Re: Reading out a Component's formal parameters' values

2012-05-03 Thread wout86
Thanks for the tip! 

Having read the documentation on Environmentals, it looks to me like I have
to push the required values in the outer component in a method that will
lead to the invocation of the validator method where I need them, and pop
the values, for instance, when this method returns.

If I understand this correctly, this would be easy if only I could store the
values in the validator instance, for instance during rendering, for later
use in the validator. However it seems like Validator instances are shared
in Tapestry, which makes this option unfeasible.

This being said, my only option seems to be that when, for instance, I need
values A, B and C in my validator's /isRequired()/ and /validate(Field,
Void, MessageFormatter, Object)/ methods , I need to find the methods in
*mycomp* that will cause the invocation of these validator methods, and push
 pop the values in there.

Do I understand this correctly and if so, is there an easy way to find these
methods (my IDE's call hierarchy doesn't provide me with the answers)? Or,
isn't there an easier way to read a component's state from within a
validator that it contains?

Some additional context: the custom validator is just a Conditional
Required validator, and the outer component mycomp knows (already during
rendering), whether this conditional validator should be active or not.

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Re: Help with Dynamic Number of Form Elements

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
Lets assume your application looks like this:

public class QuestionAndAnswers {
   private Question question;
   private ListAnswer possibleAnswers;

public class AnsweredQuestion {
   private Question question;
   private Answer answer;

public interface WebService {
   public ListQuestionAndAnswers getQuiz(String quizId);

I think I'd do it like this

public class Page {
   private WebService webService;

   private ListAnsweredQuestion answeredQuestions;

   private AnsweredQuestion current;

   private MapQuestion, Listlt;Answer answerMap;

   public SelectModel getSelectModel() {
  ListAnswer possibleAnswers = answerMap.get(current);
  return createSelectModel(possibleAnswers);

   public ValueEncoderAnsweredQuestion getEncoder() {
  // this will be used to serialize/deserialize each value to a hidden
value in the form

   public void onPrepareRender() {
  ListQuestionAndAnswers qsAndAs = webService.getQuiz(String quizId);
  // initialize answeredQuestions
  // initialize answerMap

t:loop source=answeredQuestions value=current encoder=encoder
   t:select value=current.answer model=selectModel /

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Re: CSS Driven Tabs

2012-05-03 Thread netdawg
Thanks, Geoff.  Love Jumpstart.  Sticking with my counsel on this onejust
doing a simple one-level menu, so pretty sure I nailed it, for now ;-)

I selected the unravel CSS 2.0 tabs since it makes CSS do all the
heavy-lifting.  Always a better approach, if feasible.  And the CSS itself
is pure with no imagery etc.   With tabX in the styles being replaced by
componentResourcs.getPageName() as the alternate id mechanism in the
unravel CSS 2.0 code, the polymorphism required in the component template
falls into place.  

Now, all the components and page classes involved are completely free of any
tabs related code, almost oblivious to the menu driving the application. 
Just importing the tabs.css into in the usual manner.  Nothing
else there.  No request parameters, Environment push-pop etc needed anymore. 

Basically, all the magic happens within Layout.tml which can (thankfully)
pick up the pageName - and hence use it to conditionally style the page.  
Specifically, in the unravel CSS 2.0 code you would simply replace tabX with
your page names.  In the example below, Index replaces tab1, Products
replaces tab2, Library replaces tab3 etc...   

body id=${prop:componentResources.pageName}

html xmlns=;
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/

body id=${prop:componentResources.pageName}

 ul id=tabnav
  li class=Indext:pagelink page=indexHome/t:pagelink/li
  li class=Productst:pagelink
  li class=Libraryt:pagelink




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Cookies: Invalid cookie. Value not a token or quoted value

2012-05-03 Thread karthi

I have developed an application in tapestry and yesterday that
application went to live where I have faced a problem in tapestry cookies.

I have used the cookies to store the user related informations


private Cookies cookies;

cookies.writeCookieValue(isUserLogin, True, -1);

The above is what i am coding to store the datas. 

When I looked in my log file I have seen the below lines:

*[2012-05-03 09:24:16.029] Cookies: Invalid cookie. Value not a token or
quoted value*

this displays continuously, however my UI works good but this line is
getting continuously logged in the log file, what is wrong here?

