
> sort of objective formal policy. There is no objective official policy. The 
> normal state for any sender is to not have an entry. I believe that most 
> committers to the project would agree with me that ideally there would be no 
> such list because high-value ham would be more readily distinguishable from 
> spam. Additions and removals happen when they are believed to address a 
> concrete problem being experienced by actual SpamAssassin users. I don't 
> recall any significant disagreements about entries in that list, but if there 
> were any they could be discussed here or on the 'dev' list. Ultimately, the 
> PMC would be the final authority on including an entry or not, however our 
> processes for deciding anything that becomes an issue for the PMC is biased 
> towards stability, not agility.
> -- 
> Bill Cole
> or
> (AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
> Not Currently Available For Hire

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: SPAM scanned twice

2021-07-12 Thread Antony Stone
On Monday 12 July 2021 at 20:07:16, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:

> SpamAssassin 3.4.5 (2021-03-20) on Suse Leap 15.2 (their distro IIRC)
> Noticed that mail marked as SPAM was scanned again by SA after it had been
> "disposed" as an attachment.
> I uncommented  "report_safe 0" and did a restart of SA.   Next SPAM came
> through as a normal email, still marked as SPAM and only scanned once.

I think we'd need to know a bit more about how you have SpamAssassin connected 
in with your MTA, and what your delivery paths are, to be able to comment 


GIT/E d- s+:--(-) a+ C$(---) UL$ P+(---)>++ L+++()$ !E W(-) N(-) 
o? w--(---) O !M V+++(--) !PS !PE Y+ PGP+> t- !tv@ b+++ DI++ D--- e+++(*) h++ 
5? !X- !R K--? G-

   Please reply to the list;
 please *don't* CC me.

SPAM scanned twice

2021-07-12 Thread Joe Acquisto-j4
SpamAssassin 3.4.5 (2021-03-20) on Suse Leap 15.2 (their distro IIRC)

Noticed that mail marked as SPAM was scanned again by SA after it had been 
"disposed" as an attachment.

I uncommented  "report_safe 0" and did a restart of SA.   Next SPAM came through
as a normal email, still marked as SPAM and only scanned once.

Don't recall seeing that behavior mentioned anywhere and wondering if it is 
"working as designed"?

Re: Email Phishing and Zloader: Such a Disappointment

2021-07-12 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
--On Sunday, July 11, 2021 4:55 PM -0400 "Kevin A. McGrail" 

We use the olevbmacro detection added to SA.  I would guess that's
blocking the payload.I would guess that's blocking the payload.

On 11.07.21 13:35, Kenneth Porter wrote:
I see the plugin in the distribution but it doesn't appear to be 
loaded by default and the rules in the plugin's man page don't appear 
in the downloaded rules. So I guess I need to create a custom cf file.

I simpy uncommented it in /etc/spamassassin/v343.pre:

# OLEVBMacro - Detects both OLE macros and VB code inside Office documents
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OLEVBMacro

the takes care of the rest.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

Re: Email Phishing and Zloader: Such a Disappointment

2021-07-12 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas

On 7/11/2021 5:11 PM, John Hardin wrote:
"The other parts contain an application/ and 
an application/x-mso file. Which (in addition to the text/xml 
files) are used by Microsoft Word to load the embedded Word 

Would the presence of all three of those MIME types be a 
scorable indicator?

On Sun, 11 Jul 2021, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
If you can get me a spample, I'm sure I can tell you but in 
general we block macros so that's all that's needed.  Likely the 
OLEVBMacro plugin and KAM ruleset is blocking all of these already 
if you have the plugin enabled.

On 12/07/2021 07:40, Dave Funk wrote:
Aren't there already rules and heuristics in ClamAV for detecting 
VBmacros in office docs?

I've got two copies of ClamAV running, one used as a blocking direct 
milter with default rules and another one feeding into the SA 
"" plugin with extra rules and heuristics/algorithms 

On 12.07.21 08:51, Dominic Raferd wrote:
I quarantine emails that are caught by ClamAV with 'ScanOLE2 true' and 
'AlertOLE2Macros true'; these are then checked by command-line tool 
mraptor (part of olevba) to see if the macros are truly malicious.

I will try the OLEVBMacro plugin alongside, thanks for the heads up.

note that standard SA rules don't contain any rule using the OLEVBMacro
functions, but the do.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
REALITY.SYS corrupted. Press any key to reboot Universe.

Re: Email Phishing and Zloader: Such a Disappointment

2021-07-12 Thread Pedro David Marco
   >On Monday, July 12, 2021, 04:01:03 AM GMT+2, Kevin A. McGrail 
>If you can get me a spample, I'm sure I can tell you but in general we 
>block macros so that's all that's needed.  Likely the OLEVBMacro plugin 
>and KAM ruleset is blocking all of these already if you have the plugin 

The inital email has not a macro... they use an old MS feature where a document 
marks itself as "incomplete" andtells MS Office App where to download the  
missing part, that contains the payload.
To my knowledge (very limited) only zipped versions of MS files can use that 
feature. Within them, there are 2 data structures to checkif you want to find 


Re: Email Phishing and Zloader: Such a Disappointment

2021-07-12 Thread Dominic Raferd

On 12/07/2021 07:40, Dave Funk wrote:

On Sun, 11 Jul 2021, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 7/11/2021 5:11 PM, John Hardin wrote:
"The other parts contain an application/ and an 
application/x-mso file. Which (in addition to the text/xml files) 
are used by Microsoft Word to load the embedded Word document."

Would the presence of all three of those MIME types be a scorable 

If you can get me a spample, I'm sure I can tell you but in general 
we block macros so that's all that's needed.  Likely the OLEVBMacro 
plugin and KAM ruleset is blocking all of these already if you have 
the plugin enabled.

Aren't there already rules and heuristics in ClamAV for detecting 
VBmacros in office docs?

I've got two copies of ClamAV running, one used as a blocking direct 
milter with default rules and another one feeding into the SA 
"" plugin with extra rules and heuristics/algorithms enabled.

I quarantine emails that are caught by ClamAV with 'ScanOLE2 true' and 
'AlertOLE2Macros true'; these are then checked by command-line tool 
mraptor (part of olevba) to see if the macros are truly malicious.

I will try the OLEVBMacro plugin alongside, thanks for the heads up.

Re: Email Phishing and Zloader: Such a Disappointment

2021-07-12 Thread Dave Funk

On Sun, 11 Jul 2021, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 7/11/2021 5:11 PM, John Hardin wrote:
"The other parts contain an application/ and an 
application/x-mso file. Which (in addition to the text/xml files) are used 
by Microsoft Word to load the embedded Word document."

Would the presence of all three of those MIME types be a scorable 

If you can get me a spample, I'm sure I can tell you but in general we block 
macros so that's all that's needed.  Likely the OLEVBMacro plugin and KAM 
ruleset is blocking all of these already if you have the plugin enabled.



Aren't there already rules and heuristics in ClamAV for detecting VBmacros in 
office docs?

I've got two copies of ClamAV running, one used as a blocking direct milter with 
default rules and another one feeding into the SA "" plugin with extra 
rules and heuristics/algorithms enabled.

Dave Funk   University of Iowa
 College of Engineering
319/335-5751   FAX: 319/384-05491256 Seamans Center, 103 S Capitol St.
Sys_admin/Postmaster/cell_admin Iowa City, IA 52242-1527
Better is not better, 'standard' is better. B{