Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-10 Thread David kerber

Konstantin Kolinko wrote:

2010/3/10 Christopher Schultz

I don't mean to belabor the point, but upgrading from Tomcat 5.5 to 6.0
should have been this easy:

0. Stop Tomcat 5.5
1. Install Tomcat 6.0
2. Copy yourapp.war from Tomcat 5.5\webapps - Tomcat 6.0\webapps

If my original installation was that simple, it would have been. 
Unfortunately, that's not where my .war was to start with, and I also 
need to create an additional context path for it.

3. Start Tomcat 6.0

Here are some potential things you'd have to change:

1. Copy JDBC library from Tomcat 5.5\common\lib into Tomcat 6.0\lib

Yes, I figured that one out.

2. Connector port numbers in Tomcat 6.0\conf\server.xml

No problem there; that didn't change.

3. Cluster configuration in server.xml

Don't use clusters.

4. Global environment entries in server.xml

After using it for a while, I decided global environment entries were 
too cumbersome to handle in the server.xml, so I came up with my own 
.properties file that I use with the class.  Makes 
it much easier to change (and particularly add new ones).

A document that might add to the above:

5. In Tomcat 5.5 the commons-logging library was bundled with Tomcat
and was visible to all installed applications. In Tomcat 6 you have to
deploy it explicitly, if your application uses it.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

Thanks for the comments!

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-09 Thread André Warnier

David Kerber wrote:
It turns out that the shared vs lib issue doesn't matter (at least for 
my very simple case), and SOME of the config files can be used in both 
places, but others cannot.  I didn't check all of the files in conf, but 
I did check server.xml, context.xml and web.xml, and found that their 
contents will work with both server versions (again, at least for my 
simple case) .  However, when I started looking at some of the other 
files in conf, I found major differences between the two versions.  So I 
copied all the various files from the conf folder under 6.0.24 into the 
conf folder in my catalina_base tree, and it immediately started working.

I just want to point out this other thread, and Chuck's last answer in it.

Best Practices for Deployment with separate Context XML file

Basically, if one of your hidden purposes was to investigate whether a 
convenient tactic for the migration from 5.5 to 6.0 would be to set up 
tomcat 6.0 so that, when tomcat 5.5 is switched off and tomcat 6.0 
switched on, things (like your webapps located below catalina_base) 
would just continue working smoothly, the recommendation is still 
Even if you have now managed to make this work in your simple test case, 
there is no guarantee that somewhere down the line something else might 
not bite you.
The basic point made indirectly by the experts, is that tomcat 5.5 and 
tomcat 6.0 were not developed in a way to make this kind of 
cooperation or upgrade possible.  They are two independent versions, 
and there may be things that look the same, and are in the same place in 
both, but are incompatible in some devious way, and would create some 
horrible-to-find bug some time later.

However, the same webapps should work under both.
So maybe re-locating your webapps to be somewhere outside of the Tomcat 
directory structure (and pointed to by both Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 
6.0), is really what you are looking for.

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-09 Thread David kerber

André Warnier wrote:

David Kerber wrote:
It turns out that the shared vs lib issue doesn't matter (at least for 
my very simple case), and SOME of the config files can be used in both 
places, but others cannot.  I didn't check all of the files in conf, 
but I did check server.xml, context.xml and web.xml, and found that 
their contents will work with both server versions (again, at least 
for my simple case) .  However, when I started looking at some of the 
other files in conf, I found major differences between the two 
versions.  So I copied all the various files from the conf folder 
under 6.0.24 into the conf folder in my catalina_base tree, and it 
immediately started working.

I just want to point out this other thread, and Chuck's last answer in it.

Best Practices for Deployment with separate Context XML file

Yes, I've been following that thread closely, because it's exactly what 
  I want to do.  According to Chuck's recommendations, it turns out 
that I've *mostly* been doing things correctly; I just screwed up the 
conversion from 5.5 to 6.0 by using the 5.5 conf folder contents (see 

Basically, if one of your hidden purposes was to investigate whether a 
convenient tactic for the migration from 5.5 to 6.0 would be to set up 
tomcat 6.0 so that, when tomcat 5.5 is switched off and tomcat 6.0 
switched on, things (like your webapps located below catalina_base) 
would just continue working smoothly, the recommendation is still 

That wasn't my conscious intent, but that is in effect what I was doing, 
and yeah, I discovered that the hard way that it won't work...

