DatePicker error

2006-09-19 Thread Hajaansh

Sorry, the error message was formatted strangely the last time. This time I
hope it is better... Any ideas anyone?
Could it be how I started Tomcat? I started it with:

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dorg.apache.tapestry.disable-caching=true
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\bin\catalina jpda start

and the error I got from the DatePicker is as follows (i hope this time the
formating is not as bad as the last time...)

org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration  location:
line 36, column 71
31 parameter name=validators/ 32 parameter name=id
property=idParameter default-value=id/ 33
34 asset name=defaultIcon path=DatePickerIcon.png/ 35
36 inject property=script type=script
object=DatePicker.script/ 37inject
property=translatedFieldSupport object=service:
tapestry.form.TranslatedFieldSupport/ 38 inject
property=validatableFieldSupport object=service:
tapestry.form.ValidatableFieldSupport/ 39
40/component-specification   java.lang.ClassCastException
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration  Stack Trace:

  - org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.init(Unknown Source)
  - org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.init(Unknown Source)
  - org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.init(Unknown Source)
  - org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl.newSAXParser(Unknown
  - org.apache.tapestry.util.xml.RuleDirectedParser.constructParser(
  - org.apache.tapestry.util.xml.RuleDirectedParser.parse(
  - org.apache.tapestry.util.xml.RuleDirectedParser.parse(
  - org.apache.tapestry.script.ScriptParser.parse(

  - org.apache.tapestry.engine.DefaultScriptSource.parse(
  - org.apache.tapestry.engine.DefaultScriptSource.getScript(
  - $IScriptSource_10dc21a16a2.getScript($

  - org.apache.tapestry.enhance.DeferredScriptImpl.getScript(
  - $DatePicker_699.getScript($
  - org.apache.tapestry.form.DatePicker.renderFormComponent(
  - org.apache.tapestry.form.AbstractFormComponent.renderComponent(
  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.renderBody(
  - org.apache.tapestry.form.FormSupportImpl.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.form.Form.renderComponent(
  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.renderBody(
  - org.apache.tapestry.components.RenderBody.renderComponent(
  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.renderBody(
  - org.apache.tapestry.html.Body.renderComponent(
  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.renderBody(
  - org.apache.tapestry.html.Shell.renderComponent(
  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.BaseComponent.renderComponent(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.BaseComponent.renderComponent(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractComponent.render(

  - org.apache.tapestry.AbstractPage.renderPage(
  - org.apache.tapestry.engine.RequestCycle.renderPage(


  - org.apache.tapestry.engine.HomeService.service(
  - $IEngineService_10dc21a1719.service($

  - org.apache.tapestry.engine.AbstractEngine.service(





Re: problem with using tapestry 4.1 page in iframe (cross-domain)

2006-09-19 Thread Marcus Irven

I'm not sure this will solve my problem, dojo is currently hosted on
the same domain as the web page, it is the the parent of the web page
that is on a different domain.  I believe  it is the
dojo.event.connect that is given me problems as the iframe doesn't
have access to the window object.

On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think your problem would be best solved by overriding the ajaxDelegate
class used by the @Shell component (It's a parameter) - in combination with
doing a cross domain build of dojo:

You don't really need to make your custom built version of dojo be served as
an asset by tapestry, you can just as easily make it a normal js include in
your servlet container - or eliminate the need for that altogether by
hosting it in a static web server.

I'd try to stick with a 0.3.1 version of dojo if possible. I'm still in the
middle of upgrading to pre 0.4 myself. Perhaps it would be better if I just
made tapestry use the xdomain version by default.

On 9/18/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes I am aware of this, the problem is Tapestry is generating that
 javascript and I'm not sure what to do.  The page worked fine in
 Tapestry 4.0 (which generated different javascript).  I'd like to
 upgrade to Tapestry 4.1 but this is holding me back.


 On 9/18/06, Davor Hrg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this is not a tapestry issue,
  you cann not access via javascript frames that are not from same domain,
  try it with a static html page and same error will occur
  Davor Hrg
  On 9/18/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm trying to update to tapestry 4.1 but am running into a problem
   when trying to include the page as an iframe to another page which is
   from a different domain.  Tapestry generates the following at the end
   of the body:
   script type=text/javascript!--
   dojo.event.connect(window, 'onload', function(e) {
   // --/script
   which gives me an access is denied error.
   Are there any work arounds?
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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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Re: Confirmation link generation

2006-09-19 Thread Martin Strand
URLs don't need to change just because you upgrade Tapestry, you can make URLs 
look just like you want.
Check the last section of this document for instructions on how to implement a 
custom encoder:

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 10:46:00 +0200, Borut Bolčina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I searched on the list, but found no satisfactory answer. Here is the

1. User inputs some form data, including email address to which a
confirmation link will be sent.
2. User inputs characters from generated anti-ocr image to fight
automated posts.
3. An email is sent to previously entered email address with a
confirmation link.
4. User presses this link to activate his/her data.

