Re: NOTE: Warning to Abusers of Update Servers

2017-11-25 Thread Jens Schleusener

On Thu, 23 Nov 2017, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 11/23/2017 6:31 PM, Dave Warren wrote:
Would more mirrors be useful? I've got a ton of spare upstream bandwidth 
and am in the progress of setting up a few mirrors for other projects.

Sure.  Always helps to spread the load more.

All you have to do is setup sa-update.XYZ.tld and add an rsync command every 
10 minutes.  Then we add you to the mirrors list weighted by how much traffic 
you can bear.

As a happy SA user (since more than 15 years) and animated by Dave's 
offering I have set up also another mirror:

If meaningful it may be added initially with a weight=1 (may be increased 
later). If not that mirror will be simply removed, no problem.

By the way, a little bit irritated I was about the large number of 
mirrored rules tarballs (currently 4413 ones, the oldest from Februar 
2007) and the inhomogeneous and at least to me somewhat unexpected file 
permissions (partly "write" flag for owner removed, partly "write" flag 
also for group set, partly "execute" flag set for owner or even owner, 
group and other).



Re: Why doesn't HK_RANDOM_FROM trigger on this email address?

2017-11-20 Thread Jens Schleusener

On Mon, 20 Nov 2017, John Hardin wrote:

On Mon, 20 Nov 2017, Markus Clardy wrote:

Why not just have it be a meta test that doesn't trigger if it contains
"sch"? I realize that cuts out things like, but it
would catch, so maybe a bit better in both catch
rate and false positives?

Better: /sch[a-z]/ so that it would catch

Ok, if the "s" was only omitted to avoid FPs for addresses containg the 
string "sch" (German typical) that seems the better solution compared to 
my suggestion.


Re: Why doesn't HK_RANDOM_FROM trigger on this email address?

2017-11-20 Thread Jens Schleusener

On Sun, 19 Nov 2017, Bill Cole wrote:

On 19 Nov 2017, at 17:11 (-0500), Mark London wrote:

Also, 5 consonants in a row, is unlikely.

Well, F. W. Nietzsche never had kids, but I don't think the surname is 
extinct. I'm aware of multiple people with the surname Pietschmann. There is 
also a common practice of using a first initial and surname as a username and 
many Germanic surnames starting with sch[mlr], so I expect that 5 consonants 
in an email address local-part where 'sch' are the middle 3 characters are 
quite common.

Although not used currently I had formerly such an assigned accountname 
(jschleus). Since I think the avoiding of FPs should take priority over 
that of FNs I "vote" for the omitting "s".

Maybe it would be a "compromise" to add another regex with at least the 
"s" included but 6 required consonants like



Re: has SA 3.3.1 been recalled?

2010-03-26 Thread Jens Schleusener

On Fri, 26 Mar 2010, Daniel Lemke wrote:

Mathias Homann wrote:

I'm trying to get the 3.3.1 source frm the website, but so far all mirrors
replied file not found...

what's up with that?

Hm for me too...

But you can still get it from CPAN:

Or - not an official mirror but with browsing features - via



Re: ABORT Re: PROPOSED: Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0-rc1.proposed1

2009-12-21 Thread Jens Schleusener

Hi Warren,

On Sun, 20 Dec 2009, Warren Togami wrote:

On 12/18/2009 08:57 PM, Warren Togami wrote:

This will be released if we go three days without an objection as per build/README 
procedure.  At that point these archives will be renamed to rc1 and the 
announcements will go out.  Please suggest improvements to this announcement text as well.

Hey users list, now would be a very good time to begin testing 3.3.0 if you haven't 
already.  At this point it has been tested in production on many production servers 
(including my own production server since March 2009), but it is possible we missed a 
corner case of some non-standard configuration that you folks rely upon.  We could use 
your feedback, even if it is only It works!  Now is last chance to complain 
if you find a problem.

All of the Priority P1 blocker bugs targeted for 3.3.0 are now closed.  I 
suspect there might be a few minor things we might want to polish before 3.3.0 
final, but otherwise this is VERY CLOSE to what 3.3.0 will be.

Warren Togami

I am aborting the release of rc1.proposed1.  There is some problem
causing spamc/spamd to fail completely.  I am attempting to figure this
out a possible cause.  Downgrading to beta1 seems to fix my server.

Good news: The new spamc.c (27863 Bytes) from trunk (rev. 892869) solved 
that problem (at least for me under openSUSE 11.1). Now mails are 
processed again using spamc/spamd.


3.3.0-beta1: What is wrong with my usage of SYSCONFDIR

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Schleusener


to install Mail-SpamAssassin SVN versions (and now Mail-SpamAssassin 
3.3.0-beta1) I use the command

 perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/sausr_svn SYSCONFDIR=~/saetc_svn

but I detect always the following output lines after that command is 
claiming about some missing only optional modules:

 warning: some functionality may not be available,
 please read the above report before continuing!

 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 'SYSCONFDIR' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.
 Writing Makefile for Mail::SpamAssassin
 Makefile written by ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.42

But after the successive make and make install all seems to work fine 
(using openSUSE 11.2 with perl v5.10.0).

