Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:27, John Maher wrote:

> One of the biggest issues is why does it not ignore files I tell it to ignore?

The patterns you specify in svn:ignore properties are only so that Subversion 
does not suggest those files to be added to the repository.

For example, if you run "svn status" and it tells you some files are 
unversioned (status "?"), but you never intend to version them, then you add 
those files to svn:ignore so that Subversion won't tell you about them anymore.

But if you've already added the files to your repository, as seems to be the 
case here, then svn:ignore is no longer applicable.

> Is subversion extremely fragile?  Is there a way to fix it?

I would call Subversion extremely robust.

> Is there any more complete documentation?  The book is incomplete.

The book is undoubtedly incomplete, as most documents are, however I have found 
the Subversion Book to be among the best open-source documentation efforts of 
any project I've worked with. The book is maintained by a separate group, and 
if you have specific feedback for them, see the "Feedback/Contributing" heading 
on their web site:

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-09 Thread Edwin Castro
On 8/9/13 10:27 AM, John Maher wrote:
> And svn status returns this:
>   C Build.bat
>   >   local add, incoming add upon merge

You svn add Build.bat in trunk. Later you svn add Build.bat in your
branch. Subversion sees those as separate objects with individual history.

If you had svn add Build.bat in the trunk, then merged to the branch
(without svn add Build.bat in the branch), then you'd have the same
object with history that has diverged. In this scenario you can make
changes in the trunk and in the branch (history for the one object
diverges) and later merge the changes between the branches (synchronize
the diverging histories).

So to recap, in your current scenario you have two objects each with one
history. In the correct scenario you have one object with two related

The svn book details how to deal with a scenario like this. You have to
svn delete Build.bat in the branch (but keep the changes somewhere),
commit, then merge from trunk (might need to use the --force argument, I
forget) putting Build.bat from trunk in your branch, then manually merge
the changes from the old Build.bat and the new Build.bat. Once you fix
this you should never need to perform this process again.

The conflicts reporting "local delete, incoming delete upon merge" occur
due to a similar reason.

Edwin G. Castro

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt
Remember to Reply All so that your message goes to the mailing list too, not 
just to me.

On Aug 9, 2013, at 14:59, John Maher wrote:

> Thanks for your reply.  I appreciate informing me that subversion is robust.  
> I was concerned it was getting corrupted by the strange behavior.  Plus 
> you've also helped by telling me that the ignore property does not mean 
> ignore, it means sometimes ignore.  On page 68 of the book it explains that 
> the ignore property is used to eliminate files from svn status.  But your 
> explanation matches my observations, thank you.  The book is wrong again.
> I tried to delete the files from the repository with svn delete, but that 
> failed because they were not part of the current revision.  So it seems that 
> I have to delete the repository and create it again (for the 3rd time).
> Does import work with the ignore property?  It mentions it in the help, but I 
> do not know if the help is wrong.  If properties  need to be applied to a 
> working directory how do I use them with the import command BEFORE a working 
> copy exists?.  I followed the instructions in the book, created a repository 
> and it came out all wrong, again.
> Can someone tell me how to get code files into the repository and stop the 
> compiler generated files and directories?
> Thanks
> JM

Page 68 of the PDF version of the book is within the section "Ignoring 
Unversioned Items", but the items you're talking about are versioned, not 

"svn import" will obey your svn autoprops:

But I often prefer to avoid the "svn import" command and do an "in-place 
import" instead:

This affords you the opportunity to be more selective about what you import and 
to add properties before committing.

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-09 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Ryan Schmidt,
am Freitag, 9. August 2013 um 22:16 schrieben Sie:

>> I tried to delete the files from the repository with svn delete,
>> but that failed because they were not part of the current revision.
>> So it seems that I have to delete the repository and create it
>> again (for the 3rd time).

No you don't, just update your working copy to HEAD and delete the
files. This of course will work if your are on HEAD and the files are
still there and not already deleted before. There's even no problem
with deleting files in different directories within your working copy
in the same commit.

Besides that, you should really stop complaining about wrong
documentation just because you are frustrated with getting things
done, if it seems that you simply misunderstood important parts if it.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread John Maher
Thanks for your help, but I still do not know how to get this to work.  Perhaps 
I should give a little background.  The project that I mentioned in my original 
post was a test project created just to learn how to get subversion to work.  
The production code that I wish to put in one repository resides in 62 
directories that have over 2000 files in them of which only some of them can be 
included otherwise merging becomes impossible.  The whole point of this 
exercise is to get merging to work since it causes unnecessary difficultly to 
try to separate new features with bug fixes in a single branch.  But this is 
all I could get to work.  Unfortunately no matter how much I read (I read the 
first half of the book twice) and how much I checkout and commit the tool fails 
to work for me.

And the only reason I have been complaining about the documentation is hoping 
to point out areas where it is very unclear and misleading.  Anyone who knows 
how to use the tool will never catch on to the poorly written areas of the 
documentation, they are biased.  You NEED someone who doesn't know how to use 
the tool to indicate areas that need to be addressed.  But since no one here is 
interested to maintaining good documentation and are more interested in hunting 
out any obscured word they can find just to say "look, it is right!!" it seems 
best if I never, ever point out any flaws in the documentation.  I will just 
selfishly concern myself with my own problems, it seems all will get along 
better that way.

Now the two suggestions I have are auto properties and in place import.  The 
links provided do not relate to my situation.

The provided link indicates properties that get set DURING the import.  I need 
to ignore files BEFORE the import.  Like I originally stated, I need to import 
SOME files.  Importing compiler generated files OR user settings causes problem 
and makes merging impossible thereby defeating some of the benefits of using 
subversion.  If this method will solve this problem can you provide me with a 
link indicating how to do this?  I can not find anything in the book nor the 
provided link.  If you could give me some keywords to search for that would 
help also.  I tried searching and all I find is questions relating to different 

I looked at the import command in the book and with the svn help command and 
could not see how to use the svn:ignore.  The import-in-place command works on 
a single file.  That would indicate I would need to issue the command hundreds 
of times.  Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this toll 
does not provide a way to import an enterprise level application without 
ignoring the compiler generated files.


-Original Message-
From: Ryan Schmidt [] 
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 4:17 PM
To: John Maher
Cc: Subversion Users
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

Remember to Reply All so that your message goes to the mailing list too, not 
just to me.

On Aug 9, 2013, at 14:59, John Maher wrote:

> Thanks for your reply.  I appreciate informing me that subversion is robust.  
> I was concerned it was getting corrupted by the strange behavior.  Plus 
> you've also helped by telling me that the ignore property does not mean 
> ignore, it means sometimes ignore.  On page 68 of the book it explains that 
> the ignore property is used to eliminate files from svn status.  But your 
> explanation matches my observations, thank you.  The book is wrong again.
> I tried to delete the files from the repository with svn delete, but that 
> failed because they were not part of the current revision.  So it seems that 
> I have to delete the repository and create it again (for the 3rd time).
> Does import work with the ignore property?  It mentions it in the help, but I 
> do not know if the help is wrong.  If properties  need to be applied to a 
> working directory how do I use them with the import command BEFORE a working 
> copy exists?.  I followed the instructions in the book, created a repository 
> and it came out all wrong, again.
> Can someone tell me how to get code files into the repository and stop the 
> compiler generated files and directories?
> Thanks
> JM

Page 68 of the PDF version of the book is within the section "Ignoring 
Unversioned Items", but the items you're talking about are versioned, not 

"svn import" will obey your svn autoprops:

But I often prefer to avoid the "svn import" command and do an "in-place 
import" instead:

This affords you the opportunity to be more selective about what you import and 
to add properties before committing.

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Edwin Castro
On 8/12/13 6:17 AM, John Maher wrote:
> Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this toll does not 
> provide a way to import an enterprise level application without ignoring the 
> compiler generated files.

In cases like this I perform a "clean" operation that removes compiler
generated files. I would also remove any user specific files as by
definition they should not be part of the repository.


RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Andrew Reedick

> -Original Message-
> From: John Maher []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:18 AM
> To: Ryan Schmidt
> Cc: Subversion Users
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> Thanks for your help, but I still do not know how to get this to work.
> Perhaps I should give a little background.  The project that I
> mentioned in my original post was a test project created just to learn
> how to get subversion to work.  The production code that I wish to put
> in one repository resides in 62 directories that have over 2000 files
> in them of which only some of them can be included otherwise merging
> becomes impossible.  The whole point of this exercise is to get merging
> to work since it causes unnecessary difficultly to try to separate new
> features with bug fixes in a single branch.  But this is all I could
> get to work.  Unfortunately no matter how much I read (I read the first
> half of the book twice) and how much I checkout and commit the tool
> fails to work for me.