 My question is, what would be the best way to construct this confirmation
 link to be agnostic (as much as possible) on Tapestry releases? I am using
 T4 for this project.


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How to send or save into a file a tapestry page

2006-09-19 Thread Stephane Decleire

Hi all,

I would like to send or save the HTML content generated by a page. The 
idea is to mail our team (perhaps by a SMTPAppender in log4j) the 
Tapestry exception page while showing the user a nice message when an 
error occured on our website.

I've found on the web the solution below but it's for Tap3 and it looks 
like a bit tricky ...

Any idea or help would be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Stéphane Decleire

RE: Opening several database connections on the same registry

2006-09-19 Thread Kristian Marinkovic

could you post the exception.

Is there  a object with a  object.setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource ds)

if so hivemind won't be able to resolve the right object because there are
3 objects with
the same interface available. you will have to specify the desired pool by
its service-point id.
If you have only one pool you don't have to specify it :)


 Rui Pacheco 
Tapestry users   
 15.09.2006 16:31,   
Tapestry users 
  Bitte antwortenKopie 
 Tapestry usersThema 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Opening several database  connections on the same registry   

Hi all

Can you help me with my hivemind registry? I'm trying to configure several
connection pools to the same server, only the database name changes. When I
had one pool, this worked like a charm, now that I have several Tapestry is
complaining about the creation of the ASO. I think this is my syntax that.
Could you give me a hand finding out whats wrong?

The xml is below:

?xml version=1.0?
module id=dbcp version=1.0.0

service-point id=GeneralPool interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url

set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

service-point id=DicIP interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url
set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

service-point id=DicPI interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url
set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

service-point id=DicPP interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url
set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

contribution configuration-id=tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects
state-object name=User scope=session
create-instance class=pt.te.universal.agc.backend.models.User

contribution configuration-id=tapestry.url.ServiceEncoders
page-service-encoder id=page extension=html service=page/

contribution configuration-id=tapestry.url.ServiceEncoders
  extension-encoder id=extension extension=do 

Re: Opening several database connections on the same registry

2006-09-19 Thread Rui Pacheco


I've managed to fix it. It was just a dumb typo, a mistake on my part. But
when you're looking at XML, it gets hard to see whats happening. :)

On 9/19/06, Kristian Marinkovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


could you post the exception.

Is there  a object with a  object.setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource ds)

if so hivemind won't be able to resolve the right object because there are
3 objects with
the same interface available. you will have to specify the desired pool by
its service-point id.
If you have only one pool you don't have to specify it :)


 Rui Pacheco
Tapestry users
 15.09.2006 16:31,
Tapestry users
  Bitte antwortenKopie
 Tapestry usersThema
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Opening several database  connections on the same registry

Hi all

Can you help me with my hivemind registry? I'm trying to configure several
connection pools to the same server, only the database name changes. When
had one pool, this worked like a charm, now that I have several Tapestry
complaining about the creation of the ASO. I think this is my syntax that.
Could you give me a hand finding out whats wrong?

The xml is below:

?xml version=1.0?
module id=dbcp version=1.0.0

service-point id=GeneralPool interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url


set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

service-point id=DicIP interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url
set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

service-point id=DicPI interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url
set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

service-point id=DicPP interface=javax.sql.DataSource
construct class=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set property=driverClassName
set property=url
set property=username value=webmaster/
set property=password value=webmaster/
set property=removeAbandoned value=true/

contribution configuration-id=tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects
state-object name=User scope=session
create-instance class=

contribution configuration-id=tapestry.url.ServiceEncoders
page-service-encoder id=page extension=html service=page/

contribution configuration-id=tapestry.url.ServiceEncoders
  extension-encoder id=extension extension=do after=*/

Rui Pacheco

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Rui Pacheco

Re: problem with using tapestry 4.1 page in iframe (cross-domain)

2006-09-19 Thread Jesse Kuhnert

Ah...Then this ~might~ be fixed when I'm done doing the 0.4 upgrade. I guess
we won't know for sure until then.

On 9/19/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not sure this will solve my problem, dojo is currently hosted on
the same domain as the web page, it is the the parent of the web page
that is on a different domain.  I believe  it is the
dojo.event.connect that is given me problems as the iframe doesn't
have access to the window object.

On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think your problem would be best solved by overriding the
 class used by the @Shell component (It's a parameter) - in combination
 doing a cross domain build of dojo:

 You don't really need to make your custom built version of dojo be
served as
 an asset by tapestry, you can just as easily make it a normal js include
 your servlet container - or eliminate the need for that altogether by
 hosting it in a static web server.

