Re: Live reload in production?

2011-04-21 Thread Michal Gruca
my $0.02. If it was enabled till today then we should leave it that way. 
In documentation there should be note that it is possible to speed up
significantly application by doing something and with cost of no live class
reloads in production.


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Re: Quickstart for a IOC type project?

2011-03-08 Thread Michal Gruca
Hi Angelo,
if you will run your app, could you share it (some early revision, without
business logic), or write something about standalone T5 application?
I never had enough of time to do the research, and I always was curious how
T5 IOC looks in standalone app in comparison to e.g. Pico container :)

Thanks and regards
Michał Gruca

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Re: Exception starting filter test

2011-03-07 Thread Michal Gruca
yes you may give it any name, but contract in web.xml is: in provided package
root (in your case tapDemo) it will search for package services and in it
there should be a class

so please check if you have following class

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Re: [T5] Removing project name and port number from URL

2010-12-31 Thread Michal Gruca
If the webapp is called root.war or the directory is called root/ then it
will be deployed at the / context.

So yes, it should help.
As for port, changing that in jetty also will help, but take a look into
secure port number. By default it is 8443, change that to 443 in order to
avoid adding port number to https connections

Michał Gruca
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Re: error when trying to use the components tapx

2010-12-29 Thread Michal Gruca

I do believe that it is on github available
so if there is no other way, you can always download sources and run gradle

BTW Howard will Tapestry, as a project, start using gradle instead of maven
(or as an alternative)?
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Re: A more general approach to configuring for compatibility

2010-12-23 Thread Michal Gruca

There are three that I know of that may be used to achieve that

First is Wookie (Apache licence)
Second one is jumpstart (also open source, don't know what licence though)
Third is hotel bookmarking application

I know that two of those are made as a demo apps, but they contain a lot of
T5 features still. Only thing needed would be server for selenium tests and
some separate repo for test. Maybe apache-extras?

Michał Gruca
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Re: A more general approach to configuring for compatibility

2010-12-22 Thread Michal Gruca

I'm not familiar with Tapestry code but that sounds like a lot of if's and
checking for version. If i'm not mistaken then it will pollute the code and
maybe slow down applications (as every action will need to be checked)
If it is possible then additional modules sounds as much better idea. If
someone is upgrading library version then some minimal effort is required
from his side (downloading new jar/changing maven). Some small additional
effort (downloading second jar/adding maven dependency) should not be so
exhausting, and will allow to avoid a lot of unnecessary code.

Michał Gruca
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Re: It's payback time!

2010-12-22 Thread Michal Gruca

Tapestry don't have best press int the world. 
In SS comments there is starting another flame war.

Michał Gruca
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Re: @Transactional needed in tapestry-hibernate?

2010-12-15 Thread Michal Gruca

for sake of backward compatibility imho @commitAfter should not be modified
to work as @Transactional.
Additional annotation is safer choice.

Michał Gruca
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Re: First Tapestry app with Hibernate

2010-12-01 Thread Michal Gruca

That is probably not the answer that you would excpect but please review that
small app of mine. I created that for JUG and it has working hibernate
support for T5 with in memory h2 db running. It's not cleanest, but should
be easy to understand.

Last thing that I recall regarding hibernate (I was even writing that on
this list), I had to annotate AppModule with @SubModule(value = {
HibernateModule.class }) else eclipse was ** on me.
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Re: First Tapestry app with Hibernate

2010-11-30 Thread Michal Gruca

are you using eclipse for that project? I had some issues due to .m2 plugin.
If it is the case then try to take out pom.xml and create new project using
mvn command line. Then import project to eclipse and check if it will start
I was doing a lot of this kind of magic tricks to get eclipse working with
my poms

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Re: [ANN] Polish blog about Tapestry 5

2010-11-24 Thread Michal Gruca

Don't worry to much about exception page, it's important for me that it gives
me information, I don't need to like colors ;) Besides while translating, I
guess that most of context data may be lost. My blog posts won't be 100%
serious, it's just not my style. I'm big fan of T5, else I wouldn't follow
it for over 2 yrs or something like that ;)

@Adam: I don't believe as it is needed. It would also require a lot of work.
Also maintaining page later on would be pain. I prefer to cover same topics
on my blog as a reference with other examples (guess game is probably not
the best example of that ;) Sorry for just copying it, but I had no better
idea to show simple mechanism

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[ANN] Polish blog about Tapestry 5

2010-11-23 Thread Michal Gruca

Hi all,
I started writing blog about tapestry some time ago. Today I announced that
in public. Till I'll get comfortable with writing on regular basis I'm
planning to stick to my mothers tongue and that is polish. Later on I plan
to do couple screen casts in English, maybe switch language totally on all
I hope to convince some people to tapestry camp. Currently i'm writing step
by step tutorial. If any one is interested please request translation in
comments or use google translate ;)
Please cross your fingers for success and enough of my self motivation to
keep on writing new stuff :) Hope that this blog will be another reference
for tapestry freshers.

oh, and address :P

Michał Gruca
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Re: Should Tapestry phone home?