You're overthinking this.  You can use OS level commands to trim down the files 
to import.  Copy the files to a temp directory, delete the files you don't want 
imported, and then run 'svn import' on the tmp dir.  Even if you have mistakes 
in the import, you can use 'svn rm' and 'svn add' to clean things up. 

It would be nice if you could pass 'svn import' a list of filenames/regexes to 
include or exclude, but modern shells already have the tools to filter and 
delete files, so there's little need to add those wheels to 'svn import'.  
Especially since the import is normally a one-time event.

Are you using 'svn import' multiple times?  (Such as to create additional 
branches of the code?)  If so, that would be bad, as in wrong paradigm/workflow.

As for branching, here's the short version for the 1.8 svn client:
0) Use 'svn import' to create the initial baseline, say /trunk.
1) Create the branch:  'svn copy svn:/server/trunk 
2) Create branch workspace:  cd /myworkspaces && svn co 
svn:/server/branches/foo.2.0.0' && cd foo.2.0.0 

3) Work on foo.2.0.0
3.1) 'svn add' to add new files (svn:ignore will help here.)
3.2) 'svn ci' to commit the files
3.2) Periodically merge trunk changes up to foo.2.0.0:  svn merge ^/trunk
Note:  makes sure your foo.2.0.0 changes are checked in before merging up 
from trunk, 'svn status'

When foo.2.0.0 is "done", first merge trunk up to foo.2.0.0 to make sure that 
foo.2.0.0 has the current trunk changes
4) 'svn merge ^/trunk'
4.1) Resolve any conflicts.

Now merge foo.2.0.0 down to trunk.
5) Create a clean merge workspace
cd /myworkspaces && 'svn co svn:/server/trunk' && cd trunk
Note:  if you are reusing a workspace, then 'svn status' and 'svn update' 
to make sure it's clean and ready for a merge.
6) 'svn merge ^/branches/foo.2.0.0'
6.1) Resolve any conflicts.
7) 'svn ci'

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread John Maher
Thanks Edwin,

That's exactly what I am trying to do.  I was looking for a way for the tool to 
accomplish this.  I'd be just as glad if someone tells me it is impossible, 
which I suspect it may be.  Otherwise there are over 200 manual operations 
required just to create a repository.  The way some people praise subversion I 
would think this can be automated.  But then again perhaps those are the people 
who use subversion for the simplest of builds.


-Original Message-
From: Edwin Castro [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

On 8/12/13 6:17 AM, John Maher wrote:
> Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this toll does not 
> provide a way to import an enterprise level application without ignoring the 
> compiler generated files.

In cases like this I perform a "clean" operation that removes compiler 
generated files. I would also remove any user specific files as by definition 
they should not be part of the repository.


RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Bob Archer
> Thanks Edwin,
> That's exactly what I am trying to do.  I was looking for a way for the tool 
> to
> accomplish this.  I'd be just as glad if someone tells me it is impossible, 
> which I
> suspect it may be.  Otherwise there are over 200 manual operations required
> just to create a repository.  The way some people praise subversion I would
> think this can be automated.  But then again perhaps those are the people who
> use subversion for the simplest of builds.

I'm not sure what you are asking for? An automated way to ignore files you 
don't want check in? Or are you talking about import?

I believe import respects global ignores if you have them set up in your config 


> JM
> -Original Message-
> From: Edwin Castro []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Strange behavior
> On 8/12/13 6:17 AM, John Maher wrote:
> > Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this toll does 
> > not
> provide a way to import an enterprise level application without ignoring the
> compiler generated files.
> In cases like this I perform a "clean" operation that removes compiler
> generated files. I would also remove any user specific files as by definition 
> they
> should not be part of the repository.
> --
> Edwin

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread John Maher
Thanks for the quick merge lesson.  I would need to use the same directory for 
the branch as the trunk since there is a rather large infrastructure required 
to run the project (It is an ERP application).  So I would plan on using 
switch.  As long there are no hidden gotchas I should be OK.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Reedick [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 1:39 PM
To: John Maher
Cc: Subversion Users
Subject: RE: Strange behavior

> -Original Message-
> From: John Maher []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:18 AM
> To: Ryan Schmidt
> Cc: Subversion Users
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> Thanks for your help, but I still do not know how to get this to work.
> Perhaps I should give a little background.  The project that I 
> mentioned in my original post was a test project created just to learn 
> how to get subversion to work.  The production code that I wish to put 
> in one repository resides in 62 directories that have over 2000 files 
> in them of which only some of them can be included otherwise merging 
> becomes impossible.  The whole point of this exercise is to get 
> merging to work since it causes unnecessary difficultly to try to 
> separate new features with bug fixes in a single branch.  But this is 
> all I could get to work.  Unfortunately no matter how much I read (I 
> read the first half of the book twice) and how much I checkout and 
> commit the tool fails to work for me.

You're overthinking this.  You can use OS level commands to trim down the files 
to import.  Copy the files to a temp directory, delete the files you don't want 
imported, and then run 'svn import' on the tmp dir.  Even if you have mistakes 
in the import, you can use 'svn rm' and 'svn add' to clean things up. 

It would be nice if you could pass 'svn import' a list of filenames/regexes to 
include or exclude, but modern shells already have the tools to filter and 
delete files, so there's little need to add those wheels to 'svn import'.  
Especially since the import is normally a one-time event.

Are you using 'svn import' multiple times?  (Such as to create additional 
branches of the code?)  If so, that would be bad, as in wrong paradigm/workflow.

As for branching, here's the short version for the 1.8 svn client:
0) Use 'svn import' to create the initial baseline, say /trunk.
1) Create the branch:  'svn copy svn:/server/trunk 
2) Create branch workspace:  cd /myworkspaces && svn co 
svn:/server/branches/foo.2.0.0' && cd foo.2.0.0 

3) Work on foo.2.0.0
3.1) 'svn add' to add new files (svn:ignore will help here.)
3.2) 'svn ci' to commit the files
3.2) Periodically merge trunk changes up to foo.2.0.0:  svn merge ^/trunk
Note:  makes sure your foo.2.0.0 changes are checked in before merging up 
from trunk, 'svn status'

When foo.2.0.0 is "done", first merge trunk up to foo.2.0.0 to make sure that 
foo.2.0.0 has the current trunk changes
4) 'svn merge ^/trunk'
4.1) Resolve any conflicts.

Now merge foo.2.0.0 down to trunk.
5) Create a clean merge workspace
cd /myworkspaces && 'svn co svn:/server/trunk' && cd trunk
Note:  if you are reusing a workspace, then 'svn status' and 'svn update' 
to make sure it's clean and ready for a merge.
6) 'svn merge ^/branches/foo.2.0.0'
6.1) Resolve any conflicts.
7) 'svn ci'

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread John Maher
Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that would 
affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands or build a dummy 
directory just for importing.  Although that second suggestion provided by 
Andrew is definitely better than the first.

I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does at 
all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me where 
to find the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I tried a search and 
someone says there is a site-wide config (what I need) and a user config but 
not where they are.  I am using Windows XP and an having a difficult time 
finding this file.

I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could at least 
search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to alter it.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Archer [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:02 PM
To: John Maher; Edwin Castro;
Subject: RE: Strange behavior

> Thanks Edwin,
> That's exactly what I am trying to do.  I was looking for a way for 
> the tool to accomplish this.  I'd be just as glad if someone tells me 
> it is impossible, which I suspect it may be.  Otherwise there are over 
> 200 manual operations required just to create a repository.  The way 
> some people praise subversion I would think this can be automated.  
> But then again perhaps those are the people who use subversion for the 
> simplest of builds.

I'm not sure what you are asking for? An automated way to ignore files you 
don't want check in? Or are you talking about import?

I believe import respects global ignores if you have them set up in your config 


> JM
> -Original Message-
> From: Edwin Castro []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Strange behavior
> On 8/12/13 6:17 AM, John Maher wrote:
> > Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this toll 
> > does not
> provide a way to import an enterprise level application without 
> ignoring the compiler generated files.
> In cases like this I perform a "clean" operation that removes compiler 
> generated files. I would also remove any user specific files as by 
> definition they should not be part of the repository.
> --
> Edwin

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Bob Archer
> Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that would
> affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands or build a
> dummy directory just for importing.  Although that second suggestion provided
> by Andrew is definitely better than the first.
> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does 
> at all.
> And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me where to 
> find
> the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I tried a search and someone
> says there is a site-wide config (what I need) and a user config but not where
> they are.  I am using Windows XP and an having a difficult time finding this 
> file.
> I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could at 
> least
> search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to alter it.

