Re: Time to blacklist google.

2008-02-29 Thread Mark Johnson

Michael Scheidell wrote:
Ok, google/gmail emails back says 'this didn't come from us because 

are forging our domain'.

Reverse dns shows it google, dkim sig says its google.
Time to blacklist google.

I read an article the other day about the bad people have cracked 
gmail's captcha system and are automatically creating gmail accounts 
with a success rate of 1 in 5.

Mark Johnson

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Mark Johnson

Marc Perkel wrote:

I'm using Exim and I have it listening on several IP addresses. If you 
aren't using Exim then you'll have to get someone to help you.

defercondition = ${if match{$interface_address}{}}

You could just point it to a dead IP address which is the simple way to 
do it.

I'll try it this way.  I'd like to be able to log the connection 
attempts to see what's going on.  It sounds like you run a number of 
servers.  What are you doing to combine your logging information?

Thanks for the advice!

Mark Johnson

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Mark Johnson

Marc Perkel wrote:

Because there is occasionally some server doing something very weird you 
might have to open up port 25 one some specific IP who is running 
something really dumb. I think I've had to do this only once or twice. 
But once you open up port 25 to the problem user you solved the problem.

For the most part if you do an MX sandwich as above you'll get rid of 
80% of your spam and not lose good email. If you are fearful of going 
all the way then just do the higher numbered MX and leave the bottom as is.

This has been interesting and I want to give this a try.  What's the 
easiest way to give out a 421 on a bogus MX and log the attempt? 
Build a separate server?  Use an existing server and run a service on 
another port?  I've got extra IP's but don't want to over complicate the 

Mark Johnson

Re: Bayes and celebrity spam

2008-01-29 Thread Mark Johnson

Theo Van Dinter wrote:

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 07:51:03PM -0500, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:

I have some users getting slammed with this spam. Before I start trying
to figure out how to intercept, can someone test this message and tell
me if your getting a score above 5.0?

 2.5 MISSING_HB_SEP Missing blank line between message header and body

This appears to be a badly pasted email.  For example, the topmost Received
header (and then a lot of the rest of the headers) is malformed.

Hitting MISSING_HB_SEP w/ real mails is possible, but very uncommon.  If you
see it hitting somewhere, you're more likely to have a misconfiguration in
your setup than a valid hit.

I put extreme scores against emails from TW as we don't do business with 
anyone from there.  If it wasn't for that, this would have made it 
through my system as well.  I am really surprised bayes scored a 0 as it 
did for the original poster.  I do serious bayes training on a regular 
basis.  I see alot of others are getting bayes scores of 80.

Content analysis details:   (5.6 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description

 0.9 SUBJ_HAS_SPACESSubject contains lots of white space
 0.2 SUBJECT_NOVOWELSubject: has long non-vowel letter sequence
 7.0 RELAYCOUNTRY_TWRelayed through TW
 0.2 SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID   Subject contains a unique ID
-2.6 BAYES_00   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1%
[score: 0.]
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE   BODY: HTML included in message

Mark Johnson

Re: Feeding SA-learn

2008-01-24 Thread Mark Johnson

John Thompson wrote:

No. I use Thunderbird and just set the Junk filter controls to expire 
junk messages after a couple weeks.

Interesting idea!  Thanks for the tips!  You have no idea how much time 
and how many steps this is going to save me.

Mark Johnson

Re: Feeding SA-learn

2008-01-23 Thread Mark Johnson

Depends on the client.

For instance, Thunderbird stores it's folders in mbox format, so 
sa-learn can work against those files as-is. Other email clients can 
save emails in text format complete with headers.
I use Thunderbird. There are two files for that folder: Junk.msf (7k) 
and Junk (53.172k). The msf file must be some kind of index. I just 
feed the biggest one to sa-learn?

Yes, the .msf file is an index file.  I just copy the mbox file (Junk in 
your case) to the server and run the following command specifying the 
filename (as shown):

/usr/local/bin/spamassassin --report --mbox Junk

I use Thunderbird as my mail client but have found that I needed to use 
Evolution to save the messages in mbox format, which was always a hassle.

My emails are stored on an IMAP server and what you suggested wasn't 
working for me.  I had the .msf file, but no corresponding mbox file. 
Because the emails are kept on the IMAP server and are not local, I had 
to enable the Select this folder for offline use on the Offline tab 
of the folder properties.  I then had the mbox file that I could copy off.

Mark Johnson

Re: Feeding SA-learn

2008-01-23 Thread Mark Johnson

John Thompson wrote:

Isn't that what cron is for? :-)

I have a cron job on my imap server to regularly feed ham and spam 
through sa-learn.

Do you delete the messages from the IMAP folder after you learn them? 
If so, how do you go about that?  I'm pretty sure if I deleted the mail 
files from the command line, I have to run a reconstruct on the mailbox 
or the folder throws errors on the client.  This is on a Cyrus IMAP server.


Mark Johnson

Re: Spamassassin not being called.

2006-10-24 Thread Mark Johnson

Nick Gilbert wrote:


I have a problem whereby spamassassin isn't always processing 
messages. It is being called by SimScan.

I can see from the headers that SimScan IS being called but it doesn't 
ALWAYS seem to be able to process the messages with SpamAssassin - 
resulting in 300+ SPAM messages a day going into my inbox.

Running spamassassin -D -t  spam.txt works fine but I have just 
noticed that if I call spamc  spam.txt, most of the time it takes 
AGES to complete - and even when it does, the messages are often 
missing the spamassassin headers implying they haven't been processed.

The box was previously reliable but I have recently upgraded from 
3.0.3 to 3.1.6 and the problems seemed to have started at this time 
(but I did change a few other things too such as rules.

Any ideas anybody?

I am noticing this from time to time also using Mimedefang, but haven't 
figured out how to determine the cause.  I get the Mimedefang headers, 
but no scores from SA.


Re: Psst!

2006-10-20 Thread Mark Johnson

Chris Santerre wrote:

Just curious, but how many people see spam being sent to usersnames 
with the fisrt letter dropped? I see a ton in my logs. I believe 
spammers figure [EMAIL PROTECTED] will also have a [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Too bad 
for them...they do not. :)

I am noticing alot of this.  Another thing I'm noticing and am getting a 
little nervous about is the amount of spam coming in that's basically 
directed towards us.  It's physically coming from others countries, from 
the from addresses and reply-to addresses are from 
customers/suppliers/vendors of ours.  It's like someone is gathering 
addresses that they KNOW will be in a whilelist table.

Any idea how they could be coordinating something like this?  There's 
too many to be a coincidence...