Environment is:

Server - virgo-tomcat-server-3.0.2

Tapestry version is - 5.3.1

Logger - org.apache.log4j.Logger, Version - log4j-1.2.15

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo

On Wed, 02 May 2012 21:28:05 -0300, netdawg wrote:

OK.  Lets leave it at that, I guess.  Agree to disagree ;-).

1.  Polymorphism is not about implementation at all.  It is about
interfaces, which is what Components can aspire to be, sort of.   In that
case, components, do not get tied to page properties - they use only  
those available - and if not, they behave as if those properties do not  

That is Polymorphism, for me.  So a shape would draw only if there was
concrete draw provided, other it would ignore the draw request.

No, this is not the definition of polymorphism in software development.  
Quite far from it, actually. You can have polymorphism without interfaces  
in Java:

int i = 2;
long x = i;

i is not a long, yet its value still can be assigned to a long. That's a  
type of polymorphism called coercion.

Polymorphism is the ability of something to appear in different forms in  
different contexts. Example: passing a String to a method that receives an  
Object. In this case, String appears as if it was an Object to this  
method. This is called inclusion polymorphism.

In addition, the dynamic typed languages are all about polymorphism.

2.  This discussion is about expanding horizons of Tapestry...

I don't see it that way. You're asking for Tapestry to have a feature that  
goes against its principles. To make things worse, there are way to do  
what you want already implemented in the framework.

I didn't want to pull an argument by authority, but I know what I'm  
talking about (at least in this case). When doing my master's degree, I  
was a TA in Object-Oriented Programming. Later I was the coordinator and  
professor of a graduate course on Java. I have more than 4360 posts in the  
Tapestry mailing lists. For helping people, I've been voted as a Tapestry  
committer and then a member of the Project Management Committee.

not saying
this a Very Bad Thing etc or giving up because it is difficult.

I'm not saying this is difficult. I'm saying it's the wrong thing to do.  
It goes against the principles of Tapestry, good practices and good  

3.  I see pageName is just another page property...nothing more, nothing
less (or should be, if not).   Therefore, all other page properties  
should be visible as well.  Of course, I have not looked at the code...

No, the page name is not just another page property. That method in  
ComponentResources returns the logical name of the page, which is part of  
the not a property of your page class. You insist in saying this.

That said, THANKS, I like the idea of  
indeed be the answer I was look for...but I am already on a roll, so  
perhaps will look into later and report back

You're welcome!

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer,  
and instructor

Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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Re: Help with Dynamic Number of Form Elements

2012-05-03 Thread Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo


On Wed, 02 May 2012 20:56:18 -0300, Ryon Day wrote:

private ListSelectModel _questionSelectModels; // This is never null;  
it's populated during onPrepareForRender();

@propertyprivate SelectModel _currentModel

Here is my Template:
form t:type=form t:id=questionsEnrollForm
loop t:source=questionSelectModels t:value=currentModel  
Question: select t:type=select t:id=selected  
t:value=selectedQuestionId t:model=${currentModel} /

input type=submit value=submit/

Result:Exception: Render queue error in  
BeforeRenderTemplate[Enroll:selectedquestionid]: Parameter 'model' of  
component Enroll:selectedquestionid is bound to null. This parameter is  
not allowed to be null.

Here's what probably was your mistake:
loop t:source=questionSelectModels t:value=currentModel  

currentModel should be passed to the model parameter of Select, not value.  
Loop's value is supposed to be a property which will store the current  
object being iterated. The source parameter is the array or collection  
being iterated, not the SelectModel.

Another problem:
select t:type=select t:id=selected t:value=selectedQuestionId  
t:model=${currentModel} /

The value parameter of Select is meant to be the value you're selecting,  
aka, the object you want to select, so you don't need to use the object  
id, you can use the object itself. Another problem is using ${} expansions  
when passing parameters to components. Never, never, ever do that. This  
causes the parameter value to be coerced to String and then this String  
coerced to the type of the parameter.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer,  
and instructor

Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread wout86

I was wondering whether it is possible to add Validators to a Tapestry field
(e.g., TextField) at render-time (based on a runtime property)? 

More specifically, I'd like to know whether I can avoid doing:

t:if test=required
  t:textfield ... validate=a,b,c,required 
  t:textfield ... validate=a,b,c 

and change it by something like

t:textfield ... validate=a,b,c${prop:andRequired} /


public String getAndRequired {
return ,required;
return ;

in the page's java source (note: this code does not work).