Search for "global-ignores" in the single page version of the redbook: 

Here's infor about runtime configuration:


> JM
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Archer []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:02 PM
> To: John Maher; Edwin Castro;
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> > Thanks Edwin,
> >
> > That's exactly what I am trying to do.  I was looking for a way for
> > the tool to accomplish this.  I'd be just as glad if someone tells me
> > it is impossible, which I suspect it may be.  Otherwise there are over
> > 200 manual operations required just to create a repository.  The way
> > some people praise subversion I would think this can be automated.
> > But then again perhaps those are the people who use subversion for the
> simplest of builds.
> I'm not sure what you are asking for? An automated way to ignore files you
> don't want check in? Or are you talking about import?
> I believe import respects global ignores if you have them set up in your 
> config
> file.
> BOb
> >
> > JM
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Edwin Castro []
> > Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:55 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Strange behavior
> >
> > On 8/12/13 6:17 AM, John Maher wrote:
> > > Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this toll
> > > does not
> > provide a way to import an enterprise level application without
> > ignoring the compiler generated files.
> >
> > In cases like this I perform a "clean" operation that removes compiler
> > generated files. I would also remove any user specific files as by
> > definition they should not be part of the repository.
> >
> > --
> > Edwin
> >

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Edwin Castro
On 8/12/13 10:57 AM, John Maher wrote:
> But then again perhaps those are the people who use subversion for the 
> simplest of builds.

At my previous employer I was partly responsible for a codebase in
subversion whose trunk was 2+ GB large. The codebase included over 1400
C#, C++, SQL, and WiX projects. I think many of us have very complicated
builds. We simply choose to use the correct tool for the job. Working on
Windows I wrote many PowerShell scripts to help me manage bulk operations.

I have no evidence but I suspect most of us have lots of experience
working with very large codebases in subversion. Suggesting that we have
the "simplest of builds" comes across as elitist which is odd coming
from an obvious beginner. There is clear evidence that there's a
cognitive mismatch between your current understanding and how subversion
is intended to be used. We're here to help you but that help will come
these discussions occur with respect. Sometimes it is better to present
the experts with the problem you are trying to solve including how
you've attempted to solve it, accepting the possibility that your
current approach may not be the best approach. Seems like I keep hearing
"you're doing it wrong" from the list and you keep responding with "I
don't care, how do accomplish this anyway." I don't think that's a good
attitude to take.


Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread David Chapman

On 8/12/2013 12:27 PM, John Maher wrote:

Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that would 
affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands or build a dummy 
directory just for importing.  Although that second suggestion provided by 
Andrew is definitely better than the first.

I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does at 
all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me where 
to find the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I tried a search and 
someone says there is a site-wide config (what I need) and a user config but 
not where they are.  I am using Windows XP and an having a difficult time 
finding this file.

I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could at least 
search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to alter it.

First link from Google (search was "windows xp subversion configuration 
file location", 

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Subversion\config

I no longer run on Windows XP, so I don't remember if this is the proper 
place for the file, but I have no reason to doubt it.

For Windows 7 it's in:


Which I can confirm.

In the "config" file, I have my global-ignores for Windows set to:

global-ignores = *.obj *.lib *.map *.exe *.bak *.pdb *.ilk *.idb

There might need to be a few more; it's been several years since I have 
imported existing code into my Subversion repositories.  But you get the 

David Chapman
Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
Software Development Done Right.

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Andrew Reedick

> -Original Message-
> From: John Maher []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:27 PM
> To: Bob Archer; Edwin Castro;
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that
> would affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands or
> build a dummy directory just for importing.  Although that second
> suggestion provided by Andrew is definitely better than the first.
> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it
> does at all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it
> won't tell me where to find the file.  Unless there is a command to
> edit it.  I tried a search and someone says there is a site-wide config
> (what I need) and a user config but not where they are.  I am using
> Windows XP and an having a difficult time finding this file.
> I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could
> at least search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to alter
> it.

Plan B might be to use

It has a "glob_ignores" option, or will try to read your global-ignores from 
your local svn config file.

>From the script:
# If no glob_ignores specified, try to deduce from config file,
# or use the default below.
my $ignores_str =
'*.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store';

if ( defined $opt_glob_ignores)
$ignores_str = $opt_glob_ignores;
elsif ( -f "$ENV{HOME}/.subversion/config" )
open my $conf, "$ENV{HOME}/.subversion/config";
while (<$conf>)
if ( /^global-ignores\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ )
$ignores_str = $1;

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Johan Corveleyn
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:17 PM, John Maher  wrote:
> And the only reason I have been complaining about the documentation is hoping 
> to point out areas where it is very unclear and misleading.  Anyone who knows 
> how to use the tool will never catch on to the poorly written areas of the 
> documentation, they are biased.  You NEED someone who doesn't know how to use 
> the tool to indicate areas that need to be addressed.  But since no one here 
> is interested to maintaining good documentation and are more interested in 
> hunting out any obscured word they can find just to say "look, it is right!!" 
> it seems best if I never, ever point out any flaws in the documentation.  I 
> will just selfishly concern myself with my own problems, it seems all will 
> get along better that way.

"But since no one here is interested to maintaining good documentation
..."? Oh come on. Of course we want good documentation, and feedback
to help improve it is more than welcome. But give the people on this
list some credit too, please.

Have you read the very first response you got, from Ryan Schmidt,
pointing you to the website of the book, where your feedback would be
most welcome?

Also, please keep in mind that the most useful feedback comes in the
form of concrete suggestions, or pointing out specific shortcomings.
If you say "I didn't find anything about X", and someone replies "it's
on page Y", then the feedback loop is closed. If you want your "not
finding about X" to be any further useful book feedback, you'll have
to argue why your non-finding is a book problem (rather than an "oops,
I looked at the wrong section" problem), and that it should be
explained or pointed to on page Z, or wherever you expected to find
info about it.


Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Mark Phippard
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:27 PM, John Maher  wrote:

> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does 
> at all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me 
> where to find the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I tried a 
> search and someone says there is a site-wide config (what I need) and a user 
> config but not where they are.  I am using Windows XP and an having a 
> difficult time finding this file.

The configuration area is in the book in here:

The footnote links to the easiest way to find the file:


Just enter that into the Windows Run dialog or the address bar of the
file explorer and it will take you to the right folder where the
configuration files are found.  This is true for XP as well as Win 7.


Mark Phippard

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread John Maher
I apologize.  It was wrong to say " no one here is interested . . ."  Some 
people are uninterested.  Some are interested.  Some are extremely helpful.  
Some can be very egotistical.  Just like the real world, you get a mix of good 
and less than good.

I should've never responded like that to a group because of an apple that I did 
not agree with.  Being frustrated with this product (no excuse) add to that 
critisim when I try to help (maybe small excuse there) equals my reason, though 
it is not a good one.

There's inconsistencies with the svn help command also.  Maybe in the future 
I'll help with the documentation.  But when you get a free product, and want to 
give back then take flak when you think you are helping it kinda kills the urge 
to help.

But I never should've used an absolute like that.  Thank you for pointing it 
out Johan and pointing it out in a polite way instead of condescending.

-Original Message-
From: Johan Corveleyn [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:54 PM
To: John Maher
Cc: Ryan Schmidt; Subversion Users
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:17 PM, John Maher  wrote:
> And the only reason I have been complaining about the documentation is hoping 
> to point out areas where it is very unclear and misleading.  Anyone who knows 
> how to use the tool will never catch on to the poorly written areas of the 
> documentation, they are biased.  You NEED someone who doesn't know how to use 
> the tool to indicate areas that need to be addressed.  But since no one here 
> is interested to maintaining good documentation and are more interested in 
> hunting out any obscured word they can find just to say "look, it is right!!" 
> it seems best if I never, ever point out any flaws in the documentation.  I 
> will just selfishly concern myself with my own problems, it seems all will 
> get along better that way.

"But since no one here is interested to maintaining good documentation ..."? Oh 
come on. Of course we want good documentation, and feedback to help improve it 
is more than welcome. But give the people on this list some credit too, please.

Have you read the very first response you got, from Ryan Schmidt, pointing you 
to the website of the book, where your feedback would be most welcome?

