Re: Global validation messages translation

2012-03-04 Thread Donyee
the default FormValid message is in the package
you can add same package in your resource file, add a new file
this will override the default one.
it works in my project!

2012/3/1 Markus Grell


 I need to translate the messages of the standard validators. The Tapestry
 documentation reads:

 Each validator (such as required or minlength) has a default message
 used (on the client side and the server side) when the constraint is
 violated; that is, when the user input is not valid.

 The message can be customized by adding an entry to the page's message
 catalog (or the containing component's message catalog). As with any
 localized property, this can also go into the application's message

 Since it is quite uncomfortable to add a property file for every page that
 uses a standard validator (You must provide a value for XY):

 Is it possible to override the default message with a translation? I
 didn't find info on that (or just did misunderstand existing documentation


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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: [ANN] Tapestry Bootstrap Module

2011-11-01 Thread Donyee
Great Idea!

2011/10/30 Barry Books

 I'm working on a couple of projects that will use Twitter Bootstrap templates so I decided to create
 a Tapestry Module for this. The project is on GitHub and I've been working on
 it about a week. It contains wrappers for the various Bootstrap items
 such as alerts, popups etc.

 Perhaps the most interesting component is the MediaGrid. The idea is
 to create a component that supports pagination as well as javascript
 scrolling on demand. It's somewhat like the Tapestry Grid but built in
 a completely different way. It uses a subcomponents controlled through
 the environment setup by a mixin. The presentation is in the
 components and the mixin is the controller. There are interfaces
 between the parts and each one is pluggable. The components receive
 the parameters like this:

 private String type;

 private AlertEnvironment alert;

 and the controller looks something like this

 There is also a javascript mixin
 that hides the pagination component and adds items to the grid
 dynamically as the user scrolls.

 I've been trying for a while to figure out a way to set component
 parameter defaults without success and this is the first
 implementation I'm happy with. I've also included a mixin to push
 objects into the environment

 There is an example page that uses most of the components.

 and can be run with mvn jetty:run

 I would say the current code is mostly usable but the Media Grid needs
 some work. Since that's the main reason I created the module it will
 be improved shortly.

 I've already had some very useful feedback and would appreciate more.
 Code is also welcome.

 Lastly I've created a blog to chronicle this project. It also used
 Bootstrap and is written in Tapestry.


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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Tapestry preview 5.3-rc-1

2011-10-31 Thread Donyee
Both rc-1 and rc-2, I got this  Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.
but works fine with beta-26
is there any new changes??

2011/11/1 Howard Lewis Ship

 Uh, yes. It's been a trying afternoon.

 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Muhammad Gelbana
  You mean 5.3-rc-2 I suppose.
  On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:32 PM, Howard Lewis Ship
  FYI: I found a minor problem in Tapestry 5.2-rc-1 and am
  building/uploading Tapestry 5.2-rc-2 right now.
  On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Howard Lewis Ship
   We are very pleased to announce the first release candidate preview of
   Tapestry 5.3.
   Tapestry 5.3 is significantly faster than Tapestry 5.2, and is more
   memory efficient ... a long with tons of significant new features,
   improvements, and bug fixes.
   Details here:
   This is still a preview release, but we encourage the Tapestry
   community to upgrade to this release. With positive feedback (and no
   show-stopping negative feedback) we should progress to a final release
   of 5.3 in a few weeks.
   For most users, the upgrade path is simply changing the version
   number, and performing a clean compile.
   Note that with each new release, we get a slew of panicked messages
   that Tapestry is broken in bizarre ways. These ALMOST ALWAYS turn out
   to be prior-release JARs still on the classpath, either in the
   developer's working directory, or in a servlet container deployment
   directory. Please carefully clean up your environment as part of the
   There are some cases where Tapestry 5.3 performs more rigorous checks
   than Tapestry 5.2; for example, 5.3 ensures that event handler methods
   that reference a component id (onSuccessFromLogin) correspond to an
   actual component (login); in Tapestry 5.2, this was not checked for,
   and the event handler method would never fire ... it likely has a typo
   in its name, or is related to a component that was removed from the
   template.  This particular check can be disabled:
   It would be wise to start up your application under 5.3, then use the
   new PageCatalog page (http://localhost:8080/pagecatalog) and click
   load all link, to force all pages to be loaded. This will quickly
   identify any coding problems in your application.
   Howard M. Lewis Ship
   Creator of Apache Tapestry
   The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
   learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
   (971) 678-5210
  Howard M. Lewis Ship
  Creator of Apache Tapestry
  The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
  learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
  (971) 678-5210
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
  *Muhammad Gelbana
  Java Developer*

 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator of Apache Tapestry

 The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
 learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

 (971) 678-5210

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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: Tapestry5 Form submit Encoding (Chinese)!!

2010-09-10 Thread Donyee
T5, I don't use the UTF8 filter. and my tml page is GBK,eclipse project
encoding is GBK,
works fine!
what is your page charset???

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Can't get the prototype.js????

2010-01-30 Thread Donyee
Hi all,My app is using T5.1.0.5, and tomcat 6.0.18,jdk6,deployed as a war
when app works fine some days, then it blocked when the brower request the
I use the firebug to find that the blocked request is

after I restart the tomcat,the app works fine againe.
It happens often.
And the other apps in the same tomcat work fine all the time.

any msg will be great.

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Is webflow ready?

2009-07-16 Thread Donyee
I found there is a t5-webflow,is there any example or docs?

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: where can i find java api

2008-10-27 Thread Donyee
You can find T5 javadoc here

2008/10/27 Muralidhar Y [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all where can I find tapestry's java API ? I could not see that on site.

 Warm regards,

 Muralidhar Y


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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Tapestry 5.0.15

2008-09-22 Thread Donyee

2008/9/22 Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tapestry 5.0.15 is now available for download or via Maven.

