RE: unpackWARs Pros and Cons

2007-03-05 Thread Rachel Wilson
We have encountered issues with deploying unpacked war files on Windows
platforms: when redeploying webapps tomcat fails to clear out the unpacked
directory because windows locks some jar files.  There is a
"antiResourceLocking" workaround but we decided to work with packed war
files in the end

-Original Message-
From: Morris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 March 2007 01:35
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: unpackWARs Pros and Cons

Jim Goodspeed wrote:
> Are there any pros and cons running unpackWARs one way or another?  It 
> seems like keeping unpackWARs="false" might be a little cleaner (not 
> having to remove expanded directories when deploying a new war file), 
> but I wasn't sure if there were any performance hits associated with 
> running this set to false.

I've been running with packed WARs for a while, and just ran into an issue
with Spring's log4jContextListener.  It demands that the war be unpacked so
it can reference the application root as an absolute pathname.  Tsk!

I agree that leaving them packed is neater, and I like not having to worry
about stale files in an exploded app directory, but I'm careful to delete
the exploded directory most of the time anyway.

Having them unpacked should have a slight performance advantage because the
files don't have to be searched and unpacked from the WAR when they're

Best regards,
Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA
Old Town Astronomers:

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RE: log4j exception only when stopping and starting a web application

2007-02-28 Thread Rachel Wilson

>  This problem is pretty common when restarting web applications. Libraries
>  that use singletons etc. don't get reinitialized correctly when the web
>  application is reloaded.

Blimey, that sounds like a serious flaw :S

Do you know why they don't get reinitialized properly?  Could you give me a
pointer so i can diagnose if this is truly the case in our situation?  (not
that i don't believe you but before i tell our administrators that they're
going to have to do everything differently i'd like to be able to give them
some evidence)

My administrator assures me that this didn't used to be the case for tomcat
4.x so what changed i wonder?

By the way, a couple of things that may be of interest and some further
relevant questions:  

[1] To cut a long diagnostic story short I found that if you removed the
leading 3 from the %3x portion of my layout conversionpattern then that
error is no longer encountered, the webapp restarts and the user is able to
log in.  BUT after my user is successfully returned from LDAP authorization
and (is supposed to be) redirected back to the first page of my
application... processing stops, all i get is a blank screen and the url
that ends in j_security_check.  But no errors are logged anywhere that i can

Q.  Could this be caused by the same reinitialization problem?  We do use
singletons in our own code.

[2]  The exact same stop/start problems occur if i deploy a war file under
/webapps where we specify unpacked="false".  This isn't too surprising,
however.. my colleague deploys his webapps under a
$TOMCAT_HOME/myWarfiles directory and has changed the docBase.  (He did this
because of the annoying context.xml deleting/management behaviour and his
reluctance to include configuration files in a war file to be passed to
development)  but he can stop/start undeploy/redeploy his (packed) warfiles
with no problem.

Q.  How does this fit with the reinitialization issue you describe?

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RE: log4j exception only when stopping and starting a web application

2007-02-28 Thread Rachel Wilson
>> It looks like you have bad syntax in you file.
If that were the case, i would have expected it to fail the first time i
started the application?

to be clear, here are the steps to reproduce the error
[1] deploy an unpacked webapp "myapp" to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myapp
[2] start tomcat
[3] all webapps start and work fine, both tomcat and application logging
works fine
[4] using the /manager webapp stop myapp
[5] myapp (seems to) shut down fine
[6] using the /manager webapp start myapp
[7] myapp does not start because of the reported error

It might also be worth mentioning that my application requires the user to
log in and is then redirected to an LDAP server for authentication.

But, just in case you are right I stripped the down to
something very simple and i still get the same error *only* after stopping
and restarting the application via the manager application.  

I attached my stripped down versions of the files just in
case you can spot something (oh please don't let there be a typo :)) in webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/classes
log.home=C:/Tomcat 5.5/logs

# root logger sends INFO level messages to debug and error appenders

# define the debug appender
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %3x
%c - %m%n

# define the tomcat appender for Tomcat messages specific to this
log4j.appender.tomcat.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p
%c %3x - %m%n in $TOMCAT_HOME/common/classes
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p %t %c - %m%n

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log4j exception only when stopping and starting a web application

2007-02-27 Thread Rachel Wilson

I am deploying an unpacked webapp directory to TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myapp,
If i (stop and) start tomcat then my application runs fine and the logging
works fine.  However if i stop the application (successfully, it seems) and
restart it using Tomcats manager app then I get the following error:

2007-02-27 16:21:17,671 ERROR http-8080-Processor3
org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/manager] -
FAIL - Application at context path /myapp could not be started
at org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.format(
at org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender.append(
at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(
at org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog(
at org.apache.log4j.Category.log(
at qmul.jndirealm.JNDIRealm.start(

Configuration details
Tomcat 5.5.17
Windows XP

I am using server-minimal.xml
I have a context.xml in my webapp's META-INF dir
I have an application specific file in my webapps
WEB-INF/classes dir
I have an file in TOMCAT_HOME/common/classes

The closest I can find on the web to my problems are the following threads
but there is no clear solution in my situation

This is especially strange because the configuration must have been correct
initially in order for everything to work in the first instance.
So what changes when an application is stopped and started in order to cause
this error?

I have run out of things to check now, can anybody suggest any more leads?

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