Re: Number translator message in 4.1

2006-12-02 Thread Ryan Holmes
I agree with Sam's points. The new default messages will be more  
confusing to end users and should be reverted, for all of the reasons  
Sam mentions.


On Dec 1, 2006, at 6:06 PM, Sam Gendler wrote:

+1 for new extended default messages! It is worth wading through a  
sea of
PMs to save development stress. This is why I like HLS and  
Tapestry. ... No

(mostly no) cryptic error messages!

You are replacing developer stress with end-user stress. Upir average
end user will not have a clue how to parse a standard Java format mask
and presenting one to them will only confuse them.  It helps a
developer, sure, but applications are for end-users, not developers.
You always have the option to include a more detailed message if you
care.  In the context of going from one 4.x release to another 4.x
release, I don't think it is appropriate to include _unnecessary_
features that make the codebase lose backwards compatibility.
Admittedly, Tap 4.1 really should be labelled tap 5, given the volume
of changes to the api, but so long as it is labelled 4.1, I think an
effort should be made to keep changes limited to things that don't
destabilize the api unless absolutely necessary.

In this case, we are talking about adding end-user visible features
that are really only usable, in their default form, by developers. At
least the old message could be used in an end-user visbile location.
Now, every single validator will require a custom message override,
either to restore the functionality of 4.0.x or to provide a message
that isn't going to confuse the hell out of a non-technical end user.
Sure, the new message is better for a developer when debugging, but
since when does convenience stop with the developer rather than the
end-user? At least give developers an override that will restore the
original messages (Isn't hivemind supposed to make this easy?).  Sure
it is more work for the framework developers, but that's the point of
a framework - to centralize the development effort in the framework
itself, making it easier for users of the framework to utilize the
provided functionality and cutting down on the total number of
developer hours required to develop code.  API changes like this are
creating unnecessary work for the framework users, which kind of
defeats the purpose of using a framework.  The effort required to port
an application of any complexity from 4.0.x to 4.1 is already very
large.  I think an effort should be made to keep such changes to a
minimum or provide a backwards compatibility layer, preferably one
that can be applied on a per-page basis so that migration can be
gradual, if at all possible.

I don't know about your projects, but this isn't just a matter of
getting permission from a PM to change the message.  No PM with even
the slightest regard for an end user would let a message with a format
string specified as a standard java format mask be visible to a
non-developer user.  If they wanted a message that included the
correct format, they would specify it in a form that makes sense to a
non-technical user - almost certainly using an example value rather
than a format mask - Imagine a european user seeing $#,##0.00 in their
error message.  Commas and periods would be inverted, the currency
symbol is not correct, and what the hell are those '#' symbols doing
in there anyway?  A change along these lines that would be actually
useful and an improvement for the application user, would be the
ability to specify an example value and have the validation mask
applied to it automatically before it is inserted in the default error
message.  That way, I could show a european formatted example to
european users, and a US formatted one for US users, all while still
using the default error message.  Now THAT would be useful, and would
probably make it past the PM team without requiring a change.  THe
format mask by itself is useless to anyone but the developer, and you
are only getting that by inconveniencing the majority of your current

A message that is lacking in some information is often preferable to
one that contains useless or confusing information, which is how the
format mask would be perceived by most end users.  It is worth
remembering that, while the end user for Tapestry can often be
considered the developers who use it, you also have to factor in the
audience of users who will use apps developed on Tapestry by those
developers.  This is a classic example of windows error message
syndrome.  An error of type 0x34FD56ABC has occured while processing
your input, while useful to a developer, is actually much more
frustrating to an end user than An error has occured while processing
your input. Obviously, the ideal is to tell them EXACTLY what went
wrong and how to fix it, but failing that, a good design should
probably prefer the latter message to the former.

For me, it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify our use of
Tapestry, except that we are stuck with it short of 

Re: How do I override the stale session and links pages

2006-10-20 Thread Ryan Holmes

Nevermind, looks like Andreas and Thomas answered your question.

Although I have to say that overriding the page names in your  
hivemodule file seems like a cleaner approach than hiding the  
default pages in your .application. My guess is that you were running  
into a page resolution issue in your first attempt and Tapestry  
couldn't find your custom pages (?). I'll find out for myself soon  
enough since I have to do the same thing in a week or two...


On Oct 19, 2006, at 9:08 AM, Mats Henricson wrote:


I've spent too much time trying to figure out how this is done in  

I found this suggestion on the net:

   contribution configuration-id=tapestry.InfrastructureOverrides
   property name=exceptionPageNamevalue=GeneralError/
   property name=staleSessionPageName  

   property name=staleLinkPageNamevalue=StaleLinkError/

The exception page works fine, but the stale session/link does not.
Does the accompanying Java page file need to extend a specific base?
I need no dynamic info displayed on my stale pages, just static text,
so I'd assume it would be a no-brainer.

Any suggestion?


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Re: LoginPage problem in T4

2006-10-17 Thread Ryan Holmes
I'm not familiar with that exact error but if that pageValidate  
method is in your Login page (or it's superclass, etc.), then you're  
creating a sort of recursive condition where activating the Login  
page when the user is not logged in will redirect back to the Login  

The Vlib app uses @Meta annotations to specifically mark the Login  
page as anonymous and the pageValidate() method is supposed to  
allow access in that case rather than redirect.