Also, please keep in mind that the most useful feedback comes in the form of 
concrete suggestions, or pointing out specific shortcomings.
If you say "I didn't find anything about X", and someone replies "it's on page 
Y", then the feedback loop is closed. If you want your "not finding about X" to 
be any further useful book feedback, you'll have to argue why your non-finding 
is a book problem (rather than an "oops, I looked at the wrong section" 
problem), and that it should be explained or pointed to on page Z, or wherever 
you expected to find info about it.


Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Aug 12, 2013, at 14:52, Andrew Reedick wrote:

> Plan B might be to use  
> It has a "glob_ignores" option, or will try to read your global-ignores from 
> your local svn config file.
> From the script:
> ===
> # If no glob_ignores specified, try to deduce from config file,
> # or use the default below.
> my $ignores_str =
>'*.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store';
> if ( defined $opt_glob_ignores)
>  {
>$ignores_str = $opt_glob_ignores;
>  }
> elsif ( -f "$ENV{HOME}/.subversion/config" )
>  {
>open my $conf, "$ENV{HOME}/.subversion/config";
>while (<$conf>)
>  {
>if ( /^global-ignores\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ )
>  {
>   $ignores_str = $1;
>  }
>  }
>  }

svn_load_dirs is for loading multiple versions of an old project into a version 
control system for the first time. The user hasn't said anything about wanting 
to do that so I don't think there's any need to jump to svn_load_dirs. It seems 
like its glob_ignores just does what the built-in global-ignores already does.

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag John Maher,
am Montag, 12. August 2013 um 20:57 schrieben Sie:

> Otherwise there are
> over 200 manual operations required just to create a repository.

As you mentioned you are still working on Windows XP, you are aware of
TortoiseSVN, aren't you? There shouldn't be the need to run any
command yourself as Tortoise is able to create repos and act as a
subversion client.

> The way some people praise subversion I would think this can be
> automated.

Of course it can, just copy your 200 commands line by line one after
another into a batch file. ;-)

> But then again perhaps those are the people who use
> subversion for the simplest of builds.

Frustrating day, wasn't it? :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-12 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Aug 12, 2013, at 09:17, John Maher wrote:

> Thanks for your help, but I still do not know how to get this to work.  
> Perhaps I should give a little background.  The project that I mentioned in 
> my original post was a test project created just to learn how to get 
> subversion to work.  The production code that I wish to put in one repository 
> resides in 62 directories that have over 2000 files in them of which only 
> some of them can be included otherwise merging becomes impossible.  The whole 
> point of this exercise is to get merging to work since it causes unnecessary 
> difficultly to try to separate new features with bug fixes in a single 
> branch.  But this is all I could get to work.  Unfortunately no matter how 
> much I read (I read the first half of the book twice) and how much I checkout 
> and commit the tool fails to work for me.

I'll let others address your merging questions, since I read the book before 
Subversion 1.5 was released, when merge tracking was introduced, which has 
simplified merging considerably.

> And the only reason I have been complaining about the documentation is hoping 
> to point out areas where it is very unclear and misleading.  Anyone who knows 
> how to use the tool will never catch on to the poorly written areas of the 
> documentation, they are biased.  You NEED someone who doesn't know how to use 
> the tool to indicate areas that need to be addressed.

I totally agree, and please continue doing this. I did originally learn 
Subversion by reading the book, so that was the basis for my praise of it, but 
I have learned many more things by reading years of messages on this list so 
sometimes it's hard for me to recall where a particular bit of knowledge came 

> Now the two suggestions I have are auto properties and in place import.  The 
> links provided do not relate to my situation.

I think when I said auto-props, I meant global-ignores. Sorry about that. 
They're related in that they're both considered when importing. I think I see 
why I said that: you wrote:

> Does import work with the ignore property?  It mentions it in the help, but I 
> do not know if the help is wrong.  If properties  need to be applied to a 
> working directory how do I use them with the import command BEFORE a working 
> copy exists?

I was confusing the svn:ignore property with the global-ignores config file 
setting. The svn:ignore property is applied to a directory so that files inside 
it might be ignored (and which affects all users who might check out a working 
copy of this directory), and yes, that has to happen in a working copy. The 
global-ignores setting in your Subversion config file has a similar function 
but affects all working copies and import actions you perform, regardless what 
server is involved, and affects only you.

> The provided link indicates properties that get set DURING the import.  I 
> need to ignore files BEFORE the import.  Like I originally stated, I need to 
> import SOME files.  Importing compiler generated files OR user settings 
> causes problem and makes merging impossible thereby defeating some of the 
> benefits of using subversion.  If this method will solve this problem can you 
> provide me with a link indicating how to do this?  I can not find anything in 
> the book nor the provided link.  If you could give me some keywords to search 
> for that would help also.  I tried searching and all I find is questions 
> relating to different actions.
> I looked at the import command in the book and with the svn help command and 
> could not see how to use the svn:ignore.  The import-in-place command works 
> on a single file.  That would indicate I would need to issue the command 
> hundreds of times.  Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd 
> that this toll does not provide a way to import an enterprise level 
> application without ignoring the compiler generated files.

The in-place import does not operate on a single file; it is a procedure for 
importing any number of items within a directory. The example in the FAQ showed 
how to do an in-place import of four files in /etc. I'll try to explain in more 

Let's say you have a directory of original files, and a repository you want to 
import them into. You want to import some files but not others. Maybe you want 
to set properties on some files, such as MIME types or line ending styles.

== Normal Import ==

With a normal import, you run a single command "svn import" and the contents of 
the directory are imported into the repository. While doing so, Subversion 
considers your global-ignores (to decide which files not to import) and your 
auto-props (to decide what properties to apply to files that are imported), but 
there is no opportunity to inspect the results of that consideration before the 
files are committed to the repository.

Once a normal import is completed, your original directory is untouched. To get 
a working copy that you 

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Thanks Bob.  You have been very helpful.  I didn't know that there was an html 
version of the book.  I've been using the pdf version and haven't found a way 
to search that.  The global ignores worked.  Now I'm on to my third repository. 
 I hate having to lose all the history I'm accumulated, but that's how it goes.

Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Bob Archer [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:33 PM
To: John Maher; Edwin Castro;
Subject: RE: Strange behavior

> Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that 
> would affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands 
> or build a dummy directory just for importing.  Although that second 
> suggestion provided by Andrew is definitely better than the first.
> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does 
> at all.
> And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me 
> where to find the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I 
> tried a search and someone says there is a site-wide config (what I 
> need) and a user config but not where they are.  I am using Windows XP and an 
> having a difficult time finding this file.
> I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could 
> at least search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to alter it.

Search for "global-ignores" in the single page version of the redbook: 

Here's infor about runtime configuration:


> JM
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Archer []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:02 PM
> To: John Maher; Edwin Castro;
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> > Thanks Edwin,
> >
> > That's exactly what I am trying to do.  I was looking for a way for 
> > the tool to accomplish this.  I'd be just as glad if someone tells 
> > me it is impossible, which I suspect it may be.  Otherwise there are 
> > over
> > 200 manual operations required just to create a repository.  The way 
> > some people praise subversion I would think this can be automated.
> > But then again perhaps those are the people who use subversion for 
> > the
> simplest of builds.
> I'm not sure what you are asking for? An automated way to ignore files 
> you don't want check in? Or are you talking about import?
> I believe import respects global ignores if you have them set up in 
> your config file.
> BOb
> >
> > JM
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Edwin Castro []
> > Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:55 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Strange behavior
> >
> > On 8/12/13 6:17 AM, John Maher wrote:
> > > Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd that this 
> > > toll does not
> > provide a way to import an enterprise level application without 
> > ignoring the compiler generated files.
> >
> > In cases like this I perform a "clean" operation that removes 
> > compiler generated files. I would also remove any user specific 
> > files as by definition they should not be part of the repository.
> >
> > --
> > Edwin
> >

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Thanks David.  For the past week and a half I've been wrestling with this 
thing.  Searching, reading, trying, back to searching.  Time to switch gears 
but I needed to get over this hurdle.  I'm now on the second repository I have 
to dispose of (and all the history with it) so I hope the 3rd time's the charm.

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: David Chapman [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:49 PM
To: John Maher
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

On 8/12/2013 12:27 PM, John Maher wrote:
> Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that would 
> affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands or build a 
> dummy directory just for importing.  Although that second suggestion provided 
> by Andrew is definitely better than the first.
> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does 
> at all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me 
> where to find the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I tried a 
> search and someone says there is a site-wide config (what I need) and a user 
> config but not where they are.  I am using Windows XP and an having a 
> difficult time finding this file.
> I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could at 
> least search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to alter it.

First link from Google (search was "windows xp subversion configuration file 

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Subversion\config

I no longer run on Windows XP, so I don't remember if this is the proper place 
for the file, but I have no reason to doubt it.

