Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Bruno Ledesma
God tryed Netbeans. And now we have Argentina!
heheheeh just a little brazillian joke!

Someone has posted and i agree. Thas not a manager decision. Developer
should ask the manager why he is taking that decision, and show the benefits
of using another IDE. After all, the developers will use the IDE not the

Bruno Ledesma

2009/6/19 Martijn Reuvers

 JDev is not a bad IDE actually. If you want a lot of ready to use
 integrated functionality then its by far better than any of the
 earlier mentioned IDE's (especially if you use e.g. bc4j, soa, adf
 etc) - this is true as long as you need the oracle taste that is.

 For pure java programming the other IDE's are a lot more pleasant to
 use (especially with non-oracle open-source frameworks like wicket,
 spring, seam etc). I've done projects in both JDeveloper and the other
 IDE's, and they all get the job done. :) And you're right I guess, for
 non-java people JDeveloper is easier to start with I think...

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Re: Noob question: error on quickstart project with maven 2.1.0 and wicket 1.3.6

2009-06-12 Thread Bruno Ledesma
For the first exception that you posted, i would say that you're missing
HomePage.html. Maybe the filename is a little bit different from the class
name. But in the end you have commented that you already checked this. You
could try a mvn clean install just to make sure the jetty plugin is with
 syncronized files.
Bruno Ledesma

2009/6/12 Neil Bartlett

 I thought I'd give Wicket a whirl on a new project. Till now I've
 predominantly used Spring, but I'm doing a small project so I thought
 I'd see what wicket could do.

 I'm getting an exception on the quickstart maven project.

 The exception is

 org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup of type
 'html' for component 'com.walpr.HomePage' not found.

 All I believe I have done is run the quickstart. Here is the complete
 list of commands I have typed :

 $ mvn --version
 Apache Maven 2.1.0 (r755702; 2009-03-18 15:10:27-0400)
 Java version: 1.6.0_07
 Java home: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre
 Default locale: en_CA, platform encoding: Cp1252
 OS name: windows vista version: 6.0 arch: x86 Family: windows

 $ mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket
 -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.6 -DgroupId=com.walpr -DartifactId=walpr
 #This created the project as expected

 $ mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources
 # this operated as expected it created an clipse project and
 downloaded various sources in to the .m2/repository directory in my
 home directory.

 I imported the above created project into eclipse (Ganymede Version:
 3.4.1 Build id: M20080911-1700).

 It had some build errors. I set my eclipse M2_REPO environment variable as

 M2_REPO C:/Users/neilb/.m2/repository

 Build was then successful.

 I ran Debug As on and Jetty failed to start due to a port
 I edited anc changed the port to 8088

 Build worked successfully.

 I ran Debug As on and Jetty successfully started.

 So far so good.

 Now the problem:

 If I run Debug As on and I get the exception error.
 If I browse to http://localhost:8088, I get the exception error.
 (curiously I was expecting the webapp to be bound to
 http://localhost:8080/walpr but it it not -- maybe a clue there?)

 I then edited the to

 and, if I debug TesHomePage or browse to the webapp, I now get a bunch
 of ResourceStreamLocator debugs...

 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'com/walpr/HomePage_en_CA.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths:
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'com/walpr/HomePage_en_CA.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'com/walpr/HomePage_en.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths: []]
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'com/walpr/HomePage_en.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'com/walpr/HomePage.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths: []]
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'com/walpr/HomePage.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en_CA.html' on path [folders =
 [], webapppaths: []]
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en_CA.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en.html' on path [folders = [],
 webapppaths: []]
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage.html' on path [folders = [],
 webapppaths: []]
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en_CA.html' on path [folders = [],
 webapppaths: []]
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en_CA.html' using classloader
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths:
 DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator  - Attempting to locate resource
 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en.html' using classloader

Wicket Portlets and Liferay

2009-05-11 Thread Bruno Ledesma
Hello Everyone!

Im currently developing portlets with Wicket 1.4-rc2 and liferay 5.2 . They
have some compatibility issues (portlet names must be equal the wicket
filter-mappings). Does anyone know anyother issues? I saw in liferay foruns
some guys that are developing portlets (in liferay) with wicket, but i dont
know if they handled compatibilty issues changing some wicket or liferay

If someone that did this kind of job, it would be great to have some

thanks !

Bruno Ledesma

Re: Wicket Portlets and Liferay

2009-05-11 Thread Bruno Ledesma
Well,  its kind of curious... the 2nd issue that you posted:

2). Never call your appl/portlet-name with the same name
as the url-mapping.

In fact, I was not able to see my portlet if the portlet name and
filter-mapping are differents.

Just to confirm , when you say URL Mapping do you mean...?


