Limited Access Repository

2011-07-22 Thread Andy Canfield
I changed my repository parent so that it is not readable, not writable, 
not searchable by anyone except the owner, which is www-data (the user 
that Apache runs as) -

*drwx-- 2 www-data www-data 4096 2011-07-22 15:45 /data/svn*
I figure that will keep other users away from the contents. Only root 
and Apache can see the contents and therefore do anything with it.

Re: Subversion access control

2011-07-22 Thread Geoff Hoffman
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Andy Canfield wrote:

> I notice that you don't have any entries that read "... = r"; everyone who
> can read can write also. No need?

Yeah, I just don't have a use case for that. The RSS feed of a repo commits
from websvn is much more useful than read-only access to the server
(basically websvn provides read-only access in a browser, all nice and

I'm glad you got it working! It's worth it in the end.

The insurance policy that an SCM system provides is priceless.


2011-07-22 Thread Andy Canfield
Had what seems to be a bright idea. It is a bright idea for a Subversion 
server on Linux or OS X; AFAIK this idea has no relevance to Windows:

Take note of the user and group that Apache runs as. Call this 
combination APACHE, meaning APACHE_USER and APACHE_GROUP.

Whatever mod_dav_svn does to any repository will be done by APACHE. 
Whatever WebSVN does to any repository will be done by APACHE.

If I set the svnserve program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnserve does to any repository will also be done 
by APACHE. Only root, or the APACHE user, can make this change to the 
svnserve program binary.

If I set the svnadmin program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnadmin does to any repository will also be done 

If I set the svnlook program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnlook does to any repository will be done by APACHE.

So the three access paths - http:, svn:, and direct - will all operate 
using the same user and group.

You don't want to do this to any program, such as 'svn', which relies on 
user authentication, since it needs to know the actual user that is 
running the program. But any program which operates directly on the 
repository can be set this way and that ensures that the repository is 
always manipulated, at a low level, by the same user all the time.

So a post-installation setup would include:
*sudo bash
cd /usr/bin
chown APACHE_USER svnadmin svnlook svnserve
chgrp APACHE_GROUP svnadmin svnlook svnserve*

This idea also allows me to make the the respository itself accessable 
only by APACHE. This ensures that the repository can only be manipulated 
by Subversion code itself (or by root):

*sudo bash
mkdir /var/svn
chown APACHE_USER**/var/svn*
*chgrp APACHE_GROUP**/var/svn*
*chmod 0700 /var/svn*

If I also do this:
*sudo bash
rm /usr/bin/svnadmin*
then all repository creation would have to be done via something like 
WebSVN, which I assume requires authentication.

How does that sound to you guys? Where are the flaws in this idea?

Thank you very much.

Re: Subversion: existing users

2011-07-22 Thread Les Mikesell

On 7/22/2011 1:45 AM, Andy Canfield wrote:
>> Welcome to sys-admin hell, the "documentation is true, but not
>> complete" world that I've spent so many years in. The connections
>> between different pieces of information that are obvious to someone
>> who's been through similar issues in the past are not obvious to a an
>> intelligent but new person like yourself.
> Yes. But don't forget "The documentation was true, then, but may not be
> true any more". I once googled for how to install Tomcat and the first
> web page I hit said that I had to recompile Apache myself. Written in 

The usual sysadmin rule is that if the documentation and code differ, 
they are both wrong.

> My current impression is that the /var/syn/project/... directories need
> write access to whatever system user is running the service; either
> apache/ or svnserve. Hell breaks loose when you have to
> use direct access to use svnadmin.

No, you either run svanamin as root and change ownership/permissions 
later, or su to the owning user which sometimes involves options to su 
to run an appropriate shell if the user in question doesn't have one for 
direct logins.

> Since websvn is said to work, and
> websvn runs under Apache, it should be happy with the same system user
> ownership as apache/ likes.

Websvn, viewvc, etc., generally only need read access.

> Obviously a server tends to have lots of different users, doing lots of
> different things. A centralized login authentication system is
> desirable. And for my experience, on a single machine server, that's the
> standard OS user login. It works for ssh and sftp and ftp. No need to
> memorize three passwords, no need to set up three different
> authentication files.

