Re: EL not evaluatin in TC 5.5

2006-12-05 Thread Roberto Marra

In my web.xml I don't declare to use the servlet spec 2.4 schema

David Smith ha scritto:
Did you declare your web.xml to use the servlet spec 2.4 schema? 
AFAIK, that's required to make EL expressions work.


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Re: EL not evaluatin in TC 5.5

2006-12-04 Thread Roberto Marra
I usually put under WEB-INF/tld/ all the JSP tag library and under 
WEB-INF/lib all the *.jar file... even jstl.jar & I never have had problem


Michael Hencin ha scritto:

I have tomcat 5.5,  j2sdk1.4.2_11 on windows xp sp2



I have installed the BIRT viewer web app (from and wanted to
also add JSTL to the jsp pages. I download and installed the jstl.jar and
standard.jar into my webapp WEB-INF/lib. I put the c.tld and some other tld
files into the WEB-INF dir. My jsp does not seem to be evaluating the EL I
have another sample webapp, that I got the simple jsp from, and its
installed in the same TC5.5 and the same jsp evaluates fine. 


>From what I have read about installing JSTL, I cannot see why the EL
expressions will not evaluate?


I added a simple jsp as follows into the webapp dir.


<%@ page contentType="text/html" %>

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>


JSP is Easy




JSP is as easy as ...


<%-- Calculate the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 dynamically --%>

1 + 2 + 3 = 




The result when I load this jsp is



JSP is Easy
JSP is as easy as ...

1 + 2 + 3 = ${1 + 2 + 3}


My web.xml entries for the tag-lib are as follows;


















Michael Hencin

Enginuity Development




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Centralino: +41916104455
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Mobile: +41797000139


2006-10-27 Thread Roberto Marra

Hello Daniela,
there are no firewall there in your system that lock the localhost? Did 
you check that?


Montefiore SA
CH-6934 Lugano-Bioggio

Daniela Marangoni ha scritto:

Although I have installed Tomcat 5.5 using the default directory the
installation gives me and have defined password as you can see on the
attached file 

When I try to connect to Tomcat Manager I receive the message

"Unauthorized"  when connecting to

what should be the problem?

Can you help me?

Thank you!



Windows Server 2000 Service Pack4


JAVA_HOME= c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\

TOMCAT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5

Ho aggiunto alla PATH sia la JAVA_HOME sia la TOMCAT_HOME


Rimango in attesa di una vostra risposta


Datamanagement S.p.A

Ing.Daniela Marangoni

Via S. Cavina 7 - 48100 Ravenna

Tel: 0544 503505

Cell: 3473553749





2006-10-10 Thread Roberto Marra

   Hi guys,
   I would like to find some documentation about the web.xml. I would
   like to understand all the directive like  or 
   etc... I found some in the apache web site, but not all.

   Any suggestion pls

   Roberto Marra

Re: How structure file

2006-10-09 Thread Roberto Marra

Thnx David,
for clarifieding this concept. Really appriciate.


David Smith ha scritto:
Any/all files related to your web application (including .tld files) 
should be within your webapp's folder in the /webapps folder of 
tomcat.  No need to move any of this around.

There are however minor exceptions to this.  One of those exceptions 
is if your webapp uses JNDI to access a container managed database 
pool.  In that case, the driver .jar file needs to be in common/lib so 
both the container and your webapp have access to it.

For a complete description of /common, /shared, and /webapps ; read 
the classloader howto at:


Roberto Marra wrote:

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How structure file

2006-10-09 Thread Roberto Marra

   Hello Experts,
   Im just a little confused about the structure of Tomcat folder &
   where to put the files. Under my Tomcat installation I got some
   folder like:



   Then I got my application folder let say


   Im confused about where to put the file.

   I got some *.jar about jstl & mysql connector, that now are in
   /common/lib, but why there & not in /shared/lib or why not in

   Then what about the tld files? I puted under /test/WEB-INF/tld
   folder, but now I read that I should put this files in the
   /test/WEB-INF/lib folder within a .jar file and then I read about
   the *.jar Struts files that should be in the /test/WEB-INF folder
   and not in the /test/WEB-INF/lib folder...

   that's pretty confusing me. Can somebody of you give me some
   explanation pls?

   What at the end of the day I would like is:

   1. Understand the best configuration to run a web-application using
   just JSP & using Struts as well
   2. Understand the difference about the various folder that I
   described above.

   Thnx in advance 4 ur help


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