Tomcat 6 requires config to run on JSE 5?

2008-01-16 Thread gb1071nx
I recently got bit by this: 
So I was looking for some statement somewhere on if that issue is now
fixed in 5.0.x and/or if it's an issue in either 5.5 or 6.0, and what
JVMs are 'safe' to use in 5.5 and 6.0. 

That's when I saw this: 

Tomcat 6.0 is designed to run on JSE 5.0 and later, 
and requires configuration to run on JSE 5.0.

The corresponding note from the previous version is: 

Tomcat 5.5 is designed to run on J2SE 5.0 and later, 
and requires configuration to run on J2SE 1.4.  
Make sure to read the RUNNING.txt file in the 
fulldocs downloadable file(s) if you are using J2SE 1.4.

I'm wondering if someone in the know could confirm that the text of the
TC6 release notes is correct?  It seems off. Why say it's designed for
x, then say it requires config to run on x. 

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RE: Avoiding same server to server HTTP calls to generate HTML pages via JSPs

2008-01-03 Thread gb1071nx

 Both incorporate the output of jsps and servlets in 
 the current request's output. 

Which is not what the OP wanted.  They wanted to :

  essentially slap that [the response] into a MimeBodyPart for sending

  text/html email messages.

I've done something very similar - use an HTTP connection to 'scrape' a
page, and then include that output as the contents of a rich email.
The only thing I've done to make it easier is bundle up that
functionality in my own Util class that has a scrape method that takes
the current request, an URL and returns a String. 
I use it when I want to scrape JSPs for their content. 

In some cases, I have a few simpler pages that are actually velocity
templates. Velocity can be used outside the context of a HTTP
request/response cycle, so if you're able to re-do your JSP pages as
velocity templates (or similar technology) then it could be your best

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Confusion between docs and server.xml

2007-12-31 Thread gb1071nx

Just got through reading docs and xml comments and thought I'd point out
something (minor). 

This here:

seems to contain out-of-date information, if one compares it to the
comments in 


I believe the web.xml comments are the more correct documentation, but
thought I'd send in the comparison to let someone who actually knows
confirm my ponits (below).

The docs contain the following bullets: 

* checkInterval - If development is false and reloading is true, 
background compiles are enabled. checkInterval is the time in 
seconds between checks to see if a JSP page needs to be 
recompiled. Default 300 seconds. 

* development - Is Jasper used in development mode (will check 
for JSP modification on every access)? true or false, default true. 

* modificationTestInterval - Checks for modification for a given 
JSP file (and all its dependent files) will be performed only once 
every specified amount of seconds. Setting this to 0 will cause the 
JSP to be checked on every access. Default is 4 seconds. 

* reloading - Should Jasper check for modified JSPs? true or false, 
default false. 

But in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml, I find these (clearer, less
confusing) entries: 

  !--   checkInterval   If development is false and checkInterval
is   --
  !--   greater than zero, background compilations
are --
  !--   enabled. checkInterval is the time in
seconds  --
  !--   between checks to see if a JSP page needs
to   --
  !--   be recompiled. [0]
  !--   modificationTestInterval
  !--   Causes a JSP (and its dependent files) to
not  --
  !--   be checked for modification during the
  !--   specified time interval (in seconds) from
the  --
  !--   last time the JSP was checked for
  !--   modification. A value of 0 will cause the
JSP  --
  !--   to be checked on every access.
  !--   Used in development mode only. [4]
  !--   development Is Jasper used in development mode? If
true,   --
  !--   the frequency at which JSPs are checked for
  !--   modification may be specified via the
  !--   modificationTestInterval parameter. [true]

Suggested changes to the documentation (jasper-howto.html) 

[1] Is 'reloading' a deprecated attribute?  If so, it should be removed
from the docs.

[2] The 'development' attribute should state every
modificationTestInterval seconds (or some such description), instead of
on every access.

[3] The 'modificationTestInterval' attribute should explain it's only
used when development=true (to distinguish it from 'checkInterval')

[4] 'checkInterval' appears to have the wrong default value (is it 300
or 0?)