 I'd try to stick with a 0.3.1 version of dojo if possible. I'm still in
 middle of upgrading to pre 0.4 myself. Perhaps it would be better if I
 made tapestry use the xdomain version by default.

 On 9/18/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes I am aware of this, the problem is Tapestry is generating that
  javascript and I'm not sure what to do.  The page worked fine in
  Tapestry 4.0 (which generated different javascript).  I'd like to
  upgrade to Tapestry 4.1 but this is holding me back.
  On 9/18/06, Davor Hrg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   this is not a tapestry issue,
   you cann not access via javascript frames that are not from same
   try it with a static html page and same error will occur
   Davor Hrg
   On 9/18/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to update to tapestry 4.1 but am running into a problem
when trying to include the page as an iframe to another page which
from a different domain.  Tapestry generates the following at the
of the body:
script type=text/javascript!--
dojo.event.connect(window, 'onload', function(e) {
// --/script
which gives me an access is denied error.
Are there any work arounds?
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  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jesse Kuhnert
 Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

 Open source based consulting work centered around

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

Tapestry 4.1 roadmap ?

2006-09-19 Thread Stephane Decleire


Is there a roadmap for the releases of Tapestry 4.1 ?


Stéphane Decleire

Re: Tapestry 4.1 roadmap ?

2006-09-19 Thread Robin Ericsson

On 9/19/06, Stephane Decleire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is there a roadmap for the releases of Tapestry 4.1 ?

But of course.


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Re: How to send or save into a file a tapestry page

2006-09-19 Thread Peter Dawn

can you share the link/info for implementing this in tap3

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Re: [OT] Tapestry + IDEA

2006-09-19 Thread Kevin Menard

andyhot wrote:

Laying out the project is really important...

What I used to do is run jetty as a java app by creating a launch
configuration that:
This worked out wonderfully.  Thanks a lot.  It's not as simple as I'd 
have preferred, but it's easy enough.

- I run jetty externally with mvn jetty:run.
- Instead of enabling caching, I enable the reset service
- Whenever I recompile in idea, maven's jetty plugin restarts the context.

This actually worked well, too.  I recently moved to maven and hadn't 
even thought of it.  The other approach looks like it makes debugging 
easier though, so that's what I'll stick with.


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Re: How to send or save into a file a tapestry page

2006-09-19 Thread Stephane Decleire

Here it is :[EMAIL


Assuming you are already familiar with the Javamail API, it sounds like all
you really need is the Tapestry-rendered data stream.  This is actually
really easy:

EmailPage next = (EmailPage) cycle.getPage(EmailPage);

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
HTMLWriter writer = new HTMLWriter(baos);

You can then do whatever you want with baos.  I can give you more details if
you would like.



Peter Dawn a écrit :

can you share the link/info for implementing this in tap3

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Stéphane Decleire

05 56 57 99 20
06 63 78 69 06

Re: problem with using tapestry 4.1 page in iframe (cross-domain)

2006-09-19 Thread Marcus Irven

Any idea on when this will be available or is there some way I can
override the javascript the Body component creates?


On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ah...Then this ~might~ be fixed when I'm done doing the 0.4 upgrade. I guess
we won't know for sure until then.

On 9/19/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure this will solve my problem, dojo is currently hosted on
 the same domain as the web page, it is the the parent of the web page
 that is on a different domain.  I believe  it is the
 dojo.event.connect that is given me problems as the iframe doesn't
 have access to the window object.

 On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think your problem would be best solved by overriding the
  class used by the @Shell component (It's a parameter) - in combination
  doing a cross domain build of dojo:
  You don't really need to make your custom built version of dojo be
 served as
  an asset by tapestry, you can just as easily make it a normal js include
  your servlet container - or eliminate the need for that altogether by
  hosting it in a static web server.
  I'd try to stick with a 0.3.1 version of dojo if possible. I'm still in
  middle of upgrading to pre 0.4 myself. Perhaps it would be better if I
  made tapestry use the xdomain version by default.
  On 9/18/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yes I am aware of this, the problem is Tapestry is generating that
   javascript and I'm not sure what to do.  The page worked fine in
   Tapestry 4.0 (which generated different javascript).  I'd like to
   upgrade to Tapestry 4.1 but this is holding me back.
   On 9/18/06, Davor Hrg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
this is not a tapestry issue,
you cann not access via javascript frames that are not from same
try it with a static html page and same error will occur
Davor Hrg
On 9/18/06, Marcus Irven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to update to tapestry 4.1 but am running into a problem
 when trying to include the page as an iframe to another page which
 from a different domain.  Tapestry generates the following at the
 of the body:

 script type=text/javascript!--
 dojo.event.connect(window, 'onload', function(e) {
 // --/script

 which gives me an access is denied error.

 Are there any work arounds?


