Re: JNI memory leak?

2020-04-24 Thread Mark Boon
Thanks Chris for taking the time.

As you point out, from the threads I can tell we're not using ARP as the names 
al all starting with "jsse". AFAI could find out BouncyCastle is a pure Java 
implementation, so that also can't be the cause.

Someone suggested PAMLibrary may be the culprit. So I started a thread that 
makes continuous auth calls to the PAM library. Now there does seems to be an 
indication memory is leaking very, very slowly. It seems to be roughly in line 
with the number of auth failures. It looks like PAM throttles auth failures 
though, hence it's taking such a long time for the evidence to mount.

So nothing to see here for this group. Just wanted to give a heads up.


On 4/6/20, 12:12 PM, "Christopher Schultz"  

Hash: SHA256


    On 4/3/20 21:48, Mark Boon wrote:
> For the past few months we’ve been trying to trace what looks like
> gradual memory creep. After some long-running experiments it seems
> due to memory leaking when jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*,
> _jobject*, JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*)
> is invoked. Somewhere.
> My environment is Tomcat running a proxy webapp. It does TLS
> termination,  authentication and then forwards the call to local
> services. It doesn’t do much else, it’s a relatively small
> application.
> Some (possibly relevant) versions and config parameters: Tomcat
> 8.5 Java 8u241 (Oracle) Heap size = 360Mb MAX_ALLOC_ARENA=2
> MALLOC_TRIM_THRESHOLD_=250048 jdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=25600
> We couldn’t find any proof of memory leaking on the Java side. When
> we turn on NativeMemoryTracking=detail and we take a snapshot
> shortly after starting, we see (just one block shown):
> [0x03530e462f9a] JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread*)+0xaa
> [0x03530e3f759a] JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle,
> Handle, JavaValue*, Thread*)+0x6a [0x03530e3fa000]
> JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*,
> JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x8f0 [0x03530e4454a1]
> jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType,
> _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) [clone .isra.96] [clone
> .constprop.117]+0x1e1 (malloc=33783KB type=Internal #110876)
> Then we run it under heavy load for a few weeks and take another
> snapshot:
> [0x03530e462f9a] JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread*)+0xaa
> [0x03530e3f759a] JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle,
> Handle, JavaValue*, Thread*)+0x6a [0x03530e3fa000]
> JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*,
> JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x8f0 [0x03530e4454a1]
> jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType,
> _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) [clone .isra.96] [clone
> .constprop.117]+0x1e1 (malloc=726749KB type=Internal #2385226)
> While other blocks also show some variation, none show growth like
> this one. When I do some math on the number (726749KB - 33783KB) /
> (2385226 – 110876) it comes down to a pretty even 312 bytes per
> allocation. And we leaked just under 700Mb. While not immediately
> problematic, this does not bode well for our customers who run this
> service for months.
> I’d like to avoid telling them they need to restart this service
> every two weeks to reclaim memory. Has anyone seen something like
> this? Any way it could be avoided?

That was some very good sleuthing on your part. 312 bytes per
allocation will indeed be very difficult to detect unless you are
really looking hard for it.

On 4/4/20 13:02, Mark Boon wrote:
> The connector of the webapp uses Http11NioProtocol. My
> understanding is it uses direct-byte-buffers backed by native
> memory for the Nio channels. I don't know for sure if that gets
> allocated through a JNI call, but that was my assumption.

This will definitely use Tomcat's NIO protocol which doesn't use the
APR connector. However, you still might be using tcnative to get the
crypto engine. Can you confirm the thread-naming convention of your
request-processing threads? They will tell you if JSSE or OpenSSL
(tcnative) is being used.

A few data points:

* No Tomcat code directly invokes jni_invoke_static(), but it might do
so indirectly through a variety of means.

* NIO does use buffers, but those buffers tend to be (a) fairly large
- --  on the order of kilobytes -- and (b) re-used for the life of the
request-processor thread.

It is very possible that there is a very small leak in Tomcat's
handling of NIO buf

Re: JNI memory leak?

2020-04-04 Thread Mark Boon
I don't have 'proof' Tomcat is to blame. Hence the question-mark. All I have 
managed is narrow it down to this NMT data, which is not very informative. I 
hoped anyone could give me an idea how or where to investigate further. Or if 
someone had run into this before.

The connector of the webapp uses Http11NioProtocol. My understanding is it uses 
direct-byte-buffers backed by native memory for the Nio channels. I don't know 
for sure if that gets allocated through a JNI call, but that was my assumption.

I did not consider trying Mission Control or jvisualvm. Isn't Mission Control 
for embedded Java? And AFAIK, jvisualvm is for profiling Java memory usage and 
underneath uses tools like jmap, jstat and jcmd. Through GC logs and jmap 
heap-dumps I can confidently say there's no memory leak on the Java side. The 
NMT data shown comes from jcmd. No type grows beyond control and full GC always 
returns to the same baseline for the heap. Anyway, the Java heap is only 360Mb 
and this memory-block created by jni_invoke_static has grown to 700Mb by 
itself. And I see no out-of-memory messages. The only hint of this happening is 
that the RES memory of the Tomcat process keeps growing over time, as shown by 
'top'. And it seems GC is getting slower over time, but the customers haven't 
noticed it yet. (This is after we switched to ParallelGC. We did see 
considerable slow-down when using G1GC in the ref-processing, but we couldn't 
figure out why. It would slow to a crawl before the memory leak became obvious.)

Anyway, I was mostly fishing for hints or tips that could help me figure this 
out or avoid it.

The application is simple to the point I'm hard-pressed to think of any other 
part making JNI calls. The only library I can think of using JNI is 
BouncyCastle doing the SSL encryption/decryption, so maybe I'll switch my focus 

Thanks for taking the time to think along.

On 4/4/20, 5:50 AM, "calder"  wrote:

On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 8:48 PM Mark Boon  wrote:
> For the past few months we’ve been trying to trace what looks like 
gradual memory creep. After some long-running experiments it seems due to 
memory leaking when
> jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType, 
_jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) is invoked. Somewhere.
> My environment is Tomcat running a proxy webapp. It does TLS termination, 
 authentication and then forwards the call to local services. It doesn’t do 
much else, it’s a relatively small application.
> Some (possibly relevant) versions and config parameters:
> Tomcat 8.5
> Java 8u241 (Oracle)
> Heap size = 360Mb
> jdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=25600
> We couldn’t find any proof of memory leaking on the Java side.
> When we turn on NativeMemoryTracking=detail and we take a snapshot 
shortly after starting, we see (just one block shown):
> [0x03530e462f9a] JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread*)+0xaa
> [0x03530e3f759a] JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle, 
Handle, JavaValue*, Thread*)+0x6a
> [0x03530e3fa000] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, 
JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x8f0
> [0x03530e4454a1] jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, 
JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) [clone .isra.96] [clone 
>  (malloc=33783KB type=Internal #110876)
> Then we run it under heavy load for a few weeks and take another snapshot:
> [0x03530e462f9a] JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread*)+0xaa
> [0x03530e3f759a] JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle, 
Handle, JavaValue*, Thread*)+0x6a
> [0x03530e3fa000] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, 
JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x8f0
> [0x03530e4454a1] jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, 
JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) [clone .isra.96] [clone 
>  (malloc=726749KB type=Internal #2385226)
> While other blocks also show some variation, none show growth like this 
one. When I do some math on the number (726749KB - 33783KB) / (2385226 – 
110876) it comes down to a pretty even 312 bytes per allocation.
> And we leaked just under 700Mb. While not immediately problematic, this 
does not bode well for our customers who run this service for months.
> I’d like to avoid telling them they need to restart this service every 
two weeks to reclaim memory. Has anyone seen something like this? Any way it 
could be avoided?

I'm a bit confused. Your stated title is "JNI Memory Leak?"
Tomcat, to my intimate knowledge, does not use JNI (correct m

JNI memory leak?