I already thought of creating a custom 'required' validator, but there seems
to be no way to initialize it. I was thinking of initializing it in the tml
using t:validate=a,b,c,myrequired=${prop:required}, but this also doesn't
seem to work...

Thanks in advance

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Re: Igor Drobiazko Book

2012-05-03 Thread Nicholoz Kiknadze
Thanks for update.

First chapters I got under early access from Manning were very promising.
Looking forward for full version.

Nicholoz Kiknadze

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Igor Drobiazko igor.drobia...@gmail.comwrote:

 Sorry for the late reply. I somehow managed to miss this mail. I had a big
 progress until end of February / beginning of March. Unfortunately nothing
 happened between March and now, but I'm back on track. I'd love to tell you
 any dates, but I don't want to disappoint anybody if I miss the date again.
 I'm working hard to get the book published and trying to find some time
 slots between all the other things.

 On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Nicholoz Kiknadze

  Just resending initial message of this thread. Wonder if there is any
  progress - three months ago it was only couple of chapters left...
  As I recall, after Manning canceled Drobiazko's book he was going to
  publish it on his own.
  Any news out there?
  I'm sure lots of us in this list are waiting for it.

 Best regards,

 Igor Drobiazko

Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
You should be able to use two bindings together like this:

t:textfield ... validate=validate:prop:validators  

public String getValidators() {
   StringBuilder validators = new StringBuilder(a,b,c);
   if (required) {
   return validators.toString();

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
Hmm... try validate=prop:validate:validators

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
Another option is:

t:textfield t:id=textField validate=prop:validators /

@Inject Field textField;
@Inject FieldValidatorSource fieldValidatorSource;

public FieldValidator getValidators() {
   StringBuilder validators = new StringBuilder(a,b,c);
   if (required) {
   fieldValidatorSource.createValidators(textField, validators.toString());

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread wout86
No go :/.

org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Registry - Exception assembling root component of
page MyPage: Could not convert 'prop:validate:validators' into a component
parameter binding: Error parsing property expression 'validate:validators':
Unable to parse input at character position 9. 

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread wout86
Thanks, that'll work indeed.

Do you happen to know whether it's also possible to inject such a field from
the body of a custom component in that custom component? For instance, let's
say we have:

  t:textfield t:id=tf1 ... /

Where I'd like to access the tf1 textfield in mycomponent's java class to
create the validator and store it in a render variable that is then
accessible while rendering, allowing something like this:

  t:textfield t:id=tf1 validate=var:validators ... /

I tried to add the following in the MyComponent class, which does not seem
to work:

boolean setupRender() {
  TextField tf = resources.getEmbeddedComponent(tf1);
  // construct validators here

(the getEmbeddedComponent fails)

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
I think that the var: binding is a bit of an edge case and I think it's
best to avoid it. I've never needed it and have always managed to get by
with component properties.

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
In your example, you are reading from the textfield's render variables (using
var:) but you are storing on the page's render variables

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread wout86
Yup I know about the page render variables, but that works. The problem is
getting access to the embedded field.. (i.e., the TextField, or any field
with a specific name, in the body of the custom component) The custom
component itself doesn't have a tml file, it just employs the render phase
events to do its job.

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java

In your example, you are reading from mycomponent's render variables but are
writing to the page's render variables.

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Lance Java
1. What is the value of
2. Try afterRenderBody() instead of beforeRender()

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Displaying the current locale's language

2012-05-03 Thread Julien Martin

I need to be able to specify the anchor's hreflang attribute in a T5 action
1. There does not seem to be any such attribute for the tapestry action
link. Is there a workaround?
2. I want to use the current locale's language such as fr or en. Here
is what I tried:

private PersistentLocale persistentLocale;

private String language;

void changeLocale(String language) {
persistentLocale.set(new Locale(language));
language = persistentLocale.get().getLanguage();

and then ${language}

This result in a blank for the language variable.

Can anyone please help?



Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread wout86

I'm currently unable to access my workstation, but I invoked the
/resources.getComponentModel().getEmbeddedComponentIds();/ in both
setupRender() and cleanupRender() earlier today. Both invocations returned
an empty list.

