Re: Basic and Form Authentication

2009-12-11 Thread Anthony Jay
Hi all,
   Winners never quit and quitters never win
Thanks for the assistance!!!

Anthony Jay wrote:
 yes, I was aware of this, as mentioned on a previous mail, but as its
 neither production ready nor complete it would be a huge risk.
 I am beginning to think that I am attempting the impossible...
 After several weeks banging my head against a wall (I have a sore neck)
 I am giving this one more day then giving up ;-(

On this list, we dislike it when people give up.
Give us all a feeling of failure.
Come on, a bit of perseverance may be the key.

What about my other post of yesterday, on the thread :
Re: Contexts and Path and Authentication
Does at least the initial description match what you would need ?

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Re: Contexts and Path and Authentication

2009-12-11 Thread Anthony Jay
Excellent. Now I have an elegant plan B in case my current
apache-mod_auth_mysql-tomcat-form-based-authentication solution proves

Christopher Schultz wrote:
 securityfilter ( can be tricked
 into doing this. Although the standard operating procedure is to map sf
 to all URLs (i.e. url-pattern/*/url-pattern), one can choose to map
 it to different patterns and deploy it /twice/:
 filter-nameSecurity Filter BASIC/filter-name
 filter-nameSecurity Filter FORM/filter-name

I did not know that securityfilter handled both Basic and Form 
authentication.  Is that recent ?

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Re: Contexts and Path and Authentication

2009-12-10 Thread Anthony Jay
What's the problem with doing:

  /xml/-- basic auth
  /xml/secure/ -- basic auth

TonyI cannot change URL as this is a working application and XML
consumers must notice no difference.

Then this bit of the app can be deployed as xml.war and the other as 
ROOT.war.  Modifying your URL namespaces would seem to be a logical 
TonyNo doubt about that but this is what I have to work with/Tony

If needs be, you can redirect /secure/xml/ requests from the ROOT app to 
the xml app.

TonyAs mentioned I'm having difficulty with UrlRewriteFilter and
Tomcat 6/Tony

Thanks for the input, all ideas are most welcome!

On 09/12/2009 21:07, Anthony Jay wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am having tremendous difficulty configuring contexts on tomcat.
 I've had to split my perfectly working application into two applications
 as the jsp now requires Form based authentication and the XML components
 require Http Basic authentication as before. As I've learned the very
 hard way I cannot do both within the same application without writing my
 own security plumbing.
 So I've taken peoples advice and made one war file formauth.war with all
 jsp and related servlets which uses form based auth and also created
 basicauth.war which contains all xml servlet configuration, I put the
 common libs into tomcat/lib directory (to handle Statics and singletons
 and DB stuff)  Two apps, two authentication mechanisms. Messy but I
 could see no other way.

 My jsps etc are contained on the path /secure/xxx and /secure/yyy as
 well as /public/*
 But my XML URL pattern for servlets is
 /secure/xml/* and /xml/* which are declared in web.xml

 Individually each war when deployed seem to work fine except for the
 uri/path configuration.
 i.e. URL prepended with /formauth/ or /basicauth/ prefixes.
 Currently this works:
 /formauth/secure/yyy  --Form based auth
 /formauth/secure/xxx  --Form based auth
 /formauth/public/  --Form based auth
 /basicauth/secure/xml/  --basic auth
 /basicauth/xml/  --basic auth
 Which is not what I want, the application must work as before.

 /secure/yyy  --Form based auth
 /secure/xxx  --Form based auth
 /public/  --Form based auth
 /secure/xml/  --basic auth
 /xml/  --basic auth

What's the problem with doing:

  /xml/-- basic auth
  /xml/secure/ -- basic auth

Then this bit of the app can be deployed as xml.war and the other as 
ROOT.war.  Modifying your URL namespaces would seem to be a logical 

If needs be, you can redirect /secure/xml/ requests from the ROOT app to 
the xml app.


