RE: Sa -- lint : HOWTO know which cf file gives the problem ?

2007-01-26 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Florent Gilain wrote:

 Hummm thanks a lot, it was finally easyer than i was thinking  ;-))


[...] 1.8

 so the file containing the rule is in the current

you are welcome :)


Re: copy a filter

2007-01-25 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, pocopelli wrote:


 Hello everybody,

 we have an extern rootserver with our provider in Germany.
 Config Webinterface = PLESK 8.0
 We have a number of domains hosted on it with emailAccounts.
 The mails of the different domains are in subdirecties similar to


 A single user has already a well trained spamfilter. The files are in  the


 Is it possible just to copy this filter server wide or for certain mail
 adresses ?
 I have root access. Do I have to copy certain files ?

i guess you can do this. bayes* and auto-whitelist* should be of no
problem, copying them. but not user_prefs, since it may contain
userspecific preferences.
start with a copy for one user, ur watching for a while. but it should
work w/o a problem. dont forget to 'chown' the files :)


Re: Sa -- lint : HOWTO know which cf file gives the problem ?

2007-01-25 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Florent Gilain wrote:


 Hello all,

 When i run this :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spamassassin]# spamassassin --lint
 [21570] warn: config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule
 [21570] warn: config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule
 [21570] warn: lint: 2 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled for
 more information

 I am asking myself how to know which *.cf file is the there an
 easy way to find it ?

either in /etc/mail/spamassasin or in $PREFIX/share/spamassassin
do for example this: 'grep RULENAME *.cf'
if you were using sa-update you can find those updated main rules in
this is for 3.1.7, your path might be:

result is something like:

grep ZMIde_SUBBIG *.cf   ZMIde_SUBBIG Subject =~ /(?:Eilig ZMIde_SUBBIG subject suggesting business 1.8

so the file containing the rule is in the current


Re: Botnet plugin

2007-01-25 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Jason Little wrote:

 I was wondering about the maturity of the botnet plugin and where I can get
 my hands on it again.  I used an early version of it for a while but I
 removed it because we didn't really need it and now it seems I need it again
 with all the spammers finding a way to slip a 3.7 acore by spamassassin and
 when I look at the headers its so obviously from a botnet.

this one: ?


Re: Some tests not being run during relay

2007-01-23 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, David Reta wrote:


 I am looking for some help with an issue I am having. Some spam has been
 getting through and it looks like when it comes through a bunch of rules
 are not getting hit, but when I run it manually as the same user that my
 mimedefang runs as it scores well above the threshold.

 I am running on RedHat Linux 4 with
 sendmail-mimedefang-spamassassin(3.1.7). I am running it manually as
 the same user mimedefang uses so I don't think that is the issue. Could
 it be timing out or something? Any help would be appreciated.

did you run it manualy,using the same user as used by
mimedefang/spamassasin? maybe its some sort of permission mismatch.
got no help/hint using spamasasssin --lint -D?


RE: Increase in unmarked spam

2007-01-18 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Test SARE rules (sare_stock, sare_spoof especially) and fred's rules
 from are very useful..

 Also make sure you're running SA 3.1.7 with the latest sa-update-ed
 core rules..
  Recently (for the last two weeks), we are seeing lot of unmarked spam.
  Lot of them with image and text.  Are there any rules in spamassassin
  that would tackle this?  I am using botnet - but still unable to stop
  these kind of spam effectively.

DCC and razor2 catching alot here too. if not yet installed, worth a try.


Re: dcc HOWTO?

2007-01-15 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, Thomas Cameron wrote:


 All -

 I'm using Sendmail on RHEL 4 with SA and spamass-milter, clamav-milter
 and milter-greylist.  What is the best way for SpamAssassin to use DCC?

 So far I've created an RPM with these configure options:

 ./configure \
   --homedir=/var/dcc \
   --bindir=/usr/bin \
   --libexecdir=/usr/libexec \
   --mandir=/usr/share/man \
   --with-sendmail \
   --with-cgibin=/var/www/cgi-bin \
   --with-rundir=/var/run \
   --disable-sys-inst \

 Once I created that RPM I set DCCUID=spam in /var/dcc/dcc_conf.

 I also set DCCD_ENABLE=off since I am using a remote server.

 I set GREY_ENABLE=off since I am using milter-greylist.

 I set DCCM_ENABLE=off as I am not using a milter for DCC.

 I set DCCIFD_ENABLE=yes as the DCC docs say If you are using
 SpamAssassin, then you almost certainly should be using dccifd.  Do I
 need to do anything besides set use_dcc 1 in

 I copied /usr/libexec/rcDCC to /etc/rc.d/init.d and chkconfig'd it on.

 Missing anything?

we are running SA/clamav-milter/razor2 and dccifd too. the only thing i
added, was my subnet to whitecommon. Prevents dcc tests of my trusted net,
from my understanding, reading the man pages :)
ok  ip

one more thing was running dccifd as non-root user, adding:
# DCC user name

and disabling loging:

all in dcc_conf.

once all is running, updating is way easy too, using:

best regards,

Re: By the way

2006-07-09 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, jdow wrote:

 Were the servers down for about 6 hours today for some reason? I noticed
 some emails I sent were delayed something like 6 hours on delivery. I'm
 not complaining. I'm just curious. (Apache received it and it stayed
 parked there until they sent it on out.)

last night i was bored, so i watched the list but noting came in. so i
thought all questions were already answered :)


Re: set permission? how

2006-07-08 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, hansje2000 wrote:

 I realy tryed evrything on her, but still thate permission errors.

 i reinstal it for 5 times now..
 read about 100 pages of spammassassin but nothing specialy about settingup
 for ussers to find just little pieces.. and did not reale help me out there.

