Re: Custom Connector class

2015-12-16 Thread Roel Storms
2015-12-16 14:11 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <

> Roel,
> On 12/16/15 4:56 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > It should, if you implement parseParameter and all these other methods
> > before getStream is called, in the wrapper itself. But since you haven't
> > implemented HttpServletRequest.getParameter* in you example Filter, you
> > will end up using Request.getParameter* which will not use
> > the HttpServletRequest.getStream since it has no knowledge of this
> wrapper.
> > The wrapped object never uses the wrapped implementation of methods since
> > it has no knowledge of the wrapping.
> I'm sorry I wasn't clear, but I was suggesting that you use my Filter as
> inspiration for writing a Valve. The Valve wouldn't wrap
> HttpServletRequest. Instead, it would wrap Tomcat's coyote Request
> class, which *is* used to fetch the input stream (or reader).
> -chris
> Ok, first of all, sorry for the Top posting, it's a nasty habit that comes
with using the Gmail webclient.

Secondly, If it would wrap the Request without intercepting getParameter()
then a call to HttpServletRequest.getParameter would delegate to the
wrapped Request which in my case, would be a wrapped version of the
original Request. But since I am not intercepting getParameter, it will
result in Request.getParameter being called which leads me back to the
previous e-mail. As long as I am not implementing all the methods that
eventually call getStream,  getInputStream and getReader, I won't get the
desired behavior.

I agree that your filter could be an inspiration for a Valve but it would
have to cover all the methods mentioned in the previous e-mail and it
wouldn't suffice to . I have several sequence diagrams explaining what I

The first diagram describes what happens if you intercept getReader,
getInputStream and getStream but don't intercept getParameter. The second
diagram shows the interaction as it's supposed to happen but requires the
wrapper implementing all these methods without delegating them to the
wrapped Request.

The other alternative is extending Request with an implementation of
getStream without implementations for getParameter, parseParameters or
readPostBody. This would result in the following (if I use dynamic binding

I will also look into what Konstantin suggested.

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Re: Custom Connector class

2015-12-16 Thread Roel Storms
It should, if you implement parseParameter and all these other methods
before getStream is called, in the wrapper itself. But since you haven't
implemented HttpServletRequest.getParameter* in you example Filter, you
will end up using Request.getParameter* which will not use
the HttpServletRequest.getStream since it has no knowledge of this wrapper.
The wrapped object never uses the wrapped implementation of methods since
it has no knowledge of the wrapping.

2015-12-16 4:06 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <>

> Roel,
> On 12/15/15 5:13 PM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > I don't believe that your suggestion works, but correct me if I'm wrong.
> > You aren't overwriting the getInputStream or getReader method. You are
> > wrapping them, which is a big difference. Since the internal
> > Request#parseParameter() won't use your wrapped version of the method but
> > rather uses it's own version which won't work since you've already called
> > getInputStream or getReader.
> My code is a Filter which executes too late. If you implement this as a
> Valve, you ought to be able to capture the input data (whether it is a
> stream or a reader) and re-play it to any code later in the valve
> pipeline. I must admit I haven't read all the Connector/Request code so
> I don't know for sure if a Valve wrapping the (non-spec-defined) request
> object will be sufficient.
> > In your case it works since you aren't calling getParameter(). You're
> > implementation works as long as you restrict your application to using
> > getReader or getInputStream. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. Calling
> > HttpRequestRecorderWrapper.getParameter() in the web application, should
> > mess up your wrapper since it doesn't intercepts this method call and
> will
> > invoke the Request.getParameter() which will call Request.getStream() and
> > not HttpRequestRecorderWrapper.getStream() as you're implementation
> > requires.
> Servlet code calling HttpServletRequest.getParameter* should end up
> calling getInputStream on the wrapper. If that's not what Tomcat does,
> I'd consider it a bug because Filters are supposed to be able to replace
> request entities and things like that.
> -chris
> -
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Re: Custom Connector class

2015-12-15 Thread Roel Storms
I don't believe that your suggestion works, but correct me if I'm wrong.
You aren't overwriting the getInputStream or getReader method. You are
wrapping them, which is a big difference. Since the internal
Request#parseParameter() won't use your wrapped version of the method but
rather uses it's own version which won't work since you've already called
getInputStream or getReader.

In your case it works since you aren't calling getParameter(). You're
implementation works as long as you restrict your application to using
getReader or getInputStream. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. Calling
HttpRequestRecorderWrapper.getParameter() in the web application, should
mess up your wrapper since it doesn't intercepts this method call and will
invoke the Request.getParameter() which will call Request.getStream() and
not HttpRequestRecorderWrapper.getStream() as you're implementation

Overwriting the getStream, getInputStream and getReader methods would
indeed solve the problem, but the problem is that you aren't overwriting
the method. By the way, I believe that parseParameter uses getStream. But
again, a wrapper does not overwrite the Request.getInputStream or
getReader. I made this same mistake when trying a similar solution to yours.

So in order for getParameter to work in a wrapper, you need to wrap
parseParameter and implement all the other methods that depend on
getStream, getInputStream or getReader, in the wrapper itself. I did the
research and I would have to rewrite more then you suggest (getReader(),
getStream(), getInputStream(), parseParameter(), readPostBody(),
readChunkedPostBody, getParameterMap, getParameterNames,
getParameterValues)  and maybe it's not even possible since some fields
that are used by these implementations are protected and have been set
before the Valve is encountered. These fields don't always have getters and
you might not be able to reproduce the behavior of getParameter (or any
other method) in a wrapper due to this fact. This last part is just an
assumption. I haven't validated that this last issue, indeed renders an
implementation in a wrapper impossible, but it makes it fairly difficult
and error prone. By the way, this is not my only reason for diving into
Tomcat. I need modification to the Manager as well and since it is just a
proof of concept, I am not worried about maintaining this code, which would
indeed be almost impossible.

