Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-28 Thread Don Ryan

On 27 Jun 2008, at 21:57, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

Well, Insert is a terrible name :-)

There's already OutputText (for formatted output).  Perhaps  
FormatText would have been a better name in retrospect.

Haven't seen OutputText. It's not part of 5.0.13, is it? (Or am I  

In any case, my real interest here is in the scenario of wanting to  
restore previewability to templates that are currently functional but  
not fully previewable. (By virtue, perhaps, of having inherited  
Tapestry work from someone else or alternatively from having done  
some quick-and-dirty prototyping to get the initial project go- 
ahead.) Ideally, there should be a core component that serves as a  
one-to-one drop-in replacement for expansions. And, as such, it  
should be kept simple, pretty much in line with what an expansion  
does. You could even document it as the previewable version of an  
expansion. I think Text would be a good name for it, but that's just  
a suggestion. You essentially have it more-or-less written from an  
earlier post. And it would help maintain a symmetry between the  
previewable and non-previewable ways of instrumenting templates.


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Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-27 Thread Don Ryan

On 26 Jun 2008, at 23:31, Geoff Callender wrote:

Are you sure?  What about...
span t:type=output value=student.gradeA/span

The core Output component in T5 has a required format parameter, so  
the above will throw an exception. The Output component is useful for  
things like dates and interpolating values into messages, but a  
slightly bigger beast than I was talking about. I have a simpler Text  
component of my own but felt that at some stage I'll probably rip out  
all occurrences and replace with whatever the core T5 equivalent is.

Really there are 3 styles and I think the doco has slipped up on  
them.  Weren't these the terms being used a while back...

- Components as elements, eg. t:pagelink page=IndexHome/ 
- Embedded components, eg. a t:type=pagelink t:page=Index  

- Invisible instrumentation, eg.  a t:id=index href=#Home/a
@Component(id = index, parameters = {page=Index})
private PageLink _index;

I don't recall this three-way split being introduced. In fact, the  
second and third are, to my understanding, both examples of what has  
been termed invisible instrumentation. You can  add just a t:id or  
just a t:type or you can add both. In cases where you have added a  
t:id without the t:type, you must include the annotated field in the  
page class.

But really, my point here was to that I think the terminology needs  
to be improved, to help newcomers get to grips with the framework  
more quickly. (There's nothing like a slightly inaccurate piece of  
terminology to cause newbies to hit roadblocks.) I would contend that  
the above three terms are all quite poor:
Components as elements. Well, all components correspond to some  
element in the template, so this isn't being specific at all. The  
issue is whether they're Tapestry elements or HTML elements.
Embedded components. Embedded in what? The template? Then ditto as  
to the previous point.
Invisible instrumentation. As I pointed out in my previous post,  
both techniques for instrumenting a Tapestry template are invisible  
in a rendered browser view, so this is again a bad piece of terminology.

I think that the Component Templates page in the User's Guide could  
do with a re-write to reflect the two possible ways of instrumenting  
a template:

(i) Adding Tapestry elements
(ii) Adding attributes to HTML elements
These two terms are the best I can come up with to express the fact  
that there are two ways of doing it. (Maybe someone can be more  
succinct and accurate.) Also, I think this should be near the top of  
the Component Templates page, rather than explaining templates in  
terms of Tapestry elements and then have a quick oh, by the way,  
there's also another way of doing it... near the bottom. I'd be  
happy to contribute a draft.

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Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-27 Thread Don Ryan

On 26 Jun 2008, at 20:28, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

There's some gaps waiting to be filled (not abandoned, just  
prioritized a bit lower than more urgent bug fixes).

That's great to hear. Thanks.

If you want to use T4 style, how about:

t:output value=property/

public class Output {
  @Parameter (required=true)
  private String value;

  boolean beginRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
if (value != null) writer.write(value);

   return false;  // skip body

Thanks. I have a similar little component. As a total aside, I feel  
compelled to say that Output is a really terrible name for a  
component. Just about every component outputs something so the name  
is providing next-to-no information. (I called mine Text, by the way.)