 The user spambucket is present on my box.

 did 100 times spamd -u spambucket
 did 100 times spamc -u spambucket
 did 100 times spamass-milter -u spambucket
 And still have thate no permision error.

 How can i prevent this on the hard way to run as spambucket?

 Is there some other command

no, its all invoked by those commands above (spamd/spamc).
have alook in your init script /etc/init.d/spamassassin. the line which
executes spamd looks like:
spamd -u spambucket ...  ?

ensure spamd is runing as  user spambucket while listing processes using:
ps -ef | grep spamd

if so, have a look in your /etc/mail/spamassassin/
did you defined things like:
bayes_path /home/spambucket/.spamassassin/bayes
auto_whitelist_path  /home/spambucket/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist

hope this helps a bit,


Re: Inappropriate ioctl for device

2006-07-06 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

with this file.
fix the file ownership and you should be able to resolve your problem.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
   Hi Alan
   Thanks a Lot Alan and Matthias
   It worked perfectly
  one more word please, what have you done to solve the problem? file
  ownership/permissions, or the nfs related thing?

 Hi Mattias
 the owner of auto-whitelist was root i have set it to kaushal, It worked

 It was

 -rw---  1 root root 12288 Jul  6 12:00 auto-whitelist,

 i set it to

 -rw---  1 kaushal kaushal 12288 Jul  6 12:00 auto-whitelist

 It worked :))

ok, thanks for clearifying :)


Re: graphs

2006-07-06 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, #Ronan McGlue wrote:


 Managers like graphs. I have created my own graphs for our universites system
 which is running exim and SA 3.1.3. More details will follow if there is
 the url is here

 how does this compare to what anyone else out there is running / using. I know
 this is a recurring topic but anything that makes my life easier is good imo.


much more detailed information compared to mailgraph, we are using.
I think its good for analyzing things in detail, but too much for our
facility. :)

anyway, good work!


Re: sendmail: WARNING: Xspamassassin: local socket name /var/run/spamass.soc

2006-07-05 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, hansje2000 wrote:


 Im new on spamassassin,  but learning.
 I have a little error on startup
 sendmail: WARNING: Xspamassassin: local socket name /var/run/spamass.sock
 But the file is there?!

 It look likes sendmail is starting up first before the socket is made.
 Is there a sulution to prevent this?

change the order when spamd and sendmail will be startet, in your /etc/rc

for example. so spamd will start on bootup first, maybe enough time to
create socket files, before sendmail is looking for them.

 The second error is:
 localhost spamd: [2513] error: persistent_udp: no such method at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 98
 The line = $self-{res}-persistent_udp(0);  # bug 3997
 Thanks for reply

havnt seen this on our setup, but the bug code could be found at
not sure, if it fits your problem. worth a try.


Re: Warnings in procmail log

2006-07-05 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Geoff Soper wrote:


 I'm getting the following three warning in my procmail log (machine name
 removed, just in case!), I assume I'm missing some configuration somewhere but
 don't know where! Can someone advise?


 [8162] warn: config: cannot write to //.spamassassin/user_prefs: No such file
 or directory
 [8162] warn: config: failed to create default user preference file
 [8162] warn: auto-whitelist: open of auto-whitelist file failed: locker:
 safe_lock: cannot create tmp lockfile
 //.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock.machine_name.8162 for
 //.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: No such file or directory

should look like: /home/$USER/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock

 looks like the users home is missing somehow; would be of great
help to analyze, if u would send your procmailrc.


Re: Inappropriate ioctl for device

2006-07-05 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

 On 7/5/06, Matthias Fuhrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
   I ran spamd as normal user and it gave me the below error
   [20405] error: auto-whitelist: cannot open auto_whitelist_path
   /home/kaushal/spamass/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device
   [20405] warn: auto-whitelist: open of auto-whitelist file failed:
   auto-whitelist: cannot open auto_whitelist_path
   /home/kaushal/spamass/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device
  does the directory /home/kaushal/spamass/ exists? if not create it first.
  found this while googling for Inappropriate ioctl for device. maybe it
  helps you too.

 Hi Matthias

 The directory exists in my linux box, I have done a lot of search on
 Inappropriate ioctl for device
 but could not find any relevant answer, I believe you can help me in fixing
 this issue

i'm not sure about auto_whitelist_path at all, so path means directories
only and files will be created as:
/home/kaushal/spamass/auto-whitelist/awl-file ?!
if so, create auto-whitelist too :)
well, we didnt issued auto_whitelist_path and sa creates
auto-whitelist db-file in ~$USER/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.


Re: Inappropriate ioctl for device

2006-07-05 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:

/home/kaushal/spamass/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[20405] warn: auto-whitelist: open of auto-whitelist file failed:
auto-whitelist: cannot open auto_whitelist_path
/home/kaushal/spamass/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device

found another hint (
debug: open of AWL file failed: Cannot open auto_whitelist_path
/root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device

You're using old format database files.

The perl version change effected a change of the BDB version being used.
The bayes_seen and bayes_toks fixes are BDB files and can be fixed by
doing an db4.x_upgrade on them. sarge/hoary use Berkely DB 4.2, and you
can install the db4.2-util package. with HTML
apt-get install db4.3-util

Go to where you Bayes DB's lie.
db4.3_upgrade bayes_seen
db4.3_upgrade bayes_toks

Restart spamassassin, and voila!

try to investigate this issue. fix is for debian based linux
distributions. db_upgrade is part of db4-utils package.

but before upgrading, save your current files on safe place.


