Re: Virtual Thread Configuration In Tomcat 11

2023-09-05 Thread William Crowell

Great post earlier today!  This is a super interesting topic to me.

You can find the performance testing results located here:

I did 10 runs with 1000 threads with a ramp up time of 3 seconds for a duration 
of 200 seconds.  Ignore the 11th run.  This is a really simple REST application 
with Spring.  It just makes an insert into a MySQL table.  When I get a moment 
I will put my code into GitHub, but again, there is not much to it.  You can 
find a very similar Spring Boot example with embedded Tomcat here:

But he uses JDK 20 with --enable-preview turned on.

The mistake I think I made was that the inserts are not really blocking because 
they happen so quickly.  Maybe because I did not put enough load in the test?  
I have no synchronized blocks in my code.  So, it appeared to me that the 
inserts were taking twice the amount of time with virtual threads.  I think 
that extra time is just overhead of pinning virtual threads to a platform 
thread and managing the ForkJoinPool.

What is going to happen is that people are going to “flip the 
switch”…useVirtualThreads=”true”.  They will find that performance will not be 
as good as using an operating system thread and abandon virtual threads because 
their code does not block.

So, I need to come up with an example where my code blocks and redo the perf 
test and prove this out.  I don’t know.


William Crowell

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Re: Virtual Thread Configuration In Tomcat 11

2023-09-05 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 8/24/23 09:50, William Crowell wrote:

I did some performance testing with virtual threads on Apache Tomcat
11.0.0-M10 and JDK 21 (21+35-2513).  I have a simple REST service
using Spring 6.0.11 that does an insert into MySQL 8.0.32.

I have 3 separate boxes all running Rocky Linux 9.2 on AWS
(t3a.xlarge which is 4 vCPUs and 16GiB RAM):

1) An application server running Tomcat 11.0.0-M10 with JDK 21

2) MySQL 8.0.32

3) JMeter 5.6.2

I know that JDK 21 is nowhere near GA, but I got some interesting
results.  I did 10 test runs with useVirtualThreads=“true”, and 10
test runs without virtual threads (the default).  Each run used 1000
threads in JMeter for about 3 minutes and 20 seconds for a ramp up
time of 3 seconds.

What I found was using platform threads performed at least twice as
fast as virtual threads.  Maybe I am interpreting the results wrong,
but this is what I found consistently across each test.

Again, I realize that performance is not the only goal of virtual
threads.  Just my observations.

This is "interesting", for some values of interesting.

I'd be interested in what the application was doing. Virtual Threads 
seem to be aimed at things like Web Application Containers where there 
is a lot of wasted time in a thread's execution waiting on I/O 
(blocking). If you ignore the application's workload (hah!), the 
application server is almost entirely occupied with (a) reading the 
request and (b) writing the response. There is almost no "computation 
time" and so Virtual Threads make a whole lot of sense.

Once inside the application, that may not be true.

From what little reading I have done on Virtual Threads, there are some 
poison pills in there depending upon application design. For example, if 
your thread blocks while inside a synchronized{} block, then your 
Virtual Thread is "pinned" and will NOT be un-mounted from the platform 
thread during the blocking operation. So all of that high-speed 
context-switching and magic that VT is supposed to provide goes 
completely out the window when you used to have 200 threads with maybe 8 
of them actually running at once but swapping-out preemptively, but now 
you have 200 virtual threads with 8 of them running at once, but of the 
8 running at once, several of them are stopped dead unable to make any 

At $work, we have plenty of read-through cache routines like this:

private Object somethingBigLock = new Object();
private SomethingBig big = null;
public Object getSomethingBigFromDatabase() {
synchronized(somethingBigLock) {
  if(null == big) {
  big = reallyGetSomethingBigFromDb(); // Non-trivial

  return big;

Even if reallyGetSomethingBigFromDb() is mostly blocking on I/O -- e.g. 
waiting for the db to respond to a query -- it will consume one of your 
platform threads and lock it up, leaving fewer platform threads 
available to do the other work.

Without a critical analysis of your application and the libraries it 
uses, it's hard to tell if what you are observing is that "virtual 
threads are not as fast as regular threads" or "your application is an 
anti-pattern for Virtual Threads". My guess is that your application 
and/or the libraries you are using need to be re-written so they no 
longer use "classic" synchronization and instead use things like 
ReentrantLock for a similar purpose to play-nice with VT. Or you can 
wait for the (likely) inevitable improvement of the JVM which allows for 
threads holding monitors to be unmounted from platform threads. My guess 
is that is in the future for the JVM.


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Re: Virtual Threads

2023-09-05 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 9/5/23 15:55, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 05/09/2023 20:38, Christopher Schultz wrote:


I have some questions about Virtual Threads and their use within 
Tomcat. Note that only Tomcat 11 currently has support for Virtual 
Threads when running on a version 19 or later JVM.

Not quite. All current versions support virtual threads when running on 
Java 21 or later.

Thanks for the correction. I just did a quick docs[1] search for 
"virtual" in Tomcat 10.x for example and I didn't see useVirtualThreads, 
so I assumed it wasn't in there. Maybe we need some documentation 

My (admittedly limited) understanding is that the use of Virtual 
Threads, specifically within Tomcat, will allow Tomcat to use fewer 
platform threads (e.g. native OS threads) to support a larger number 
of JVM/application threads for request-processing. The justification 
for this improvement is that request-processing threads spend a lot of 
time in an I/O-blocked state which, when using Virtual Threads, would 
no longer consume a platform thread.