Even if you have now managed to make this work in your simple test case, 
there is no guarantee that somewhere down the line something else might 
not bite you.
The basic point made indirectly by the experts, is that tomcat 5.5 and 
tomcat 6.0 were not developed in a way to make this kind of 
cooperation or upgrade possible.  They are two independent versions, 
and there may be things that look the same, and are in the same place in 
both, but are incompatible in some devious way, and would create some 
horrible-to-find bug some time later.

However, the same webapps should work under both.
So maybe re-locating your webapps to be somewhere outside of the Tomcat 
directory structure (and pointed to by both Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 
6.0), is really what you are looking for.

Now that I have it working under 6.0, I will be removing TC 5.5 
completely; I have no need or desire for it to work under both.  I only 
went through this bastardized setup in a misguided attempt to figure out 
why my migration from 5.5 to 6.0 wasn't working.  Basically, the problem 
was that I copied too much stuff from my previous 5.5 tree; if I had not 
copied the stuff from the conf folder, it would have worked.

I do need to run multiple indpendent copies of the same webapp (for 
different customers), and I want the webapp tree to be outside of the tc 
installation tree, which is why I use the catalina_base setting (through 
catalina.base in the tomcat6w java window).  But I copied the entire 
tomcatclients (my name for the top-level folder) tree, including the 
conf folders under each webapp folder, and that's what messed up the 
migration.  Once I cleared out the 5.5 stuff from that folder, and 
copied in the 6.0 stuff from the tc 6.0 installation folder, things 
started working.


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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-09 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 3/9/2010 7:57 AM, David kerber wrote:
 André Warnier wrote:
 Basically, if one of your hidden purposes was to investigate whether a
 convenient tactic for the migration from 5.5 to 6.0 would be to set up
 tomcat 6.0 so that, when tomcat 5.5 is switched off and tomcat 6.0
 switched on, things (like your webapps located below catalina_base)
 would just continue working smoothly, the recommendation is still
 That wasn't my conscious intent, but that is in effect what I was doing,
 and yeah, I discovered that the hard way that it won't work...

I don't mean to belabor the point, but upgrading from Tomcat 5.5 to 6.0
should have been this easy:

0. Stop Tomcat 5.5
1. Install Tomcat 6.0
2. Copy yourapp.war from Tomcat 5.5\webapps - Tomcat 6.0\webapps
3. Start Tomcat 6.0

Here are some potential things you'd have to change:

1. Copy JDBC library from Tomcat 5.5\common\lib into Tomcat 6.0\lib
2. Connector port numbers in Tomcat 6.0\conf\server.xml
3. Cluster configuration in server.xml
4. Global environment entries in server.xml

Everything else should work just fine. Note that a lot of stuff from
Tomcat 5.5's server.xml isn't compatible with Tomcat 6.0 because class
names have changed, etc. so you can't simply copy your old server.xml
into your Tomcat 6.0 deployment and expect everything to work.

If you hadn't already moved your Context elements from server.xml into
your webapp, then you'd have to do that, too.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-09 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2010/3/10 Christopher Schultz

 I don't mean to belabor the point, but upgrading from Tomcat 5.5 to 6.0
 should have been this easy:

 0. Stop Tomcat 5.5
 1. Install Tomcat 6.0
 2. Copy yourapp.war from Tomcat 5.5\webapps - Tomcat 6.0\webapps
 3. Start Tomcat 6.0

 Here are some potential things you'd have to change:

 1. Copy JDBC library from Tomcat 5.5\common\lib into Tomcat 6.0\lib
 2. Connector port numbers in Tomcat 6.0\conf\server.xml
 3. Cluster configuration in server.xml
 4. Global environment entries in server.xml

A document that might add to the above:

5. In Tomcat 5.5 the commons-logging library was bundled with Tomcat
and was visible to all installed applications. In Tomcat 6 you have to
deploy it explicitly, if your application uses it.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread André Warnier

David kerber wrote:
I've run into this before, but didn't have time to hunt down the issue. 
Now I do, so here goes.

I have installed both TC 6.0.24 and 5.5.28 on Windows server 2003 32-bit 
(into separate directories, of course).  In each case, I first ran the 
windows installer .exe, and then unzipped the .zip package on top of it 
so I would have the service.bat utilities.  Each one started its default 
service with no trouble.

I then created a service for my app with each version's service.bat 
(different names), which starts from a separate folder on the HD.  With 
IDENTICAL settings, both pointing to the exact same catalina_base, the 
5.5 one starts fine, and 6.0 fails to start, with the following error in 

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.init(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

Much searching of documentation and faqs has not turned up an 
explanation of what I may be missing in the 6.0 installation, or what 
the configuration differences are between the two versions.

Any suggestions?