The above may be way off base since I can't see your superclass or  
more of your code...


On Oct 17, 2006, at 12:11 PM, Denis Souza wrote:


I'm trying to implement a login page using VLib's mechanism so I  

PageValidationListener in my page's superclass with the following:

public void pageValidate(PageEvent event) {

   if (!isUserLoggedIn()) {

  LoginPage login = getLoginPage();

  login.setCallback(new PageCallback(this));

  throw new PageRedirectException(login);



Very simple. Actually looks just like the VLib example, however I'm  

the following exception before I get to the login page:

A validate cycle during page activation was detected: LoginPage;  

Anyone knows what it means and how to fix it?

I even tried using the PageBeginRenderListener instead but what  
happens is
the PageRedirectException actually gets thrown! It's not caught by  

and the page is not redirected. Any ideas?



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Re: Component resolution question

2006-10-17 Thread Ryan Holmes

On Oct 16, 2006, at 2:13 PM, andyhot wrote:

Here's another:
I've seen (and even written) components that provide nicer gui on top
of contrib:Table. They all usually define the same component class as

Interesting, that's the use case I couldn't think of ;) I actually do  
the same thing (override some contrib components but reuse the class)  
and still couldn't come up with it.

Must... read... more... slowly


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Re: problem with images

2006-10-17 Thread Ryan Holmes
Assuming you're talking about user uploaded images or something  
similar, there are of course different opinions on the best way but  
here are my thoughts:

1.) You are absolutely right not to store uploaded images in the  
application directory. They are external data just like data in a  

2.) As far as actually storing BLOBs in the DB, it's definitely worth  
considering. The pros are a lack of synchronization issues between  
records that represent image files with the actual files on disk and  
of course not having to deal with the file system period (no unique  
file name issues, images get backed up with the rest of your data,  
etc.). The cons are a lack of standardized access (or no access) to  
BLOBs through O/RM frameworks,  varying support among RDMS's / JDBC  
drivers, and performance overhead. If you're building a high-volume  
site, you really want to be able to serve images from a dedicated  
media server like a stripped-down Apache, Boa, kHTTPd, etc. and you  
can't easily do that if your images are in a database.

As much as I like the idea of storing images directly in the  
database, I've always ended up using objects/records that represent  
files (via a relative file path + a global root path) and storing the  
files themselves in a directory structure outside the application.

3.) Buy Kent Tong's book, Enjoying Web Development with Tapestry  
and read the chapter on building an image upload/download service.  
It's really not very hard, but it's too much to squeeze into an email.


On Oct 17, 2006, at 5:54 PM, Gabriel Lozano wrote:

Hi all

I want some help on this issue:

I want to know which is the best way to work with images. If I  
saved them on
a folder inside the application, the next time I deploy the  
application I
will loose all the images. I was thinking on saving them in the db,  
but I
dont know how can I retrieve them and show them in the html. If I  
generate a
temp file per request, then I will end up with a file representing  
an image

for everytime the image is requested.

Any help would be welcome, I was looking for this and I didnt find  

on this topic.

Gabriel Lozano M.

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Re: Component resolution question

2006-10-16 Thread Ryan Holmes

Hi Patrick,

I was referring to the class resolution ambiguity you encountered in  
your Navigation example. Had you specified the 'type' parameter, you  
would be forced to indicate whether you meant 'Navigation' or  

Specifically, I was talking about the ambiguity in the component  
resolution logic in ComponentAnnotationWorker when you don't specify  
a 'type' parameter. If you look at the ComponentAnnotationWorker  
source, you can see that Method.getReturnType().getSimpleName() is  
used to guess the component type if the 'type' parameter is an empty  
string. It's sort of a best effort approach, apparently provided as  
a convenience for those cases where the 'type' parameter is  
completely redundant with your method's return type.

As Andreas mentioned, many components have BaseComponent as their  
class. Obviously, Tapestry cannot resolve a method return type of  
BaseComponent to a specific component. In those cases, the behavior  
is so ambiguous that it's useless.

Even when your component has a specific class, you could conceivably  
have situations where your Tapestry component type differs from the  
return type of your @Component annotated method (although I can't  
honestly think of a use-case that makes good sense, even with a  
component class hierarchy).

Having said all that, 'type' is indeed redundant in many cases and it  
would be great if it there was a better way. In the meantime, I would  
actually prefer to have only one way to specify the type of a  
component (not that I'm really complaining about the current  
component type guessing behavior -- I just probably won't use it).  
In short, getting rid of the 'type' parameter or significantly  
changing component resolution logic seems more like a Tap 5 thing and  
I'm more interested in seeing 4.1 stabilize.

Regarding Eclipse refactoring, the 'type' parameter's value does not  
need to be fully qualified to be detected. For example, the type  
parameters in the following @Component methods will be updated  
correctly if you check the Update textual occurrences in comments  
and strings box:

  @Component(type = FlushLiquidSystem, bindings =  

  public abstract FlushLiquidSystem getFlushLiquidSystem();

-- or --

  @Component(type = directoryThatDoesNotMatchThePackageName/ 
FlushLiquidSystem, bindings = poolSet=prop:poolSet)

  public abstract FlushLiquidSystem getFlushLiquidSystem();

I'm using Eclipse 3.2 and this works for @InjectPage annotations as  
well. It's obviously not as robust as regular type refactoring and  
you have to pay attention to the preview, but it does make the  
process pretty easy. Let me know if your experience is different,  
because this is an extremely handy feature.