I had to put a url-pattern equal to the portlet name, and without any
different char (like '-').

The first issue, i didn't knew nothing about it.


Bruno Ledesma

2009/5/11 Tonio Caputo

 Hi Bruno,

 I'm a beginner in wicket, also in liferay and was able to
 use wicket to construct a portlet.

 My first experience was a bit tough, a lot of minor problems
 Take a look at all the things find in the internet, I was trying to
 make a simple doc with all the issues but I was not able.

 The 2 most important things I remember:

 1). Add to your this line

 2). Never call your appl/portlet-name with the same name
 as the url-mapping.

 Hope this helps

 On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Bruno Ledesma

  Hello Everyone!
  Im currently developing portlets with Wicket 1.4-rc2 and liferay 5.2 .
  have some compatibility issues (portlet names must be equal the wicket
  filter-mappings). Does anyone know anyother issues? I saw in liferay
  some guys that are developing portlets (in liferay) with wicket, but i
  know if they handled compatibilty issues changing some wicket or liferay
  If someone that did this kind of job, it would be great to have some
  thanks !
  Bruno Ledesma

Re: Wicket Portlets and Liferay

2009-05-11 Thread Bruno Ledesma

what are the wicket/liferay versions that you are using?

My problem with filtermapping and porltet names are currently registered in
liferay's JIRA

You can take a look at:

But anyway, its working :) !

My fear right now is about using all wicket's features as a portlet. I need
to know if there is any real world case of wicket apps as portlets. If there
is, if uses a wide range of wicket's components and features... Knowing
that, i'ĺl fell more safe to use wicket as my standard framework for
portlets development in Liferay 5 (5.2).

(sorry for the bad english :))

thanks !


2009/5/11 Tonio Caputo


 Well that is a surprise for me, this is my web file


 and my portlet file


 and it works pretty well :)

 I remember another thing, while I was pasting this XML don't use
 * for the *supports* tag, I begin writting something like

 and finally need to put at least two items with mime-types *text/html*
 if not it won't work.

 The important thing is just to get it working, hope it helps

 On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Bruno Ledesma

  Well,  its kind of curious... the 2nd issue that you posted:
  2). Never call your appl/portlet-name with the same name
  as the url-mapping.
  In fact, I was not able to see my portlet if the portlet name and
  filter-mapping are differents.
  Just to confirm , when you say URL Mapping do you mean...?
  I had to put a url-pattern equal to the portlet name, and without any
  different char (like '-').
  The first issue, i didn't knew nothing about it.
  Bruno Ledesma
  2009/5/11 Tonio Caputo
   Hi Bruno,
   I'm a beginner in wicket, also in liferay and was able to
   use wicket to construct a portlet.
   My first experience was a bit tough, a lot of minor problems
   Take a look at all the things find in the internet, I was trying to
   make a simple doc with all the issues but I was not able.
   The 2 most important things I remember:
   1). Add to your this line
   2). Never call your appl/portlet-name with the same name
   as the url-mapping.
   Hope this helps
   On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Bruno Ledesma
Hello Everyone!
Im currently developing portlets with Wicket 1.4-rc2 and liferay 5.2
have some compatibility issues (portlet names must be equal the
filter-mappings). Does anyone know anyother issues? I saw in liferay
some guys that are developing portlets (in liferay) with wicket, but
know if they handled compatibilty issues changing some wicket or
If someone that did this kind of job, it would be great to have some
thanks !
Bruno Ledesma

Re: Stream/download files through portlet

2009-05-08 Thread Bruno Ledesma

Hello All!

Im facing problems trying to  Stream/download files through portlet. I also
used DynamicWebResource and a Resource link to serve the Resource Data. On a
simple Wicket application everything works fine, but when my war is deployed
as a portlet into a Liferay 5 instance, it doesnt work. 

The browser response is :  The requested resource
(/wick-portlet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/wick-portlet/) is not available.

Does anyone have some idea,or know any issue about this kind of feature?


Bruno Ledesma

Rob Sonke wrote:
 Thijs and I debugged the code together this morning because when he read 
 this thread he was sure that both options (overriding setheaders and 
 onclick) should work. After some debugging we found a bug in Liferay 
 which could be easily fixed in our used version. The current (5.1.2) 
 version has a lot of changes around these properties, we will recheck 
 that once we're able to upgrade.
 Thanks for your help.
 Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
 In the PLT.12.1.1 section of jsr 286 it says:

 Response properties can be viewed as header values set for the portal
 application. If these header values are intended to be transmitted to the
 client they should be set before the response is committed. When setting
 headers in the render lifecycle phase portlets should set the header in
 render headers part or simply override the GenericPortlet.doHeaders
 (see PLT.

