Re: Strange behavior when instantiating properties directly in the page

2008-06-16 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin

Hi, Thorsten

This is correct behavior. Tapestry pages are shared across all requests, 
so User object will be the same. you need to add some code like follow:

  private User user;

void prepare() {
   if (user == null) {  
   user = new User();


Thorsten Castor wrote:


we just figured out that properties which are instantiated directly 
will be shared between sessions on the same server.
So if you start the example app on two browsers and type some text in 
the textfield of the first browser, hit enter and reload on the second 
browser you will see the content here as well. If the property is 
instantiated lazy in a getter or any other method the content won't be 
I tested it with 5.0.11, 5.0.12-SNAPSHOT and 5.0.13-SNAPSHOT on 
jetty-6.1.9 and tomcat-6.0.13.
I'm quite new to the list so was this problem discussed before or is 
it a bug?

Here the example I used:

public class Index {
   private User user = new User();
 @Component(id=textField, parameters={})
   private TextField textField;

html xmlns:t=;
   t:textfield t:id=textField/

public class User {
   private String name;

   public String getName() {
   return name;

   public void setName(String name) { = name;

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Re: Page pool exausted?

2008-05-06 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
Look at for 
parameters and

Peter Stavrinides wrote:

Hi All,

I have a peculiar error turning up in our server logs, I am running a Tapestry 
5 application on Tomcat 6:

Render queue error in BeginRender[hf/Client:wrapper.header.pagelink_0]: The 
page pool for page 'hf/Home' (in locale en) has been exausted:
 there are 20 instances currently being used and no more can be created. Try 
increasing the hard limit (symbol to allow 
additional instances to be created, or increasing the soft wait (symbol to trade away some throughput for more efficient 
use of page instances.

I guess my question is how do I configure the application to be efficient and 
scalable for at least 200 - 500 users as a baseline, this morning I had only 15 
sessions connected to the Tapestry application for testing, and got this error. 
Please advise! is there potentially a memory leak here? or is this simply a 
configuration issue?

I have not seen many articles on tuning Tapestry applications, has anyone dealt 
with this?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: T5: Persistence pains

2008-05-05 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
The problem in client strategy that it used Serializable mechanism of 
jvm. Of cause it produce a lot of data (not getting in mind that most 
domain objects are not Serializable). I use own persistent strategy 
called  'parameter'. It is similar to client with follow exceptions.

   *  It uses ValueEncoder to convert from Object to String and from
 String to Object. It save a lot of space, because for domain
 object only it id is persistent, which is rarely longer than 6
   * It persist each field in separate parameters (when client
 persist all data in parameter t:ac) . In this way it is similar to
 activation context's friendly url behavior. User see somethings
 like this

With help of this strategy I persist data between request to the same 
page. It solves both: problem with multiple browser tabs and problem 
with too many persistent fields in session.

Ivan Dubrov wrote:

Right. Most annoying things for us about “session” and “flash” scopes 
was that they don’t work in several tabs. And “client” can’t hold too 
much data.

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Re: Strange return for grid component

2008-04-24 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
Stacktrace and some source and *.tml code will be helpful. Methods
definition is not enough to see the problem

滕训华 write:
 I have a grid component in the page of T5 and its sources is got from
 db.There is also another search field to filter the records.


 I defined 2 method in my service class:


  ListCustomerInfo getAllCustomers()

  ListCustomerInfo search(String key)


 when init this page will return all customers it run normally,but when I
 input some to press the search button,it give me a error page:


 An unexpected application exception has occurred.

 Index: 4, Size: 4


 I do not know why and how to slove this.please help .thanks.


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Re: Is it possible to receive uploaded files from non-tapestry pages?

2008-04-24 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
Hi, Ken
May be it possible but will be hard to achieve, because T5 (you use T5,
don't you?) use hidden fields with internal information with every form.
Without this information form can't be processed.

As for your stacktrace:
You try to change character encoding for request when it is too late for
this. If you do this as RequestHandler it should be placed first in
chain. But probably usage of javax.servlet.ServletFilter is more

Ken wrote:

 I wrote simple HTML like below

 form action=/myapp/upload
   method=post enctype=multipart/form-data
 input type=file/
 input type=submit/

 and very very simple tapestry codes.
 public class Upload {}

 When I press submit button in the HTML file,
 following error is occurred.

 What I should to do?

 Thanks for advice.

 [ERROR] RequestExceptionHandler Processing of request failed with
 uncaught exception: getReader() or getInputStream() called
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: getReader() or getInputStream() called
   at $RequestFilter_1197ee90f59.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f5b.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f5b.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f5b.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f5b.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f5b.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f5b.service($
   at $RequestHandler_1197ee90f51.service($
   at org.apache.tapestry.TapestryFilter.doFilter(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
   at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(
   at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$

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Re: ComponentEventException on Form Submit with Ajax

2008-04-04 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
You can return Block or Component from listener only when tapestry is 
precessing _ajax_ request. 'this.form.submit()' is not an ajax.
As I know currently there is no ajax support for radio button (may be I 
am wrong), but you can look into code of TriggerFragment mixin and adopt

this code for radio button.