There appears to only be one setting to enable Virtual Threads in Tomcat:


In both cases, there is only one setting to affect the number of 
"threads" (by any description) which the Executor will ultimately use 
(Connectors without an explicit Executor will create a non-shared 
Executor to be used internally). That setting is "maxThreads" which 
limits the total number of "threads" that the Executor will create.

The implementation of the VirtualThreadExecutor does not seem to have 
any upper-bound on the number of Virtual Threads that will be created 
at all. I believe this means that a large number of incoming requests 
(i.e. a burst) will result in the creation of a large number of 
Virtual Threads. Without an upper-bound, we are expecting that the 
JVM's (virtual) thread scheduler will schedule each application thread 
to be mounted to a platform thread in the order it was added to the 
queue (essentially in request-order).

The virtual thread scheduler uses a work stealing queue so it isn't 
quite FIFO.

That sounds like nit-picking to me. I suppose if each new Virtual Thread 
is assigned to a platform thread when it's initially queued, things can 
be executed in an not-strictly-FIFO-manner, but one has to assume work 
loads are equal (which they likely are not) and work is spread evenly 
across all the platform threads (which is likely) to have a general 
conversation about all this. I think the work-stealing ForkJoinPool is 
about as close to FIFO as you can get without introducing more expensive 
contention in order to enforce strict FIFO while not gaining much in the 
way of meaningful "fairness".

But it's probably worth mentioning that the queue might not be "strictly 
fair". What *is* fair, though -- and maybe more fair than in the past? 
-- is that pipelined requests have to get back in line instead of 
jumping the queue. I think the old blocking JIO connector would allow 
pipelined requests to skip the queue, but all NIO-based connectors are 
"more fair" than that.

Before Virtual Threads were introduced, the Executor would use a queue 
of requests to dispatch to available (non-Virtual) threads which would 
use that thread until the request was complete, then return the thread 
to the pool. With Virtual Threads, the same thing is essentially still 
happening except that (a) Tomcat no longer manages the thread pool (a 
JVM-defined one is being used instead) and (b) requests are 
immediately handed a (Virtual) thread to carry their execution.

I believe there are some subtle differences in how Tomcat will behave, 
now. As an example, if I have two applications running, say, the 
Tomcat Manager application and the Tomcat Examples application, 
without using Virtual Threads, each application's thread pools should 
be "fair" within the context of each application: requests are 
processed in the order they are received in Manager and Examples, 
separately. If all requests are equally "expensive" and everything is 
"fair", then requests to the Examples application are scheduled 
alongside those to the Manager application, and they can both execute 
simultaneously as well as separately-manage the order in which the 
requests are processed.

The above assumes each application has a separate thread pool (which 
implies a separate Connector).

Yes, I'm sorry, I completely skipped over the "fact" that a separate 
 would be used for such a "priority" application such as the 
Manager. My example was assuming that each application had the 
possibility to use a separate .

Once Virtual Threads are introduced, the requests are filed into a 
single JVM-wide thread-scheduling system where activity in one 
application can affect the other.


Let's replace Examples with RealWorldApp, an application that is 
expected to be used by users. Maybe a LOT of users. Without Virtual 
Threads, a high number of requests to RealWorldApp will not cause 

Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

2023-09-05 Thread Mark Thomas

On 04/09/2023 15:41, Jonathan S. Fisher wrote:

Mark thank you again for your leadership and setting expectations. I'm
going to commit to working on this with anyone else that wants to help with
the goal of a patch by year end. I want to nail the patch with minimal
rework that meets Tomcat project quality standards. To that end, I'll
attempt to summarize what you expect here and if you could comment and
correct my understanding that would be appreciated.

It sounds like you're satisfied with the ubiquity of the Proxy protocol and
that it has an RFC
We'll target just implementing the latest version of the Proxy protocol
We'll implement a "TrustedProxies" feature similar to what the Remote IP
Valve does
We'll implement a, or modify the RemoteIp, valve to be able to set the
remote IP from Proxy protocol headers
We'll follow the RFC spec and reject any request that does a proper Proxy
protocol header
I'm particularly interested in the Proxy protocol over Unix Domain Sockets,
so expect to see a lot of the work focused on this, but accepting Proxy
Protocol over TCP looks to be quite important from the comments on this
email chain

If I may ask two things:
Can you summarize your desired implementation? What point in the stack
should we target to implement this?

See my response earlier in this thread that suggested it sits alongside 
SNI processing. I still think that makes sense. If during implementation 
you reach a different conclusion then make the case for the alternative 
approach on list.

One thing I'm not familiar with on Tomcat is the testing expectations. If
you can point to a set of unit tests and a set of integration tests and say
"Do it like this"

Something like (only a guide)

to test the implementation directly and probably something based on 
SimpleHttpClient see

for various examples. The main thing is I suspect you'll need control of 
the individual bytes and SimpleHttpClient provides a reasonably simple 
basis for that.

What we often do when we want to test things like setting remote IP 
addresses etc. is echo the value in the response body and then check 
that value in the client.

Anything else on the original patch you liked/didn't like? (

It helps if you enable Checkstyle for your local build. It helps keep 
things in roughly the same coding style (we are slowly tightening up on 
that). Ideally, use the clean-up and formatting configurations we have 
for Eclipse in res/ide-support/eclipse .

This is sufficiently complex that I am expecting several iterations to 
be required. if it is simpler for you to manage with a PR then that is 
fine and probably easier to work with than a patch in Bugzilla.