For Windows 7 it's in:


Which I can confirm.

In the "config" file, I have my global-ignores for Windows set to:

global-ignores = *.obj *.lib *.map *.exe *.bak *.pdb *.ilk *.idb

There might need to be a few more; it's been several years since I have 
imported existing code into my Subversion repositories.  But you get the idea.

 David Chapman
 Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
 Software Development Done Right.

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
An excellent alternative.  I will keep this in mind.

Thanks Andrew

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Reedick [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:52 PM
To: John Maher;
Subject: RE: Strange behavior

> -Original Message-
> From: John Maher []
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:27 PM
> To: Bob Archer; Edwin Castro;
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> Thanks Bob, that may be exactly what I am looking for.  Something that 
> would affect all the files without having to issue over 200 commands 
> or build a dummy directory just for importing.  Although that second 
> suggestion provided by Andrew is definitely better than the first.
> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if 
> it does at all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it 
> won't tell me where to find the file.  Unless there is a command to 
> edit it.  I tried a search and someone says there is a site-wide 
> config (what I need) and a user config but not where they are.  I am 
> using Windows XP and an having a difficult time finding this file.
> I can't even find the name of it.  If someone can provide that I could 
> at least search for it and hope it has some clue inside as how to 
> alter it.

Plan B might be to use

It has a "glob_ignores" option, or will try to read your global-ignores from 
your local svn config file.

>From the script:
# If no glob_ignores specified, try to deduce from config file, # or use the 
default below.
my $ignores_str =
'*.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store';

if ( defined $opt_glob_ignores)
$ignores_str = $opt_glob_ignores;
elsif ( -f "$ENV{HOME}/.subversion/config" )
open my $conf, "$ENV{HOME}/.subversion/config";
while (<$conf>)
if ( /^global-ignores\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ )
$ignores_str = $1;

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Thanks Mark, that's an excellent shortcut.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Phippard [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 4:05 PM
To: John Maher
Cc: Bob Archer; Edwin Castro;
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:27 PM, John Maher  wrote:

> I couldn't find where it discusses the global config in the book, if it does 
> at all.  And even if it does I doubt it would help because it won't tell me 
> where to find the file.  Unless there is a command to edit it.  I tried a 
> search and someone says there is a site-wide config (what I need) and a user 
> config but not where they are.  I am using Windows XP and an having a 
> difficult time finding this file.

The configuration area is in the book in here:

The footnote links to the easiest way to find the file:


Just enter that into the Windows Run dialog or the address bar of the file 
explorer and it will take you to the right folder where the configuration files 
are found.  This is true for XP as well as Win 7.


Mark Phippard

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Hi Thorsten

A good response to a less than good post.  People could take lessons from you.

Actually, its been a frustrating week.  Sometimes subversion accepts the wrong 
slash in a path, other times it does not.  Sometimes it enforces case 
sensitivity in a url other times it does not.  Follow the book on how it 
instructs to import a project then it becomes impossible to merge and branch.  
And now for the second time I must discard my repository along with all the 
history I've accumulated.  Yes you can say frustrating, bordering on maddening.

I got a good laugh from:
"Of course it can, just copy your 200 commands line by line one after another 
into a batch file."


-Original Message-
From: Thorsten Schöning [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

Guten Tag John Maher,
am Montag, 12. August 2013 um 20:57 schrieben Sie:

> Otherwise there are
> over 200 manual operations required just to create a repository.

As you mentioned you are still working on Windows XP, you are aware of 
TortoiseSVN, aren't you? There shouldn't be the need to run any command 
yourself as Tortoise is able to create repos and act as a subversion client.

> The way some people praise subversion I would think this can be 
> automated.

Of course it can, just copy your 200 commands line by line one after another 
into a batch file. ;-)

> But then again perhaps those are the people who use subversion for the 
> simplest of builds.

Frustrating day, wasn't it? :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln AG Hannover HRB 
207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
One thing I forgot to mention is that yes, I know of Tortoise.  I started with 
that.  It works good for the most commonly used stuff, but falls short as a 
complete solution.  So I really need to know how the "real" tool works.  That 
is why I am struggling with the command line.


-Original Message-
From: Thorsten Schöning [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

Guten Tag John Maher,
am Montag, 12. August 2013 um 20:57 schrieben Sie:

> Otherwise there are
> over 200 manual operations required just to create a repository.

As you mentioned you are still working on Windows XP, you are aware of 
TortoiseSVN, aren't you? There shouldn't be the need to run any command 
yourself as Tortoise is able to create repos and act as a subversion client.

> The way some people praise subversion I would think this can be 
> automated.

Of course it can, just copy your 200 commands line by line one after another 
into a batch file. ;-)

> But then again perhaps those are the people who use subversion for the 
> simplest of builds.

Frustrating day, wasn't it? :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln AG Hannover HRB 
207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Thanks Ryan.  I learned a lot from your reply.  Namely the global-ignores are 
really local global-ignores and I have to copy the config file over to anyone 
who may import.  I also appreciate your description of the in-place import.  I 
like the idea of being able to un-add a file.  That allows you to experiment 
with wildcards without fear of damaging the repository.  Adding a file to the 
repository that you do not wish can be considered damaging if it guarantees a 
merge conflict every time.

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Schmidt [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 5:25 PM
To: John Maher
Cc: Subversion Users
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

On Aug 12, 2013, at 09:17, John Maher wrote:

> Thanks for your help, but I still do not know how to get this to work.  
> Perhaps I should give a little background.  The project that I mentioned in 
> my original post was a test project created just to learn how to get 
> subversion to work.  The production code that I wish to put in one repository 
> resides in 62 directories that have over 2000 files in them of which only 
> some of them can be included otherwise merging becomes impossible.  The whole 
> point of this exercise is to get merging to work since it causes unnecessary 
> difficultly to try to separate new features with bug fixes in a single 
> branch.  But this is all I could get to work.  Unfortunately no matter how 
> much I read (I read the first half of the book twice) and how much I checkout 
> and commit the tool fails to work for me.

I'll let others address your merging questions, since I read the book before 
Subversion 1.5 was released, when merge tracking was introduced, which has 
simplified merging considerably.

> And the only reason I have been complaining about the documentation is hoping 
> to point out areas where it is very unclear and misleading.  Anyone who knows 
> how to use the tool will never catch on to the poorly written areas of the 
> documentation, they are biased.  You NEED someone who doesn't know how to use 
> the tool to indicate areas that need to be addressed.

I totally agree, and please continue doing this. I did originally learn 
Subversion by reading the book, so that was the basis for my praise of it, but 
I have learned many more things by reading years of messages on this list so 
sometimes it's hard for me to recall where a particular bit of knowledge came 

> Now the two suggestions I have are auto properties and in place import.  The 
> links provided do not relate to my situation.

I think when I said auto-props, I meant global-ignores. Sorry about that. 
They're related in that they're both considered when importing. I think I see 
why I said that: you wrote:

> Does import work with the ignore property?  It mentions it in the help, but I 
> do not know if the help is wrong.  If properties  need to be applied to a 
> working directory how do I use them with the import command BEFORE a working 
> copy exists?

I was confusing the svn:ignore property with the global-ignores config file 
setting. The svn:ignore property is applied to a directory so that files inside 
it might be ignored (and which affects all users who might check out a working 
copy of this directory), and yes, that has to happen in a working copy. The 
global-ignores setting in your Subversion config file has a similar function 
but affects all working copies and import actions you perform, regardless what 
server is involved, and affects only you.

> The provided link indicates properties that get set DURING the import.  I 
> need to ignore files BEFORE the import.  Like I originally stated, I need to 
> import SOME files.  Importing compiler generated files OR user settings 
> causes problem and makes merging impossible thereby defeating some of the 
> benefits of using subversion.  If this method will solve this problem can you 
> provide me with a link indicating how to do this?  I can not find anything in 
> the book nor the provided link.  If you could give me some keywords to search 
> for that would help also.  I tried searching and all I find is questions 
> relating to different actions.
> I looked at the import command in the book and with the svn help command and 
> could not see how to use the svn:ignore.  The import-in-place command works 
> on a single file.  That would indicate I would need to issue the command 
> hundreds of times.  Are you sure this is the only way?  It would seem odd 
> that this toll does not provide a way to import an enterprise level 
> application without ignoring the compiler generated files.