Petros Petrou пишет:
Yes returning void is a typo. 
What I am trying to achieve is the following: 
I have two versions of a searchCriteriaForm. 
I have a second form (configureSearchCriteriaForm) that contains two radio

buttons. Depending on which radio button is selected an onclick event
submits this form to decide which searchCriteriaForm will be used. The
searchCriteriaForm is contained in a zone. Now, when the searchCriteriaForm
is submitted another zone is updated (searchResultsZone) that contains a
Grid component. The code below should make everything clearer. 

Configure search criteria
t:form t:id=configureSearchCriteriaForm zone=searchCriteriaZone
   t:radio t:id=searchCriteria1 onclick=this.form.submit()/
   t:radio t:id=searchCriteria1 onclick=this.form.submit()/
   !-- onSuccess of this form the block searchCriteriaBlock is

Specify search criteria
t:zone t:id=searchCriteriaZone
   t:block t:id=searchCriteriaBlock
  t:form t:id=searchCriteriaForm zone=searchResultsZone   
 !-- onSuccess of this form the block searchResultsBlock is

returned and this works fine if the searchCriteriaZone and
searchCriteriaForm are returned

Display search results
t:zone t:id=searchResultsZone
   t:block t:id=searchResultsBlock
  t:grid source=foundEntitiesList/



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Re: T5 Checkbox Problem

2008-04-03 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
When form submission occurs Tapestry5 do not look at binding that was 
used during render phase. Instead it use ValueEncoder to restore object 
from String id. If you do not provide an ValueEncoder (I think you 
don't, do you?) tapestry will use default. Default ValueEncoder use java 
serialization mechanism for conversion from and to object. So when your 
form is submitted _new_ objects are deserialized from serialization 
data. Those object are not the same objects as in actorList (equals will 
return true, but == will return false).

To solve the problem you need to provide your own ValueEncoder. 
Something similar to follow.

   tr t:type=Loop source=displayActorList value=actor 
 tdt:checkbox t:value=actor.enabled//td

public ValueEncoder getEncoder() {
return new ValueEncoder() {
public String toClient(Object value) {
// TODO: indexOf is not very effective operation
return String.valueOf(getDisplayActorList().indexOf(value));

public Object toValue(String clientValue) {
return getDisplayActorList().get(Integer.parseInt(clientValue));

With code above you do not ever need to persist actorList, because it is 
restored from getStoredActorList every request.

Tim Sawyer пишет:

Hi Folks,

I have a list of checkboxes on a page:

tr t:type=Loop source=displayActorList value=actor
  tdt:checkbox t:value=actor.enabled//td

The method to return the displayActorList is 

  public ListActor getDisplayActorList()
if (this.getActorList() == null)

return this.getActorList();

where actor list is persistant.

  @Persist private ListActor actorList;

The problem I'm having is that after submitting the page with my checkbox list 
in, the actor list is not being updated with the new values.  Can anyone 
suggest what I could be doing wrong?



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Re: Is there a way to include a component with fields in a form ?

2008-04-02 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin

Stephane Decleire пишет:


In my application, i have got several forms with the same bunch of 
fields and other different fields.
What i would like is to create a component with the bunch of fields 
and include it in the forms.

But the validateForm event is only managed by the page where my form 
is declared and i can not catch it in the component itself so i can 
not record crossfield errors.
And i can neither record crossfield errors in the page because the 
fields are declared in the component and not in the page ...

Any idea ?


Hi, Stephane

Here is short description of possible solution:
Inject environmental FormSupport object into you component

private FormSupport formSupport;

In the end step of render add listener to formSupport. By adding 
listener in later render phase you ensure that fields get their values 
are validated before cross field validation occurs

void cleanupRender() { ValidateAction(this));

Create listener class

static class ValidateAction implements 
ComponentActionYouComponentClassname, Serializable {

public void execute(YouComponentClassname component) {
//TODO: add validate action here.
// you may get ValidationTracker from environment (the same way as you 
get FormSupport)



Best Regards,
Dmitry Shyshkin

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Re: IE6 issue with dropdowns

2008-03-18 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
It is not tapestry problem. In IE6 dropdown always display at top of 
others page elements.

As work around you may use javascript dropdown. For example you may look 
at dojo combobox

sasidhar пишет:


In a web page,  when a menu / floating pane is displayed over a dropdown,
dropdown overlaps the menu / floating pane. This problem is observed only in
IE6 (works fine in IE7 and firefox)

Note  : i am using @propertySelection component. Tapestry version - 4.1.3.