 We've squeezed a whole lot of last minute improvements and fixes into
 (what was supposed to be) the released candidate.  Alas, we missed a
 couple so the release candidate will be 5.0.16, due out in early

 We recommend users upgrade to this release in preparation for the
 release candidate.

 Release notes:

 Upgrade notes:



 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: About the ApplicationState??

2008-08-23 Thread Donyee
I know the answer, my impl does not recache the appState when it changes.
I'm thinking about other way to implement.

2008/8/23 Argo Vilberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 My experience show that only one applicationState object work fine.

 With two applicationState object i have this error;

 Error invoking constructor, String, String,
 boolean, String, String, String) (at (for service
 'ApplicationStateManager'): No service implements the interface long.

 I dont know yet why!

 2008/8/22 Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I tried to implement a ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy using
  but in my page
 private AppState appState;
 private SessionAppState session;
 private Logger log;
 void onActivate() { :+appState.toString()); :+session.toString());
  public void contributeApplicationStateManager(
 MappedConfigurationClass, ApplicationStateContribution
  configuration) {
 ApplicationStateCreatorAppState creator = new
  ApplicationStateCreatorAppState() {
 public AppState create() {
 return new AppState(new Date());
 configuration.add(AppState.class, new
 memcached, creator));
 ApplicationStateCreatorSessionAppState creator2 = new
  ApplicationStateCreatorSessionAppState() {
 public SessionAppState create() {
 return new SessionAppState(new Date());
 configuration.add(SessionAppState.class, new
 session, creator2));
  the appState didn't get the right info, and the sessionAppState works
  *the question is when i change my sessionAppState, who writes the changed
  sessionAppState to  the Session again??
  *I search the T5 source,but i didn't find.
  Is there a proxy impl?
  Any tips will be great!
  Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: T5: applicationStateObject strage behaviour

2008-08-23 Thread Donyee
The first error is because T5 try to init your appState with a default
constructor,but doesn't match, so init got error!
The second error is a wrong use of appState.
Maybe you need a AppStateCreater, you can find here
There is a example.

2008/8/23 Argo Vilberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But if i use

 Then i got another error!

 An unexpected application exception has occurred.

   error in BeginRender[Home:border.pagelink]:
   java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: caught an exception while obtaining a
   class file for ee.softpro.pages.Kontaktisikud
  - Home (class ee.softpro.pages.Home)
  - Home:border (class ee.softpro.components.Border)
  classpath:ee/softpro/pages/Home.tml, line 1, column 861html
  t:type=Border xmlns:t=;2
  3 body4
  5 p This is the start page for this application, a good place to
  start your modifications.6 Just to prove this is live: /p
  - Home:border.if_2 (class org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.If)
  classpath:ee/softpro/components/Border.tml, line 93, column 3088
  92 /div93 t:if test=isRoleCompany 94 div id=menu95
 ul96lia class=menu href=#
  onclick=javascript:submenu(1);Kontaktisikud/a/li 97 lia
  class=menu href=#
  onclick=javascript:submenu(2);Lepingupartnerid/a/li98 lia
  class=menu href=#
  - Home:border.pagelink (class
  classpath:ee/softpro/components/Border.tml, line 106, column
  102 ul class=sm103 lia class=submenu iconlink usersearch
  href=#otsi kontaktisikut/a/li104 lia class=submenu iconlink
  foldersearch href=#lisa kontaktisik/a/li105 lia
  class=submenu iconlink folderedit href=#Seo kontaktisik/a/li
  106 lit:pagelink class=submenu iconlink folderedit
  t:page=KontaktisikudSeo kontaktisik/t:pagelink/li 107
 /ul 108ul class=sm
  109 lit:pagelink class=submenu iconlink usersearch

 class=submenu iconlink folderedit t:page=Seopartnerseo
  lepingupartnerid/t:pagelink/li111 /ul
   locationclasspath:ee/softpro/components/Border.tml, line 106, column 81
   - java.lang.ClassNotFoundExceptioncaught an exception while obtaining a
   class file for ee.softpro.pages.Kontaktisikud
   Error obtaining injected value for field
   ee.softpro.pages.Kontaktisikud.appCurrentRole: No service implements the
   obtaining injected value for field
   ee.softpro.pages.Kontaktisikud.appCurrentRole: No service implements the

   public ee.softpro.pages.Kontaktisikud extends


   - java.lang.RuntimeExceptionNo service implements the interface

 2008/8/23 Filip S. Adamsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi Argo,
  Tapestry is trying to invoke the constructor in your ASO class that has
  most parameters. While doing, it is looking for services. It can't find a
  service matching Long, so it fails.
  You'll need to put @Inject on the constructor Tapestry should use to
  instantiate your ASO class with, that should solve it.
  On 2008-08-22 23:51, Argo Vilberg wrote:
  I use application State object in one java file
 private Role appCurrentRole;
  I fill this class with data.
  And now i want access some Role class in other java class.
  I add also
 private Role appCurrentRole;
  But if i first time access this class i got following error!!!
  Here ise the error log.
  An unexpected application exception has occurred.
- org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventExceptionError invoking
constructor, String, String, boolean,
String, String) (at (for service
No service implements the interface long.
- java.lang.RuntimeExceptionNo service implements the interface long.
Stack trace

About the ApplicationState??

2008-08-21 Thread Donyee
I tried to implement a ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy using Memcached.
but in my page

private AppState appState;
private SessionAppState session;

private Logger log;

void onActivate() { :+appState.toString()); :+session.toString());

public void contributeApplicationStateManager(
MappedConfigurationClass, ApplicationStateContribution
configuration) {
ApplicationStateCreatorAppState creator = new
ApplicationStateCreatorAppState() {
public AppState create() {
return new AppState(new Date());
configuration.add(AppState.class, new ApplicationStateContribution(
memcached, creator));
ApplicationStateCreatorSessionAppState creator2 = new
ApplicationStateCreatorSessionAppState() {
public SessionAppState create() {
return new SessionAppState(new Date());
configuration.add(SessionAppState.class, new
session, creator2));

the appState didn't get the right info, and the sessionAppState works fine!
*the question is when i change my sessionAppState, who writes the changed
sessionAppState to  the Session again??
*I search the T5 source,but i didn't find.
Is there a proxy impl?
Any tips will be great!