The in-place import does not operate on a single file; it is a procedure for 
importing any number of items within a directory. The example in the FAQ showed 
how to do an in-place import of four f

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag John Maher,
am Dienstag, 13. August 2013 um 15:39 schrieben Sie:

> Follow the book on how it instructs to import a project then
> it becomes impossible to merge and branch.

Branching is always possible and always equally cheap regardless of
what you did before, because it breaks down to a cheap copy operation
with preserving history. The only thing which may cost time is
updating/checking the new branch out.

If you have merge problems because of your tests or whatever one
solution may be just recording merge info. This way you can move and
copy and delete things in any way you like and make subversion think
that those changes are already applied to a selected directory without
really applying them, meaning you won't get any merge conflicts now or
later from the revisions you recorded as already merged. This may
prevent re-creating your repo and losing history.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread Andrew Reedick

> -Original Message-
> From: John Maher []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:40 AM
> To: Thorsten Schöning;
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> Hi Thorsten
> A good response to a less than good post.  People could take lessons
> from you.
> Actually, its been a frustrating week.  Sometimes subversion accepts
> the wrong slash in a path, other times it does not.  Sometimes it
> enforces case sensitivity in a url other times it does not.

Sounds like normal windows-unix interaction issues.  They're not that bad if 
you have experience with UNIX systems.  In the Windows CMD shell, if you wrap 
your pathnames in double quotes, you can use forward slashes instead of 
backslashes for directory separators, e.g. dir /s "c:/program 
files/subversion", which helps when feeding paths between CMD commands and svn 

>  Follow the
> book on how it instructs to import a project then it becomes impossible
> to merge and branch.  

That's odd.  Very odd.  It's much more likely that you're not grokking some 
paradigm or missed a step when creating the branch.  You might want to post 
your branch/merge test process (especially the commands) and have the list vet 

> And now for the second time I must discard my
> repository along with all the history I've accumulated.  Yes you can
> say frustrating, bordering on maddening.

Why?  If you have a good initial import checked in, then create a new test 
branch, or even roll trunk back to the initial import.  Example:
Revision 10 of /trunk is your "200 commands" to import the initial baseline.
1. Create a new test branch from rev 10:  svn copy svn://server/trunk 
Or if you want to roll trunk back to rev 10:
1. svn rm svn://server/trunk
2. svn copy svn://server/trunk@10 svn://server/trunk
3. create new test branch:  svn copy svn://server/trunk 

The original trunk branch (with revisions 11+) is still available via peg 
revisions, but peg revisions are a topic for later.

Or if you really want a fresh repo, then you can use 'svn export -r' to export 
the initial working baseline and then import those files into your new test 
repository.  Meaning, if revision 10 represents your initial "200 commands" of 
importing files, then export revision 10 using 'svn export -r 10 ...'.  This 
lets you start a new repo without having to re-do the import from scratch.  I 
would tell you about 'svnadmin dump', but given your current mental state, 
that's probably not a good idea.

> I got a good laugh from:
> "Of course it can, just copy your 200 commands line by line one after
> another into a batch file."

I know it was a humorous comment, but...

Anyway, dealing with new software with new paradigms/assumptions can be very 
frustrating (e.g. going from ClearCase to 1.3 SVN, *g*) but you need to 
take a step back and relax.  Importing and branching and merging in svn 1.8 
really isn't (shouldn't be) that difficult.  Plus, svn 1.8 is pretty robust and 
a mature product, so you shouldn't be fighting with it that much.
Good luck, and keep up the perseverance.  "That which doesn't kill you, 
probably leaves you crippled and weak" (or something to that effect.)

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread Johan Corveleyn
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:12 PM, John Maher  wrote:
> Thanks Ryan.  I learned a lot from your reply.  Namely the global-ignores are 
> really local global-ignores and I have to copy the config file over to anyone 
> who may import.

As of version 1.8 (for the svn client), there is a new feature called
"Repository Dictated Configuration" [1], which you can use to set a
global-ignores that will be applied by all standard 1.8 clients. It
works by setting an svn:global-ignores property on a directory in your
repository, which then applies to the entire subtree under that

However, I'm not sure if that feature applies to 'svn import' (because
it doesn't have a working copy). I guess someone will have to try it



RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Thanks Johan, I'll have to try it.

-Original Message-
From: Johan Corveleyn [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 11:42 AM
To: John Maher
Cc: Ryan Schmidt; Subversion Users
Subject: Re: Strange behavior

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:12 PM, John Maher  wrote:
> Thanks Ryan.  I learned a lot from your reply.  Namely the global-ignores are 
> really local global-ignores and I have to copy the config file over to anyone 
> who may import.

As of version 1.8 (for the svn client), there is a new feature called 
"Repository Dictated Configuration" [1], which you can use to set a 
global-ignores that will be applied by all standard 1.8 clients. It works by 
setting an svn:global-ignores property on a directory in your repository, which 
then applies to the entire subtree under that directory.

However, I'm not sure if that feature applies to 'svn import' (because it 
doesn't have a working copy). I guess someone will have to try it :-).



RE: Strange behavior

2013-08-13 Thread John Maher
Thanks Andrew, I started going through your steps and discovered something.

My repository is called either iERP85_v2 or iERP85_V2.  Visual SVN reports the 
latter but the former works with the client.  Don't know which nor why one 
product chooses one over the other.  My mistake was assuming I make a mistake 
with the repository.  The mistake I actually made was trusting visual svn 
server.  Although svn did report the smaller v it can be difficult to notice.

So I created two branches for two new features I am working on. I'll see how 
they go.

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Reedick [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 10:27 AM
To: John Maher;
Subject: RE: Strange behavior

> -Original Message-
> From: John Maher []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:40 AM
> To: Thorsten Schöning;
> Subject: RE: Strange behavior
> Hi Thorsten
> A good response to a less than good post.  People could take lessons 
> from you.
> Actually, its been a frustrating week.  Sometimes subversion accepts 
> the wrong slash in a path, other times it does not.  Sometimes it 
> enforces case sensitivity in a url other times it does not.

Sounds like normal windows-unix interaction issues.  They're not that bad if 
you have experience with UNIX systems.  In the Windows CMD shell, if you wrap 
your pathnames in double quotes, you can use forward slashes instead of 
backslashes for directory separators, e.g. dir /s "c:/program 
files/subversion", which helps when feeding paths between CMD commands and svn 

>  Follow the
> book on how it instructs to import a project then it becomes 
> impossible to merge and branch.

That's odd.  Very odd.  It's much more likely that you're not grokking some 
paradigm or missed a step when creating the branch.  You might want to post 
your branch/merge test process (especially the commands) and have the list vet 

> And now for the second time I must discard my repository along with 
> all the history I've accumulated.  Yes you can say frustrating, 
> bordering on maddening.

Why?  If you have a good initial import checked in, then create a new test 
branch, or even roll trunk back to the initial import.  Example:
Revision 10 of /trunk is your "200 commands" to import the initial baseline.
1. Create a new test branch from rev 10:  svn copy svn://server/trunk 
Or if you want to roll trunk back to rev 10:
1. svn rm svn://server/trunk
2. svn copy svn://server/trunk@10 svn://server/trunk 3. create new test branch: 
 svn copy svn://server/trunk svn://server/branches/new_test_branch

The original trunk branch (with revisions 11+) is still available via peg 
revisions, but peg revisions are a topic for later.

Or if you really want a fresh repo, then you can use 'svn export -r' to export 
the initial working baseline and then import those files into your new test 
repository.  Meaning, if revision 10 represents your initial "200 commands" of 
importing files, then export revision 10 using 'svn export -r 10 ...'.  This 
lets you start a new repo without having to re-do the import from scratch.  I 
would tell you about 'svnadmin dump', but given your current mental state, 
that's probably not a good idea.

> I got a good laugh from:
> "Of course it can, just copy your 200 commands line by line one after 
> another into a batch file."

I know it was a humorous comment, but...

Anyway, dealing with new software with new paradigms/assumptions can be very 
frustrating (e.g. going from ClearCase to 1.3 SVN, *g*) but you need to 
take a step back and relax.  Importing and branching and merging in svn 1.8 
really isn't (shouldn't be) that difficult.  Plus, svn 1.8 is pretty robust and 
a mature product, so you shouldn't be fighting with it that much.
Good luck, and keep up the perseverance.  "That which doesn't kill you, 
probably leaves you crippled and weak" (or something to that effect.)

Re: Strange behavior

2013-08-14 Thread Ullrich Jans

Am 09.08.2013 21:58, schrieb Edwin Castro:

On 8/9/13 10:27 AM, John Maher wrote:

And svn status returns this:
   C Build.bat
   >   local add, incoming add upon merge

You svn add Build.bat in trunk. Later you svn add Build.bat in your
branch. Subversion sees those as separate objects with individual history.

I've seen this here, too. It seems to be related to a user creating a 
branch with the OS tools without telling SVN about it, then adding it to 
SVN, then porting over changes by hand, then trying to merge in more 

To create a branch, I've learned to always do an svn copy between URLs, 
e.g. svn cp file:///repository/trunk file:///repository/branches/mybranch.



Ullrich Jans, Specialist, IT-A
Phone: +49 9131 7701-6627,
Fax: +49 9131 7701-6333,

Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, Am Wolfsmantel 46, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Managing Directors: Alexander Kocher, Gregor Zink
Register Court Fürth HRB 4886

Please note: This e-mail may contain confidential information
intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please do not disclose it to anyone, notify
the sender promptly, and delete the message from your system.
Thank you.

Re: Strange behavior after replacing directory

2013-09-30 Thread Stefan Sperling
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:58:35AM +0300, Florin Avram wrote:
> Hi,
> I've found a strange behavior in the situation described below and
> wanted to let you know - I think there could be an issue or a need
> of improvement (don't know what exactly).
> Subversion: 1.8.x, 1.7.x.
> The situation is as follows (the minimum necessary to reproduce the issue):
> - have a working copy with a folder and a file inside the folder;
> - replace the folder and commit:
> svn delete folder/file
> svn delete --keep-local folder
> svn add folder (consider it as a new folder)
> svn commit folder (both folder and file)
> make new "file" inside folder
> svn add folder/file
> svn commit folder/file
> - now, in another working copy:
> svn status -u- reports folder as replaced and file
> as deleted
> svn update folder/file   - svn indicates that file was updated fine
> svn statsus -u   - again, both folder and file are
> reported as previously (replaced and deleted)
> Repeating the file update and "svn status" goes on and on as
> file updated correctly and file reported as deleted again.
> Only after updating the folder everything works fine.
> My question(s):
> - is this OK to happen like this?

Yes, absolutely. The 'svn update folder/file' step creates a
mixed-revision working copy (child is newer than its parent)
and you then query the parent with 'status -u' so you get
results for the parent, not the child.


Re: Strange behavior after replacing directory

2013-09-30 Thread Florin Avram


Thank you for the quick reply.

Strange thing. I was expecting that the repository will notify me only 
about the items/revisions/changes I am missing. If the update of the 
file was successful, then when "svn status -u folder", the repository 
should report that only the folder has changes (it was replaced), but 
the file is already updated. Somehow, this can be misleading, even more 
if users are not very SVN-experimented.

Best Regards,

On 30.09.2013 12:54, Stefan Sperling wrote:

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:58:35AM +0300, Florin Avram wrote:


I've found a strange behavior in the situation described below and
wanted to let you know - I think there could be an issue or a need
of improvement (don't know what exactly).
Subversion: 1.8.x, 1.7.x.

The situation is as follows (the minimum necessary to reproduce the issue):
- have a working copy with a folder and a file inside the folder;
- replace the folder and commit:
 svn delete folder/file
 svn delete --keep-local folder
 svn add folder (consider it as a new folder)
 svn commit folder (both folder and file)
 make new "file" inside folder
 svn add folder/file
 svn commit folder/file

- now, in another working copy:
 svn status -u- reports folder as replaced and file
as deleted
 svn update folder/file   - svn indicates that file was updated fine
 svn statsus -u   - again, both folder and file are
reported as previously (replaced and deleted)

 Repeating the file update and "svn status" goes on and on as
file updated correctly and file reported as deleted again.

Only after updating the folder everything works fine.

My question(s):
- is this OK to happen like this?

Yes, absolutely. The 'svn update folder/file' step creates a
mixed-revision working copy (child is newer than its parent)
and you then query the parent with 'status -u' so you get
results for the parent, not the child.


Re: Strange behavior after replacing directory

2013-09-30 Thread Philip Martin
Stefan Sperling  writes:

> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:58:35AM +0300, Florin Avram wrote:
>> The situation is as follows (the minimum necessary to reproduce the issue):
>> - have a working copy with a folder and a file inside the folder;
>> - replace the folder and commit:
>> svn delete folder/file
>> svn delete --keep-local folder
>> svn add folder (consider it as a new folder)
>> svn commit folder (both folder and file)
>> make new "file" inside folder
>> svn add folder/file
>> svn commit folder/file
>> - now, in another working copy:
>> svn status -u- reports folder as replaced and file
>> as deleted
>> svn update folder/file   - svn indicates that file was updated fine
>> svn statsus -u   - again, both folder and file are
>> reported as previously (replaced and deleted)
>> Repeating the file update and "svn status" goes on and on as
>> file updated correctly and file reported as deleted again.
>> Only after updating the folder everything works fine.
>> My question(s):
>> - is this OK to happen like this?
> Yes, absolutely. The 'svn update folder/file' step creates a
> mixed-revision working copy (child is newer than its parent)
> and you then query the parent with 'status -u' so you get
> results for the parent, not the child.

It's a bit more complicated than just mixed-revision in this case; the
status display is affected by internal implementation details of the
update process.  The tricky bit is that the parent directory is going to
be deleted and replaced and the update process will delete the children
inside the parent even though those children are already up-to-date.

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*

Re: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-02 Thread Giulio Troccoli

On 02/08/11 07:40, Dominik Psenner wrote:


having a fresh subversion repository doing this as preparation:

$ mkdir foo/
$ svn add foo
$ svn commit -m "test"
Adding  foo
Revision X sent.
$ rmdir foo
$ svn st
!   foo
$ svn delete foo
D   foo

And finally this command fails:

$ svn commit foo -m "fail"
svn: entry "foo" has no URL

This instead does work:

$ svn commit -m "works"
Delete  foo
Revision X sent.

svn commit behaves inconsistently depending on whether a PATH argument is
given or not. If it is a bug, it should get at least priority P2 because one
is unable to commit partial changes to the WC as in this scenario:

$ mkdir foo/
$ svn add foo
A   foo
$ svn commit -m "test"
Adding  foo
Revision X sent.
$ rmdir foo
$ svn st
!   foo
$ svn delete foo
D   foo
$ touch bar
$ touch foobar
$ svn add bar foobar
A   bar
A   foobar
$ svn commit foo bar
svn: entry "foo" has no URL

To get things done, one would have to backup foobar somewhere, revert
foobar, do the commit without PATH arguments and copy foobar over to the WC.

Let me know what you think about this!


I think SVN is behaving correctly. When you do svn commit foo you're 
telling Subversion to commit changes made in foo. There are no changes 
in foo because it's been deleted. The changes, instead, are in its 
parent directory, the one from where you issued your commands. That's 
why svn commi works, it assumes . as the path.

Re: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-02 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Aug 2, 2011, at 07:11, Giulio Troccoli wrote:

> On 02/08/11 07:40, Dominik Psenner wrote:
>> having a fresh subversion repository doing this as preparation:
>> $ mkdir foo/
>> $ svn add foo
>> $ svn commit -m "test"
>> Adding   foo
>> Revision X sent.
>> $ rmdir foo
>> $ svn st
>> !foo
>> $ svn delete foo
>> Dfoo
>> And finally this command fails:
>> $ svn commit foo -m "fail"
>> svn: entry "foo" has no URL

> I think SVN is behaving correctly. When you do svn commit foo you're telling 
> Subversion to commit changes made in foo. There are no changes in foo because 
> it's been deleted. The changes, instead, are in its parent directory, the one 
> from where you issued your commands. That's why svn commi works, it assumes . 
> as the path.

I think "svn commit foo" would work fine, provided you do not "rmdir foo" 
first; that was your error.

I also have a feeling Subversion 1.7's new working copy arrangement will fix or 
at least change this behavior.

RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Dominik Psenner
>You could also delete the directory directly in the repository using "svn
>delete  -m ". This way you would avoid the problem of
>committing partial changes of your working copy.

.. which is just another workaround.

RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Dominik Psenner
>> I think SVN is behaving correctly. When you do svn commit foo you're
>telling Subversion to commit changes made in foo. There are no changes in
>foo because it's been deleted. The changes, instead, are in its parent
>directory, the one from where you issued your commands. That's why svn
>commi works, it assumes . as the path.

I disagree. Providing a PATH argument should tell svn that one wants to
commit the changes to "foo". In this case it would be that "foo" was
deleted. Since I want only the changes to "foo" to be versioned, it would
not make sense to include all other changes within the parent directory.
>I think "svn commit foo" would work fine, provided you do not "rmdir foo"
>first; that was your error.
>I also have a feeling Subversion 1.7's new working copy arrangement will
>fix or at least change this behavior.

