Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, better)

2008-06-25 Thread grashopper

Corin Lawson wrote:
 But it gave me another idea to free my code from getCurrentZoneId method.
 I am now significantly satisfied with the following solution. It makes for
 one very lean POJO.

But in cases like mine, where the zone comes after the links in the markup
(which should be a quite common case) - the problem sadly remains, since the
name of the zone can't be determined before rendering it :-(
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Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, better)

2008-02-14 Thread Hugo Palma
No problem, just glad i could help :o)

Regarding the component prefix, have you tried using it ? Because it
really is just what that line says. You just have to provide the id of a
component and the expression will resolve to the component instance.

t:pagelink t:id=mypagelink page=StartHome/t:pagelink

t:delegate to=component:mypagelink/

This would render the pagelink component twice.

Corin Lawson wrote:

 Sorry, I overlooked that one ... I'm just a noob :P

 Thanks for sharing HugoPalma.

 All that I want now is the ability do away with the currentZoneId property.
 Could someone explain the component prefix of a binding expression. The
 Component Parameters page of the tapestry-core guide simply says:

 'The id of another component within the same template'

 Could someone provide an example of how it's used?

 HugoPalma wrote:
 Regarding your request for the event attribute in ActionLink. Doesn't
 the component EventLink solve your problem ?

 Corin Lawson wrote:
 Hi All,

 I admire Travis' ambition, but he's forgetting an ancient programming
 be lazy! By that I mean there no need to implement your own Zone
 (or sub-component). I actually got this to work, but I'm not %100

 So the id attribute of zone doesn't allow property expansion; don't
 use the default. The Loop component does 'unique-ify' the ids in a
 predictable manner, so let's take advantage of that! All we need is a
 to compute what the zone id is expected to be for that iteration. This
 be possible with render variables, if it weren't the fact that the second
 iteration starts at zero!

 .tml snippet:
 t:loop t:source=... t:index=currentIndex t:value=currentValue
 t:zone t:id=myZone...${currentValue}.../t:zone
 t:actionlink t:id=myAction t:zone=prop:currentZoneId

 .java snippet:
 private Zone _myZone;

 private int _currentIndex; // Getters and Setters...
 private Object _currentValue; // Getters and Setters...

 public String getCurrentZoneId() {
 if(_currentIndex == 0)
 return myZone;
 return myZone_ + (_currentIndex - 1);

 Object onAction(_currentValue) {
 return _myZone;

 Note that it is important to pass the currentValue through the context
 because I have used it's value inside the zone. Any property expansion
 inside the zone needs to passed through the context otherwise Tapestry
 more specifically the Zone component) doesn't know what iteration it is.


  (*) We are stuck with Loop's unique-ifation.
  (*) We must use the generic onAction event handler (unless the OnEvent
 annotation does property expansion in the component attribute(?))
  (*) Don't go crazy with the currentValue, stick to the primitives.
 said that you can always pass the currentIndex through the context and
 that to set the currentValue.

 There is a work-around these limitations. If with define an upper limit
 the size of the Loop's source list (not an unreasonable thing to do) then
 could ditch the context and be verbose to the event handler methods like

 Object onActionFromMyAction() {
 _currentIndex = 0;
 _currentValue = ...;
 return _myZone;

 Object onActionFromMyAction_0() {
 _currentIndex = 1;
 _currentValue = ...;
 return _myZone;

 Object onActionFromMyAction_1() {
 _currentIndex = 2;
 _currentValue = ...;
 return _myZone;


 In fact, it would be a fairly simple task to do this with java
 instrumentation. It would be even better to have a event type attribute
 ActionLink, so that we can specify something other than action, like:

 Object onMyEventFromMyLink(currentIndex) {
 return _myZone;

 Dear Commiters, please add an event attribute to ActionLink.


 Travis McLeskey wrote:
 (I wasn't subscribed to the list, so I'm sorry I'm not quoting the  
 rest of the thread here.)