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   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jesse Kuhnert
  Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer
  Open source based consulting work centered around

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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Re: RadioGroup component

2006-09-19 Thread Christian Dutaret

User-supplied id attributes in @Radio components are not rendered properly
in Tap4.1. Both the user-supplied id and a RadioGroup id are rendered:
input type=radio name=RadioGroup id=RadioGroup0 value=0 id=myId/

This was working fine with Tap4.0.2


2006/9/15, andyhot [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

They are in a group. They are supposed to have the same name.

If you supply an 'id' parameter for each, you can use
document.getElementById() later on.

Peter Dawn wrote:
 sorry guys incomplete message, am sending it again,

 how can i reference each radio element within a radiogroup. if my
 implementation is this,
 span jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 input type=radio jwcid=@Radio
 input type=radio jwcid=@Radio

 how can i name each individual radio elements. if i use [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 the name is still RadioGroup and if use [EMAIL PROTECTED] the individual
 radios are test each. but i want to reference them individually.

 anybody know how to do this. and i am using tap3. thanks.

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Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting

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Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Rui Pacheco

Hi all

I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it works,
except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down to a crawl
and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status bar
slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors

I believe this problem is not external do the application because the same
thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two completelly
different environments.

Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose to go
into production and this is the only thing stopping us.

Rui Pacheco

Re: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Daniel Jue

Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My instinct
says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there is a
inf loop somewhere (or both).


On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all

I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it works,
except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down to a crawl
and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status bar
slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors

I believe this problem is not external do the application because the same
thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two completelly
different environments.

Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose to go
into production and this is the only thing stopping us.

Rui Pacheco

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Re: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Rui Pacheco

I'm replying again because I received a virus warning from the mailing list:

Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a stored
procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I display the
model on the template.

Is there a way to profile this application?

On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a stored
procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I display the
model on the template.

Is there a way to profile this application?

On 9/19/06, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My instinct
 says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there is a
 inf loop somewhere (or both).


 On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all
  I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it
  except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down to a
  and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status bar
  slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors
  I believe this problem is not external do the application because the
  thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two
  different environments.
  Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose to
  into production and this is the only thing stopping us.
  Rui Pacheco

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Rui Pacheco

Rui Pacheco

Re: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Jesse Kuhnert

Run it in eclipse in debug mode?

Do you have caching disabled?

On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm replying again because I received a virus warning from the mailing

Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a stored
procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I display
model on the template.

Is there a way to profile this application?

On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
 procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I display
 model on the template.

 Is there a way to profile this application?

 On 9/19/06, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My instinct
  says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there is a
  inf loop somewhere (or both).
  On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all
   I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it
   except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down to
   and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status
   slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors
   I believe this problem is not external do the application because
   thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two
   different environments.
   Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose
   into production and this is the only thing stopping us.
   Rui Pacheco
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 Rui Pacheco

Rui Pacheco

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

Re: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Rui Pacheco

I'm running it out of the box. Apart from friendly URL's I have nothing

How can I run a web application in debug mode in eclipse? Don't I need a
plugin for that?

On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Run it in eclipse in debug mode?

Do you have caching disabled?

On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm replying again because I received a virus warning from the mailing

 Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
 procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I display
 model on the template.

 Is there a way to profile this application?

 On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
  procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I
  model on the template.
  Is there a way to profile this application?
  On 9/19/06, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My instinct
   says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there is a
   inf loop somewhere (or both).
   On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all
I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it
except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down
and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status
slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors
I believe this problem is not external do the application because
thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two
different environments.
Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose
into production and this is the only thing stopping us.
Rui Pacheco
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Rui Pacheco

 Rui Pacheco

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

Rui Pacheco

Re: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Martin Strand
Create a launch configuration for Tomcat, something like this:
Main class: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
Classpath: ${tomcat.home}/bin/bootstrap.jar
Parameters: -Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home}

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 16:59:47 +0200, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm running it out of the box. Apart from friendly URL's I have nothing

 How can I run a web application in debug mode in eclipse? Don't I need a
 plugin for that?

 On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Run it in eclipse in debug mode?

 Do you have caching disabled?

 On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm replying again because I received a virus warning from the mailing
  Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
  procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I display
  model on the template.
  Is there a way to profile this application?
  On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
   procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I
   model on the template.
   Is there a way to profile this application?
   On 9/19/06, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My instinct
says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there is a
inf loop somewhere (or both).
On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished and it
 except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down
 and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser status
 slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any errors

 I believe this problem is not external do the application because
 thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two
 different environments.

 Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're suppose
 into production and this is the only thing stopping us.