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: Tapestry5Chinaforum(中文论坛欢迎大家加入)and some words to Howard Lewis Ship

2008-08-20 Thread Donyee
Where is the link???

2008/8/20 Angelo Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (let's talk only about tapestry 5 in this forum, in English too)

 孟凡振 wrote:
  Firstly,thank u for your suggestion!!

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 Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at

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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

How to use FormInjector?

2008-08-14 Thread Donyee
any demos about the FormInjector?
Some link will be great!
I check the apache svn,but it seems not the FormInjector example.

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Tapestry 5.0.14

2008-08-11 Thread Donyee

2008/8/11 Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The latest release of Tapestry, Tapestry 5.0.14 , is now available.

 Tapestry 5.0.14 is just about feature complete and can be considered a
 beta release. A release candidate is expected in the near future.

 5.0.14 addresses a large number of bugs,, including a specific bug
 related to using Tapestry with Groovy. The version of Javassist has
 changed, which resolves a number of nonsensical errors using JDK 1.6.
 The approach to localization has simplified.

 See the release notes for more details:

 Download Tapestry 5.0.14 from:

 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Log error????

2008-07-14 Thread Donyee
I use the tapestry-spring, and
then my app get nothing log from tapestry, but the spring boot log and
hibernate sql log.
Is there any other config i miss?
It seems my log4j file doesn't work!

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: T5 UTF encoding

2008-06-10 Thread Donyee
*1*.add this in your tml file.
*2*.in the, add
public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(
MappedConfigurationString, String configuration) {
configuration.add(tapestry.supported-locales, zh_CN);

of course you should change the zh_CN to your country code;
*3*.and your eclipse-project encoding should be utf-8 or something supports.

Mine works fine!

2008/6/10 maxthesecond [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks for the answer, finally I noticed that I was using a FileUpload
 component, after changing the utf8encoding filter everything turned right.

 But still if in my template a label or any text contains an extra character
 tapestry will not render the page I will get  Invalid byte 2 of 4-byte
 UTF-8 sequence.
 If I try to use an entity Á  á  I'll get The entity Aacute was
 referenced, but not declared.

 Now if I try to modify the layout component to encompas the language

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN; 

 html xmlns=;  xml:lang=es
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;charset=UTF-8 /

 Then I get: Namespace prefix for URI '
 is not defined.

 Wich is odd ,I don't know where the 1998 cames from.


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 Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at

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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

[T5-12snapshot] How to write a ajaxform?

2008-05-29 Thread Donyee
I use the form component,and the form code: JSONStreamResponse onSuccess();
The json is like {'url':'loginpage'}.
how can i get this json data in my javascript method?
Is there a form submit callback method?

Yet Another Java EE Developer!

[T5] StreamResponse causes java.lang.IllegalStateException

2008-05-29 Thread Donyee
when i click to submit the form, i got java.lang.IllegalStateException.
I search the web and found that wes because the wrong use of
response.getOutputStream(); and response.getWriter();
Is this a bug?
how to fix this?

In my java code:
StreamResponse onSuccess() {

return new TextStreamResponse(text/json, {key:'+test+'});
In my page .tml:
 t:form t:id=testForm
t:textField t:id=test value=test
a href=# onclick=processForm();submit/a
var processForm = function(){
ele = jQuery('#testForm');
var options = {
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){


Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: help in index page cache tapestry5.11

2008-05-22 Thread Donyee
Hi, i got some ideas.
you can cache the index page as a static html page.
then use the static html page to response to the client.
you can extend tapestry to generate a static html page, just write the index
to a real html file.
then rewrite the client request, the apache httpd docs may help.

2008/5/22 Filip S. Adamsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Nope, you'll have to work something out yourself, as nothing like this is
 built into Tapestry.


 孟凡振 skrev:

  Hi all,
I encounter a problem , in my index page a lots of query happens
 each time when i reload the it.
 so my question here is that is there some cache strategy to cache my index

thanks in advance!!

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Yet Another Java EE Developer!

Re: T5 (5.0.11) - ready for production deployment

2008-03-27 Thread Donyee
I had developed a crud system using tapestry-5-0-5, it works fine!
and i will upgrade to the latest version.

2008/3/27, Martin Grotzke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 we also have a production app running T5, very
 stable, up and running.



 On Wed, 2008-03-26 at 21:14 +0100, Jan Vissers wrote:
  I have an opportunity to use T5 (5.0.11) in an assignment. My question
  is it safe for me to do so? The application is quite simple in that not
  many UI components/forms have to be created. There will be a requirement
  to have google suggest like functionality, along with a small other Ajax
  component. The deployment platform will be tomcat.
  What do you think - 'is it safe' ?
  Thanks for any feedback,
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Yet Another Java EE Developer!


2008-01-10 Thread Donyee
T5 now supports singleton and per-thread scope;
in the webapps the per-session is also a good way!

Any tips?

Yet Another Java EE Developer!


2008-01-09 Thread Donyee
How to add a DOCTYPE in the tapestry tml page.
I put 
 in the page.

java.lang.RuntimeException Namespace prefix for URI '' is not defined.

and in
I see *TODO: Support for doctypes, content type, processing instructions,
and top-level comments.

Does tapestry support this?


Re: Add a DOCTYPE?

2008-01-09 Thread Donyee
I use T5.08-SNAPSHOT.
my page:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
html xmlns:t=;

Re: Add a DOCTYPE?