I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm to make improvements and I  
think everyone has noticed that 'type' feels oddly redundant. It's  
just that it makes sense when you step back and realize that a  
Tapestry component type is not the same as Java type, except when it  
is ;)


On Oct 16, 2006, at 10:22 AM, Patrick Moore wrote:

Hi Ryan --

Eclipse can look for fully specified names but 'members/Navigation'
isn't fully specified.
The component specification looks like:

public Navigation getNavigation();

(FYI, in my example I was only giving the full flassname for  
illustration only)

You talk about the ambiguity if the 'type' parameter isn't specified.
What ambiguity are you refering to? I haven't encountered a single
example of such ambiguity yet. The only case I have heard of is the
template-only components. But that isn't an issue for me as those
components I specify anonymously in my html template.

So in my situation, the type parameter is merely a source of run-time
bugs when Tapestry can find a component.


On 10/14/06, Ryan Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, eclipse will pick up @Component 'type' values during
refactoring if you check the Update textual occurrences in comments
and strings option when you rename a component class.

The bug you illustrate is a good example of why the type parameter
should be required, at least for the time being. If the @Component
annotation worker could resolve class names as you expect, perhaps
making 'type' optional would be nice. Of course, you also wouldn't
need to do :

public abstract

as it's no different than:

import com.transparentpolitics.core.web.components.members.Navigation
public abstract Navigation getNavigation();

I think there are more important things to be done in Tap 4.1 and I
prefer the predictable behavior of the 'type' parameter (which, as I
mentioned, is refactorable in Eclipse) over the more elegant but
potentially ambiguous behavior that arises when omitting 'type'.

Just my $.02


On Oct 13, 2006, at 10:19 AM, Patrick Moore wrote:

 I would vote just

Re: Component resolution question

2006-10-14 Thread Ryan Holmes
Actually, eclipse will pick up @Component 'type' values during  
refactoring if you check the Update textual occurrences in comments  
and strings option when you rename a component class.

The bug you illustrate is a good example of why the type parameter  
should be required, at least for the time being. If the @Component  
annotation worker could resolve class names as you expect, perhaps  
making 'type' optional would be nice. Of course, you also wouldn't  
need to do :

public abstract  

as it's no different than:

import com.transparentpolitics.core.web.components.members.Navigation
public abstract Navigation getNavigation();

I think there are more important things to be done in Tap 4.1 and I  
prefer the predictable behavior of the 'type' parameter (which, as I  
mentioned, is refactorable in Eclipse) over the more elegant but  
potentially ambiguous behavior that arises when omitting 'type'.

Just my $.02


On Oct 13, 2006, at 10:19 AM, Patrick Moore wrote:

I would vote just the opposite way. In this case I am returning the
exact type that is declared on the abstract method. I am not returning
a BaseComponent. I hate the 'type' parameter. It interfers with
refactoring because eclipse doesn't know it should do anything with
the type parameter. So far 100% of the times where I had to specify
the type hasn't needed any clarification. The coding style I am using
means that I never use the .jwc/.page files, only annotations.

The current behavior points out a Tapestry bug as well.

1. Declare a method:

public abstract

2. Declare the classes:

3. Declare the component-class-packages:
   meta key=org.apache.tapestry.component-class-packages

If Tapestry looks at the
com.transparentpolitics.core.web.components.members.Navigation class
file, it can see that it has been annotated correctly and it should
chose the class,
com.transparentpolitics.core.web.components.members.Navigation, not

However, Tapestry gets really wigged out and throws this exception:

Property navigation has already been accounted for by the element at
Annotation @org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter(cache=true,
defaultValue=, required=true, name=, aliases=) of public abstract


On 10/13/06, Norbert Sándor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If this causes confusions , i'm 100% for making type required  

I would vote a +1 for changing type back to required, mainly  
because of new users.

Discarding type results in less readable code for example when
compared to omitting @InjectObject, which has a more implicit  

 So, in a word, Tapestry cannot use the class name (neither the  

nor the full)
This may not be evident for new users, especially when they read  
in the

docs that Tapestry supports pure-java, annotation-only components...



andyhot wrote:
 Patrick Moore wrote:

 To my untrained eye, it looks like the problem is that the
 _componentResolver on line 390 of
 org.apache.tapestry.pageload.PageLoader doesn't have the full  


 On 10/12/06, Patrick Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there --

 I just shifted over to Tap 4.1.1 and I was hoping I could get  
rid of

 the use of 'type' in my @Component annotation. But no such luck.

 It's not a matter of luck... You can simply have many components  

 sharing the same class. Think for instance all those template-only
 their class is BaseComponent.