Thanks for the advice on the size of requests. I'm still pondering on that


2015-12-15 2:10 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <>

> Roel,
> On 12/12/15 11:17 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > I believe that this is not entirely what I need. As far as I understand
> the
> > code it will detect if getInputStream or getReader has been called by the
> > servlet application. Depending on the usingReader boolean that was set
> as a
> > result, it will either use _inputReaderBuffer or _inputStreamBuffer to
> > fetch the body.
> >
> > In my case I need to retrieve the body in advance and still allow the web
> > application to call either method, getInputStream, getReader,
> getParameter.
> > If I choose to call getInputStream in my Valve to retrieve the body then
> > the web application will be restricted to using getInputStream. If I
> choose
> > getReader then the web application will be restricted to using getReader.
> > If a web application would use ServletRequest.getParameter the
> > documentation says the following:
> >
> > "If the parameter data was sent in the request body, such as occurs with
> an
> > HTTP POST request, then reading the body directly via getInputStream()
> > <
> >
> >  or getReader()
> > <
> >
> > can
> > interfere with the execution of this method."
> >
> > According to my understanding of the original Tomcat request code,
> > Request.getParam depends on Request.parseParameters which in turn uses
> > Request.readPostBody that uses Request.getStream to obtain the data.
> > getStream also fetches the inputStream of a request so I believe it won't
> > work in combination with a call to getReader.
> >
> > Since your wrapper is not overwriting any method like getParam
> > (getParameterNames, getParameterValues, getParameterMap) I believe these
> > methods will still behave incorrectly when called by the target
> application.
> >
> > I could indeed build a wrapper that would overwrite getStream, getReader,
> > getInputStream, getParam, getParameterNames, etc. But then I would be
> > generating a lot of duplicate

Re: Custom Connector class

2015-12-12 Thread Roel Storms

I believe that this is not entirely what I need. As far as I understand the
code it will detect if getInputStream or getReader has been called by the
servlet application. Depending on the usingReader boolean that was set as a
result, it will either use _inputReaderBuffer or _inputStreamBuffer to
fetch the body.

In my case I need to retrieve the body in advance and still allow the web
application to call either method, getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.
If I choose to call getInputStream in my Valve to retrieve the body then
the web application will be restricted to using getInputStream. If I choose
getReader then the web application will be restricted to using getReader.
If a web application would use ServletRequest.getParameter the
documentation says the following:

"If the parameter data was sent in the request body, such as occurs with an
HTTP POST request, then reading the body directly via getInputStream()
 or getReader()
interfere with the execution of this method."

According to my understanding of the original Tomcat request code,
Request.getParam depends on Request.parseParameters which in turn uses
Request.readPostBody that uses Request.getStream to obtain the data.
getStream also fetches the inputStream of a request so I believe it won't
work in combination with a call to getReader.

Since your wrapper is not overwriting any method like getParam
(getParameterNames, getParameterValues, getParameterMap) I believe these
methods will still behave incorrectly when called by the target application.

I could indeed build a wrapper that would overwrite getStream, getReader,
getInputStream, getParam, getParameterNames, etc. But then I would be
generating a lot of duplicate code. Since my implementation is purely
experimental I don't think it's such big of a problem to modify Tomcat
internals (the Connector class).


2015-12-09 18:06 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <

> Roel,
> On 12/9/15 8:03 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > The real requirement is being able to process the body of a request in a
> > Valve without restricting the servlet to call request.getInputStream,
> > getReader and getStream. I have tried by wrapping the request but some
> > behavior can't be masked. It is also much more simple to implement by
> just
> > extending the Request class and using this in Connector.createRequest().
> >
> > So the actual requirement is a Valve wanting to process the body but
> still
> > allowing the target application to call whatever processing method they
> > chose. When the Valve would chose to process the body by calling
> > Request.getInputStream(). The servlet wouldn't be able to call getReader
> or
> > getParam anymore. I would like my Valve to be transparent in that sense.
> What you want to do can be done with a Valve as long as you don't mind a
> bit of typing.
> See this thread where I built pretty much exactly what you're requesting:
> I implemented mine as a Filter, not as a Valve.
> There's no need to go writing your own Request implementation.
> -chris
> -
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Re: Custom Connector class

2015-12-09 Thread Roel Storms
The real requirement is being able to process the body of a request in a
Valve without restricting the servlet to call request.getInputStream,
getReader and getStream. I have tried by wrapping the request but some
behavior can't be masked. It is also much more simple to implement by just
extending the Request class and using this in Connector.createRequest().

So the actual requirement is a Valve wanting to process the body but still
allowing the target application to call whatever processing method they
chose. When the Valve would chose to process the body by calling
Request.getInputStream(). The servlet wouldn't be able to call getReader or
getParam anymore. I would like my Valve to be transparent in that sense.

2015-12-09 13:07 GMT+01:00 Konstantin Kolinko <>:

> 2015-12-09 14:13 GMT+03:00 Roel Storms <>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > In Tomcat 4.1 it used to be possible to specify a custom class for the
> > Connector:
> >
> > In the newest versions it's only possible to provide a custom Protocol.
> > However I would like to modify the Request that is created by the
> > Connector.createRequest() method. Is this no longer possible via
> > configuration?
> >
> As a note:
> If such a feature ever going to be implemented, the place to fix is
> org.apache.catalina.startup.ConnectorCreateRule class.
> Instances of Connector are created via that rule, instead of a
> standard class creation rule, and so (unlike other elements processed
> by digester) className attribute does not work here.
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
> -
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Custom Connector class

2015-12-09 Thread Roel Storms

In Tomcat 4.1 it used to be possible to specify a custom class for the

In the newest versions it's only possible to provide a custom Protocol.
However I would like to modify the Request that is created by the
Connector.createRequest() method. Is this no longer possible via

Kind regards,

Roel Storms

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-24 Thread Roel Storms
The only way cookie based session management is secure, is when
you apply a number of countermeasures:

Correct flags, path and domain attributes, no un-trusted applications
on subdomains (solved by origin cookies), ...
You run it over TLS to withstand sniffers.
There is no clean mechanism to share a session between domains.
Again people have invented solutions.
OWASP had quite some information on the subject:

Session management in Tomcat is secure because the developpers of
tomcat have applied (almost) all of these countermeasures but not
everyone is using middleware like Tomcat.
If as you say there is no problem with session management, then why
was 'Broken Authentication and Session Management' second on the
list of the 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks according to
This is what SecSess is doing for you:

When I am in a hurry to get a website up and running and I have no
resources to do so, security is going to be my last concern. If we can
create a session management mechanism which outperforms current
session management out of the box and allow an application developer
to pick this option without any modification to his source code I think
we could reduce the problem big time.

I'm not claiming they aren't solved. I am claiming there is not
A SOLUTION, but merely patches on an insecure mechanism.
In theory everything should just run over TLS but for some reason that
is not the case and for some reason there are still major problems with
authentication and session management. I think we should look at the
number of available solutions and try to improve it.

I am not going to argue about something which clearly doesn't belong
on this mailing list anymore. But I disagree with you on the fact that
session management is fine the way it is.

Thanks for the advice and I clearly have some technical stuff to work out.


2015-11-24 19:15 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <

> Roel,
> On 11/24/15 10:43 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > 2015-11-24 16:11 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <
> >> :
> >
> >> Roel,
> >>
> >> On 11/24/15 9:44 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> >>> I am trying to protect the client from:
> >>>
> >>> Session fixation
> >>
> >> Tomcat already provides session-fixation protection when using URL-based
> >> or cookie-based session-tracking. When authentication occurs, Tomcat
> >> will change the session identifier, effectively mitigating session
> >> fixation.
> >>
> >> I'm not saying that Tomcat is vulnerable if used correctly. I am saying
> > that
> > naive implementations using cookie based session management can be
> > vulnerable. Tomcat and other middleware  will indeed try to cover up
> > these security issues. We want to change the basic shortcoming that an
> > acts as a bearer token.
> But you are saying that you want to replace bearer tokens (defined by
> you as intractable) with a new kind of bearer token. I don't see you
> having much luck without a lot of infrastructure. Since one of your
> initial requirements was "minimal infrastructure", your proposal is
> current indistinguishable from magic.
> >>> Session hijacking
> >>
> >> I'm interested in your plan for this that (a) is transparent to the
> >> application, (b) is easy to implement on the server and (c) does not
> >> require any changes to the client.
> >>
> > I have changed the client. I have a working implementation in Chrome
> > that does everything except for body integrity checking. TLS also
> > need both client and server side implementations. Cookies also have
> > to be supported at the client side.
> So, this is something that the application doesn't have to know about,
> but every other component in the works DOES need to have it? The list of
> conflicting requirements here is really amusing to me.
> >>> Maybe I also want to check integrity of the response since otherwise an
> >>> active MitM attack can still modify this.
> >>
> >> If you have solved the client -> server integrity, then server -> client
> >> integrity ought to be trivial.
> >>
> >
> > True, but I'm not sure I want to cover active MitM. If you want to
> protect
> > against that you should use TLS. I'm simply trying to replace the
> > fundamental insecurity of SID.
> If you can change both client and server, then simply negotiate a secret
> (during your "safe" session-establishment step, which you hav

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-24 Thread Roel Storms
It's to implement a new session mechanism that guarantees integrity of the
requests sent in the session and also protect the session from attacks
based on stealing or replacing the session identifier. This is a thesis I'm
working on and this Tomcat valve should prove that migration from cookie
base session management to this new session management can go without large
modifications at client and server-side. That's why it is important to make
it transparent to the user/developer. Performance is already going to be an
issue in multiple places but I'll see what I can come up with.

I am weighing of transparency, ease of migration, performance and security
all the time. Checking at the Apache httpd level will make it harder to
migrate to this new session management mechanism and has some other
disadvantages. In theory i could do this session management in a proxy but
this has it's own disadvantages. Session scope is an important aspect in
it's security and scope is harder to get right in a proxy or in the httpd
server since I want to limit scope to the web application context and maybe
allow explicit session sharing between web applications. As you can see I
still have a lot to do. If I need any more information I will not hesitate
to ask. Thanks for all the info!

2015-11-23 23:01 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <>:

> On 23.11.2015 21:14, Roel Storms wrote:
>> Ok, thank you for the clear response. I see the problem with file type
>> elements.
> If you really have an overwhelming need to pre-check whole POST bodies
> before passing them to a Tomcat application, you may want to think about
> fronting your Tomcat server with an Apache httpd server.  You could then do
> the checking at the Apache httpd level, before forwarding the request to
> Tomcat. And of course not forward it at all if the check fails.
> Doing this at the front-end level would not "consume" the request body, as
> it does when you do this under Tomcat.
> All in all, you would still end up reading the request body twice.  But
> depending on your use case, it may be worth it.
> In your initial post below, you wrote "..some integrity checking on HTTP
> requests (the details aren't important)..".
> But if you want further help or recommendations, I believe that more
> details about what exactly you are trying to achieve and/or check, would be
> important.
> After all, Tomcat is already making a fair amount of checking by default,
> on any received HTTP request, before it will forward it to any
> application.  So it would be interesting to have an idea of which extra
> checks you want to make.
>> 2015-11-23 17:18 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <>:
>> On 23.11.2015 16:31, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> On 23/11/2015 14:30, Roel Storms wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am working on a Valve that does some integrity checking on HTTP
>>>>> requests
>>>>> (the details aren't important) where I need this valve to have access
>>>>> to
>>>>> the HTTP request body as well. I used request.getInputStream to fetch
>>>>> the
>>>>> data. However when a web application makes use of my valve, the
>>>>> getParameter method does not return the parameters submitted via POST
>>>>> anymore. This is documented behavior according to the spec of
>>>>> ServletRequest (
>>>>> ).
>>>>> I was wondering why it was designed this way,
>>>> Given the potential size of a request body, streaming is the only viable
>>>> option.
>>>> since numerous complaints
>>>>> have arisen from this behavior and some ugly workarounds have been
>>>>> devised
>>>>> which unfortunately stop working from Tomcat 7 (servlet 3.0):
>>>>> This shows how easily code like this could break.
>>>> What that shows is the folks haven't thought through what they are
>>>> trying to do. Consider the following:
>>>> Tomcat provides request R.
>>>> Filter reads request body using R.getInputStream().

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-24 Thread Roel Storms
TLS will sign everything and therefor will not allow fine-grained integrity
checking. Why do we want this? Middleboxes might alter some non-security
sensitive information and I don't want to drop those requests. But I am
looking into TLS already to see if I can use it for my purpose. We
certainly don't want the full encryption or authentication that TLS can
offer. No encryption since we don't want to interfere with caching and no
authentication since setting up the certificates is often one of the
reasons for small web apps not to use TLS. You have to get your certificate
from an authority, keep it safe, install it and pay for it. We notice that
adoption of TLS is not as great as we'd like it to be for securing cookie
based session management so we need an alternative that will be adopted
more easily and guarantee security of sessions better than plain cookie
based session management. As a thesis it is an interesting subject to study
although it's quite probable that the people too busy to use TLS will also
be too busy to use our session management mechanism.

Using TLS without certificates is only possible with the DH_Anon
cyphersuite which is often disabled by clients and server.

" The server MUST send a Certificate message whenever the agreed-

  upon key exchange method uses certificates for authentication
  (this includes all key exchange methods defined in this document
  except DH_anon)." RFC 5246 (TLS 1.2)

" The following cipher suites are used for completely anonymous

   Diffie-Hellman communications in which neither party is
   authenticated.  Note that this mode is vulnerable to man-in-the-
   middle attacks.  Using this mode therefore is of limited use: These
   cipher suites MUST NOT be used by TLS 1.2 implementations unless the
   application layer has specifically requested to allow anonymous key
   exchange." RFC 5246

Also we want to support mixed content web apps without having the risk of
being vulnerable to session hijacking. Some of these properties can be
obtained by using SSL session identifier in Tomcat as your session
mechanism. Again, I am still doing some research and maybe what I am doing
is not worth it.

2015-11-24 11:36 GMT+01:00 Mark Thomas <>:

> On 24/11/2015 10:12, Roel Storms wrote:
> > It's to implement a new session mechanism that guarantees integrity of
> the
> > requests sent in the session and also protect the session from attacks
> > based on stealing or replacing the session identifier. This is a thesis
> I'm
> > working on and this Tomcat valve should prove that migration from cookie
> > base session management to this new session management can go without
> large
> > modifications at client and server-side. That's why it is important to
> make
> > it transparent to the user/developer. Performance is already going to be
> an
> > issue in multiple places but I'll see what I can come up with.
> >
> > I am weighing of transparency, ease of migration, performance and
> security
> > all the time. Checking at the Apache httpd level will make it harder to
> > migrate to this new session management mechanism and has some other
> > disadvantages. In theory i could do this session management in a proxy
> but
> > this has it's own disadvantages. Session scope is an important aspect in
> > it's security and scope is harder to get right in a proxy or in the httpd
> > server since I want to limit scope to the web application context and
> maybe
> > allow explicit session sharing between web applications. As you can see I
> > still have a lot to do. If I need any more information I will not
> hesitate
> > to ask. Thanks for all the info!
> What does this get you over and above using TLS (which is rapidly
> becoming a given due to HTTP/2) and configuring Tomcat to use the TLS
> session ID as the HTTP session identifier?
> Mark
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-24 Thread Roel Storms
I am trying to protect the client from:

Session fixation
Session hijacking
Assure that requests that are received in an established session can't be
modified in transit (integrity of requests).
Maybe I also want to check integrity of the response since otherwise an
active MitM attack can still modify this. An attack could consists of an
attacker modifying the action attribute of a form to send login data to the
attacker instead of the web application. But this again looks a lot like
TLS with DH_anon. Al we want is to replace the current session mechanism
where the ID is a bearer token by a mechanism based on a shared secret
(shared via DH). This will inhibit script based attacks that steal the SID
and also eavesdropping attacks. It's not perfect but we also believe that
if you have an active MitM, you have bigger problems than securing your
session management. The perfect solution is still something including
SSL/TLS (it's not cookie based since even over SSL cookies can be leaked if
not set properly and we don't want a configuration mistake to become a
security issue).