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Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-27 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
Well, Insert is a terrible name :-)

There's already OutputText (for formatted output).  Perhaps FormatText
would have been a better name in retrospect.

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Don Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 26 Jun 2008, at 20:28, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

 There's some gaps waiting to be filled (not abandoned, just prioritized a
 bit lower than more urgent bug fixes).

 That's great to hear. Thanks.

 If you want to use T4 style, how about:

 t:output value=property/

 public class Output {
  @Parameter (required=true)
  private String value;

  boolean beginRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
if (value != null) writer.write(value);

   return false;  // skip body

 Thanks. I have a similar little component. As a total aside, I feel
 compelled to say that Output is a really terrible name for a component. Just
 about every component outputs something so the name is providing next-to-no
 information. (I called mine Text, by the way.)



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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-27 Thread Geoff Callender


You're right about there being only a two-way split.  I've looked in  
the archives and found as long ago as 2002 Howard described invisible  
instrumentation as being a term for how Tapestry HTML  templates  
maintain WYSIWYG editor compatibility.  So, as you say, my 2nd and  
3rd styles are both examples of invisible instrumentation.

Regarding embedded components, I'd offer the suggestion that we can  
think of invisible instrumentation as being achieved by embedding  
components in regular HTML elements.  Tapestry recognises the embedded  
component at runtime by the presence of a namespaced type or id  
attribute, eg. t:type=foo,  and/or t:id=bar.  I dunno, maybe  
embedding is ambiguous.


On 28/06/2008, at 2:59 AM, Don Ryan wrote:

On 26 Jun 2008, at 23:31, Geoff Callender wrote:


Really there are 3 styles and I think the doco has slipped up on  
them.  Weren't these the terms being used a while back...

- Components as elements, eg. t:pagelink page=IndexHome/ 
- Embedded components, eg. a t:type=pagelink t:page=Index  

- Invisible instrumentation, eg.  a t:id=index href=#Home/a
@Component(id = index, parameters = {page=Index})
private PageLink _index;

I don't recall this three-way split being introduced. In fact, the  
second and third are, to my understanding, both examples of what has  
been termed invisible instrumentation. You can  add just a t:id or  
just a t:type or you can add both. In cases where you have added a  
t:id without the t:type, you must include the annotated field in the  
page class.

But really, my point here was to that I think the terminology needs  
to be improved, to help newcomers get to grips with the framework  
more quickly. (There's nothing like a slightly inaccurate piece of  
terminology to cause newbies to hit roadblocks.) I would contend  
that the above three terms are all quite poor:
Components as elements. Well, all components correspond to some  
element in the template, so this isn't being specific at all. The  
issue is whether they're Tapestry elements or HTML elements.
Embedded components. Embedded in what? The template? Then ditto as  
to the previous point.
Invisible instrumentation. As I pointed out in my previous post,  
both techniques for instrumenting a Tapestry template are invisible  
in a rendered browser view, so this is again a bad piece of  

I think that the Component Templates page in the User's Guide could  
do with a re-write to reflect the two possible ways of instrumenting  
a template:

(i) Adding Tapestry elements
(ii) Adding attributes to HTML elements
These two terms are the best I can come up with to express the fact  
that there are two ways of doing it. (Maybe someone can be more  
succinct and accurate.) Also, I think this should be near the top of  
the Component Templates page, rather than explaining templates in  
terms of Tapestry elements and then have a quick oh, by the way,  
there's also another way of doing it... near the bottom. I'd be  
happy to contribute a draft.

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[T5] Template previewability

2008-06-26 Thread Don Ryan
[I'm picking up where I left off on another thread here, namely the  
thread with subject New website using T5: My  
rationale for wanting this is given there.]

Does anyone know if there are plans to restore the previewability of  
T5 templates to something akin to what existed in T3 and T4? Some of  
the gaps can be tackled by writing your own components, but that  
doesn't get you all the way there and I'd prefer not to litter my  
stuff with custom components if there are going to be core components  
and other mechanisms added subsequently to cater for this.  
Specifically, I'm thinking of things like the following.