 I ran into the same problem as Adriaan: it wouldn't let me use a  
 property expansion for the zone's id attribute. The only way around  
 this that I found was to create my own MyZone component (based on  
 Tapestry's and add a customId attribute. Then, in  
 MyZone.beginRender(), I replaced this:

  _clientId =  

 with something like:

  if( _resources.isBound(customId) )
  _clientId = _customId;
  _clientId =  

 Then, I made my loop look more like this:

 t:loop source=items value=item

Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, better)

2008-02-14 Thread Corin Lawson



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Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, better)

2008-02-13 Thread Corin Lawson
 the server when  
 the link is clicked, and you can't process the content before putting  
 it in the div. Well, at least you can't do these things without the  
 magic of javascript. My eventual solution is probably going to break  
 in some future release of Tapestry, and it may provoke some frowns,  
 but I circumvented all of the Zone-specific javascript code in  
 Tapestry be redefining Tapestry.initializeZones. The javascript below  
 is for an ActionLink that works as an expand/collapse button for the  
 Zone. The first time you expand the zone, it downloads the content  
 from the server and stores it in memory. After that, it doesn't need  
 to hit the server again. Note that this code doesn't support the inner  
 t-zone-update div that Tapestry's built-in javascript supports.
 MyObj = {
linkZone: function (link, zone) {
  zone = $(zone);
  link = $(link);
  var expanded = false;
  var origHTML = zone.innerHTML;
  var fullHTML;
  link.onclick = function(event) {
if( expanded ) {
  zone.innerHTML = origHTML;
  link.innerHTML = expand;
  expanded = false;
} else {
  if( !zone.everPopulated ) {
var successHandler = function(transport) {
  var response = transport.responseText;
  fullHTML = eval(( + response + )).content;
  zone.innerHTML = fullHTML;
var request = new Ajax.Request(link.href, { onSuccess :  
 successHandler });
zone.everPopulated = true;
  } else {
zone.innerHTML = fullHTML;
  link.innerHTML = collapse
  expanded = true;
return false;
 Tapestry.initializeZones = function(zoneSpecs, linkSpecs) {
$A(linkSpecs).each(function (spec)
 Hope that helps!
 On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Travis McLeskey wrote:
 When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:

 t:loop source=items value=item
  t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
  t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
  br /

 Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone  
 from the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its  
 corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class  
 and then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each  
 ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.


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Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, better)

2008-02-13 Thread Hugo Palma
Regarding your request for the event attribute in ActionLink. Doesn't
the component EventLink solve your problem ?

Corin Lawson wrote:
 Hi All,

 I admire Travis' ambition, but he's forgetting an ancient programming maxim:
 be lazy! By that I mean there no need to implement your own Zone component
 (or sub-component). I actually got this to work, but I'm not %100 satisfied.

 So the id attribute of zone doesn't allow property expansion; don't despair,
 use the default. The Loop component does 'unique-ify' the ids in a
 predictable manner, so let's take advantage of that! All we need is a method
 to compute what the zone id is expected to be for that iteration. This would
 be possible with render variables, if it weren't the fact that the second
 iteration starts at zero!

 .tml snippet:
 t:loop t:source=... t:index=currentIndex t:value=currentValue
 t:zone t:id=myZone...${currentValue}.../t:zone
 t:actionlink t:id=myAction t:zone=prop:currentZoneId

 .java snippet:
 private Zone _myZone;

 private int _currentIndex; // Getters and Setters...
 private Object _currentValue; // Getters and Setters...

 public String getCurrentZoneId() {
 if(_currentIndex == 0)
 return myZone;
 return myZone_ + (_currentIndex - 1);

 Object onAction(_currentValue) {
 return _myZone;

 Note that it is important to pass the currentValue through the context
 because I have used it's value inside the zone. Any property expansion
 inside the zone needs to passed through the context otherwise Tapestry (or
 more specifically the Zone component) doesn't know what iteration it is.