2010-10-12 Thread Michal Gruca

One more idea from my side. This could be done as extension (similar to
hibernate support) that would provide statistic's for page owner with
checkbox: send my anonymized data to and separate page
on which user could configure what is send
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Re: Should Tapestry phone home?

2010-10-12 Thread Michal Gruca

+1 for not do it by default.
But I give +1 if it could be additional library added if someone wishes to

As  for how it could work my proposal is to put some public page on tapestry
project where anyone could check site some aggregated stats. In library
service module there should be options that could set what is being uploaded
to tapestry public repository. In return for that data, tapestry could send
emails with information about updates or important security patches. 

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Re: [T5.2] Constructor issue

2010-10-06 Thread Michal Gruca

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> Remember that you can place @Inject on the constructor that should be
> used if there's any ambiguity.

That is what I was looking for. Thanks :)
and +1 for adding that to FAQ :)
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Re: [T5.2] Constructor issue

2010-10-05 Thread Michal Gruca

I must disagree. 
But first to clarify. I described two cases.
1. BeanEditForm that cannot instantiate my object
2. Same issue for SSO creating java.util.Date

AD 1.
Quote from BeanEditForm doc:
"Often, the BeanEditForm can create the object as needed (assuming a public,
no arguments constructor). "
So i provided such constructor in my entity (public no agrs) + I added
another one that taken String and custom enum. What I assumed was that T5
will just use the one that it can use and leave other one alone. Due to that
behavior no object handled to BeanEditForm should have more constructors
than default one, or should be always created manually, and that is bit more
than user need to do.

Ad 2.
Quote from linked documentation:
"The first time you access an SSO, it is created automatically. Typically,
the SSO will have a public no-args constructor ... but you may inject
dependencies into the SSO via its constructor, as you can with a Tapestry
IoC service implementation."
In this case I wanted to use Date. Maybe not some real case scenario, so
let's think about shoping basket for example. It may have default no args
for T5 and second one if I want to instantiate it with some products. If T5
always takes constructor with most arguments it will fail on that scenario
also, meaning that I will have to check boolean variable companion exist on
every page on which I wan't to use my object.
IMHO the best would be try to use no-args constructor or use one with most
args and if You fail try another one and another till You succeed (meaning
reach default no-args or error when there is no default no-args

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[T5.2] Constructor issue

2010-10-05 Thread Michal Gruca

Hi all.
While preparing small showcase app, odd problem came out. When I created
domain object with two constructors (first was default NOOP, second one had
two parameters string and enum, it was meant for manual initialization only)
and tried to use it with beaneditform I received exception that tapestry
cannot handle my object creation. After removing parametrized constructor,
error disappeared. It's bit odd IMHO. Tapestry should be capable to
instantiate objects that have more than one constructor. Also @SessionState
behaved weirdly. I was annotating java.util.Date. Error came up if I haven't
instantiate object manually. Date has default constructor so Tapestry should
be fine with constructing new Date on it's own.
Maybe there are some reasons for that kind of behavior, but as I see it
those are bugs. Should I create jira ticket for that?

Tested on tapestry 5.2.1-snapshot. Link to application sources:  (last
revision or two were stripped out from additional constructors. Content may
be in Polish, but code should be all in En)
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Re: Early steps getting Tapestry and Hibernate working via DAO

2010-10-04 Thread Michal Gruca

That should run in eclipse with m2 plugin. Check it out, maybe it will help
to find solution.
In case if revision 9 wouldn't work, try previous one. Rev 9 are changes
that I made during presentation, they should not affect anything, but I
prefer to mention it just in case.a

With regards
Michał Gruca

Alex W. Croton wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a real newbie when it comes to Tapestry and even worse than that when
> it comes to Hibernate.
> I am using Tapestry 5.1.0 and Hibernate 3.3.1 - talking to a MySQL
> database.
> I've got the code from the Tapestry5HowToUseTapestryHibernate working
> fine, but in the application that I am putting together I want/need to be
> able to use DAO to interface between the various components of the
> application.
> After 3 days of various Googling, I'm far more confused than when I
> started - it seems that the examples that I have been able to find are
> either for a different version of Tapestry - or appear to be using some
> form of magic that my environment is lacking :-)
> Can anyone offer any pointers to get me going on what 'bits' I need where
> please?
> Regards,
> Alex C

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RE: Early steps getting Tapestry and Hibernate working via DAO

2010-10-01 Thread Michal Gruca

I gave presentation about Tapestry yesterday. In it I included hibernate
integration example, I will share that after weekend.
>From my observation: make sure that You have both hibernate libraries in
Your classpath. Double check did You annotated AppModule with
@Submodule(HibernateModule.class). That are two related points that gave me
a lot of trouble. Mainly because of eclipse weakest side: maven integration. 
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Re: IntelliJIDEA vs Eclipse

2010-08-19 Thread Michal Gruca

Ok, thtat was easy :) Thanks, it was one of most annoying things for me. I
have a keymap on wall behind monitor, but it figures that i was using wrong
alt :P
My guess is probably after couple of months i will get used to differences.
Intellij is ok. I'm slowly getting used to new keymap and way in which some
features works different.

Best regards
Michał Gruca
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Re: repo?*/5.2.0 ?!?!

2010-08-19 Thread Michal Gruca

That helped. Thanks :)
Anyway I still stick to my opinion that archetype should be fixed

Andreas Andreou-2 wrote:
> Michal, edit the last few lines of pom.xml so that it sets
> tapestry-release-version to 5.2.0
> and then rerun mcn jetty:run

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Re: IntelliJIDEA vs Eclipse

2010-08-18 Thread Michal Gruca

Sven Homburg wrote:
> And, i hope that i dont lie, IntelliJ's refactoring is unbeatable.
And that's the reason why i love eclipse. I prefere it refactoring and code
generation features. Also I'm used to using keyboard and in Intellij i had
to use mouse. Could any one tell me is there a keyboard shortcut to call red
bulb actions? (e.g. when i write function that does not exist and want to
generate it i swing with mouse all over the screen waiting for red bulb to
show up. In eclipse it is part of quick fix actions under ctrl+1).
But imo it just proves that one should use tools that fits him best.

Michał Gruca
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Re: repo?*/5.2.0 ?!?!

2010-08-18 Thread Michal Gruca

I got clean mvn due to recent hdd failure :/ 
Maybe to be more specyfic: I go same way as You with archetype but after
that when I try to run it with mvn jetty:run I get following (part of log)


[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.apache.tapestry:tapestry5-annotations:jar:5.2.0-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.


2) org.apache.tapestry:tapestry-func:jar:5.2.0-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

there really is no 5.2.x version
I'm not in best relation with maven (I don't like him and he don't like me
;) ) so maybe I'm doing sth wrong or I don't get sth.
It's not vital for me to get 5.2 but I would like to try it.
Any idea? (I get same errors in eclipse + m2)
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Re: IntelliJIDEA vs Eclipse

2010-08-18 Thread Michal Gruca

The best IDE will be the one that fits You best. After couple of years when I
was working with Eclipse, now I have to use Intellij at work and I hate it.
I really can't get used to it. IMHO try both and pick one You like better.
Both will do the job
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Re: repo?*/5.2.0 ?!?!

2010-08-18 Thread Michal Gruca

Hi all,
I got bit other problem, as there is some problem with maven repo. I can't
create tapestry project using 5.2 archetypes. I tried both 5.2.0 and
snapshot. Could anyone check is everything ok with them?

Michał Gruca
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Re: Another IllegalAccessError in 5.2 alpha [bug?]

2010-08-15 Thread Michal Gruca

I'm not everyday Tapestry user but I try to 'evangelize' in my neighborhood.
In April I given presentation about Tapestry on tricity JUG and in next
couple of weeks I'm planning to do another one. During first presentation I
told that T5 won't change in a way that will affect existing code and with
new version there is feature that makes me a liar ;) After long introduction
I have proposal. Maybe it would be best for T5 if there would be option in
MappedConfiguration that would turn on/off live reloading on all methods,
something like:

configuration.add(SymbolConstants.ENABLE_LIVE_RELOADING, "true/false");

with possibility to add the .preventReloading()/.enableReloading() on
services that should behave in other way. Thanks to that You are backward
compatible (what is IMO the most important thing for tapestry currently) and
in easy way one may use new features on his own responsibility.
Of course I don't know if it is possible to implement that kind of feature
but it would show that T5 is really going to develop in a way that won't
harm any already existing applications. (or maybe that bug is simple to
resolve and all that I wrote is not relevant :) )