Re: sendmail: WARNING: Xspamassassin: local socket name /var/run/spamass.soc

2006-07-05 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, hansje2000 wrote:


 Thaks for reply Matthias,

np :)

 First of all there is no spamd in /etc/rc2.d/, just a S80spamassassin, but i
 gues its the same.
 There is also a S80sendmail in /etc/rc2.d/ like you said.

yes, names can differ.

 The bothe files are also in ?etc/rc1.d, rc3.d, rc4.d and rc5.d.. but i gues
 this is normal.

just have had a look in man init. so it depends on your default runlevel,
defined in /etc/inittab:   id:5:initdefault:
on my setup its 5, so in my case i had to change SXX in rc5.d. but there
is an issue of init, which goes through lower runlevel as well, but i'm
not sure.
so, to ensure it works on any runlevel, change all

 So now the question: how to change the sequence of ordering in startup.?

 Can i just chance the S80 to a lower number.

yes, lowering the number will give it an earlier start.


Re: Inappropriate ioctl for device

2006-07-05 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann

 On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:


 are some of your partitions mounted via nfs? if so, try using in your
 lock_method nfssafe

 this should the default value if you didnt set lock_method flock which
 is not nfs safe.

 i can reproduces the message, when i access a nfs mounted directory
 lsattr -d /nfs-mounted-directory
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device

 so investigate the nfs mounts on your system. hopefully they
 exists, so we come closer to a solution :)

didnt got an answer by Kaushal yet; so can anyone confirm this behavior of
db files in a nfs mounted directory?


Re: /dev/null all tagged spam

2006-07-01 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sat, 1 Jul 2006, LDB wrote:

 Right now, I have a promailrc script,



 # Until now, mail is untagged, you may add rules for
 # mail that must not be tagged

 :0 hbfw
 | /usr/bin/spamc

 # Now mail is tagged by spamassassin
 # You may insert other rules here

# send spam to /dev/null

* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES

but it would be wise, to use /tmp/spam-inbox instead of /dev/null
until you can ensure, all works fine!

 | /usr/sbin/sendmail -i -f $SENDER -- $@


Re: Setruid spamd error on Aix

2006-03-31 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Fri, 31 Mar 2006, Jose perez wrote:

 I run /usr/local/bin/spamd -u spam and i get this error:

 [143440] error: setruid() not implemented at /usr/local/bin/spamd line 877.
 setruid() not implemented at /usr/local/bin/spamd line 877.
 [86114] info: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 143440
 [86114] info: spamd: handled cleanup of child pid 307372 due to SIGCHLD
 [86114] info: spamd: handled cleanup of child pid 143440 due to SIGCHLD
 [86114] info: prefork: child states:
 [86114] info: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 524290
 [524290] error: setruid() not implemented at /usr/local/bin/spamd line 877.
 setruid() not implemented at /usr/local/bin/spamd line 877.

dunno anything about aix offhand. google told me similar errors on bsd,
one suggestions was upgrading perl to 5.8.x  to get set*id working.


Re: DCC not active

2006-03-30 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Claude Frantz wrote:


 In my /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre, there is a line:

 loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC

 There is also a file:


 but DCC is not active. What is missing here ?

 I'm using SpamAssassin version 3.1.0
running on Perl version 5.8.0

try running spamassassin -D lint, and look for DCC related entries, like:
dbg: dcc: dccifd is available: /usr/local/bin/dccifd
dbg: dcc: dccproc ...

once there was a command for dcc binary:
dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc
but dunno, if its still working in 3.x. worth a try.

another thing might be a firewall, blocking connections of dcc:
have a look here:


Re: score

2006-03-30 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Andrea Bencini wrote:

 I install

 I am testing spamassassin with spam-test
 and I receive

 X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=998.359 tagged_above=2 required=6.31
  tests=[ALL_TRUSTED=-2.4, AWL=0.412, GTUBE=1000, HTML_90_100=0.346,

 Now I want change GTUBE value; in my I add the line

 score GTUBE 1200

 but I receive always

 X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=998.359 tagged_above=2 required=6.31
  tests=[ALL_TRUSTED=-2.4, AWL=0.412, GTUBE=1000, HTML_90_100=0.346,

 Why is GTUBE equal 1000? I changed it in 1200 !!

'cat | grep -i gtube' gives only score GTUBE 1200 as result?
i added the same line in my, at ther very end of the file, and
its working here.


Re: Perl Modules?

2006-03-26 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sun, 26 Mar 2006, Bradley Walker wrote:


 What Perl modules does SA require?  I'm looking into this as being a
 possible cause of my 421 SMTP timeout errors.

have a look here:


Re: rules for IP addresses without reverse DNS records?

2006-03-18 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006, Dave Augustus wrote:

 Anyone point me in the right direction?

 I am just thinking of increasing the spam level counter based on whether
 they have a reverse IP address. I have tried to reject these outiright
 based on this criteria but that would cause too many false positives.

this thread will help you:;#11783

just have a look at the rule named:  MY_NO_PTR


Re: sa-learn in 3.1.1

2006-03-13 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 07:45:47PM +0100, Cedric Foll wrote:
  So by default, spamassassin read /usr/share/spamassassin and next /var/lib.
  And rules of /var/lib overwright the ones of /usr/share/spamassassin.
  I'm right ?

 Not really.  For rules, /var/lib/spamassassin overrides the use of
 /usr/share/spamassassin completely if it exists.  There can possibly
 be other files which are used from either (things like languages,
 etc,) fyi.

i was about copying the updates over the default install
(/opt/gnu/share/spamassassin on my machine). but your mail
arrived just in time.
guess there is a need to update the manpage for sa-update!
couldnt find any information on how to handle the updates.