  (*) We are stuck with Loop's unique-ifation.
  (*) We must use the generic onAction event handler (unless the OnEvent
 annotation does property expansion in the component attribute(?))
  (*) Don't go crazy with the currentValue, stick to the primitives. Having
 said that you can always pass the currentIndex through the context and use
 that to set the currentValue.

 There is a work-around these limitations. If with define an upper limit to
 the size of the Loop's source list (not an unreasonable thing to do) then we
 could ditch the context and be verbose to the event handler methods like so:

 Object onActionFromMyAction() {
 _currentIndex = 0;
 _currentValue = ...;
 return _myZone;

 Object onActionFromMyAction_0() {
 _currentIndex = 1;
 _currentValue = ...;
 return _myZone;

 Object onActionFromMyAction_1() {
 _currentIndex = 2;
 _currentValue = ...;
 return _myZone;


 In fact, it would be a fairly simple task to do this with java
 instrumentation. It would be even better to have a event type attribute on
 ActionLink, so that we can specify something other than action, like:

 Object onMyEventFromMyLink(currentIndex) {
 return _myZone;

 Dear Commiters, please add an event attribute to ActionLink.


 Travis McLeskey wrote:
 (I wasn't subscribed to the list, so I'm sorry I'm not quoting the  
 rest of the thread here.)

 I ran into the same problem as Adriaan: it wouldn't let me use a  
 property expansion for the zone's id attribute. The only way around  
 this that I found was to create my own MyZone component (based on  
 Tapestry's and add a customId attribute. Then, in  
 MyZone.beginRender(), I replaced this:

  _clientId =  

 with something like:

  if( _resources.isBound(customId) )
  _clientId = _customId;
  _clientId =  

 Then, I made my loop look more like this:

 t:loop source=items value=item
   t:actionlink zone=myzone:${}go!/t:actionlink
   t:myzone customid=myzone:${}in the zone?/t:zone
   br /

 Which worked quite nicely, and it let me make a few other tweaks to  
 how the Zone was rendered, like making it a  instead of a div.

 However, that was only the first Zone-related hurdle. The next was  
 that I couldn't find any examples in the documentation of how to  
 actually provide the new content for the zone when the user clicks the  
 link. After a lot of time digging through the code (and learning  
 javascript!), I found the (or at least *a*) way to do it. I added this  
 method to my class:

  public Object onActionFromUpdatezone(final long id) {
  JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
  result.put(content, The new content for the Zone's div.  
 Fresh from the server!);
  return result;

 (Note: I gave the 

Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, better)

2008-02-13 Thread Corin Lawson
 for the zone when the user clicks the  
 link. After a lot of time digging through the code (and learning  
 javascript!), I found the (or at least *a*) way to do it. I added this  
 method to my class:

  public Object onActionFromUpdatezone(final long id) {
  JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
  result.put(content, The new content for the Zone's div.  
 Fresh from the server!);
  return result;

 (Note: I gave the ActionLink an id: updatezone)

 The next problem was that Zones in Tapestry currently can't do much  
 other than query the server for new content, put that content in the  
 div, and then call your show or update methods, if you specified  
 them. You can't have it do something other than hit the server when  
 the link is clicked, and you can't process the content before putting  
 it in the div. Well, at least you can't do these things without the  
 magic of javascript. My eventual solution is probably going to break  
 in some future release of Tapestry, and it may provoke some frowns,  
 but I circumvented all of the Zone-specific javascript code in  
 Tapestry be redefining Tapestry.initializeZones. The javascript below  
 is for an ActionLink that works as an expand/collapse button for the  
 Zone. The first time you expand the zone, it downloads the content  
 from the server and stores it in memory. After that, it doesn't need  
 to hit the server again. Note that this code doesn't support the inner  
 t-zone-update div that Tapestry's built-in javascript supports.