Thank you,

On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 3:13 PM Mark Thomas  wrote:

On 28/08/2023 18:44, Amit Pande wrote:

Oh, sure. So, what would be the best way to get some conclusion on this


Provide a patch for review based on the feedback provided here and in
the BZ issue. The state of the

ticket isn't updated for long. Perhaps add comments/ask the folks on user
list to vote?

That is more likely to irritate folks rather than encourage them to help
you progress your patch.



-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas 
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:20 AM
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

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click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
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28 Aug 2023 17:11:20 Amit Pande :


Just checking - Did this issue get discussed in any of the core
members' meeting?

There are no such meetings. Discussion happens on the mailing lists.



-Original Message-
From: Amit Pande
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

Yes, understood.

Thank you for clarifying. Even I was referring to initial consensus
without any timeline or approach conclusion.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

On 28/07/2023 19:21, Amit Pande wrote:

Thank you all for the valuable discussion on this topic.

Is it okay to say that we're agreeing to adding proxy protocol
support in Tomcat?

I think that is a little too strong. At this point there is a proposed
approach and no one is objecting but until there is an actual patch to

Keep in mind that a

Re: Virtual Threads

2023-09-05 Thread Mark Thomas

On 05/09/2023 20:38, Christopher Schultz wrote:


I have some questions about Virtual Threads and their use within Tomcat. 
Note that only Tomcat 11 currently has support for Virtual Threads when 
running on a version 19 or later JVM.

Not quite. All current versions support virtual threads when running on 
Java 21 or later.

My (admittedly limited) understanding is that the use of Virtual 
Threads, specifically within Tomcat, will allow Tomcat to use fewer 
platform threads (e.g. native OS threads) to support a larger number of 
JVM/application threads for request-processing. The justification for 
this improvement is that request-processing threads spend a lot of time 
in an I/O-blocked state which, when using Virtual Threads, would no 
longer consume a platform thread.

There appears to only be one setting to enable Virtual Threads in Tomcat:


In both cases, there is only one setting to affect the number of 
"threads" (by any description) which the Executor will ultimately use 
(Connectors without an explicit Executor will create a non-shared 
Executor to be used internally). That setting is "maxThreads" which 
limits the total number of "threads" that the Executor will create.

The implementation of the VirtualThreadExecutor does not seem to have 
any upper-bound on the number of Virtual Threads that will be created at 
all. I believe this means that a large number of incoming requests (i.e. 
a burst) will result in the creation of a large number of Virtual 
Threads. Without an upper-bound, we are expecting that the JVM's 
(virtual) thread scheduler will schedule each application thread to be 
mounted to a platform thread in the order it was added to the queue 
(essentially in request-order).

The virtual thread scheduler uses a work stealing queue so it isn't 
quite FIFO.

Before Virtual Threads were introduced, the Executor would use a queue 
of requests to dispatch to available (non-Virtual) threads which would 
use that thread until the request was complete, then return the thread 
to the pool. With Virtual Threads, the same thing is essentially still 
happening except that (a) Tomcat no longer manages the thread pool (a 
JVM-defined one is being used instead) and (b) requests are immediately 
handed a (Virtual) thread to carry their execution.

I believe there are some subtle differences in how Tomcat will behave, 
now. As an example, if I have two applications running, say, the Tomcat 
Manager application and the Tomcat Examples application, without using 
Virtual Threads, each application's thread pools should be "fair" within 
the context of each application: requests are processed in the order 
they are received in Manager and Examples, separately. If all requests 
are equally "expensive" and everything is "fair", then requests to the 
Examples application are scheduled alongside those to the Manager 
application, and they can both execute simultaneously as well as 
separately-manage the order in which the requests are processed.

The above assumes each application has a separate thread pool (which 
implies a separate Connector).

Once Virtual Threads are introduced, the requests are filed into a 
single JVM-wide thread-scheduling system where activity in one 
application can affect the other.


Let's replace Examples with RealWorldApp, an application that is 
expected to be used by users. Maybe a LOT of users. Without Virtual 
Threads, a high number of requests to RealWorldApp will not cause 
starvation of requests to (maybe the more important, at least for 
admins) the Manager. Once Virtual Threads are introduced, a limitless 
number of requests can be queued in front of a request to Manager, which 
can experience starvation.

While Tomcat did not previously implement any specific priority-queuing 
of requests, the use of separate Executors for each application 
effectively provided that kind of thing. Yes, each Executor can be 
configured separately to either use Virtual Threads or not, and so 
Manager can be configured to NOT use Virtual Threads while RealWorldApp 
can be configured to use Virtual Threads and the balance is "restored". 
But it is no longer possible to have RealWorldApp and RealWorldApp2 and 
Manager all with equally probable request-scheduling when using Virtual 
Threads. You can pick some subset of applications to get (essentially) 
priority by NOT using Virtual Threads, but the whole set of applications 
running in a single JVM will share a single Executor with FIFO behavior. 
If an application creates Virtual Threads (hey, why not?! they are 
cheaper!) then they will be scheduled alongside the request-processing 
threads as well.

Do I understand things correctly? Is my scenario of request-starvation 
for a little-used but potentially critical application (e.g. Manager) a 
real concern, or am I missing something fundamental about the way 
Virtual Threads are scheduled relative to other Virtual Threads, and 
relative to non-virtual thre

Re: CIS Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) -- Questions

2023-09-05 Thread Christopher Schultz

Mark, Robert, et al,

On 9/5/23 11:26, Mark Thomas wrote:
I spoke to some CIS representatives at a recent conference given that I 
have concerns about the quality of some of the recommendations.

