Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-25 Thread mvchris
Oh maan.  what an idiot.  That's a lesson in reading the stack trace
carefully.  Bad programmer.

On looking back at the last message, line 31 just had a loop


funnily enough as you suspected, the class name was not a
LibraryQueueMemberEvent.  It was a String from the database query return,
which is what I was checking for before I came to the list, half-gone-mad..

Thiago, I am sorry to have wasted your time in the end as it was not a
tapestry error.

Noted, re nabble and eating stuff.  I just stopped using a dedicated desktop
mail user agent and nabble seems like a good tool for browsing.  Might have
to re-work that workflow because I remember reading stripped
posts...frustrating thoughts...ah the karma

Kind Regards,

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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-22 Thread mvchris
Happy Friday Tapestry Users,

I've been stuck on this all week and really can't move because it's the last
part of my app :(
Then I'm done!!  But tapestry is not making it easy to finish.

My ValueEncoder is not getting recognised.

Here's a good summary of it.

1.  I use similar (if not the exact same) Object - T5 Page - T5 Template 
structure between 3 types of objects.

My objects are
  a)  CTIConfigurator
  b)  RTQProbe
  c)  LibraryQueueMemberEvent

And it works for a list of objects when all values in the DB are fetched
from business layer.  No need for a value encoder for the grid component on

The page class looks like this for all of these types

And template

And this works.

I then use the same thing for a different object.  Using the grid for all
results and it works.

My problem exists when I fetch from the business layer a subset of all
objects of this type, and I get the coercion exception.  I don't know why
because it is still a list of objects.

So I make a ValueEncoder for LibraryQueueMemberEvent

And my AppModule has this added to use my ValueEncoder.

It is my only contributedValueEncoder.

I'm still getting a coercion exception on a subset of all
LibraryQueueMemberEvent objects, which are returned from EJB as a list.

The ValueEncoder is declared in the page and template, but somehow not

The template

And the page class

There are no typos, I've gone over it with a fine toothed comb.
Help required :(

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Jumpstart - instantiate object comment

2013-02-22 Thread mvchris
Hi T5 Users and Jumpstart Geoff,

Whilst checking out some ValueEncoder stuff I just thought I'd ask seeing as
it gets brought up a lot  (Thiago/Taha) :)

This example on jumpstart [1] has two ValueEncoder instantiated at the
declaration of the field.  As I understand this is a no-no and should be in
either onActivate() or SetupRender().

Is this correct?

Another example [2] doesn't use the @Property annotation and just
instantiates the field if required on the getter - which would not raise any
blood pressures...

Have a good weekend!
Kind Regards,


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Re: PersistenceConstants.FLASH cann't persist ListString langs

2013-02-22 Thread mvchris
bit of a hack but can you put the list to a single string delimited by
control chars or caret ^
prior to form submission

then on rendering of 2nd page convert back from single string to list


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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-22 Thread mvchris
Hi Thiago,

Thanks for the response, I wasn't aware the Loop/Grid thing was a big issue
- with either template it had been the same, passing the ValueEncoder.

However, since tidying up and gaining a better understanding, the no
coercion exception only appears on a grid - I made all my pages as similar
as possible for this problem since the start of the week to nut it out - so
my question is - how do i know my ValueEncoder is registered with tapestry
or is passed to the grid - since it clearly exists and has been contribtued? 
It's as though tapestry can't find it with the gridand I'm passing it.

Now with the loop component:
Same page class as the last message posted, with this template below, yields
cannot cast exception that follows.
So has my ValueEncoder created the coercion between
String-LibraryQueueMemberEvent ?
Yet java can't cast between the two for a weird reason?

In one hand (a grid) my value encoder is not recognised, and in the other (a
loop) the coercion has been recognised but at some other level java can't
cast between the two?

With regards to the persistence provider, in this case EclipseLink in
Glassfish - I have no idea about returning a subclass.

The session bean method is

Are you saying you've seen Hibernate return a subclass of
LibraryQueueMemberEvent - and how do you overcome that sort of behaviour?

Thanks for your frustrated reply. I _really_ appreciate your eyeballs on
this thread despite what appears my chopping and changing between Loop/Grid.


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Re: Tapestry 5, Jetty 9 + JSW

2013-02-22 Thread mvchris
hi john,

the network engineer in me asks if there is a firewall or some other
impediment (like an OS level app-watching daemon that prevents programs from
opening ports etc.)?

is your request reaching the server if you run a network trace (like


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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-20 Thread mvchris
OK - I have some peculiar repeatable behaviour... (no use of value encoder
for testing and my findAll() works but smaller subset of results, still
ListLibraryEvent object used for source)

Whether I use a grid or a loop, my EJB findAll() method which returns all
records - it displays the records without a problem.
If I use my getDistinct() method, I get the no coercion error.

Both EJB  methods return ListLibraryEvent objects.

The findAll() returns 132 in the list, whereas the getDistinct() returns 3.
When calling findAll(), everything works.  getDistinct() though, no

Any thoughts?

