Re: [announce] Wicket Security 1.4 released!

2010-05-31 Thread Paul Szulc
true, some  kind of quick start could be useful

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Joe Fawzy  wrote:

> Hi
> i heard a lot about this project but have no opportunity to play with it
> i think a (detailed) tutorial or a getting start guide is required(for
> someone like me) to begin using this
> any pointers?
> thanks
> Joe
> On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Martijn Dashorst <
>> wrote:
> > We are proud to release Wicket Security 1.4 final.
> >
> > Wicket Security is an attempt to create an out of the box reusable
> > authenticating and authorization framework for Apache Wicket. It
> > contains several projects which can be used standalone or in
> > conjunction with each other.
> >
> > After testing the codebase for a while we did not find any issues.
> >
> > Differences between the 1.4-rc1 release:
> >  - upgraded dependencies to newest working versions (JUnit 4.x does
> > not work with Spring)
> >  - versioned maven plugins to appease the Maven 3 gods.
> >
> > Many thanks go to Olger Warnier for the initial port of Wicket
> > Security to Wicket 1.4.
> >
> > The release is available from the usual Wicket Stuff maven repository:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > If you already depend on Wicket Security, all you need to do is modify
> > the version of your dependencies in your Maven poms:
> >
> >
> >wicketstuff
> >
> >
> >true
> >
> >
> >true
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >org.apache.wicket.wicket-security
> >swarm
> >1.4
> >compile
> >
> >
> > Note that with future releases we will move to a new groupId and
> > package name (since org.apache.wicket is reserved for Apache Wicket,
> > and not 3rd party projects).
> >
> > The future of the Wicket Security project is to remain a standalone
> > project (it will not be adopted by Apache Wicket), and will continue
> > to be maintained by Topicus. If you wish to join please let us know!
> >
> > Emond & Martijn
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> >

Best regards,
Paul Szulc

Re: [announce] Wicket Security 1.4 released!

2010-05-31 Thread david_

I have been using wicket-security for months now, and I'm very happy about
Finally the 1.4 release I've been waiting for :)

I've gathered my information mostly from

It is not up to date, but has everything to start with.
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Re: How can I make wicket handle 3:rd party CMS URL's?

2010-05-31 Thread Igor Vaynberg
yep, extend WebRequestCodingStrategy and resolve the a
pagerequesttarget all the urls you want to handle. in later versions
WebRequestCodingStrategy  is no longer final, and even if it is simply
use the decorator pattern.


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Jimi  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently investigating the possibility to use Wicket in front of a 3:rd
> party CMS, and let the CMS generate the URL's. The CMS already has several
> filters that can process the request and resolve the main objects (for
> example the article). And I already successfully replaced the last part of
> the CMS filter chain (that forwards to a jsp page) with the wicket filter,
> and when I surf to the start page wicket can display it just fine (ie the
> simple "If you see this message wicket is properly configured and
> running"-message), and when I look in the HttpServletRequest object I can
> see that all the objects representing the start/main page etc in the CMS is
> available as request attributes just as I expected.
> But how can I "catch" URL's generated by the CMS, apart from URL's to the
> start page? I can't use regular bookmarkable page mounts since I have no
> idea on what the structure will look like.
> For example, lets say that we have the URL
> What is the
> best way to make Wicket "catch" this url (as opposed to resulting in a 404)
> and then decide what page class (stateless, most likely) to use depending on
> the request attributes (note, *not* url parameters)? And that without having
> to know about the news-section on before hand.
> All I have read about Wicket and URL's is focused on Wicket being the one
> generating the URL's in first place. But what I want is the exact opposite.
> Is there an easy way to solve this? Should I implement
> IRequestCodingStrategy? If so, is there some good class I can extend so I
> don't have to implement all myself (the decode-method of
> WebRequestCodingStrategy is final)? Is there maybe even some existing
> example that I can take a look at?
> Regards
> /Jimi
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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How can I make wicket handle 3:rd party CMS URL's?

2010-05-31 Thread Jimi


I'm currently investigating the possibility to use Wicket in front of a 3:rd
party CMS, and let the CMS generate the URL's. The CMS already has several
filters that can process the request and resolve the main objects (for
example the article). And I already successfully replaced the last part of
the CMS filter chain (that forwards to a jsp page) with the wicket filter,
and when I surf to the start page wicket can display it just fine (ie the
simple "If you see this message wicket is properly configured and
running"-message), and when I look in the HttpServletRequest object I can
see that all the objects representing the start/main page etc in the CMS is
available as request attributes just as I expected.

But how can I "catch" URL's generated by the CMS, apart from URL's to the
start page? I can't use regular bookmarkable page mounts since I have no
idea on what the structure will look like.

For example, lets say that we have the URL What is the
best way to make Wicket "catch" this url (as opposed to resulting in a 404)
and then decide what page class (stateless, most likely) to use depending on
the request attributes (note, *not* url parameters)? And that without having
to know about the news-section on before hand.

All I have read about Wicket and URL's is focused on Wicket being the one
generating the URL's in first place. But what I want is the exact opposite.

Is there an easy way to solve this? Should I implement
IRequestCodingStrategy? If so, is there some good class I can extend so I
don't have to implement all myself (the decode-method of
WebRequestCodingStrategy is final)? Is there maybe even some existing
example that I can take a look at?

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Re: BookmarkablePageLink in ModalWindow, a bug?

2010-05-31 Thread Igor Vaynberg
the modal window javadoc states that the only links that will work
inside the modal are ajax links. if you want the bookmarkable page
link to work then you probably need to set its target to _top or some
other magical value so the browser knows to load it in the main page.


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:40 AM, tschiffler  wrote:
> Have you found a solution for this problem?
> I just got the same problem
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at
> -
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Re: [announce] Wicket Security 1.4 released!

2010-05-31 Thread Joe Fawzy
i heard a lot about this project but have no opportunity to play with it
i think a (detailed) tutorial or a getting start guide is required(for
someone like me) to begin using this

any pointers?


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Martijn Dashorst <> wrote:

> We are proud to release Wicket Security 1.4 final.
> Wicket Security is an attempt to create an out of the box reusable
> authenticating and authorization framework for Apache Wicket. It
> contains several projects which can be used standalone or in
> conjunction with each other.
> After testing the codebase for a while we did not find any issues.
> Differences between the 1.4-rc1 release:
>  - upgraded dependencies to newest working versions (JUnit 4.x does
> not work with Spring)
>  - versioned maven plugins to appease the Maven 3 gods.
> Many thanks go to Olger Warnier for the initial port of Wicket
> Security to Wicket 1.4.
> The release is available from the usual Wicket Stuff maven repository:
> If you already depend on Wicket Security, all you need to do is modify
> the version of your dependencies in your Maven poms:
> Note that with future releases we will move to a new groupId and
> package name (since org.apache.wicket is reserved for Apache Wicket,
> and not 3rd party projects).
> The future of the Wicket Security project is to remain a standalone
> project (it will not be adopted by Apache Wicket), and will continue
> to be maintained by Topicus. If you wish to join please let us know!
> Emond & Martijn
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Can I develop without recompiling/restarting after every change?

2010-05-31 Thread James Carman
On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Jeremy Thomerson
> I've not used jRebel, but I commonly run my applications in debug mode in
> Eclipse and do not have to restart the server - even with code changes.  The
> exception is changing a method signature of classes that are already loaded
> - but adding methods, classes, or changing 90% of code does not require a
> restart.  So, what does jRebel add?  Does it eliminate restarts even in
> these cases where the normal debug mode requires one?

JRebel allows more types of class changes before you need a restart.
You can add/remove methods with JRebel, no problem.  There are still
some situations where you can't reload, but it definitely cuts down on

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Re: Can I develop without recompiling/restarting after every change?

2010-05-31 Thread Thies Edeling
Indeed JRebel reloads class structure changes as well. A very 
time-saving in combination with jetty.

The sysdeo plugin that was recommended earlier is very outdated, hasn't 
been updated in 3 years.

On 05/31/2010 06:01 PM, John Krasnay wrote:

This is how I work too. It uses the "hot swap" feature of the JVM. It
works if you only change method bodies, but if you make changes to the
class structure (fields, method signatures, etc.) you have to restart
the VM. Apparently jRebel can reload even these kinds of changes.

I'm happy with hot swap, but then again my app only takes ~14 seconds to


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 04:22:29PM -0500, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Alex Objeleanwrote:


jRebel allows you to change the java code without restarting the server.


I've not used jRebel, but I commonly run my applications in debug mode in
Eclipse and do not have to restart the server - even with code changes.  The
exception is changing a method signature of classes that are already loaded
- but adding methods, classes, or changing 90% of code does not require a
restart.  So, what does jRebel add?  Does it eliminate restarts even in
these cases where the normal debug mode requires one?

Jeremy Thomerson

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Re: Can I develop without recompiling/restarting after every change?

2010-05-31 Thread John Krasnay
This is how I work too. It uses the "hot swap" feature of the JVM. It
works if you only change method bodies, but if you make changes to the
class structure (fields, method signatures, etc.) you have to restart
the VM. Apparently jRebel can reload even these kinds of changes.

I'm happy with hot swap, but then again my app only takes ~14 seconds to


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 04:22:29PM -0500, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:
> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Alex Objelean 
> wrote:
> >
> > jRebel allows you to change the java code without restarting the server.
> >
> I've not used jRebel, but I commonly run my applications in debug mode in
> Eclipse and do not have to restart the server - even with code changes.  The
> exception is changing a method signature of classes that are already loaded
> - but adding methods, classes, or changing 90% of code does not require a
> restart.  So, what does jRebel add?  Does it eliminate restarts even in
> these cases where the normal debug mode requires one?
> -- 
> Jeremy Thomerson

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Right-Click on LinkTree

2010-05-31 Thread AleXeL

Hi everyone,

I am using a LinkTree in my application. Each node from my Tree is a link to
a page and the Tree is displayed on the left side of every page.
Actually, I'm facing a problem when I want to render a page by
right-clicking on a node:

   1. Initialy, I display one of the page by clicking on a node of the Tree.
   2. I expand one or many other nodes of the Tree
   3. Then, I right-click on a link (one of that nodes) to open it in a new
tab of the browser.

The new tab displays the current page instead of the target page. 
It seems to get the wrong URL.
Is there any way to fix that problem?

Here is the way I manage my LinkTree for a simple click:

tree = new LinkTree( "tree", treeModel )
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void onNodeLinkClicked ( 
final TreeNode node, final BaseTree tree, final AjaxRequestTarget
target )
DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) node;

PageParameters params = new PageParameters(  );
params.put( "0", myFirstParam );
params.put( "1", mySecondParam );
setResponsePage( TargetPage.class, params );
add( tree );

Thanks in Advance,

Best Regards,
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Re: Re: RE: Rich Text Editors and Wicket

2010-05-31 Thread nicolas melendez
It is in google app engine, are you from china?


2010/5/30 wicketyan 

> sorry.can't see . Even I
> used proxy,there is no rich text editors,just a publica file page.
> 2010-05-30
> wicketyan
> 发件人: nicolas melendez
> 发送时间: 2010-05-30  02:56:14
> 收件人: users
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: RE: Rich Text Editors and Wicket
> I also use use YUI editor with wicket, see:
> NM
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 7:10 AM, wicketyan  wrote:
> > thanks Hammer,I'm learning.
> >
> >
> > 2010-05-29
> >
> >
> >
> > wicketyan
> >
> >
> >
> > 发件人: M. Hammer
> > 发送时间: 2010-05-29  15:54:09
> > 收件人: users
> > 抄送:
> > 主题: RE: Rich Text Editors and Wicket
> >
> > Quoting Chris Colman :
> > > Is your YUI/Wicket component/integration code publicly available or
> > > could it be?
> > I've written a blog post on the integration:
> >
> > Maybe a FckEditor integration can be done in a similar manner. Keep me
> > posted if you do this, I am not entirely happy with YUI either.
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> --
> Nicolás Meléndez
> Java Software Developer
> 1) Google App Engine works:
> 1.a)  (Local free classifieds for  housing,
> sale, services, local community, curses,jobs, and events - GAE/J + Wicket +
> YUI)
> 1.b)  (Massive multiplayer chess online  GAE/J +
> Applets + Wicket)
> 2) Linkedin:

Nicolás Meléndez
Java Software Developer

1) Google App Engine works:

1.a)  (Local free classifieds for  housing,
sale, services, local community, curses,jobs, and events - GAE/J + Wicket +

1.b)  (Massive multiplayer chess online  GAE/J +
Applets + Wicket)

2) Linkedin:

[announce] Wicket Security 1.4 released!

2010-05-31 Thread Martijn Dashorst
We are proud to release Wicket Security 1.4 final.

Wicket Security is an attempt to create an out of the box reusable
authenticating and authorization framework for Apache Wicket. It
contains several projects which can be used standalone or in
conjunction with each other.

After testing the codebase for a while we did not find any issues.

Differences between the 1.4-rc1 release:
 - upgraded dependencies to newest working versions (JUnit 4.x does
not work with Spring)
 - versioned maven plugins to appease the Maven 3 gods.

Many thanks go to Olger Warnier for the initial port of Wicket
Security to Wicket 1.4.

The release is available from the usual Wicket Stuff maven repository:

If you already depend on Wicket Security, all you need to do is modify
the version of your dependencies in your Maven poms:





Note that with future releases we will move to a new groupId and
package name (since org.apache.wicket is reserved for Apache Wicket,
and not 3rd party projects).

The future of the Wicket Security project is to remain a standalone
project (it will not be adopted by Apache Wicket), and will continue
to be maintained by Topicus. If you wish to join please let us know!

Emond & Martijn

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Re: default form processing when form submitted

2010-05-31 Thread dellik2004


Thanks for reply, actually yes we are using,, the form data is retaining
only when it is completely valid, for example.. mobile number instead of 10
digits i have entered 8 and submitted the form then wicket validates the
form and throw the errors, this is good. but the mobile field is getting
cleared. the user has to re-enter again full number.

if this is not clear will post you some code soon.

Thanks again.

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From a grateful newbie

2010-05-31 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
...a word of thanks to the wealth of info that is . As I'm stumbling through building a site 
with Wicket, I've consistently referred to this site
for the bulk of my queries. So thank you to the maintainers, and all the people 
on this list patiently answering questions.


SV: DropDownChoice behaviour

2010-05-31 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I would like to know what's the outcome of setting setNullValid(true) -
> -
> is it that the choices will start with an empty string choice?

The "empty choice" is there for null model objects whether nullValid is true or 
false, the difference is that if you call setNullValid(false), then the option 
will be removed for non-null model values, and if you try and submit the form 
using a null value it will fail validation.

- Tor Iver

Re: WebMarkupContainer as string for use in jqgrid cell

2010-05-31 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Hi Sam,

> I took a look at AjaxRequestTarget and its inner classes to check how wicket
> renders components on ajax requests.
> These components always have parent pages and the rendering process looks
> something like this:
> page.startComponentRender(comp) -> comp.renderComponenet() ->
> page.endComponentRender(comp)
> then the response from request cycle is set to be the ajax response so the
> html is directed to it.

I just gave it a try during weekend and I have managed to render
"arbitrary" Wicket components as cells of the grid (so, you could use
a panel with link and so on as you needed). My current solution is
still a bit "hacky" and I would like clean it up before making it
"public". I write "arbitrary" because there will be some limitations
on the cell contents, e.g. they will not work if they contribute
JavaScript code to page, but that could be considered as a minor
limitation. I used the idea I mentioned before...



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Re: NonCachingImage and xhtmlRenderer

2010-05-31 Thread Xavier López
Might this have something to do with the fact that I'm faking the
requestCycle in order to get the page's processed HTML ?
Like having the IResourceListener expired ?

I'm faking the request cycle like this :

/** Returns the processed HTML of the page as it would have been responded
by faking a requestcycle */
public static String renderPage(Page page) {

//get the servlet context
WebApplication application = (WebApplication) WebApplication.get();

ServletContext context = application.getServletContext();

//fake a request/response cycle
MockHttpSession servletSession = new MockHttpSession(context);

MockHttpServletRequest servletRequest = new MockHttpServletRequest(
application, servletSession, context);
MockHttpServletResponse servletResponse = new

//initialize request and response

WebRequest webRequest = new ServletWebRequest(servletRequest);

BufferedWebResponse webResponse = new

WebRequestCycle requestCycle = new WebRequestCycle(
application, webRequest, webResponse);

BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(pageClass, pageParameters));
requestCycle.setRequestTarget(new PageRequestTarget(page));

try {

if (requestCycle.wasHandled() == false) {

} finally {

return webResponse.toString();

Thank you,

2010/5/27 Xavier López 

> Finally, I've managed to dig through the XHtmlRenderer's code, and the
> IText dependencies inside, and have encountered the root of the issue :
> The problem is raised by the IText Image resource class, which tries to
> detect the format of the image by peeking at the first bytes of the stream.
> Getting into details, that piece of code receives an InputStream, obtained
> from a "new URL(source)", where 'source' is the value of the 'src' attribute
> in the  tag.
> I've tried constructing that URL by myself, and peeking at the first bytes,
> and have found that they do not match what it should be expected taking into
> account the image's format (jpg -> 0xFF, 0xD8). Instead, the first bytes
> are: 0x3C, 0x21, 0x44, 0x4F.
> I'm creating the Wicket image resource with a DynamicImageResource, and
> I've checked that, when it's called, it returns the expected first bytes...
> DynamicImageResource resource = new DynamicImageResource("jpg") {
> @Override
> protected byte[] getImageData() {
> return generateBarCode();
> }
> };
> And again, when I try this on the link's onClick:
> link = new Link("printFullPagament"){
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Override
> public void onClick() {
> try{
> String srcImg = "
> http://myapp/?wicket:interface=:34:
> barcode::IResourceListener::&wicket:antiCache=1274953227999";
> is = new
> URL(srcImg).openStream();
> int c1 =;
> int c2 =;
> int c3 =;
> int c4 =;
> ...
> }
> I don't seem to get DynamicImageResource#getImageData, nor any of the
> methods it defines (getResourceState()), and get those values on the first
> bytes ( 0x3C, 0x21, 0x44, 0x4F)
> Does anyone know what may be happening here ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Xavier Lopez
> 2010/5/27 Xavier López 
>> Sorry for double-posting, I'm attaching some of the code I'm using:
>> I havent't mentioned other static styling images are rendering correctly.
>> byte[] imageByteArray = generateBarCodeImage(...)
>>> ByteArrayResource resource = new ByteArrayResource("image/jpeg",
>>> imageByteArray);
>>> Image barcodeImage= new Image("barcode", resource){
>>> protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
>>> {
>>> super.onComponentTag(tag);
>>> String url = tag.getAttributes().getString("src");
>>> url = url + ((url.indexOf("?") >= 0) ? "&" : "?");
>>> url = url + "wicket:antiCache=" +
>>> System.currentTimeMillis();
>>> tag.put("src", url);

Re: BookmarkablePageLink in ModalWindow, a bug?

2010-05-31 Thread tschiffler

Have you found a solution for this problem?
I just got the same problem
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