Re: X-Spam-Status settings

2006-03-13 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Shane Mullins wrote:


 I have forgotten the setting that tells SA to include the point value
 for each of the hits the incoming message was flagged on.  I searched
 the web and looked in my book, but can't seem to find it.  Could someone
 please jog my memory?

add_header all Report _REPORT_
add_header all Summary _SUMMARY_



2006-03-13 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Eric W. Bates wrote:

 Sorry to rehash what must be an old question...

 I can't find LMAP/CID2SPF on CPAN or FreeBSD ports. I found an old list
 item suggesting that there was a download link at:
 This link appears to be gone at the moment.

 Should I just ignore the errors in the log; or is there someplace to
 grab the module?

you can d/l it here:


SA 3.1.1 problem

2006-03-12 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann


just updated to 3.1.1. while it seems working well, it's introducing a new
error message to my syslog:

Mar 12 21:32:27 machine spamd[6027]: plugin: eval failed: Can't use
string (Net::DNS::RR::MX) as a HASH ref while strict refs in use at
/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/sun4-solaris/Net/DNS/ line 684.

Mar 12 21:54:56 machine spamd[6625]: Can't use string
(Net::DNS::RR::MX) as a HASH ref while strict refs in use at
/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/sun4-solaris/Net/DNS/ line 684.

Mar 12 22:20:40 machine spamd[6768]: spf: lookup failed: Can't use
string (Net::DNS::RR::MX) as a HASH ref while strict refs in use at
/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/sun4-solaris/Net/DNS/ line 684,
GEN970 line 34.

running solaris 5.9, sparc. SA 3.1.1. All modules mentioned in
INSTALL/README updated using cpan.

anyone seen this already?

thanks in advance,


Re: About scores

2006-03-12 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre wrote:


 I wanted to know what's the meaning of the following numbers and how could
 I customize for example this rule scores...

 # DCC
 ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC
 score DCC_CHECK 0 1.37 0 2.17
 endif # Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC

 what does 0 1.37 0 and 2.17 mean?
1 23 4

from Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf :

 first score is used when both Bayes and network tests
 are disabled (score set 0). The second score is used
 when Bayes is disabled, but network tests are enabled
 (score set 1). The third score is used when Bayes is
 enabled and network tests are disabled (score set 2).
 The fourth score is used when Bayes is enabled and
 network tests are enabled (score set 3).

 wich one is the score added to score field in X-spam-status header?

depends on your config (bayes/network-tests).

 wich should I change for enforce taggin as spam only with this check for
 to get the spam score directly?

if you're about changing scores, do that in your


Re: [sa-learn] Delete the same mail or not?

2006-03-06 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, Xueron Nee wrote:

 Hi, all:

   I am using sa-learn to train my bayes filter. And I collect many
 known spams from our honey pot.

   I found that there are so many mails with the same content in
 this spam corpus. Is it necessary to delete the repeated spams before
 sa-learn study?

no, you dont have to delete them, let sa do the trick :)
you'll see, not all messages will be learned, so sa already knows
about the message/pattern.



2006-03-06 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, Damian Saez Baldo wrote:

 Hello list:
 I'm using SpamAssasin 3.1.0 in a Windows server. I'm using
 spamassasin as follows

 c:\perl\bin\perl.exe -S -T c:\Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.0\spamassassin -P -c
 c:\Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.0\rules\  C:\TEMP\Mail_TESTME.TXT 

 The problem i'm having is that i get these two fields over and over,
 even my message has the To:  field in the header and there is a blank
 line separator between body  header.

 2.5 MISSING_HB_SEP Missing blank line between message header and body

 0.2 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header

no real help here, but until you find a solution, lower the score in your
score MISSING_HB_SEP 0.1


Re: SPF Error: cannot get HELO, cannot use SPF

2006-02-26 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sat, 25 Feb 2006, Chris Purves wrote:


 I am not getting SPF_ hits for most messages that I expect should pass
 SPF.  On one message when I run through spamassassin with debug I see:

 [5959] dbg: spf: checking HELO (helo=, ip=
 [5959] dbg: spf: cannot get HELO, cannot use SPF
 [5959] dbg: spf: checking EnvelopeFrom (helo=, ip=,
 [5959] dbg: spf: cannot get HELO, cannot use SPF

if i'm totaly wrong just ignore my mail :)

but did you got by any chance similiar entries in your syslog like:

Dec 18 00:05:44 machine spamd[6429]: Can't locate LMAP/ in
@INC (@INC contains: lib ../lib
/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/SPF/ line 1749, GEN16 line 

i googled and found
after a while. couldnt find it anywhere else, CPAN failed too.
played the mmodul at ...site_perl/5.8.3/LMAP/
and the syslog message disappeared. worth a look anyway.


Re: Problem with false-positives for SASL users

2006-02-23 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006, Justin Mason wrote:

 martin f krafft writes:
  we have a bunch of users who use our SASL-enabled SMTP server to
  relay their mail when on the road. This causes the following
  Received header:
Received: from septumania ( 
  (using SSLv3 with cipher RC4-MD5 (128/128 bits))
  (Client did not present a certificate)
  by (postfix) with ESMTP id 7A5981C4F52F;
  Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:20:39 +0100 (CET)
  Consequently, Spamassassin tags the message as spam:
Content analysis details:   (5.5 hits, 5.0 required)
2.0 RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL  RBL: SORBS: sent directly from dynamic IP 
[217.162.227.XXX listed in]
1.8 RCVD_IN_DSBL   RBL: Received via a relay in
1.7 RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL  RBL: NJABL: dialup sender did non-local SMTP
[217.162.227.XXX listed in]
  Well, sure, this makes sense, but how can I support this standard
  use-case? Postfix adding a SASL-header that causes Spamassassin then
  to ignore the message isn't the solution as spammers would simply do
  that sooner or later.