2008-01-09 Thread Donyee
T5.07 works fine!
T5.08-SANPSHOT turns wrong!

2008/1/10, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I use T5.08-SNAPSHOT.
 my page:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 html xmlns:t=;

徐 依伟

How to create PERTHREAD_SCOPE object?

2008-01-03 Thread Donyee
I want to create a new  object per request, and my code is like:

public Encoder buildEncoder() {
System.out.println(new Encoder()...*);
   return new Encoder();

when i request my page with IE and FireFox,
the output is new Encoder()...*, only print
is there anything wrong with my code?

Re: How to create PERTHREAD_SCOPE object?

2008-01-03 Thread Donyee
public Encoder buildEncoder() {
System.out.println(new Encoder()...*);

   return new Encoder();

in my page class:
private Encoder encoder;

2008/1/3, Massimo Lusetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Jan 3, 2008 10:49 AM, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  is there anything wrong with my code?

 You actually didn't show your code.


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徐 依伟

[T5] A Hibernate question?

2007-11-22 Thread Donyee
I use tapestry-hibernate in my apps,
in one page:
t:grid source=pageList row=page2
t:parameter name=pageIdcell
t:actionLink id=pageDelete context=${page2.pageId}删除/t:actionLink
t:pageLink page=sysadm/editpage context=${page2.pageId}更新/t:pageLink

void onActivate(String id) {

page = (Page) session.createCriteria(Page.class).add(
Restrictions.eq(pageId, id)).uniqueResult();

void onSuccess() {

when i submit the editpage, i got a error:
Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions

anyone helps?

Re: [T5.06] component action context does not support utf8!

2007-11-04 Thread Donyee
I got the answer from the sources, because the
decode the url with a default charset which doesn't support utf-8!
I'm now trying to create a new dispatcher to solve this question.

2007/11/4, Filip S. Adamsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Donyee,

 Have a look at this, it *might* help:


 Donyee skrev:
  I use the actionLink, and the context contains utf8 string,
  and the onUpdate(string str)...
  the str is ???, encoding wrong!

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徐 依伟

[T5.06] component action context does not support utf8!

2007-11-01 Thread Donyee
I use the actionLink, and the context contains utf8 string,
and the onUpdate(string str)...
the str is ???, encoding wrong!

Re: T5 book: update

2007-10-31 Thread Donyee
Where is the book?
Can someone give me a copy? or the download url ?

2007/11/1, Eko S.W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I am sorry, but How can we use DateField in 5.0.6?
 I am so late on 5.0.6


 2007/10/26, Ted Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Very nice!
  Dont forget to update the part about the DatePicker. It is now
  obsolete. T5.0.6 now includes a DateField as a part of the core.

 Best wishes,
 Eko SW

徐 依伟

Re: DateField format

2007-10-28 Thread Donyee
Try this: format=%Y%m%d, you will get mmdd
also you can use :format=%Y-%m-%d, then you will get -mm-dd
Do you need this?

2007/10/28, T. Papke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 i have tried the new Tapestry 5 DateField Component. If i setup a
 Dateformat for rendering, the component itself behave not as espected.
 Could anyone confirm this as a bug or do i something wrong with that

 t:DateField t:id=birthday t:value=customer.birthday

 Thank you,
 Thomas Papke

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徐 依伟

Re: T5.06 The tapestry-hibernate problem? resoloved!

2007-10-26 Thread Donyee
in my, i changed :

public void contributeHibernateSessionSource(
OrderedConfigurationString configuration) {

2007/10/26, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I got errors when i use T5.06-hibernate, and my app works fine when i use
 Also i changed the html to tml, sl4j...
 No service implements the interface org.apache.tapestry.ioc.Configuration.
 Error invoking service builder method,
 ThreadCleanupHub) (at (for service
 'HibernateSessionManager'): Exception constructing service
 'HibernateSessionSource': Error invoking service builder method, List) (at (for service 'HibernateSessionSource'): Error
 invoking service contribution method

徐 依伟

T5.06 The tapestry-hibernate problem?

2007-10-26 Thread Donyee
I got errors when i use T5.06-hibernate, and my app works fine when i use
Also i changed the html to tml, sl4j...
No service implements the interface org.apache.tapestry.ioc.Configuration.
Error invoking service builder method,
ThreadCleanupHub) (at (for service
'HibernateSessionManager'): Exception constructing service
'HibernateSessionSource': Error invoking service builder method, List) (at (for service 'HibernateSessionSource'): Error
invoking service contribution method

Re: T5.07 SNAPSHOT! Where is the Inject Annotation??

2007-10-24 Thread Donyee
Thanks all!

2007/10/24, Robin Helgelin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 10/24/07, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Its a good idea to keep an eye on jira or the developer mailing list
  for some forewarning of such chanages :).

 Or just check the release notes :)


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徐 依伟

T5.07 SNAPSHOT! Where is the Inject Annotation??

2007-10-23 Thread Donyee
I tried the t5.07 snapshot today, the Inject Annotation is not found in the
the doc is not mentioned, Is there anything new?

徐 依伟

[T5.06snap] About PERTHREAD_SCOPE?

2007-10-17 Thread Donyee
I use @Scope(PERTHREAD_SCOPE) on build method  in my
It will create new instance in every new request, but it seems the method
build a singleton!
I use IE and FireFox request the page!
my code: in
public BoboCacheState buildCacheState(@InjectService(Cache)
Cache cache) {
BoboCacheState state = new BoboCacheState();
return state;
in page
private BoboCacheState state;

徐 依伟

Re: [T5.06snap] About PERTHREAD_SCOPE?

2007-10-17 Thread Donyee
I use IE and Firefox to request the index page, the index page read data
from the BoboCachestate, and got defferent data!
They should be same!

2007/10/17, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What makes you think that it builds a singleton?

 You will get a single proxy instance; internal to the proxy it
 the per-thread instance.

 You need to be careful about the notification you have there; that will
 probably cause a leak of BoboCacheState instances.

 public BoboCacheState buildCacheState(ThreadCleanupHub
  Cache cache) {
  final BoboCacheState state = new BoboCacheState();

 ThreadCleanupListener() {
 public void threadDidCleanup() {

 return state;

 On 10/17/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I use @Scope(PERTHREAD_SCOPE) on build method  in my
  It will create new instance in every new request, but it seems the
  build a singleton!
  I use IE and FireFox request the page!
  my code: in
  public BoboCacheState buildCacheState(@InjectService(Cache)
  Cache cache) {
  BoboCacheState state = new BoboCacheState();
  return state;
  in page
  private BoboCacheState state;
  徐 依伟

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 Partner and Senior Architect at Feature50

 Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

徐 依伟

[T5.06snap] access the Tap webapp from other webapp?

2007-10-17 Thread Donyee
The tap webapp's index page can response json to client!
StreamResponse onUpdateMsg()...url:localhost:8080/bobo/index:updatemsg
I wonder if i can get the json data from another webapp?
I tried to request the urllocalhost:8080/bobo/index:updatemsg in a ajax
but i didn't get the json data!
Is there a good way???

徐 依伟

Re: [T5] Got a wrong uri from createActionLink!

2007-10-12 Thread Donyee
I request the /index.updatemsg and get a json data, the
onActionFromUpdateMsg() method works fine!
but i request the /index:updatemsg, it response as /index!
Is this new in t5.06?
How can i get a url like /index.updatemsg??

2007/10/12, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 AFAIK, there's nothing wrong with using a colon within the path of a URI.
 Do you know of any problems with this?  Its been working so far...
 Perhaps i'm missing the point?

 On 10/12/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The colon (:) /index:updatemsg is not a uri,
  how could  i get a /index.updatemsg?
  2007/10/12, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Umm, looks fine to me...
   According to the createActionLink javadoc[1], it  creates ... a
   component action request link as a callback for this component.  So
   in this case, your component is the Index page, and your action is
   'updateMsg'.  Tapestry uses a colon (:) to indicate an action as
   opposed to a nested component (designated by the period (.)).
   What problems are you having with the generated link?
   On 10/12/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I use T5.06 snapshot !
2007/10/12, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Here is my code:
 private ComponentResources resource;
 public String getUpdateLink() {
 Link link = resource.createActionLink(updateMsg, true);
 return link.toURI();

 and in Index.tml:

 It displays /index:updateMsg, it should be /index.updateMsg!
 Is this a bug? or I made wrong?

 徐 依伟

徐 依伟
  徐 依伟

徐 依伟

Re: [T5] Got a wrong uri from createActionLink!

2007-10-12 Thread Donyee
Thanks, I changed to onUpdateMsg()!
works fine!

2007/10/12, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I might still not be getting it, but i'll try again :)

 Preamble... (see below for a possible solution):

 Tapestry uses the following convention for an action link:
 Periods represent nested components and colons prefix a named action.

 So, '/index.updatemsg' points to an 'updatemsg' component on the 'index'
 That link doesn't specify an action, but i'm guessing it'll invoke
 your 'onActionFromUpdateMsg' handler (the 'onAction' convention means
 it will fire on any action for this component), as long as Index
 contains such a component.

 '/index:updatemsg' signifies an action named 'updatemsg' directly on
 the 'index' page.  Again, if you don't have a handler for this action
 on the index page, then it'll probably behave similiar to a simple
 page render request - hence you're return just '/index'.

 Solution (perhaps):

 If i understand what you're trying to do, i think you can just change:

 If you do this and keep the createActionLink() code the same, the URI
 will be '/index:updatemsg' and clicking it will invoke onUpdateMsg().

 Is that what you're looking for?


 On 10/12/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I request the /index.updatemsg and get a json data, the
  onActionFromUpdateMsg() method works fine!
  but i request the /index:updatemsg, it response as /index!
  Is this new in t5.06?
  How can i get a url like /index.updatemsg??
  2007/10/12, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   AFAIK, there's nothing wrong with using a colon within the path of a
   Do you know of any problems with this?  Its been working so far...
   Perhaps i'm missing the point?
   On 10/12/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The colon (:) /index:updatemsg is not a uri,
how could  i get a /index.updatemsg?
2007/10/12, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Umm, looks fine to me...

 According to the createActionLink javadoc[1], it  creates ... a
 component action request link as a callback for this
 component.  So
 in this case, your component is the Index page, and your action is
 'updateMsg'.  Tapestry uses a colon (:) to indicate an action as
 opposed to a nested component (designated by the period (.)).

 What problems are you having with the generated link?



 On 10/12/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I use T5.06 snapshot !
  2007/10/12, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Here is my code:
   private ComponentResources resource;
   public String getUpdateLink() {
   Link link = resource.createActionLink(updateMsg, true);
   return link.toURI();
   and in Index.tml:
   It displays /index:updateMsg, it should be
   Is this a bug? or I made wrong?
   徐 依伟
  徐 依伟

徐 依伟
  徐 依伟

徐 依伟

[T5] Got a wrong uri from createActionLink!

2007-10-11 Thread Donyee
Here is my code:
private ComponentResources resource;
public String getUpdateLink() {
Link link = resource.createActionLink(updateMsg, true);
return link.toURI();

and in Index.tml:

It displays /index:updateMsg, it should be /index.updateMsg!
Is this a bug? or I made wrong?

徐 依伟

Re: [T5] Got a wrong uri from createActionLink!

2007-10-11 Thread Donyee
I use T5.06 snapshot !

2007/10/12, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Here is my code:
 private ComponentResources resource;
 public String getUpdateLink() {
 Link link = resource.createActionLink(updateMsg, true);
 return link.toURI();

 and in Index.tml:

 It displays /index:updateMsg, it should be /index.updateMsg!
 Is this a bug? or I made wrong?

 徐 依伟

徐 依伟

Re: [T5] Got a wrong uri from createActionLink!

2007-10-11 Thread Donyee
The colon (:) /index:updatemsg is not a uri,
how could  i get a /index.updatemsg?

2007/10/12, lasitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Umm, looks fine to me...

 According to the createActionLink javadoc[1], it  creates ... a
 component action request link as a callback for this component.  So
 in this case, your component is the Index page, and your action is
 'updateMsg'.  Tapestry uses a colon (:) to indicate an action as
 opposed to a nested component (designated by the period (.)).

 What problems are you having with the generated link?



 On 10/12/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I use T5.06 snapshot !
  2007/10/12, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Here is my code:
   private ComponentResources resource;
   public String getUpdateLink() {
   Link link = resource.createActionLink(updateMsg, true);
   return link.toURI();
   and in Index.tml:
   It displays /index:updateMsg, it should be /index.updateMsg!
   Is this a bug? or I made wrong?
   徐 依伟
  徐 依伟

徐 依伟

Re: T5: A simple Ajax need(JQuery)

2007-10-06 Thread Donyee
Try this!
a t:type=pageLink page=getcomment context=blogId
onclick=loadMoreComment(this.href); return false; span
LoadMore/span /a

2007/10/6, Angelo Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I have a very simple Ajax need, here is the situation:

 My page will display a blog, when user click 'more comments', I'd like to
 load a T5 page into a DIV provided, so basically, the page is like this:

 pmy blog's text goes here/p
 div id=comments/div

 the js will be like this:

 $('#more_comments').click(function() {

 got some questions: 1. simply passing the url '/getcomment' to load is
 enough? how to pass blog ID as parameters? 2. if above steps not correct,
 any other way to achive this? Thanks,

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徐 依伟

Re: Tapestry5.0.5 Chinese Firefox can show normal, and in IE6 or not.

2007-08-10 Thread Donyee
Looks here!

2007/8/11, sun58224 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 sun58224 sun58224 at writes:

  Tapestry5.0.5 Chinese Firefox can show normal, and in IE6 or not.
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 RequestGlobals.getHTTPServletRequest (). SetCharacterEncoding ( UTF-8) into
 which packets?

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徐 依伟

[T5] Integration of Guice in the domain model?

2007-08-09 Thread Donyee
Hi all, I want to use the guice in my t5 app?
does anyone got ideas to use it like  tapestry-spring?

徐 依伟

Re: [T5] Integration of Guice in the domain model?

2007-08-09 Thread Donyee
Thanks, I got the idea!

2007/8/9, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I haven't looked into it, but search this list.
 Back in April Leon Pennings posted about it.


 Donyee wrote:
  Hi all, I want to use the guice in my t5 app?
  does anyone got ideas to use it like  tapestry-spring?
  徐 依伟

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徐 依伟

Re: [T5] The pattle doesn't work fine with IE!

2007-08-02 Thread Donyee
Is this a bug?

在 07-8-1,小司[EMAIL PROTECTED] 写道:
 Yes, My pallete does not work ,Button is disabled.only submit button works 

 2007/8/1, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I use the pattle component in my pages, it works fine in the firefox,
  but in the IE the
  (select)buttons were disabled!
  Does anyone meet this problem?
  徐 依伟


徐 依伟

[T5] The pattle doesn't work fine with IE!

2007-08-01 Thread Donyee
I use the pattle component in my pages, it works fine in the firefox,
but in the IE the
(select)buttons were disabled!
Does anyone meet this problem?

徐 依伟

[T5]How to submit a hidden value?

2007-07-19 Thread Donyee

I need to submit a hidden value, so i write like this:(copy from this TextField)

public class HiddenField extends AbstractTextField {
protected final void writeFieldTag(MarkupWriter writer, String value) {
writer.element(input, type, hidden, name, getElementName(), 
getClientId(), value, value);

final void afterRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
writer.end(); // input

but it doesn't works!
Can anyone help??

徐 依伟

Re: [T5]How to submit a hidden value?

2007-07-19 Thread Donyee

The new code works fine!

public class HiddenField extends AbstractField {
@Parameter(required = true, principal = true)
private String _value;

private Request _request;

final void afterRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
writer.end(); // input

protected void processSubmission(FormSupport formSupport, String 
elementName) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

_value = _request.getParameter(elementName);

void beginRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
writer.element(input, type, hidden, name, 
id, getClientId(), value,);


2007/7/19, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Sure. It should be pretty simple. First, please define doesn't work.
Does anything get written into the html?

Also, you probably want to extend AbstractField, not AbstractTextField.


Donyee wrote:
 I need to submit a hidden value, so i write like this:(copy from this

 public class HiddenField extends AbstractTextField {
 protected final void writeFieldTag(MarkupWriter writer, String value) {
 writer.element(input, type, hidden, name,
 getElementName(), id,
 getClientId(), value, value);

 final void afterRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
 writer.end(); // input

 but it doesn't works!
 Can anyone help??

 徐 依伟

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徐 依伟

Re: T5: Can I redirect to another page in setupRender()?

2007-07-17 Thread Donyee

I do this in the beforeRenderTemplate(),and works fine!

boolean beforeRenderTemplate() throws IOException, ServletException {
if (!isLogined()) {

if (appState == null) {
appState = new AppState();


+ /errorMessage);

return true;

2007/7/18, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

No, I'm pretty sure you can't.

Read the documentation again, and look at:

It seems to confirm that returning a component will render that
component and then _continue_ with the rendering phases for the
current component.

Render phase methods are completely separate from the event handlers
for page navigation events. All options are on the page I linked to:


Korben Zhang wrote:
 Yes, you can.
 See T5 core components, such as 'If'.

 Object setupRender() {...}

 See page

 remember boolean is an object too.

 On 7/17/07, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Access validation should be done in onActivate():


 dtrebbien wrote:
  I have two pages: ListRepositories and ViewRepository. ListRepositories
  supposed to give ViewRepository an id number by calling
  init() method. ViewRepository tracks whether it has been inited via a
  boolean value. The problem is, I want to redirect back to
  if a devious user just types in the URL for ViewRepository which would
  bypass ListRepositories's call to ViewRepository's init().
  Currently I just return false, but this causes Tapestry to complain
  something like root component not defined.
  Does anyone know how to redirect to another page in the setupRender()

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徐 依伟

Re: T5 : How to assign Form component with an id ?

2007-07-14 Thread Donyee

Which version do you use? T5.05 works fine!

2007/7/15, Shing Hing Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The exception for
form t:id=myForm

is in my orginal email.


form t:id=myForm

@Component(id = myForm)
private Form form;

in the page java class works.



--- Eugene Lozovan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello again,

 as far as I understand, you'd like to have form
 component with
 id=myForm, right?
 So,  try this:

 form t:id=myForm


 On 14/07/07, Shing Hing Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  form t:id=form and t:form
  both give rendered id=form.
  form t:type=form t:id=myform  gives me the
  exception as t:form  t:id=myForm.
  --- Eugene Lozovan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   try to use  something like:
   form t:id=form
   On 14/07/07, Shing Hing Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When I have
  t:form id=myForm
in my html template, the rendered id is still
When  I have t:form  t:id=myForm,
I got the following exception.
Component test/Sum does not contain an
component with id 'form'.
Stack trace













Thanks in advance for any assistance!
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徐 依伟

Re: properties file does not support UTF8

2007-07-14 Thread Donyee


You'd better install a plugin for eclipse if you're using it.

2007/7/14, sun58224 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: file does not support UTF8.
2.Sort BeanForms can not be changed.

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徐 依伟

Re: T5: Architecture Overview

2007-07-12 Thread Donyee

I'm looking for it too!

2007/7/13, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Well, for instance sample request flow diagram demonstrating core
components involved when Tap 5 is at work. Something similar to
component render states diagram.

Perhaps discussion about Tapestry page cache and point out classes and
interfaces that implement it. On that note, maybe a list of most
important classes/interfaces and what they're responsible for would be
a good start about such Tap 5 architecture overview document.

Discussion about dependencies, which are the most important and how
they're used.

Setting up T5 developement environment.

Those are just few topics, but I think they'd be a good start.


On 7/12/07, Renat Zubairov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What kind of document you would like to see? What should be the
 content of such document?


 On 12/07/07, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any documentation in general on how T5 is architected that
  would help somebody begin studying T5 source code?
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 Best regards,
 Renat Zubairov

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徐 依伟

Re: T5: How to retrieve message from default

2007-07-11 Thread Donyee

You can find it here!

2007/7/11, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Okay, I still don't know a Tap5 way of doing this, so this works,
although that's an ugly hack:


t:errors banner=banner/

Page Class:

public String getBanner() {
if(_unknownError) {
return Unknown Error;
else {
return getDefaultBanner();

private String getDefaultBanner() {
try {
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream in =
String banner = props.getProperty(default-banner);
return banner;
catch(Exception e) {
return e.getMessage();

However, wouldn't this be much simpler? (It doesn't work though).

private Messages _errorMessages;

public String getBanner() {
if(_unknownError) {
return Unknown Error;
else {
return _errorMessages.get(default-banner);

I know that documentation for @Path annotation states it can only be
used in conjunction with Assets. But wouldn't this be a good case as
well? What am I missing?

On 7/9/07, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my page class I'd like to retrieve the original value for
 default-banner (You must correct the following errors before you may
 continue.) which is stored in in tapestry-core.jar.
 I'd like to have this String accessible to my page class as a
 property. Is there a field annotation for this or should I just use
 standard property file read mechanism to get at that?


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徐 依伟

Re: T5: How to retrieve message from default

2007-07-11 Thread Donyee

private Messages _errorMessages;
Try this!

2007/7/11, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thanks, but I've seen that. It's not what I've been trying to do.
Rather than overriding the message I simply want my application to
read just like tapestry does it.

On 7/11/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can find it here!

 2007/7/11, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Okay, I still don't know a Tap5 way of doing this, so this works,
  although that's an ugly hack:
  t:errors banner=banner/
  Page Class:
  public String getBanner() {
  if(_unknownError) {
  return Unknown Error;
  else {
  return getDefaultBanner();
  private String getDefaultBanner() {
  try {
  Properties props = new Properties();
  InputStream in =
  String banner = props.getProperty(default-banner);
  return banner;
  catch(Exception e) {
  return e.getMessage();
  However, wouldn't this be much simpler? (It doesn't work though).
  private Messages _errorMessages;
  public String getBanner() {
  if(_unknownError) {
  return Unknown Error;
  else {
  return _errorMessages.get(default-banner);
  I know that documentation for @Path annotation states it can only be
  used in conjunction with Assets. But wouldn't this be a good case as
  well? What am I missing?
  On 7/9/07, Adam Zimowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In my page class I'd like to retrieve the original value for
   default-banner (You must correct the following errors before you may
   continue.) which is stored in in tapestry-core.jar.
   I'd like to have this String accessible to my page class as a
   property. Is there a field annotation for this or should I just use
   standard property file read mechanism to get at that?
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 徐 依伟

徐 依伟

Re: T5 Tutorial

2007-07-09 Thread Donyee

I change 5.05 to 5.04,then it works fine.

2007/7/10, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What version of Maven are you using?

On 7/9/07, Nazmul Bhuiyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm following the T5 tutorial and getting the following error. I've ran this
 at my work pc. Is there any proxy issue here or some thing else?