It appears that these benchmarks are effectively crowdsourced. My 
primary concern is that there is no validation of the resulting 
recommendations so they run the risk of reinforcing current widespread 
bad practice as well as good practice.

This is interesting information. Lore really isn't a good source of 
security information. :( It makes me wonder why they are charging for 
that kind of information if it's basically the output of an internet 
search for "how do i secure a Tomcat installation".

Regarding the suggestion to edit the contents of a JAR, that is a bad 
idea on so many levels.


Assuming that you are using signed JAR files, what you end up with is a 
JAR whose signature can no longer be validated. This would require that 
you disable JAR signing, which is probably another no-no when it comes 
to security -- and I'd agree -- if you have signed JARs you ought to be 
validating them. Another option would be to re-sign the modified JAR 
file with an internal certificate but that can present its own 
challenges. Most dev teams would just implement some kind of lazy 
auto-signing process with the cert and key sitting right on the server 
where it's being used, and at that point you are giving an attacker 
everything they need to work-around your security controls.

I'd argue that rather than spending time hiding the current Tomcat 
version - which is nothing more than security by obscurity - system 
admins should be investing time in an update process that allows easy 
updates (and roll-backs) to the Tomcat version. You only need to hide 
the version number if you aren't on top of your security updates. And if 
you aren't on top of your security updates you have bigger problems than 
needing to hide the version number.


If you find you need to hide this version number to appease auditors - 
and using smarter auditors isn't an option - then there are a range of 
options as set out in the Tomcat 8.5 security guide. That guide also 
provides the correct way to override the version number (if you really 
need to) without editing the JAR contents. In short, you can simply 
override the individual file by placing at the right place in the file 



The only argument /against/ doing that in the past that I've ever seen 
was that they "didn't want to pollute [their] Tomcat installation" which 
is crazy when the alternative is to alter a signed JAR provided by a 
trusted vendor.

This is also probably worth a read:

I would bet that many of the items listed here have overlap with some of 
the more dubious items coming from CIS.

Hope that helps,

On 05/09/2023 14:54, Robert Turner wrote:
Thanks Peter. Just to be clear that I have no concern about the goal 
of the

test -- only the method for obtaining the information, and the "implied"

After going through the rest of the document I was provided, it seems to
"get more modern" as the questions go on -- suggesting the method of
improvement is additive, and possibly not corrective.

Improvements are definitely corrective as well as additive. Early 
versions of the guide had very odd advice regarding MIME type mapping 
that has since been removed.

On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 9:36 AM Peter Kreuser  wrote:


While Mark Thomas will have a more detailled answer to this...

The finding behind this test is valid (information disclosure with 

version in responses), though the remediation listed here is from looong
time ago, when the was no ErrorReportValve to purge the version info.

So the CIS Tomcat 8(!) Guide is pretty outdated! Probably in more than
this spot...


Am 05.09.2023 um 14:03 schrieb Robert Turner :

While I think I know the answer to my question, I wanted to 

with the group to confirm.

I have been asked to perform the CIS Apache Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0)


our production Tomcat installation, and I am looking through the


/ information extraction requests, and I suspect they are not really
evaluating what they think they are, and furthermore encouraging bad

For instance, the first entry I have in the spreadsheet I was 
provided is

listed as follows:

CIS Control:
2.1 Alter the Advertised String (Scored)

The attribute contains the name of the application service.
This value is presented to Tomcat clients when clients connect to the
tomcat server.

Audit Procedures:
Perform the following to determine if the value has been
Extract the file and exami

Virtual Threads

2023-09-05 Thread Christopher Schultz


I have some questions about Virtual Threads and their use within Tomcat. 
Note that only Tomcat 11 currently has support for Virtual Threads when 
running on a version 19 or later JVM.

My (admittedly limited) understanding is that the use of Virtual 
Threads, specifically within Tomcat, will allow Tomcat to use fewer 
platform threads (e.g. native OS threads) to support a larger number of 
JVM/application threads for request-processing. The justification for 
this improvement is that request-processing threads spend a lot of time 
in an I/O-blocked state which, when using Virtual Threads, would no 
longer consume a platform thread.

There appears to only be one setting to enable Virtual Threads in Tomcat:


In both cases, there is only one setting to affect the number of 
"threads" (by any description) which the Executor will ultimately use 
(Connectors without an explicit Executor will create a non-shared 
Executor to be used internally). That setting is "maxThreads" which 
limits the total number of "threads" that the Executor will create.

The implementation of the VirtualThreadExecutor does not seem to have 
any upper-bound on the number of Virtual Threads that will be created at 
all. I believe this means that a large number of incoming requests (i.e. 
a burst) will result in the creation of a large number of Virtual 
Threads. Without an upper-bound, we are expecting that the JVM's 
(virtual) thread scheduler will schedule each application thread to be 
mounted to a platform thread in the order it was added to the queue 
(essentially in request-order).

Before Virtual Threads were introduced, the Executor would use a queue 
of requests to dispatch to available (non-Virtual) threads which would 
use that thread until the request was complete, then return the thread 
to the pool. With Virtual Threads, the same thing is essentially still 
happening except that (a) Tomcat no longer manages the thread pool (a 
JVM-defined one is being used instead) and (b) requests are immediately 
handed a (Virtual) thread to carry their execution.