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> You can see these kinds of exceptions for a service implementation
> that accesses protected or package private members of another class.
> Because the service implementation class is loaded in a new
> ClassLoader (to support live class reloading), it is considered to be
> in a different Java package from the other classes (even though this
> new package has the exact same name). When the specially loaded code
> accesses those private members, this is recognized by the JVM which
> throws the exception you are seeing.
> You should either make those other members (including constructors)
> public OR mark the service in question as not live-reloadable.  This
> can be accomplished as:
> public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder)
> {
>   binder.bind(MyInterface.class,
> MyImplementation.class).preventReloading();
> }

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Re: Validation in component using onValidate method

2010-07-20 Thread Michal Gruca

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Re: Validation in component using onValidate method

2010-07-20 Thread Michal Gruca

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
>> But one suggestion. Maybe tapestry should log on warn level if someone
>> creates onValidate method with no parameters, else someone may be as
>> confused as I was. I don't see any purpose of onValidate without  
>> parameters.
> That's a very good idea. Maybe Tapestry should go further and throw an  
> exception, as a no-arg onValidate method is useless. Please file a JIRA in  
> the Tapestry bug tracker for that.
I can't agree on that. This could break some apps that were using my kind of
workaround (adding additional hidden fields) to make onValidate() work
properly. I will create ticket, but later. Now time to go home and test new
design :P
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Re: Validation in component using onValidate method

2010-07-20 Thread Michal Gruca

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
> Hi!
> This way, the developer can prevent the setter method of being invoked  
> with an invalid value.
Ok, I get it now. First I wanted to ask how are You supposed to get that
value, but example I wanted to use (from bottom of this page showed me that
I'm just blind or dumb. My code was almost same as example I provided, with
onValidate metod without any value. That's why I didn't saw any value. That
solves the problem, thanks. 
But one suggestion. Maybe tapestry should log on warn level if someone
creates onValidate method with no parameters, else someone may be as
confused as I was. I don't see any purpose of onValidate without parameters.

Thanks again, that helped a lot :)

Michał Gruca 
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Validation in component using onValidate method

2010-07-20 Thread Michal Gruca

Hi all,
I'm using tapestry for some time but for first time I cannot find correct
solution by myself. My problem is with validation in onValidate method. I
get that onValidate is called for every component inside form and
onValidateForm is called after all other onValidates but I don't get why
first Tapestery generates validate event and only after that it calls setter
method for validated property. 
As I always could call onValidateForm, then it wasn't such a problem, but
currently I need to do validation from inside of component. Structure is
following: Page contains form and component which is just a part of that
form. Component contains just a textarea, so validateForm method is not
called. IMHO onValidateFromMyField method should do the job but inside I
always get null. About year ago I was putting hidden field inside the form,
but it's wasn't the solution and it definitely wasn't reliable. I always
could find some simple workaround, but now the only solution that I see, is
to make whole validation inside page validateForm method, what would result
in violation of DRY principle (b/c I would have to do same trick in every
page that uses my component). Project in which I have this problem is
relatively small, so I could implement this workaround, but everything in me
opose to do that (because of the smell it would left, and feeling that some
day it won't be a small project).
As my english is not the best I prepared small example which should be more
expressive than my explanation.

1. Page class

private String foo;
private String bar;
private Logger log;
private ComponentResources resources;

public void onValidateForm() throws ValidationException {

log.debug("foo '{}', bar '{}'", foo, bar);
void onSuccess() {

2. tml file for that page

3. component code

private Logger log;
private String password;

void onValidateFromPasswordComponent() throws 
ValidationException {
log.debug("Password '{}'", password);
// do validation, if goes wrong throw new
// ValidationException(recordedError);
void onValidate() throws ValidationException {
log.debug("Password '{}'", password);
// do validation, if goes wrong throw new
// ValidationException(recordedError);
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public String getPassword() {
return password;

4. Log from submit. Values inputed into fields were a, b, c:

[DEBUG] components.Comp [ENTER] onValidate()
[DEBUG] components.Comp Password 'null'
[DEBUG] components.Comp [ EXIT] onValidate
[DEBUG] components.Comp [ENTER] onValidateFromPasswordComponent()
[DEBUG] components.Comp Password 'null'
[DEBUG] components.Comp [ EXIT] onValidateFromPasswordComponent
[DEBUG] components.Comp [ENTER] setPassword("c")
[DEBUG] components.Comp [ EXIT] setPassword
[DEBUG] pages.About [ENTER] onValidateForm()
[DEBUG] pages.About 
[DEBUG] pages.About foo 'a', bar 'b'
[DEBUG] pages.About [ EXIT] onValidateForm
[DEBUG] pages.About [ENTER] onSuccess()
[DEBUG] pages.About [ EXIT] onSuccess

IMHO it is bug or really counterintuitive feature. How I am supposed to do
validation when value is always null?
Please help, I really want to do this properly.

Michał Gruca
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