For both the jasper-howto and the comments:
[5] Is the exclusion of ...(and its dependent files)... from the
description of checkInterval deliberate?  If the checks are the same
regardless of 'development' setting, then I think it should be described
the same in both 'interval' parameters. Which leads me to...
[6] This is totally an internals question, so feel free to flame someone
who doesn't contribute code, but:  couldn't modificationTestInterval and
checkInterval be merged into a single attribute?  I'm genuinely curious
to know why it would be bad to do so. 

Thanks, and Happy New Year. 


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RE: Null

2007-06-29 Thread gb1071nx

 -Original Message-
 From: domenico di leo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 1:10 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Null
 Obviovusily you don't compare two string in this way!
  if (null == rs.getString(col_foo))
 The right manner is:
  if (rs.getString(col_foo).equals(null)){
 Your problem is Java not database

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RE: Programmatically Determine JVM Version used by Tomcat

2007-06-07 Thread gb1071nx
Can you make something out of this? 

public class JavaVer {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   System.out.println(java.version:  +
   System.out.println(JAVA_HOME:  + System.getProperty(JAVA_HOME));

D:\DEV\classesjava -version
java version 1.6.0_01
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_01-b06, mixed mode, sharing)

D:\DEV\classesjava -DJAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.2_10 JavaVer
java.version: 1.6.0_01-b06
JAVA_HOME: c:\j2sdk1.4.2_10

As you can see, java.version gives you what running JVM is currently
using, regardless of what JAVA_HOME says (or any other env var), but
I'm not sure if this is totally borked in Windows Service-land.

You'd then have to compare the two strings to see if they're not equal.
Or if one equals something it shouldn't...

 -Original Message-
 From: David kerber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 10:31 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Programmatically Determine JVM Version used by Tomcat
 bachuba wrote:
  I'm fairly new to using Tomcat, but need to determine what 
 JVM version 
  (or at least the path to it) a running Tomcat service is currently 
  using on a Windows system.  If I run tomcat5w.exe and click on the 
  Java tab, I notice the informaiton is listed there, but I 
 would like 
  to be able to get at that programmatically.  We are currently using 
  Tomcat version 5.0.28.  Could somone please describe how 
 this could be done?  Thanks.

 The system property java.version will probably give you 
 what you want.
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RE: error-page not working

2007-05-23 Thread gb1071nx
Is it possible you're running into any of :

 -Original Message-
 From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:26 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: error-page not working
 SiSi'mon a écrit :
  I have the following:
  but there are myfaces / spring and hibernate exceptions 
 being thrown 
  and it is not being sent to this xhtml page.  any ideas?

 All exceptions that get out of the Servlet that handled a 
 request are redirected to error page by container. However, 
 there is one case, i encountered it using struts tiles, where 
 an exception make it out of servlet but does not reach client 
 screen. It's when servlet already started to flush response 
 to client. At this time it's impossible to send an error 
 page. However, exception does anyway reach the logs. So, for 
 jsf, if your exception occurs in render response face, no way 
 to get it on screen with basic configuration.
 One way around this is to prevent servlet from sending 
 response to client until it wrote all response to a buffer. 
 You can, for example, add a servlet filter that wrapps the 
 responseWriter to a byteArrayOutputStream. This way, only 
 when servlet returned properly from process you send response 
 to client. But this buffering has a price, if response is 
 600K you need 600K ram during request.

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RE: I've been trying to unsubscribe from this list for years.

2007-05-18 Thread gb1071nx
And on a completely unrelated note, ask your sysadmin how to set up
server-side Outlook rules. They'll work in both your outlook client and
through your webmail. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Keith Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 9:33 PM
 Subject: I've been trying to unsubscribe from this list for years.
 No matter how many times I send a blank email to: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], like the one I sent at 
 11.19 Eastern this morning, nothing happens. I use a rule to 
 delete them permanently when I'm in Outlook, but when I use 
 my company's web outlook, it can only move them to the 
 deleted-items folder, which rapidly fills up, making it very 
 hard for me to find things in there if I need to.
 Please help. Thanks,

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RE: error-page and TC 5.5.23

2007-05-10 Thread gb1071nx
Is this just a boring question, or has no-one else run into the problem?