(i) Expansions. As the User's Guide section on templates points out:  
Tapestry 4 users will note that expansions are a concise, easy  
replacement for the Insert component, and for the span key=...  
directive. They are indeed. They are also not previewable. And I'm  
not just talking about the fact that you'll have an expression-like  
string instead of a sample-text string. If, for example, you had a  
column in a table for the grade achieved by a student, the values in  
this column will be single letters (A, B, etc.). Almost any  
expression used in the expansion is likely to be much longer than  
this and will probably throw the alignment of the (carefully  
designed) table way off. Also, is there a previewable way to  
internationalize a template in core T5 at the moment? (I haven't  
spotted one myself, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)

(ii) An equivalent of jwcid=$remove$. Yes, you can use t5components/ 
Remove or write your own Remove that short-circuits at beginRender(),  
but conceptually a component shouldn't be instantiated at all in this  
case. The parser should just be discarding such template sections. A  
designer cannot design a repeating construct without seeing several  
of them stacked on top of each other. If that's to survive in the  
template, some such mechanism is needed. Also, it's worth pointing  
out that the move to initiate a T5 FAQ led to discussions that were  
in large part about things like $content$ and $remove$, discussions  
which subsequently trailed off inconclusively. So there does seem to  
be some confusion about where T5 is ultimately headed on this.

(iii) A key aspect of previewability is the ability to provide a  
static attribute value in the template and have it overwritten at  
runtime. T5, in my experience, has taken a step back in this regard.  
For example, I wanted to make a CSS class attribute dynamic, so I put  
in a static value (to make the template look right) and an informal  
parameter to overwrite it:

td t:type=any class=static_value t:class=prop:cssClass
This didn't work. The static value remained, regardless of the value  
of the cssClass property. Once I deleted the static value from the  
template, it worked. However, doing so clearly diminishes  

(iv) [This one isn't a showstopper, but I'll mention it anyway.] The  
Tapestry 5 documentation introduces the term invisible  
instrumentation, but this is clearly a misnomer. The real dichotomy  
in instrumenting a Tapestry template is between

(a) Using Tapestry elements
(b) Attributing standard HTML elements
Tapestry elements are typically invisible in a rendered browser view  
of the template (just as much as namespaced attributes are) so it's  
not a good way of attempting to characterize the distinction between  
the two approaches to label one of them as invisible  
instrumentation. It would seem to me that this will only cause  
confusion to newcomers.
In relation to the T4-style attributing of HTML elements, some things  
have fallen back a little, specifically on the conciseness front. For  
example, in T4, I would typically avoid introducing extraneous levels  
of nesting in a template by attributing an existing tag whenever  
possible. So if the content of a table cell was conditional, I could  
attribute the td element to be an If component:

td jwcid=fooShould only appear sometimes/td
I could then control whether or not the td tag itself rendered by  
using the renderTags parameter to the If component. With the T5 If  
component, this is not possible, so the simplest thing is to just  
wrap the contents of the cell either in a t:if/t:if or a span  
t:type=if/span. Not a big deal but it is an extra level of  
nesting than was previously required. And conciseness is one of the  
reasons that some people (myself included) find the attributing of  
HTML elements approach to be so appealing.

Lastly, anyone that replies to say I don't miss previewability is  
missing the point. If your work practices dictate that it's not  
something you miss, good for you. For others, it's a big deal. It  
would seem to me that with a small amount of work, previewability  
could be restored to roughly where it was in T3/T4, which would be of  
great benefit to people whose work practices were greatly facilitated  
by said 

Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-26 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
You are correct, previewability isn't quite the same in T5 as in T4.
There's some gaps waiting to be filled (not abandoned, just
prioritized a bit lower than more urgent bug fixes).

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Don Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [I'm picking up where I left off on another thread here, namely the thread
 with subject New website using T5: My rationale for
 wanting this is given there.]

