We had the same thing, and in our case it was related to a small PermGen
Space setting in our Tomcat container.

My understanding of the Sun JVM is that it partitions up its allocated
memory into heap, perm gen, etc. chunks and that the Perm Gen space is
where all "meta data" about classes gets stored.  In "modern" JEE
programming with all the CGLIB and just-in-time abstract class overrides
& instantiation, the Perm Gen space tends to blow up quicker.

Anyway, try throwing a -XX:MaxPermSize=256m on your JVM startup and see
if that helps.

Note: if you're actually running out of PermGen space, you'll see a
reference to that in your OOME.  If you are just getting plain old
OOMEs, it sounds like something more sinister.


My JVM is complaining about heap space, so I fear that it is something sinister...

10:36:23,289 ERROR [MusiController4]:253 - Servlet.service() for servlet MusiController4 threw exception
  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

~Arjan Verstoep

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