Re: 8.0.0-M1 MarkupNotFoundException

2016-10-18 Thread greg.johnson

i don't seem to have permission in jira to create an issue, am i missing
username: gregjohnson


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Re: Wicket Appl - Cleanup & Scale

2016-10-18 Thread fzb
Hi Ernest,

Thanks for the feedback.

Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro-4 wrote
>> Open Flash Chart - Chart (Pending Migration to JS based)
> Done that a lot on my own projects and it is pretty easy with wicket

Do you mean you had used lot of OFC or JS based charts. Can give few choices
u had used for JS.

Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro-4 wrote
>> *1. Do not have URL for any document .. say Purchase Doc..  because it is
>> nested inside component hierarchy.
> Yous mount a page that shows that "entity" and use the same panel if it
> makes sense.

Is it better to design all entities as pages ? I was worried about
reconstructing the header for each click if we were to keep redirecting
pages. Reconstructing the header requires to iterate the roles, fetching
menus, etc..  Are there ways to cache the generated components say header in
this case and render only entity related contents.

Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro-4 wrote
>> cntr.addOrReplace(newComponent);
>> target.add(cntr);
>> 90% of user interactions are via this method. Hence we are not able to
>> generate URLs for these internal UIs. If user needs to traverse to any of
>> these, then they navigate to the page.. click menu.. click tab to
>> navigate.
> This is not enforced by wicket at all

Sorry i did not get this. Can you elaborate a little bit.. Is using replace
component heavy ? As per my understanding only the changed portion of the
page gets refreshed..  This is what is being done by JS fwk like react to
compare virtual DOM & actuam DOM. In this case we are doing it, whereas in
React it does it by itself. 

Thank you.

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Re: Is it possible to set the PDF Zoom level while loading pdf in ByteArrayResource ?

2016-10-18 Thread Martin Grigorov
This is not a Wicket question.
Please consult with the documentation of the PDF library you use.

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 8:18 PM, durairaj t  wrote:


Is it possible to set the PDF Zoom level while loading pdf in ByteArrayResource ?

2016-10-18 Thread durairaj t

Re: Wicket Appl - Cleanup & Scale

2016-10-18 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Thanks for the pointer: did not know about this project :-)

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Vit Rozkovec  wrote:

> I would recommend wkhtmltopdf as flying saucer does not play well with
> Bootstrap and CSS3 features in general.
> For generating PDF I prefer flying-saucer and wicket
> -
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Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

Re: Wicket Appl - Cleanup & Scale

2016-10-18 Thread Vit Rozkovec
I would recommend wkhtmltopdf as flying saucer does not play well with 
Bootstrap and CSS3 features in general.

For generating PDF I prefer flying-saucer and wicket

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Check Group selected items called from other form loses the checked values

2016-10-18 Thread ganea iulia
I have 2 forms.

Bottom form = testForm
- I have a listview with checkboxes.
As I needed a checkAll control also, I have uses CheckGroup,
CheckGroupSelector and Check wicket components.

Top form = testForm0
-I have only an link

The use case is the following:
I check one item (or all) in bottom form, but then I need to get the
selected values when click on link in top form.

The check doesn't do submit so the values are not retained. I alsways get
size = 0 message.

Could you tell me how I can manage this?

Here is the code:







private static final long serialVersionUID = 311508940740808005L;
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TestPage.class);
private TestForm tst;

public TestPage(IModel model) {

TestForm0 tst0 = new TestForm0("testForm0");
tst = new TestForm("testForm", model);


class TestForm0 extends Form {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public TestForm0(String id) {