 -Original Message-
 From: gb1071nx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:22 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 I'm just adding to this: 
 When I remove the mapping for the error-code 500, then I get 
 the standard tc5.5 error page.  So my exception-type 
 error-page directive is being ignored. 
 So it does appear that  
 isn't fixed.
 And won't be fixed? 
 It occurs to me that this should break quite a few working 
 apps though, so surely someone else has reported it? 
 Searching further, I found this:
 Is it then now a requirement that for JSP's, we *must* use 
 the errorPage directive?  Or is there a way to get the more 
 generic web.xml error-page config to work? 
 And can anyone explain what is meant by development mode 
 (from comment in bug 37062 and how to switch it off (to see 
 if that makes my error-page's work again)
  -Original Message-
  From: gb1071nx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 12:39 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: error-page and TC 5.5.23
  I'm starting the process of migrating some of our server from
  5.0.29 to 5.5.23, and I've found that the 'nice' useful stacktraces 
  linenumbers are back, and working beautifully in 5.5.23.   
  But I do find the following issues as well: 
  I have the following test page: 
   if (true) {
throw new java.sql.SQLException(TEST);  } % /body /html
  And the following web.xml:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? web-app 
  And when I call the page throwing the SQLException, I get the error 
  for the error-code 500.   Tomcat5.0 does not behave like 
  that, 5.5 does.
  Which is the correct behaviour? (or perhaps:  is there a way to 
  configure 5.5 so that it acts like 5.0?)  I recall this bug report: .  
  Has the bug reported in comment#4 been fixed?  Is this the bug I'm 
  experiencing in my test page?
  Also, I can confirm the following bug, I also experience it:

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RE: error-page and TC 5.5.23

2007-05-10 Thread gb1071nx
I was under the impression that the exception traps are part of the
spec, somewhere in srv.9.9.  

I expect someone here to say:
yes, it's part of the spec that we broke in TC 5.5, and we'll fix it 
or :
that's not part of the spec, so who cares that it doesn't work 
part of the spec, but who cares. 

I just want a response from someone with the power to fix it, that it
will be fixed (or not).


 -Original Message-
 From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:20 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 Reading the comments on the bug issue you cited, it looks 
 like it's fixed, but with side effects -- namely the 
 exception traps aren't available any more.  What do you want 
 anyone to say here?
 gb1071nx wrote:
 Is this just a boring question, or has no-one else run into 
 the problem?
 -Original Message-
 From: gb1071nx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:22 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 I'm just adding to this: 
 When I remove the mapping for the error-code 500, then I get the 
 standard tc5.5 error page.  So my exception-type error-page 
 is being ignored.
 So it does appear that
 isn't fixed.
 And won't be fixed? 
 It occurs to me that this should break quite a few working 
 apps though, so surely someone else has reported it? 
 Searching further, I found this:
 Is it then now a requirement that for JSP's, we *must* use the 
 errorPage directive?  Or is there a way to get the more generic 
 web.xml error-page config to work?
 And can anyone explain what is meant by development mode 
 (from comment in bug 37062 and how to switch it off (to see if that 
 makes my error-page's work again)
 -Original Message-
 From: gb1071nx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 12:39 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 I'm starting the process of migrating some of our server from
 5.0.29 to 5.5.23, and I've found that the 'nice' useful 
 linenumbers are back, and working beautifully in 5.5.23.   
 But I do find the following issues as well: 
 I have the following test page: 
  if (true) {
   throw new java.sql.SQLException(TEST);  } % /body /html
 And the following web.xml:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? web-app 
 And when I call the page throwing the SQLException, I get 
 the error 
 for the error-code 500.   Tomcat5.0 does not behave like 
 that, 5.5 does.
 Which is the correct behaviour? (or perhaps:  is there a way to 
 configure 5.5 so that it acts like 5.0?)  I recall this bug report: .  
 Has the bug reported in comment#4 been fixed?  Is this the bug I'm 
 experiencing in my test page?
 Also, I can confirm the following bug, I also experience it:
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RE: error-page and TC 5.5.23

2007-05-10 Thread gb1071nx
I don't like bothering the dev list with things that I'm not 100% sure
are 'real' problems.  Same with buzilla; why commit the ultimate
affrontery of entering a bugzilla report, just so someone can close it
with a snipe and an INVALID. And I just can't believe that after all
this time, I'm the first person to 'discover' this bug.  That's why I
was asking around here first.

But, perhaps you have enboldened me.  ;)

 -Original Message-
 From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:41 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 I know there are committers reading this list, but you might 
 want to ping this question off the dev list.  You could also 
 search for a follow up issue in bugzilla to address the new 
 problem.  If one doesn't exist, go ahead and submit one.
 gb1071nx wrote:
 I was under the impression that the exception traps are part of the 
 spec, somewhere in srv.9.9.
 I expect someone here to say:
 yes, it's part of the spec that we broke in TC 5.5, and 
 we'll fix it 
 or :
 that's not part of the spec, so who cares that it doesn't work 
 part of the spec, but who cares. 
 I just want a response from someone with the power to fix 
 it, that it 
 will be fixed (or not).
 -Original Message-
 From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:20 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 Reading the comments on the bug issue you cited, it looks like it's 
 fixed, but with side effects -- namely the exception traps aren't 
 available any more.  What do you want anyone to say here?
 gb1071nx wrote:
 Is this just a boring question, or has no-one else run into
 the problem?
 -Original Message-
 From: gb1071nx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:22 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 I'm just adding to this: 
 When I remove the mapping for the error-code 500, then I get the 
 standard tc5.5 error page.  So my exception-type error-page
 is being ignored.
 So it does appear that
 isn't fixed.
 And won't be fixed? 
 It occurs to me that this should break quite a few working 
 apps though, so surely someone else has reported it? 
 Searching further, I found this:
 Is it then now a requirement that for JSP's, we *must* use the 
 errorPage directive?  Or is there a way to get the more generic 
 web.xml error-page config to work?
 And can anyone explain what is meant by development mode 
 (from comment in bug 37062 and how to switch it off (to 
 see if that 
 makes my error-page's work again)

 -Original Message-
 From: gb1071nx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 12:39 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: error-page and TC 5.5.23
 I'm starting the process of migrating some of our server from
 5.0.29 to 5.5.23, and I've found that the 'nice' useful
 linenumbers are back, and working beautifully in 5.5.23.   
 But I do find the following issues as well: 
 I have the following test page: 
 if (true) {
  throw new java.sql.SQLException(TEST);  } % /body /html
 And the following web.xml:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? web-app 
 And when I call the page throwing the SQLException, I get
 the error
 for the error-code 500.   Tomcat5.0 does not behave like 
 that, 5.5 does.
 Which is the correct behaviour? (or perhaps:  is there a way to 
 configure 5.5 so that it acts like 5.0?)  I recall this 
 bug report: .  
 Has the bug reported in comment#4 been fixed?  Is this 
 the bug I'm 
 experiencing in my test page?
 Also, I can confirm the following bug, I also experience it:
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error-page and TC 5.5.23

2007-05-08 Thread gb1071nx


I'm starting the process of migrating some of our server from 5.0.29 to
5.5.23, and I've found that the 'nice' useful stacktraces with
linenumbers are back, and working beautifully in 5.5.23.   

But I do find the following issues as well: 

I have the following test page: 

 if (true) {
  throw new java.sql.SQLException(TEST);

And the following web.xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
web-app xmlns=;



And when I call the page throwing the SQLException, I get the error page
for the error-code 500.   Tomcat5.0 does not behave like that, 5.5 does.
Which is the correct behaviour? (or perhaps:  is there a way to
configure 5.5 so that it acts like 5.0?)  I recall this bug report: .  Has the
bug reported in comment#4 been fixed?  Is this the bug I'm experiencing
in my test page?

Also, I can confirm the following bug, I also experience it:

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Manager vs host-manager

2007-05-01 Thread gb1071nx
I've found in the $CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps directory these two
manager (know what this is)
host-manager  (don't know what this is)
I've searched the contents of
but can't find a reference to the TC 5.5 deployed app host-manager. 
Can someone shed some light? 

RE: TOMCAT 5.0.28 stability

2007-03-27 Thread gb1071nx
This is certainly not a tomcat stability problem, it's the application
that has been coded poorly

 syntax to use near 's Time Management workshop

You've got some SQL code somewhere that looks like this: 

String sql = INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES(' + fooVar + ');

And you're inserting data (fooVar variable contains)

Manager's Time Management workshop

Which results in SQL that looks like: 

INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES('Manager's Time Management workshop')

Notice how the single quote results in mal-formed SQL? 

 -Original Message-
 From: Dwight Farris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:34 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: TOMCAT 5.0.28 stability
 Hello Bob,
 I made the change in CATALINA_OPTS in; and I 
 searched the Catalina.out file for exceptions with the 
 following returning:
   java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL 
 syntax; check
 the   manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version 
 for the right
 syntax to use near 's Time Management workshop
   java.sql.SQLException: Illegal operation on empty result set...
 If I am not mistaken, there appears to be an issue with 
 resource centered on data manipulation.  I am continuously 
 writing data from a data warehouse to a local MySQL data 
 repository.  I envision receiving a number of these types of 
 exceptions; however I am beginning to believe TOMCAT 5.0 has 
 an issue supporting the processes from MySQL.  
 The premise of this assumption stems from the fact that I 
 have the same scenario running on a TOMCAT 5.5 development 
 platform and it will only stop running when the app fails on 5.0.  
 Hope this makes some sense.
 If your webapp(s) really need a gig of memory, I sugggest 
 Looks like you are using unix/linux.  Did you 'grep'
 for Exception and Error in catalina.out?
 The Cohorts getName() messages don't look familiar to me.  Is 
 there a Cohorts class in one or more of your webapp's?
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migrating from 5.0 to 5.5 - Configuring Contexts, Hosts, etc

2007-03-22 Thread gb1071nx
I'm just looking into what it takes to both migrate to TC5.5, and switch
from configuring everything in server.xml to individual context files.
I've read the docs on contexts, hosts, and that Virtual Hosting guide. 

I have some misunderstandings still about how it all works together.
Hoping someone can help.

Documentation quotes are from:
The auto deployer will also track web applications for the following

snipped two irrelevant bullets

*   An update to a XML configuration file will trigger an undeploy
(without the removal of any expanded directory), followed by a
deployment of the associated web application 

This is actually the only behaviour of the auto deployer that I'm
really interested in, and would be my main motivation for switching from
server.xml config to individual context.xml config files.  I'd like to
be able to change config of an application , without having to bounce
the whole server.

1st Q:
The only way for tomcat to monitor that context.xml file and have it
reload it automatically is to have  deployOnStartup=true (the default).

2nd Q:
Can I define a host and *not* set appBase?  (I seem to be able to do so
with Tomcat 5.0)

The next two questions have to do with these two sentences in the docs
(they appear one right after the other in the docs)

When using automatic deployment, the docBase defined by an XML Context
file should be outside of the appBase directory. If this is not the case
difficulties may be experienced deploying the web application or the
application may be deployed twice.

Finally, note that if you are defining contexts explicitly, you should
probably turn off automatic application deployment. Otherwise, your
context will be deployed twice each, and that may cause problems for
your app. 

3rd Q: 
Assume all the following:  

  a) Host appbase=/home/websites/
  b) Host appbase=/home/websites/
  c) $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/
  with a docBase attribute of /home/websites/
  d) $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/
 with a docBase attribute of /home/websites/
  e) deployOnStartup=true

Would tomcat then attempt to deploy both and as websites under each Host?   I assume that's what the
first sentence is warning us about?

4th Q: 
Is there any circumstance, in which I can get the behaviour I want from
my first question, and yet turn off the auto-deploy (as seems to be
indicated by the second sentence)?  As a secondary question, why is it
now _will be_ deployed twice, while the previous sentence talked about
_may be_ deployed twice?   Will it, or won't it? 


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Anyone know of an up-to-date packager?

2007-03-22 Thread gb1071nx

We (the developers) have been in control of the servers. We download
exactly what we want, install it where we need it, and life is good. 

But our ops guy is making noise about wanting to manage everything
through something called yum. 

Noodling around just a little bit, I see that our yum only has up to TC
5.5.17 available. 

As I understand it, you can tell yum to get these packages from some
other sites, so I guess I'll ask tomcat-user if anyone knows of a
super-up-to-date package site?  

Or... What community would it be better to ask this in?  

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[OT] RE: Cannot start tomcat5 service with jrockit

2007-03-12 Thread gb1071nx
rant about 'religion' follows (not quite on par with where the opening '{' 
goes, but close!): 
I feel like such a fool!   I had no idea the way too old mark had been moved 
to older than 6 months  and/or 3 point releases behind HEAD.   Of course, 
_everyone_ should _always_ use the most recent version of _every_ software 
package, and it's a particularly good idea to use it if it's just been voted 
stable within the last 30 days.
Because, we should always trust that there there are no remaining problems in a 
newly-declared-as-stable piece of software.  That's why 5.0 didn't need 32 
point releases, and 5.5 didn't need 23 point releases.
Plus, the maintainers can just finally give up on that antiquated 5.5 branch!  
Thanks for your heroic efforts so far, tomcat team.  
In the future, I wish people would STFU about get a newer version, unless 
they specifically know that the bug someone is asking about (and in this 
case, perhaps not even a bug) has been fixed in a newer version.   The sooner 
people like Mr. Burrus understand that some people are unable or unwilling to 
upgrade to the latest and greatest, the sooner my blood pressure will return 
to normal.  
There, _I_ feel better.  anyone else? 
A completely satisifed tomcat 5.0.29 user. 
(so there)

From: Mr. Steve Burrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 3/12/2007 4:59 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Cannot start tomcat5 service with jrockit

look you say that your Tomcat version is 5.5.20. Why don't u
simply try/attempt to get version 6.x of Tomcat by now??? I mean any
kind of version 5 is way too old by now! Capiche? [Understand?]

Igor Shevchenko wrote:

I'm experiencing problems with starting tomcat as a service under Win2003
server with jrockit jvm.
Tomcat version is 5.5.20 and it starts successfully using startup.bat
script, but when trying to start it as a service I have the following
output in jakarta-service log:
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Running Service...
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Starting service...
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [173  javajni.c] [error] The specified module could
not be found.
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [924  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Run service finished.
[2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Procrun finished.
I've tried googling and reading mailing archives but couldn't find a

Best regards,
Igor Shevchenko


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RE: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

2006-11-28 Thread gb1071nx
Respectfully, I submit that the problem is that something works less well 
when comparing 5.5 and 5.0
On 5.0.29, the original poster's page provides this error output: 
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /foobar.jsp
Generated servlet error:
 incompatible types
found   : java.lang.Object
required: java.lang.String
String v1 = session.getAttribute(attr);

which accurately locates both the 'compiled' source error (line 52 of 
/org/apache/jsp/foobar_jsp)  *and* identifies and echos the offending line.   
It inaccurately identifies the error as occuring on line 2 of the JSP. 
I've just installed 5.5.20 and tried out the patch from this website 
(previously discussed on this list):  
Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, so I'm either doing something wrong, or 
it won't work with 5.5.20
For shiggles, I tried the following source JSP: 
%@ page import=java.util.* %
% %
%Object v = new String(b);%
%session.setAttribute(a, v);%
% %
%Enumeration e = session.getAttributeNames(); %
%while (e.hasMoreElements()) { %
%String attr = (String) e.nextElement(); %
%String v1 = session.getAttribute(attr); %
%String v2 = session.getValue(attr); %
%out.println(attr:  + attr +  v1: + v1 +  v2: +v2 + 
BR\n); %
%}  %

And the output now correctly labelled the line of the JSP in which the error 
occured, but again it neither outputs the line in the 'compiled' source nor 
echoes the actual line in error, as it did under 5.0.x.  Plus, who wants to 
write JSP's like that?
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 9 in the jsp file: /index.jsp
Generated servlet error:
Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

An error occurred at line: 10 in the jsp file: /index.jsp
Generated servlet error:
Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String


From: Robert Harper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 11/28/2006 1:42 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

The problem is that the JSP is not compiled on the browser. Even if it was,
you would be bound on functionality provided by the particular browser. The
servlet container might send an error in the response but that would be up
to the container provider as well. Because these behaviors are not bound by
standards, you can't count on them to always be there if you once had what
you want. There should be server side logs that will show your problem.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.
-Original Message-
From: D. Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:32 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

Thanks.  So there's absolutely no way within the web browser to print
out the line of code that caused the error?  In the example, the line
i would've liked to see in the web browser would have been:

String v1 = session.getAttribute(attr);

Thanks, - Dave

On 11/28/06, Edoardo Panfili [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 D. Alvarado ha scritto:
  Hi, I'm using Tomcat 5.5 with Apache 2.  Upon getting jsp compilation
  errors, I'm not told any inofrmation about the code the causaed the
  error and the line printed is incorrect.  What do I need to configure
  to correct this?  For example, this page below:
  %@ page import=java.util.* %
 Object v = new String(b);
 session.setAttribute(a, v);
 Enumeration e = session.getAttributeNames();
 while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
 String attr = (String) e.nextElement();
 String v1 = session.getAttribute(attr);
 session.getAttribute(String) returns an Object
 String v1 = (String) session.getAttribute(attr);

 String v2 = session.getValue(attr);
 out.println(attr:  + attr +  v1: + v1 +  v2: +
  v2 + BR\n);
 }   // while
  causes this error.  You can eventually figure out the problem, but
  line 2 is not right.
  =begin error
  type Exception report
  description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
  it from fulfilling this request.
  org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
  An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /session_vars.jsp
  Generated servlet error:
  Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String
  An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /session_vars.jsp
  Generated servlet error:
  Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

RE: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

2006-11-28 Thread gb1071nx
Well, since my first email, I read the bugzilla ( ) attached to that 
website, and apparently this patch was committed to 5.5.13.  But... I can't get 
it to work. I may or may not have the same problem as the last commentor.  
Perhaps I'm not aware of how to put tomcat into development mode. 
I've tried putting a context file here: 
with : 

Context reloadable=true

And then accessing http://localhost:8080/foobar/index.jsp  (index.jsp being the 
page that contains the error)
Tomcat doesn't complain about anything on stdout when starting (so assume I got 
the context file correct), but it also doesn't show me anything different in 
the stacktrace (and yes, I backed out any patched classes I did).   So unless 
there's some other incantation to put Tomcat into the correct mood ... 5.5.x 
compilation error messages are simply not as helpful as 5.0 compilation errors. 
While being aware that they are configured quite differently, the 5.x tomcats 
support the same JSP/Servlet spec version, so perhaps you can use 5.0 in a 
development environment and use 5.5 for production?  

From: D. Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 11/28/2006 2:56 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

Wow, how rare that a newer version should lose this feature.  So the
answer then, if I want the code and the correct line printed out is to
revert to Tomcat 5.0? - Dave

On 11/28/06, gb1071nx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Respectfully, I submit that the problem is that something works less well 
 when comparing 5.5 and 5.0

 On 5.0.29, the original poster's page provides this error output:

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

 An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /foobar.jsp
 Generated servlet error:
  incompatible types
 found   : java.lang.Object
 required: java.lang.String
 String v1 = session.getAttribute(attr);

 which accurately locates both the 'compiled' source error (line 52 of 
 /org/apache/jsp/foobar_jsp)  *and* identifies and echos the offending line.   
 It inaccurately identifies the error as occuring on line 2 of the JSP.

 I've just installed 5.5.20 and tried out the patch from this website 
 (previously discussed on this list):

 Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, so I'm either doing something wrong, 
 or it won't work with 5.5.20

 For shiggles, I tried the following source JSP:

 %@ page import=java.util.* %
 % %
 %Object v = new String(b);%
 %session.setAttribute(a, v);%
 % %
 %Enumeration e = session.getAttributeNames(); %
 %while (e.hasMoreElements()) { %
 %String attr = (String) e.nextElement(); %
 %String v1 = session.getAttribute(attr); %
 %String v2 = session.getValue(attr); %
 %out.println(attr:  + attr +  v1: + v1 +  v2: +v2 + 
 BR\n); %
 %}  %

 And the output now correctly labelled the line of the JSP in which the error 
 occured, but again it neither outputs the line in the 'compiled' source nor 
 echoes the actual line in error, as it did under 5.0.x.  Plus, who wants to 
 write JSP's like that?

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

 An error occurred at line: 9 in the jsp file: /index.jsp
 Generated servlet error:
 Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

 An error occurred at line: 10 in the jsp file: /index.jsp
 Generated servlet error:
 Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String


 From: Robert Harper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue 11/28/2006 1:42 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

 The problem is that the JSP is not compiled on the browser. Even if it was,
 you would be bound on functionality provided by the particular browser. The
 servlet container might send an error in the response but that would be up
 to the container provider as well. Because these behaviors are not bound by
 standards, you can't count on them to always be there if you once had what
 you want. There should be server side logs that will show your problem.

 Robert S. Harper
 Information Access Technology, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: D. Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:32 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: How do I print out line of code that caused the error?

 Thanks.  So there's absolutely no way within the web browser to print
 out the line of code that caused the error?  In the example, the line
 i would've liked to see in the web browser would have been

Tomcat won't die: Help with interpreting this thread dump

2006-08-02 Thread gb1071nx
Hello and apologies in advance for the HTML formatting (not sure how to turn it 
off in outlook web access).

Our tomcat was non-responsive, and catalina.out had several 
'java.lang.OutOfMemory' errors.  So this isn't totally unknown to us (our apps 
leak a bit of memory, plus we're running on a small JVM). 

I tried to shutdown tomcat and it wouldn't die.  

Doing a kill -3 (before the eventual kill -9) I got a thread dump.

Almost all the TP threads look like this: 
TP-Processor44 daemon prio=1 tid=0x09667438 nid=0xd95 
in Object.wait() [b2bfe000..b2bff8d8]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on 0x45251bb0 (a sun.misc.SoftCache)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.findBundle(
- locked 0x45251bb0 (a sun.misc.SoftCache)
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at sun.text.resources.LocaleData$
at Method) at 
at sun.text.resources.LocaleData.getDateFormatZoneData(
at java.text.DateFormatSymbols.cacheLookup(
at java.text.DateFormatSymbols.initializeData(
at java.text.DateFormatSymbols.init(
at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.init(
at org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteRequest.init(
at org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteAdapter.service(
at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke(
at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection(
at org.apache.jk.common.SocketConnection.runIt(

So, Tomcat code is waiting for some other code (my code) to release a lock? 

- waiting on 0x45251bb0 (a sun.misc.SoftCache) 

Is that the correct interpretation? 

If so, I'd need to find a stacktrace that contains *my* code that has this 
object locked?  

Because I did find one, but I'm not sure what it's telling me.  Or can anything 
be told, since the VM threw an OOME and now all bets are off?  - /prod/order.jsp?orderID=225 daemon prio=1 
tid=0x080ac938 nid=0x5f1a 
in Object.wait() [b61fd000..b61ff8d8]
 at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
 - waiting on 0x45251bb0 (a sun.misc.SoftCache)
 at java.lang.Object.wait(
 at java.util.ResourceBundle.findBundle(
 - locked 0x45251bb0 (a sun.misc.SoftCache)
 at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
 at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
 at sun.text.resources.LocaleData$
 at Method)
 at sun.text.resources.LocaleData.getBundle(
 at sun.text.resources.LocaleData.getDateFormatZoneData(
 at java.text.DateFormatSymbols.cacheLookup(
 at java.text.DateFormatSymbols.initializeData(
 at java.text.DateFormatSymbols.init(
 at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.init(
 at java.util.Date.toString(
 at java.lang.String.valueOf(
 at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(
 - locked 0x4b94e2e8 (a java.lang.StringBuffer)
 at com.xx.LineItem.setProductionDate(
 at com.xx.ItemGroup.setProductionDate(
 at com.xx.ItemGroup.addLineItem(
 at com.xx.OrderHistory.load(
 at com.xx.OrderHistory.init(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(