I'll take a pot-shot :
If I compare my Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0 catalina_home dirs, I see that in 5.5 
there is a shared subdir, with 2 subdirs classes and lib.

On the other hand, under 6.0 there is no shared subdir, only a lib.
If these sub-directories were defined as being relative to 
catalina_base, that may explain your problem, no ?
(In the sense that Tomcat6.0 is looking for a class under the 
catalina_base/lib subdir, but there is no such thing)

(If I understand well what you say above, catalina_base is really one 
one and the same directory, used for both your tomcat5.5 and tomcat6.0 
trials, yes ?)

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2010/3/8 David kerber
 I then created a service for my app with each version's service.bat
 (different names), which starts from a separate folder on the HD.  With
 IDENTICAL settings, both pointing to the exact same catalina_base

You cannot use the same catalina_base for different Tomcat versions.

1. Most of the files in conf/  are essentially different between major versions

2. Work directory must be cleared when upgrading by a minor version -
so that Jasper would recompile all JSPs

3. There might be changes in default configuration files between minor versions.
(E.g., new listeners in server.xml, new mime-types in web.xml, new
permissions in the policy file, and so on).
So it is always advisable to review the default configuration and add
your on top of it.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread David kerber

André Warnier wrote:

David kerber wrote:
I've run into this before, but didn't have time to hunt down the 
issue. Now I do, so here goes.

I have installed both TC 6.0.24 and 5.5.28 on Windows server 2003 
32-bit (into separate directories, of course).  In each case, I first 
ran the windows installer .exe, and then unzipped the .zip package on 
top of it so I would have the service.bat utilities.  Each one started 
its default service with no trouble.

I then created a service for my app with each version's service.bat 
(different names), which starts from a separate folder on the HD.  
With IDENTICAL settings, both pointing to the exact same 
catalina_base, the 5.5 one starts fine, and 6.0 fails to start, with 
the following error in stderr_20100308.log:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.init(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

Much searching of documentation and faqs has not turned up an 
explanation of what I may be missing in the 6.0 installation, or what 
the configuration differences are between the two versions.

Any suggestions?

I'll take a pot-shot :
If I compare my Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0 catalina_home dirs, I see that in 5.5 
there is a shared subdir, with 2 subdirs classes and lib.

On the other hand, under 6.0 there is no shared subdir, only a lib.
If these sub-directories were defined as being relative to 
catalina_base, that may explain your problem, no ?
(In the sense that Tomcat6.0 is looking for a class under the 
catalina_base/lib subdir, but there is no such thing)

I'll play with that and see if I can figure out anything.

(If I understand well what you say above, catalina_base is really one 
one and the same directory, used for both your tomcat5.5 and tomcat6.0 
trials, yes ?)

Correct, and it's different from catalina_home.  Catalina_home is each 
version's own installation directory, and catalina_base is set the same 
for both installations, at c:\TomcatClients\myapp.  5.5 works when 
pointing to that folder, and 6.0 does not.

Thanks for the suggestions...

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread David kerber

Konstantin Kolinko wrote:

2010/3/8 David kerber

I then created a service for my app with each version's service.bat
(different names), which starts from a separate folder on the HD.  With
IDENTICAL settings, both pointing to the exact same catalina_base

You cannot use the same catalina_base for different Tomcat versions.

1. Most of the files in conf/  are essentially different between major versions

2. Work directory must be cleared when upgrading by a minor version -
so that Jasper would recompile all JSPs

Yes, I did delete the work folder between startup attempts.

3. There might be changes in default configuration files between minor versions.
(E.g., new listeners in server.xml, new mime-types in web.xml, new
permissions in the policy file, and so on).

That's what I'm trying to figure out, what those differences are.

So it is always advisable to review the default configuration and add
your on top of it.

That's how I got started on this drill:  I'm trying to upgrade my server 
to 6.0.somethingnew, but can't get it to go.


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RE: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David kerber []
 Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28
 That's what I'm trying to figure out, what those differences are.

Regardless, you cannot reliably share anything between two different Tomcat 
versions.  Trying to do so will only give you headaches.

 - Chuck

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread David kerber

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: David kerber []
Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

That's what I'm trying to figure out, what those differences are.

Regardless, you cannot reliably share anything between two different Tomcat 
versions.  Trying to do so will only give you headaches.

I have no desire to do so; I only set this up to try to help me figure 
out why I can't get 6.0.24 to work!  There's something missing from my 
6.0 configuration, and trying to find it is driving me nuts...

Does 6.0.x simply have trouble when catalina_home != catalina_base


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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2010/3/8 David kerber
 Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

 From: David kerber []
 Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

 That's what I'm trying to figure out, what those differences are.

 Regardless, you cannot reliably share anything between two different
 Tomcat versions.  Trying to do so will only give you headaches.

 I have no desire to do so; I only set this up to try to help me figure out
 why I can't get 6.0.24 to work!  There's something missing from my 6.0
 configuration, and trying to find it is driving me nuts...

 Does 6.0.x simply have trouble when catalina_home != catalina_base

No. 6.0 cannot use configuration files of 5.5.  That is all.

If you search archives of this list you may find a more detailed answer.

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread David kerber

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: David kerber []
Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

Regardless, you cannot reliably share anything between two 
different Tomcat versions.

I have no desire to do so;

??? That contradicts your previous statement:

Correct, and it's different from catalina_home.  Catalina_home 
is each version's own installation directory, and catalina_base

is set the same for both installations

Can't both be true.

Why not?  Here are the entries on the java tab of tomcat6w:

-Dcatalina.home=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 

-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\


And tomcat5w has

-Dcatalina.home=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 

-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\


Unless there's something I'm completely misunderstanding (definitely 
possible!), this has catalina_base set the same for each one, and 
catalina_home set differently??

Does 6.0.x simply have trouble when catalina_home != catalina_base

The environment variables mean nothing when Tomcat is running as a service; you 
have to set the appropriate system properties in the Java tab of the 
tomcat6w.exe program.  I have no trouble when running separate home and base 

I know; see above...

I found moving from 5.5.x to 6.0.x to be exceedingly trivial; the only thing of 
significance that changed was the replacement of the shared, common, and server 
libraries with a single one.

Maybe that's what I'm missing...


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RE: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David kerber []
 Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28
 Why not?  Here are the entries on the java tab of tomcat6w:
 And tomcat5w has

So you are sharing things between Tomcat 5.5.28 and 6.0.24, which you said you 
had no desire to do.  I'd strongly recommend you stop trying to do that.

 - Chuck

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread David kerber

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: David kerber []
Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

Why not?  Here are the entries on the java tab of tomcat6w:

And tomcat5w has

So you are sharing things between Tomcat 5.5.28 and 6.0.24, which you said you 
had no desire to do.  I'd strongly recommend you stop trying to do that.

I don't *want* to do this!!  I'm only doing it as a troubleshooting 
attempt, trying to figure out why I can't get 6.0.x to start.

Obviously there's something different in the configuration requirements, 
but I can't figure out what it is.  That's why I asked for some 
suggestions as to where to find configuration differences between the 
two major versions.  Right now, I'm in the middle of doing a 
line-by-line comparison of the default configuration files that the two 
installations set up.


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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread André Warnier

David kerber wrote:

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: David kerber []
Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

Why not?  Here are the entries on the java tab of tomcat6w:

And tomcat5w has

So you are sharing things between Tomcat 5.5.28 and 6.0.24, which you 
said you had no desire to do.  I'd strongly recommend you stop trying 
to do that.

I don't *want* to do this!!  I'm only doing it as a troubleshooting 
attempt, trying to figure out why I can't get 6.0.x to start.

Obviously there's something different in the configuration requirements, 
but I can't figure out what it is.  That's why I asked for some 
suggestions as to where to find configuration differences between the 
two major versions.  Right now, I'm in the middle of doing a 
line-by-line comparison of the default configuration files that the two 
installations set up.

This is becoming increasingly shrill on all sides.
Let's all calm down a bit.
But I'm afraid it will take some typing..

maybe what you do not understand, is that what you are doing to test 
your migration, is at the base of your problem in making it work.

You /are/ using the same catalina_base (and the same physical directory 
structure and files below it), for both Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6.0.
And what each one of them expects below his catalina_base is not 
identical in the two cases.
I mentioned earlier that Tomcat 5.5, under its catalina_base dir, is 
expecting a subdirectory shared, containing 2 subdirectories lib and 
classes (with some things in them).
Well, guess what ? Tomcat 6.0 does not expect this subdirectory shared 
under its catalina_base.  But it does expect a subdirectory lib 
directtly under its catalina_base.
The reason why your Tomcat 5.5 works fine, from your common 
catalina_base, is that it finds what it wants there.
The reason why Tomcat6 is not happy, is that under that same physical 
directory, it does not find what it wants.
And that is because you probably set up this catalina_base directory 
according to the pattern of your (previous, existing) tomcat 5.5 

Now, I am saying this with not a lot of knowledge to back this up.

But according to the other people here, there are more differences 
between what Tomcat 5.5 has below its catalina_base, and what Tomcat 6.0 
has there.  So you should /not/ try to use the same physical directory 
as catalina_base for both, because it will get you in a lot of trouble, 
independently of the difference shared vs lib.
You should set up a /separate/ catalina_base directory for your Tomcat 
6.0, modeled on what you find under the original catalina_home of your 
original Tomcat 6.0.
Similarly, you should start the conf directory files of your Tomcat 
6.0 instance on the base of the original conf of Tomcat6.0, and then 
make the needed changes in it to accomodate your applications.
You should /not/ try to use the same server.xml (and other conf files) 
for both Tomcat5.5 and Tomcat 6.0.

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Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

2010-03-08 Thread David Kerber

André Warnier wrote:

David kerber wrote:

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: David kerber []
Subject: Re: Installation differences between 6.0.24 and 5.5.28

Why not?  Here are the entries on the java tab of tomcat6w:

And tomcat5w has

So you are sharing things between Tomcat 5.5.28 and 6.0.24, which 
you said you had no desire to do.  I'd strongly recommend you stop 
trying to do that.

I don't *want* to do this!!  I'm only doing it as a troubleshooting 
attempt, trying to figure out why I can't get 6.0.x to start.

Obviously there's something different in the configuration 
requirements, but I can't figure out what it is.  That's why I asked 
for some suggestions as to where to find configuration differences 
between the two major versions.  Right now, I'm in the middle of 
doing a line-by-line comparison of the default configuration files 
that the two installations set up.

This is becoming increasingly shrill on all sides.
Let's all calm down a bit.
But I'm afraid it will take some typing..

maybe what you do not understand, is that what you are doing to test 
your migration, is at the base of your problem in making it work.
Believe me, that wasn't my first step in this; I only did it out of 

You /are/ using the same catalina_base (and the same physical 
directory structure and files below it), for both Tomcat 5.5 and 
Tomcat 6.0.
And what each one of them expects below his catalina_base is not 
identical in the two cases.
I mentioned earlier that Tomcat 5.5, under its catalina_base dir, is 
expecting a subdirectory shared, containing 2 subdirectories lib 
and classes (with some things in them).
Well, guess what ? Tomcat 6.0 does not expect this subdirectory 
shared under its catalina_base.  But it does expect a subdirectory 
lib directtly under its catalina_base.
The reason why your Tomcat 5.5 works fine, from your common 
catalina_base, is that it finds what it wants there.
The reason why Tomcat6 is not happy, is that under that same physical 
directory, it does not find what it wants.
And that is because you probably set up this catalina_base directory 
according to the pattern of your (previous, existing) tomcat 5.5 

Now, I am saying this with not a lot of knowledge to back this up.

But according to the other people here, there are more differences 
between what Tomcat 5.5 has below its catalina_base, and what Tomcat 
6.0 has there.  So you should /not/ try to use the same physical 
directory as catalina_base for both, because it will get you in a lot 
of trouble, independently of the difference shared vs lib.
You should set up a /separate/ catalina_base directory for your Tomcat 
6.0, modeled on what you find under the original catalina_home of your 
original Tomcat 6.0.
Similarly, you should start the conf directory files of your Tomcat 
6.0 instance on the base of the original conf of Tomcat6.0, and then 
make the needed changes in it to accomodate your applications.
You should /not/ try to use the same server.xml (and other conf files) 
for both Tomcat5.5 and Tomcat 6.0.
Thanks for the note of calm, André .  You claim you don't have a lot of 
knowledge to back you up, but your comments led me to the solution of 
the problem.  

It turns out that the shared vs lib issue doesn't matter (at least for 
my very simple case), and SOME of the config files can be used in both 
places, but others cannot.  I didn't check all of the files in conf, but 
I did check server.xml, context.xml and web.xml, and found that their 
contents will work with both server versions (again, at least for my 
simple case) .  However, when I started looking at some of the other 
files in conf, I found major differences between the two versions.  So I 
copied all the various files from the conf folder under 6.0.24 into the 
conf folder in my catalina_base tree, and it immediately started working.

I guess the root of my problem was the implicit assumption (without 
really thinking it through) that if the server, context and web .xml 
files were ok, the rest wouldn't matter, so I just copied the entire 
application folder tree including the conf folders from my 5.5 
installation to the 6.0 server.  And of course that assumption was wrong 
(yes I know what happens when one assumes!!), and it bit me where it hurts.

So thanks for putting up with my pebkac issues, people.  Hopefully next 
time I'll do some clearer thinking about the problem before I post...


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