I believe there are some subtle differences in how Tomcat will behave, 
now. As an example, if I have two applications running, say, the Tomcat 
Manager application and the Tomcat Examples application, without using 
Virtual Threads, each application's thread pools should be "fair" within 
the context of each application: requests are processed in the order 
they are received in Manager and Examples, separately. If all requests 
are equally "expensive" and everything is "fair", then requests to the 
Examples application are scheduled alongside those to the Manager 
application, and they can both execute simultaneously as well as 
separately-manage the order in which the requests are processed.

Once Virtual Threads are introduced, the requests are filed into a 
single JVM-wide thread-scheduling system where activity in one 
application can affect the other.

Let's replace Examples with RealWorldApp, an application that is 
expected to be used by users. Maybe a LOT of users. Without Virtual 
Threads, a high number of requests to RealWorldApp will not cause 
starvation of requests to (maybe the more important, at least for 
admins) the Manager. Once Virtual Threads are introduced, a limitless 
number of requests can be queued in front of a request to Manager, which 
can experience starvation.

While Tomcat did not previously implement any specific priority-queuing 
of requests, the use of separate Executors for each application 
effectively provided that kind of thing. Yes, each Executor can be 
configured separately to either use Virtual Threads or not, and so 
Manager can be configured to NOT use Virtual Threads while RealWorldApp 
can be configured to use Virtual Threads and the balance is "restored". 
But it is no longer possible to have RealWorldApp and RealWorldApp2 and 
Manager all with equally probable request-scheduling when using Virtual 
Threads. You can pick some subset of applications to get (essentially) 
priority by NOT using Virtual Threads, but the whole set of applications 
running in a single JVM will share a single Executor with FIFO behavior. 
If an application creates Virtual Threads (hey, why not?! they are 
cheaper!) then they will be scheduled alongside the request-processing 
threads as well.

Do I understand things correctly? Is my scenario of request-starvation 
for a little-used but potentially critical application (e.g. Manager) a 
real concern, or am I missing something fundamental about the way 
Virtual Threads are scheduled relative to other Virtual Threads, and 
relative to non-virtual threads?


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Re: CIS Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) -- Questions

2023-09-05 Thread Robert Turner
Thanks Mark -- I appreciate your insights, and I agree with not donating
your time so someone else can make money off it. It definitely seems
somewhat unethical on their part not to make those resources available for
free if they are sourcing them for free. I would imagine it's still easy
enough to build up a commercial service around it, even if the artifacts
are all public.

I have traditionally relied on the advice in the Tomcat documentation in
precedence over anything the auditors "recommend" for the reasons you
articulated. Unfortunately, "audit" has a "special place" in the world ...

We do already override the "Server" header which is the obvious visible
version information (as so many "audits" insist on this being a "good
thing"), but I agree about staying on top of versions as the more correct
solution (rant: if only AWS would keep their Elastic Beanstalk platform up
to date as well...never mind that they skipped version 9, making it quite
awkward to jump from 8.5 to 10). Thanks for the additional details on that
one should it come up as a "finding".

I was only using that one as a "example", more to start a discussion, and
to ensure I wasn't "out to lunch" on my thoughts. There are plenty of
others entries in the evaluation document where the method for determining
is too narrow, and relies on a specific version (often old) or a particular
location for configuration (like explicitly specifying options in, even though there are more appropriate places, like in
$CATALINA_HOME/conf files, or in the applications), as well as some items
that are somewhat obscure and don't result in improving security in any
material way (i.e. obscuring, rather than securing).


On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 11:27 AM Mark Thomas  wrote:

> I spoke to some CIS representatives at a recent conference given that I
> have concerns about the quality of some of the recommendations.
> It appears that these benchmarks are effectively crowdsourced. My
> primary concern is that there is no validation of the resulting
> recommendations so they run the risk of reinforcing current widespread
> bad practice as well as good practice.
> The only response CIS had was to join the CIS community and try and
> improve these guides. That is on my TODO list but it pains me to do so
> as they charge for commercial use. I don't like the idea of providing my
> expertise for free so someone else can make money out of it. I think I'd
> rather spend time on the security guides in the Tomcat docs.
> Hmm. Looking back at my notes it appears I looked into doing something
> similar back in 2010 and had similar concerns regarding the
> participation terms back then too.
> Regarding the suggestion to edit the contents of a JAR, that is a bad
> idea on so many levels.
> I'd argue that rather than spending time hiding the current Tomcat
> version - which is nothing more than security by obscurity - system
> admins should be investing time in an update process that allows easy
> updates (and roll-backs) to the Tomcat version. You only need to hide
> the version number if you aren't on top of your security updates. And if
> you aren't on top of your security updates you have bigger problems than
> needing to hide the version number.
> If you find you need to hide this version number to appease auditors -
> and using smarter auditors isn't an option - then there are a range of
> options as set out in the Tomcat 8.5 security guide. That guide also
> provides the correct way to override the version number (if you really
> need to) without editing the JAR contents. In short, you can simply
> override the individual file by placing at the right place in the file
> system:
> $CATALINA_BASE/lib/org/apache/catalina/util/
> HTH,
> Mark
> On 05/09/2023 14:54, Robert Turner wrote:
> > Thanks Peter. Just to be clear that I have no concern about the goal of
> the
> > test -- only the method for obtaining the information, and the "implied"
> > correction.
> >
> > After going through the rest of the document I was provided, it seems to
> > "get more modern" as the questions go on -- suggesting the method of
> > improvement is additive, and possibly not corrective.
> Improvements are definitely corrective as well as additive. Early
> versions of the guide had very odd advice regarding MIME type mapping
> that has since been removed.
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 9:36 AM Peter Kreuser  wrote:
> >
> >> Robert,
> >>
> >> While Mark Thomas will have a more detailled answer to this...
> >>
> >> The finding behind this test is valid (information disclosure with
> server
> >> version in responses), though the remediation listed here is from looong
> >> time ago, when the was no ErrorReportValve to purge the version info.
> >>
> >> So the CIS Tomcat 8(!) Guide is pretty outdated! Probably in more than
> >> this spot...
> >>
> >> Peter
> >>
> >>> Am 05.09.2023 um 14:03 schrieb Robert Turner :
> >>>
> >>> While I think 

Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

2023-09-05 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 9/4/23 10:41, Jonathan S. Fisher wrote:

Mark thank you again for your leadership and setting expectations. I'm
going to commit to working on this with anyone else that wants to help with
the goal of a patch by year end. I want to nail the patch with minimal
rework that meets Tomcat project quality standards. To that end, I'll
attempt to summarize what you expect here and if you could comment and
correct my understanding that would be appreciated.

It sounds like you're satisfied with the ubiquity of the Proxy protocol and
that it has an RFC


We'll target just implementing the latest version of the Proxy protocol
We'll implement a "TrustedProxies" feature similar to what the Remote IP
Valve does

+1 This is very important. If it makes sense to do some refactoring to 
allow these features to share code, please do that as a completely 
separate commit in your PR. It will make things much easier to read and 

We'll implement a, or modify the RemoteIp, valve to be able to set the
remote IP from Proxy protocol headers
We'll follow the RFC spec and reject any request that does a proper Proxy
protocol header
I'm particularly interested in the Proxy protocol over Unix Domain Sockets,
so expect to see a lot of the work focused on this, but accepting Proxy
Protocol over TCP looks to be quite important from the comments on this
email chain

TCP is a much more important use-case IMHO.

If I may ask two things:
Can you summarize your desired implementation? What point in the stack
should we target to implement this?
One thing I'm not familiar with on Tomcat is the testing expectations. If
you can point to a set of unit tests and a set of integration tests and say
"Do it like this"

There are tons of unit tests in the Tomcat source tree. IMHO it's much 
more important to have /existing/ unit-tests than waiting for a long 
time to have "the perfect tests case(s)". If you commit decent 
unit-tests and there are opportunities to make them more "Tomcat-like" 
or share more code with existing unit-tests, that work can come later.

Anything else on the original patch you liked/didn't like? (

Others know much more about the "right" way to get started on this, so 
I'll leave it to them to reply. I wouldn't want to lead you down the 
wrong path.


On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 3:13 PM Mark Thomas  wrote:

On 28/08/2023 18:44, Amit Pande wrote:

Oh, sure. So, what would be the best way to get some conclusion on this


Provide a patch for review based on the feedback provided here and in
the BZ issue. The state of the

ticket isn't updated for long. Perhaps add comments/ask the folks on user
list to vote?

That is more likely to irritate folks rather than encourage them to help
you progress your patch.



-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas 
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:20 AM
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not

click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
the content is safe. If you believe this is a phishing email, use the
Report to Cybersecurity icon in Outlook.

28 Aug 2023 17:11:20 Amit Pande :


Just checking - Did this issue get discussed in any of the core
members' meeting?

There are no such meetings. Discussion happens on the mailing lists.



-Original Message-
From: Amit Pande
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

Yes, understood.

Thank you for clarifying. Even I was referring to initial consensus
without any timeline or approach conclusion.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

On 28/07/2023 19:21, Amit Pande wrote:

Thank you all for the valuable discussion on this topic.

Is it okay to say that we're agreeing to adding proxy protocol
support in Tomcat?

I think that is a little too strong. At this point there is a proposed
approach and no one is objecting but until there is an actual patch to

Keep in mind that any committer can veto a change.

My sense is that it should be possible to implement this feature while
addressing any concerns that may be raised but it is not guaranteed.



-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz 
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2023 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat


On 7/27/23 12:39, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 27/07/2023 16:27, Jonathan S. Fisher wrote:

On the topic of security, may we consider a trustedProxies setting?

Seems reasonable.

We should probably look at what h

RE: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

2023-09-05 Thread Amit Pande
Thank you, Jonathan, for updating this thread.

I was thinking of cleaning up the existing patch and submit it for review.

I agree it's better to get feedback before any work is started.


-Original Message-
From: Jonathan S. Fisher 
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2023 9:42 AM
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe. If you believe this is a phishing email, use the Report to 
Cybersecurity icon in Outlook.

Mark thank you again for your leadership and setting expectations. I'm going to 
commit to working on this with anyone else that wants to help with the goal of 
a patch by year end. I want to nail the patch with minimal rework that meets 
Tomcat project quality standards. To that end, I'll attempt to summarize what 
you expect here and if you could comment and correct my understanding that 
would be appreciated.

