Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Francois Armand

Todd Orr wrote:

More to the point, I believe that Howard and the Tapestry developers
will be utilized as development resources most effectively if the
focus remains on creating the #1 MVC framework. Thanks a million guys!
Just to continue arguing in this way : I use Tapestry 5 to build an LDAP 
manager web application, and I really don't care to have a full stack 
framework for that, because this kind of framework not event know what 
LDAP is... As soon as you step aside from the most common use cases, 
these framework are useless.
In fact, I choose Tapestry 5 because it does it job _very_ well, but it 
just do it (there was other pretenders, but certainly not SEAM, RIFE or 

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Robert Sanders

Francois Armand wrote:

Todd Orr wrote:

More to the point, I believe that Howard and the Tapestry developers
will be utilized as development resources most effectively if the
focus remains on creating the #1 MVC framework. Thanks a million guys!
Just to continue arguing in this way : I use Tapestry 5 to build an 
LDAP manager web application, and I really don't care to have a full 
stack framework for that, because this kind of framework not event 
know what LDAP is... As soon as you step aside from the most common 
use cases, these framework are useless.
In fact, I choose Tapestry 5 because it does it job _very_ well, but 
it just do it (there was other pretenders, but certainly not SEAM, 
RIFE or *rails).

I certainly don't think that tapestry-core should ever be a full 
stack, but I hope that there is eventually something like the 
quick-start which allows new users to generate a quick and dirty CRUD 
application very easily (it would be nice it this were less typing than 
the standard maven command line as this is off-putting to most new 
comers, but copy-in-paste does work wonders), no one should expect such 
quick-starts to be full-strength applications, but it would provide a 
great way to get someone new (like myself) up-to-speed and productive.  
The power of annotations would seem to be to enable this via IoC without 
dumping any additional logic into the tapestry-core code base.

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Francois Armand

Robert Sanders wrote:
I certainly don't think that tapestry-core should ever be a full 
stack, but I hope that there is eventually something like the 
quick-start which allows new users to generate a quick and dirty 
CRUD application very easily (it would be nice it this were less 
typing than the standard maven command line as this is off-putting to 
most new comers, but copy-in-paste does work wonders), no one should 
expect such quick-starts to be full-strength applications, but it 
would provide a great way to get someone new (like myself) up-to-speed 
and productive.  The power of annotations would seem to be to enable 
this via IoC without dumping any additional logic into the 
tapestry-core code base.

Oh, ok :)
My personal thought are that this kind of application will come to life 
in a near future... It already exists Trails 
( for Tapestry 4, and well... Tapestry 5 
seems to be so pleasant and so powerful... Just need to be done by 
someone ;)

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Kalle Korhonen

On 6/28/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My personal thought are that this kind of application will come to life
in a near future... It already exists Trails
( for Tapestry 4, and well... Tapestry 5
seems to be so pleasant and so powerful... Just need to be done by
someone ;)

Tapestry 4 isn't far behind in powerfulness and in some areas way ahead, but
certainly with a higher learning curve. Supporting Tap5 is a constant topic
within Trails, but the reality is that it's a preview and will take some
time to reach the maturity level of Tap4.x. In the meantime though, we are
hard at work for upgrading to Tap4.1.2 in Trails. We'll evaluate Tap5 again
when a final release comes closer.


Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Francois Armand

Kalle Korhonen wrote:
Tapestry 4 isn't far behind in powerfulness and in some areas way 
ahead, but
certainly with a higher learning curve. 
Well, I'm just a beginner with Tapestry 5, and don't even had a look to 
Tapestry 4, so my notice was just about the thrill I have to use T5 :) 
(I'm coming from a world of Struts and even worse home-made framework... 
just imagine that)

Supporting Tap5 is a constant topic
within Trails, but the reality is that it's a preview and will take some
time to reach the maturity level of Tap4.x. 

That's clear, and your position seems to be quite sensible.

In the meantime though, we are
hard at work for upgrading to Tap4.1.2 in Trails. We'll evaluate Tap5 

when a final release comes closer.

That sound great, thanks for your work and for you reply !

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Joshua Jackson

On 6/28/07, Todd Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Transactions declared in the Web tier? Oy vey. What's next, Tapestry-SOAP???

