Re: Can I auto-delete emails scoring 10 and above, yet mark as spam those 5 and above?

2009-09-16 Thread Rob Sharp

drkwc wrote:

Hostgator told me that with their setup, using their SpamAssassin controls,
I can't set two concurrent rules. i.e. I can't tell SpamAssassin to
autodelete any mail with a score of 10 or higher and also tell it to mark as
[SPAM] and deliver any mail with a score between 5 and 10. 

I#'m current on Hostgator also, shared server. They recently reduced the
functionality of their spamassassin install by removing the option to
tailor the subject lines for spammy mesages.

You can with er have it tagged with [SPAM], or remain untagged. Customer
subject rewrites were disabled, along with a lot of options that
user_prefs should allow.

They told me this was due to server load, and only moving to a dedicated
server would return that functionality. It was a bit of a pain for me,
since I used it to add details of the rules hit in the email header, and
also include the score in the subject line.


Add rule hits to all emails?

2009-06-09 Thread Rob Sharp

Hi there,

A little while back someone posted an entry one can add to user_prefs to 
cause the SA rule breakdown to be added to the headers of all emails.

I'm sure I saved the email somewhere, but cannot find it any more. Would 
someone be kind enough to repost it please?


Issues with bayes setup on shared host

2009-05-12 Thread Rob Sharp

*Newbie Alert*

Afternoon all,

I'm a customer of a large host (Hostgator) and I am using their shared 
hosting implementation of SA for my personal email. I also have SSH 
access to my server, under a jailed shell.

SA works well for me, but I wanted to add bayes filtering. Hostgator 
told me that bayes filtering wouldn't work on a shared host, but I added 
the 'use bayes 1' and 'bayes_auto_learn 1' into my user_prefs file 
anyway. It seems to work OK and it began building a bayes_toks file. 
After enough mails had been processed I began seeing the Bayes rules 
firing off in my incoming email. This was all done some time ago.

So far, so good.

I decided to look into the kind of maintenance that might be involved, 
and discovered that my .spamassassin directory had /lots/ of 
bayes_toks.expire files in it.

I've tried running sa-learn --force-expire but nothing seems to happen 
at all. The .spamassassin directory shows as being owned by my current 
user, as do all the contents.

I tried running sa-learn -D --dump magic to see what output that gave, 
but it gives only this at the end of a lot of rule information:-

[375] dbg: rules: __MO_OL_4BF4C merged duplicates: __MO_OL_F6D01
[375] dbg: rules: __MO_OL_F475E merged duplicates: __MO_OL_FF5C8
[375] dbg: conf: finish parsing
[375] dbg: config: score set 1 chosen.
ERROR: Bayes dump returned an error, please re-run with -D for more 

The full output is here:-

What I suppose I'm trying to ask is this:-

1) Am I asking too much trying to run bayes filtering on a shared host 
in this manner?

2) How should I be manually maintaining the bayes data if sa-learn 
doesn't seem to be working from my account?


Re: Yahoogroups not a COI list ?

2008-08-22 Thread Rob Sharp

ram wrote:

OK, thanks for the info. I don't use Yahoo Groups and wasn't sure if
there was some gotcha to prevent people from being unsubscribed by


Unfortunately there seems none. Any group owner can approve my id on 
my "friend's" request. This is ridiculous. 

( Especially After the  where you get your "friend's"
subscribed into 1000's of unconfirmed opt-ins ... Yahoo should do better
than that ) 

Not quite true.

One cannot unsubscribe others from YG email lists, unless you are the
owner of the YG list in question.

A Group owner /can/ directly add people to their own list, limited to
50/100 per day. That circumvents the usual Opt-in procedure.

However, if you have a Yahoogroups account you can set your own
preferences to prevent YG from directly adding your address to email
lists in this manner.

So if your 'friend' wrote to a list owner telling them to add you to
their list they could do so unless your own YG profile specified


Re: Subject line still getting changed

2008-08-04 Thread Rob Sharp

Thanks for the reply.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

All messages that SA determines as spammy has [SPAM] prefixed to the 
subject line.

there's header rewriting set up somwehere.

My Host just told me to add "rewrite_subject 0" into my user_prefs. I
think they actually mean rewrite_header. I've just added it, and now
need to wait for a spammy message to arrive to give it a test.

I have manually overridden report_safe to 0.

That's a different parameter.

I thought I'd mention it since it was the only thing I had changed
from the default and didnt know if it had any bearing.


Re: Sa-update failures? Yerp AND kluge Offline? DOS?

2008-08-04 Thread Rob Sharp
There was a message recently posted saying that Yerp was being taken 
offline for a server move.


Michael Scheidell wrote:

Didn't think too much of seeing this in every SA box log last night, just
thought maybe offline.
http: request failed: 500 Can't connect to (connect: Invalid
argument): 500 Can't connect to (connect: Invalid argument)
channel: could not find working mirror, channel failed
http: request failed: 500 Can't connect to (connect: Invalid
argument): 500 Can't connect to (connect: Invalid argument)
Tested it, yep, off line:
telnet 80
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

But, then saw this in a couple of them and thought this was too weird.
Concentrated DOS attack against the saupdate channel servers?

http: request failed: 500 Can't connect to
(connect: timeout): 500 Can't connect to (connect:

While looking up information on, got it offline also.
(well, its the same box ;)
telnet 80
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

Looks fine now, and sa-update -D doesn't show any missing updates available.

Subject line still getting changed

2008-08-02 Thread Rob Sharp

Evening all,

I have an email account on a shared server at Hostgator. I have 
configured SpamAssassin via their Cpanel interface not to rewrite the 
subject line when flagging an item as spam. However, this flagging still 
seems to be happening.

All messages that SA determines as spammy has [SPAM] prefixed to the 
subject line.

I have manually overridden report_safe to 0.

Can someone please tell me what other directives control the subject 
line rewriting?

X-Spam-Checker-Version says version=3.3.0-r613124 , however, that seems 
like a newer version that currently available on the SA website!?!?