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Re: Basic and Form Authentication

2009-12-10 Thread Anthony Jay
yes, I was aware of this, as mentioned on a previous mail, but as its
neither production ready nor complete it would be a huge risk.
I am beginning to think that I am attempting the impossible...
After several weeks banging my head against a wall (I have a sore neck)
I am giving this one more day then giving up ;-(

I got some (as yet partial) answers on this on the Apache httpd forum.
Check out this :

In summary, and subject to more confirmation by the Apache developers :
A series of new Apache modules is due to appear in Apache 2.4 (the next 
production release version).  They include mod_session and 
mod_auth_form, which should provide a generic form-based authentication 
These modules are currently available in the test version of Apache 
(2.34).  I do not know yet if they are, or can be, back-ported for 
Apache 2.2.14, the current production version.

But all in all, it seems that this provides the as-yet missing standard 
form-based authentication framework which would be needed by the 
original poster on this thread, if he wanted to resolve his issue by 
using an httpd front-end (which he uses anyway for other purposes right 

Well, at least it would be a start.  It remains to be seen in detail how 
one would set this up under Apache httpd.

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Re: Contexts and Path and Authentication

2009-12-10 Thread Anthony Jay
Also the issue with Multiple Authentication Mechanisms
My head is sore from banging it against a wall but I THINK that I have
come up with a rather elegant solution.
Well its a bit obvious in one way but I suppose I had to go through all
the pain first. There was alot of pain.
Just to reiterate my issue : How to get Tomcat to use Http basic and 
http form authentication in same application.

I have 
/secure/xml/** servlets that need basic auth
/xml/** servlets that need NO auth
/secure/.jsp that need FORM auth
/ssl/xxx.jsp that needs NO AUTH
/ standard web content that is public etc.
All working together as ONE application

This stemmed from an app that was using http basic and the user/jsp
stuff had to be converted to Form based auth for security reasons and
obviously the b2b xml stuff could not change URLS or auth mechanisms
being hard coded on the client side in our customers apps.

SSL termination
mod_auth_mysql http basic ONLY on servlet urls using LocationMatch
mod_jk forwarding jsp and servlets to tomcat

configured for FORM based auth
ignored unprotected content.
Application deployed as ROOT.war (no messing around with contexts or

So the apache acts as a http filter on servlets that require http basic
and ignores everything else.
Tomcat uses form based authn to protected all jsp pages that require it
and ignores those that dont.

Rather happy with this solution as I can offload images/etc to apache, I
get loadbalancing from mod_jk and high availability.

Im sure there are a few speedbumps along the way but 90% sure this will
work. (Note the 10% reserved for experience)


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Contexts and Path and Authentication

2009-12-09 Thread Anthony Jay
Hi All,
   I am having tremendous difficulty configuring contexts on tomcat.
I've had to split my perfectly working application into two applications
as the jsp now requires Form based authentication and the XML components
require Http Basic authentication as before. As I've learned the very
hard way I cannot do both within the same application without writing my
own security plumbing.
So I've taken peoples advice and made one war file formauth.war with all
jsp and related servlets which uses form based auth and also created
basicauth.war which contains all xml servlet configuration, I put the
common libs into tomcat/lib directory (to handle Statics and singletons
and DB stuff)  Two apps, two authentication mechanisms. Messy but I
could see no other way.

My jsps etc are contained on the path /secure/xxx and /secure/yyy as
well as /public/*
But my XML URL pattern for servlets is
/secure/xml/* and /xml/* which are declared in web.xml

Individually each war when deployed seem to work fine except for the
uri/path configuration.
i.e. URL prepended with /formauth/ or /basicauth/ prefixes. 
Currently this works:
/formauth/secure/yyy  --Form based auth
/formauth/secure/xxx  --Form based auth
/formauth/public/  --Form based auth
/basicauth/secure/xml/  --basic auth
/basicauth/xml/  --basic auth
Which is not what I want, the application must work as before. 

/secure/yyy  --Form based auth
/secure/xxx  --Form based auth
/public/  --Form based auth
/secure/xml/  --basic auth
/xml/  --basic auth

I need to remove the /formauth/ and /basicauth/ directories and my pain
will subside. From everything that I have read this SHOULD be possible
when configuring the context element.
My issue now is that trying to overlap the contexts will not work for
I can only get one war to work at at time (as default context) using
Context docBase=formauth path=/  when war is deployed in the
webapps folder.
I have tried 
Context docBase=formauth path=secure/xxx/
and many different combinations but I can never remove the /formauth/ or
/basicauth/ prefixes except when one is set as default, but then I
cannot configure the other context.

A little advice here should go a long way as I've read
and related pages and posts about a fifty times as well as sample
setups. I'm really pulling my hair out now.this is taking me
waay too long.
There are many brownie points going for this one.


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Re: Contexts and Path and Authentication

2009-12-09 Thread Anthony Jay
Many thanks Chuck and Ken for the tip. I am surprised that the solution
is a 'hack' rather than configuration, but kinda glad that I wasn't
losing my marbles.
URL Rewriting is probably going to be the easiest way out, I am
considering using mod_jk on the apache side so I could get away with
using it there, but its always nice to 'hit' tomcat directly and get the
same result.
maybe someday Ill write a patch/plugin/filter/gizmo that will allow form
and basic on same app and present it to the world...
Then again form/basic auth on apache side isnt too far away.
I feel like I am hitting a brick wall with my head more often than I
should be
(Any other tips welcome!)

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Re: Contexts and Path and Authentication

2009-12-09 Thread Anthony Jay
   FYI just hit another stumbling block which may be of interest to
   other users.
UrlRewriteFilter will not forward any of my requests, even to the sample
demo rule for /rewrite-status/ itself! It will, however, redirect
perfectly well (when type is changed to type=redirect) meaning that I
have installed the filter properly.
Other persons seem to be having issues with UrlRewriteFilter and Tomcat
6 (see the google groups posts for some unresolved issues)
In addition UrlRewriteFilter cannot forward outside of its application
context without changing Context configuration.

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Re: Basic and Form Authentication

2009-12-01 Thread Anthony Jay
Thanks all for your comments, I do appreciate the expert assistance.
As I suspected I will have to split the webapp into seperate apps based
on the authentication method required.
Seems like a funny way to arrange an application but such is life.
As for cross application communication I will have to revisit our own
code to see if there are static/singleton services that can be
re-engineered and decoupled.
In terms of hacking code to fudge application access, this would be low
on my list, I would not like to alter or maintain security related code. 
Many thanks again.
(Much head scratching to continue)

Hash: SHA1


On 11/30/2009 4:53 AM, Anthony Jay wrote:
   Is is possible to have an application that serves content protected by
   BASIC and FORM based auth?

As Mark points out, the servlet spec says not in the same webapp.
Tomcat implements the servlet specification and no more, so you are out
of luck, there.

 I could deploy seperate apps for each type but I would then lose access
 to application specific information e.g. Singletons and Statics, which
 will cause big problems.

I would strongly advise you to separate your webapps: one webapp for
your XML-based API and the other for human interaction. Don't forget
that your human UI could make use of the XML API behind the scenes. This
is typically called drinking your own Cool-Aid.

If it's possible for you to do so, you could put your shared
singleton/static classes into a shared ClassLoader. What kinds of things
are you using that you would need to share across webapps? Could those
things be converted into services that both webapps could share?

Note that an XML service whose URL contains a jsessionid parameter will
be associated with the indicated session. You could use such a URL to
avoid the FORM authentication (but getting the session id is, of course,
an issue unresolved by this).

Finally, you could go out on your own and implement your own
authentication mechanism. Securityfilter is a simple, filter-based
authentication and authorization mechanism that you could hack-up to do
this type of thing. Actually, you could use it out-of-the-box and just
use a Filter configured /in front/ of it to trick sf into trusting a
Principal configured by your Filter (which comes from the request's HTTP
AUTH data).

- -chris
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Re: Basic and Form Authentication

2009-12-01 Thread Anthony Jay
 Thanks for the great advice.

On placing singletons etc in jar libraries in tommcat /lib directory,
that would be a very simple hack that could keep code pretty much as is.
Thank you for that suggestion, it may well be a runner, I didnt think
that was possible.

In terms of fronting everything with apache, I am currently doing this
already via mod_jk (loadbalancing to 2 tomcats), although I might use
mod_proxy_ajp in future as it is now bundled with apache2.  However, I
could not find any viable implementation for form based authentication,
although there is one in the pipeline but may not be available in a
stable form for many months to come. That was a big disappointment!

Many thanks,

Peter Crowther wrote:
 2009/12/1 Anthony Jay
 As for cross application communication I will have to revisit our own
 code to see if there are static/singleton services that can be
 re-engineered and decoupled.
 This may be one of the few appropriate times where you may want to put
 code for the singletons (and all the classes that might be referenced
 by your singletons) in common/lib.  It's not an ideal solution, but it
 may save you considerable effort as those classes will then be loaded
 by a single classloader, rather than the per-webapp classloaders.
Or then, this may be a case where you want to explore front-ending these 
applications with an Apache httpd server, linked to Tomcat via an AJP 
There is considerably more flexibility in Apache httpd regarding AAA 
(since for one it is not bound by the servlet spec), and once a request 
is authenticated, Apache and the connector will happily pass this 
authenticated id to Tomcat.  And you would have to change nothing to 
your servlet-engine side code, singletons and all.

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Basic and Form Authentication

2009-11-30 Thread Anthony Jay
  Is is possible to have an application that serves content protected by
  BASIC and FORM based auth?
JSP protected by FORM
Servlets that process XML use http BASIC?

I could deploy seperate apps for each type but I would then lose access
to application specific information e.g. Singletons and Statics, which
will cause big problems.

Any words of wisdom?


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Re: Some advice on apache tomcat

2009-11-19 Thread Anthony Jay
 I have failed to come up with a solution to link Apache 2.2 and Tomcat
 6 using mod_jk / mod_proxy_ajp in a way that satisfies my requirements.
 (Seamless form based authentication, CMS using wordpress etc.) I can
 get 98% there but the last 2% is the blocker and I am running out of
 options. I was very surprised that others have not done this before but
 then again I suppose every solution is different! (Many thanks to the
 replies for my earlier question, I don't think a non custom solution
 exists for it!)

So to move forward I think that I will scrap putting the static content
on apache and serve it all from tomcat. I might use apache to handle SSL
and loadbalance.
My question is what is the recommended wordpress replacement that I can
use on Tomcat to provide content management via database as well as
providing blogging capability? I looked at quercus php enabler for
tomcat but it seems to have a commerical license. openCMS looks
promising (but no blogging) any recommendations?


On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:02 +, Pid wrote:
 On 16/11/2009 22:07, André Warnier wrote:
  Anthony Jay wrote:
  My main issue now is about how the authentication works between Tomcat
  and Apache.
  That's the only one I can readily answer.
  It is extremely simple with mod_jk.
  If the user is authenticated at the Apache level, mod_jk will pass this
  on to the Tomcat server via AJP.
  The only thing to do, is set the 'tomcatAuthentication=false'
  attribute in Tomcat's AJP Connector, and Tomcat will just believe the
  user-id sent by Apache and mod_jk.
  I don't know if, or how, mod_proxy_ajp handles the same thing.
  In terms of authentication, which should I use, mod_auth_mysql and
  mod_auth_dbm (or mod_auth_form in future or something else?) and why?
  There are many many possibilities for this under Apache httpd. Just pick
  the one that you like best, on its own merits.
  They all basically in the end result in the HTTP request being
  authenticated at the Apache httpd level (iow to have a user-id), and
  that's what you want.
  What you then do with it under Tomcat is another story, but that is also
  your choice.
  In terms of single sign on how can I make the user experience seamless
  between static content-managed pages and jsp/servlets? Will mod_jk
  handle sso? This does not seem clear to me in all the pages I read. If I
  configure form based auth in a login.jsp page will this be relayed to
  apache after a redirect?
  No, but why would it be ?
  Ah, if you want to do the authentication in Tomcat rather than in
  Apache, but still use it in Apache ?
  There are ways, but you'll need to write your own Apache (httpd)
  authentication module. You could then define a dummy servlet in Tomcat,
  which just echoes the authenticated user-id (as gotten via
  getRemoteUser() e.g.). Then in Apache httpd, you would make a
  side-request (oherwise known as a sub-request) to this Tomcat webapp
  to get the user-id, and use it to authenticate the current request in
  But that is a complicated scheme, probably only worth it if you find
  some Tomcat authentication method that does not exist in Apache httpd,
  which is unlikely.
  What is best practise and what should I be doing? If there is some hard
  to find documentation out there with pointers and tips I would
  appreciate a few links.
  To read in the Apache httpd docs :
  Also, personally I would recommend having a look around here :
  This is the Perl library. Even if you do not intend to do anything with
  Perl, the documentation of many of these modules is a goldmine of
  information about how things work.
  Expert advice is appreciated.
  You just got it.
 There used to be a mod_auth_cookie module that had form auth 
 capabilities, but it wasn't ever in the main distro, it was listed in 
 the related modules site.
 I used a variant of it in a HTTPD 1.3 install many years ago, so I can't 
 vouch for its current status.  GIYF.
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Re: Some advice on apache tomcat

2009-11-17 Thread Anthony Jay
Yep, I had come accross mod_auth_cookie, but its current status is
questionable and people seem to have moved on to other things. I am just
trying to find out what those other things are! Best practises etc. It
would be  nice to conduct a poll to find out what people are actually
using. I am accepting that almost everyone else knows more than

On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:02 +, Pid wrote:
 On 16/11/2009 22:07, André Warnier wrote:
  Anthony Jay wrote:
  My main issue now is about how the authentication works between Tomcat
  and Apache.
  That's the only one I can readily answer.
  It is extremely simple with mod_jk.
  If the user is authenticated at the Apache level, mod_jk will pass this
  on to the Tomcat server via AJP.
  The only thing to do, is set the 'tomcatAuthentication=false'
  attribute in Tomcat's AJP Connector, and Tomcat will just believe the
  user-id sent by Apache and mod_jk.
  I don't know if, or how, mod_proxy_ajp handles the same thing.
  In terms of authentication, which should I use, mod_auth_mysql and
  mod_auth_dbm (or mod_auth_form in future or something else?) and why?
  There are many many possibilities for this under Apache httpd. Just pick
  the one that you like best, on its own merits.
  They all basically in the end result in the HTTP request being
  authenticated at the Apache httpd level (iow to have a user-id), and
  that's what you want.
  What you then do with it under Tomcat is another story, but that is also
  your choice.
  In terms of single sign on how can I make the user experience seamless
  between static content-managed pages and jsp/servlets? Will mod_jk
  handle sso? This does not seem clear to me in all the pages I read. If I
  configure form based auth in a login.jsp page will this be relayed to
  apache after a redirect?
  No, but why would it be ?
  Ah, if you want to do the authentication in Tomcat rather than in
  Apache, but still use it in Apache ?
  There are ways, but you'll need to write your own Apache (httpd)
  authentication module. You could then define a dummy servlet in Tomcat,
  which just echoes the authenticated user-id (as gotten via
  getRemoteUser() e.g.). Then in Apache httpd, you would make a
  side-request (oherwise known as a sub-request) to this Tomcat webapp
  to get the user-id, and use it to authenticate the current request in
  But that is a complicated scheme, probably only worth it if you find
  some Tomcat authentication method that does not exist in Apache httpd,
  which is unlikely.
  What is best practise and what should I be doing? If there is some hard
  to find documentation out there with pointers and tips I would
  appreciate a few links.
  To read in the Apache httpd docs :
  Also, personally I would recommend having a look around here :
  This is the Perl library. Even if you do not intend to do anything with
  Perl, the documentation of many of these modules is a goldmine of
  information about how things work.
  Expert advice is appreciated.
  You just got it.
 There used to be a mod_auth_cookie module that had form auth 
 capabilities, but it wasn't ever in the main distro, it was listed in 
 the related modules site.
 I used a variant of it in a HTTPD 1.3 install many years ago, so I can't 
 vouch for its current status.  GIYF.
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Some advice on apache tomcat

2009-11-16 Thread Anthony Jay
   I am in need of some advice. My current setup is a web application
   running on Jboss which serves static and dynamic content, jsp,
   servlets and xml on two non load balanced servers (hot spare using
   mysql replication). It currently uses Http Basic Authentication over
   SSL. This has been fine to date but since I dont use any of EJB or
   related features I think that it is overkill for my application, as
   well as being unflexible w.r.t. deployment and content management as
   the whole site is deployed as a single EAR. Initially it was
   fantastic as it was simple and easy to maintain but now every change
   requires a full build.

I am researching porting my site to Apache 2.2 and Tomcat, and hope to
gain the following.
1. Serve the static content from apache e.g. images, clips sound, text
files etc.
2. Install a CMS to offload content managment to others and also blog
functionality, Wordpress seems to be the tool of choice for ease of
usage and widespread usage, this seems to work fine in my test
3. Maintain current servlet and jsp (including xml) functionality on
tomcat. Instead of one super application I can deploy servlets as
seperate applications and update them seperately.
4. Use connectors such as mod_jk to load balance and provide failover. I
already have heartbeat and mod_jk installed on in high availabilty mode
using workers in a test environment and this is working as expected.
(Apache 2.2 and tomcat 6 running on centos 5.3).

At this point I have hit a brick wall w.r.t. what to do next. I have
been researching this for the past two weeks and the more I learn the
more I seem to be confused. There is so much documentation on some
things but almost none on others. I always fear that if there is nobody
asking questions about a certain topic it either means that a) There are
no problems using the technology or b) Nobody is using it at all.

My main issue now is about how the authentication works between Tomcat
and Apache.
I would like to use both Form based and http basic authentication on
protected resources running on both apache and tomcat.
i.e. Form based for humans and httpbasic for XML requests over ssl.
I have a user database in mysql containing username and password, roles
are in another table but these could be merged if required.

I also am confused by mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp, they, seem to have much
feature overlap. mod_proxy_ajp in my view suffers terribly from the
missing *.jsp wildcard capability but has a much simpler configuration
and better future prospects as it is bundled with apache 2.2.

In terms of authentication, which should I use, mod_auth_mysql and
mod_auth_dbm (or mod_auth_form in future or something else?) and why?

In terms of single sign on how can I make the user experience seamless
between static content-managed pages and jsp/servlets? Will mod_jk
handle sso? This does not seem clear to me in all the pages I read. If I
configure form based auth in a login.jsp page will this be relayed to
apache after a redirect?

What is best practise and what should I be doing? If there is some hard
to find documentation out there with pointers and tips I would
appreciate a few links. Expert advice is appreciated.

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RE: Some advice on apache tomcat

2009-11-16 Thread Anthony Jay
Hi Neil,
   Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate hearing from someone
   that has actual production experience using these technologies!

To answer your question below, I *could* have all my servlets in one
webapp but that would not be my preference. For example I would like the
capability be able to update a single servlet that serves XML without
affecting any other user interations with the server, or, more
realistically, to completely deploy a new application inluding
jsp/servlets into Tomcat as a customer beta and keep current
applications unaffected. (We have several new applications under
In addition Some servlets need http basic, some form based auth and
others not even ssl at all!

So from your mail I understand that you only use apache to serve static
pages that are not protected, thereby needing no authentication and
therefore you can contain all your Auth using Tomcat. This is good, how
do you handle ssl? Does Apache terminate any SSL, all ssl or only static


On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:24 -0600, Neil Aggarwal wrote:
  I am researching porting my site to Apache 2.2 and Tomcat, and hope to
  gain the following.
  1. Serve the static content from apache e.g. images, clips sound, text
  files etc.
 I do that will all of my JSP apps.  I set up Apache on the
 front end and use mod_jk to push JSP/servlet stuff into Tomcat.
 It works very well and scales nicely.
  2. Install a CMS to offload content managment to others and also blog
  functionality, Wordpress seems to be the tool of choice for ease of
  usage and widespread usage, this seems to work fine in my test
 That should be no problem.  Wordpress is just a php app in front
 of MySQL.
  3. Maintain current servlet and jsp (including xml) functionality on
  tomcat. Instead of one super application I can deploy servlets as
  seperate applications and update them seperately.
 Are you talking about having multiple service in one webapp or
 servlets in different webapps?
  4. Use connectors such as mod_jk to load balance and provide 
 Like you said, this works very well.
  My main issue now is about how the authentication works between Tomcat
  and Apache.
  I would like to use both Form based and http basic authentication on
  protected resources running on both apache and tomcat.
  i.e. Form based for humans and httpbasic for XML requests over ssl.
  I have a user database in mysql containing username and 
  password, roles
  are in another table but these could be merged if required.
 I put all protected info in Tomcat and only use Apache for
 sending public content.  If there is a static file that
 needs protecting, I use a servlet that checks if they are
 logged in and then opens and streams the file back to the
 user.  It works well.
  In terms of single sign on how can I make the user experience seamless
  between static content-managed pages and jsp/servlets?
 If you use one webapp with multiple servlets and serve
 your protected static content from Tomcat, SSO is very
 I hope this helps,
 Neil Aggarwal, (281)846-8957,
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Re: Java Out of Heap Issue

2009-11-16 Thread Anthony Jay
What I have found works well in some circumstances where you do not have
a profiler to hand.
1. Look for static declarations in your code that point to singletons or
collection objects. They might just grow and grow
2. You may not be using third party libs correctly, e.g. Not closing
connections, performing cleanup etc. RTFM just in case.
3. Perform amputations on your code if possible i.e. replace methods
with dummy invocations. You will *eventually* find the source of
festering objects that are not being gc'd. 

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:54 -0800, Elli Albek
 You can try getting an object dump from a profiler and see which
 objects are the source of memory starvation. Simple JSPs are very
 unlikely to cause memory starvation, but you mentioned “application
 code”, which implies that you have more than simple JSPs.
 A few things you want to cross off your performance check list, which
 will not solve your problem, but are generally necessary:
 1. JVM -server option, just in case
 2. Disable session persistence
 3. If you application does not use sessions, disable them for all JSPs
 (typical place to do it is header JSP include)
 4. Force session termination, no long running sessions.
 5. Remove all apps that you do not need. Tomcat comes with a few built
 in apps and those are not trivial to find. Make sure conf/Catalina and
 all its sub directories contain only apps that you need. Host manager
 and such should be deleted. Same with war files.
 What you describe in your memory graph is a simple memory leak.
 Generally, I would look in that order:
 1.  Sessions
 2.  Application code
 3.  Other webapps
 1 and 3 are easy to deal with. If you don’t need sessions make sure
 they are not created at all. If you do, force session termination
 after a few minutes in master web.xml or other XML files. Notice that
 one file can define a value and another can overwrite it, so you have
 to make sure all are checked.
 If that does not work, application code is the next candidate. You can
 start with an object dump with a profiler or a simple code review/step
 through in a debugger.
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Re: Some advice on apache tomcat

2009-11-16 Thread Anthony Jay
Thanks. Squid may be a contender but I need the CMS and blogging that
comes with apache/php. Although maybe someday our traffic may get to the
point where we will need squid to keep up! Now that would be a good
problem to have! Thanks for the pointer. 

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:36 -0800, Elli Albek
 You can also look at squid to serve static files and load balance. So
 squid fronts tomcat and your other apps. Squid can serve your static
 files as well. All you have to do it make sure your static files
 return a cache header like max-age, and squid will serve them without
 going to the origin (tomcat). Squid can also load balance tomcats and
 route requests for multiple origins based on some rules. We have squid
 doing virtual hosting of tomcats that run different apps, as well as
 serving static content and caching dynamic content.
 The down sides vs apache:
 1. Not as many plugins and options
 2. The configuration rules are simpler and more widely
 known/understood in apache
 3. Hard to rewrite URLs. Not impossible, but mod rewrite is much much
 easier to deal with. Actually any manipulation of the request/response
 is less than trivial on squid.
 If you go for squid, 2.7 and above. Earlier versions are not as good
 for reverse proxing.
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Re: Some advice on apache tomcat

2009-11-16 Thread Anthony Jay
Thank you very much for your informative comments. 
In terms of breaking an application into single servlets, I agree that
there would need to be strong reasons for doing it, and the clear one
that springs to mind is the requirement to have different authn methods
for each, None, Form, and http basic. But I take your point on board.

I really want to leverage as much flexibility between apache and tomcat
but keep the dependencies and configuration to a minimum. I dream of a
time where I can be lazy in the future. (Fat chance)
Is there a lack of form-based authentication module (production ready)
for apache or am I just really bad at finding things?
I would really like to force apache to do as much as possible of the ssl
and authn and leave tomcat to handle the actual work!

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:07 +, Pid wrote:
 On 16/11/2009 17:53, Anthony Jay wrote:
  I am in need of some advice. My current setup is a web application
  running on Jboss which serves static and dynamic content, jsp,
  servlets and xml on two non load balanced servers (hot spare using
  mysql replication). It currently uses Http Basic Authentication over
  SSL. This has been fine to date but since I dont use any of EJB or
  related features I think that it is overkill for my application, as
  well as being unflexible w.r.t. deployment and content management as
  the whole site is deployed as a single EAR. Initially it was
  fantastic as it was simple and easy to maintain but now every change
  requires a full build.
  I am researching porting my site to Apache 2.2 and Tomcat, and hope to
  gain the following.
  1. Serve the static content from apache e.g. images, clips sound, text
  files etc.
  2. Install a CMS to offload content managment to others and also blog
  functionality, Wordpress seems to be the tool of choice for ease of
  usage and widespread usage, this seems to work fine in my test
  3. Maintain current servlet and jsp (including xml) functionality on
  tomcat. Instead of one super application I can deploy servlets as
  seperate applications and update them seperately.
 One servlet per application probably isn't an optimal solution.
 Breaking a single large app into smaller components may be worth it - 
 very much depends on your application.
  4. Use connectors such as mod_jk to load balance and provide failover. I
  already have heartbeat and mod_jk installed on in high availabilty mode
  using workers in a test environment and this is working as expected.
  (Apache 2.2 and tomcat 6 running on centos 5.3).
  At this point I have hit a brick wall w.r.t. what to do next. I have
  been researching this for the past two weeks and the more I learn the
  more I seem to be confused.
 What are you confused about?
  There is so much documentation on some
  things but almost none on others. I always fear that if there is nobody
  asking questions about a certain topic it either means that a) There are
  no problems using the technology or b) Nobody is using it at all.
 There are lots of questions about mod_jk on this list each week.
 Sometimes they're even different ones.  ;)
  My main issue now is about how the authentication works between Tomcat
  and Apache.
 It's one way, Tomcat, as an 'inner' component, can defer to 
 authentication set at the outer level in Apache HTTPD.
 See the tomcatAuthentication attribute of the AJP connector.
 Tomcat can't pass it's authenticated principal up to HTTPD.
  I would like to use both Form based and http basic authentication on
  protected resources running on both apache and tomcat.
 You would probably need to seperate those parts into separate 
 applications as FORM and BASIC can only be set once in each web.xml.
 (You can of course duplicate the same class or jar in differently 
 configured web apps.)
  i.e. Form based for humans and httpbasic for XML requests over ssl.
  I have a user database in mysql containing username and password, roles
  are in another table but these could be merged if required.
  I also am confused by mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp, they, seem to have much
  feature overlap. mod_proxy_ajp in my view suffers terribly from the
  missing *.jsp wildcard capability but has a much simpler configuration
  and better future prospects as it is bundled with apache 2.2.
 They offer similar, largely overlapping functionality, you choose one or 
 the other.
 mod_proxy_ajp can of course handle *.jsp, when combined with 
 mod_rewrite and the [P] proxy rewrite command.
   RewriteRule   ^/(.+)\.jsp(.+)?   ajp://tomcathost/$1.jsp$2   [P,L]
  In terms of authentication, which should I use, mod_auth_mysql and
  mod_auth_dbm (or mod_auth_form in future or something else?) and why?
 Up to you.
  In terms of single sign on how can I make the user experience seamless
  between static content