Come on. Don't be shortsighted. I managed to add a service layer and
bind it in the AppModule. I was thinking to have declarative
transaction each time the web layer invoke the method in this service

Let's create a highly maintainable and efficient code

YM!: thejavafreak

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-28 Thread Todd Orr

Come on. Don't be shortsighted. I managed to add a service layer and
bind it in the AppModule. I was thinking to have declarative
transaction each time the web layer invoke the method in this service

Whatever works for you. Every project has its own nuances. For me,
transactions are not a concern of the Web teir. In my ideal
development world, concerns are separated strictly. I feel as though
if I do not separate my concerns then I'm cutting a corner. But, this
is only my opinion and its based on a perspective of development that
I have.

When I hear about transactional demarcation in the web tier I
immediately think, what if I want to swap my service implementation
with a WS call? The TX has to be thought of completely differently in
this respect. Without WS-TX the usual route is to go with
course-grained methods that apply a TX around the backend logic, or
something of that sort. In any case, the web tier has no say in the

I'm not saying everyone should think this way. It is the way I have
come to think because my exposure to certain architectures. Consider
one such that core services are exposed via SOAP and orchestrated via
ESB. I have no direct interaction with the code, per se. This
influences me because now when I build anything I think in highly
decoupled terms - my Tap app should not know anything about the
services it uses, not even whether there is a transactional state to
manage. Honestly, this makes the development of a site more difficult
- it's harder to build this way. But the gains I receive in the
overall architecture, scalability, as well as the development
lifecycle impact, are suitably large to make it worthwhile.

With regards to implementing this in Tapestry, I can't say it's bad
in all cases. I can say that there are more [easily] scalable
solutions that have more clearly defined architectural borders. This
is the reason I wouldn't use this feature. I know that having this
clear separation allows me to modify my service layer without having
to alter my web layer in any way. I can move development ahead on many
fronts between many teams with minimal impact between the teams. This
isn't everyone's goal.

All that aside, this is a moot point. Tapestry core will remain
focused as Howard says. I get to have my cake, as do you, and we can
both eat it.

On 6/28/07, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/28/07, Todd Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Transactions declared in the Web tier? Oy vey. What's next, Tapestry-SOAP???

Come on. Don't be shortsighted. I managed to add a service layer and
bind it in the AppModule. I was thinking to have declarative
transaction each time the web layer invoke the method in this service

Let's create a highly maintainable and efficient code

YM!: thejavafreak

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-27 Thread Robin Ericsson

On 6/27/07, Ivan Dubrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is some chaotic code which is available in the SVN repo here:

Ah, real nice, I was working on this as well, but I've just got time
to work on it and now I don't have to. :)

Can you put this together as a maven package or something?

It adds support for @Secured for the pages and components. However, it
does not work for listener methods since I didn't found a way to extend
method with around code (which is executed at the beginning and at the
end.). Only after was available (ClassTransformation#extendMethod).

Maybe Howard is on this one already?


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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-27 Thread Ivan Dubrov
Robin Ericsson wrote:

 Ah, real nice, I was working on this as well, but I've just got time
 to work on it and now I don't have to. :)

 Can you put this together as a maven package or something?
Of course. I thought making something like tapestry-security module, but
now I'm completely out of time to do it.

Ivan S. Dubrov

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-27 Thread Robin Ericsson

On 6/27/07, Ivan Dubrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Of course. I thought making something like tapestry-security module, but
now I'm completely out of time to do it.

Ok, I've checked out the code from you SVN so I'll poke around a bit.
Anything specific that's not working? Listerner methods isn't a big
deal for me at the moment :)


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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-27 Thread Ivan Dubrov
Robin Ericsson wrote:

 Ok, I've checked out the code from you SVN so I'll poke around a bit.
 Anything specific that's not working? Listerner methods isn't a big
 deal for me at the moment :)
It works basically, but the IoC configuration code is not very flexible
(since it was developed for concrete case). Some efforts are needed to
make this code more generic (like tapestry-acegi for T4), so it could be
configured for different cases.

Ivan S. Dubrov

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-27 Thread Todd Orr

Regarding the original poster's statements:

I think that Tapestry is so great because it does the job of an MVC
really well. I hope that it doesn't become a full stack solution. I
think it would be more beneficial to the community to ensure that
Tapestry's focus is the MVC.