 No, that is indeed the correct option.   You then combine that with
 trusted_networks (or perhaps it's internal_networks, not sure),
 trusting the relay that adds the SASL line, and that'll fix it.

in addition you could disable spamchecks for authenticated users. we got a
sendmail/miltrassassin setup, not checking mails from users which
relays using smtp-auth. maybe postfix can do this too, somehow.


Re: spamd mysql redux

2006-02-22 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Steve Thomas wrote:

  Feb 22 11:45:42 ronin spamd[3322]: bayes: unable to connect to database:
  Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
  '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
  Is that where mysql.sock is located? I don't know where the MySQL RPMs
  stick it, but source installs stick it at /tmp/mysql.sock by default.

 Yep, that's where it's at. I've also tried specifying the port in the dsn
 options in the cf file, i.e.
 user_scores_dsn DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost:3306

 I'm most curious about the error number given - (13). In mysql speak,
 that's a 'permission denied', but according to the logs, there's no
 connection attempt even being made. I don't know if that number is coming
 from spamd, the perl db api or mysql. I doubt it's coming from mysql,
 since I'm not seeing any connection attempt whatsoever.

i googled a bit and found this related to fedora3 and SELinux:,20759,21482#msg-21482

worth a try :)


Re: spamd mysql redux

2006-02-22 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Steve Thomas wrote:

  i googled a bit and found this related to fedora3 and SELinux:,20759,21482#msg-21482

 I had seen that page, but didn't know what selinux was (thought it was a
 distro!) so I thought it was irrelevant. After checking it out, it turns
 out that that's what the problem is/was! I disabled selinux and the first
 test after rebooting seems to have worked.

 I don't believe I need selinux for anything, as our environment's pretty
 well controlled and we've made do without it for.. well forever, but I'll
 probably have to learn about it eventually so I suppose I'll start looking
 into it...

 Thanks a million Matthias. I'm kind of embarrassed that I was looking at
 the answer yesterday and dismissed it... :\

your welcome :)

 For Glen and the archives:
 I disabled selinux by setting the SELINUX environment variable to
 disabled in /etc/selinux/config and rebooting.

when installing fedora, it ask for SELinux behavior (enabled / warnings
only / disabled), IIRC right after firewall default settings. since i
wasnt sure of what it really protects or is used for, i always set it
to warnings only. still too lazy, reading the manpages :)


Re: Own HAM Rule doesn't work

2006-02-21 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006, Muenz, Michael wrote:

 Dear List,

 I've created some really simple HAM rules for my setup.
 Just give from belgium to a specific domain -1 points.
 spamassassin --lint doensn't give me any errors back, but
 amavisd-new doesn't list the rule.


 score=7.959 tag=2.5 tag2=5.5 kill=5.5 tests=[BAYES_99=5.1,
 MY_DSL=0.5, MY_DSL2=0.2, RCVD_IN_SORBS_SOCKS=2.159],
 autolearn=no, quarantine 9J9XFI21Lr3n (spam-quarantine)


 header __FROM_BELGIUM   From =~ /\.be$/i
 header __TO_DOMAIN  To =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
 score FROM_TO_DOMAIN7  -1.0

maybe the rule is missing the  which encloses the to entry.
at least this fits [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  perl -ne 'print if m/\.be\$/i'


Re: Razor template tags?

2006-02-18 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006, Marc Perkel wrote:


 I see DCC and PYZOR template tags, are there RAZOR template tags?

you are missing check symbols of razor, like RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100?
look in your /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre if you uncomment this line:
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2


Re: Spamd keeps getting hung up!

2006-02-10 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:

 Hey All,

 I've been running the latest spamd for months now, and it seems to be a
 weekly (at least) occurence that all my child processes will fill up and
 hang the thing and allow spam to start seeping through.

 However, today I woke up to find this error:

 Feb 10 08:57:40 quark spamd[66716]: prefork: select returned error on
 server filehandle: Bad file descriptor
 Feb 10 08:57:51 quark last message repeated 20403 times
 Feb 10 08:57:51 quark spamd[66716]: spamd: handled cleanup of child pid
 36698 due to SIGCHLD
 Feb 10 08:57:51 quark spamd[66716]: prefork: select returned error on
 server filehandle: Bad file descriptor
 Feb 10 08:57:51 quark spamd[66716]: spamd: server successfully spawned
 child process, pid 39170
 Feb 10 08:57:51 quark spamd[66716]: prefork: select returned error on
 server filehandle: Bad file descriptor
 Feb 10 08:57:55 quark last message repeated 5785 times
 Feb 10 08:57:55 quark spamd[66716]: spamd: handled cleanup of child pid
 36709 due to SIGCHLD
 Feb 10 08:57:55 quark spamd[66716]: prefork: select returned error on
 server filehandle: Bad file descriptor
 Feb 10 08:57:55 quark spamd[66716]: spamd: server successfully spawned
 child process, pid 39171
 Feb 10 08:57:55 quark spamd[66716]: prefork: select returned error on
 server filehandle: Bad file descriptor
 Feb 10 08:58:26 quark last message repeated 54544 times

 Any idea what might cause this?

i found this at bugzilla:

there is also a patch for on that url:

please read the whole story, hope this helps anyway. The problem seems
related to your issue, but i might mixed something :)


RE: REPOST:Need some help with - EX_IOERR 74 input/output error

2006-02-10 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Kevin W. Gagel wrote:

 - Original Message -
  I'm not sure it'll be a parameter as only about 7,000
  messages failed out of 90,000. Unless its some kind of
  time out... But thats the thing, I don't know what the
  error 70 means.
 look for a file called sysexits.h. there you can get the
 meaning of error codes. taken from a feroda sysexits.h:
 EX_IOERR -- An error occurred while doing I/O on some file.
 define EX_IOERR74  /* input/output error */
 well, thats not much of information. but place a 'set -x'
 at the top of your bash script, this might help discovering
 the problem.