 Rui Pacheco

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   Rui Pacheco
  Rui Pacheco

 Jesse Kuhnert
 Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

 Open source based consulting work centered around

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trouble with JSCookMenu

2006-09-19 Thread bueggers

With JavaScript disabled, the menu-component simply doesn't work.
There is no noscript version generated by the menu.


jake123 wrote:
 Jorge Quiroga wrote:
 The menu appears but as a table with links, not as a menu, how to handle 
 this? Well, as far as you can do into noscript section, but usually in 
 that section you see messages inviting to enable javascript or update 
 the browser.
 Hi, I tried to take out the java script in my web browser and I didn't see
 any table with links. Nothing was showing at all. Does anybody know how to
 solve this? Do I need to tell the menu component to fall back to html if
 there is no java script present in the browser? My only solution to this
 problem if I dont get the table to be generated with the links when java
 script is turned of in the  browser is to write my own menu component...
 so please give me some feedback...
 Best Regards

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DropdownDatePicker style

2006-09-19 Thread Christian Dutaret


I would like to apply a css class to the input type=text generated by the
DropdownDatePicker component, in order to get a consistent lookfeel of my
pages. If I specify the class attribute to the DropdownDatePicker, it is
ignored. Is there any way to achieve this?
I use T4.1.


Re: EventListener and PropertySelection

2006-09-19 Thread Jani Lindqvist


should the model of component B be persisted or set as property?

I have a page that has the same logic as in this example, but the
dynamically populated combobox value is always null when the post is done
(and also in the eventlistener method).

If i change the model to be fetch from a getModel() method that builds the
model from database, the value is set when the submit is made.

I have 3 different comboboxes, A that is built from the database and it's
model doesnt change between user selections. It's value is set correctly.
Combobox B is populated depending on what was selected in combo B and combo
C is populated depending on the selection of combo B.

now when i try to get the value of combo B in another eventlistener method,
the value is always null, and the same is also with combo C value.

tapestry version is the latest 4.1

On 9/13/06, Christian Dutaret [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to change the content of a dropdown list when some event
I am using PropertySelection to render the dropdown list. I assumed that
listener could change the component's PropertySelectionModel, and that
updateComponent would render the updated content, but this doesn't work.
Shouldn't the model binding be re-rendered when updateComponent is
or am i doing something wrong?
I am using the latest 4.1.1 snapshot.

Thx for any hint.

My page class:

public abstract void setModelB(IPropertySelectionModel value);

@EventListener(targets=A, events=onchange, submitForm=form)
public void changeA(IRequestCycle cycle) {

My HTML template:

span jwcid=@Shell title=Tapestry 4.1 test browserLogLevel=DEBUG
body jwcid=@Body
form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] success=listener:doNothing
span jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] model=ognl:modelA value=ognl:a/
span jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] model=ognl:modelB value=ognl:b/
input type=submit value=Go/


Re: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Norbert Sándor

Use a plugin for managing tomcat.
I use the Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin, which launches tomcat in debug mode by 


Rui Pacheco wrote:

I'm running it out of the box. Apart from friendly URL's I have nothing

How can I run a web application in debug mode in eclipse? Don't I need a
plugin for that?

On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Run it in eclipse in debug mode?

Do you have caching disabled?

On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm replying again because I received a virus warning from the mailing

 Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
 procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I 

 model on the template.

 Is there a way to profile this application?

 On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
  procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I
  model on the template.
  Is there a way to profile this application?
  On 9/19/06, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe?  My 
   says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there 
is a

   inf loop somewhere (or both).
   On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all
I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished 
and it

except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down
and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser 

slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any 

I believe this problem is not external do the application 

thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two
different environments.
Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're 

into production and this is the only thing stopping us.
Rui Pacheco
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Rui Pacheco

 Rui Pacheco

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.4/449 - Release Date: 2006.09.15.


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RE: Very strange performance problem

2006-09-19 Thread Mark Stang
Title: RE: Very strange performance problem

Another way is to set up the java opts:

JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n $JAVA_OPTS

Then in Eclipse set up a remote java application. Start up the application, have Eclipse connect to it and the put breakpoints anywhere you like.

See attached jpeg, if it can come through.



Mark J. Stang
Senior Engineer/Architect
office: +1 303.468.2900
mobile: +1 303.507.2833
Ping Identity

-Original Message-
From: Norbert Sándor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tue 9/19/2006 10:13 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Very strange performance problem

Use a plugin for managing tomcat.
I use the Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin, which launches tomcat in debug mode by


Rui Pacheco wrote:
 I'm running it out of the box. Apart from friendly URL's I have nothing

 How can I run a web application in debug mode in eclipse? Don't I need a
 plugin for that?

 On 9/19/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Run it in eclipse in debug mode?

 Do you have caching disabled?