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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread netdawg
Thiago,  I perfectly understand where you are coming from.  But it is hardly
defensible.  And, I suspect you know it.  I have just proven to you
polymorphic behavior of components using just pageName.  Imagine what else
can done, in menus alone, with more visibility - multi-level drill-downs
etc.  The possibilities are simply fantastic.  If Tapestry, cannot (or will
not)  do it - there are other frameworks who will.  Waving your resume, or
credentials, is not going to help in the face of sheer power of logic, or
the market.  If you do not want to call it Polymorphism - fine - call it
sometihng else.  I was using that term loosely to convey some sense of
different behavior based on what page the component is templating.  The
objective here is to enhace that behavior, not block the very consideration
of it.  

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
On Thu, 03 May 2012 13:33:11 -0300, wout86  

I'm currently unable to access my workstation, but I invoked the
/resources.getComponentModel().getEmbeddedComponentIds();/ in both
setupRender() and cleanupRender() earlier today. Both invocations  
returned an empty list.

It seems to me that, from another component or a page, you're trying to  
set things on something in another component. Don't do that. Instead, pass  
some parameter to the component that will be used for it to implement the  
field validation logic itself.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer,  
and instructor

Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
I officially give up. You're using wrong definitions of concepts, and the  
consequence is that just you will understand what you're talking about.  
And you can't read my mind to know what I'm thinking. You have proven  
nothing beyond the fact that you don't know what polymorphism is. In a  
component, using ComponentResources.getPage() or getPageName() you can  
figure out in which page the component is, even if this is a bad approach  
in most situations. People already do many magical things (Taha, wink! ;))  
with Tapestry the way it is. If you explained better what you want to do  
we'll be able to tell how you implement the Tapestry way. I'm not sure  
I'll take the time, though.

On Thu, 03 May 2012 14:21:49 -0300, netdawg wrote:

Thiago,  I perfectly understand where you are coming from.  But it is  

defensible.  And, I suspect you know it.  I have just proven to you
polymorphic behavior of components using just pageName.  Imagine what  

can done, in menus alone, with more visibility - multi-level drill-downs
etc.  The possibilities are simply fantastic.  If Tapestry, cannot (or  
not)  do it - there are other frameworks who will.  Waving your resume,  

credentials, is not going to help in the face of sheer power of logic, or
the market.  If you do not want to call it Polymorphism - fine - call it
sometihng else.  I was using that term loosely to convey some sense of
different behavior based on what page the component is templating.  The
objective here is to enhace that behavior, not block the very  

of it.

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Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer,  
and instructor

Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java, Tapestry e Hibernate

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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread netdawg
Good grief.  O well, that is probably more oxygen for others.  Thanks for you
inputs nevertheless - the ones with substance, anyway.   As for wink, wink,
we are already doing magic - it borders on delusional - suggesting some
sort of inside clique that is bullying everyone else - helping some and not
others - you have perfect right to do that, but that there will more
footsteps out the door than inpossibly mine too.  Good bye. 

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Re: Is it possible to add Field validators at render-time?

2012-05-03 Thread wout86

I want to apply the same logic that's applied when using a Page property in
a tml to output text:
I want to use a component's property (render variable in this case) in its
body to set the validator for a field in this body. That doesn't seem too
wrong to me, does it?

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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread Robert Zeigler
You /do/ realize that Thiago has already spent considerable time trying to help 

In any event, your conceptual understanding of Tapestry seems a bit off. Not 
trying to be mean, just stating fact. For instance:

Basically, is there is a way for a component to inherit properties of
child component (page)?  

This suggests that you're thinking of the page as the child component. But the 
page isn't the child component. The page is the parent component.

You've also referred to pages inheriting from components:

pages, like Index, are not inheriting layout etc, from component Layout? 
What am I missing?  

There's no inheritance involved. Tapestry pages and components are generally 
built by composition, not inheritance.

class Person {
   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;

Person is /composed/ of two String objects. But Person does not /inherit/ 
anything from String. It's not a String, it's a Person with two String 
properties. Likewise, String is not in any way tied specifically to Person.  
Imagine if the String object in java had some code like:

  if (containingObject.firstName.equals(George)) {...}

It's a bit preposterous, don't you think? :)

Yet, this is precisely what you're proposing.  Your Page is like the Person. It 
is composed of components, in an analogous way to how Person is composed of two 
String properties. 