I think you've typed a lot more already without accomplishing this than 
it would have taken to create the separate passwd file with three users 
that either svnserve or apache need for their simple form of authentication.

> Unfortunately http and MySQL don't authenticate that way, so we have to
> set up parallel systems. 'htpasswd' is just another version of
> '/etc/passwd' to me, and a usually unnecessary redundancy.

There are a couple of catches.  One is that the system passwords in 
/etc/shadow are only readable by root - intentionally to prevent 
password-cracking programs from easily breaking the encryption.  Giving 
other programs access opens an assortment of potential vulnerabilities. 
 Another is that it only solves the problem when you only have one 
machine and you want all involved parties to have access to everything. 
 This is rarely the case as you start adding network services.

> I look at setting up Subversion authentication, and the first option I
> hope for is:
> use-what-you-already-have = yes

If what you already have is LDAP, you probably can.  There are ways to 
make apache work with the system passwd/shadow files but I'm not sure 
what the best approach currently is.  Mod_auth_pam used to work but I 
don't think distributions include it now and you have to give apache 
read access to /etc/shadow to use it with the system files.

> Of course, my experience is in small groups, not big ones. For example,
> it has been decades since I've worked with a project involving more than
> one programmer. That's why I have to LEARN Subversion; because I've
> never needed it before and I"m not even sure that I need it now. But it
> sounds like a useful skill.

Large groups will likely already have some network authentication 
mechanism set up (and really large groups will have a different set of 
people managing it...).  Apache has a large set of authentication 
mechanisms/modules so you can probably make it work with whatever you 
need.  However, even large groups often use outside contractors for 
development work and there may be times when you want to control access 
separately for subversion or certain other services.

  Les Mikesell

Re: Setuid

2011-07-22 Thread David Chapman

On 7/22/2011 8:38 AM, Andy Canfield wrote:
Had what seems to be a bright idea. It is a bright idea for a 
Subversion server on Linux or OS X; AFAIK this idea has no relevance 
to Windows:

Take note of the user and group that Apache runs as. Call this 
combination APACHE, meaning APACHE_USER and APACHE_GROUP.

Whatever mod_dav_svn does to any repository will be done by APACHE. 
Whatever WebSVN does to any repository will be done by APACHE.

If I set the svnserve program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnserve does to any repository will also be 
done by APACHE. Only root, or the APACHE user, can make this change to 
the svnserve program binary.

If I set the svnadmin program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnadmin does to any repository will also be 
done by APACHE.

If I set the svnlook program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnlook does to any repository will be done by 

So the three access paths - http:, svn:, and direct - will all operate 
using the same user and group.

You don't want to do this to any program, such as 'svn', which relies 
on user authentication, since it needs to know the actual user that is 
running the program. But any program which operates directly on the 
repository can be set this way and that ensures that the repository is 
always manipulated, at a low level, by the same user all the time.

So a post-installation setup would include:
*sudo bash
cd /usr/bin
chown APACHE_USER svnadmin svnlook svnserve
chgrp APACHE_GROUP svnadmin svnlook svnserve*

This idea also allows me to make the the respository itself accessable 
only by APACHE. This ensures that the repository can only be 
manipulated by Subversion code itself (or by root):

*sudo bash
mkdir /var/svn
chown APACHE_USER**/var/svn*
*chgrp APACHE_GROUP**/var/svn*
*chmod 0700 /var/svn*

If I also do this:
*sudo bash
rm /usr/bin/svnadmin*
then all repository creation would have to be done via something like 
WebSVN, which I assume requires authentication.

How does that sound to you guys? Where are the flaws in this idea?

Thank you very much.

It prevents privately owned and managed repositories.  Normally, 
individual users can set up their own repositories for their own 
(personal) projects or files.  If you are planning to do this on a 
server that you wish to lock down, then I see no reason why it would 
cause problems, but if users can login and do other work on this 
machine, you are constraining them.

David Chapman
Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA

Re: Can I prevent a file from being modified?

