Re: tapestry.thread-pool.max-pool-size not doing anything

2014-07-02 Thread Arjan Verstoep
You're rigth. If multiple threads are scheduling jobs and the pool has reached 
a threadcount of maxsize-1, chances are that a RejectedExecutionException
is thrown. The offer-method should use a lock. Like so:

   public boolean offer(Runnable inJob) {
 try { 
   if (_executor.getPoolSize()  _executor.getMaximumPoolSize()) {
 return false;
   return super.offer(inJob);
  } finally {

--Arjan Verstoep

On 2 Jul 2014, at 09:52, Lance Java wrote:

 I'm not convinced this solution is thread-safe.
 On 1 Jul 2014 17:21, Arjan Verstoep
 Yes, the default implementation is very counter-intuitive. I have
 invesigated once, and it was possible to 'repair' the ThreadPoolExecutor if
 you provide the 'right' work-queue.
 I don't know if you can apply this to Tapestry's ThreadPoolExecutor, but
 anyhow: here's how I do it:
 --Arjan Verstoep
   * Specific implementation of the {@link LinkedBlockingQueue} that won't
   * accept offered elements as long as the given {@link
 ThreadPoolExecutor} has
   * not yet reached its maximum capacity.
   * pThe intended effect is to have a ThreadPoolExecutor that will only
   * adding Runnables to the Queue iafter/i the maximum number of
 Threads is
   * reached. The default implementation of the ThreadPoolExecutor is,
 that it
   * first starts new Threads when the Queue is full, which with an
   * Queue will inever/i be the case./p
   * pThis class will throw an
   * unchecked {@link java.lang.NullPointerException} if the
   * is not set with {@link #setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor)} !/p
 class ThreadCreationTriggeringLinkedBlockingQueueT extends
 LinkedBlockingQueueRunnable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private transient ThreadPoolExecutor _executor;
 * pIf the Executor's current pool size is below the maximum pool
 * this method will not add the {@link Runnable} to the
 * The {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} will then be forced to start a new
 * /p{@inheritDoc}
public boolean offer(Runnable inJob) {
  if (_executor.getPoolSize()  _executor.getMaximumPoolSize()) {
return false;
  return super.offer(inJob);
 * Sets the executor which will be used to decide whether or not to
 add the
 * Runnable to the Queue.
 * @param inExecutor the ThreadPoolExecutor
public void setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor inExecutor) {
  _executor = inExecutor;
 ThreadCreationTriggeringLinkedBlockingQueueRunnable queue = new
 ThreadPoolExecutor  threadpoolExecutor = new
 ThreadPoolExecutor(availableProcessors(), THREADPOOLMULTIPLICATOR *
 availableProcessors(), 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES, queue);
 On 1 Jul 2014, at 16:04, Lance Java wrote:
 I feel the implementation is flawed.
 I would prefer that the pool size would increase from minimum to maximum
 under load to increase throughput and then revert back to the minimum
 not under load.
 But instead, the pool size stays at minimum until the queue is full. In
 opinion, the application is about to fall over at this point. Only then
 will the pool size increase which i think is crazy / stupid.
 Because of this, I've always seen core pool size and max pool size set to
 the same value.
 To achieve my preferred behaviour (above) I think you can specify
 pooling behaviour. I think it required throwing exceptions and extending
 ThreadPoolExecutor or something nasty like that.
 On 1 Jul 2014 12:14, D Tim Cummings wrote:
 Ok, thanks for explaining this... I think :)
 I had a read of the ThreadPoolExecutor javadoc. It seems to me that
 core-pool-size should be described as the maximum pool size before
 Describing it as the minimum pool size is misleading because there is no
 minimum. The number of threads in the pool before any have been invoked
 always zero.
 On 1 Jul 2014, at 16:25, Lance Java wrote:
 If you read the javadoc for java.util.concurrent ThreadPoolExecutor
 see that the number of threads will only increase when the queue has
 reached its capacity. Crazy / stupid behaviour if you ask me... But
 I've been caught out by this before when I set core pool size to 1,
 expecting the thread size to increase under load.
 On 1 Jul 2014 02:53, D Tim Cummings wrote:
 I am using Tapestry 5.3.7 and the ParallelExecutor. When I increase
 max-pool-size I am not able to use any more threads. However when I
 increase the core-pool-size I am able to use more threads. It looks
 the max-pool-size is not doing anything (or I am not understanding

Re: tapestry.thread-pool.max-pool-size not doing anything

2014-07-01 Thread Arjan Verstoep
Yes, the default implementation is very counter-intuitive. I have invesigated 
once, and it was possible to 'repair' the ThreadPoolExecutor if you provide the 
'right' work-queue.

I don't know if you can apply this to Tapestry's ThreadPoolExecutor, but 
anyhow: here's how I do it:

--Arjan Verstoep

   * Specific implementation of the {@link LinkedBlockingQueue} that won't
   * accept offered elements as long as the given {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} has
   * not yet reached its maximum capacity.
   * pThe intended effect is to have a ThreadPoolExecutor that will only start
   * adding Runnables to the Queue iafter/i the maximum number of Threads is
   * reached. The default implementation of the ThreadPoolExecutor is, that it
   * first starts new Threads when the Queue is full, which with an unbounded
   * Queue will inever/i be the case./p
   * pThis class will throw an
   * unchecked {@link java.lang.NullPointerException} if the ThreadPoolExecutor
   * is not set with {@link #setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor)} !/p
class ThreadCreationTriggeringLinkedBlockingQueueT extends 
LinkedBlockingQueueRunnable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private transient ThreadPoolExecutor _executor;
 * pIf the Executor's current pool size is below the maximum pool size,
 * this method will not add the {@link Runnable} to the
 * The {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} will then be forced to start a new Thread.
 * /p{@inheritDoc}
public boolean offer(Runnable inJob) {
  if (_executor.getPoolSize()  _executor.getMaximumPoolSize()) {
return false;
  return super.offer(inJob);
 * Sets the executor which will be used to decide whether or not to add the
 * Runnable to the Queue.
 * @param inExecutor the ThreadPoolExecutor
public void setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor inExecutor) {
  _executor = inExecutor;

ThreadCreationTriggeringLinkedBlockingQueueRunnable queue = new 
ThreadPoolExecutor  threadpoolExecutor = new 
ThreadPoolExecutor(availableProcessors(), THREADPOOLMULTIPLICATOR * 
availableProcessors(), 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES, queue);

On 1 Jul 2014, at 16:04, Lance Java wrote:

 I feel the implementation is flawed.
 I would prefer that the pool size would increase from minimum to maximum
 under load to increase throughput and then revert back to the minimum when
 not under load.
 But instead, the pool size stays at minimum until the queue is full. In my
 opinion, the application is about to fall over at this point. Only then
 will the pool size increase which i think is crazy / stupid.
 Because of this, I've always seen core pool size and max pool size set to
 the same value.
 To achieve my preferred behaviour (above) I think you can specify different
 pooling behaviour. I think it required throwing exceptions and extending
 ThreadPoolExecutor or something nasty like that.
 On 1 Jul 2014 12:14, D Tim Cummings wrote:
 Ok, thanks for explaining this... I think :)
 I had a read of the ThreadPoolExecutor javadoc. It seems to me that
 core-pool-size should be described as the maximum pool size before queuing.
 Describing it as the minimum pool size is misleading because there is no
 minimum. The number of threads in the pool before any have been invoked is
 always zero.
 On 1 Jul 2014, at 16:25, Lance Java wrote:
 If you read the javadoc for java.util.concurrent ThreadPoolExecutor
 see that the number of threads will only increase when the queue has
 reached its capacity. Crazy / stupid behaviour if you ask me... But
 I've been caught out by this before when I set core pool size to 1,
 expecting the thread size to increase under load.
 On 1 Jul 2014 02:53, D Tim Cummings wrote:
 I am using Tapestry 5.3.7 and the ParallelExecutor. When I increase the
 max-pool-size I am not able to use any more threads. However when I
 increase the core-pool-size I am able to use more threads. It looks like
 the max-pool-size is not doing anything (or I am not understanding what
 is supposed to do).
 When I use the defaults I get a maximum of 3 threads and other threads
 seem to wait in a queue and execute later.
 When I use the following settings in web.xml I still get only 3 threads
 param-nametapestry.thread-pool.core-pool-size /param-name
 When I use the following settings in web.xml I get 3 threads
 param-nametapestry.thread-pool.core-pool-size /param-name

Re: OutOfMemoryError after serving N pages

2007-02-22 Thread Arjan Verstoep


We had the same thing, and in our case it was related to a small PermGen
Space setting in our Tomcat container.

My understanding of the Sun JVM is that it partitions up its allocated
memory into heap, perm gen, etc. chunks and that the Perm Gen space is
where all meta data about classes gets stored.  In modern JEE
programming with all the CGLIB and just-in-time abstract class overrides
 instantiation, the Perm Gen space tends to blow up quicker.

Anyway, try throwing a -XX:MaxPermSize=256m on your JVM startup and see
if that helps.

Note: if you're actually running out of PermGen space, you'll see a
reference to that in your OOME.  If you are just getting plain old
OOMEs, it sounds like something more sinister.


My JVM is complaining about heap space, so I fear that it is something 

  10:36:23,289 ERROR [MusiController4]:253 - Servlet.service() for 
servlet MusiController4 threw exception

  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

~Arjan Verstoep

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Re: Populating Tapestry ASO after successful Acegi Auth

2006-08-31 Thread Arjan Verstoep



I'm using Tapestry 4 and Acegi 1.0.1.  I have acegi set up to perform
authentication using the AuthenticationProcessingFilter.  I have a
requirement to place the domain object the Acegi UserDetails object is
based upon into a Tapestry ASO for use during the user session. =20

My question is: what the best practice for filling the Tapestry ASO with
the domain model's user object upon successful authentication with




Hi Jason,

Set up your login-prcedure to redirect you to a certain page after 
successful login. Then, on that particular page put this code to get the 
Authentication-object. Then, You can put the Authentication object into 
the ASO-object.

I currently use this code in my border-component, so it executes way too 
often. But I'll get to that eventually.

~ Arjan Verstoep

   private Authentication getAuthentication(IRequestCycle cycle) {
   Authentication auth = null;
   WebSession session = 

   if (session!=null) {
   SecurityContext sc = (SecurityContext) 

   if (sc!=null) {
auth = sc.getAuthentication();
   return auth;

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