 Does anyone know if there are plans to restore the previewability of T5
 templates to something akin to what existed in T3 and T4? Some of the gaps
 can be tackled by writing your own components, but that doesn't get you all
 the way there and I'd prefer not to litter my stuff with custom components
 if there are going to be core components and other mechanisms added
 subsequently to cater for this. Specifically, I'm thinking of things like
 the following.

 (i) Expansions. As the User's Guide section on templates points out:
 Tapestry 4 users will note that expansions are a concise, easy replacement
 for the Insert component, and for the span key=... directive. They are
 indeed. They are also not previewable. And I'm not just talking about the
 fact that you'll have an expression-like string instead of a sample-text
 string. If, for example, you had a column in a table for the grade achieved
 by a student, the values in this column will be single letters (A, B, etc.).
 Almost any expression used in the expansion is likely to be much longer than
 this and will probably throw the alignment of the (carefully designed) table
 way off. Also, is there a previewable way to internationalize a template in
 core T5 at the moment? (I haven't spotted one myself, but that doesn't mean
 it doesn't exist.)

There's a tension between having the framework include every possible
thing, and letting people roll thier own custom solutions.

If you want to use T4 style, how about:

t:output value=property/

public class Output {
  @Parameter (required=true)
  private String value;

  boolean beginRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
if (value != null) writer.write(value);

   return false;  // skip body

This could be dressed up a bit to emulated an element and informal
parameters pretty easily.

In terms of localization, you can use:



t:output value=message:localized-key/

 (ii) An equivalent of jwcid=$remove$. Yes, you can use t5components/Remove
 or write your own Remove that short-circuits at beginRender(), but
 conceptually a component shouldn't be instantiated at all in this case. The
 parser should just be discarding such template sections. A designer cannot
 design a repeating construct without seeing several of them stacked on top
 of each other. If that's to survive in the template, some such mechanism is
 needed. Also, it's worth pointing out that the move to initiate a T5 FAQ led
 to discussions that were in large part about things like $content$ and
 $remove$, discussions which subsequently trailed off inconclusively. So
 there does seem to be some confusion about where T5 is ultimately headed on

 (iii) A key aspect of previewability is the ability to provide a static
 attribute value in the template and have it overwritten at runtime. T5, in
 my experience, has taken a step back in this regard. For example, I wanted
 to make a CSS class attribute dynamic, so I put in a static value (to make
 the template look right) and an informal parameter to overwrite it:
 td t:type=any class=static_value t:class=prop:cssClass
 This didn't work. The static value remained, regardless of the value of the
 cssClass property. Once I deleted the static value from the template, it
 worked. However, doing so clearly diminishes previewability.

Interesting idea; we could change it so that attributes in the
Tapestry namespace override other attributes with the same name (case

 (iv) [This one isn't a showstopper, but I'll mention it anyway.] The
 Tapestry 5 documentation introduces the term invisible instrumentation,
 but this is clearly a misnomer. The real dichotomy in instrumenting a
 Tapestry template is between
 (a) Using Tapestry elements
 (b) Attributing standard HTML elements
 Tapestry elements are typically invisible in a rendered browser view of the
 template (just as much as namespaced attributes are) so it's not a good way
 of attempting to characterize the distinction between the two approaches to
 label one of them as invisible instrumentation. It would seem to me that
 this will only cause confusion to newcomers.
 In relation to the T4-style attributing of HTML elements, some things have
 fallen back a little, specifically on the conciseness front. For example, in
 T4, I would typically avoid introducing extraneous levels of nesting in a
 template by attributing an existing tag whenever possible. So if the content
 of a table cell was conditional, I could attribute the td element to be an
 If component:
 td jwcid=fooShould only appear 