 I allready know (realize) the EX_IOERR is an IO error. I'm
 trying to figure out what is going on to cause it and what
 exactly the system is trying to tell me that it failed on.
 Could it not find the file? The directory? Read the file? As
 you indicated the sysexits.h doesn't tell much.
 What will the set -x do?

it makes the bash script verbose, its kind of debugging modus.
just try, wont harm anything.


RE: REPOST:Need some help with - EX_IOERR 74 input/output error

2006-02-09 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006, Kevin W. Gagel wrote:

 - Original Message -
  Has anyone got any idea's on this? No one responded to my
  first post on it.
  I'm using a script to pipe messages to spamc. Out of
  about  90,000 messages passed to spamc via the script
  about 7,000  failed with an error code of 74.
  What does spamc mean by EX_IOERR?
  Is this a failure between my script and spamc or
  something else?
 Ok, ok... I'll come to the rescue!  :)
 I've fought this before.  I believe the problem was
 improper commenting of user parameter passed via my perl
 script.  Can you show me your code that calls spamc plz?

 OK, I've uploaded it to my filestore, you can access it at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/EX_IOERR/mailfilter.txt

 I'm not sure it'll be a parameter as only about 7,000
 messages failed out of 90,000. Unless its some kind of time
 out... But thats the thing, I don't know what the error 70

look for a file called sysexits.h. there you can get the meaning of error
codes. taken from a feroda sysexits.h:
EX_IOERR -- An error occurred while doing I/O on some file.
define EX_IOERR74  /* input/output error */

well, thats not much of information. but place a 'set -x' at the top of
your bash script, this might help discovering the problem.


Re: Sys Hostname

2006-02-02 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 2 Feb 2006, Duncan Hill wrote:

 On Wednesday 01 February 2006 21:58, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:

  just a question about the purpose of Am I right asuming, it
  just tries to get local machines hostname and domainname. nothing else
  additionaly. Correct? Just to ensure, i dont blow anything :)
  well, asuming this, a friend helped me solving the problem. in
  Sys::Hostname::Long we replaced method 'exec_hostname_domainname' with this
  'exec_new_domainname' = {
  'title' = 'new version',
  'description' = 'new version',
  'exec' = sub {
  open HOSTNAME, , /etc/hostname.hme0  or warn;
  open DOMAINNAME, , /etc/defaultdomain  or
  warn; my $tmp = HOSTNAME .  '.' . DOMAINNAME; close HOSTNAME;
  $tmp =~ tr/\0\r\n//d;
  return $tmp;

 From my reading of the code the other day, it's actually cross-platform, so
 one change for you may be ok, but may not work for someone else.  If it works
 for you, and the data returned by the new function is what data from the old
 function was, then there should be no problems (for your machine).

yes, just a fix for my local system; but maybe someone else runing solaris
may see this error i described above and so he can use this fix too.

thanks answering.


Re: Sys Hostname

2006-02-01 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Duncan Hill wrote:

 On Sunday 29 January 2006 21:19, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:
  On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:
   recently i see many of those lines in our syslog:
   Jan 29 21:56:06 machine spamd[1951]: Insecure dependency in `` while
   running with -T switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Sy
   s/Hostname/ line 91, GEN14618 line 90.
   running 3.0.4 / perl 5.8.3 on sparc sun solaris 5.9. latest version of (1.4) has been installed.
   any idea, on how to cope with that issue?
  i was wrong with our SA version. we already got 3.1.0 installed.

 Sys::Hostname::Long calls external binary programs to determine the hostname.
 I'd guess that perl is complaining about that.


just a question about the purpose of Am I right asuming, it
just tries to get local machines hostname and domainname. nothing else
additionaly. Correct? Just to ensure, i dont blow anything :)

well, asuming this, a friend helped me solving the problem. in
Sys::Hostname::Long we replaced method 'exec_hostname_domainname' with this one:

'exec_new_domainname' = {
'title' = 'new version',
'description' = 'new version',
'exec' = sub {
open HOSTNAME, , /etc/hostname.hme0  or warn;
open DOMAINNAME, , /etc/defaultdomain  or warn;
my $tmp = HOSTNAME .  '.' . DOMAINNAME;
$tmp =~ tr/\0\r\n//d;
return $tmp;
}, gave correct answer, after these changes.
this seems working fineat all, since those syslog warnings disapeared. Can
anyone confirm or validate, what we did with

thanks in advance.


Re: new stock spam

2006-01-31 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Joe Zitnik wrote:

 For the last few days, I've been receiving stock spam, same format as
 the other stock spam, except the spam is a gif image.  Some
 randomstringofletters.gif, and a bunch of text.  The random text will
 show up at the bottom of the page.  The ones I'm currently seeing are
 for Golden Apple Oil and Gas.  Because the subject is always different,
 the name of the gif is always different, and the text is always at least
 a little different, there's no way to consistently stop these, is there?
  I've been feeding them to bayes, but they're still slipping past, I'm
 guessing because each one is so dissimilar from the next.

did you already add this to your rules directory:

worth a try, if not yet added.