 So, in a word, Tapestry cannot use the class name (neither the  

 nor the full)
 in order to make apart a component. It always needs the type.

 type has been made optional to facilitate cases where it matches  

 class name.
 I believe that's what stated at 
 If this causes confusions , i'm 100% for making type required  

 In my application file I indicate that the components are in the
 'com.transparentpolitics.web.components' directory (or its
 subdirectories). However, Tap doesn't find components that are in
 child directories of the 'com ... components' directory. So  

 references like this:

   public abstract Navigation getNavigation()

 don't work but this does work :

public abstract Navigation getNavigation()

 (Navigation is
 Now I don't understand why Tap can't find the 

Re: Textfield validation problem

2006-10-14 Thread Ryan Holmes

Change this:

binding name=translator value=translator:number,pattern=#.#/

to this:

binding name=translator  

The 'omitZero' property in  
org.apache.tapestry.form.translator.NumberTranslator is true by  
default. Paul Ferraro (who I believe contributed much of the  
translation and validation system for Tap 4.0) argues that omitZero  
should be false by default in this JIRA issue:

So vote for it if you agree.


On Oct 14, 2006, at 11:44 AM, Jabbar wrote:

Oops. The textfield component definition is

component id=dailyHighThreshold type=TextField
  binding name=value

  binding name=translator
  binding name=validators
value=validators:required[You must
enter {0}!], min=0/
  binding name=displayName
value=literal:Daily High Threshold/

  binding name=disabled

On 14/10/06, Jabbar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello again,
I have another problem. It concerns the textfield the definition is

 component id=dailyHighThreshold type=TextField
binding name=value
binding name=translator  
binding name=validators  
value=validators:required[You must

enter {0}!], min=0/
binding name=displayName  
value=literal:Daily High Threshold/

binding name=disabled

when value is numeric 0 then the textfield also shows a blank. I  

understand this! Anybody got any ideas?


 A Jabbar Azam


A Jabbar Azam

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Ryan Holmes, CISSP

ph. (213) 626-0026

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Re: Confusion over persistent page properties and editing

2006-10-14 Thread Ryan Holmes
Without seeing more of your code, my guess it that you are  
unconditionally calling setChannelSetup() in your pageBeginRender  
method. Something like this:

public void pageBeginRender(PageEvent event) {
setChannelSetup(new ArrayListCello6ChannelSetup());

Remember that pageBeginRender is called *every time* the page is  
rendered, not just the first time the page is displayed. So, if your  
button calls a listener method that does something along the lines of  

public void addNewSetup() {
Cello6ChannelSetup setup = new Cello6ChannelSetup(...);

Then the pageBeginRender method runs *after* your listener method,  
thus wiping out the change by re-initializing the list. I can  
probably guess your next question, but I'll wait to see if I'm on the  
right track first.

FYI, a good way to get a handle on Tapestry behavior for things like  
this is to set a breakpoint in your listener method and in your  
pageBeginRender method so you can see the order in which they are  


On Oct 14, 2006, at 11:52 AM, Jabbar wrote:


I've been struggling all day editing persistent page properties and
finding that the values of the properties is not what I expected after
the render phases

The persistant page property is

public abstract ListCello6ChannelSetup getChannelSetup();
public abstract void setChannelSetup(ListCello6ChannelSetup d);

This gets sets in PageBeginRender when the page is first called. A
button on the page is pressed which changes the property of one of the
elements of the list. After the render the value of the channelSetup
property is not what I expect.

Does anybody have any ideas?



A Jabbar Azam

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Ryan Holmes, CISSP

ph. (213) 626-0026

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Re: Textfield validation problem

2006-10-14 Thread Ryan Holmes
Sure, sounds like you want a numeric-only string. Tapestry has a  
Pattern validator, but I don't know if you can specify the pattern  
inside your 'validators:' value. I always set up pattern validators  
as beans and then reference them in the 'validators:' value, like so:

  bean name=numericValidator

set name=pattern'^[0-9]+$'/set
set name=message value=message:invalid-numeric-input /

  component id=numericStringField type=TextField
binding name=value value=myNumericString /
binding name=displayName value=message:my-numeric-string- 
label /
binding name=validators value=validators:required, 
$numericValidator /


I'm using the '$' syntax to reference a bean in the 'validators:'  
value. Note that I'm using localizable message keys, but you can of  
course use literal strings for your messages. Also note that I'm  
setting 'lifecycle=page' in the bean definition. This should give  
slightly better performance by causing the bean to be instantiated  
only once, rather than on each page render.

One more thing -- since this TextField represents a String value, you  
don't need to specify a translator unless you want to change the  
default string translation behavior (you probably already knew that).


On Oct 14, 2006, at 1:39 PM, Jabbar wrote:


Hello again. Is it possible to use a regular expression with a
textfield? I don't want to use it to read a number, but a string.


On 14/10/06, Ryan Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Change this:

binding name=translator value=translator:number,pattern=#.#/

to this:

binding name=translator

The 'omitZero' property in
org.apache.tapestry.form.translator.NumberTranslator is true by
default. Paul Ferraro (who I believe contributed much of the
translation and validation system for Tap 4.0) argues that omitZero
should be false by default in this JIRA issue:

So vote for it if you agree.


On Oct 14, 2006, at 11:44 AM, Jabbar wrote:

 Oops. The textfield component definition is

 component id=dailyHighThreshold type=TextField
   binding name=value

   binding name=translator
   binding name=validators
 value=validators:required[You must
 enter {0}!], min=0/
   binding name=displayName
 value=literal:Daily High Threshold/

   binding name=disabled

 On 14/10/06, Jabbar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello again,
 I have another problem. It concerns the textfield the  
definition is

  component id=dailyHighThreshold type=TextField
 binding name=value
 binding name=translator
 binding name=validators
 value=validators:required[You must
 enter {0}!], min=0/
 binding name=displayName
 value=literal:Daily High Threshold/
 binding name=disabled


 when value is numeric 0 then the textfield also shows a blank. I
 understand this! Anybody got any ideas?