 On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm replying again because I received a virus warning from the mailing
  Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
  procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I
  model on the template.
  Is there a way to profile this application?
  On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Java doesn't even show on top. My pages are pretty simple: I call a
   procedure, I retrieve values and set them on a model and then I
   model on the template.
   Is there a way to profile this application?
   On 9/19/06, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are you watching the memory and cpu usage of javaw.exe? My
says you're creating objects without destroying them, or there
 is a
inf loop somewhere (or both).
On 9/19/06, Rui Pacheco  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 I have a problem with my Tapestry application. Its finished
 and it
 except, after I navigate for a while, the application slows down
 and becomes unusable. I click on links, I watch the browser
 slowly fill up and nothing happens. Tomcat doesn't show any

 I believe this problem is not external do the application
 thing happens on my laptop and on my companie's server, two
 different environments.

 Could anyone give me a hand to find whats happening? We're
 into production and this is the only thing stopping us.

 Rui Pacheco

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Rui Pacheco
  Rui Pacheco

 Jesse Kuhnert
 Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

 Open source based consulting work centered around


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.4/449 - Release Date: 2006.09.15.

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Re: Trouble with JSCookMenu

2006-09-19 Thread jake123

Thanks, I thought so too, now I need to build my own menu component. Is there
anybody else that build there own menu component that works with


bueggers wrote:
 With JavaScript disabled, the menu-component simply doesn't work.
 There is no noscript version generated by the menu.

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RE: Re: Tacos MenuBar and Ajax

2006-09-19 Thread Denis Souza
Well, I suppose I just got lucky since the only two dojo widgets that I've
used from Tacos were exactly the MenuBar and the TabContainer ;)
I finally gave up on since I didn't really *need* it, just would be nice to
have it.
I agree, MenuBar leaves much to be desired but since in my case it's use
will be limited it was a very cost-effective solution, really easy to
implement. I got my whole menu structure working in a few minutes (well,
except for the ajax part).

About sam's e-mail, 2 things:
1) I saw the bug in IE in which the menu items appear at the very top. From
what I could test it happens because the menu items are always placed at the
beginning of their parent tags, for instance:

 ... some stuff here
 My menu here
This wouldn't work because the menu items would appear at the same place as
the other stuff. A workaround would be:

 ... some stuff here
 My menu here
At least worked for me...

2) I'm not sure I fully understand the menubar/ajax problem. I thought the
problem was that the request was executing the javascript code again, when
it shouldn't, thus creating a new menubar. I searched the Tacos dev list
like you told me to find a new dojo tapestry widgets thread but I really
wasn't very much enlightened by it.
Anyway, please correct me if I'm wrong. I looked at the Tacos source code
and the way I see it now, in order to make it work, I'd have to replace the
DojoMenuBar2 component with a slightly altered version that will check if
the menu (with the same name) already exists before creating it, i.e., not
call dojo.widget.CreateWidget when it's not necessary.
I'm no expert on javascript, and I don't know exactly if that's what you
were thinking. Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2006 21:54
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Re: Tacos MenuBar and Ajax

Two small thoughts on this.

-) WRT the javascript not getting executed, this is annoying but not really
a bug in dojo. If you look at some of the other tacos components you'll
find that their script templates use the ResponseBuilder to determine if
they are in an ajax request and respond appropriately..(Ie either execute
immediately or execute upon window/package load depending..)

-) The Menu widget ~is~ horribly slow..It was written by some of the same
people involved in writing the TabContainer. I hope it doesn't give people a
bad impression of dojo devs as this is only one part of the community. I
recently added a new tab like widget which should be extremely fast..It
can do a lot more than just tabs as it is very generic, but there is at
least an alternative. .

In fact - the same widget could probably handle dynamic menus + tabs with
equal ease as it's based on a UL/OL and css class names. No images/css
templates/etc are loaded by the widget. It works completely off of what you
give it so there shouldn't be any hidden css behaviour to drive you nuts.

On 9/18/06, Sam Gendler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah.  Currently, the dojo components don't handle ajax updates well.
 I was new to tacos and wasn't aware of the problem until I wrote code
 that triggers it.  Due to the nature of the structure of our page,
 however, the extra menu bar shows up in a part of the page which is
 never visible, so I've been able to ignore it during a schedule
 crunch.  We've almost released, after which I can devote some time to
 improving all the dojo widgets I contributed.  The others all send
 javascript during ajax requests, even when not being updated, but
 because of the way I structured them, the 2nd javascript just doesn't
 do anything.  Andreas or Jesse described a fix to me on the tacos-dev
 mailing list, if you want to search for it.  It shouldn't be too
 difficult to fix (just search for 'sgendler').

 Personally, I find that the menubar, as implemented in dojo, leaves a
 TON to be desired.  It renders itself really slowly and causes massive
 delays in the rendering of other dojo code on the page.  It also shows
 all menu items stacked on top of each other before finally spreading
 them out, and in IE, if your menu isn't at the very top of the page,
 the menu items appear at the very top of the page until you mouse over
 the area where they are supposed to be, at which point, they drop down
 to where they are supposed to be.  In short, it is basically
 unworkably in a production quality app. We finally ditched it for a
 CSS solution which is about 1,000 times faster.  Incidentally, those
 are all dojo issues, not tap/tacos ones.  The same problems occur in
 our page mockups.