Is there a way to workaround this?

Thanks in advance


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T5: Now to generate page with binary output

2008-03-15 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin

Hello, all

I want to generate image by tapestry page. Follow code successfully set 
Content-Type and output image data, but after that  exception is thrown :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Page resource/Image did not generate any 
markup when rendered. This could be because its template file could not 
be located, or because a render phase method in the page prevented 

Is there is a way to tell tapestry that page output is binary and 
ResposeWriter won't be used for generation? I've thought about 
StreamResponse but it accepted only from action events, not from render 
phase events.

   private Response _response;

   void render() throws IOException {
   Image image = ...;



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Re: Do I have to @persist( session ) input values in verify page?

2008-03-15 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
Persistence is needed because form is submitted in one request (that 
send redirect in response) and rendered in second request.

If you do not want to persist data for form you should
1. turn off redirect after post and process submission in one request
public class WebModule {
public static void 
contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfigurationString, String 
configuration) {


2. Disallow form to persist ValidationTracker (if you need this).

in .tml

form t:type=form tracket=tracker

in .java

@Property(write = false)
private ValidationTracker tracker;

osamuo пишет:

Register.tml: let a user register a value
Verify.tml: let a user verify a input

form t:type=Form t:id=form
  input t:type=TextField t:value=someValue /
  input type=submit /
public class Register{

 private String someValue;

 private Verify verifyPage;
 public Object onSuccessFromForm()

   verifyPage.setSomeValue( someValue );
   return verifyPage;


form t:type=Form t:id=form
  input t:type=TextField t:value=someValue /
  input type=submit /
public class Verify{
  @Persist( session ) == I don't want to store this into the session.

  private String someValue;
  public String getSomeValue(){

return someValue;
  public void setSomeValue( String someValue ){

this.someValue = someValue;
  public Object onSuccessFromForm(){


Is there any way to submit someValue in Verify.tml without using @Persist(
session )?
And why don't T5 support t:type=Hidden?



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T5: Stop current event bubbling but continue processing of other events

2008-03-14 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin

Hi, all.

Is there a way to stop bubbling of current event?

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Re: T5: Stop current event bubbling but continue processing of other events

2008-03-14 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
Non null value stop processing of all other event and start page 
rendering. But it actually not what I need.
I have a multiple onActivate event handlers with different count of 
arguments, and I want to process only one of them.

void onActivate(Long id) {
   object = loadobject(id);
   // do something to stop bubling here

void onActivate() {
   object = newobject();

Stephane Decleire пишет:
The event will bubble up the hierarchy, until it is aborted. The 
event is aborted when an event handler method returns a non-null 


Dmitry Shyshkin a écrit :

Hi, all.

Is there a way to stop bubbling of current event?

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Re: T5: Stop current event bubbling but continue processing of other events

2008-03-14 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
I've found the answer. To achieve this you should return 'true' from 
event handler.

Dmitry Shyshkin пишет:
Non null value stop processing of all other event and start page 
rendering. But it actually not what I need.
I have a multiple onActivate event handlers with different count of 
arguments, and I want to process only one of them.

void onActivate(Long id) {
   object = loadobject(id);
   // do something to stop bubling here

void onActivate() {
   object = newobject();

Stephane Decleire пишет:
The event will bubble up the hierarchy, until it is aborted. The 
event is aborted when an event handler method returns a non-null 


Dmitry Shyshkin a écrit :

Hi, all.

Is there a way to stop bubbling of current event?

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Re: t5: onValidationFromForm ?

2008-03-13 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin
1. You may replace submit action with some other .I'am sure you do not 
need form field values in case back button was pressed.

input type=submit value=back/
input type=button value=back/ or input type=reset value=back/

2. In case if you need it you may set defer parameter to false in Submit 
component and receive submit event before validation

Angelo Chen пишет:


following is the order of events fired when a form is submitted, I'd like to
avoid validation by  setting a flag in the onSelectedFromBackButton, but
can't find a way, onValidateFromForm is always called before any onAction or
onSelected, even I do an ajax call to onSelectedFromBackupButton, any idea?


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T4: EventListener on multiple elements

2008-03-06 Thread Dmitry Shyshkin

Hello, All.

I want to apply the only @EventListener(onchange) for multiple form 
elements (say checkboxes or selectboxes). Each of them is placed into 
his own row in the table (table is not a component, it's formed using 
@For by tr). But the problem here is that I do not know how many table 
rows I will have in the table so can't specify explicit targets/elements 
for @EventListener annotation (because I do not know its identifiers). 
I'd also like to get informed about the source of the event (table row 
id for example).

Thanks in advance.

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