I am not trying to protect from:

An active MitM attack during session establishment
Malware at either client or server-side

2015-11-24 15:19 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <

> Roel,
> On 11/24/15 5:12 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > It's to implement a new session mechanism that guarantees integrity of
> the
> > requests sent in the session and also protect the session from attacks
> > based on stealing or replacing the session identifier. This is a thesis
> I'm
> > working on and this Tomcat valve should prove that migration from cookie
> > base session management to this new session management can go without
> large
> > modifications at client and server-side. That's why it is important to
> make
> > it transparent to the user/developer. Performance is already going to be
> an
> > issue in multiple places but I'll see what I can come up with.
> >
> > I am weighing of transparency, ease of migration, performance and
> security
> > all the time. Checking at the Apache httpd level will make it harder to
> > migrate to this new session management mechanism and has some other
> > disadvantages. In theory i could do this session management in a proxy
> but
> > this has it's own disadvantages. Session scope is an important aspect in
> > it's security and scope is harder to get right in a proxy or in the httpd
> > server since I want to limit scope to the web application context and
> maybe
> > allow explicit session sharing between web applications. As you can see I
> > still have a lot to do. If I need any more information I will not
> hesitate
> > to ask. Thanks for all the info!
> Are you trying to protect the client and server from an evil proxy, or
> are you trying to protect the server from an evil client?
> -chris
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-24 Thread Roel Storms
2015-11-24 16:11 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <

> Roel,
> On 11/24/15 9:44 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > I am trying to protect the client from:
> >
> > Session fixation
> Tomcat already provides session-fixation protection when using URL-based
> or cookie-based session-tracking. When authentication occurs, Tomcat
> will change the session identifier, effectively mitigating session
> fixation.
> I'm not saying that Tomcat is vulnerable if used correctly. I am saying
naive implementations using cookie based session management can be
vulnerable. Tomcat and other middleware  will indeed try to cover up
these security issues. We want to change the basic shortcoming that an SID
acts as a bearer token. There has been academic papers criticizing this
bearer token pattern.

> > Session hijacking
> I'm interested in your plan for this that (a) is transparent to the
> application, (b) is easy to implement on the server and (c) does not
> require any changes to the client.
> I have changed the client. I have a working implementation in Chrome
that does everything except for body integrity checking. TLS also
need both client and server side implementations. Cookies also have
to be supported at the client side.

> > Assure that requests that are received in an established session can't be
> > modified in transit (integrity of requests).
> Without TLS or trusted code running on the client, I don't see a viable
> solution.
See above.

> > Maybe I also want to check integrity of the response since otherwise an
> > active MitM attack can still modify this.
> If you have solved the client -> server integrity, then server -> client
> integrity ought to be trivial.

True, but I'm not sure I want to cover active MitM. If you want to protect
against that you should use TLS. I'm simply trying to replace the
insecurity of SID.

> > An attack could consists of an attacker modifying the action
> > attribute of a form to send login data to the attacker instead of the
> > web application.
> A reasonable attack scenario, especially with the attacker has a MitM
> position.
> > But this again looks a lot like TLS with DH_anon.
> It does? Or do you mean even if TLS is used with anon-auth (i.e. ZERO
> auth), the client isn't protected from MitM?

Doing integrity checking on both request and response and doing this
integrity check for almost the entire HTTP request/response looks
a lot like TLS.


> > Al we want is to replace the current session mechanism
> > where the ID is a bearer token by a mechanism based on a shared secret
> > (shared via DH).
> How is this different from "standard" TLS-sessions (formal TLS sessions,
> not Tomcat's session ids in cookies transmitted via TLS)?

The difference is that TLS assures integrity of the entire packet. Which is
not compatible with web infrastructure. Also TLS is often not deployed.
Or even if it is deployed there is still mixed content being server.
Our sessions would be applicable to both types of content.

 "To our knowledge, SecSess is the only session management
 mechanism explicitly designed to be compatible with currently
 deployed Web infrastructure, such as web caches."

I haven't validated this claim but my thesis builds upon this paper.


> > This will inhibit script based attacks that steal the SID
> > and also eavesdropping attacks. It's not perfect but we also believe that
> > if you have an active MitM, you have bigger problems than securing your
> > session management.
> Of course. That doesn't make it an interesting scenario, though.
> > The perfect solution is still something including SSL/TLS (it's not
> > cookie based since even over SSL cookies can be leaked if not set
> > properly and we don't want a configuration mistake to become a
> > security issue).
> Configuration mistakes can always result in vulnerabilities. The only
> way to fail-safe would be to disallow all "unsafe" configurations, which
> would make the software *quite* unusable.
Some configurations which are possible for cookies or tricks which are
possible with url-rewriting aren't possible with a session management
mechanism that was explicitly designed as a session management
mechanism. Now the middleware is trying to shield this underlying complexity
from application developers but it doesn't make the complexity disappear.
Someone still takes care of it. In this case Tomcat does. We want a
session mechanism that shield every middleware developpe

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-23 Thread Roel Storms
Ok, thank you for the clear response. I see the problem with file type

2015-11-23 17:18 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <>:

> On 23.11.2015 16:31, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 23/11/2015 14:30, Roel Storms wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am working on a Valve that does some integrity checking on HTTP
>>> requests
>>> (the details aren't important) where I need this valve to have access to
>>> the HTTP request body as well. I used request.getInputStream to fetch the
>>> data. However when a web application makes use of my valve, the
>>> getParameter method does not return the parameters submitted via POST
>>> anymore. This is documented behavior according to the spec of
>>> ServletRequest (
>>> ).
>>> I was wondering why it was designed this way,
>> Given the potential size of a request body, streaming is the only viable
>> option.
>> since numerous complaints
>>> have arisen from this behavior and some ugly workarounds have been
>>> devised
>>> which unfortunately stop working from Tomcat 7 (servlet 3.0):
>>> This shows how easily code like this could break.
>> What that shows is the folks haven't thought through what they are
>> trying to do. Consider the following:
>> Tomcat provides request R.
>> Filter reads request body using R.getInputStream().
>> Filter caches request body.
>> Filter wraps request R to provide R', over-riding getInputStream() to
>> provide the cached body.
>> Filter passes R' to the application.
>> Application calls R'.getParameter()
>> R'.getParameter() calls R.getParameter()
>> Keep in mind at this point R has zero knowledge of R'.
>> R calls getInputStream() to read request body but that InputStream has
>> already been read.
>> The problem is the wrapper, R'. Over-riding getInputStream() is not
>> enough. It needs to over-ride every method that may access that
>> InputStream. Which is non-trivial because it means re-implementing a lot
>> of functionality the container would normally provide for you out of the
>> box.
>> Overwriting getInputStream to return a cached version doesn't work anymore
>> Nope. That never worked. See my explanation above.
>> since the parameter attribute isn't populated by using getInputStream. How
>>> exactly it is populated remains a mystery to me. Any advice on how to
>>> solve
>>> this properly?
>> Write a better wrapper.
>> Performing an integrity check without getInputStream or getReader but with
>>> getParameters, will not work if the data submitted is not in the expected
>>> format.
>> See above.
>> Mark
> To emphasize a point made by Mark above : a POST body can potentially
> contain one or more  elements.  So imagine a POST
> which contains a 50 MB uploaded file.
> You'd need to read it once (for your Valve) and cache it, then re-read the
> cached version to parse it for parameters.  That would have a serious
> impact on performance.
> (That's what Mark means by "streaming..").
> And because it is a Valve, it would run before the request has been mapped
> to any application, so the hit would be for all applications in the server.
> (Of course, in some authentication scenarios, this already happens behind
> the scenes.  But you can avoid it by designing the application accordingly.
> See : -->
> Common Attributes --> maxSavePostSize)
> -
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ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-23 Thread Roel Storms

I am working on a Valve that does some integrity checking on HTTP requests
(the details aren't important) where I need this valve to have access to
the HTTP request body as well. I used request.getInputStream to fetch the
data. However when a web application makes use of my valve, the
getParameter method does not return the parameters submitted via POST
anymore. This is documented behavior according to the spec of
ServletRequest (

I was wondering why it was designed this way, since numerous complaints
have arisen from this behavior and some ugly workarounds have been devised
which unfortunately stop working from Tomcat 7 (servlet 3.0):

This shows how easily code like this could break.

Overwriting getInputStream to return a cached version doesn't work anymore
since the parameter attribute isn't populated by using getInputStream. How
exactly it is populated remains a mystery to me. Any advice on how to solve
this properly?

Performing an integrity check without getInputStream or getReader but with
getParameters, will not work if the data submitted is not in the expected

Kind regards,

Roel Storms

Re: ServletRequest.getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.

2015-11-23 Thread Roel Storms
2015-11-23 16:31 GMT+01:00 Mark Thomas <>:

> On 23/11/2015 14:30, Roel Storms wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am working on a Valve that does some integrity checking on HTTP
> requests
> > (the details aren't important) where I need this valve to have access to
> > the HTTP request body as well. I used request.getInputStream to fetch the
> > data. However when a web application makes use of my valve, the
> > getParameter method does not return the parameters submitted via POST
> > anymore. This is documented behavior according to the spec of
> > ServletRequest (
> >
> > ).
> >
> > I was wondering why it was designed this way,
> Given the potential size of a request body, streaming is the only viable
> option.
> > since numerous complaints
> > have arisen from this behavior and some ugly workarounds have been
> devised
> > which unfortunately stop working from Tomcat 7 (servlet 3.0):
> >
> >
> >
> > This shows how easily code like this could break.
> What that shows is the folks haven't thought through what they are
> trying to do. Consider the following:
> Tomcat provides request R.
> Filter reads request body using R.getInputStream().
> Filter caches request body.
> Filter wraps request R to provide R', over-riding getInputStream() to
> provide the cached body.
> Filter passes R' to the application.
> Application calls R'.getParameter()
> R'.getParameter() calls R.getParameter()
> Keep in mind at this point R has zero knowledge of R'.
> R calls getInputStream() to read request body but that InputStream has
> already been read.
> The problem is the wrapper, R'. Over-riding getInputStream() is not
> enough. It needs to over-ride every method that may access that
> InputStream. Which is non-trivial because it means re-implementing a lot
> of functionality the container would normally provide for you out of the
> box.
> > Overwriting getInputStream to return a cached version doesn't work
> anymore
> Nope. That never worked. See my explanation above.
> > since the parameter attribute isn't populated by using getInputStream.
> How
> > exactly it is populated remains a mystery to me. Any advice on how to
> solve
> > this properly?
> Write a better wrapper.
> A better wrapper would need to implement every method using the stream. To
get a correct output from parseParameters it doesn't suffice to override
readPostBody and readChunkedPostBody since these are overridden in the
wrapper but the implementation of parseParameter in the Request won't use
them. Overriding parseParameters as well, can't be done since it uses a lot
of protected flags (parametersParsed, usingInputStream, usingReader,...).
This would mean overriding almost the entire Request. Every time you need a
protected attribute or operation in your overriding implementation, you
need to override this attribute and operation as well. In the end you would
copy almost the entire request.

> Performing an integrity check without getInputStream or getReader but with
> > getParameters, will not work if the data submitted is not in the expected
> > format.
> See above.
> Mark
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail:

apache fop remains active in servlet environment

2007-11-29 Thread Roel

I use apache fop in a servlet to display some xml as pdf. When I have used
that functionality in my webapp my (Tomcat 6.0) web container doesn't want
to undeploy. It deletes everything in the webapps/*context* directory except
WEB-INF/lib/batik.jar and WEB-INF/lib/fop.jar. When trying to delete the
files manually windows tells me they are in use.

I use this code to render the xml into pdf

ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
FopFactory ff=FopFactory.newInstance();
TransformerFactory tf=TransformerFactory.newInstance();

StreamSource xslfo=new
try {
Transformer tt=tf.newTransformer(xslfo);
Fop fp=ff.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, out);

SAXResult res=new SAXResult(fp.getDefaultHandler());
Source src= new DOMSource(doc);
DOMResult dd=new DOMResult();
tt.transform(src, dd);
Transformer t2=tf.newTransformer();
   // System.out.println(res.getNode().getFirstChild());
t2.transform(new DOMSource(dd.getNode()), res );

//Prepare response
  //  System.out.println(Version.getVersion());
//Send content to Browser

} catch (FOPException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new ServletException(e);
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new ServletException(e1);
} catch (TransformerException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new ServletException(e);


Anyone has any ideas?

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Re: apache fop remains active in servlet environment

2007-11-29 Thread Roel

And how can i use that to render an in-memory DOM object? The xml I need to
render is constructed on the fly from database records and then fed to fop. 


mgainty wrote:
 FOP 0.94 has working servlet code
 which can be called specifying the xml and xsl
 OR just using the fo param
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 6:25 AM
 Subject: apache fop remains active in servlet environment

 I use apache fop in a servlet to display some xml as pdf. When I have
 that functionality in my webapp my (Tomcat 6.0) web container doesn't
 to undeploy. It deletes everything in the webapps/*context* directory
 WEB-INF/lib/batik.jar and WEB-INF/lib/fop.jar. When trying to delete the
 files manually windows tells me they are in use.

 I use this code to render the xml into pdf

 ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 FopFactory ff=FopFactory.newInstance();
 TransformerFactory tf=TransformerFactory.newInstance();

 StreamSource xslfo=new
 try {
 Transformer tt=tf.newTransformer(xslfo);
 Fop fp=ff.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, out);

 SAXResult res=new SAXResult(fp.getDefaultHandler());
 Source src= new DOMSource(doc);
 DOMResult dd=new DOMResult();
 tt.transform(src, dd);
 Transformer t2=tf.newTransformer();
// System.out.println(res.getNode().getFirstChild());
 t2.transform(new DOMSource(dd.getNode()), res );

 //Prepare response
   //  System.out.println(Version.getVersion());
 //Send content to Browser

 } catch (FOPException e) {
 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 throw new ServletException(e);
 } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e1) {
 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 throw new ServletException(e1);
 } catch (TransformerException e) {
 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 throw new ServletException(e);


 Anyone has any ideas?

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apache fop and security manager problem

2007-06-20 Thread Roel Dillen
I wrote a servlet converting some xml to a pdf. The code (appended) is
basically a slightly modified version of the example code in the fop faq
about servlets.

When I start Tomcat 5.5 with a security manager I get this weird exception
(appended) when I try to access the servlet.

When I don’t start it with a security manager the servlet just works. 


I don’t get why.



I added following jars to my common/endorsed folder:  





The other jar’s that came with fop are in common/lib, contents of that


















Any thoughts?







java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to handle
application/pdf as an output format. Neither an FOEventHandler, nor a
Renderer could be found for this output format.
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)$ Method) Source)




ByteArrayOutputStream out = new

FopFactory ff=FopFactory.newInstance();


StreamSource xslfo=new

try {

Templates tt=tf.newTemplates(xslfo);

Fop fp=ff.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF,

DOMResult res = new DOMResult();

Source src= new DOMSource(doc);

tt.newTransformer().transform(src, res);

Transformer t2=tf.newTransformer();

t2.transform(new DOMSource(res.getNode()), new

//Prepare response



//Send content to Browser



} catch (FOPException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block


} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e1) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block


} catch (TransformerException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block



No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.9.1/854 - Release Date: 19/06/2007

Betr.: Re: Problem with HttpSessionListener

2006-10-11 Thread Roel De Nijs
what you also could do is, adjusting your code as follows:
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent e){
System.out.println(sessionCreated - id =  + e.getSession().getId());

e.getSession().setAttribute(test, new String(testValue));

add this line 
System.out.println(sessionGetAttribute - id =  + 
before/after this line
String test = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute(test);
so you will be able to see if the get- and setAttribute happen on the same 
session and not different ones


 Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/10/2006 16:27 


 public class HttpTestListener implements HttpSessionListener {
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent e){
e.getSession().setAttribute(test, new String(testValue);

Okay. I assume that there's an extra ) end the end, otherwise your
code doesn't compile. I'll chalk that up to a copy-paste error.


Okay, that looks good.

 And, finally, in a servlet I try to recover the value of test:
 String test = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute(test);
 After this, the value of de variable test is null
 What have I to do if I want to recover the value of test?

I'm guessing that you are never setting that value.

Try changing your code to this:

public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent e){

e.getSession().setAttribute(test, new String(testValue));

...and then check your catalina.out log (or standard output log,
whatever that is). If you aren't getting these messages, then your
listener is not configured correctly.

Make sure that your web.xml is actually in WEB-INF (I have sometimes
forgotten to copy web.xml from my development directory into the Tomcat
deployment, so double-check). You might consider doing a fresh install
of your application into the Tomcat webapp directory (or re-deploy the
WAR file) to make sure that Tomcat doesn't somehow have a stale copy of
web.xml lying around. Make sure you restart Tomcat, too ;)

I hope that helps.


Disclaimer: zie

From Tomcat 5.0.28 to 5.5.20

2006-10-10 Thread Roel De Nijs
Hi all,
i want to migrate from tomcat 5.0 to tomcat 5.5, but it's not going very 
i noticed that the Logger-tag isn't valid anymore, so i deleted it out of 
server.xml and use log4j instead.
but i'm very confused with the contexts. i keep getting this 
warning/info-message: A docBase C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
Foundation\Tomcat AG4W\webapps\AquaGis4Web inside the host appBase has been 
specified, and will be ignored
i tried a lot of things, but none of the ones i tried let disappear that 
message. and if i succeed in letting disappear that message, i can't access my 
application anymore.
i have (like in tomcat 5.0.28) a xml-file under conf/[engine]/[host] with the 
name of my web-application.
content of the file:
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
!-- Tomcat AquaGis4Web Context --
Context path=/AquaGis4Web docBase=AquaGis4Web debug=2 reloadable=true 
 ResourceLink name=jdbc/db global=jdbc/db type=java.lang.String /
my server.xml contains 2 global jndi resources (db to authenticate users, 
connection to sql-db) and 1 engine with 1 host. so it looks like this:
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
 Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
 Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /
 !-- Global JNDI resources --
  !-- Editable user database that can also be used by UserDatabaseRealm to 
authenticate users --
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  !-- database Tomcat 5.5 --
 !-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service --
 Service name=Catalina
  !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
  !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
  !-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --
  Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
which adjustments i have to do to get rid of that message but still be able to 
access my web-application.
any tips, hints, suggestions, remarks,... are welcome
thanks a lot for your time
With kind regards

Disclaimer: zie

Betr.: RE: From Tomcat 5.0.28 to 5.5.20

2006-10-10 Thread Roel De Nijs
OK, i did read it -- conclusion: you don't have to set it. so i adjusted my 
web-app.xml by deleting the path-attribute, resulting in:
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
!-- Tomcat AquaGis4Web Context --
Context displayName=AquaGis4Web docBase=AquaGis4Web debug=2 
reloadable=true crossContext=true
 ResourceLink name=jdbc/db global=jdbc/db type=java.lang.String /
but still getting the A docBase C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
Foundation\Tomcat AG4W\webapps\AquaGis4Web inside the host appBase has been 
specified, and will be ignored - message

 Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/10/2006 15:45 

 From: Roel De Nijs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: From Tomcat 5.0.28 to 5.5.20
 i want to migrate from tomcat 5.0 to tomcat 5.5, but it's not 
 going very smoothly. 
 but i'm very confused with the contexts.
 any tips, hints, suggestions, remarks

For a start, read the 5.5 doc for Context, in particular the
description of the path attribute:

The value of this field must not be set except when statically defining
a Context in server.xml, as it will be infered [sic] from the filenames
used for either the .xml context file or the docBase.

- Chuck

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Memory Management between different webapps

2006-02-02 Thread Roel De Nijs
I have a tomcat with ± 10 web-applications. Is there a maximum or some guidance 
in the number of web-apps you can put in one instance of Tomcat?
And i start tomcat with the options -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -- is there some 
information or articles about how tomcat is spreading all this memory over the 
web-apps? Is this completely random, or first come first gets? What if a 
web-app is called for the first time and all possible memory is allocated to 
other web-apps?
Many thanks already

Disclaimer: zie

Betr.: RE: Memory Management between different webapps

2006-02-02 Thread Roel De Nijs
The problem we are confronted with: all our web-apps are running fine in our 
test-environment, even if workload is simulated to be very high. If we go to 
production environment (which is an exact copy of the test-environment) then 
tomcat gives OOME, sometimes 3-4 times a day. And it looks to be at random 
situations, so it's a really big mistery why in test everything goes well and 
in production it crashes more then once a day.  And it's doing it for approx 4 
months now, so it's time it's getting solved. 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/02/2006 11:06 
 From: Roel De Nijs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I have a tomcat with ± 10 web-applications. Is there a 
 maximum or some guidance in the number of web-apps you can 
 put in one instance of Tomcat?

Tomcat itself uses relatively little memory per-webapp (a few megabytes, 
depending on version).  The major load comes from the number of simultaneous 
connections (and hence the size of the thread pool) and, even more, from how 
the webapps are written.  You're in the best place to evaluate these.

 And i start tomcat with the options -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -- 
 is there some information or articles about how tomcat is 
 spreading all this memory over the web-apps? Is this 
 completely random, or first come first gets? What if a 
 web-app is called for the first time and all possible memory 
 is allocated to other web-apps?

It's all one big object memory, shared between all the webapps.  Roughly (there 
are many more nuances than this): whenever it gets full, the garbage-collector 
is run.  If there's not enough space to allocate an object after the garbage 
collector has run, you get an OutOfMemoryError.  So memory will be allocated as 
your webapps request it (and potentially returned to the Java VM's pool of free 
memory some unknown time after they stop using it); if a webapp is called for 
the first time and there's not enough space to allocate the memory required for 
its startup, you'll get an OOME.

To my knowledge, there is no way of partitioning memory inside a single JVM 
such that the amount available to a given webapp can be restricted.

- Peter

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Betr.: Re: The Future of Tomcat

2006-02-02 Thread Roel De Nijs
or they think coffee and/or island :-)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/02/2006 16:50:03 
 True, but the HTTP server is still what most people think of when they
 hear the name Apache.

Probably same people, that think of Applets or Javascript when they
hear the word Java?


Leon :-)

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