 MyObj = {
linkZone: function (link, zone) {
  zone = $(zone);
  link = $(link);
  var expanded = false;
  var origHTML = zone.innerHTML;
  var fullHTML;

  link.onclick = function(event) {
if( expanded ) {
  zone.innerHTML = origHTML;
  link.innerHTML = expand;
  expanded = false;
} else {
  if( !zone.everPopulated ) {
var successHandler = function(transport) {
  var response = transport.responseText;
  fullHTML = eval(( + response + )).content;
  zone.innerHTML = fullHTML;
var request = new Ajax.Request(link.href, { onSuccess :  
 successHandler });
zone.everPopulated = true;
  } else {
zone.innerHTML = fullHTML;
  link.innerHTML = collapse
  expanded = true;
return false;

 Tapestry.initializeZones = function(zoneSpecs, linkSpecs) {
$A(linkSpecs).each(function (spec)

 Hope that helps!

 On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Travis McLeskey wrote:

 When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:

 t:loop source=items value=item
  t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
  t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
  br /

 Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone  
 from the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its  
 corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class  
 and then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each  
 ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.


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Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop

2008-02-10 Thread Adriaan Joubert

anybody had any luck with this? I tried

t:actionlink zone=${zoneId}Show/t:actionlink
t:zone visible=false t:id=${zoneId} context=${id}

But get

Component id '${zoneId}' is not valid; component ids must be valid Java
identifiers: start with a letter, and consist of letters, numbers and

So it looks as if only literal values are accepted here?

And how do I deal with the events? The zone ids are constructed dynamically,
so I do not know what they will be when writing the code. I was hoping that
I could deal with this in an

void onEvent()

but I cannot get any context passed into this, so I do not know which zone
I'm dealing with. If anybody had an example of zones in a loop that would be



On Feb 9, 2008 10:18 PM, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ajax constructs go outside of Tapestry's understanding of the page
 construction.  It relies upon the developer to generate unique zone

 In your situation, I would have the setItem() method generate a unique
 zone id as a side effect and expose that as a proprty used by both the
 ActionLink and the Zone.

 On Feb 8, 2008 11:40 PM, Travis McLeskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:
  t:loop source=items value=item
 t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
 t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
 br /
  Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone from
  the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its
  corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class and
  then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each
  ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop

2008-02-10 Thread Olivier Jacquet

Not sure if this helps but I think that what you want is actually:

t:actionlink t:zone=prop:zoneIdShot/t:actionlink


Adriaan Joubert wrote:


anybody had any luck with this? I tried

t:actionlink zone=${zoneId}Show/t:actionlink
t:zone visible=false t:id=${zoneId} context=${id}

But get

Component id '${zoneId}' is not valid; component ids must be valid Java
identifiers: start with a letter, and consist of letters, numbers and

So it looks as if only literal values are accepted here?

And how do I deal with the events? The zone ids are constructed dynamically,
so I do not know what they will be when writing the code. I was hoping that
I could deal with this in an

void onEvent()

but I cannot get any context passed into this, so I do not know which zone
I'm dealing with. If anybody had an example of zones in a loop that would be



On Feb 9, 2008 10:18 PM, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ajax constructs go outside of Tapestry's understanding of the page
construction.  It relies upon the developer to generate unique zone

In your situation, I would have the setItem() method generate a unique
zone id as a side effect and expose that as a proprty used by both the
ActionLink and the Zone.

On Feb 8, 2008 11:40 PM, Travis McLeskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:

t:loop source=items value=item
   t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
   t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
   br /

Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone from
the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its
corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class and
then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each
ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.


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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop (solved, sort of)

2008-02-10 Thread Travis McLeskey
(I wasn't subscribed to the list, so I'm sorry I'm not quoting the  
rest of the thread here.)

