Re: T5's Ajax/Zone implementation has substantial limitations

2009-01-12 Thread Peter Stavrinides
Is there a Jira for this to vote on?

- Original Message -
From: Chuck Kring
To: Tapestry users
Sent: Thursday, 8 January, 2009 7:25:47 PM GMT +02:00 Athens, Beirut, 
Bucharest, Istanbul
Subject: Re: T5's Ajax/Zone implementation has substantial limitations

I think it's important to separate the core tapestry zone infrastructure 
from the Javascript zone wrappers.  I have a lot of Ajax in my 
application - it's a systems management console /dashboard - and pretty 
early on I decided to use the Tapestry zone Javascript as template and 
use my own javascript against the standard tapestry core.I do things 
like update zones from a Javascript poller (calling an actionlink from a 
Javascript function) and updating multiple zones with one server call 
(the JSON key is not contents but there are several objects keyed by 
the zone name).

Given a suitable Tapestry JSON layer, I believe that zones should be 
handled as a component library issue. 

My main issue with the T5 zone is is the need to instantiate all 
components in the template.  In general, this is an example of the 
dynamic rendering issue that comes up occasionally.  I should NOT have 
to put all possible components into my template a-priori.  In my case, I 
have a number of alarm conditions that require user input and use AJAX 
components in a div provide condition-based user response.  Right now 
it's a pain to add components to the template for the 10 user conditions 
I current have, but what happens over time when I have 100's of possible 
user responses. 

In other words,  I agree with Francois to a point.  I think Tapestry5 
was designed to render pages and doesn't naturally handle dynamic 
updates.  That paradigm works well for rendered pages but should be 
relaxed for components rendered via JSON XHR requests.   If I have a div 
in the template and want to change the contents T5 should let me drop in 
any component I want even it it hasn't been defined in the template.

Another area where zones break is in embedded forms and form support.  
I'd love to be able to register a component with a form, drop it into 
the page, then later deregister the component and put in another. 

I'm summary, I think zones need:

1) JSON components returned via XHR should have their own render cycle 
and should not have to be defined in the template
2) API support to 'register' a component with a form, then to deregister 
if when that component is replace.

3) A stable JSON/XHR interface in Tapestry core that will allow 
component developers to create zone-like components that do things like 
update cells in grids,  extend forms based upon a select, etc. 


Chuck Kring

Francois Armand wrote:
 Avi Cherry wrote:
 First off, I want to say that I'm a huge supporter, advocate (and 
 long time user) of Tapestry, particularly T5.
 Hello Avi,

 [...] a lot of intersting things

 To be honest, the Ajax support on Tapestry 5 is one of the rare things 
 that seems to be not _just_rigth_ on the framework, as if it has been 
 an afterthougth (one of the other is the four types of 
 translator/encoder, but that's for an other thread).

 So, thank you for having some time to start this thread. My personal 
 experience is rather similar than yours: Tapestry component 
 abstraction seems to leak with Ajax (perhaps it's the price for T5 
 component not being fully statefull, and perhaps it's better like 
 that). As soon as you want to do Ajaxified components, you have to 
 take care by hand to a lot of more things than for normal request: 
 component id and id availability (you are not in a standards Render 
 cycle, ids are not available), you must differentiate normal/xhr 
 request on event handler, you must enforce component bounds...

 Now, what can we actually purpose ?
 You're approach (a component return null on XHR = refresh himself, 
 return a component on XHR = refresh this component) seems to me more 
 consistent with T5. But it seems to be a major evolution, the kind 
 that will be difficult to sell along with easy update of T5. Moreover, 
 as you said, it's likelly that somewhere, the full dom tree will have 
 to be build, and it seems not really efficient.
 And finally, it's too late for Tapestry 5.0 final.

 So, for now, what I REALLY need and want with priority #1 is a lot of 
 documentation on how using AJAX with T5 the right way: general 
 pifalls to avoid, what information are available (state of the server 
 view of the DOM on XHR, etc), what are all the differences with normal 
 request (you don't have access to a bunch of things), etc.

 And for the long run, yes, perhaps we have to see how to make AJAX 
 simpler. Perhaps just a different handler naming convention for xhr 
 would be a good start, as they are actually differents 
 (onMyeventFromComponent and onXhrMyeventFromComponent ? So that user 
 would have to really take care of the two case

Re: T5's Ajax/Zone implementation has substantial limitations

2009-01-12 Thread Borut Bolčina

2009/1/7 Francois Armand

 So, for now, what I REALLY need and want with priority #1 is a lot of
 documentation on how using AJAX with T5 the right way: general pifalls to
 avoid, what information are available (state of the server view of the DOM
 on XHR, etc), what are all the differences with normal request (you don't
 have access to a bunch of things), etc.

and several small EXAMPLES with comments/explanations that should be
available in a Ajax tutorial. Right now, one must hunt for the T5 projects
available on the net, download and examine them. Some of them you will find
outdated and for none of them one can not be sure if they are done the
right way. Can a list of such educational examples be made in a new thread?