Re: [T5] Template previewability

2008-06-26 Thread Geoff Callender
(i) Expansions. As the User's Guide section on templates points out:  
Tapestry 4 users will note that expansions are a concise, easy  
replacement for the Insert component, and for the span key=...  
directive. They are indeed. They are also not previewable. And I'm  
not just talking about the fact that you'll have an expression-like  
string instead of a sample-text string. If, for example, you had a  
column in a table for the grade achieved by a student, the values in  
this column will be single letters (A, B, etc.). Almost any  
expression used in the expansion is likely to be much longer than  
this and will probably throw the alignment of the (carefully  
designed) table way off. Also, is there a previewable way to  
internationalize a template in core T5 at the moment? (I haven't  
spotted one myself, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)

Are you sure?  What about...
span t:type=output value=student.gradeA/span

(ii) An equivalent of jwcid=$remove$. Yes, you can use  
t5components/Remove or write your own Remove that short-circuits at  
beginRender(), but conceptually a component shouldn't be  
instantiated at all in this case. The parser should just be  
discarding such template sections. A designer cannot design a  
repeating construct without seeing several of them stacked on top of  
each other. If that's to survive in the template, some such  
mechanism is needed. Also, it's worth pointing out that the move to  
initiate a T5 FAQ led to discussions that were in large part about  
things like $content$ and $remove$, discussions which subsequently  
trailed off inconclusively. So there does seem to be some confusion  
about where T5 is ultimately headed on this.

Agreed.  Should be a directive so that it doesn't have to obey the  
matching tags rules.

(iii) A key aspect of previewability is the ability to provide a  
static attribute value in the template and have it overwritten at  
runtime. T5, in my experience, has taken a step back in this regard.  
For example, I wanted to make a CSS class attribute dynamic, so I  
put in a static value (to make the template look right) and an  
informal parameter to overwrite it:

td t:type=any class=static_value t:class=prop:cssClass
This didn't work. The static value remained, regardless of the value  
of the cssClass property. Once I deleted the static value from the  
template, it worked. However, doing so clearly diminishes  

(iv) [This one isn't a showstopper, but I'll mention it anyway.] The  
Tapestry 5 documentation introduces the term invisible  
instrumentation, but this is clearly a misnomer. The real dichotomy  
in instrumenting a Tapestry template is between

(a) Using Tapestry elements
(b) Attributing standard HTML elements
Tapestry elements are typically invisible in a rendered browser view  
of the template (just as much as namespaced attributes are) so it's  
not a good way of attempting to characterize the distinction between  
the two approaches to label one of them as invisible  
instrumentation. It would seem to me that this will only cause  
confusion to newcomers.

Really there are 3 styles and I think the doco has slipped up on  
them.  Weren't these the terms being used a while back...

- Components as elements, eg. t:pagelink page=IndexHome/t:pagelink
- Embedded components, eg. a t:type=pagelink t:page=Index  

- Invisible instrumentation, eg.  a t:id=index href=#Home/a
@Component(id = index, parameters = {page=Index})
private PageLink _index;

In relation to the T4-style attributing of HTML elements, some  
things have fallen back a little, specifically on the conciseness  
front. For example, in T4, I would typically avoid introducing  
extraneous levels of nesting in a template by attributing an  
existing tag whenever possible. So if the content of a table cell  
was conditional, I could attribute the td element to be an If  

td jwcid=fooShould only appear sometimes/td
I could then control whether or not the td tag itself rendered by  
using the renderTags parameter to the If component. With the T5 If  
component, this is not possible, so the simplest thing is to just  
wrap the contents of the cell either in a t:if/t:if or a span  
t:type=if/span. Not a big deal but it is an extra level of  
nesting than was previously required. And conciseness is one of the  
reasons that some people (myself included) find the attributing of  
HTML elements approach to be so appealing.

Lastly, anyone that replies to say I don't miss previewability is  
missing the point. If your work practices dictate that it's not  
something you miss, good for you. For others, it's a big deal. It  
would seem to me that with a small amount of work, previewability  
could be restored to roughly where it was in T3/T4, which would be  
of great benefit to people whose work practices were greatly  
facilitated by said previewability. This