  A Jabbar Azam


 A Jabbar Azam


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Ryan Holmes, CISSP

ph. (213) 626-0026

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A Jabbar Azam

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Re: tableRowsIterator nullPointerException

2006-08-19 Thread Ryan Holmes
IIRC, an NPE from tableRowsIterator is often due to referencing an  
attribute of a related object in OGNL (e.g.  
ognl:customer.address.street) when the related object (e.g. address)  
is null.

HTH. If not, as Karthik said, please post the relevant source code,  
page or component specifications and HTML.


On Aug 18, 2006, at 9:25 AM, anil wrote:


I'm fairly new to tapestry and am trying to create an  
implementation of the
IBasicTableModel interface so that I can paginate results and get  

(from Hibernate via Spring) when I need them.

I've written my component but whenever I load the page I get a  
on the tableRowsIterator which seems to stem from a  

from getCurrentPageRows.

Does this mean that there's no data being loaded into the table  
component to
be displayed? I must admit I'm not entirely sure what approach to  
take to

try and solve the problem.

If anyone could shed any light on what's happening, or could give  
me an idea

of where to start debugging this I'd be most grateful!

View this message in context: 

Sent from the Tapestry - User forum at

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Ryan Holmes, CISSP

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Re: Tapestry with Hibernate vs JSF with Hibernate (Object binding question)

2006-08-19 Thread Ryan Holmes
Just to clarify, Tapestry does not overwrite bound objects with new  
instances. iow, if a bound value is a Hibernate proxy, that's what  
you'll get -- for better or worse ;)


On Aug 19, 2006, at 7:20 AM, Vinicius Carvalho wrote:

Hello there! As I said on previous emails, I'm migrating a JSF app to
tapestry, I'm about to finish. One thing that is really tricking me is
the way that the Hibernate entities are bound on both frameworks (I
might being doing something wrong here).

My edit page has an object (Event) that has a many-to-one relationship
to User, so on the same screen I add/edit an user and an event.

Well on the JSF, when I hit the service  layer (both apps share the
same model desing, with same entities and spring transaction managed
classes) the Event has an user (that is a EnhancedByCGLIB user) with
all it's original values (even those that are not displayed to the
user on the screen), so calling: eventDAO.update(event), updates my
user as well.

On Tapestry side, hitting the service layer, the Event has a User
(POJO) and all other values have just gone, it seems that tapestry,
when binding it's values it does something like this:

User user = new User();
... //set properties present on the screen, dump all other from  


This not only mess my database, but also makes hibernate to create a
new user for my event, instead of updating an existing one.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm doing stupid things here, could anyone  
help me out?

Best Regards


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Ryan Holmes, CISSP

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Re: Injecting State Objects w/ Non-Serializable Beans

2006-08-16 Thread Ryan Holmes
Ideally, your state objects should be as simple and small as possible  
-- if for no other reason than to make sure your app can cluster if  
required. Also, if you're using a service then you're probably  
performing business logic and a state object is probably not the best  
place for this. I'm talking about session-scoped ASO's here and not  
global ASO's. I could see injected services making more sense in a  
global ASO but it still seems like the wrong architecture.

In any event, to get this functionality in a clean way Tapestry/ 
HiveMind would have to support re-injection on deserialization as you  
mention, and I don't think that is or very likely will be supported  
(not to discourage you from looking -- I could certainly be wrong).

I'm not sure if you're also asking about general Tapestry/Spring  
integration, but I recently switched from a custom solution based on  
the info at to  
Howard's tapestry-spring plugin ( 
javaforge/tapestry-spring/). I literally just ripped out my old  
stuff, dropped in the tapestry-spring jar and was up and running. I  
don't think the plugin is any better than the solution on the wiki,  
but having only 1 jar vs a few classes and HiveMind wiring is nice.

If you can outline why you need to inject services into your state  
objects in the first place, maybe I can offer an alternate solution.  
The (rather large) application my team is working on at the moment  
uses Spring beans extensively in Tapestry pages and components and  
I've never had the need or desire to inject them into state objects.  
Not to say that there couldn't be a legitimate reason to do it, I  
just haven't run into it yet.


On Aug 14, 2006, at 1:42 PM, Michael Prescott wrote:

We've got an application state object into which we're injecting some
beans from Spring.  Over time we've tried a number of approaches to

Under Tapestry 3, we'd cobbled this together with some code in a
pageBeginRender() listener in a base page class.  The pages had access
to the Spring context more directly, so as each page started to  

it would manually inject the Visit with a number of these beans from

This smelled a bit, so under Tapestry 4 we moved to a model where  

injecting via Hivemind.  We have a StateObjectFactory which pulls what
we need out of Spring as Visits are created.

The problem is that this approach is incompatible with persistent
sessions: the beans we're injecting from Spring are all trussed up  

proxies and aspects, so they're not in the least bit serializable.  It
would be lovely if the framework could handle this for us, so that we
could just use @InjectSpring right inside state objects, and the
framework would take care of re-injecting as necessary (e.g. when the
deserialized value is null).