 On 9/19/06, andyhot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Denis Souza wrote:
  I think the original contributor of those components described such
  a behaviour at
  If this is indeed the cause, we'll try to 

Re: Re: Tacos MenuBar and Ajax

2006-09-19 Thread jake123

Sam Gendler-2 wrote:
  We finally ditched it for a
 CSS solution which is about 1,000 times faster.  

Hi Sam,
I am about to implement a menu component in our application and we are
working in tapestry 4.02. I tried out the 
JSCookMenu, but I can not use that becouse there are no fallback if the
browser does not allow java script. Do you have any pointer how to implement
a custom menu component? Does your menu work with java script disabled?

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Tapestry contract/full time developer

2006-09-19 Thread jake123

We are looking for a contract/full time mid-level (3-6 years experience) JAVA
developer with experience in Tapestry 4 to assist in the development of a 
new web-based application. System architecture includes Tapestry 4.02,
Hibernate 3.1, Spring 2.0 and Oracle. Candidate will be responsible for the
design and development of the presentation layer. He / she will also assist
with other facets of system development as needed.
Local candidates are preferred.

We are located in Miami Lakes, Miami, Florida

For more information cantact
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Re: How to send or save into a file a tapestry page

2006-09-19 Thread Hajaansh

Perfect! I needed this too! Cheers!

On 9/19/06, Stephane Decleire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here it is :[EMAIL


Assuming you are already familiar with the Javamail API, it sounds like
you really need is the Tapestry-rendered data stream.  This is actually
really easy:

EmailPage next = (EmailPage) cycle.getPage(EmailPage);

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
HTMLWriter writer = new HTMLWriter(baos);

You can then do whatever you want with baos.  I can give you more details
you would like.



Peter Dawn a écrit :
 can you share the link/info for implementing this in tap3

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Stéphane Decleire

05 56 57 99 20
06 63 78 69 06

How to listent for the Request Cycle End

2006-09-19 Thread Dobrin Ivanov

I want some advise of which is the best way to catch
the end of the request cycly. I have tried it using a
PageDetachListener, but the problem is that sometimes
there is more than one page involved into the request
cycle and then I get more than one invocation on the
So I'm wondering if overriding the Engine's
service(...) method is the best place?

Thanks and best regards,

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Re: How to listent for the Request Cycle End

2006-09-19 Thread Jesse Kuhnert

It might not be super fun to learn, but I think the tapestry way of doing
this would be to contribute something to the WebRequestServicerPipeline so
that you know definitively when the cycle ends regardless of what
services/engines are involved..

On 9/19/06, Dobrin Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I want some advise of which is the best way to catch
the end of the request cycly. I have tried it using a
PageDetachListener, but the problem is that sometimes
there is more than one page involved into the request
cycle and then I get more than one invocation on the
So I'm wondering if overriding the Engine's
service(...) method is the best place?

Thanks and best regards,

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

Re: Re: Re: Very long URLs problem.

2006-09-19 Thread Sam Gendler

On 9/19/06, Martin Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The client persistence strategy doesn't use DataSqueezer:

That's unfortunate.  I suppose one could persist them yourself using
hidden fields, at least in simple cases.  I just assumed that client
persistence would use the same mechanisms as putting an object in a
form.  I find it odd that it doesn't, really.  Actually, now that I
think about it, didn't I read somewhere that it is possible to
implement your own persistence strategies and tie them into tapestry
via hivemind? If so, in the worst case, I guess you could grab the
client persistence code out of the tapestry source and inject a
modified strategy into your app.  Assuming that I'm correct about the
possibility of doing this, anyway.


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Re: Re: Installing 4.1

2006-09-19 Thread Sam Gendler

I went through this exact same process and eventually gave it up for
hopeless and stuck with 4.0.x, figuring that if it was this difficult
just to acquire and run the thing, it certainly wouldn't be ready for
production development yet.  Someone should definitely get this info
into some visible documentation somewhere, or the only people who are
going to be using 4.1 are those who are already experienced maven
users.  JMHO.


On 9/18/06, Irv Salisbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I added these lines to the Workbench pom.xml and it all compiles fine:



On 9/18/06, Irv Salisbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That did work for timetracker.

