> [Marking off-topic as this is a network problem, not a Tomcat problem -
> but having the thread in the archive may help others]
>> For this reason I start to think that is something related with cheap
>> router, my one is a Zystel Prestige 600 & effectly I cannot do a lot..
> OK. Try the following:
> - Find a proxy server that you can connect to (most ISPs have a proxy
> server - check the instructions for your account - or use a free one).
> - Change your browser to use that proxy server.
> - Verify that the proxy works by browsing to www.google.com or similar.
> - Now try to browse to your own page using the external IP address.
> Does it work?
> - Finally, you probably want to take out the proxy settings from your
> browser.
> If it works, the problem is almost certainly the router: browsing from
> inside your network fails, but browsing via a proxy outside your network
> succeeds. If it still fails, we have more debugging to do.
> - Peter
Ok I'll let you know if Im able to do that ;-)
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