Maybe keeping this sort of stuff out of state objects is a good idea.
It's a natural factoring, given what we're doing, but this seems to  

it inadvisable.

Anyone else had to deal with this?


Michael Prescott

Ryan Holmes, CISSP

ph. (213) 626-0026

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Re: Label on Property Selection List

2006-08-16 Thread Ryan Holmes
As a matter of fact, yes, there is a simple way! Excuse my  
enthusiasm, but it's not often that I get to say that on the Tapestry  
mailing list ;)

You want a LabeledPropertySelectionModel, which is a simple decorator  
around your existing IPropertySelectionModel: 

Inside the method that creates your IPropertySelectionModel just add  
something like:

(assume your existing model is in a variable named myModel)
IPropertySelectionModel labeledModel = new  
LabeledPropertySelectionModel(myModel, Choose your item);

return labeledModel;


On Aug 16, 2006, at 11:59 AM, Mael Caldas wrote:


I'm using tapestry 4, and have a selection list that submits the  
form on
change, without a button, but, when I have only one item on the  
list, I

can't submit the form, because, of course, there is nothing to change!

Does anybody knows a simple way to have a label inside the property
selection list, like chose your item, in the first position of the
selection list , so, if I have only one item on the list, when I  
change from

chose your item to the Item 1, the javascript submits the form...


Ryan Holmes, CISSP

ph. (213) 626-0026

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Re: Unable to construct service tapestry.multipart.ServletMultipartDecoder

2006-08-16 Thread Ryan Holmes
IIRC, the name of that service changed between Tapestry 4.0 and  
4.0.1, but your stacktrace looks correct (well, as correct as a  
stacktrace can be).

What versions of the following jars do you have:  tapestry, hivemind,  
hivemind-lib and commons-fileupload?

Also, are you specifying a maximum upload size in your hivemodule.xml  
file? It will look something like this:

  implementation service- 


  model=threaded /

If so, copy and paste that into your response.


On Aug 16, 2006, at 7:26 AM, Andrés Nates wrote:

When I’m run de example of the component upload, this example has a  

upload component for images (jpeg).  This is the error message

org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to  
construct service

tapestry.multipart.ServletMultipartDecoder: Could not load class
org.apache.tapestry.multipart.MultipartDecoderImpl from  

  delegate: false
-- Parent Classloader:
: org/apache/commons/fileupload/servlet/ServletFileUpload


















Anybody know how to fix this error ?

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Ryan Holmes, CISSP

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Re: Unable to construct service tapestry.multipart.ServletMultipartDecoder

2006-08-16 Thread Ryan Holmes

All your jar versions are fine. Try replacing this:

implementation service-id=tapestry.multipart.MultipartDecoder
model=threaded /

with this:

	implementation service- 

model=threaded /

The service-id changed a few months ago (at 4.0.1 I think). There is  
now a tapestry.multipart.ServletMultipartDecoder and  a  
tapestry.portlet.multipart.PortletMultipartDecoder service.


On Aug 16, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Andrés Nates wrote:

Hello Jesse, I'm have put this version of jars


But the error still appear

-Mensaje original-
De: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Miércoles, 16 de Agosto de 2006 04:37 p.m.
Para: Tapestry users
Asunto: Re: Unable to construct service

You need fileupload-1.1..

On 8/16/06, Andrés Nates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm have this version of jar


and the file Hivemind.xml look this:

?xml version=1.0?
module id=com.ttdev.album version=1.0.0
service-point id=ImageService

set-object property=linkFactory
service name=image
contribution configuration- 

page-service-encoder id=page extension=html
encoder id=image
implementation service- 

model=threaded /

-Mensaje original-
De: Ryan Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Miércoles, 16 de Agosto de 2006 03:57 p.m.
Para: Tapestry users
Asunto: Re: Unable to construct service

IIRC, the name of that service changed between Tapestry 4.0 and
4.0.1, but your stacktrace looks correct (well, as correct as a
stacktrace can be).

What versions of the following jars do you have:  tapestry, hivemind,
hivemind-lib and commons-fileupload?

Also, are you specifying a maximum upload size in your hivemodule.xml
file? It will look something like this:

   implementation service-


   model=threaded /

If so, copy and paste that into your response.


On Aug 16, 2006, at 7:26 AM, Andrés Nates wrote:

When I'm run de example of the component upload, this example has a
upload component for images (jpeg).  This is the error message

org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to
construct service
tapestry.multipart.ServletMultipartDecoder: Could not load class
org.apache.tapestry.multipart.MultipartDecoderImpl from
  delegate: false
-- Parent Classloader:
: org/apache/commons/fileupload/servlet/ServletFileUpload











Re: Best way to do Cookies in Tapestry 4 (full example)

2006-08-03 Thread Ryan Holmes

This is from an earlier post on the subject:

public abstract CookieSource getCookieSource();

and then:



getCookieSource().writeCookieValue(name, value);

Also, see the API docs at:


albartell wrote:

Jesse did a great work also this mailing list contains alot of help... 

I see everything Jesse and the other committers are doing and I greatly
appreciate it.  I know how thankless open source can be (and how little
assistance you actually get) because I have been there.  Hopefully my emails
come across as constructive as I hope for positive resolution.

With that said, let's see if we can come up with a solid way to do cookies
in T4 that can be added to the Tapestry documentation (instead of hidden in

Anybody want to start us out with a full example of how they do cookies in

Aaron Bartell

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Re: image service?

2006-06-11 Thread Ryan Holmes
This might help you with image resizing. It was built for a very 
specific purpose: take an input image, downsize it to fit a specified 
maximum width and output it as a JPEG. It could easily be extended to 
work with a maximum height as well (typical thumbnail bounding box 
approach). The useful thing in this code is that it demonstrates how to 
get good quality resized JPEG's (something people seem to have a lot of 
trouble with using awt imaging). This is the guts of the service with 
all the image processing code.

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;

import org.apache.tapestry.ApplicationRuntimeException;

public class ImageService {
   public static final float JPEG_COMPRESSION_RATIO = 0.90f;

   public static void saveConstrainedJpeg(InputStream input, int 
maxWidth, File outFile) {
   // Read source file into a BufferedImage.

   BufferedImage inputImage;
   try {
   inputImage =;
   } catch (IOException ex) {
   throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(Cannot read image 
file., ex);

   // Get input image width and height.

   int imgWidth = inputImage.getWidth();
   int imgHeight = inputImage.getHeight();
   // Write the original image if it is within the given constraints.

   if (imgWidth = maxWidth) {
   writeJpeg(inputImage, outFile);
   // Calculate new width and height;

   double factor = (double) maxWidth / imgWidth;
   int newWidth = (int) Math.round(factor * imgWidth);
   int newHeight = (int) Math.round(factor * imgHeight);
   // Create and save target image.
   BufferedImage target = new BufferedImage(newWidth, newHeight, 

   writeJpeg(resize(inputImage, target), outFile);
   private static BufferedImage resize(BufferedImage source, 
BufferedImage target) {

   Graphics2D g2 = target.createGraphics();

   double scalex = (double) target.getWidth() / source.getWidth();
   double scaley = (double) target.getHeight() / source.getHeight();
   AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scalex, 

   g2.drawRenderedImage(source, at);
   return target;

   private static void writeJpeg(BufferedImage image, File outFile) {
   // Find a jpeg writer.

   ImageWriter writer = null;
   Iterator iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByMIMEType(image/jpeg);
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
   writer = (ImageWriter);
   // Prepare the output file.

   ImageOutputStream ios = null;
   try {
   ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(outFile);
   } catch (IOException ex) {
   throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(Could not open file 
for output., ex);

   // Set the compression quality.

   ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
   // Write the image.

   try {
   writer.write(null, new IIOImage(image, null, null), param);
   } catch (IOException ex) {
   throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(Could not write image 
file., ex);



Henri Dupre wrote:

I seem to recall that quite a while ago someone was working on an image
I would need a service that allows to resize pictures (hopefully cache 

images). Has anyone developped such service?


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Re: conditional and nested ul and li tags

2006-06-11 Thread Ryan Holmes
First, you can't nest UL tags outside of LI tags. I'm sure most browsers 
will render it correctly, but a more strict parser (like the Tapestry 
page parser) will choke on it. Your HTML structure needs to be:

   liPost 1/li
   liPost 2
 liPost 2, Reply A/li
 liPost 2, Reply B
   liPost 2, Reply B, Reply i/li
   liPost 2, Reply B, Reply ii/li
 liPost 2, Reply C/li
  liPost 3/li

Second, in page and component specifications, binding values are assumed 
to be OGNL calls unless you specify a prefix (unlike templates, where 
values are assumed to be literal strings unless there is a prefix). So 
there are two ways to fix your Insert component:

component id=insertUlTag type=Insert
binding name=value value='ul'/
binding name=raw value=true/

-- or --

component id=insertUlTag type=Insert
binding name=value value=literal:ul/
binding name=raw value=true/

Note that the raw parameter is required to prevent Tapestry from 
escaping the HTML.

Last, you're probably looking for a recursive DisplayReplies component 
to walk the tree of replies and created nested UL's and LI's as needed. 
That's a little difficult to do in Tapestry because you can't create 
simple recursive components. In other words, you can't easily render 
(conditionally or otherwise) a component inside of itself without a 
getting a stack overflow exception. You have to use a trick involving 
Block and RenderBlock to get recursive behavior. If you're interested, I 
can post a tiny Tapestry app that demonstrates how to do this. It uses 
articles and comments rather than posts and replies, but it is a 
stripped down demo with one page and one component demonstrating what I 
think you are trying to do and nothing more (and it uses UL and LI tags).



I am trying to set up a page that has comments listed in a big list surrounded by ul tags. Under certains conditions, I want to nest more ul tags. Like this:ullithis is post 1/lilithis is post 2/liullithis is reply to post 2/lilithis is another reply to post 2/lilithis it yet an additional reply/liul
liAnd this is a reply to the one above/li/ulliThe last reply to post 2/li/ullithis is post 3/li/ulHowever, I run into problem in Tapestry when I try to do something like this:span jwcid=ifSomething/ul/spanTapestry complains that I am improperly nesting a /ul tag inside a span. One way I thought of getting arround this 
was to use an Insert so that the html would be:span jwcid=ifSomethingspan jwcid=insertUlTag//spanWhich sort of worked until I go to the page descriptor and I couldn't figure out how to put ul in the binding:component id=insertUlTag type=Insertbinding name=value value=ul/   /componentThe parser 
complained and using CDATA didn't help. So I ended up making a getUlOpenTag method on the java file for the page which return ul so then I had this:component id=insertUlOpenTag type=Insertbinding name=value value=ulOpenTag/  binding name=raw value=true/ /componentand that worked.But is there not an easier way? I 
actually ended up creating a new library that just had open and close HTML tags just for instances like this.Thanks
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Re: accessing page in a library

2006-06-11 Thread Ryan Holmes
What do you mean by a page of a library? If you're talking about 
accessing components in a component library, as far as I know you must 
specify the library in your .application file.