I ran into the same problem as Adriaan: it wouldn't let me use a  
property expansion for the zone's id attribute. The only way around  
this that I found was to create my own MyZone component (based on  
Tapestry's and add a customId attribute. Then, in  
MyZone.beginRender(), I replaced this:

_clientId =  

with something like:

if( _resources.isBound(customId) )
_clientId = _customId;
_clientId =  

Then, I made my loop look more like this:

t:loop source=items value=item
 t:actionlink zone=myzone:${}go!/t:actionlink
 t:myzone customid=myzone:${}in the zone?/t:zone
 br /

Which worked quite nicely, and it let me make a few other tweaks to  
how the Zone was rendered, like making it a span instead of a div.

However, that was only the first Zone-related hurdle. The next was  
that I couldn't find any examples in the documentation of how to  
actually provide the new content for the zone when the user clicks the  
link. After a lot of time digging through the code (and learning  
javascript!), I found the (or at least *a*) way to do it. I added this  
method to my class:

public Object onActionFromUpdatezone(final long id) {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
result.put(content, The new content for the Zone's div.  
Fresh from the server!);

return result;

(Note: I gave the ActionLink an id: updatezone)

The next problem was that Zones in Tapestry currently can't do much  
other than query the server for new content, put that content in the  
div, and then call your show or update methods, if you specified  
them. You can't have it do something other than hit the server when  
the link is clicked, and you can't process the content before putting  
it in the div. Well, at least you can't do these things without the  
magic of javascript. My eventual solution is probably going to break  
in some future release of Tapestry, and it may provoke some frowns,  
but I circumvented all of the Zone-specific javascript code in  
Tapestry be redefining Tapestry.initializeZones. The javascript below  
is for an ActionLink that works as an expand/collapse button for the  
Zone. The first time you expand the zone, it downloads the content  
from the server and stores it in memory. After that, it doesn't need  
to hit the server again. Note that this code doesn't support the inner  
t-zone-update div that Tapestry's built-in javascript supports.

MyObj = {
  linkZone: function (link, zone) {
zone = $(zone);
link = $(link);
var expanded = false;
var origHTML = zone.innerHTML;
var fullHTML;

link.onclick = function(event) {
  if( expanded ) {
zone.innerHTML = origHTML;
link.innerHTML = expand;
expanded = false;
  } else {
if( !zone.everPopulated ) {
  var successHandler = function(transport) {
var response = transport.responseText;
fullHTML = eval(( + response + )).content;
zone.innerHTML = fullHTML;
  var request = new Ajax.Request(link.href, { onSuccess :  
successHandler });

  zone.everPopulated = true;
} else {
  zone.innerHTML = fullHTML;
link.innerHTML = collapse
expanded = true;
  return false;

Tapestry.initializeZones = function(zoneSpecs, linkSpecs) {
  $A(linkSpecs).each(function (spec)

Hope that helps!

On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Travis McLeskey wrote:

When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:

t:loop source=items value=item
 t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
 t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
 br /

Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone  
from the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its  
corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class  
and then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each  
ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.


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T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop

2008-02-09 Thread Travis McLeskey

When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:

t:loop source=items value=item
  t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
  t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
  br /

Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone from  
the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its  
corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class and  
then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each  
ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.


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Re: T5: ActionLink/Zone components inside a loop

2008-02-09 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
Ajax constructs go outside of Tapestry's understanding of the page
construction.  It relies upon the developer to generate unique zone

In your situation, I would have the setItem() method generate a unique
zone id as a side effect and expose that as a proprty used by both the
ActionLink and the Zone.

On Feb 8, 2008 11:40 PM, Travis McLeskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When an ActionLink and Zone appear together in a loop like this:

 t:loop source=items value=item
t:actionlink zone=myzonego!/t:actionlink
t:zone t:id=myzonein the zone?/t:zone
br /

 Clicking the go! link from any iteration only affects the Zone from
 the first iteration. How do I connect each ActionLink to its
 corresponding Zone? I tried injecting the Zone into the java class and
 then using zone=${} in the actionlink, but then each
 ActionLink was connected to the Zone from the *previous* iteration.


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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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