Re: Sys Hostname

2006-01-30 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Duncan Hill wrote:

 On Sunday 29 January 2006 21:19, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:
  On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:
   recently i see many of those lines in our syslog:
   Jan 29 21:56:06 machine spamd[1951]: Insecure dependency in `` while
   running with -T switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Sy
   s/Hostname/ line 91, GEN14618 line 90.
   running 3.0.4 / perl 5.8.3 on sparc sun solaris 5.9. latest version of (1.4) has been installed.
   any idea, on how to cope with that issue?
  i was wrong with our SA version. we already got 3.1.0 installed.

 Sys::Hostname::Long calls external binary programs to determine the hostname.
 I'd guess that perl is complaining about that.

thanks for that hint. i'll try to find the problem, since this error above
seems connected to another one in syslog (only listed while running in
debug mode it seems):

Jan 30 16:02:27 machine spamd[3553]: Insecure dependency in `` while
running with -T switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Sys
/Hostname/ line 91, GEN488 line 294.

Jan 30 16:02:27 machine spamd[3553]: spf: cannot load or create
Mail::SPF::Query module: Insecure dependency in `` while running with
 -T switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Sys/Hostname/ line
91, GEN488 line 294.


Sys Hostname

2006-01-29 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann


recently i see many of those lines in our syslog:

Jan 29 21:56:06 machine spamd[1951]: Insecure dependency in `` while
running with -T switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Sy
s/Hostname/ line 91, GEN14618 line 90.

running 3.0.4 / perl 5.8.3 on sparc sun solaris 5.9. latest version of (1.4) has been installed.

any idea, on how to cope with that issue?


Re: Sys Hostname

2006-01-29 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:


 recently i see many of those lines in our syslog:

 Jan 29 21:56:06 machine spamd[1951]: Insecure dependency in `` while
 running with -T switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Sy
 s/Hostname/ line 91, GEN14618 line 90.

 running 3.0.4 / perl 5.8.3 on sparc sun solaris 5.9. latest version of (1.4) has been installed.

 any idea, on how to cope with that issue?

i was wrong with our SA version. we already got 3.1.0 installed.


Re: whitelist mailman lists

2006-01-25 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Mike Jackson wrote:

  we have some lists on a server maintained by mailman. since mails for
  moderators contains offten spammy content, those mails are rated as spam
  too. i tried whitelisting with for example:
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and some more, but all failed.
  what went wrong, or does anyone know the correct pattern for
  whitelist_from_rcvd and mailman?

 You might try a different approach - create a header rule that would match
 on one of the common Mailman headers, like

 header MAILMAN_HEADER exists:List-Id


 header MAILMAN_HEADER exists:X-Mailman-Version

i'll try this too, thnx for the idea :)


Re: whitelist mailman lists

2006-01-25 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, David B Funk wrote:


 Many mechanisms for calling SA do -not- make the envelope-from address
 available for rule matching (including miltrassassin), thus the failure of
 your whitelist_from_rcvd.

our version currently runnign is: (using Revision: 1.15 Date: 2005/01/14 

 I ran into this problem a couple of years ago, when I first started
 using spamassassin  miltrassassin. The answer was to modify miltrassassin
 to have it add a 'Return-Path:' header to the data that it feeds to SA
 so that SA would have the envelope-from address to work with.
 All of a sudden whitelist_from_rcvd started working as I expected it to ;)

sounds intresting. since i'm not that good in C, and cant verify if all
those funktions work allready in my version. but mlfi_envfrom(ctx, argv)
is used somehow :)

 I've made several mods to miltrassassin, fixing bugs and adding
 features that I felt were worth it. I tried to contact the original
 author of the program to feed back my changes but was unsuccessful.

oh, the old domain hosting his projects went down, his email is:
jk [at] (Jan Krueger)
i'm sure he is glad about any suggestions and fixes.

 If you want to check it out, I can give you a copy.

with the help of jan, we added a way to exclude emails from spamchecking,
wich are delivered through smtp_auth. not sure, if its included in
official version. so i wont change this, but thanks for your offer.
Contact jan, i'm sure he will add your code to the current verwsion :)

best regards,

Re: whitelist mailman lists

2006-01-25 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, mouss wrote:

 Matthias Fuhrmann a écrit :
  we have some lists on a server maintained by mailman. since mails for
  moderators contains offten spammy content, those mails are rated as spam
  too. i tried whitelisting with for example:
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and some more, but all failed.
  what went wrong, or does anyone know the correct pattern for
  whitelist_from_rcvd and mailman?

thanks for your reply too.

 post an example of a message that doesn't match your rules (only header
 are needed).

Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
by (envelope-from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) (8.12.11/8.12.11) with
ESMTP id k0P710R4003896;
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:01:00 +0100 (MET)
X-Envelope-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
by (envelope-from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) (8.12.11/8.12.11) with
ESMTP id k0P70Vnp003836 for [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:00:31 +0100 (MET)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?4_LIST_Moderatoranforderung=28en=29_warten?=
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:00:03 +0100
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.5
List-Id: LIST Mailingliste
X-List-Administrivia: yes
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id k0P70Vnp003836

here is a fresh sample, header only, and my machine is replaced by
'dummy', lists name was replaced by 'list'.


Re: whitelist mailman lists

2006-01-24 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Daniel J. Cody wrote:

 Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and some more, but all failed.
  what went wrong, or does anyone know the correct pattern for
  whitelist_from_rcvd and mailman?