Re: T5's Ajax/Zone implementation has substantial limitations

2009-01-08 Thread Chuck Kring
I think it's important to separate the core tapestry zone infrastructure 
from the Javascript zone wrappers.  I have a lot of Ajax in my 
application - it's a systems management console /dashboard - and pretty 
early on I decided to use the Tapestry zone Javascript as template and 
use my own javascript against the standard tapestry core.I do things 
like update zones from a Javascript poller (calling an actionlink from a 
Javascript function) and updating multiple zones with one server call 
(the JSON key is not contents but there are several objects keyed by 
the zone name).

Given a suitable Tapestry JSON layer, I believe that zones should be 
handled as a component library issue. 

My main issue with the T5 zone is is the need to instantiate all 
components in the template.  In general, this is an example of the 
dynamic rendering issue that comes up occasionally.  I should NOT have 
to put all possible components into my template a-priori.  In my case, I 
have a number of alarm conditions that require user input and use AJAX 
components in a div provide condition-based user response.  Right now 
it's a pain to add components to the template for the 10 user conditions 
I current have, but what happens over time when I have 100's of possible 
user responses. 

In other words,  I agree with Francois to a point.  I think Tapestry5 
was designed to render pages and doesn't naturally handle dynamic 
updates.  That paradigm works well for rendered pages but should be 
relaxed for components rendered via JSON XHR requests.   If I have a div 
in the template and want to change the contents T5 should let me drop in 
any component I want even it it hasn't been defined in the template.

Another area where zones break is in embedded forms and form support.  
I'd love to be able to register a component with a form, drop it into 
the page, then later deregister the component and put in another. 

I'm summary, I think zones need:

1) JSON components returned via XHR should have their own render cycle 
and should not have to be defined in the template

2) API support to 'register' a component with a form, then to deregister 
if when that component is replace.

3) A stable JSON/XHR interface in Tapestry core that will allow 
component developers to create zone-like components that do things like 
update cells in grids,  extend forms based upon a select, etc. 


Chuck Kring

Francois Armand wrote:

Avi Cherry wrote:
First off, I want to say that I'm a huge supporter, advocate (and 
long time user) of Tapestry, particularly T5.

Hello Avi,

[...] a lot of intersting things

To be honest, the Ajax support on Tapestry 5 is one of the rare things 
that seems to be not _just_rigth_ on the framework, as if it has been 
an afterthougth (one of the other is the four types of 
translator/encoder, but that's for an other thread).

So, thank you for having some time to start this thread. My personal 
experience is rather similar than yours: Tapestry component 
abstraction seems to leak with Ajax (perhaps it's the price for T5 
component not being fully statefull, and perhaps it's better like 
that). As soon as you want to do Ajaxified components, you have to 
take care by hand to a lot of more things than for normal request: 
component id and id availability (you are not in a standards Render 
cycle, ids are not available), you must differentiate normal/xhr 
request on event handler, you must enforce component bounds...

Now, what can we actually purpose ?
You're approach (a component return null on XHR = refresh himself, 
return a component on XHR = refresh this component) seems to me more 
consistent with T5. But it seems to be a major evolution, the kind 
that will be difficult to sell along with easy update of T5. Moreover, 
as you said, it's likelly that somewhere, the full dom tree will have 
to be build, and it seems not really efficient.

And finally, it's too late for Tapestry 5.0 final.

So, for now, what I REALLY need and want with priority #1 is a lot of 
documentation on how using AJAX with T5 the right way: general 
pifalls to avoid, what information are available (state of the server 
view of the DOM on XHR, etc), what are all the differences with normal 
request (you don't have access to a bunch of things), etc.

And for the long run, yes, perhaps we have to see how to make AJAX 
simpler. Perhaps just a different handler naming convention for xhr 
would be a good start, as they are actually differents 
(onMyeventFromComponent and onXhrMyeventFromComponent ? So that user 
would have to really take care of the two case ?)

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Re: T5's Ajax/Zone implementation has substantial limitations

2009-01-07 Thread Francois Armand

Avi Cherry wrote:
First off, I want to say that I'm a huge supporter, advocate (and long 
time user) of Tapestry, particularly T5.

Hello Avi,

[...] a lot of intersting things

To be honest, the Ajax support on Tapestry 5 is one of the rare things 
that seems to be not _just_rigth_ on the framework, as if it has been an 
afterthougth (one of the other is the four types of translator/encoder, 
but that's for an other thread).

So, thank you for having some time to start this thread. My personal 
experience is rather similar than yours: Tapestry component abstraction 
seems to leak with Ajax (perhaps it's the price for T5 component not 
being fully statefull, and perhaps it's better like that). As soon as 
you want to do Ajaxified components, you have to take care by hand to 
a lot of more things than for normal request: component id and id 
availability (you are not in a standards Render cycle, ids are not 
available), you must differentiate normal/xhr request on event handler, 
you must enforce component bounds...