Thanks a lot

Here is the top of the stacktrace, but it looks like a normal can't find
coercion message:

queue error in BeginRender[AgentStatusList:loop]: Failure writing parameter
'value' of component AgentStatusList:loop: Could not find a coercion from
type java.lang.String to type 
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException: Failure writing
parameter 'value' of component AgentStatusList:loop: Could not find a
coercion from type java.lang.String to type [at classpath:
au/com/mrvoip/libt5/pages/AgentStatusList.tml, line 15]  

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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-20 Thread mvchris
Noted the use of DefaultProvider where grid's is optional.
And yes, I remember reading a million times not to do what I posted - thanks
for highlighting that!

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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-20 Thread mvchris
Hi Thiago et al,

Sure can, what follows is the template, page class, session bean,
implementation and entity with named queries.
I discovered this behaviour when I ripped this stuff out into a side project
and made a mock list of objects to display...and it worked.  Note that there
are no complex types in the entity, all just String/Integer/Boolean.

No value encoder.
findAll() works.  Returns 132 objects in List.
getMostRecentDistinctByQueue() does not.  Returns 3 objects in List.

I've refactored from LibraryEvent to LibraryQueueMemberEvent overnight as I
work on other parts of the app.
Same exception(s)...

Here is AgentStatusList.tml using a loop

html t:type=layout title=About EventViewer

pAbout EventViewer application .../p


t:loop source=qmevents  value=qmevent




And here is the page class

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package org.opencsta.eventviewer.pages;

import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ValueEncoder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property;
import org.opencsta.eventviewer.encoders.LibraryQueueMemberEventEncoder;

 * @author chrismylonas
public class AgentStatusList {

private LibraryQueueMemberEventFacadeLocal queueMemberService;

private LibraryQueueMemberEvent qmevent;

//private LibraryQueueMemberEventEncoder lqmeEncoder ;

public ListLibraryQueueMemberEvent getQMEvents() {  
ListLibraryQueueMemberEvent a =
System.out.println(MYLO THE SIZE OF QMEVENTS IS  + a.size() );
return a;


This is using the Jumpstart method of getting the @EJB annotation to work. 
I have had success in using Lenny's Flowlogix library, I'm not at the stage
to incorporate it into my workflow for this project.

Here is the @Local session bean interface
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package org.opencsta.ctiserver.library.asterisk.managerevents.session;

import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Local;

 * @author chrismylonas
public interface LibraryQueueMemberEventFacadeLocal {

void create(LibraryQueueMemberEvent libraryQueueMemberEvent);

void edit(LibraryQueueMemberEvent libraryQueueMemberEvent);

void remove(LibraryQueueMemberEvent libraryQueueMemberEvent);

LibraryQueueMemberEvent find(Object id);

ListLibraryQueueMemberEvent findAll();

ListLibraryQueueMemberEvent findRange(int[] range);

int count();

public LibraryQueueMemberEvent getMostRecentByQueueNumberAndMember(
String queueNumber, String qMember);

public ListLibraryQueueMemberEvent getMostRecentDistinctByQueue(String

And the implementing class

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package org.opencsta.ctiserver.library.asterisk.managerevents.session;

import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.Query;

 * @author chrismylonas
public class LibraryQueueMemberEventFacade extends
AbstractFacadeLibraryQueueMemberEvent implements
LibraryQueueMemberEventFacadeLocal {

@PersistenceContext(unitName = InfrastructureEM)
private EntityManager em;

protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {
return em;

public LibraryQueueMemberEventFacade() {

public LibraryQueueMemberEvent
getMostRecentByQueueNumberAndMember(String queueNumber, String qMember) {
Query query =
return (LibraryQueueMemberEvent) query.getSingleResult();

Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-20 Thread mvchris
nabble ate my template, hopefully the raw tag works.

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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-20 Thread mvchris
I took it out when doing my side-project testing.

The findAll() works without a ValueEncoder, yet the other query does not.
Here is a ValueEncoder I have used but no luck.

Why does findAll() work without a value encoder and the other one doesn't?
This part seems irregular.

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package org.opencsta.eventviewer.encoders;

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ValueEncoder;

 * @author chrismylonas
public class LibraryQueueMemberEventEncoder implements
ValueEncoderFactoryLibraryQueueMemberEvent {

private LibraryQueueMemberEventFacadeLocal _libraryQueueMemberService;

public LibraryQueueMemberEventEncoder(LibraryQueueMemberEventFacadeLocal
qmService) {
this._libraryQueueMemberService = qmService;


public String toClient(LibraryQueueMemberEvent v) {
return String.valueOf(v.getId());

public LibraryQueueMemberEvent toValue(String id) {
return _libraryQueueMemberService.find(Long.valueOf(id));

public ValueEncoderLibraryQueueMemberEvent
create(ClassLibraryQueueMemberEvent type) {

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Re: 3 days of ValueEncoder-ing, no coercion found

2013-02-19 Thread mvchris
Thanks for the pointers Taha - interesting that those ValueEncoders have
slightly different behaviours depending 
Let me get some traces with a smaller sample project to try and help my

It's my first tapestry project in nearly a year!

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