 On building workbench, I get a TON of these types of messages:

 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository mortbay-repo 

 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository apache.snapshots (
 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository tapestry.javaforge 

 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository (
 1K downloaded
 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository mortbay-repo 

 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository apache.snapshots (
 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository tapestry.javaforge 

 [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository (

 On 9/18/06, Martin Strand  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Not sure why the workbench won't compile for you... it works here. :\
  The timetracker appears to have duplicate jars:
  - tapestry-annotations-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  - tapestry-annotations-4.1.1-20060827.214823-24.jar
  Don't know where the second jar came from, perhaps you could try mvn
  clean install (add -Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip tests)
  On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 05:48:52 +0200, Irv Salisbury
   Ok, so other than getting like 100 WARNING messages that resource XYZ
   not be loaded, I am trying to build and run the example apps.  The
   seem to just create jars, so they won't tell me much.  The TimeTracker
   builds a WAR file, but when deployed, I get this error (tomcat 5.5.17on
   intel box):
   1-SNAPSHOT] [ERROR] Servlet /tapestry-TimeTracker-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT threw
   load() exception
   org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Error: Module
   tapestry.annotation is duplicated!  Definition in
   TimeTracker-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT /WEB-INF/lib/tapestry-
   annotations-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/hivemodule.xml has been
   favor of existing definition from
   tomcat-5.5.17 /webapps/tapestry-TimeTracker-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT
   at org.apache.hivemind.impl.StrictErrorHandler.error(
   at org.apache.hivemind.impl.RegistryBuilder.constructRegistry(

Jasper Reports Help

2006-09-19 Thread Peter Dawn


i am implementing jasper reports within my tapestry web app. and i am
sorry i should probably post this to jasper forums, but i am really in
urgent need for help here.

i have a field which is returning a boolean value true or false. i
want to replace a true with a 1 and a false with a 2 within my report.
how can i do this.

can somebody pls help me out here. thanks and sorry for posting here.

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Re: Jasper Reports Help

2006-09-19 Thread Peter Dawn

and if its not 1 or 2 but some text like correct, incorrect etc. and
thanks a lot.

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Re: Jasper Reports Help

2006-09-19 Thread Peter Dawn

and where does it go, in TextField expression.

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Re: Jasper Reports Help

2006-09-19 Thread Scott Russell
Have you tried this?

textFieldExpression class=java.lang.String!
[CDATA[$F{myBooleanField}.booleanValue() ? 1 : 2 ]]/textFieldExpression


On Wednesday 20 September 2006 10:21, you wrote:

 i am implementing jasper reports within my tapestry web app. and i am
 sorry i should probably post this to jasper forums, but i am really in
 urgent need for help here.

 i have a field which is returning a boolean value true or false. i
 want to replace a true with a 1 and a false with a 2 within my report.
 how can i do this.

 can somebody pls help me out here. thanks and sorry for posting here.

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BeanForm for TP3?

2006-09-19 Thread Darío Vasconcelos


since recently someone mentioned the BeanForm component, I've been
reading about it and wondering if there's a version for Tapestry 3,
because I'm still stuck with old JDKs and app servers...

In case there isn't such thing, would a backport be possible? Too much
hard work? I haven't really gotten into all the annotation and
HiveMind stuff and it looks kinda complicated from here...



Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.
 -- W.C. Fields

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Simple Doubt

2006-09-19 Thread Daniel Castro


I am trying to use the Xtile componet, that belongs to contrib library.  But
dont know where to insert the line below.

library id=contrib specification-path=classpath

where should it be inserted? inside the .page? Inside the web.xml?
I tried inside the .page and didnt worked, and also tried inside web.xml and
the message below appears.

Library 'contrib' not found in application namespace.
the classpath on the line will be automatically parsed and be replaced by
the classpath of the application or no?
My project uses maven, so the library is inside the classpath.  It is inside
the Maven2Dependencies.

What is missing?
Daniel Ferreira Castro


We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France
We shall fightover the seas and oceans.
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be
We shall fight on beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
We shall fight on the hills.
We shall never surrender.
Winston Churchill

Re: Simple Doubt

2006-09-19 Thread DJ Gredler

(or library name.library file if you're writing a library)

On 9/20/06, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think that goes in your application name.application file.

On 9/20/06, Daniel Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am trying to use the Xtile componet, that belongs to contrib
 library.  But
 dont know where to insert the line below.

 library id=contrib specification-path=classpath

 where should it be inserted? inside the .page? Inside the web.xml?
 I tried inside the .page and didnt worked, and also tried inside
 the message below appears.

 Library 'contrib' not found in application namespace.
 the classpath on the line will be automatically parsed and be replaced
 the classpath of the application or no?
 My project uses maven, so the library is inside the classpath.  It is
 the Maven2Dependencies.

 What is missing?
 Daniel Ferreira Castro

 We shall go on to the end.
 We shall fight in France
 We shall fightover the seas and oceans.
 We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
 We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be
 We shall fight on beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
 We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
 We shall fight on the hills.
 We shall never surrender.
 Winston Churchill

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around