So there's still a light at the far end of the tunnel! :o) From what I've
read just now 1.7.X's WC arrangement will become alike hg's way. I
understand well that the current svn infrastructure is not suited for this

Would patching svn 1.6.X to fix the behaviour be feasible?

Re: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Aug 3, 2011, at 03:04, Dominik Psenner wrote:

>> I think "svn commit foo" would work fine, provided you do not "rmdir foo"
>> first; that was your error.
>> I also have a feeling Subversion 1.7's new working copy arrangement will
>> fix or at least change this behavior.
> So there's still a light at the far end of the tunnel! :o) From what I've
> read just now 1.7.X's WC arrangement will become alike hg's way. I
> understand well that the current svn infrastructure is not suited for this
> usecase.
> Would patching svn 1.6.X to fix the behaviour be feasible?

I doubt it. Or rather, the behavior is not broken. The user is broken. As I 
said: "svn commit foo" should have worked fine if you had not run "rmdir foo" 
beforehand. Don't run "rmdir foo". Just run "svn rm foo" followed by "svn 
commit foo" and everything should work.

RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Dominik Psenner
>I doubt it. Or rather, the behavior is not broken. The user is broken. As I
>said: "svn commit foo" should have worked fine if you had not run "rmdir
>foo" beforehand. Don't run "rmdir foo". Just run "svn rm foo" followed by
>"svn commit foo" and everything should work.

True - it's nothing totally new to me. I just doubt the lusers who are going
to use the frontend I'm writing for them understand the difference. :-)

Re: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Aug 3, 2011, at 03:17, Dominik Psenner wrote:

>> I doubt it. Or rather, the behavior is not broken. The user is broken. As I
>> said: "svn commit foo" should have worked fine if you had not run "rmdir
>> foo" beforehand. Don't run "rmdir foo". Just run "svn rm foo" followed by
>> "svn commit foo" and everything should work.
> True - it's nothing totally new to me. I just doubt the lusers who are going
> to use the frontend I'm writing for them understand the difference. :-)

Then you must explain it to them. :) To move or delete items in a working copy, 
you must use svn commands. You must not use OS commands. That's just how it is.

RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Dominik Psenner
>Then you must explain it to them. :) To move or delete items in a working
>copy, you must use svn commands. You must not use OS commands. That's just
>how it is.

This is going to be a long journey. *jokingly*

Thanks for the insights and incredibly fast answers! It's awesome that
you're working on the .svn meta-data folders problem. If you manage to get
it settled, I believe 1.7.X is going to be great!

Re: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Stefan Sperling
On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 10:25:07AM +0200, Dominik Psenner wrote:
> >Then you must explain it to them. :) To move or delete items in a working
> >copy, you must use svn commands. You must not use OS commands. That's just
> >how it is.
> This is going to be a long journey. *jokingly*
> Thanks for the insights and incredibly fast answers! It's awesome that
> you're working on the .svn meta-data folders problem. If you manage to get
> it settled, I believe 1.7.X is going to be great!

I'm not sure you understand the kinds problems the new working copy
format is settling. You must still use svn commands instead of OS
commands in 1.7. That won't change. I don't think it will ever change.

The reason is that Subversion tracks operations explicitly, rather than
implicitly. In other words, Subversion needs to modify meta-data in
the .svn directory if you change something. If you run an OS-level
command the actual disk state and the meta-data get out of sync.

Subversion is not like git which goes "Woaaahh... I just woke up and
now... what??? What did the user DO???  Well, whatever, I'm just gonna
take a wild guess to deal with this and go back to bed..."

Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages.

RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Dominik Psenner
>I'm not sure you understand the kinds problems the new working copy
>format is settling.

For me it settles the major problem of multiple .svn folders in a checkout.

> You must still use svn commands instead of OS
>commands in 1.7. That won't change. I don't think it will ever change.
>The reason is that Subversion tracks operations explicitly, rather than
>implicitly. In other words, Subversion needs to modify meta-data in
>the .svn directory if you change something. If you run an OS-level
>command the actual disk state and the meta-data get out of sync.

*sarcastic* The user does not care what levers subversion needs to pull to
show him what parts of a file were modified. */sarcastic*

>Subversion is not like git which goes "Woaaahh... I just woke up and
>now... what??? What did the user DO???  Well, whatever, I'm just gonna
>take a wild guess to deal with this and go back to bed..."

Please correct me if I'm wrong:

Subversion is still an observer and whatever a user does, he must tell
Subversion what he did in cases where subversion can't understand it by
itself (i.e. file/folder rename/move that preserve history across the
revisions). Every VCS I know works like this. Maybe one invents a VCS
filesystem that can hook into the filesystem operations, but that's
something that will be written on other papers. ;-)

Back to topic:

The current working copy layout is unable to handle the usecase I described
since it needs the missing meta-data that was stored within the deleted
folder itself. Thus Subversion < 1.7 would need a special logic to handle
these cases. One could discuss whether this should be fixed so that < 1.7
behaves on folder deletes just alike file deletes. I leave that decision up
to the devs since I'm unable to estimate the costs.

The new working copy layout does not have the meta-data within subfolders
and thus is able to commit just that change. HOORAY! This issue *can* be
solved with WC-NG without special logics!

--quote Ryan Schmidt--
I also have a feeling Subversion 1.7's new working copy arrangement will fix
or at least change this behavior.
--eof quote Ryan Schmidt--


RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Andreas Tscharner

> Subversion is still an observer and whatever a user does, he must tell
> Subversion what he did in cases where subversion can't
> understand it by
> itself (i.e. file/folder rename/move that preserve history across the
> revisions). Every VCS I know works like this. Maybe one invents a VCS

Sort of. Mercurial is perfectly happy if you tell it afterwards (before a 
commit of course) that you renamed that file and deleted the other one. This 
behavior comes in handy, if you have to rename some files in the IDE, because 
only the IDE knows what (and in which file) has to be renamed...

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner  
"Intruder on level one. All Aliens please proceed to level one."
  -- Call in "Alien: Resurrection"

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RE: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Dominik Psenner
>> Subversion is still an observer and whatever a user does, he must tell
>> Subversion what he did in cases where subversion can't
>> understand it by
>> itself (i.e. file/folder rename/move that preserve history across the
>> revisions). Every VCS I know works like this. Maybe one invents a VCS
>Sort of. Mercurial is perfectly happy if you tell it afterwards (before a
>commit of course) that you renamed that file and deleted the other one.
>This behavior comes in handy, if you have to rename some files in the IDE,
>because only the IDE knows what (and in which file) has to be renamed...

It smells differently, but is basically the same. :-) But now I understand
what Stefan Sperling wanted to point out.

Re: Strange behavior on directory delete/commit

2011-08-03 Thread Stefan Sperling
On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 11:27:48AM +0200, Dominik Psenner wrote:
> > You must still use svn commands instead of OS
> >commands in 1.7. That won't change. I don't think it will ever change.
> >The reason is that Subversion tracks operations explicitly, rather than
> >implicitly. In other words, Subversion needs to modify meta-data in
> >the .svn directory if you change something. If you run an OS-level
> >command the actual disk state and the meta-data get out of sync.
> *sarcastic* The user does not care what levers subversion needs to pull to
> show him what parts of a file were modified. */sarcastic*

File modifications are detected automatically. This is easy because
files have timestamps, and because Subversion has a pristine copy
of each file in the .svn directory. And there is no ambiguity -- a file
is either modified or it isn't.

But for tree changes, Subversion provides commands, and users must
use the commands to operate on the tree.

> The current working copy layout is unable to handle the usecase I described
> since it needs the missing meta-data that was stored within the deleted
> folder itself.

Yes, this is one use case that 1.7 fixes. You can now replace
directories without having to commit the deletion of the replaced
directory separately from the addition of the replacing directory.

E.g. you can delete a directory and move a different one on top:

$ svn rm epsilon
D epsilon
D epsilon/zeta
$ svn mv gamma epsilon  
A epsilon
D gamma
D gamma/delta
$ svn status
D   gamma
D   gamma/delta
R  +epsilon
D   epsilon/zeta

and commit the result in a single revision:

r3 | stsp | 2011-08-03 12:27:38 +0200 (Wed, 03 Aug 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   R /trunk/epsilon (from /trunk/gamma:2)
   D /trunk/gamma

1.6 used to error out in the second step:
svn: Cannot copy to 'epsilon' as it is scheduled for deletion