 I think you may try:

 PortletRequestContext ctx = (PortletRequestContext) RequestContext.get();
 PortletResponse presp = ctx.getPortletResponse();
 presp.addProperty(header, value);

 this is kind of a hack but it might work..

 Rob Sonke wrote:
 No, too bad. The headers aren't picked up.

 Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
 For the DynamicWebResource case, doesn't overriding setHeaders() in
 DynamicWebResource and adding your http header in this method work?

 By the way, which portlet container are you working with?

 Rob Sonke wrote:

 We're using wicket for our portlets now for almost 3/4 year and it's 
 great. We're following/try to help with the full implementation of jsr 
 286 in wicket too (Thijs and me, see other threads). But I'm having a 
 problem now with offering files through a portlet. There are actually 
 two options, use the resource phase of jsr286 or use a separate
 servlet. First option rocks, second option not (if option 1 won't
 I'll have to deal with it but I prefer not).

 So I'm trying to serve a file through the portlet based on a wicket 
 link. A normal link would end up in a actionResponse which will not 
 allow you to touch the resourcestream (returning null as the portlet 
 specs describe). An ajax link (which uses the resource phase) will end 
 up with a lot of binary code in the ajax xml output which will, of 
 course, not work.

 I tried also adding a DynamicWebResource to a wicket ResourceLink,
 works actually pretty good except that he's not communicating the 
 filename to the brower by setting a header. I tried adding a header to 
 the ResourceResponse but that one was not passed to the client too 
 (maybe I did that wrong).

 Could anyone point me in the right direction or could tell me what I'm 
 doing wrong over here?


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Re: Stream/download files through portlet

2009-05-08 Thread Bruno Ledesma

Its a Liferay issue.

I was using portlet names and  filter-mapping with a - char.

 I have to use the same string value for the portlet name and the
filter-mapping stuff... without the - char, cause liferay (i dont have
idea why) removes this char, causing the problem.

sorry for the inconvenient question...


2009/5/8 Bruno Ledesma

 Hello All!

 Im facing problems trying to  Stream/download files through portlet. I also
 used DynamicWebResource and a Resource link to serve the Resource Data. On
 simple Wicket application everything works fine, but when my war is
 as a portlet into a Liferay 5 instance, it doesnt work.

 The browser response is :  The requested resource
 (/wick-portlet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/wick-portlet/) is not available.

 Does anyone have some idea,or know any issue about this kind of feature?


 Bruno Ledesma

 Rob Sonke wrote:
  Thijs and I debugged the code together this morning because when he read
  this thread he was sure that both options (overriding setheaders and
  onclick) should work. After some debugging we found a bug in Liferay
  which could be easily fixed in our used version. The current (5.1.2)
  version has a lot of changes around these properties, we will recheck
  that once we're able to upgrade.
  Thanks for your help.
  Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
  In the PLT.12.1.1 section of jsr 286 it says:
  Response properties can be viewed as header values set for the portal
  application. If these header values are intended to be transmitted to
  client they should be set before the response is committed. When setting
  headers in the render lifecycle phase portlets should set the header in
  render headers part or simply override the GenericPortlet.doHeaders
  (see PLT.
  I think you may try:
  PortletRequestContext ctx = (PortletRequestContext)
  PortletResponse presp = ctx.getPortletResponse();
  presp.addProperty(header, value);
  this is kind of a hack but it might work..
  Rob Sonke wrote:
  No, too bad. The headers aren't picked up.
  Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
  For the DynamicWebResource case, doesn't overriding setHeaders() in
  DynamicWebResource and adding your http header in this method work?
  By the way, which portlet container are you working with?
  Rob Sonke wrote:
  We're using wicket for our portlets now for almost 3/4 year and it's
  great. We're following/try to help with the full implementation of
  286 in wicket too (Thijs and me, see other threads). But I'm having a
  problem now with offering files through a portlet. There are actually
  two options, use the resource phase of jsr286 or use a separate
  servlet. First option rocks, second option not (if option 1 won't
  I'll have to deal with it but I prefer not).
  So I'm trying to serve a file through the portlet based on a wicket
  link. A normal link would end up in a actionResponse which will not
  allow you to touch the resourcestream (returning null as the portlet
  specs describe). An ajax link (which uses the resource phase) will
  up with a lot of binary code in the ajax xml output which will, of
  course, not work.
  I tried also adding a DynamicWebResource to a wicket ResourceLink,
  works actually pretty good except that he's not communicating the
  filename to the brower by setting a header. I tried adding a header
  the ResourceResponse but that one was not passed to the client too
  (maybe I did that wrong).
  Could anyone point me in the right direction or could tell me what
  doing wrong over here?
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