Link print = new Link("print") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 15L;

public void onClick() {
System.out.println("size=" + tst.getCheckedTestBeans().size());
class TestForm extends Form {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private List checkedTestBeans;
public List getCheckedTestBeans() {
return checkedTestBeans;

public void setCheckedTestBeans(List checkedTestBeans) {
this.checkedTestBeans = checkedTestBeans;

public TestForm(String id, IModel model) {
super(id, model);

checkedTestBeans = new ArrayList();
TextField txtName = new TextField("txtName", new
PropertyModel(getModelObject(), "name"));
txtName.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("change") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1654345477970524731L;

protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {


SubmitLink clearForm = new SubmitLink("clearForm", this){

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onSubmit() {
model.setObject(new TestBean());
AjaxLink clearLink = new AjaxLink("clearLink", model)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
model.setObject(new TestBean());


CheckGroup group = new CheckGroup("group",
CheckGroupSelector cgs = new CheckGroupSelector("allCheck");
List beans = Arrays.asList(new TestBean("Name1", "Code1", 1),
new TestBean("Name2", "Code2", 2));
final WebMarkupContainer itemsContainer = new
itemsContainer.add(new ListView("forEachItem", beans) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
  item.add(new Label("itemName", new PropertyModel(item.getModel(),
  item.add(new Label("itemCode", new PropertyModel(item.getModel(),
  item.add(new Label("itemId", new PropertyModel(item.getModel(), "id")));
  item.add(new Check("itemCheck", item.getModel(), group));
List lst = new ArrayList();

ChoiceRenderer renderer = new ChoiceRenderer("code") {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 8875819661197521211L;

public Object getDisplayValue(String arg0) {
return (arg0.equals("C1") ? "Code1" : "Code2");

public String getIdValue(String arg0, int arg1) {
return arg0;

public String getObject(String paramString, IModel> paramIModel) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return paramString;

DropDownChoice code = new DropDownChoice("code", lst,
code.setModel(new PropertyModel(getModelObject(), "code"));

protected void onSubmit() {"OnSubmit");
System.out.println("size=" + checkedTestBeans.size());


Re: Wicket Appl - Cleanup & Scale

2016-10-18 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

My answers inline

Here are few UI snaps of the application we had built using wicket.
>  16-10-17_08.png>
>  16-10-18_08.png>
> Nice.

> The stack we had used to build this app are ..
> Wicket - Client
> Hibernate - Persistence
> ehCache - Caching
> Spring - to glue all pieces together
> MySql (AWS RDS)  - Database

Normally mount resource in Wicket for my limited REST like needs (mostly
get back some JSON)

> Jasper - Reports

For generating PDF I prefer flying-saucer and wicket

> Open Flash Chart - Chart (Pending Migration to JS based)

Done that a lot on my own projects and it is pretty easy with wicket

> Overall meets the current requirement.
> The Top 3 problems we want to address are ..
> *1. Do not have URL for any document .. say Purchase Doc..  because it is
> nested inside component hierarchy.
> *

Yous mount a page that shows that "entity" and use the same panel if it
makes sense.

> We designed only the top level icon based navigation as Page based. Which
> means to navigate from one page to another we use
> setResponsePage.(newPage)..  For these pages we have URLs.  For the second
> level menu (black bar - below the icon menu) & internal tab navigation,
> going from list view to detail view etc we had use component replace .. by
> repainting the container with the new content.

Add a button see in a different page... as mentioned above. Wicket is not a
limitation there.

> cntr.addOrReplace(newComponent);
> target.add(cntr);
> 90% of user interactions are via this method. Hence we are not able to
> generate URLs for these internal UIs. If user needs to traverse to any of
> these, then they navigate to the page.. click menu.. click tab to navigate.

This is not enforced by wicket at all

> *4. It is getting bigger n bigger.. Need to avoid making it monolithic *
> We wanted to develop new features as micro services and slowly break the
> whole app in to..  For service layers we understand how to group
> functionalities.. for UI how to we break it in to multiple ? how to regroup
> them as single app for the user.

Something similar to OSGI? Or modules that contribute elements at some
points at the UI.

> Addressing these 4 will take our app to the next level. Please give your
> suggestions on these ..
> - fzb
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Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro