ASO Interceptor

2006-07-05 Thread Kosarev A.V.
Hi all!

How I can receive tapestry state object (e.g. visit object) in hivemind


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NullPointerException in cleanupAfterRender()

2006-07-05 Thread Petter Måhlén

I've been struggling for some hours now with a weird problem that I don't at
all understand where it comes from. I'm using Tapestry 4.0.2, and the
stacktrace of the exception, which happens when i try to display the page,

# org.apache.tapestry.bean.BeanProvider.init(
# org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.getBeans(
# org.apache.tapestry.binding.BeanBinding.getObject(
# $Form_10.getDelegate($
# org.apache.tapestry.form.Form.cleanupAfterRender(
# $Form_10.cleanupAfterRender($
# org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

Line 104 in BeanProvider is:

   Infrastructure infrastructure =

I guess that that could cause an NPE if there was something wrong in the
page/component setup. But I can't figure out what it is, despite lots of
trial and error with all kinds of alternatives. A small setup that gives me
the error is:

-- EditItem.html -


span jwcid=$content$
span jwcid=@Border
  form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] success=listener:doSubmit
!-- irrelevant whether i put actual form components here or not --
  input type=submit value=Save/
  a jwcid=@PageLink page=ListAll href=#List All/a

- ---
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE page-specification PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry Specification 4.0//EN;

page-specification class=se.jadestone.spirits.wrs.EditItemPage

descriptionedits something old/description


- -
package se.jadestone.spirits.wrs;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tapestry.html.BasePage;

public class EditItemPage extends BasePage {
private static final Log log =

public void doSubmit() {

I'm running the application through Eclipse/JettyLauncher/Jetty.

Can anybody give me a hint as to what could be going wrong here? There's
another form in the application that works, and I can't see what the problem
could be. I'm sure it's something stupid that I'm missing.



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Re: Theoretical question: Differences and similarities between page and hivemind service.

2006-07-05 Thread Richard Kirby

Hi Aleksej,

See - this is coming in 
Tapestry 5, although that is definitely a ways off.



Aleksej wrote:
Thats not only about services auto-wiring. Having page as a service 
allows to get rid of BasePage ( BaseComponent ) hierarchy. I am sure 
that there are lots of people ( including tapestry developers ) who 
wanted to see pages as a POJO's .

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Re: Theoretical question: Differences and similarities between page and hivemind service.

2006-07-05 Thread James Carman
I understood your request.  I just thought I'd offer up that project to
help some of your service wiring woes while we await Tap5.  Hope it helps.
 It works quite well on our project at work.

 Thats not only about services auto-wiring. Having page as a service
 allows to get rid of BasePage ( BaseComponent ) hierarchy. I am sure
 that there are lots of people ( including tapestry developers ) who
 wanted to see pages as a POJO's .

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James Carman, President
Carman Consulting, Inc.

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2006-07-05 Thread James Carman

I am trying to develop a wizard for a page I'm working on.  Basically, the
user needs to select something to be a property of the object they're
editing on the current page.  The object they need to select is a child in a
parent/child relationship and there are *way* too many parents to just show
in a drop-down list (like 250K of them).  Anyway, the idea is that they'll
type in some text and choose the parent.  Then they're taken to another
screen which shows the children for that parent (at most about 10 or so).
They then choose which child they want to use.  Here's the tricky part (at
least for me).  I want to invoke this wizard while they're filling out the
form, but I don't want them to lose what they've typed in any of the other
fields and I don't want to stop them from going through the wizard if any of
the form fields don't pass validation.  So, in order to bind the form field
values into the object they're editing before going through the wizard, I
have to submit the form (can't use a DirectLink, because that doesn't
trigger a form rewind).  But, the form will not submit if there are errors
in any of the required/constrained fields.  How would you guys go about
this?  Am I missing something?  There's got to be a standard way to do such
a thing.

Right now, I'm using Tacos to display the wizard as a floating pane above
my form, but that's proven to be buggy at best in IE (Firefox works great of
course).  The form is somewhat long and the floating pane shows up at the
top of my form so the user doesn't see it unless they scroll up.  Also, if I
put two of these wizards on the screen at the same time (editing multiple
fields of the same type), then they don't submit properly for some reason.
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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base href=http://localhost:8080/rms//

2006-07-05 Thread Diego


Does anybody know why in my application in the html the following tag

base href=http://localhost:8080/myapp//

I can remove it by adding the renderBaseTag=false to the shell
component, but that is not how it should be.


RE: base href=http://localhost:8080/rms//

2006-07-05 Thread James Carman
The @Shell component will automatically add a base tag to your HTML output.
In order to keep it from doing it, you have two choices:

1.  Don't use a @Shell component.
2.  Tell it not to by using the renderBaseTag=ognl:false directive as you

-Original Message-
From: Diego [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:17 AM
Subject: base href=http://localhost:8080/rms//


Does anybody know why in my application in the html the following tag

base href=http://localhost:8080/myapp//

I can remove it by adding the renderBaseTag=false to the shell
component, but that is not how it should be.


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RadioGroup validation

2006-07-05 Thread Christian Dutaret


As of Tapestry 4.0, RadioGroup components can be validated, but delegate 
decorations are not rendered. Is this expected behavior?
If I can make a suggestion, prefix and suffix could be easily rendered, 
and attributes could be rendered through an enclosing span tag (since 
RadioGroup does not generate any tag)


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RE: Wizard...

2006-07-05 Thread Jonathan Barker

A simple option would be to turn off client-side validation.

I have an application in which multiple people (buyer, seller, realtors)
must be associated with a single estimate.  I use a pop-up window that has
its own workflow for searching for and choosing, or adding a new person (and
even associated agencies).  In the simple case, when you find the person and
click on a [Choose] link, javascript pushes a key back down into a hidden
field on the original form in the opener window and then closes the popup.
I could push down additional text for display but I hate javascript so I
just trigger a form submit and handle display in the usual Tapestry way.


-Original Message-
From: James Carman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:11 AM
To: 'Tapestry users'
Subject: Wizard...


I am trying to develop a wizard for a page I'm working on.  Basically, the
user needs to select something to be a property of the object they're
editing on the current page.  The object they need to select is a child in a
parent/child relationship and there are *way* too many parents to just show
in a drop-down list (like 250K of them).  Anyway, the idea is that they'll
type in some text and choose the parent.  Then they're taken to another
screen which shows the children for that parent (at most about 10 or so).
They then choose which child they want to use.  Here's the tricky part (at
least for me).  I want to invoke this wizard while they're filling out the
form, but I don't want them to lose what they've typed in any of the other
fields and I don't want to stop them from going through the wizard if any of
the form fields don't pass validation.  So, in order to bind the form field
values into the object they're editing before going through the wizard, I
have to submit the form (can't use a DirectLink, because that doesn't
trigger a form rewind).  But, the form will not submit if there are errors
in any of the required/constrained fields.  How would you guys go about
this?  Am I missing something?  There's got to be a standard way to do such
a thing.

Right now, I'm using Tacos to display the wizard as a floating pane above
my form, but that's proven to be buggy at best in IE (Firefox works great of
course).  The form is somewhat long and the floating pane shows up at the
top of my form so the user doesn't see it unless they scroll up.  Also, if I
put two of these wizards on the screen at the same time (editing multiple
fields of the same type), then they don't submit properly for some reason.
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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RE: NullPointerException in cleanupAfterRender()

2006-07-05 Thread Petter Måhlén
Hi again,

It struck me that maybe the problem was related to how the page was invoked,
and it turned out to be right:

public IPage doEdit(int id) {
   System.out.println(doEdit( + id + ));

   Entity entity = getEntityLister().getEntity(id);

   EditItemPage page = editPageMap.get(entity.getClass());


   return page;

The editPageMap was initialised during pageBeginRender():

public abstract EditItemPage getEditItemPage();

public void pageBeginRender(PageEvent event) {
editPageMap = new HashMapClass, EditItemPage();

editPageMap.put(Item.class, getEditItemPage());

Apparently, at that time, the page returned by getEditItemPage() is invalid,
or so I would assume. If I do the call to getEditItemPage() in the
doSubmit() method, things work as they should. What I was hoping to achieve
was a nice way of sending the user to different edit pages depending on
which entity type he was trying to edit.

If it is in fact the case that methods like getEditItemPage() above do not
return valid IPage instances at the time that pageBeginRender() executes,
would it be possible for them to identify that and throw an exception



 -Original Message-
 From: Petter Måhlén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 1:37 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: NullPointerException in cleanupAfterRender()
 I've been struggling for some hours now with a weird problem 
 that I don't at all understand where it comes from. I'm using 
 Tapestry 4.0.2, and the stacktrace of the exception, which 
 happens when i try to display the page, is:
 # org.apache.tapestry.bean.BeanProvider.init(
 # $Form_10.getDelegate($
 # org.apache.tapestry.form.Form.cleanupAfterRender(
 # $Form_10.cleanupAfterRender($
 Line 104 in BeanProvider is:
Infrastructure infrastructure = 
 I guess that that could cause an NPE if there was something 
 wrong in the page/component setup. But I can't figure out 
 what it is, despite lots of trial and error with all kinds of 
 alternatives. A small setup that gives me the error is:
 -- EditItem.html -
 span jwcid=$content$
 span jwcid=@Border
   form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] success=listener:doSubmit
 !-- irrelevant whether i put actual form components here or not --
   input type=submit value=Save/
   a jwcid=@PageLink page=ListAll href=#List All/a

 - ---
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE page-specification PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry Specification 4.0//EN;
 page-specification class=se.jadestone.spirits.wrs.EditItemPage
 descriptionedits something old/description
 - -
 package se.jadestone.spirits.wrs;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
 import org.apache.tapestry.html.BasePage;
 public class EditItemPage extends BasePage {
   private static final Log log = 
   public void doSubmit() {
 I'm running the application through Eclipse/JettyLauncher/Jetty.
 Can anybody give me a hint as to what could be going wrong 
 here? There's another form in the application that works, and 
 I can't see what the problem could be. I'm sure it's 
 something stupid that I'm missing.

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Re: CMS Integration

2006-07-05 Thread Phillip Rhodes
What are the basic requirements? CMS is a many-faceted beast.

 Has anyone integrated any sort of CMS tool with Tapestry? I've looked into
 Magnolia and several others, but all seem to require an uphill battle if
 they are to be tied into Tapestry and I was wondering if someone else has
 already done this. Thanks!

 Michael Grundvig

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Re: RadioGroup validation

2006-07-05 Thread Phillip Rhodes
I don't know if this is related, but if you try to do any client-side
validation with a radiogroup, the presence of a radio group will break all
client-side validation.

Sorry if this doesn't help you, but thought I would share what could be
more symptoms of the problem.


 As of Tapestry 4.0, RadioGroup components can be validated, but delegate
 decorations are not rendered. Is this expected behavior?
 If I can make a suggestion, prefix and suffix could be easily rendered,
 and attributes could be rendered through an enclosing span tag (since
 RadioGroup does not generate any tag)


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access global from tapestry service?

2006-07-05 Thread Phillip Rhodes

I am writing an EmailVerificationService (user clicks on link in email and
it hits my tapestry service).

Inside my service, I need to have access to the application Global object
(defined in my tapestry app spec file).

I didn't see the application global object as an available option in the
infrastructure objects.

Any advice?

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Re: Easier Form Manipulation, how do i...?

2006-07-05 Thread Jesse Kuhnert

I don't think it would be easyToo bad you're on tap3 only. I'd have all
kinds of suggestions otherwise..

On 7/5/06, Brian Duchek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If I have a ListEdit (in Tapestry 3) wrapped in a custom component for
displaying some name/value textfield pairs, and want to give the user
the ability to quickly add more pairs of fields, can I fake out the
rewind phase by naming the fields smartly and updating the hidden field
used to track staleness in the form?

It seems that if I'm only going to be looping thru the fields in this
subcomponent anyway, then why should Tapestry care too much about how
many fields there are?

My objective is to be able to use Javascript to instantly add more
fields, without having to unwind-increment-re/render the entire page.
It's really a poor user experience to force that trip to the server.
Plus, it's a real pain to try and sync up Tapestry's validation JS and
other client-side state mechanisms and display widgets for my particular
design.   This seems a great case for easy DOM manipulation, but is not
so easy to handle on the server side with Tapestry.

What's the best way to approach this? Is there any examples extant?


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Jesse Kuhnert
Tacos/Tapestry, team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

help please, problem with image map using Tapestry 4 !!!

2006-07-05 Thread Alex Tian

Hi, everyone, I'm a beginner with tapestry 4 and got stuck with a problem for
3 weeks already...

my task is:
1. create a dynamic image based on some data provided from user's input
2. create a buffered image and display that image on the page
3. use image map to make some regions of that image clickable

now I've done the first 2 steps and part of the 3rd step. In step 3, I used
@DirectArea custom component(explained in Tapestry in Action as well as used
in the Pet Shop example) to create the image map, but I cannot dynamically
specify the coords attribute in area tag which is inside map tag.

@DirectArea component statically pre-defines the coords attribute in .html
file(e.g. area [EMAIL PROTECTED] listeners=ognl:listeners.selectPage1
coords=50,50 50,50 / ), because as for Pet Shop example the image already
exists whereas in my case that buffered image will be created dynamically
and sends to OutputStream to display it. What I want is to take the coords
attribute's value from user input at the same time in step 1 and specify the
coords attribute(for example: pass 50, 50 50,50 as a string)  for image
map after creating the buffered image.

should I modify the

does anyone have any idea how to make it...? 

many thanks in advance.

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Re: help please, problem with image map using Tapestry 4 !!!

2006-07-05 Thread Jesse Kuhnert

The easiest option (imho) would be to use the java 2d api (should be
perfectly safe in server mode) to find the image size on the server and use
those values to write to your DirectArea.

On 7/5/06, Alex Tian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, everyone, I'm a beginner with tapestry 4 and got stuck with a problem
3 weeks already...

my task is:
1. create a dynamic image based on some data provided from user's input
2. create a buffered image and display that image on the page
3. use image map to make some regions of that image clickable

now I've done the first 2 steps and part of the 3rd step. In step 3, I
@DirectArea custom component(explained in Tapestry in Action as well as
in the Pet Shop example) to create the image map, but I cannot dynamically
specify the coords attribute in area tag which is inside map tag.

@DirectArea component statically pre-defines the coords attribute in
file(e.g. area [EMAIL PROTECTED] listeners=ognl:listeners.selectPage1
coords=50,50 50,50 / ), because as for Pet Shop example the image
exists whereas in my case that buffered image will be created dynamically
and sends to OutputStream to display it. What I want is to take the
attribute's value from user input at the same time in step 1 and specify
coords attribute(for example: pass 50, 50 50,50 as a string)  for
map after creating the buffered image.

should I modify the

does anyone have any idea how to make it...?

many thanks in advance.

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tacos/Tapestry, team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

Re: Tacos issues

2006-07-05 Thread Jesse Kuhnert

Did something not work when you tried the snapshot build of 4.1?

I think jwebunit uses httpunit which uses Rhino (ie mozilla ) to handle the
javascript testing. Tapestry uses Rhino to test javascript now as well, but
we code directly against the rhino api. HttpUnit and others have tried
(unsuccessfully ) to mimick the behaviour of the containing window / browser
that the js interpreter runs in but none have done a good job of it so far.
(Except for the browsers themselves of course ;) )

If you had any issues with something running in a real browser I'd be very
interested in hearing them asap.

For unit testing I think we've decided to have a sub/seperate special maven
distro/project site hosting all of the tapestry testing goodies publicly for
people to use as well. (With some sort of caveat stating that we can/will
change any portion of the testing stuff as much as we want, but will try to
give fair warning..Ie not a public facing API sort of thing, just being nice
to the community.)

This should give you the ability to test all of your java code with java
code (ie TestNG / junit ) and test your javascript code in javascript (via
our rhino unit test infrastructure, which I've yet to port to a maven

On 7/5/06, Aslak Grønflaten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for a good answer.
Obviously, my experience with tacos and tapestry 4.1 are extremely
limited, so it's good to hear more of what's going on.
My concern arose from trying out a snapshot of 4.1, and seing that
standard components such as LinkSubmit use Dojo, thus seeming
to depend on it.
Also, it's not just browser compatibility I'm worried about. I'm also
using jwebunit to test my applications, and it's javascript interpreter
(Neko I think it's called?) also needs to be compatible, if I'm to
doing this.
Aynway, I'm sure I've just been too eager to try out the very
latest,  and
that by the time of a release my worries will be needless.


On Jul 5, 2006, at 11:47 AM, Jesse Kuhnert wrote:

 That's an understandable viewpoint.

 Safari hasn't traditionally had very good support/implentation of
 some of
 the core JS api . (that is required to be ecma compliant at least).
 have fixed this in more recent versions of safari but it's
 something the
 dojo dev's are still trying to support as much as possible.

 The good news is that no one has to use the new JS features if they
 want to, and the ones that are used by default in some sections are
 cross browser compliant.

 As for standardizations, I know a few companies/projects that might
 agree with you;

 - IBM
 - Sun Microsystems
 - AOL
 - Every web based framework hosted on apache. (if I've missed
 knowing any
 then apologies, I'm speaking more to the core JSF/struts/webwork type
 - Many other big wigs that would take too much time to hunt down
 and list..

 The official list of supported browsers can be found here: I should also note
 that the
 dojo foundation/devs are in direct contact with the mozilla/IE
 teams to try
 and ensure more industry wide browser compatibility/improvements in

 That being said, I definitely don't want to ignore browser
 issues when they come up and will definitely react quickly to any
 bugs that
 are found. (as long as they are humanly reasonable, expecting = ie
 5.0support or any of the earlier safari versions probably isn't going

 People really don't have too much to worry about as any of the more
 functionality is something people can choose to opt in for.

 Of course, since tapestry uses hivemind this is all a moot point.
 If you
 ~do~ want the dynamic features but would rather use something other
 dojo then you have the choice of specifying your own ResponseBuilder
 configuration point. I've re-factored all of this logic and any of the
 existing javascript handling so that people can plug in their own
 and manage as much of this process as they would like. Choice is
 always a
 good thing :) As much as I love dojo I don't want to code myself
 (or the
 community) into a hole we can't get out of easily if it's decided
 to move to
 a different toolkit someday.

 Hope that helps :) If anyone would like more answers I can probably
 pull one
 of the dojo devs or the sun servlet spec lead people in to answer
 to things
 I can't.

Jesse Kuhnert
Tacos/Tapestry, team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around