 One trick I used is to have a URI rule that searches for the address of
 the mailman server and path to the admindb (usually /mailman/admindb/)
 and give it a negative score. Also, if you use bayes, have it ignore to
 and from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to avoid any problems with autolearn.

didnt knew about bayes_ignore_to/from yet. thanks for the hint. i'll try
the uri rule later too. need a new fresh sample first :)


best regards,

Re: whitelist mailman lists

2006-01-24 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Vincenzo Martiello wrote:

 Do you use this parameter in MaiScanner.conf ?
 Ignore Spam Whitelist If Recipients Exceed = 

  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain
  whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and some more, but all failed.
  what went wrong, or does anyone know the correct pattern for
  whitelist_from_rcvd and mailman?

thanks for your quick reply, but i guess i missed our configuration.
we are using sendmail with miltrassassin as milter and spamassassin 3.1.0.
So there is no MailScanner.conf. thnx anyway for your reply :)

best regards,

Re: Regex help...confused about spaces.

2006-01-22 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sun, 22 Jan 2006,  wrote:



 I'm confused as to how to block words with spaces.
 For example,
 V ia G ra
 M o r t g a g e

are you using SARE rules already? if not, have a look at: might be usefull
in that case.


Re: Sudden Increase in Spam Mails

2005-08-19 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Anton Krall wrote:


 Is it just me or has spam increased for the past few days? Its like amavis
 and SA are not caching a lot anymore...

 Any ideas?

does it mean, there are no tags set in the header of emails, or just low
no tags means, there were timeouts due to busy cpu or other problems.if
you post your setup, i guess, people here can help you.


Re: Net::DNS and Spamassassin

2005-07-15 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:

 On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Jose Hidalgo wrote:

  OS: FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p12
  When trying to report a message it fails with the following error:
  razor2 report failed: No such file or directory Died at
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line
  148, GEN1 line 1. Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
  Net::DNS::mx() is deprecated at
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line
  464. 1 message(s) examined. Can't locate auto/Net/DNS/ in @INC
  (@INC contains: lib /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/mach /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.7/BSDPAN /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.7/mach
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.7) at
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line

 i found this:

 they say, downgrading Net::DNS to 0.49 would fix that issue.

there is 0.52 of Net::Dns:


RE: Blacklisting

2005-07-14 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Jean-Paul Natola wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Dickenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:18 PM
 To: Jean-Paul Natola
 Subject: Re: Blacklisting

 On Jul 13, 2005, at 11:55 AM, Jean-Paul Natola wrote:

  I'm attempting to blacklist
  Is this the correct way edit the file?


 Steven Dickenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 H  , I'll take that as a no comment

blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

done in, this is correct.


Re: Net::DNS and Spamassassin

2005-07-14 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Jose Hidalgo wrote:

 OS: FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p12


 When trying to report a message it fails with the following error:

 razor2 report failed: No such file or directory Died at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line
 148, GEN1 line 1. Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
 Net::DNS::mx() is deprecated at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line
 464. 1 message(s) examined. Can't locate auto/Net/DNS/ in @INC
 (@INC contains: lib /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/mach /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.7/BSDPAN /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.7/mach
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.7) at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line

i found this:

they say, downgrading Net::DNS to 0.49 would fix that issue.


Re: SA 2.63 vs 2.64

2005-07-11 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sun, 10 Jul 2005, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:

   # jm: do not...

 the lines from fits to the error messages. didnt checked, but i guess its the same issue.
 can someone explain the difference or the impact to the problem, described

 what about replacing the line of 2.64 with the old working one from 2.63?
 hope i'm not too wrong, since i try debugging for some hours now :)

just in case someone starts bothering. i've upgraded to 3.0.4 and
surprisingly there were only some rules to fix and bayesdb, which we had
to convert.
best of all, the error messages from 2.64 are gone and syslog outputs are
now a lot more verbose, very nice :)


SA 2.63 vs 2.64

2005-07-10 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann


nearly a year ago, i had trouble upgrading to 2.64. the problem ist still
running 2.64 leads to mass syslog filling due to this lines:

Jul 10 22:41:35 xx spamd[15244]: Use of uninitialized value in
concatenation (.) or string at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/S
pamAssassin/ line 1342, GEN57 line 68.
Jul 10 22:41:35 xx spamd[15244]: Use of uninitialized value in
concatenation (.) or string at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/S
pamAssassin/ line 1343, GEN57 line 68.


Jul 10 22:41:43 xx spamd[15253]: Use of uninitialized value in
concatenation (.) or string at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/S
pamAssassin/ line 460, GEN61 line 106.
Jul 10 22:41:43 xx spamd[15253]: Use of uninitialized value in
concatenation (.) or string at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/S
pamAssassin/ line 461, GEN61 line 106.

the other day i thought it was connected to spamcopuri, but i guess this
was wrong, since it also happens without it.

for i figured out, there was a code change:  2.64:

sub tokenize_headers {
  my ($self, $msg) = @_;

  my @hdrs = ();
  my $length = 0;

  my $hdr;
  foreach $hdr ($msg-get_all_headers()) {
last if ($length + length($hdr)  MAX_HEADER_LENGTH);

my($key, $value) = split(/:/, $hdr, 2);

# limit the length of the pairs we store
if (length($key)  MAX_HEADER_KEY_LENGTH) {
  $key = substr($key, 0, MAX_HEADER_KEY_LENGTH);
if (length($value)  MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH) {
  $value = substr($value, 0, MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH);
push(@hdrs, $key:$value);
$length += length $key:$value;

  my $hdrs = join('', @hdrs);
  undef @hdrs;

  # jm: do not...

and here the 2.63 version:

sub tokenize_headers {
  my ($self, $msg) = @_;

  my $hdrs = $msg-get_all_headers();

  # jm: do not...

the lines from fits to the error messages. didnt checked, but i guess its the same issue.
can someone explain the difference or the impact to the problem, described

what about replacing the line of 2.64 with the old working one from 2.63?
hope i'm not too wrong, since i try debugging for some hours now :)

best regards,