Re: svnsync checksum error

2010-11-10 Thread opensrcguru
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
 OSG wrote on Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 20:58:53 -0600:
 On 11/09/2010 06:41 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
  Edward Ned Harvey wrote on Sat, Nov 06, 2010 at 20:29:18 -0400:
  From: opensrcguru []
  Today, the sync process started failing on 1 repo (all others were
  unaffected) on both r/o copies at the exact same time/same revision
  with errors similar to the following...
  Transmitting file data .svnsync: Base checksum mismatch on
     expected:  2f2e025c4c4855e7466799a877b3e23d
       actual:  272214b9518d352e16e7eeceeb22f573
  Can you compare the contents of /path/to/file/foo/bar between the master
  and mirror, as of the last revision successfully synced to the mirror?
 Yes, I had done that and yes, the last sync'd revs were in tact and accurate.

 So they are textually identical?

 Can you compare their checksums to the two checksums in the error message?
I hadn't yet, but I can. What is being used to perform the sum (md5/sha1/???)?

  If you create a fresh mirror and svnsync it, from r0 to that revision,
  does the file /path/to/file/foo/bar in the fresh mirror differ from the
  one in the master?
 No, a resync from r0 to current does not result in any differences.

 Meaning, a fresh resync is successful and doesn't cause any error messages?

 Or meaning, it results in the same error messages as before?

Correct. A new/fresh resync from r0 (including the previously troubled
revision) to latest completes successfully with no errors. That
process was the last in my troubleshooting process and is how I worked
around the problem.


In my case, I do not believe it to be hardware related because I had
two r/o copies that exhibited the same behavior at the same rev at the
same time. That is, unless there was a hardware issue on the source
copy. Although possible, pretty unlikely.

Re: locking down access to a repository

2010-11-09 Thread opensrcguru
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Patricia A Moss wrote:

 I think this is the correct mailing list for this question.

 I am LDAP authenticating against 2 domain controllers; in 2 different
 I thought that I was locking down each repository to allow only users,
 included in a specific AD group, to have read/write access to a repository.
 I say supposedly because apparently the second part is not working.  Right
 now, anyone can access any repository. Can someone lend a hand in figuring
 out what I have done wrong, or need to do?
 Here is what I have:
 I've configured my ldap aliases as follows:
 AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-FCGNET
         AuthLDAPBindDN FCGNET\svnuser
         AuthLDAPBindPassword x
 AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-VIET
         AuthLDAPBindDN CN=fcgvuser,OU=Service
         AuthLDAPBindPassword xxx
         AuthLDAPURL ldap://,DC=csc,DC=com?sa

 Then in each, specific repositorry configuration file, I have the following:
 Location /FDCertifications
 dav svn
 SVNPath /disk01/home/FDCertifications
 AuthType Basic
 AuthBasicProvider ldap-FCGNET ldap-VIET
 AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
 AuthName CSC Subversion Repository
 Require valid-user
 Require ldap-group CN=PRJ FDCertifications,OU=Europe,OU=Groups,DC=fcg,DC=com
 Require ldap-user pmoss

 I thought the Require ldap-group line locked access down to allow only the
 users in the group access to the repo.  That is not the case though.
 Everyone can access any repository; as long as they have an FCGNET account.

 I tried adding the AuthnProviderAlias lines to each config file, but I get
 an error because it only needs to be defined once.
 I tried removing the Require valid-user line; but that then doesn't allow
 any access.
 Have any clues what I am doing wrong?  Thanks.

 System Engineer Sr. Professional

First. LDAP (authentication) is only 1/2 of the big picture. You will
still need configure authorization on the repo's themselves.

These may be of assistance in configuring authorization (depending on
your needs):

Second, Its hard to help troubleshoot when you don't provide useful
information or a direct question. Was there  something you needed help
with? I didnt see any questions other than Can someone lend a hand in
figuring out what I have done wrong, or need to do?

kind regards,


Re: locking down access to a repository

2010-11-09 Thread opensrcguru
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Patricia A Moss wrote:

 I appreciate all of the help that I am receiving. I have still not been
 successful in resolving this.

 I removed the line:
 Require valid-user

 I have tried using:
 Instead of:

 That is the only difference I see in my config files and the examples in
 the google hits. Yet I am still not successful in accessing the repository.
 I am, apparently, quite a novice with SVN, LDAP and ActiveDirectory because
 I am really confused as to how to proceed.

 System Engineer Sr. Professional

  From: To: Patricia A Moss/USA/c...@csc Cc: Date: 11/09/2010 11:13 AM Subject: Re: locking
 down access to a repository

 Patricia A Moss wrote on 11/09/2010 09:41:42 AM:

  From: Patricia A Moss
  Date: 11/09/2010 09:41 AM
  Subject: Re: locking down access to a repository
  I don't think you want the Require valid-user line, since by
  default it uses
  ANY of the Require lines as matches.  (And in your case valid-user
  matches all
  users so it doesn't care you are also specifying a group and an user.)
  But if I remove that line then no one can access the repository.

 I think you also may need to be less specific with your ldapurl (remove the
 objectclass or use * ??):
 (Assuming active directory, this is like what I have used in the past)

  AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?sAMAccountName
  AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
  Require ldap-group ...

 It has been quite awhile since I used ldap groups instead of authz files...

 This first google hit has some examples:

 As does this one:

 Kevin R.

Although this is probably better suited for the apache/mod_ldap list, I'll
attempt to help.

do your domain controllers support unencrypted binds (very dangerous)?
can you supply any apache/AD debug logs?
can you supply versions of apache/mod_ldap?
can you describe anything that is knows to be working?

...this should be pretty straight forward to troubleshoot if you give us
some useful information to work with.

I speak without a full understanding of the lists user base, but I bet none
of them can or ever will be able to read the minds of the end user with a
problem (let alone know how their systems are configured). If there is such
a wonderful beasty, I'd be mighty interested in meeting them.


Re: locking down access to a repository

2010-11-09 Thread opensrcguru
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Patricia A Moss wrote:

 I've tried twice to reply to your first response.  I am not sure why it is 
 not posting.
 I am going to try again.

 First. LDAP (authentication) is only 1/2 of the big picture. You will
 still need configure authorization on the repo's themselves.
 I have done this already.  I have a separate configuration file for each 
 repository.  That looks like this:
 Location /RepositoryName
 dav svn
 SVNPath /disk01/home/RepositoryName
 AuthType Basic
 AuthBasicProvider ldap-FCGNET ldap-VIET
 AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
 AuthName CSC Subversion Repository
 Require valid-user
 Require ldap-group CN=ADGroupName,OU=Europe,OU=Groups,DC=fcg,DC=com
 Require ldap-user pmoss

 I have defined the LDAP Aliases in the very first repository configuration 
 file; as such:
 AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-FCGNET
         AuthLDAPBindDN FCGNET\svnuser
         AuthLDAPBindPassword x
 AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-VIET
         AuthLDAPBindDN CN=fcgvuser,OU=Service 
         AuthLDAPBindPassword xxx

 Second, Its hard to help troubleshoot when you don't provide useful
 information or a direct question. Was there  something you needed help
 with? I didnt see any questions other than Can someone lend a hand in
 figuring out what I have done wrong, or need to do?

 I think that I have 2 separate issues:
 1. I need to lock down access so that only the users in the associated AD 
 group have access to the repository.
 2. I need to be able to allow just my user account access to the 
 repositories, without having to be added to all of the AD groups.

 Right now;
 All, valid, users can access all repositories, whether they are a member of 
 the Active Directory group or not.
 When I remove the Require valid-user line then no one, including the 
 members of the Active Directory group, can access the repository.

 System Engineer Sr. Professional

 From: opensrcguru
 Date: 11/09/2010 02:12 PM
 Subject: Re: locking down access to a repository

 On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Patricia A Moss wrote:

 I appreciate all of the help that I am receiving. I have still not been 
 successful in resolving this.

 I removed the line:
 Require valid-user

 I have tried using:
 Instead of:

 That is the only difference I see in my config files and the examples in the 
 google hits. Yet I am still not successful in accessing the repository.
 I am, apparently, quite a novice with SVN, LDAP and ActiveDirectory because I 
 am really confused as to how to proceed.

 System Engineer Sr. Professional

 To: Patricia A Moss/USA/c...@csc
 Date: 11/09/2010 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: locking down access to a repository


 Patricia A Moss wrote on 11/09/2010 09:41:42 AM:

  From: Patricia A Moss
  Date: 11/09/2010 09:41 AM
  Subject: Re: locking down access to a repository
  I don't think you want the Require valid-user line, since by
  default it uses
  ANY of the Require lines as matches.  (And in your case valid-user
  matches all
  users so it doesn't care you are also specifying a group and an user.)
  But if I remove that line then no one can access the repository.

 I think you also may need to be less specific with your ldapurl (remove the
 objectclass or use * ??):
 (Assuming active directory, this is like what I have used in the past)

  AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?sAMAccountName;
  AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
  Require ldap-group ...

 It has been quite awhile since I used ldap groups instead of authz files...

 This first google hit has some examples:

 As does this one:

 Kevin R.

 Although this is probably better suited for the apache/mod_ldap list, I'll 
 attempt to help.

 do your domain controllers support unencrypted binds (very dangerous)?
 can you supply any apache/AD debug logs?
 can you supply versions of apache/mod_ldap?
 can you describe anything that is knows to be working?

 ...this should be pretty straight forward to troubleshoot if you give us some 
 useful information to work with.


svnsync checksum error

2010-11-05 Thread opensrcguru

I've got about 20 repos that have been successfully syncing (with
svnsync) to two read only copies for a few months. The r/w copy and
both r/o copies are located on a local LAN (different subnets
separated by firewalls).

Today, the sync process started failing on 1 repo (all others were
unaffected) on both r/o copies at the exact same time/same revision
with errors similar to the following...

Transmitting file data .svnsync: Base checksum mismatch on
   expected:  2f2e025c4c4855e7466799a877b3e23d
 actual:  272214b9518d352e16e7eeceeb22f573

I successfully removed the uncommitted transactions (svnadmin rmtxns
reponame `svnadmin lstxns reponame`) and attempted the  re-sync,  to
no avail.

svnadmin verify returned no errors

I ended up  re-creating the r/o repo and then re-syncing all 65k
commits to the repos (which takes a while...)

Software binaries from Collabnet:
r/w version = svn/svnsync, version 1.6.13 (r1002816)
r/o 1 version = svn/svnsync, version 1.6.13 (r1002816)
r/o 2 version = svn/svnsync, version 1.6.13 (r1002816)

Is there a better approach to resolving the issue
Am I running into a known issue?

Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.