2011-07-22 Thread David Weintraub
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Andreas Krey  wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 11:06:00 +, David Weintraub wrote:
>> I have a pre-commit hook that allows you to set a directory as
>> "add-only". This was mainly for the tags directory. You can create a
>> tag, but once created, it can't be modified.
> The devil's advocate wants to know it this script accidentally also
> allows adding new files/directories *within* a tag; thus getting
> interesting results when accidentally executing
>   svn cp $base/trunk $base/tags/blub -m "$message"

It all depends how you configure the control file. If you simply did
something like this:

file = /tags/**
user = @ALL
access = add-only

Then, it would be possible for someone to add a directory inside
another directory under the tags directory.

I haven't worried about this. My main concern isn't someone doing
something malicious, but doing something more human. For example, a
developer did a "svn switch" to a tag to see the files on a particular
revision, then promptly forgot they did the switch and edit that
working directory. No clue would be given that they were not on trunk
or a branch while doing their work, and they may simply not realize it
even after a commit.

However, if you want to prevent maliciousness, you first lock down the
directories under tags:

[FILE No modifying anything under /tags]
file = /tags/**
user = @ALL
access = read-only

This prevents any changes at all under the /tags directory.

Now, you add in the following:

[FILE Allow users to add new tags, but that's all]
file = /tags/*
user = @ALL
access = add-only

This allows you to add in directories directly under the "tags"
directory via an "svn cp", but you can't add anything under those

I don't make a distinction between files, and directories. It is
possible to use "svn add" to add in empty directories and files
directly under the /tags directory, so it's not entirely secure from
maliciousness. However, it really wouldn't do anything more than be
annoying and since this is version control, the culprit could easily
be caught.

David Weintraub

Re: Can I prevent a file from being modified?

2011-07-22 Thread Les Mikesell

On 7/22/2011 11:36 AM, David Weintraub wrote:

This allows you to add in directories directly under the "tags"
directory via an "svn cp", but you can't add anything under those

I don't make a distinction between files, and directories. It is
possible to use "svn add" to add in empty directories and files
directly under the /tags directory, so it's not entirely secure from
maliciousness. However, it really wouldn't do anything more than be
annoying and since this is version control, the culprit could easily
be caught.

Yes, the revision control part is always there.  While we tend to use 
tags to get simple human-generated, human-readable names for specific 
revisions (through the convention of never committing changes there), 
all you really have to do to be sure you have a particular version is 
use the path@revision syntax in your workflow.  It is impossible for 
that to ever be changed through subversion client operations.

  Les Mikesell

Re: Setuid

2011-07-22 Thread Les Mikesell

On 7/22/2011 10:38 AM, Andy Canfield wrote:

If I set the svnserve program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and
setgid, then whatever svnserve does to any repository will also be done
by APACHE. Only root, or the APACHE user, can make this change to the
svnserve program binary.

You don't need suid for this.  There are normally shell scripts that 
start system services that are executed as root and can change their uid 
before starting the program.   Apache is an exception because it 
typically has to open port 80 for listening and ports below 1024 are 
restricted to root in unix-like systems - so it has to start as root and 
change its own uid after opening the socket.

If I set the svnadmin program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and
setgid, then whatever svnadmin does to any repository will also be done

I wouldn't do that without auditing the code.  If there are any paths of 
execution that can delete or modify files, making it suid gives any 
local user the ability to delete/modify your repositories and anything 
else owned by apache.  Normally, the point of running a network service 
with authentication is to prevent most users from having direct access 
to the files under control.

Plus, users may want to have their own private subversion repositories 
that they create with svnadmin and use file:// access in svn.

  Les Mikesell

Re: Setuid

2011-07-22 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Andy Canfield
> Had what seems to be a bright idea. It is a bright idea for a Subversion
> server on Linux or OS X; AFAIK this idea has no relevance to Windows:
> Take note of the user and group that Apache runs as. Call this combination
> Whatever mod_dav_svn does to any repository will be done by APACHE. Whatever
> WebSVN does to any repository will be done by APACHE.
> If I set the svnserve program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and setgid,
> then whatever svnserve does to any repository will also be done by APACHE.
> Only root, or the APACHE user, can make this change to the svnserve program
> binary.

Sounds dangerous and untested. svnserve, for example, is not designed
to be run suid. It's not necessarily handling UID versus EUID
correctly for this. (It might, it's not tested.)

It's much more common to turn it around. If you want a shared svn://,
svn+ssh://, and http:// access to the same repository, run a secondary
Apache daemon as the alternative "svn" user. I've done so to keep
Apache access separate from svn access quite successfully. Run it on
another port to avoid conflicts with the primary Apache server, store
logs in a distinct location in the config files, use a proxy on the
main server to pass requests for https://sitename/svn/ to the
https://sitename:8443/svn/, or a similar ProxyPass setup, and it helps
you run multiple services safely on the same server.

> If I set the svnadmin program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and setgid,
> then whatever svnadmin does to any repository will also be done by APACHE.
> If I set the svnlook program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and setgid,
> then whatever svnlook does to any repository will be done by APACHE.
> So the three access paths - http:, svn:, and direct - will all operate using
> the same user and group.
> You don't want to do this to any program, such as 'svn', which relies on
> user authentication, since it needs to know the actual user that is running
> the program. But any program which operates directly on the repository can
> be set this way and that ensures that the repository is always manipulated,
> at a low level, by the same user all the time.
> So a post-installation setup would include:
>     sudo bash
>     cd /usr/bin
>     chown APACHE_USER svnadmin svnlook svnserve
>     chgrp APACHE_GROUP svnadmin svnlook svnserve
> This idea also allows me to make the the respository itself accessable only
> by APACHE. This ensures that the repository can only be manipulated by
> Subversion code itself (or by root):
>     sudo bash
>     mkdir /var/svn
>     chown APACHE_USER /var/svn
>     chgrp APACHE_GROUP /var/svn
>     chmod 0700 /var/svn
> If I also do this:
>     sudo bash
>     rm /usr/bin/svnadmin
> then all repository creation would have to be done via something like
> WebSVN, which I assume requires authentication.
> How does that sound to you guys? Where are the flaws in this idea?
> Thank you very much.

404 on SQLite dependency in

2011-07-22 Thread Conor

The URL used by from subversion-1.6.17.tar.gz to get SQLite,, is 404.

Proposed Solution:

It looks like has changed (?) their filename format, as the
latest version of the amalgamation file is, and the URL is:

Need to change:
 Line 31:   SQLITE_VERSION=3.7.5 to SQLITE_VERSION=3070701
 Line 53:   wget -nc$SQLITE.tar.gz to wget -nc$
 Line 61:   gzip -dc $TEMPDIR/$SQLITE.tar.gz | tar -xf -   to unzip
 Line 67:   mv sqlite-$SQLITE_VERSION sqlite-amalgamation to mv
$ sqlite-amalgamation


Need for a local Subversion server?

2011-07-22 Thread Phil Montgomery
I have a question regarding the need of a subversion mirror server.

Our work is done on UNIX systems.  We currently have a master repository in
England.  We mirror it as a read only repository to the states.  The system
that acts as the Subversion server in the states is rather old and its
faster to do checkouts from the remote repository then the local one.  I’m
curious why we even need a local subversion server.  We cannot add anything
to the local repository.  Developers check out the code, update the files in
their working directory, then commit them to the remote server.

Now trying to commit, resolve conflicts, and merges are another matter.
Latency has a far greater impact on those tasks.  We often thought about
making a post-hook on the commit to initiate syncs from the master to the
remote site in order to do the conflict resolution locally, allowing our
developers to use a GUI interface or type in their xterm and not wait for
the characters to appear.  We have yet to do that test to see if it would

(We did try the WanDisco Enterprise solution and like it, but in a spending
freeze so absolutely no funds for that product)

I do appreciate your time and any constructive responses. :)


Re: Need for a local Subversion server?

