Re: better solution?

2006-10-30 Thread Mike Woods

Matthias Haegele wrote:


procmail, (alternative: maildrop (if you use courier), or sieve iirc 


Or if he has an mda that supports it (like cyrus) plus addressing is
an option provided the content filter he's using supports it (like amavis)

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

Re: I'm thinking about suing Microsoft

2006-10-25 Thread Mike Woods

Mosenior 'Mo' Moses wrote:

 That is,
  Until it starts being used. Then all of the issues will be fixed in

 the next release ;-). I've noticed that M$ is always secure... before
 it goes into circulation.

Reminds me of the old line about computer security The only way to 
completely secure a computer is to unplug it :p

The ultimate windows security accessory, A pair of scissors to cut the 
power cable :D

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

Re: I'm getting killed with spammers

2006-10-18 Thread Mike Woods

Chris Santerre wrote:

 FWIW: I think traffic is up all around. I'm seeing a definite 
increase in the past weeks. Most are being stopped via RBLs, but

 there is a lot more to stop!

I'll second that, my account alone has been getting around 230 caught 
spams a day and quite a good few missed, it seems to be down to a rather 
rapid change in the content of the spam, just as the spam filters adapt 
and learn to the point of blocking spam X it stops and spam y kicks in!

In the last few weeks i've added spamhaus and surbs tests, raised scores 
and lowered thresholds and i'm still getting notably higher  volumes of 
spam (on all my accounts in fact!!)

Tis an epidemic I tells ya!

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

Re: spam attacks - so and so wrote about a stock

2006-10-18 Thread Mike Woods

Ken A wrote:

 Now, how to know what spammers are going to send before they send 
it.. That doesn't sound like an open source project. ;-)

Sounds more like an open-skull project to me :D

I'll get my coat!

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

Learn times

2006-10-09 Thread Mike Woods

Hi guys, me again!

After my last little email I've built my new learning scripts and I've 
been running the initial learn from our spam folders (i.e, the big one) 
the only issue is it's been going for over a week and shows no sign of 
being done, so far the bayes_token table on the database I'm feeding 
this too is up to about 3.3m records, which seems a little excessive to 
me even for 120,000 spam's but since i've never done a learn of this 
scale and since this is also the first time im feeding it into a 
database im not sure what to think!

Any thoughts/words of wisdom/reassurances at this point would be welcomed!

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

Re: sa-learn and Caught spams

2006-09-28 Thread Mike Woods

Bowie Bailey wrote:

 Why would you feed things through again and again?  My point was that
 if you turn off auto-learning, you have complete control over what is

I wouldn't, but when you said Then you can feed everything to sa-learn 
and not worry about it

I assumed that's what you meant :D

 You don't have to figure out what has and has not already
 been learned.  Just filter everything into directories for ham and
 spam learning and feed the entire directory to sa-learn.  Once you
 have learned the messages, you can either delete them, or move them to
 an archive directory.  Using this method, nothing is ever learned
 twice.  Also, (if you do your sorting properly) nothing is ever
 learned incorrectly.

That's basicly what I have in mind!

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

Re: sa-learn and Caught spams

2006-09-27 Thread Mike Woods

The internet is a great place for raising more questions than it answers :D

Given all the opinions I think I will move the caught spam's into the 
learning cycle however i'm also going to make sure that each spam is 
only ever fed through the system once, this wont be a problem since I 
already make use of their checksums to avoid duplicating files and I had 
intended to use it to remove old spam anyway.

Ta guys, much food for thought :D

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator