Re: IE 6 - 'Wicket' is undefined

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Makundi

> For all poor souls that may run into this problem here is a sanity
> check to consider.
> Attempt to run the following URL:
> http://yourmachinename[:port]/appRoot/resources/org.apache.wicket.ajax.WicketAjaxReference/wicket-ajax.js

Interesting. It might be related to:


> Your browser should attempt downloading a file (in case of IE6 -
> that's the default behavior)
> If you get error the problem in all likelihood lies with broken
> deployment - which is pretty interesting in our case since the app
> rendered on server side without issues but failed on the front end.
> I hope it helps.
> Thanks,
> Dave
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Martin Makundi
>  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> It will probably cost you quite some time but you can debug the order
>> of js library references being loaded in various situations.
>> Wicket is a javascript reference to the wicket js methods and if
>> "Wicket" is undefined it means it is not loaded at that time... for
>> some reason.
>> **
>> Martin
>> 2011/6/24 D D :
>>> Hello,
>>> We have an issue where IE6 loads and works fine with wicket's js
>>> during development. As soon as we moved app to "community" server IE6
>>> comes up with an error:
>>> "Error: 'Wicket' is undefined
>>> As much as we would wish to get off IE6 we have to stick with it for a
>>> little longer. I've seen people having issues after moving from 1.4.7
>>> to newer version. I've never seen resolution to a thread that we
>>> running back in Nov. 2010.
>>> Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
>>> -
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Re: IE 6 - 'Wicket' is undefined

2011-06-24 Thread Sven Meier

Thanks Dave, that's a good advice.

Just out of curiosity: what did go wrong with your deployment?


On 25.06.2011 04:26, D D wrote:

For all poor souls that may run into this problem here is a sanity
check to consider.

Attempt to run the following URL:

Your browser should attempt downloading a file (in case of IE6 -
that's the default behavior)

If you get error the problem in all likelihood lies with broken
deployment - which is pretty interesting in our case since the app
rendered on server side without issues but failed on the front end.

I hope it helps.


On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Martin Makundi


It will probably cost you quite some time but you can debug the order
of js library references being loaded in various situations.

Wicket is a javascript reference to the wicket js methods and if
"Wicket" is undefined it means it is not loaded at that time... for
some reason.


2011/6/24 D D:


We have an issue where IE6 loads and works fine with wicket's js
during development. As soon as we moved app to "community" server IE6
comes up with an error:

"Error: 'Wicket' is undefined

As much as we would wish to get off IE6 we have to stick with it for a
little longer. I've seen people having issues after moving from 1.4.7
to newer version. I've never seen resolution to a thread that we
running back in Nov. 2010.

Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?


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[Announce] Wicket 1.5-RC5.1 is released

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Grigorov
The Wicket Team is proud to introduce the fifth Release Candidate in
Wicket 1.5 series. It includes bug fixes and improvements reported
against 1.5-RC4.2. See the changelog for full list.

More detailed migration notes are available on our [Migrate to 1.5
Wiki Page](

Release Artifacts:
* Subversion tag:
* Changelog:
* To use in Maven:
* Download the full distribution: (including source)

The Wicket Team!

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Re: IE 6 - 'Wicket' is undefined

2011-06-24 Thread D D
For all poor souls that may run into this problem here is a sanity
check to consider.

Attempt to run the following URL:

Your browser should attempt downloading a file (in case of IE6 -
that's the default behavior)

If you get error the problem in all likelihood lies with broken
deployment - which is pretty interesting in our case since the app
rendered on server side without issues but failed on the front end.

I hope it helps.


On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Martin Makundi
> Hi!
> It will probably cost you quite some time but you can debug the order
> of js library references being loaded in various situations.
> Wicket is a javascript reference to the wicket js methods and if
> "Wicket" is undefined it means it is not loaded at that time... for
> some reason.
> **
> Martin
> 2011/6/24 D D :
>> Hello,
>> We have an issue where IE6 loads and works fine with wicket's js
>> during development. As soon as we moved app to "community" server IE6
>> comes up with an error:
>> "Error: 'Wicket' is undefined
>> As much as we would wish to get off IE6 we have to stick with it for a
>> little longer. I've seen people having issues after moving from 1.4.7
>> to newer version. I've never seen resolution to a thread that we
>> running back in Nov. 2010.
>> Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
>> -
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> -
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Re: Check the markup in onBeforeRender

2011-06-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
in 1.5 you can use getMarkup() and you can move your code to onMarkupAttached()


On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
> Hi!
> I want to add some components to the hierarchy dynamically based on the
> wicket:id presents in the HTML.
> Basically, I want to check if an used wicket:id was not explicitly added
> (with add method) by the user and then (in some cases) add it.
> But I'm having trouble to do that. I tried with IComponentResolver, but then
> I needed to use autoAdd but I can't afford the component being removed.
> So I'm trying in onBeforeRender, but how do I can query the markup to see
> the list of child wicket:id's of a given component?
> Adriano
> -
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Re: IE 6 - 'Wicket' is undefined

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Makundi

It will probably cost you quite some time but you can debug the order
of js library references being loaded in various situations.

Wicket is a javascript reference to the wicket js methods and if
"Wicket" is undefined it means it is not loaded at that time... for
some reason.


2011/6/24 D D :
> Hello,
> We have an issue where IE6 loads and works fine with wicket's js
> during development. As soon as we moved app to "community" server IE6
> comes up with an error:
> "Error: 'Wicket' is undefined
> As much as we would wish to get off IE6 we have to stick with it for a
> little longer. I've seen people having issues after moving from 1.4.7
> to newer version. I've never seen resolution to a thread that we
> running back in Nov. 2010.
> Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -
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Check the markup in onBeforeRender

2011-06-24 Thread Adriano dos Santos Fernandes


I want to add some components to the hierarchy dynamically based on the 
wicket:id presents in the HTML.

Basically, I want to check if an used wicket:id was not explicitly added 
(with add method) by the user and then (in some cases) add it.

But I'm having trouble to do that. I tried with IComponentResolver, but 
then I needed to use autoAdd but I can't afford the component being removed.

So I'm trying in onBeforeRender, but how do I can query the markup to 
see the list of child wicket:id's of a given component?


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IE 6 - 'Wicket' is undefined

2011-06-24 Thread D D

We have an issue where IE6 loads and works fine with wicket's js
during development. As soon as we moved app to "community" server IE6
comes up with an error:

"Error: 'Wicket' is undefined

As much as we would wish to get off IE6 we have to stick with it for a
little longer. I've seen people having issues after moving from 1.4.7
to newer version. I've never seen resolution to a thread that we
running back in Nov. 2010.

Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?


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Re: Sorting problem

2011-06-24 Thread Dan Retzlaff
It seems like an "instanceof String" followed by downcasts and
String#compareToIgnoreCase should do the trick.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:30 AM, pragya.rawal wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a DataView and I am sorting data column (on click of column header)
> inside it using my custom SortableTaskDataProvider which extends
> SortableDataProvider.
> So, I pass the property name (column) and DataView (list) and I get the
> list
> sorted on the basis of property.
> So, as per the default implementation of compareTo, it sorts Saring
> starting
> with Capital letters first and the the ones that start with lower case.
> I require to write a comparator which sorts irrespective of the case (upper
> or lower), but the problem I am facing is that the setSort() method
> provided
> by wicket takes the property name.
> Is there any way where I can specify that if the property is of type
> String,
> it should sort without considering the case.
> Below is my code for SortableTaskDataProvider
> public class SortableTaskDataProvider extends
> SortableDataProvider {
>private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>private List list = new ArrayList();
>public SortableTaskDataProvider(List list) {
>setSort("createdBy", false);
>this.list = list;
>public Iterator iterator(int first, int count)
> {
>List newList = new ArrayList(list);
>Collections.sort(newList, new Comparator() {
>public int compare(BaseTaskModel o1, BaseTaskModel o2) {
>PropertyModel model1 = new
> PropertyModel(o1, getSort().getProperty());
>PropertyModel model2 = new
> PropertyModel(o2, getSort().getProperty());
>int result =
> model1.getObject().compareTo(model2.getObject());
>if (!getSort().isAscending()) {
>result = -result;
>return result;
>return newList.subList(first, first + count).iterator();
>public int size() {
>if (list == null)
>return 0;
>return list.size();
>public IModel model(final BaseTaskModel object) {
>return new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
>private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>public BaseTaskModel getObject() {
>return object;
> }
> Any pointers will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Pragya
> --
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Re: Column Filters

2011-06-24 Thread Andrea Del Bene


take a look at the fantastic :-) free chapter from Wicket Cookbook. It's 
about what are you doing with tables.


I have a requirement wherein I want to filter data in a DataView.

I want a Microsoft Excel type filter wherein we select filter on a
column(header) and it displays all the values in the column in a dropdown.
Then I should select some value from that dropdown and I should get the data
filtered on the basis of the value selected.

Do we have any existing functionality supporting this?

Or Can anyone plz point me about how I should proceed for this.


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Re: Render WebPage to String in Wicket 1.5

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Grigorov

I'd recommend to preserve the old reponse, use StrintResponse
temporarily, and at the end in finally{} restore the original

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Marco  wrote:
> I need a second opinion about using Wickets template capabilities to send
> HTML emails from a Wicket web application.
> Situation:
> I create an instance of a WebPage which must rendered to a String. This
> String is then passed to JavaMail as payload of an email.
> The email is created and sent after submitting a Wicket form.
> The WebPage is rendered with the following method:
> public String renderTemplate(WebPage webPage) {
>    BufferedWebResponse bufferedWebResponse = new BufferedWebResponse(null);
>    webPage.getRequestCycle().setResponse(bufferedWebResponse);
>    webPage.render();
>    return bufferedWebResponse.getText().toString();
> }
> It works and in my opinion this is an elegant solution though I'm not too
> sure about it.
> In Wicket 1.4 I used more code to do the same:
> Am I missing something?
> --
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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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Column Filters

2011-06-24 Thread pragya.rawal

I have a requirement wherein I want to filter data in a DataView.

I want a Microsoft Excel type filter wherein we select filter on a
column(header) and it displays all the values in the column in a dropdown.
Then I should select some value from that dropdown and I should get the data
filtered on the basis of the value selected.

Do we have any existing functionality supporting this?

Or Can anyone plz point me about how I should proceed for this.


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Sorting problem

2011-06-24 Thread pragya.rawal

I have a DataView and I am sorting data column (on click of column header)
inside it using my custom SortableTaskDataProvider which extends

So, I pass the property name (column) and DataView (list) and I get the list
sorted on the basis of property.

So, as per the default implementation of compareTo, it sorts Saring starting
with Capital letters first and the the ones that start with lower case.

I require to write a comparator which sorts irrespective of the case (upper
or lower), but the problem I am facing is that the setSort() method provided
by wicket takes the property name.

Is there any way where I can specify that if the property is of type String,
it should sort without considering the case.

Below is my code for SortableTaskDataProvider

public class SortableTaskDataProvider extends
SortableDataProvider {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List list = new ArrayList();

public SortableTaskDataProvider(List list) {
setSort("createdBy", false);
this.list = list;

public Iterator iterator(int first, int count)
List newList = new ArrayList(list);

Collections.sort(newList, new Comparator() {

public int compare(BaseTaskModel o1, BaseTaskModel o2) {
PropertyModel model1 = new
PropertyModel(o1, getSort().getProperty());
PropertyModel model2 = new
PropertyModel(o2, getSort().getProperty());

int result =

if (!getSort().isAscending()) {
result = -result;

return result;

return newList.subList(first, first + count).iterator();

public int size() {
if (list == null)
return 0;
return list.size();

public IModel model(final BaseTaskModel object) {
return new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public BaseTaskModel getObject() {
return object;

Any pointers will be highly appreciated.


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Render WebPage to String in Wicket 1.5

2011-06-24 Thread Marco
I need a second opinion about using Wickets template capabilities to send
HTML emails from a Wicket web application.

I create an instance of a WebPage which must rendered to a String. This
String is then passed to JavaMail as payload of an email.

The email is created and sent after submitting a Wicket form.
The WebPage is rendered with the following method:

public String renderTemplate(WebPage webPage) {

BufferedWebResponse bufferedWebResponse = new BufferedWebResponse(null);
return bufferedWebResponse.getText().toString();

It works and in my opinion this is an elegant solution though I'm not too
sure about it.
In Wicket 1.4 I used more code to do the same:

Am I missing something? 

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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Grigorov
Looks simpler solution. If it works OK then we can commit it in SVN.
You are right, wicket-bundle just combines -util.jar, -request.jar and
-core.jar into one.
We can create a new wicket-osgi project in wicketstuff that will
provide the integration code, like OsgiClassResolver and whatever else
is needed.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Brian Topping  wrote:
> wicket-bundle appears to be simply using assembly plugin to mash all the jars 
> together.
> I haven't tested it yet, but I believe 
>  is a better solution.
> Haven't found OsgiClassResolver yet, but it's late here and I'm going to bed.
> On Jun 24, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>> OsgiClassResolver will be in wicket-bundle.jar (the one in wicketstuff).
>> The user application will use it by:
>> MyApp#init() {
>>  super.init();
>>  getApplicationSettings.setClassResolver(new OsgiClassResolver());
>> }
>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Brian Topping  wrote:
>>> If by that you mean Wicket would be injected with something like the system 
>>> classloader or wicket's classloader, it kind of breaks modularity.  How 
>>> would one upgrade wicket itself?  There's no limitation to doing so, the 
>>> new Wicket bundle can have dependencies in parallel with the old wicket 
>>> bundle, but if the dependencies were holding on to the old wicket's 
>>> classloader, seems like a problem.
>>> On Jun 24, 2011, at 12:39 AM, David Leangen wrote:

 IIUC, other frameworks allow for the injection of a classloader. Wouldn't 
 that be enough?

 We could then package an optional classloader just for that purpose.


 On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Topping wrote:

> It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is 
> only used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will 
> use OSGi interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is 
> going to use the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and 
> it won't know to tell the wicket core service anything about what it's 
> doing to the component bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when 
> it can unload.
> Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, 
> so it cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking 
> needs to be updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the 
> weak reference collection.
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>> i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
>> what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
>> track of what it has in its http session.
>> the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
>> "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
>> class C from bundle D"
>> -igor
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  
>> wrote:
>>> Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
>>> WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking 
>>> in the bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.
>>> But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of 
>>> automated scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for 
>>> days, the check would have to be more granular than the session.  Which 
>>> seems like it's going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of 
>>> the migration from pagemaps.
>>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
 something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)

 user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
 admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
 that is not compatible serialization-wise
 user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error

 what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
 all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
 out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
 can stick objects into http session...


 On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
>>> what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
>>> generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
>>> pluggable so it can be hooked into that.
>> I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find 

Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Brian Topping
wicket-bundle appears to be simply using assembly plugin to mash all the jars 

I haven't tested it yet, but I believe
 is a better solution.

Haven't found OsgiClassResolver yet, but it's late here and I'm going to bed.

On Jun 24, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

> OsgiClassResolver will be in wicket-bundle.jar (the one in wicketstuff).
> The user application will use it by:
> MyApp#init() {
>  super.init();
>  getApplicationSettings.setClassResolver(new OsgiClassResolver());
> }
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Brian Topping  wrote:
>> If by that you mean Wicket would be injected with something like the system 
>> classloader or wicket's classloader, it kind of breaks modularity.  How 
>> would one upgrade wicket itself?  There's no limitation to doing so, the new 
>> Wicket bundle can have dependencies in parallel with the old wicket bundle, 
>> but if the dependencies were holding on to the old wicket's classloader, 
>> seems like a problem.
>> On Jun 24, 2011, at 12:39 AM, David Leangen wrote:
>>> IIUC, other frameworks allow for the injection of a classloader. Wouldn't 
>>> that be enough?
>>> We could then package an optional classloader just for that purpose.
>>> Cheers,
>>> =David
>>> On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Topping wrote:
 It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is 
 only used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will use 
 OSGi interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is going 
 to use the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and it 
 won't know to tell the wicket core service anything about what it's doing 
 to the component bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when it can 
 Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, 
 so it cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking 
 needs to be updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the 
 weak reference collection.
 On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
> what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
> track of what it has in its http session.
> the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
> "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
> class C from bundle D"
> -igor
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  
> wrote:
>> Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
>> WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking in 
>> the bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.
>> But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of 
>> automated scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for 
>> days, the check would have to be more granular than the session.  Which 
>> seems like it's going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of the 
>> migration from pagemaps.
>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>> something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)
>>> user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
>>> serialized.
>>> admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
>>> that is not compatible serialization-wise
>>> user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error
>>> what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
>>> all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
>>> out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
>>> can stick objects into http session...
>>> -igor
>>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  
>>> wrote:
 On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
>> what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
>> generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
>> pluggable so it can be hooked into that.
> I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find 
> out if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
> interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.
 I'm also taking a look at it.
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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Grigorov
OsgiClassResolver will be in wicket-bundle.jar (the one in wicketstuff).
The user application will use it by:

MyApp#init() {
  getApplicationSettings.setClassResolver(new OsgiClassResolver());

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Brian Topping  wrote:
> If by that you mean Wicket would be injected with something like the system 
> classloader or wicket's classloader, it kind of breaks modularity.  How would 
> one upgrade wicket itself?  There's no limitation to doing so, the new Wicket 
> bundle can have dependencies in parallel with the old wicket bundle, but if 
> the dependencies were holding on to the old wicket's classloader, seems like 
> a problem.
> On Jun 24, 2011, at 12:39 AM, David Leangen wrote:
>> IIUC, other frameworks allow for the injection of a classloader. Wouldn't 
>> that be enough?
>> We could then package an optional classloader just for that purpose.
>> Cheers,
>> =David
>> On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Topping wrote:
>>> It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is only 
>>> used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will use OSGi 
>>> interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is going to 
>>> use the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and it won't 
>>> know to tell the wicket core service anything about what it's doing to the 
>>> component bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when it can unload.
>>> Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, 
>>> so it cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking 
>>> needs to be updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the weak 
>>> reference collection.
>>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
 i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
 what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
 track of what it has in its http session.

 the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
 "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
 class C from bundle D"


 On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  
> Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
> WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking in 
> the bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.
> But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of 
> automated scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for 
> days, the check would have to be more granular than the session.  Which 
> seems like it's going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of the 
> migration from pagemaps.
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>> something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)
>> user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
>> serialized.
>> admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
>> that is not compatible serialization-wise
>> user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error
>> what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
>> all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
>> out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
>> can stick objects into http session...
>> -igor
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  
>> wrote:
>>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
> what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
> generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
> pluggable so it can be hooked into that.

 I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find 
 out if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
 interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.
>>> I'm also taking a look at it.
>>> -
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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Brian Topping
If by that you mean Wicket would be injected with something like the system 
classloader or wicket's classloader, it kind of breaks modularity.  How would 
one upgrade wicket itself?  There's no limitation to doing so, the new Wicket 
bundle can have dependencies in parallel with the old wicket bundle, but if the 
dependencies were holding on to the old wicket's classloader, seems like a 

On Jun 24, 2011, at 12:39 AM, David Leangen wrote:

> IIUC, other frameworks allow for the injection of a classloader. Wouldn't 
> that be enough?
> We could then package an optional classloader just for that purpose.
> Cheers,
> =David
> On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Topping wrote:
>> It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is only 
>> used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will use OSGi 
>> interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is going to use 
>> the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and it won't know to 
>> tell the wicket core service anything about what it's doing to the component 
>> bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when it can unload.  
>> Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, so 
>> it cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking needs 
>> to be updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the weak 
>> reference collection.  
>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>> i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
>>> what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
>>> track of what it has in its http session.
>>> the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
>>> "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
>>> class C from bundle D"
>>> -igor
>>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  wrote:
 Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
 WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking in 
 the bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.
 But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of automated 
 scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for days, the 
 check would have to be more granular than the session.  Which seems like 
 it's going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of the migration 
 from pagemaps.
 On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)
> user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
> serialized.
> admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
> that is not compatible serialization-wise
> user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error
> what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
> all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
> out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
> can stick objects into http session...
> -igor
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  
> wrote:
>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
 what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
 generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
 pluggable so it can be hooked into that.
>>> I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find out 
>>> if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
>>> interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.
>> I'm also taking a look at it.
>> -
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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Martin Grigorov
Wicket has org.apache.wicket.application.IClassResolver.
The mentioned ticket earlier has OsgiClassResolver impl

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:39 AM, David Leangen  wrote:
> IIUC, other frameworks allow for the injection of a classloader. Wouldn't 
> that be enough?
> We could then package an optional classloader just for that purpose.
> Cheers,
> =David
> On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Topping wrote:
>> It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is only 
>> used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will use OSGi 
>> interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is going to use 
>> the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and it won't know to 
>> tell the wicket core service anything about what it's doing to the component 
>> bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when it can unload.
>> Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, so 
>> it cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking needs 
>> to be updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the weak 
>> reference collection.
>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>> i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
>>> what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
>>> track of what it has in its http session.
>>> the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
>>> "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
>>> class C from bundle D"
>>> -igor
>>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  wrote:
 Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
 WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking in 
 the bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.

 But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of automated 
 scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for days, the 
 check would have to be more granular than the session.  Which seems like 
 it's going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of the migration 
 from pagemaps.

 On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

> something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)
> user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
> serialized.
> admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
> that is not compatible serialization-wise
> user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error
> what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
> all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
> out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
> can stick objects into http session...
> -igor
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  
> wrote:
>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
 what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
 generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
 pluggable so it can be hooked into that.

>>> I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find out 
>>> if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
>>> interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.
>> I'm also taking a look at it.
>> -
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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Brian Topping

On Jun 23, 2011, at 11:09 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

> This sounds like the problem solved with

Kind of assumes one is using Tomcat and not one of the other ways to deploy a 
web application with OSGi.  :-)
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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread David Leangen

IIUC, other frameworks allow for the injection of a classloader. Wouldn't that 
be enough?

We could then package an optional classloader just for that purpose.


On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Topping wrote:

> It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is only 
> used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will use OSGi 
> interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is going to use 
> the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and it won't know to 
> tell the wicket core service anything about what it's doing to the component 
> bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when it can unload.  
> Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, so 
> it cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking needs 
> to be updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the weak 
> reference collection.  
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>> i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
>> what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
>> track of what it has in its http session.
>> the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
>> "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
>> class C from bundle D"
>> -igor
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  wrote:
>>> Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
>>> WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking in 
>>> the bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.
>>> But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of automated 
>>> scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for days, the 
>>> check would have to be more granular than the session.  Which seems like 
>>> it's going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of the migration 
>>> from pagemaps.
>>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
 something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)
 user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
 admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
 that is not compatible serialization-wise
 user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error
 what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
 all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
 out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
 can stick objects into http session...
 On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
>>> what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
>>> generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
>>> pluggable so it can be hooked into that.
>> I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find out 
>> if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
>> interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.
> I'm also taking a look at it.
> -
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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-24 Thread Brian Topping
It seems that Wicket should not be burdened with this tracking that is only 
used in OSGi configurations.  Another issue is that an admin will use OSGi 
interfaces to swap out bundles, not wicket interfaces.  OSGi is going to use 
the BundleActivator of the component bundle to stop it, and it won't know to 
tell the wicket core service anything about what it's doing to the component 
bundle.  Thus it needs to know whether and/or when it can unload.  

Once a bundle is in the STOPPING state, it's no longer an active service, so it 
cannot call other services or be called by them.  Yet, the tracking needs to be 
updated so the blocked call to stop can unblock, hence the weak reference 

On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

> i think the frameworks should track this. this way wicket can track
> what it is serializing and when it is letting it go. jetty can keep
> track of what it has in its http session.
> the serialization bundle should provide a way for bundles to tell it
> "i am holding on to class A from bundle B" and i no longer care about
> class C from bundle D"
> -igor
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Brian Topping  wrote:
>> Good point.  This could be handled by the serializer maintaining a 
>> WeakHashMap of the sessions that use a particular bundle and blocking in the 
>> bundle activator's stop method until the list is empty.
>> But if a user was busy for an extended period, like some kind of automated 
>> scraper or monitor that ended up having the session open for days, the check 
>> would have to be more granular than the session.  Which seems like it's 
>> going to be different between 1.4 and 1.5 because of the migration from 
>> pagemaps.
>> On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>> something else to consider - where this gets even hairier :)
>>> user accesses a page that has a component from bundle A, the page is 
>>> serialized.
>>> admin upgrades bundle A which has a new version of the component -
>>> that is not compatible serialization-wise
>>> user click back and the page needs to be serialized - error
>>> what is needed here i some way to veto a bundle/version removal until
>>> all web sessions that access components in those bundles have timed
>>> out. this is not really wicket-specific, more web specific as web apps
>>> can stick objects into http session...
>>> -igor
>>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Brian Topping  wrote:
 On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
>> what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
>> generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
>> pluggable so it can be hooked into that.
> I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find out 
> if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
> interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.
 I'm also taking a look at it.
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Re: regarding wicketstuff push

2011-06-24 Thread vineet semwal
Hey seb ,

thanks for the quick fix !

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Sebastian  wrote:
> hi vineet,
> you are right. this is probably a left over from the refactoring we did. I
> just fixed it on github.
> regards,
> seb
> On 23.06.2011 22:58, vineet semwal wrote:
>> hellos !
>> i was just looking at wicketstuff push and i saw a lot of changes in
>> api and other improvements are done ,thanks for all that ! :)
>> as very new to the new push, could not understand the below channel
>> creation call..
>>  public  IPushChannel  createChannel(final
>> EventType event,        final String label)
>> why does a new channel creation needs event ?
>> i have also looked at the code i noticed "event" is just not used in
>> the channel creation method in AbstractPushService :|
>> i think method declaration can be improved or may be i am missing
>> something ??
> -
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thank you,

Vineet Semwal

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