 C:\tmpmvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.tapestry
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=5.0.5
 -DgroupId=org.apache.tapestry -DartifactId=tapestry-tutorial1
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
 [INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin' does not
 exist or no valid version could be found
 [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
 [INFO] Total time:  1 second
 [INFO] Finished at: Tue Jul 10 11:38:50 NZST 2007
 [INFO] Final Memory: 1M/2M
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Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.

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徐 依伟

Re: How to override the default validate message?

2007-07-06 Thread Donyee

Do you use the T5? I am using t5!
Thanks !

2007/7/6, Malin Ljungh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You can use the following syntax for example:

binding name=validators value=validators:required[The {0} is


On 7/6/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everyone!
 I want to change the default validate message,such as You must
 provide a value for ... ,
 To change the source file maybe not grace! is there another way?

 徐 依伟

徐 依伟

Re: How to override the default validate message?

2007-07-06 Thread Donyee

Cool, I should try this first!
It works fine!

2007/7/6, Erik Vullings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Donyee,

Please have a look here:


On 7/6/07, Malin Ljungh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, sorry, I use T4.
 Don't know how it works in T5, unfortunately.


 On 7/6/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do you use the T5? I am using t5!
  Thanks !
  2007/7/6, Malin Ljungh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   You can use the following syntax for example:
   binding name=validators value=validators:required[The {0} is
   On 7/6/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello everyone!
I want to change the default validate message,such as You must
provide a value for ... ,
To change the source file maybe not grace! is there another way?
徐 依伟
  徐 依伟

徐 依伟

How to override the default validate message?

2007-07-05 Thread Donyee

Hello everyone!
I want to change the default validate message,such as You must
provide a value for ... ,
To change the source file maybe not grace! is there another way?

徐 依伟

May I use the tapestry-ioc other packages?

2007-05-20 Thread Donyee

I try to use the Tapestry-ioc  in the other packages,not just in the
.pages.* package.
Does it support this?
I try to use @Inject in my
code: @Inject  private AccountDao dao;
but it doesn't work!

Any suggestion?

徐 依伟

The webApp loading slowly? T5+Spring2

2007-05-19 Thread Donyee

Hi all, I am using T5.05 snapshot + Spring2 in my app. After I start
the server(Jetty or Tomcat5), when i click the pageLink ( a ) in my
page sereral times ,then the app becomes slowly. The memory changes
not much.
The app is well before i  add the Spring to manage the Dao.
Does anyone meet this question?
Any idea is great!

徐 依伟

Re: Where is the Path annotation

2007-05-06 Thread Donyee

In T5.04 you can find it.

2007/5/2, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Dear all,

I wanted to try the guide on assets located here:
But the problem is I can not find @Path anywhere in my tapestry library.
Currently I am using the latest tapestry5 (5.0.3) that is downloaded from
maven repo.
But then the javadoc is available here:

Have I got something wrong here? Can somebody give me a hint on this?

Thanks in advance,

Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will

Where is the Date(java.util.Date) in the grid? T5

2007-04-25 Thread Donyee

I wrote a employee(pojo) with a  hiredate (Date type),
When it works with a grid, the grid didn't render the hiredate column.
Other types(int or string )  work fine!
Can anyone explain this?

thanks for any help!

Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will

Re: How to add a PageLink in a grid?

2007-04-24 Thread Donyee

span t:type=Grid source=jobs model=modelForGrid rowsPerPage=2
t:parameter name=updatecell
a t:type=PageLink t:page=Start t:context=更新/a
/t:parameter /span

but how can i get a arg for the t:context?
I am new to T5!

2007/4/24, Eugene Lozovan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Yes, I also would like to know the way to have a grid with link on a page.
E.g. grid with users list and click on a row takes navigation to an
EditSpecifiedUser page.

Thanks in advance!

On 24/04/07, Donyee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a simple way to add a pagelink in the row ?

 Some suggestion will be great!
 Chinese name:徐 依伟
 English name: will

Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will

Does the form support utf-8?

2007-04-23 Thread Donyee

Hey , may  I ask  another  question? How to read  a utf-8 char from
the form?  a TextField? I fill the form with a utf-8 char,then it
couldn't display right!

Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will

[no subject]

2007-04-22 Thread Donyee

Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will


2007-04-22 Thread Donyee


Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will

Re: [OT] mailing-list problems with GMail

2007-04-16 Thread Donyee

I got one lastnight!

2007/4/15, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Not sure, but if I were a spam blocking program I'd view your all numeric
email address as highly suspect.

On 4/15/07, Koka Kiknadze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Occasionally when trying to post reply I recieve

 Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

 Technical details of permanent failure:
 PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 12): 552 spam score (5.1) exceeded

 Does anyone have similar problem? In other words, WTF? :)


Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will

Re: Does T5.0.3 support chinese??

2007-04-16 Thread Donyee

Thank you Nick!
and I set ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? in the *.html file。

2007/4/16, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 /*contributing a HttpServletRequestFilter  */
 doesn't work!
 Maybe something wrong!

I didn't check to see why it doesn't work, but I've been
looking into this issue too - for displaying Japanese.

The HttpServletRequestFilter approach is not the best way
to go about this, because it handles _all_ requests given
to Tapestry - we want to only alter page rendering ...

 Can anyone tell me a complete solution?

Yes! :-) Or at least, I think so. This solution was in a
Japanese Tapestry forum, and digging through the Tapestry
source code I think it's the best way - at least for now.

Just add this to your AppModule:

public static PageResponseRenderer decoratePageResponseRenderer(
final PageMarkupRenderer markupRenderer,
final MarkupWriterFactory markupWriterFactory, final Object delegate)

return new PageResponseRenderer()
public void renderPageResponse(Page page, Response response) throws 
MarkupWriter writer = markupWriterFactory.newMarkupWriter();
markupRenderer.renderPageMarkup(page, writer);
PrintWriter pw = response.getPrintWriter(text/html; 


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Chinese name:徐 依伟
English name: will