Now, what can we actually purpose ?
You're approach (a component return null on XHR = refresh himself, 
return a component on XHR = refresh this component) seems to me more 
consistent with T5. But it seems to be a major evolution, the kind that 
will be difficult to sell along with easy update of T5. Moreover, as you 
said, it's likelly that somewhere, the full dom tree will have to be 
build, and it seems not really efficient.

And finally, it's too late for Tapestry 5.0 final.

So, for now, what I REALLY need and want with priority #1 is a lot of 
documentation on how using AJAX with T5 the right way: general pifalls 
to avoid, what information are available (state of the server view of 
the DOM on XHR, etc), what are all the differences with normal request 
(you don't have access to a bunch of things), etc.

And for the long run, yes, perhaps we have to see how to make AJAX 
simpler. Perhaps just a different handler naming convention for xhr 
would be a good start, as they are actually differents 
(onMyeventFromComponent and onXhrMyeventFromComponent ? So that user 
would have to really take care of the two case ?)

Francois Armand
Etudes  Développements J2EE
Groupe Linagora -
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28
InterLDAP - 
FederID -

Open Source identities management and federation

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Re: T5's Ajax/Zone implementation has substantial limitations

2009-01-07 Thread Robert Binna

Hi Avi!

First I've to say I really like tapestry 5 and its huge improvements  
over T4. Most of all the live class reloading!

At the moment I am trying to do an integration of T5 with extjs. Till  
now it seems to go quite good.
I can render ext components over to the client use informal parameters  
on them and use the inheritance of components to do in a very lean way.

Some days ago I started with the AJAX part. So first thing I needed  
was the use of tapestry event handlers to add client side event.
Things are going quite well, now I am at the point  where I add an  
@OnEvent annotation or have an event listener method signature  
(on) the event handler is added on the fly to the client side  

But now I am at the point where I am fiddling arround with updates to  
the client side. For me the easiest thing would be to get the output  
of a specific rendered component, which is nothing different than some  
json objects that
I can integrate into my return value (which is again a json object).  
With this approach. Several components could get updated, added or any  
other operation executed on the client. This would be all I need for  
ajax (as far as i can consider now).

Has someone an idea if this is already possible and how this could get  
achieved, or if the approach is not useful at all?

Kind regards,

Am 07.01.2009 um 03:05 schrieb Avi Cherry:

First off, I want to say that I'm a huge supporter, advocate (and  
long time user) of Tapestry, particularly T5.

Secondly, I'd like to say that I hope this can be the start of a  
rational discussion about the merits and limitations of the current  
'Zone' approach as well as possible ways to improve the model.

Finally, I'm hoping that Howard, if available, would be able to  
comment on some of this so that the current design's goals could be  
more apparent as well as future plans for Ajax support.

So, the approach that T5 has now for implementing ajax requests and  
zones is as follows:

A XHR is made to the server, triggering an event.  The event  
optionally returns a reference to a component that gets rendered  
(more or less) in isolation, turned into a JSON message and returned  
to the client.  On the client, the contents of the zone specified by  
the form or link is replaced by the 'content' portion of the JSON  
reply payload.  If no component is returned, the target zone is  

So broken down, this approach has the following characteristics:

1) The content returned to client can be dynamically chosen by the  
event handler.
2) The target 'zone' for any form/link is static, so any link or  
form can only ever update the same zone, regardless of the results  
of the event.  I believe the zone a link is bound to -can- be  
changed on the client, but only -before- a request is made, not as  
the result of an event.  It cannot be changed based on the results  
of an event on the server.

3) Only a single zone can be updated in any one request
4) A component being rendered within a zone can easily be in an  
inconsistent state, since surrounding components may or may not have  
been rendered, depending on where the 'zone' is placed.
5) Relying on the state of a component while it's handling an event  
is essentially impossible unless its state at rendering is  
serialized.  This, I believe, can only be done if the component is  
inside of a Form.  I believe this is an inherent limitation of  
Tapestry's event handling and not specific to the Ajax support, but  
I still believe that this is a severe 'leak' in the abstraction that  
Tapestry attempts to provide.

Characteristic #1 seems okay to me, but -nearly- all of the time, I  
have found that I want a component to re-render in place, rather  
than to replace the content inside of the zone with a different  
component.  The remaining characteristics each provide particular  
roadblocks when attempting to to use AJAX in otherwise common  

Characteristic #2 is a problem.  Going back to #1, I would nearly  
always find it more useful to be able to specify in the event  
handler where on the page I want components to re-render  
themselves, rather than what component I want to insert into the  
position specified by the zone.

A combination of #1 and #2 together provide a rather different  
behavior of event handlers depending on if they're XHR or not.   
Making them behave exactly the same is clearly not possible, but I  
see there as being a fairly major discrepancy between the two:
When a page handling a standard request event wants to merely  
refresh the page, it can either return null or have a method with a  
void return value.  A component that handles an event can  
additionally achieve a content refresh by returning null or void  
from the event handler method.  The component does NOT have to have  
any knowledge of the page that it is inside in order to re-fresh the  
contents of that page.
When a page