2020-04-03 Thread Mark Boon
For the past few months we’ve been trying to trace what looks like gradual 
memory creep. After some long-running experiments it seems due to memory 
leaking when
jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType, _jmethodID*, 
JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) is invoked. Somewhere.

My environment is Tomcat running a proxy webapp. It does TLS termination,  
authentication and then forwards the call to local services. It doesn’t do much 
else, it’s a relatively small application.

Some (possibly relevant) versions and config parameters:
Tomcat 8.5
Java 8u241 (Oracle)
Heap size = 360Mb

We couldn’t find any proof of memory leaking on the Java side.
When we turn on NativeMemoryTracking=detail and we take a snapshot shortly 
after starting, we see (just one block shown):

[0x03530e462f9a] JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread*)+0xaa
[0x03530e3f759a] JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle, Handle, 
JavaValue*, Thread*)+0x6a
[0x03530e3fa000] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, 
JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x8f0
[0x03530e4454a1] jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, 
JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) [clone .isra.96] [clone 
 (malloc=33783KB type=Internal #110876)

Then we run it under heavy load for a few weeks and take another snapshot:

[0x03530e462f9a] JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread*)+0xaa
[0x03530e3f759a] JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle, Handle, 
JavaValue*, Thread*)+0x6a
[0x03530e3fa000] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, 
JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x8f0
[0x03530e4454a1] jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, 
JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*) [clone .isra.96] [clone 
 (malloc=726749KB type=Internal #2385226)

While other blocks also show some variation, none show growth like this one. 
When I do some math on the number (726749KB - 33783KB) / (2385226 – 110876) it 
comes down to a pretty even 312 bytes per allocation.
And we leaked just under 700Mb. While not immediately problematic, this does 
not bode well for our customers who run this service for months.

I’d like to avoid telling them they need to restart this service every two 
weeks to reclaim memory. Has anyone seen something like this? Any way it could 
be avoided?

Mark Boon

Re: Can Tomcat log handshake failures, and where?

2019-08-02 Thread Mark Boon
Hi Mark,

Well, anything is 100% better than nothing. Is this " - - 
[31/Jul/2019:16:45:16 +0100] "-" 400 -" going to be followed by any reason or 
error-code that can point to the reason of failure? Anything that distinguishes 
it from a 'regular' 400 error originating after the handshake? I'd have to pass 
it by the compliance experts, but maybe even just this would be enough to 
convince them I don't need  to use the 

What version will this be in?

Mark Boon

From: Mark Thomas 
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Can Tomcat log handshake failures, and where?

On 30/07/2019 08:28, Mark Thomas wrote:

> Generally, processing needs to get as far as presenting a request line
> before something is added to the access logs. We could look at expanding
> the access logging to include connections that are dropped earlier but
> that might be a sufficiently invasive change that it needs to wait until
> Tomcat 10.

I've done some work on this and it looks promising. The end result is
entries like this in the access log for a failed TLS handshake: - - [31/Jul/2019:16:45:16 +0100] "-" 400 - - - [31/Jul/2019:16:45:16 +0100] "-" 400 - - - [31/Jul/2019:16:45:17 +0100] "-" 400 - - - [31/Jul/2019:16:45:17 +0100] "-" 400 -

Does this meet your requirement?


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Re: Can Tomcat log handshake failures, and where?

2019-07-30 Thread Mark Boon

No, I don't need to log THAT failure. But I do need to log handshake failures 
where the failure to connect was a server-side decision. So (apparently) I do 
need to log cases like a handshake failure in case both sides couldn't agree on 
a cipher, as detailed in my question. As much as I'd like to declare handshake 
failures "not my problem", it doesn't help us sell to governments that require 
this case to be logged. And it's not as if it's technically impossible, as 
clearly it can be reported by setting But I want 
to log just the failure, and not the fire-hose amount of information this gives 
me for every successful handshake.


From: Christopher Schultz 
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: Can Tomcat log handshake failures, and where?