Additional functionality should be brought on through modules as some
already are. Default security and transaction schemes will only become
monsters of their own with devs requesting enhancements until quite a
bit of Tapestry's development focus is shifted onto various
sub-projects. And really, with all the fantastic frameworks out there
- that are as good as they are because of focus - why carry the
baggage of some interim scheme for developers not wanting to perform
the minimal legwork of integration themselves?

I think projects like tapestry-hibernate are nice because they
eliminate common integration problems. But its job is to provide
enhanced integration, not provide persistence for a Tapestry app.

Personally, I don't use tapestry-hibernate because I am still one of
those relics that believes having a properly tiered application is
good architecture. Why should Tapestry care what persistence strategy
I am using? Having said that, this module is nice for the quick app
that doesn't need or desire the type of benefits that come with tiered
development and greatly helps to integrate hibernate.

More to the point, I believe that Howard and the Tapestry developers
will be utilized as development resources most effectively if the
focus remains on creating the #1 MVC framework. Thanks a million guys!

Transactions declared in the Web tier? Oy vey. What's next, Tapestry-SOAP???

On 6/26/07, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

I'm quite happy currently trying out T5 now. And I really like the T5
IoC concept compared to other IoC container.

- I really like how it has (or will have) built in AJAX components.
- I really like how easy it is to create custom components compared to
other component based web framework.
- I also like the integration with hibernate. It's just too damn
simple and works out of the box.
- I really like the GridPager component (though it got me struggle to
work it out :P). I don't know any other web framework that has built
in pager component.

Everything just seems to be so natural and how a web framework should have been.

But I have a questions here. With the so complete features that I have
just mentioned, will Tapestry 5 have the vision to be a full stack
framework in the future?

Some features that I think will be great to be added if T5 will be a
full stack framework is:
- Built in security or user authentication and authorization. I must
admit that using Acegi for the security is just unnecessary because I
will need Spring just to get Acegi running. And I will have 2 IoC
container in my apps. I think T5 IoC already have the features (like
the decorator) to make security feature made available.

- Built in declarative transaction, since there's already
tapestry-hibernate module. I don't know whether this is possible, but
when I read the T5 IoC decorator feature, I think I can start and end
transaction before and after I invoke a method. Is it possible?

Well that's my opinion and some ideas I came up with. Hopefully it can
come true. And thank you so much for making T5. I can see that it will
be a great framework in the future. Keep up the good work guys. Hats
off for you people

Let's create a highly maintainable and efficient code

YM!: thejavafreak

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T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-26 Thread Joshua Jackson

Dear all,

I'm quite happy currently trying out T5 now. And I really like the T5
IoC concept compared to other IoC container.

- I really like how it has (or will have) built in AJAX components.
- I really like how easy it is to create custom components compared to
other component based web framework.
- I also like the integration with hibernate. It's just too damn
simple and works out of the box.
- I really like the GridPager component (though it got me struggle to
work it out :P). I don't know any other web framework that has built
in pager component.

Everything just seems to be so natural and how a web framework should have been.

But I have a questions here. With the so complete features that I have
just mentioned, will Tapestry 5 have the vision to be a full stack
framework in the future?

Some features that I think will be great to be added if T5 will be a
full stack framework is:
- Built in security or user authentication and authorization. I must
admit that using Acegi for the security is just unnecessary because I
will need Spring just to get Acegi running. And I will have 2 IoC
container in my apps. I think T5 IoC already have the features (like
the decorator) to make security feature made available.

- Built in declarative transaction, since there's already
tapestry-hibernate module. I don't know whether this is possible, but
when I read the T5 IoC decorator feature, I think I can start and end
transaction before and after I invoke a method. Is it possible?

Well that's my opinion and some ideas I came up with. Hopefully it can
come true. And thank you so much for making T5. I can see that it will
be a great framework in the future. Keep up the good work guys. Hats
off for you people

Let's create a highly maintainable and efficient code

YM!: thejavafreak

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Cooley

Not really sure how Howard feels regarding the whole security question, but
for my money I've seen the built-in security framework idea blow up again
and again.  Most of the company's I've worked for already have security
frameworks in place that their applications simply have to use.  Therefore
trying to juggle between a framework's built-in security versus that of a
proprietary internal one can be a nightmare.