It sounds like you're satisfied with the ubiquity of the Proxy protocol and 
that it has an RFC We'll target just implementing the latest version of the 
Proxy protocol We'll implement a "TrustedProxies" feature similar to what the 
Remote IP Valve does We'll implement a, or modify the RemoteIp, valve to be 
able to set the remote IP from Proxy protocol headers We'll follow the RFC spec 
and reject any request that does a proper Proxy protocol header I'm 
particularly interested in the Proxy protocol over Unix Domain Sockets, so 
expect to see a lot of the work focused on this, but accepting Proxy Protocol 
over TCP looks to be quite important from the comments on this email chain

If I may ask two things:
Can you summarize your desired implementation? What point in the stack should 
we target to implement this?
One thing I'm not familiar with on Tomcat is the testing expectations. If you 
can point to a set of unit tests and a set of integration tests and say "Do it 
like this"
Anything else on the original patch you liked/didn't like? (

Thank you,

On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 3:13 PM Mark Thomas  wrote:

> On 28/08/2023 18:44, Amit Pande wrote:
> > Oh, sure. So, what would be the best way to get some conclusion on
> > this
> thread?
> Provide a patch for review based on the feedback provided here and in
> the BZ issue.
> > https://bz/
> >
> >
> > 422c4c55b3eaca318e6cac32%7C0%7C0%7C638294353363138987%7CUnknown%7CTW
> > FpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVC
> > I6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=UPENCoX0wXwqKw4L96w9PfNxSvh%2FzItbDGg
> > uwsdMlqY%3D&reserved=0 The state of the
> ticket isn't updated for long. Perhaps add comments/ask the folks on
> user list to vote?
> That is more likely to irritate folks rather than encourage them to
> help you progress your patch.
> Mark
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Amit
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mark Thomas 
> > Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:20 AM
> > To: Tomcat Users List 
> > Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat
> >
> >
> > CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> know the content is safe. If you believe this is a phishing email, use
> the Report to Cybersecurity icon in Outlook.
> >
> >
> >
> > 28 Aug 2023 17:11:20 Amit Pande :
> >
> >> Mark,
> >>
> >> Just checking - Did this issue get discussed in any of the core
> >> members' meeting?
> >
> > There are no such meetings. Discussion happens on the mailing lists.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Amit
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Amit Pande
> >> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:29 AM
> >> To: Tomcat Users List 
> >> Subject: RE: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat
> >>
> >> Yes, understood.
> >>
> >> Thank you for clarifying. Even I was referring to initial consensus
> >> without any timeline or approach conclusion.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Amit
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Mark Thomas 
> >> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 2:48 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [External] Re: Supporting Proxy Protocol in Tomcat
> >>
> >> On 28/07/2023 19:21, Amit Pande wrote:
> >>> Thank you all for the valuable discussion on this topic.
> >>>
> >>> Is it okay to say that we're agreeing to adding proxy protocol
> >>> support in Tomcat?
> >>
> >> I think that is a little too strong. At this point there is a
> >> proposed approach and no one is objecting but until there is an
> >> actual patch to discuss...
> >>
> >> Keep in mind that any committer can veto a change.
> >>
> >> My sense is that it should be possible to implement this feature
> >> while addressin

Re: CIS Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) -- Questions

2023-09-05 Thread Mark Thomas
I spoke to some CIS representatives at a recent conference given that I 
have concerns about the quality of some of the recommendations.

It appears that these benchmarks are effectively crowdsourced. My 
primary concern is that there is no validation of the resulting 
recommendations so they run the risk of reinforcing current widespread 
bad practice as well as good practice.

The only response CIS had was to join the CIS community and try and 
improve these guides. That is on my TODO list but it pains me to do so 
as they charge for commercial use. I don't like the idea of providing my 
expertise for free so someone else can make money out of it. I think I'd 
rather spend time on the security guides in the Tomcat docs.

Hmm. Looking back at my notes it appears I looked into doing something 
similar back in 2010 and had similar concerns regarding the 
participation terms back then too.

Regarding the suggestion to edit the contents of a JAR, that is a bad 
idea on so many levels.

I'd argue that rather than spending time hiding the current Tomcat 
version - which is nothing more than security by obscurity - system 
admins should be investing time in an update process that allows easy 
updates (and roll-backs) to the Tomcat version. You only need to hide 
the version number if you aren't on top of your security updates. And if 
you aren't on top of your security updates you have bigger problems than 
needing to hide the version number.

If you find you need to hide this version number to appease auditors - 
and using smarter auditors isn't an option - then there are a range of 
options as set out in the Tomcat 8.5 security guide. That guide also 
provides the correct way to override the version number (if you really 
need to) without editing the JAR contents. In short, you can simply 
override the individual file by placing at the right place in the file 




On 05/09/2023 14:54, Robert Turner wrote:

Thanks Peter. Just to be clear that I have no concern about the goal of the
test -- only the method for obtaining the information, and the "implied"

After going through the rest of the document I was provided, it seems to
"get more modern" as the questions go on -- suggesting the method of
improvement is additive, and possibly not corrective.

Improvements are definitely corrective as well as additive. Early 
versions of the guide had very odd advice regarding MIME type mapping 
that has since been removed.

On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 9:36 AM Peter Kreuser  wrote:


While Mark Thomas will have a more detailled answer to this...

The finding behind this test is valid (information disclosure with server
version in responses), though the remediation listed here is from looong
time ago, when the was no ErrorReportValve to purge the version info.

So the CIS Tomcat 8(!) Guide is pretty outdated! Probably in more than
this spot...


Am 05.09.2023 um 14:03 schrieb Robert Turner :

While I think I know the answer to my question, I wanted to double-check
with the group to confirm.

I have been asked to perform the CIS Apache Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0)


our production Tomcat installation, and I am looking through the


/ information extraction requests, and I suspect they are not really
evaluating what they think they are, and furthermore encouraging bad

For instance, the first entry I have in the spreadsheet I was provided is
listed as follows:

CIS Control:
2.1 Alter the Advertised String (Scored)

The attribute contains the name of the application service.
This value is presented to Tomcat clients when clients connect to the
tomcat server.