Hash: SHA256


On 7/29/19 17:45, Mark Boon wrote:
> Apparently for compliance reasons we're required to log any failed
> connection attempt. So I'd like to know if and how I can get
> Tomcat to emit such information.
I'd try to get some clarification on that requirement. For example, if
a client tries to connect and they have a network error on their end
(e.g. ISP fails), are you somehow required to log THAT failure?

TLS handshake failures should fall under the category of "not my
problem" and you really shouldn't have to log them.

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: How to configure Tomcat for OCSP stapling?

2018-06-04 Thread Mark Boon
Hi Mark Thomas,

Thanks for the pointer. However, that comment you posted there is 4 years old. 
Any news on the matter since then at all? Has OCSP Stapling support for NIO 
connectors since made it into Java 9?

Mark Boon

On 5/30/18, 12:46 AM, "Mark Thomas"  wrote:

On 29/05/18 00:22, Mark Boon wrote:
> My company asked to enable OCSP stapling for our Tomcat server. I found
> the documentation about configuring a Tomcat OCSP Connector here:
> However, if I’m not mistaken those are instructions for how to set up an
> OCSP responder. But I think in my case, the OCSP responder is the CA
> that issued the certificate. What I need is to instruct Tomcat so that
> it makes the call to the OCSP responder that is specified in the CA
> signed certificate and ‘staples’ the resulting ticket to the certificate
> before presenting it to the client.
> Does anyone know of a place with instructions how to do something like
> this? Or possibly I’m not quite understanding the process of OCSP
> stapling, in which case any pointers on what it means and how it works
> with Tomcat would be much appreciated.


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How to configure Tomcat for OCSP stapling?

2018-05-28 Thread Mark Boon
My company asked to enable OCSP stapling for our Tomcat server. I found the 
documentation about configuring a Tomcat OCSP Connector here:

However, if I’m not mistaken those are instructions for how to set up an OCSP 
responder. But I think in my case, the OCSP responder is the CA that issued the 
certificate. What I need is to instruct Tomcat so that it makes the call to the 
OCSP responder that is specified in the CA signed certificate and ‘staples’ the 
resulting ticket to the certificate before presenting it to the client.

Does anyone know of a place with instructions how to do something like this? Or 
possibly I’m not quite understanding the process of OCSP stapling, in which 
case any pointers on what it means and how it works with Tomcat would be much 

Mark Boon
Staff Engineer
3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304
650.123.4567 Office
808.234.4892 Mobile

Re: Insert key-store implementation into Tomcat Connector

2018-05-02 Thread Mark Boon
Thank you for the information.

Mark Boon

On 5/2/18, 3:35 AM, "Mark Thomas" <> wrote:

On 02/05/18 01:48, Mark Boon wrote:
> In the Tomcat TLS Connecter configuration, there’s the 
trustManagerClassName that can be set to a Java implementation of the 
X509TrustManager interface. There’s also a configuration called keystoreFile 
from which it will read the certificate-key pair to set up the SSL connection. 
I was wondering if there’s also a way to configure a class that will provide 
the SSL certificate? My company would like to plug in their own mechanism to 
store and retrieve certificates, rather than the Java Key Store.
> I have seen references to a keystoreProvider, but I have been unable to 
find anything that provides an example how that is to be used, so I’m not sure 
that serves for what I’m looking for.
> Any pointer to how that could be accomplished would be highly appreciated.

Writing a custom Keystore provider would be the most portable solution.

has some pointers.


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Insert key-store implementation into Tomcat Connector

2018-05-01 Thread Mark Boon
In the Tomcat TLS Connecter configuration, there’s the trustManagerClassName 
that can be set to a Java implementation of the X509TrustManager interface. 
There’s also a configuration called keystoreFile from which it will read the 
certificate-key pair to set up the SSL connection. I was wondering if there’s 
also a way to configure a class that will provide the SSL certificate? My 
company would like to plug in their own mechanism to store and retrieve 
certificates, rather than the Java Key Store.

I have seen references to a keystoreProvider, but I have been unable to find 
anything that provides an example how that is to be used, so I’m not sure that 
serves for what I’m looking for.

Any pointer to how that could be accomplished would be highly appreciated.

Mark Boon