Norbert Sándor wrote:


How can I acces a page of a library, if the library is not defined in 
the .application file?


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Re: XMLHTTPRequest within tapestry

2006-06-01 Thread Ryan Holmes
Have you checked out DWR ( It might be a 
good fit for what you're trying to do and it's framework agnostic, so it 
will work fine with Tapestry 3. It's also pretty darn easy to use.


Peter Dawn wrote:

just tried to implement it now. the country list example runs fine.
but am not sure how should i go about with something simple like a
hello world or just displaying the contents of a dummy file. it might
sound a very simple thing, i guess i am trying to get the basics.

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Re: Issues with Label Components with Tapestry 4.0

2006-05-31 Thread Ryan Holmes
Your problem getting the span tag where you want it is due to how the 
FieldLabel component renders itself. Here's the relevant part of 

   delegate.writeLabelPrefix(field, writer, cycle);
   if (id != null)
   writer.attribute(for, id);
   delegate.writeLabelAttributes(writer, cycle, field);
   renderInformalParameters(writer, cycle);
   writer.print(displayName, getRaw());
   delegate.writeLabelSuffix(field, writer, cycle);

You could argue that writeLabelPrefix() and writeLabelSuffix() should 
both be inside the label tag (makes sense to me), but the current code 
is symmetrical and not necessarily wrong. Your best bet is probably to 
override the FieldLabel component with your own version that renders the 
delegate prefix and/or suffix inside the label tag. And I'm sure you 
won't hesitate to file a bug report if you  feel strongly about it ;)


Matt Raible wrote:

Matt Raible wrote:

Andreas Andreou wrote:

try component.getBinding(class)
if that's not null, do a getObject() on it

Thanks.  This works, but it also prints out duplicate class 

class=text large error class=text large

It'd be nice to have something like:

writer.appendAttribute(class, values to append);

Another question - it seems my full label and input is getting 
wrapped with

font color=red

Is there anyway to get rid of that?  It's problematic b/c the closing 
/font isn't getting rendered until right before /form.

Fixed this by using:

   public void writeLabelPrefix(IFormComponent component,
IMarkupWriter writer, IRequestCycle 
cycle) {
   // does nothing put prevent font color=red from getting 




Matt Raible wrote:

Hmmm, I'm guessing the answers to my questions below are no, this 
isn't possible. ;-)

Here's another question - is it possible in my custom Validator to 
get the existing CSS classes on a component?  For example, I 
currently have:

   public void writeLabelAttributes(IMarkupWriter writer, 
IRequestCycle cycle, IFormComponent component) {

   if (isInError(component)) {
   writer.attribute(class, error);

   public void writeAttributes(IMarkupWriter writer, IRequestCycle 
   IFormComponent component, IValidator 
validator) {

   if (isInError()) {
   writer.attribute(class, error);

But I'd prefer to have something like this:

   public void writeLabelAttributes(IMarkupWriter writer, 
IRequestCycle cycle, IFormComponent component) {

   if (isInError(component)) {
   writer.attribute(class, error  + 


   public void writeAttributes(IMarkupWriter writer, IRequestCycle 
   IFormComponent component, IValidator 
validator) {

   if (isInError()) {
   writer.attribute(class, error  + 


In other words, is there a method on component that allows me to 
get the current CSS classes?


Matt Raible wrote:

I have two different Label components I'm trying to create.
Issue #1
The first is a simple component (just a Label.jwc and Label.html 
file in WEB-INF) that writes a label.  I'd like to include the 
option to write a required indicator.  However, I'm having a 
difficult time retrieving a parameter's value.  Here's what I have 
so far:

component-specification allow-informal-parameters=yes
   parameter name=key required=yes/
   parameter name=class required=no/
   component id=label type=Any 


label jwcid=labelspan jwcid=@Insert 
value=ognl:getMessages().getMessage(key)/ div jwcid=@If 
condition=ognl:class == 'required'span class=req 

I'm pretty sure class won't work as a parameter name b/c I've 
seen a stacktrace using this already.  Regardless, let's pretend 
it does (I've tried using other names).  Here's the desired usage:

label class=required desc jwcid=@Label for=phoneNumber 
key=user.phoneNumberPhone Number/label produces:

label class=desc jwcid=@Label for=phoneNumberPhone 
Numberspan class=req */label

I'm fine with the result having class=required desc - I 
basically just need some indicator to show a field is required 
when I'm not wiring up it's input field as a component.

Issue #2
I'm overriding ValidationDelegate in order to add required field 
indicators.  I used to be pre-pending an asterisk to the beginning 
of the field, and I had that working.  Now I want to add span 
class=req to the end of the label before the /label shows 
up.  I'm using @FieldLabel and everything *almost* works. I've 
eliminating error styling in the class below so it's easier to read.

public class Validator extends