Making your Components depend on specific details of the page (like whether it 
has a specific property) is a recipe for brittle components with no potential 
for reuse. Which is a shame because the point of components is reuse. 

All of that said, it's normal to adjust the behavior of the component to the 
requirements of the container. The two normal ways to do this are component 
parameters and the Environment service. Both of these solutions have been 
mentioned multiple times (3? 4?), but it appears that you are unfamiliar with 
the concepts, eg:

I am not sure what the Environment solution referred really is. 

A good place to start is the documentation. :)

For starters on component parameters, and:

For information on using the Environment solution.

Finally, you can accomplish directly what you're trying to do as:

public class Index implements MyInterface {

  public Object getSomeProperty() {..}//defined by MyInterface



private ComponentSource cs;

private ComponentResources resources;

public MyInterface getMyInterfaceInstance() {
  Object o = cs.getPage(resources.getPageName());
  if (o instanceof MyInterface) {
 return (MyInterface) o;
  } else {
 return /* something else here, some reasonable value. null? Default 
implementation of MyInterface?*/;


But that's an awful lot of work for something that could be accomplished as:

public Class Index {
  public Object getSomeProperty() {...}

  t:layout parameterName=someProperty/
  private Object parameterName;


You didn't have to create the interface. Layout can be used on any page. And 
any property can be used to satisfy the need for parameterName. 



On May 3, 2012, at 5/31:49 PM , netdawg wrote:

 Good grief.  O well, that is probably more oxygen for others.  Thanks for you
 inputs nevertheless - the ones with substance, anyway.   As for wink, wink,
 we are already doing magic - it borders on delusional - suggesting some
 sort of inside clique that is bullying everyone else - helping some and not
 others - you have perfect right to do that, but that there will more
 footsteps out the door than inpossibly mine too.  Good bye. 
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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread netdawg
All:Again, I appreciate the inputs, efforts and suggestions, even good
advice.  And, if someone does something differently, it is not hacky.   
The blog post, BTW, was for you specifically for your constructive comments. 
I was inspired to do that since we were just waving hands on this forum,
going off in tangents.   You now have something concrete.  Lets improve it
together.  I have (and will ) incorporate many of those comments - just not
all of them - unless I have code that actually works.  Just declaring try
this and that is not sufficient.  Finally, as for time spent, we are all in
the same canoe.  This is the only way this tool gets sharpened.  

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Re: Can Component Template be Informed by Page Class

2012-05-03 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
There's doing things a little different, and then there's driving on
the wrong side of the road ... on the highway.

There's specific reasons for many of the constraints in Tapestry,
often related to efficiency, security, encouraging users to create
maintainable code, or simply general correctness.

But the model for Tapestry is that the container (the page, or
containing component) pushes data INTO the component, by establishing
bindings: properties of the container that can be read by the
component through its @Parameter-annotated fields.

It is possible for a component to have knowledge of its container:
the @InjectContainer annotation can be used for that purpose.

However, solutions based on the component having too much knowledge of
their container have been proven, in the wild to be brittle, hard to
understand, hard to maintain. I've seen this is client code I've had
to clean up (and the code is *always* shorter and clearer, as well).
The right way, which is to reason about the minimum set of
information a component needs to operate, has proven itself time and
again to be the best approach.

I often post a link to this document:

It goes into great length about how to phrase your question the
correct way to best ensure an answer. Part of the core is stripping
away as much as you can, to reduce it to a question of stimulus,
expected response, and actual response. I pushed the button,
expecting the car to start, but instead the radio came on. is vastly
preferable to I think the inputs on the dashboard need to be
reorganized.  Showing that you can think clearly, and ask questions
intelligibly, is very necessary to quickly prove yourself to others,
the people who could more easily ignore you than help you.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 1:34 PM, netdawg wrote:
 All:    Again, I appreciate the inputs, efforts and suggestions, even good
 advice.  And, if someone does something differently, it is not hacky.
 The blog post, BTW, was for you specifically for your constructive comments.
 I was inspired to do that since we were just waving hands on this forum,
 going off in tangents.   You now have something concrete.  Lets improve it
 together.  I have (and will ) incorporate many of those comments - just not
 all of them - unless I have code that actually works.  Just declaring try
 this and that is not sufficient.  Finally, as for time spent, we are all in
 the same canoe.  This is the only way this tool gets sharpened.

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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

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