2011-07-22 Thread Stefan Sperling
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:12:31AM -0700, Phil Montgomery wrote:
> I have a question regarding the need of a subversion mirror server.
> Our work is done on UNIX systems.  We currently have a master repository in
> England.  We mirror it as a read only repository to the states.  The system
> that acts as the Subversion server in the states is rather old and its
> faster to do checkouts from the remote repository then the local one.  I?m
> curious why we even need a local subversion server.  We cannot add anything
> to the local repository.  Developers check out the code, update the files in
> their working directory, then commit them to the remote server.
> Now trying to commit, resolve conflicts, and merges are another matter.
> Latency has a far greater impact on those tasks.  We often thought about
> making a post-hook on the commit to initiate syncs from the master to the
> remote site in order to do the conflict resolution locally, allowing our
> developers to use a GUI interface or type in their xterm and not wait for
> the characters to appear.  We have yet to do that test to see if it would
> help.

Have you considered using a write-through proxy setup?
> (We did try the WanDisco Enterprise solution and like it, but in a spending
> freeze so absolutely no funds for that product)

The write-though proxy feature that ships with Subversion provides
similar advantages. The only major difference is that write operations
are proxied through to the master server, and must be copied back to
the slave server. So there is a time window where the slave isn't
up-to-date. It still provides major advantages for read-only operations,
and this speeds up lots of things, including merges. Basically, anything
but commit operations can be answered from the local server so there
is little latency.

The subversion project itself uses this type of setup with the
Apache Software Foundation's Subversion server, where our own
code is hosted. There is one server in the US (which acts as the
master server) and one in Europe (which acts as the slave). resolves to a different address depending on location.

Re: Need for a local Subversion server?

2011-07-22 Thread Les Mikesell

On 7/22/2011 12:12 PM, Phil Montgomery wrote:

I have a question regarding the need of a subversion mirror server.

Our work is done on UNIX systems.  We currently have a master repository
in England.  We mirror it as a read only repository to the states.  The
system that acts as the Subversion server in the states is rather old
and its faster to do checkouts from the remote repository then the local
one.  I’m curious why we even need a local subversion server.  We cannot
add anything to the local repository.  Developers check out the code,
update the files in their working directory, then commit them to the
remote server.

Now trying to commit, resolve conflicts, and merges are another matter.
Latency has a far greater impact on those tasks.  We often thought about
making a post-hook on the commit to initiate syncs from the master to
the remote site in order to do the conflict resolution locally, allowing
our developers to use a GUI interface or type in their xterm and not
wait for the characters to appear.  We have yet to do that test to see
if it would help.

We have some cases of (very) remote teams working out of the main 
repository and some where the live project repository is near the remote 
group and svnsync is used to pull a copy back to headquarters for a 
backup and some of the builds.  The tradeoffs are fairly obvious but the 
remote repository was set up when network connectivity was not very good 
- I'm not sure we'd do it again under better conditions.

I'm kind of curious about how git-svn would work out for this kind of use.

  Les Mikesell

Re: 404 on SQLite dependency in

2011-07-22 Thread Daniel Shahaf
The following changes will be included in the next release:

 * r1134734
   Fix sqlite-amalgamation location and archive format.
 Users report of sqlite is currently broken.
 r1134734 also bumped dependency versions; the backport branch excludes
 those bumps.
 +1: danielsh, arfrever, julianfoad

Without looking into the details, I guess you're reporting the same

Conor wrote on Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:37:25 -0400:
> Problem:
> The URL used by from subversion-1.6.17.tar.gz to get SQLite,
>, is 404.
> Proposed Solution:
> It looks like has changed (?) their filename format, as the
> latest version of the amalgamation file is, and the URL is:
> Need to change:
>  Line 31:   SQLITE_VERSION=3.7.5 to SQLITE_VERSION=3070701
>  Line 53:   wget -nc$SQLITE.tar.gz to wget -nc
>  Line 61:   gzip -dc $TEMPDIR/$SQLITE.tar.gz | tar -xf -   to unzip
>  Line 67:   mv sqlite-$SQLITE_VERSION sqlite-amalgamation to mv
> $ sqlite-amalgamation
> -Conor

differencing only header files

2011-07-22 Thread Steve Cohen
Is there an easy way to restrict svn diff operation to files of a 
certain extension (say .h)?  A quick glance at the manual suggested 
nothing to me.