I don't disagree that default implementations or schemes should be made
available, but this is certainly a feature no one should be forced to use or
even download.  To me, it would be better if this were a separate module
that wrapped the existing micro-kernel and provides a wall through which all
communications must pass.  Otherwise, any bug fixes to the security can have
serious implications on the product's release.  Likewise, built-in security
generally means more unmaintainable code when coupled with the container.

Just my two cents.


On 6/26/07, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

I'm quite happy currently trying out T5 now. And I really like the T5
IoC concept compared to other IoC container.

- I really like how it has (or will have) built in AJAX components.
- I really like how easy it is to create custom components compared to
other component based web framework.
- I also like the integration with hibernate. It's just too damn
simple and works out of the box.
- I really like the GridPager component (though it got me struggle to
work it out :P). I don't know any other web framework that has built
in pager component.

Everything just seems to be so natural and how a web framework should have

But I have a questions here. With the so complete features that I have
just mentioned, will Tapestry 5 have the vision to be a full stack
framework in the future?

Some features that I think will be great to be added if T5 will be a
full stack framework is:
- Built in security or user authentication and authorization. I must
admit that using Acegi for the security is just unnecessary because I
will need Spring just to get Acegi running. And I will have 2 IoC
container in my apps. I think T5 IoC already have the features (like
the decorator) to make security feature made available.

- Built in declarative transaction, since there's already
tapestry-hibernate module. I don't know whether this is possible, but
when I read the T5 IoC decorator feature, I think I can start and end
transaction before and after I invoke a method. Is it possible?

Well that's my opinion and some ideas I came up with. Hopefully it can
come true. And thank you so much for making T5. I can see that it will
be a great framework in the future. Keep up the good work guys. Hats
off for you people

Let's create a highly maintainable and efficient code

YM!: thejavafreak

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Gotta find my destiny, before it gets too late.-- Ian Curtis

Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-26 Thread Ivan Dubrov
Joshua Jackson wrote:
 - Built in security or user authentication and authorization. I must
 admit that using Acegi for the security is just unnecessary because I
 will need Spring just to get Acegi running. And I will have 2 IoC
 container in my apps. I think T5 IoC already have the features (like
 the decorator) to make security feature made available.
In fact, you do not need Spring IoC to get Acegi running (you can
configure Acegi beans using Tapestry IoC). However, Acegi requires a
number of utility classes from Spring, so there will be about 1Mb or so
of Spring dependencies.

Ivan S. Dubrov

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-26 Thread Daniel Jue

Good to know.  I have Acegi kind of working using Spring IoC.  Didn't
think I could use Tapestry's IoC for it.  If you have any sample code
WRT this, it would be nice to see!


On 6/26/07, Ivan Dubrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joshua Jackson wrote:
 - Built in security or user authentication and authorization. I must
 admit that using Acegi for the security is just unnecessary because I
 will need Spring just to get Acegi running. And I will have 2 IoC
 container in my apps. I think T5 IoC already have the features (like
 the decorator) to make security feature made available.
In fact, you do not need Spring IoC to get Acegi running (you can
configure Acegi beans using Tapestry IoC). However, Acegi requires a
number of utility classes from Spring, so there will be about 1Mb or so
of Spring dependencies.

Ivan S. Dubrov

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Re: T5: Will it be a full stack framework?

2007-06-26 Thread Ivan Dubrov
There is some chaotic code which is available in the SVN repo here:

It adds support for @Secured for the pages and components. However, it
does not work for listener methods since I didn't found a way to extend
method with around code (which is executed at the beginning and at the
end.). Only after was available (ClassTransformation#extendMethod).

Daniel Jue wrote:
 Good to know.  I have Acegi kind of working using Spring IoC.  Didn't
 think I could use Tapestry's IoC for it.  If you have any sample code
 WRT this, it would be nice to see!


 On 6/26/07, Ivan Dubrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joshua Jackson wrote:
  - Built in security or user authentication and authorization. I must
  admit that using Acegi for the security is just unnecessary because I
  will need Spring just to get Acegi running. And I will have 2 IoC
  container in my apps. I think T5 IoC already have the features (like
  the decorator) to make security feature made available.
 In fact, you do not need Spring IoC to get Acegi running (you can
 configure Acegi beans using Tapestry IoC). However, Acegi requires a
 number of utility classes from Spring, so there will be about 1Mb or so
 of Spring dependencies.

 Ivan S. Dubrov

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Ivan S. Dubrov

Description: OpenPGP digital signature