How to encrypt password in Data Source Declaration

2010-01-14 Thread WM C

Hi All -


Sorry if this question seems dumb, but here it is:


In the data source declaration, database username, password needs to be 
provided, and they are in plain text!


For the application, data source works fine, but I feel it is really not safe - 
anybody who can access the server can see the password, plus the fact that the 
file need to be upload to a source control repository - password becomes an 
open secret, if it's still a sceret :(


Is there a good/generalized way to handle this (and any similar cases invloving 
password in xml configuration file)


Thanks a lot,

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: How to encrypt password in Data Source Declaration

2010-01-14 Thread WM C

sorry about that. Did not realize I was doing it.


 Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 18:00:46 +
 Subject: Re: How to encrypt password in Data Source Declaration
 Please do not hijack threads.
 To ask a new question, create a new message. Do not reply to an old one
 (even if you change the subject).
 On 14/01/2010 17:54, WM C wrote:
  Hi All -
  Sorry if this question seems dumb, but here it is:
  In the data source declaration, database username, password needs to be 
  provided, and they are in plain text!
  For the application, data source works fine, but I feel it is really not 
  safe - anybody who can access the server can see the password, plus the 
  fact that the file need to be upload to a source control repository - 
  password becomes an open secret, if it's still a sceret :(
  Is there a good/generalized way to handle this (and any similar cases 
  invloving password in xml configuration file)
  Thanks a lot,
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How to access files in network drive

2010-01-03 Thread WM C

Hi -

This is more like a general java question.

In my web app, I need to read files from a network drive folder, which has 
access restriction (my account is permitted).

During development time, since I am using Eclipse and Tomcat is integrated 
inside, so both were run under my account, everything works fine, but when 
deployed onto a testing server, where Tomcat runs using a system account, file 
access was denied.

How to resolve this problem? Is there a way when accessing file, I can pass in 
a user identity as parameter, or log on first just like access database? 
Seems java File API does not have this option.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: How to access files in network drive

2010-01-03 Thread WM C

Thanks for the quick reply - That was exactly what I did and it worked.

The problem is that now we have two web apps, each needs to access different 
drive, each drive has different user access control list - in this case, 
running Tomcat using one user will only make one app work, while fail another 
(for security reason, we cannot allow one user to access both drives).

So looks like I have to run two Tomcat instances?


 Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 10:48:49 +
 Subject: Re: How to access files in network drive
 2010/1/3 WM C
  In my web app, I need to read files from a network drive folder, which has
  access restriction (my account is permitted).
  During development time, since I am using Eclipse and Tomcat is integrated
  inside, so both were run under my account, everything works fine, but when
  deployed onto a testing server, where Tomcat runs using a system account,
  file access was denied.
  How to resolve this problem? Is there a way when accessing file, I can pass
  in a user identity as parameter, or log on first just like access
  database? Seems java File API does not have this option.
  Java is intended to be portable to different OSs.  Some don't allow what
 you want, so the File API doesn't provide it.
 You will have to resolve the problem through configuration.  Run Tomcat on
 the testing server as a user that has access to the network drive folder.
 You could do this either by changing the user ID under which Tomcat runs on
 the testing server, or by granting the test Tomcat's user ID access to the
 network drive folder.
 - Peter
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

data source factory

2009-11-28 Thread WM C

Hi -

I am upgrading a working web app from Tomcat 5.0 to 5.5, and encounter the 
following data source problem.

According to Apache web site, for Tomcat 5.5 configuration, I should use


in Resource for datasource configuration.

It works okay for the most jdbc part, except that I got an exception of

 java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.sql.CLOB 

at the line oracle.sql.CLOB clob = (oracle.sql.CLOB) rs.getClob(...) in one DAO 

Since the code works in Tomcat5.0, so I changed factory attribute back to

and everything works fine now. No exception thrown anymore.

Since this is a kind of a desperate trail and error after scratching my head 
for a day (true Black Friday :( )
so even though it works, I am wondering if I should use the DataSourceFactory 
meant to be used for Tomcat 5.0, and if there will be any bad consequences 
later on.

Thanks a lot for any comments - I appreciate!


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RE: data source factory

2009-11-28 Thread WM C

Hi Mark - Thanks for the reply, here is the info you asked:

 Where is the oracle jdbc driver jar located?
in web-inf/lib  (I am using ojdbc14.jar - btw, according to some forum 
messages, seems it got problem with jdk5.0, but that's a different story) 

 Where are the commons-dbcp and commons-pool JARs located?
in web-inf/lib

 Exactly which versions of Tomcat, commons-pool and commons-dbcp are you using?
it's apache-tomcat-5.5.17
commoms-dbcp version: Implementation-Version: 1.2.1 (got it from MENIFEST file, 
Build-Jdk: 1.4.1_02 - maybe that's the reason)
commons-pool version: Implementation-Version: 1.3

 What is the full stack trace?
I did not have it, it went to IDE console, did not save. (but it did not 
generate much info using e.printStackTrace)

 What is your complete resource definition?
Resource name=jdbc/myDS auth=Container
maxActive=50 maxIdle=30 maxWait=1 
username=xxx password=x
removeAbandoned=true /

 Which file has this resource definition been placed in?
at context.xml in META-INF

By the way, I am using Eclipse 3.2, jdk1.5.0_14 - I set compiler compliance 
level 5.0, but set generated .class compatibility to 1.4 and source 
compatibility to 1.4 .

Thanks a lot for the help!


 Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 10:29:25 +
 Subject: Re: data source factory
 WM C wrote:
  Hi -
  I am upgrading a working web app from Tomcat 5.0 to 5.5, and encounter the 
  following data source problem.
  According to Apache web site, for Tomcat 5.5 configuration, I should use
  in Resource for datasource configuration.
  It works okay for the most jdbc part, except that I got an exception of
   java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.sql.CLOB 
  at the line oracle.sql.CLOB clob = (oracle.sql.CLOB) rs.getClob(...) in one 
  DAO method.
  Since the code works in Tomcat5.0, so I changed factory attribute back to
  and everything works fine now. No exception thrown anymore.
  Since this is a kind of a desperate trail and error after scratching my 
  head for a day (true Black Friday :( )
  so even though it works, I am wondering if I should use the 
  DataSourceFactory meant to be used for Tomcat 5.0, and if there will be any 
  bad consequences later on.
  Thanks a lot for any comments - I appreciate!
 Where is the oracle jdbc driver jar located?
 Where are the commons-dbcp and commons-pool JARs located?
 Exactly which versions of Tomcat, commons-pool and commons-dbcp are you
 What is the full stack trace?
 What is your complete resource definition?
 Which file has this resource definition been placed in?
 Do you want to use Tomcat's built-in connection pool or are you happy
 with anything as long as it works?
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