In the generated Makefile I found according lines like

 #   MakeMaker ARGV: (q[PREFIX=~/sausr_svn], q[SYSCONFDIR=~/saetc_svn])

 PREFIX = /home/my_account/sausr_svn

 cd $(DISTVNAME)  $(ABSPERLRUN) Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/sausr_svn 

 $(PERLRUN) Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/sausr_svn SYSCONFDIR=~/saetc_svn

Makefile.PL DIR= \
PREFIX=~/sausr_svn \


 #   MakeMaker ARGV: (q[PREFIX=~/sausr_svn], q[SYSCONFDIR=~/saetc_svn])

 SYSCONFDIR = /home/my_account/saetc_svn

 cd $(DISTVNAME)  $(ABSPERLRUN) Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/sausr_svn 

Makefile.PL DIR= \
PREFIX=~/sausr_svn \

So the above error line

 'SYSCONFDIR' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.

is only a minor flaw that can be safely ignored?



Re: How to search the whole body

2008-09-09 Thread Jens Schleusener

Hi Patrick,

relaxing from my hassle with the new machine :)

I'd like to set up a rule catching multiple dollar-signs in a message, I
don't see any other way to catch those heavily encrypted pill-emails like

C A aN A DvAN P c cH A RM A oCY

VzA zG _RA - $1.48
C 9a A L u S - $2.24
S0 O M A - $0.65

My idea was to ring the bell, when the dollar-sign appears more than four
times in a single email. As a bayes_00 rule marks it with a -2.5 score I am
clueless what else to do about them. /\${3,}/ oviously won't work :(

I am not a real expert in SA rules but what about

 body RULE_NAME /(?:\$.{0,100}){3,}/

Untested! The number of 0 respectively max. 100 characters between the 
dollar-signs is a little bit arbitray. Also it may be meaningful to 
restrict the type of the arbitrary characters. For more than four 
matches within the body (as required in your text) replace 3 by 5.



T-Systems Solutions for Research GmbH
Solutions  Innovations Commercial ICT, Internet-  Intranet-Appl.
Dr. Jens Schleusener
Bunsenstr. 10, D-37073 Göttingen
+49 551 709-2493 (Tel.)
+49 551 709-2169 (Fax)

Re: Botnet-0.7 not working

2007-01-05 Thread Jens Schleusener
On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, John Rudd wrote:

 Jens Schleusener wrote:
  But undefining the variable botnet_pass_trusted I got
 Forgot to ask this last time:
 what do you mean undefining?  Did you set it to none, like the
 documentation mentions?  or anything else along those lines?

Ok, sorry for my incomplete mail (it was a bit late yesterday).

The sentence

 undefining the variable botnet_pass_trusted

seems a little bit vague. I tested different values also none but I had 
the impression it doesn't matter which value I set as long as I avoid one 
of the parsed values (any, public or private).

So even using


or (using quotation marks)

 botnet_pass_trusted private

instead of

 botnet_pass_trusted private

changed the behaviour on my system and let Botnet work.

As by Dimitri the Botnet not working-problem on my system also appeared 
after the upgrade 0.6 - 0.7. The behaviour may be correct (probably as 
designed) but I have overseen the new functionality.

Finally (reffering to my original mail) the term 172.x.x.x was imprecise 
and mistakable. Concretely the concerning address is, an 
address out of the private address range - 
(172.16/12 prefix).



P.S.: I will sent more detailed debug information in a personal mail to 
John Rudd.

Dr. Jens SchleusenerT-Systems Solutions for Research GmbH
Tel: +49 551 709-2493   Bunsenstr.10
Fax: +49 551 709-2169   D-37073 Goettingen

Re: Botnet-0.7 not working

2007-01-04 Thread Jens Schleusener
On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, John Rudd wrote:

 Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
  First, I wish all a very happy and healthy New Year.
  I hope this is the proper place to ask this:  several days ago, I upgraded
  to Botnet-0.7 from 0.6; the latter had apparently been working fine with the
  installed SA 3.1.7.  I installed as per instruction (no heavy lifting
  there). Now, no Botnet rules are ever hit, even though I suspect that some
  particular spam has been sent via a bot.  If I reinstall 0.6, I get rule
  hits.  What have I not done/done wrong?
 Do you get much output if you take one of the messages and do this (assuming
 you're on some form of unix):
 spamassassin -D  $message_file | grep -i botnet

I found a similar behaviour as described on a test server.


 spamassassin -D  $message_file 21 | grep -i botnet

I found that in my case probably the default configuration line

 # If there are trusted relays, then look to see if there's a
 # public IP address; if so, then pass the message through.
 botnet_pass_trusted public

is the causer since the test server receives the mails from a mail relay
that uses a private 172.x.x.x address. Debug extract with the
default configuration:

 dbg: Botnet: starting
 dbg: Botnet: found private trusted
 dbg: Botnet: skipping

But undefining the variable botnet_pass_trusted I got

 dbg: Botnet: starting
 dbg: Botnet: get_relay good RDNS
 dbg: Botnet: IP is ''
 dbg: Botnet: RDNS is ''
 dbg: Botnet: HELO is '!!'
 dbg: Botnet: sender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 dbg: Botnet: hit (baddns,client,ipinhostname,clientwords)
 dbg: rules: ran eval rule BOTNET == got hit



Dr. Jens SchleusenerT-Systems Solutions for Research GmbH
Tel: +49 551 709-2493   Bunsenstr.10
Fax: +49 551 709-2169   D-37073 Goettingen