Re: problem with a date rule

2010-01-19 Thread Robert Ober

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

rp wrote on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 09:07:17 -0800:


Anyone else having this problem?

You should have read the list or googled first.


Well,  I have googled it and read lot's of stuff and the problem 
persists.  I have a server on CentOS 5.3 with spamassassin-3.2.5-1.el5 
from that distribution.  They have no newer according to yum.  The fix did not change anything after restarting spamassassin.

For some reason spamassassin hates me, which is my reason for joining 
this list some time ago.  I still plan to implement it on another server 
that does not want to let it work.  So, someone please help me so I can 
move on to other LATE projects.

Robert A. Ober

That Future Bug

2010-01-19 Thread Robert Ober
Well,  I have googled it and read lot's of stuff and the problem 
persists.  I have a server on CentOS 5.3 with spamassassin-3.2.5-1.el5 
from that distribution.  They have no newer according to yum.  The fix did not change anything after restarting spamassassin.

For some reason spamassassin hates me, which is my reason for joining 
this list some time ago.  I still plan to implement it on another server 
that does not want to let it work.  So, someone please help me so I can 
move on to other LATE projects.

Robert A. Ober

Re: That Future Bug

2010-01-19 Thread Robert Ober

Daniel McDonald wrote:

On 1/19/10 9:02 AM, Robert  wrote:


Well,  I have googled it and read lot's of stuff and the problem
persists.  I have a server on CentOS 5.3 with spamassassin-3.2.5-1.el5
from that distribution.  They have no newer according to yum.  The fix did not change anything after restarting spamassassin.

Have you compiled rules in the past?  If so, you will need to re-compile
your rules before restarting spamd.

Have not compiled rules that I can remember.  Can you point me to a doc?

Sorry to come into the middle of the conversation, but a few more details of
what you have done would be helpful...

I have only entered score FH-DATE-PAST-20XX 0.0 into the and 
restarted spamassassin.


Re: That Future Bug

2010-01-19 Thread Robert Ober

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Robert Ober wrote on Tue, 19 Jan 2010 09:19:57 -0600:


score FH-DATE-PAST-20XX 0.0

which is wrong, the rule has underscores. Read the article on


Thanks,  I cut and pasted that from someone's forum post.  Fortunately 
sa-update solved it:-)

Re: OT Re: Museum piece...

2009-12-17 Thread Robert Ober wrote:

My first home computer was a Godbout S-100 bus system running a dual 8085/8088 
CPU board. At that time, the future in operating systems was going to be CP/M 


You and Jerry Pournelle :-)

Procmail Setup NOT Working

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Ober

Hello Folks,

I am using Spamassassin 3.2.5 with Sendmail 8.14.1 in an installation 
for office and offsite users.  The initial setup was to have 
Spamassassin to rewrite the subject so that the users could setup a 
filter in Outlook.  Problem is that some users are setup to have their 
email forwarded to their cellphone/blackberry and the spam is in that 
inbox.  So I found some articles and decided to have the spam go to a 
file.  The following is the new version of the /etc/procmailrc:



| /usr/bin/spamc

# Mail that is very likely spam (15) can be dropped on the floor.
# Move the # down one line to drop it.
# Note that dropping mail on the floor is a *bad*
# idea unless you really, really believe no false positives will
# have a score greater than 15.
* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

:0 w :$SPAMFOLDER/.lock
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

No spam is going to the spam file in /var/spool/mail although the main 
offsite user did have a .lock . I even dropped the level from 8 to 5 . 
The main offsite user is being flooded and sees all the spam on his 
phone.  I even rebooted the server (Fedora Linux Core 6) last night.   
Also, what ownership should the logfile(procmail.log) have?  I did 660 
and tried mail.mail and it still complains in the maillog that it cannot 
write to the logfile.

Ideas would be most welcome.

Robert A. Ober

Re: Procmail Setup NOT Working

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Ober

On 4/28/09 11:34 AM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:


procmail is being run on behalf of the recipient.

Makes sense,  any way to make sure the log is writeable other that to 
put all the users in a group?


MAILDIR is not set, so it defaults to $HOME.

How does this apply for doing Spamassassin globally?

Does your main offsite user even have a $HOME? What user is this being
run as? Check its home...

Yes, but all mail goes to /var/spool/mail.  Each user has a file there 
under their name.

| /usr/bin/spamc

# Mail that is very likely spam (15) can be dropped on the floor.
# Move the # down one line to drop it.
# Note that dropping mail on the floor is a *bad*
# idea unless you really, really believe no false positives will
# have a score greater than 15.
* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

This would deliver in *mbox* format into $MAILDIR/almost-certainly-spam

:0 w :$SPAMFOLDER/.lock
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

Here you specify *MH* format, delivering into $MAILDIR/spam/

Well I just copied from an article.  How do I change it for mbox?

No spam is going to the spam file in /var/spool/mail although the main
offsite user did have a .lock . I even dropped the level from 8 to 5 .
The main offsite user is being flooded and sees all the spam on his
phone.  I even rebooted the server (Fedora Linux Core 6) last night.
Also, what ownership should the logfile(procmail.log) have?  I did 660
and tried mail.mail and it still complains in the maillog that it cannot
write to the logfile.

procmail is not being run as user mail. See DROPPRIVS in man procmailrc.

Will do.

You should sort out *where* to deliver, and what *format* to use. Also
it seems the user procmail runs as is not allowed to write to the
delivery destinations -- and/or does not have a $HOME.

Sendmail with mbox.  As I stated, it was working just for rewritting the 
subject.  How do I set procmail to run as mail or whatever.  This is 
unclear to me.  I want this to work globally, all spam to the same file.

You will see the failed delivery attempts and falling through to the
next recipe / default mailbox in the procmail logs, once they are

Still do not understand how to do that.

Thanks for the help,

Re: Procmail Setup NOT Working

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Ober

On 4/28/09 3:00 PM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:

On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 13:32 -0500, Robert Ober wrote:

On 4/28/09 11:34 AM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:

It was global and I want it to stay global.  The old procmailrc is:


| /usr/bin/spamc

No .procmailrc for the users.  And Spamassassin is set to rewrite the 
subject with *Possible SPAM*

All I want to do now is have all the identified spam(X-Spam-Status: Yes 
?) go to a global file instead of delivered to the users.  The global 
spam file will be readable by only myself and management.  Company owned 
systems, so no privacy implied nor should be expected.

I appreciate the responses.

Robert A. Ober
PS: If not, how else?