Re: Need for a local Subversion server?

2011-07-22 Thread Andreas Krey
On Fri, 22 Jul 2011 13:01:06 +, Les Mikesell wrote:
> I'm kind of curious about how git-svn would work out for this kind of use.

I'd say that pretty much depends on your round-trip time. The initial
'git svn clone' can take seriously long; I did one for a repo that
yields 328 commits in 450 seconds, over a consumer DSL line (via http
portforwarded via ssh). The regular operations will take about as long as
ther native svn counterparts, except that you can batch commits.

Also, one can prepare the git-svn clone once (and possibly while being
colocated with the server), and use it as a template instead of doing
additional full 'git svn clone's.

In the 450 seconds there were a few occurrences of a trunk directory
appearing and vanishing within tags, but otherwise the roundtrip time
was the limiting factor, not the bandwidth.


"Totally trivial. Famous last words."
From: Linus Torvalds 
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 07:29:21 -0800

Re: 404 on SQLite dependency in

2011-07-22 Thread Conor
Looks like the same issue, thanks for the response.

I tried to search for this at, but came up empty.


On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

> The following changes will be included in the next release:
>  * r1134734
>   Fix sqlite-amalgamation location and archive format.
>   Branch:
> 1.6.x-r1134734
>   Justification:
> Users report of sqlite is currently broken.
>   Notes:
> r1134734 also bumped dependency versions; the backport branch excludes
> those bumps.
>   Votes:
> +1: danielsh, arfrever, julianfoad
> Without looking into the details, I guess you're reporting the same
> issue?
> Conor wrote on Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:37:25 -0400:
> > Problem:
> >
> > The URL used by from subversion-1.6.17.tar.gz to get SQLite,
> >, is 404.
> >
> > Proposed Solution:
> >
> > It looks like has changed (?) their filename format, as the
> > latest version of the amalgamation file is, and the URL is:
> >
> >
> > Need to change:
> >  Line 31:   SQLITE_VERSION=3.7.5 to SQLITE_VERSION=3070701
> >  Line 53:   wget -nc$SQLITE.tar.gz to wget
> -nc
> >$
> >  Line 61:   gzip -dc $TEMPDIR/$SQLITE.tar.gz | tar -xf -   to unzip
> > $TEMPDIR/$
> >  Line 67:   mv sqlite-$SQLITE_VERSION sqlite-amalgamation to mv
> > $ sqlite-amalgamation
> >
> >
> > -Conor

Re: differencing only header files

2011-07-22 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Steve Cohen  wrote:
> Is there an easy way to restrict svn diff operation to files of a certain
> extension (say .h)?  A quick glance at the manual suggested nothing to me.

Nope: you'd have to parse the output of a "list" command or a local
"find", which shouldn't be hard.

 find . -name .svn -type d -prune -o -type f -name \*\.h -print | sort

Should give you a good list on a Linux or UNIX box should give you a
handy alphabetical list to work with

Re: differencing only header files

2011-07-22 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Fri, 22 Jul 2011 15:01:09 -0500
Steve Cohen  wrote:

> Is there an easy way to restrict svn diff operation to files of a 
> certain extension (say .h)?  A quick glance at the manual suggested 
> nothing to me.

A hacky way would be  to use something like:

$ ack -g '\.h$' | xargs -d '\n' svn diff

Here it does this:

shlomif[fcs]:$trunk/fc-solve/source$ ack -g '\.h$' | xargs -d '\n' svn diff
Index: scans.h
--- scans.h (revision 3977)
+++ scans.h (working copy)
@@ -72,3 +72,4 @@
 #endif /* FC_SOLVE__SCANS_H */
svn: 'prefix.h' is not under version control

For information about ack, see:

As you can see, it warns because it finds non-versioned files. This can be
dealt with using:

$ ack -g '\.h$' | (while read T; do (svn info "$T" > /dev/null 2>&1) && echo
"$T" ; done) | xargs -d '\n' svn diff

Alternatively, you can use the Subversion APIs (or one of their higher
language bindings) to write a custom diff command.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Chuck Norris/etc. Facts -

Chuck Norris is the greatest man in history. He killed all the great men who
could ever pose a competition.

Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

Re: Setuid

2011-07-22 Thread Andy Canfield

On 07/22/2011 11:29 PM, David Chapman wrote:

On 7/22/2011 8:38 AM, Andy Canfield wrote:
Had what seems to be a bright idea. It is a bright idea for a 
Subversion server on Linux or OS X; AFAIK this idea has no relevance 
to Windows:

Take note of the user and group that Apache runs as. Call this 
combination APACHE, meaning APACHE_USER and APACHE_GROUP.

Whatever mod_dav_svn does to any repository will be done by APACHE. 
Whatever WebSVN does to any repository will be done by APACHE.

If I set the svnserve program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnserve does to any repository will also be 
done by APACHE. Only root, or the APACHE user, can make this change 
to the svnserve program binary.

If I set the svnadmin program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnadmin does to any repository will also be 
done by APACHE.

If I set the svnlook program to be owned by APACHE, and setuid and 
setgid, then whatever svnlook does to any repository will be done by 

So the three access paths - http:, svn:, and direct - will all 
operate using the same user and group.

You don't want to do this to any program, such as 'svn', which relies 
on user authentication, since it needs to know the actual user that 
is running the program. But any program which operates directly on 
the repository can be set this way and that ensures that the 
repository is always manipulated, at a low level, by the same user 
all the time.

So a post-installation setup would include:
*sudo bash
cd /usr/bin
chown APACHE_USER svnadmin svnlook svnserve
chgrp APACHE_GROUP svnadmin svnlook svnserve*

This idea also allows me to make the the respository itself 
accessable only by APACHE. This ensures that the repository can only 
be manipulated by Subversion code itself (or by root):

*sudo bash
mkdir /var/svn
chown APACHE_USER**/var/svn*
*chgrp APACHE_GROUP**/var/svn*
*chmod 0700 /var/svn*

If I also do this:
*sudo bash
rm /usr/bin/svnadmin*
then all repository creation would have to be done via something like 
WebSVN, which I assume requires authentication.

How does that sound to you guys? Where are the flaws in this idea?

Thank you very much.

It prevents privately owned and managed repositories.  Normally, 
individual users can set up their own repositories for their own 
(personal) projects or files.  If you are planning to do this on a 
server that you wish to lock down, then I see no reason why it would 
cause problems, but if users can login and do other work on this 
machine, you are constraining them.

Ah, I see a lack of terminology here. Consider the respository located 
at /var/svn/sample, the repository named "sample" and accessed through 
the browser as "";. What is the name for 
"/var/svn"? Is it a "Repository Collection"? The config entry is 
"SVNParentPath", so let's call it the "SVNParent".

If you have an account on that server computer, and you don't have root 
access, and you want your own pesonal repository collection, then even 
today you can't use http: access to it, either because you can't 
configure Apache or because Apache is already configured for the 
standard SVNParent.

The suggestion would make the SVNParent accessable only through the 
standard software, never directly.

Any user could create his own respository, but it would be in the 
standard SVNParent.

If /usr/bin/svnserve is owned by www-data (APACHE) and setuid, then you 
can't run /usr/bin/svnserve to access your own personal SVNParent. It 
can access your own repository in the standard SVNParent, but not your 
own SVNParent.

However, it appears that it can be done using two Linux commands:
*copy /usr/bin/svnserve ~/bin/svnserve
copy /usr/bin/svnadmin ~/bin/svnadmin*
The copies are owned by you and are no longer setuid. So you can run 
~/bin/svnserve and it will operate under your user name and manage your 
own personal SVNParent. (I have not tested this yet, but it "should work").

On Fri, 22 Jul 2011 13:24:55 -0400 Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

Sounds dangerous and untested. svnserve, for example, is not designed
to be run suid. It's not necessarily handling UID versus EUID
correctly for this. (It might, it's not tested.)

That sounds like a serious concern; no way to be sure. But for me it 
would be worth the experiment.