Re: FuzzyOcr 3.5.1 released

2007-05-08 Thread Bill Maidment
The installation notes for Fedora Core (version 5 and 6) should say that the 
rpm needed
is giflib-utils not libungif-utils. Can someone amend the wiki please? I don't 
know how
to use a wiki (in fact I really don't like them).

Bill Maidment
Maidment Enterprises Pty Ltd

sa-update behind a proxy server

2006-10-18 Thread Bill Maidment
Hi fellow assassins
I want to run sa-update from behind a proxy server. Can someone point me to the 
that covers this.


Bill Maidment
Maidment Enterprises Pty Ltd

Re: FuzzyOcr mailing list

2006-08-21 Thread Bill Maidment

Thanks for a great addition to Spamassassin. Please keep it on the 
Spamassassin list (except for configuration help). I have found it very 
useful so far using the 2.2 beta1.
I have made a small change for my purposes, which was needed because the 
temporary files were not unique using mimedefang. I added a date/time 
stamp to the file names in the perl  module:

my $firstline = ($p->decode())[0];
-->my $ts = time;
-->my $tempfile = $tmppath . "/" . "spamassassin.$$" . $ts . ".focr";
-->my $errfile = $tmppath . "/" . "spamassassin.$$" . $ts . ".focr.err";
if ($firstline =~ /^\x47\x49\x46/) {

This is useful if the temp files get left behind after a failure like this:
Aug 21 20:38:21 b090lx4 mimedefang-multiplexor[26383]: Slave 1 stderr: 
Aug 21 20:38:21 b090lx4 mimedefang-multiplexor[26383]: Slave 1 stderr: 
error reading magic number

Aug 21 20:38:21 b090lx4 mimedefang-multiplexor[26383]: Slave 1 stderr:
Aug 21 20:38:21 b090lx4 mimedefang-multiplexor[26383]: Slave 1 stderr: 
Aug 21 20:38:21 b090lx4 mimedefang-multiplexor[26383]: Slave 1 stderr: 
EOF / read error reading magic number

Aug 21 20:38:21 b090lx4 mimedefang-multiplexor[26383]: Slave 1 stderr:

BTW What causes this type of error?

Bill Maidment
Maidment Enterprises Pty Ltd

si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es

Re: RBL with Spamassassin works, but spamc/spamd don't use it - solved

2006-08-04 Thread Bill Maidment

John Andersen wrote:

On Friday 04 August 2006 02:07, Bill Maidment wrote:

Thanks. I've done that (see attached). I'm not running razor and nothing
else seems to jump out at me. Any more ideas?

Ooops, found your attachment.  Nothing obvious.  
Grab a real spam and send it thru spamassassin  
Then run the same thru spamd.  See if scores match.

If not, just replace spamd with spamassassin in your procmail or whatever
you use for local delivery.  See if that helps.

see if you have more than one copy of spamd around.  Like in the wrong 

Run spamd -h 
and see if its the right version.  


Ooops for me too. I'd made two mistakes.
1. I'm running mimedefang, so spamd is irrelevant to my problem as it is 
the mimdefang daemon that is handling the email.
2. I'd accidentally deleted the $SALocalTestsOnly = 0; line in my 

Many thanks for your help. At least I've learnt a bit about debugging 
spamassassin in the process.


Bill Maidment
Maidment Enterprises Pty Ltd

si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es

Re: RBL with Spamassassin works, but spamc/spamd don't use it

2006-08-04 Thread Bill Maidment

John Andersen wrote:

On Friday 04 August 2006 00:57, Bill Maidment wrote:

I've got a similar problem. I've just moved from a 32 bit AMD to a 64
bit AMD for my external mail server and now the rbls don't trigger. I'm
not using -L as the following from ps shows.
27386 ?Ss 0:05 /usr/bin/spamd -d -q -x -m5 -H -r

spamassassin --lint --debug

And read it carefully where it starts mentioning razor2 and 
spamcop etc.


Thanks. I've done that (see attached). I'm not running razor and nothing 
else seems to jump out at me. Any more ideas?

Bill Maidment
Maidment Enterprises Pty Ltd

si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es

[30333] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
[30333] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
[30333] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.1.3
[30333] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
[30333] dbg: util: running in taint mode? yes
[30333] dbg: util: taint mode: deleting unsafe environment variables, resetting 
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/kerberos/sbin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/kerberos/bin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/local/sbin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/local/bin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/sbin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/bin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping
[30333] dbg: util: PATH included '/root/bin', which doesn't exist, dropping
[30333] dbg: util: final PATH set to: 
[30333] dbg: message:  MIME PARSER START 
[30333] dbg: message: main message type: text/plain
[30333] dbg: message: parsing normal part
[30333] dbg: message: added part, type: text/plain
[30333] dbg: message:  MIME PARSER END 
[30333] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
[30333] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.57
[30333] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.008008 linux
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.10
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Getopt::Long, version 2.35
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 2.033
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: HTTP::Date, version 1.47
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Archive::Tar, version 1.29
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Zlib, version 1.04
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.51
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.05
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.814
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.57
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::SMTP, version 2.29
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::SPF::Query, version 1.997
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: IP::Country::Fast, version 309.002
[30333] dbg: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent ('require' 
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::Ident, version 1.20
[30333] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::INET6 ('require' failed)
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::SSL, version 0.97
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.86
[30333] dbg: diag: module installed: DBI, version 1.50
[30333] dbg: ignore: using a test message to lint rules
[30333] dbg: config: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules pre files
[30333] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre
[30333] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre
[30333] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v312.pre
[30333] dbg: config: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for sys rules pre files
[30333] dbg: config: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[30333] dbg: config: read f

Re: RBL with Spamassassin works, but spamc/spamd don't use it

2006-08-04 Thread Bill Maidment

John Andersen wrote:

On Thursday 03 August 2006 04:47, decoder wrote:


Recently I installed some rbl rules, using DNS, enabled rbl checks in
the config etc. It all works fine with spamassassin < message. I see
several scores from blacklists, so it is working.

The problem is, spamc/spamd don't use these rules, they simply ignore
rbl for the same kind of spam. I've restarted spamd and verified that it
isn't set to local tests only.

Sounds like spamd was started with -L
This is a favorite SuSE trick.  If running SuSE see /etc/sysconfig/spamd
If running something else, check what starts spamd.  Also view
you /var/log/messages as spamd starts because some distros put
spamd in strange places and you end up running the old one, not the new 


I've got a similar problem. I've just moved from a 32 bit AMD to a 64 
bit AMD for my external mail server and now the rbls don't trigger. I'm 
not using -L as the following from ps shows.
27386 ?Ss 0:05 /usr/bin/spamd -d -q -x -m5 -H -r 

I've got another 32 bit AMD for the internal mail server with identical 
setup and the rbls trigger on that one. has
skip_rbl_checks 0
dns_available yes

Any clues where to start looking?

Bill Maidment
Maidment Enterprises Pty Ltd

si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es

Re: Spam Assasin rule details

2005-10-16 Thread Bill Maidment

jdow wrote:

From: "Loren Wilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How I unsubscribe this list ?!

Same way anyone else would.


NOW I have to clean the tea off my monitor.

   (The poor sap^H^H^Hfellow should look in his message headers
   for the list unsubscribe information. The way he asked he's
   not getting more than that out of me.)

You *are* a cruel bunch of b...
Those who are less well versed in mailing lists don't have their headers 
displaying, so it's really not that obvious. I don't think he asked 
*too* badly.

Anyway, what *REAL* programmer drinks tea


What's the difference between Linux and Windoze?
Linux   - Thousands of programmers are working *WITH*you.
Windoze - Thousands of programmers are working *AGAINST* you.

Re: testing

2005-06-30 Thread Bill Maidment

Ed Kasky wrote:


On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:

Hey all, I'm not seeing some of my messages come through to the list. 
Could someone tell me if they get this?



Dan Mahoney
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

Sorry. I didn't get this message ;-)

  that confusion created when one's mind overrides the desire to
  choke the living daylights out of some jerk who really deserves it.

Re: Exim Mail Server

2005-05-19 Thread Bill Maidment
Jeffrey N. Miller wrote:
I use Spamassassin with Sendmail and I am thinking about going to Exim.  Does 
it make a difference to Spamassassin with mimedefang?
I'm about to go the same way. I believe mimedefang only works in 
sendmail, but exim will do all the mimedefang things with a small bit of 

What's the difference between Linux and Windoze?
Linux   - Thousands of programmers are working *WITH*you.
Windoze - Thousands of programmers are working *AGAINST* you.

Re: Bombarded by German political spam

2005-05-18 Thread Bill Maidment
Jeff Chan wrote:
IIRC Sober P advertised free World Cup tickets or something like
that.  That would tend to get people to open the virus spams in
Europe, but probably wouldn't mean sh!t here in the U.S. where
probably fewer than 1 in 10 people has any idea what a "World
Cup" is.  Superbowl they've heard of.  World Cup not.  ;-)
Ignorant b*s*ar*s
What's the difference between Linux and Windoze?
Linux   - Thousands of programmers are working *WITH*you.
Windoze - Thousands of programmers are working *AGAINST* you.