Audit Procedures:
Perform the following to determine if the value has been
Extract the file and examine the
$ jar xf catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/
$ grep org/apache/catalina/util/

So, other than a few issues with the audit procedures, etc. This seems to
be doing the following:

a) evaluating a default value which I believe can be overridden and thus
may not actually reflect the value the server may provide to external
b) encouraging the modification of the catalina.jar contents to correct


default value

There are a few similar items (for server.number, server.built) (2.2,


Thoughts / comments from "those in the know"?



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Re: CIS Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) -- Questions

2023-09-05 Thread Robert Turner
Thanks Peter. Just to be clear that I have no concern about the goal of the
test -- only the method for obtaining the information, and the "implied"

After going through the rest of the document I was provided, it seems to
"get more modern" as the questions go on -- suggesting the method of
improvement is additive, and possibly not corrective.

On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 9:36 AM Peter Kreuser  wrote:

> Robert,
> While Mark Thomas will have a more detailled answer to this...
> The finding behind this test is valid (information disclosure with server
> version in responses), though the remediation listed here is from looong
> time ago, when the was no ErrorReportValve to purge the version info.
> So the CIS Tomcat 8(!) Guide is pretty outdated! Probably in more than
> this spot...
> Peter
> > Am 05.09.2023 um 14:03 schrieb Robert Turner :
> >
> > While I think I know the answer to my question, I wanted to double-check
> > with the group to confirm.
> >
> > I have been asked to perform the CIS Apache Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0)
> on
> > our production Tomcat installation, and I am looking through the
> questions
> > / information extraction requests, and I suspect they are not really
> > evaluating what they think they are, and furthermore encouraging bad
> > practices.
> >
> > For instance, the first entry I have in the spreadsheet I was provided is
> > listed as follows:
> >
> > CIS Control:
> > 2.1 Alter the Advertised String (Scored)
> >
> > Description:
> > The attribute contains the name of the application service.
> > This value is presented to Tomcat clients when clients connect to the
> > tomcat server.
> >
> > Audit Procedures:
> > Perform the following to determine if the value has been
> > changed:
> > Extract the file and examine the
> > attribute.
> > $ cd $CATALINA_HOME/lib
> > $ jar xf catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/
> > $ grep org/apache/catalina/util/
> >
> >
> > So, other than a few issues with the audit procedures, etc. This seems to
> > be doing the following:
> >
> > a) evaluating a default value which I believe can be overridden and thus
> > may not actually reflect the value the server may provide to external
> > clients
> > b) encouraging the modification of the catalina.jar contents to correct
> the
> > default value
> >
> > There are a few similar items (for server.number, server.built) (2.2,
> 2.3).
> >
> >
> > Thoughts / comments from "those in the know"?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Robert
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: CIS Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) -- Questions

2023-09-05 Thread Peter Kreuser

While Mark Thomas will have a more detailled answer to this...

The finding behind this test is valid (information disclosure with server 
version in responses), though the remediation listed here is from looong time 
ago, when the was no ErrorReportValve to purge the version info.

So the CIS Tomcat 8(!) Guide is pretty outdated! Probably in more than this 


> Am 05.09.2023 um 14:03 schrieb Robert Turner :
> While I think I know the answer to my question, I wanted to double-check
> with the group to confirm.
> I have been asked to perform the CIS Apache Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) on
> our production Tomcat installation, and I am looking through the questions
> / information extraction requests, and I suspect they are not really
> evaluating what they think they are, and furthermore encouraging bad
> practices.
> For instance, the first entry I have in the spreadsheet I was provided is
> listed as follows:
> CIS Control:
> 2.1 Alter the Advertised String (Scored)
> Description:
> The attribute contains the name of the application service.
> This value is presented to Tomcat clients when clients connect to the
> tomcat server.
> Audit Procedures:
> Perform the following to determine if the value has been
> changed:
> Extract the file and examine the
> attribute.
> $ cd $CATALINA_HOME/lib
> $ jar xf catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/
> $ grep org/apache/catalina/util/
> So, other than a few issues with the audit procedures, etc. This seems to
> be doing the following:
> a) evaluating a default value which I believe can be overridden and thus
> may not actually reflect the value the server may provide to external
> clients
> b) encouraging the modification of the catalina.jar contents to correct the
> default value
> There are a few similar items (for server.number, server.built) (2.2, 2.3).
> Thoughts / comments from "those in the know"?
> Thanks,
> Robert

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CIS Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) -- Questions

2023-09-05 Thread Robert Turner
While I think I know the answer to my question, I wanted to double-check
with the group to confirm.

I have been asked to perform the CIS Apache Tomcat 8 Benchmark (v1.1.0) on
our production Tomcat installation, and I am looking through the questions
/ information extraction requests, and I suspect they are not really
evaluating what they think they are, and furthermore encouraging bad

For instance, the first entry I have in the spreadsheet I was provided is
listed as follows:

CIS Control:
2.1 Alter the Advertised String (Scored)

The attribute contains the name of the application service.
This value is presented to Tomcat clients when clients connect to the
tomcat server.

Audit Procedures:
Perform the following to determine if the value has been
Extract the file and examine the
$ jar xf catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/
$ grep org/apache/catalina/util/

So, other than a few issues with the audit procedures, etc. This seems to
be doing the following:

a) evaluating a default value which I believe can be overridden and thus
may not actually reflect the value the server may provide to external
b) encouraging the modification of the catalina.jar contents to correct the
default value

There are a few similar items (for server.number, server.built) (2.2, 2.3).

Thoughts / comments from "those in the know"?

