RE: How to use wicket:fragment?

2012-08-22 Thread Rama Kesara
Hi Balaji,

I am not sure if this helps but I have used fragments in wicket 1.5.7 and from 
what I see in your code, it should work. Here is a simple snippet that shows 
how I used it:

In my page class, here is what I have to different and show a scrolling 
fragment or ordered list of items fragment:

Fragment filterViewFragment;
if (isScrollingFragment(catList)) {
filterViewFragment = new Fragment(filterViewFragment, 
scrollingFragment, this);
// some other components or fields
} else {
filterViewFragment = new Fragment(filterViewFragment, 
regularFragment, this);
// some other components or fields

In my page html, here is what I have:
wicket:container wicket:id=filterViewFragment /
div class=clear/div

wicket:fragment wicket:id=scrollingFragment
div style=height: 355px; overflow: hidden; padding: 
0px; width: 199px; id=pane2 class=scroll-pane jspScrollable tabindex=0
// somethig here

wicket:fragment wicket:id=regularFragment
ul wicket:id=catListContainer
// something here



-Original Message-
From: bala ji [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 5:46 AM
Subject: How to use wicket:fragment?

I've added a scenario where i need to use wicket:fragments.
Following is my parent html.

Now i'm giving child html which will replace wicket:child/ of my parent
span wicket:id=myPanelExample input (will be removed)/span
 wicket:fragment wicket:id=frag1panel 1/wicket:fragment
 wicket:fragment wicket:id=frag2panel 2/wicket:fragment

 The above situation is working fine in case of wicket 1.4, but now in
wicket 1.5.3 its giving me an error of No Markup found.


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Request mapping question

2012-08-16 Thread Rama Kesara
We have been used Wicket for developing our web applications so far and 
currently we are trying to tackle one issue where an optional language 
parameters comes in the url for all applications. We are trying to see how can 
we customize our applications to have a common page mapper or common processor 
which interprets the request first to identify if there is any language 
parameter that is being passed and if not just resolve the page usually however 
wicket does it.

Let me detail it further with an example. For example, if we have two web 
application say FirstApp and SecondApp that are running in our environment 
associated to their own contexts.

Now for FirstApp, lets say we have following mountPage option in that 
particular webapplication:
mountPage(/firstpage/${someinput}, FirstPage.class);

And for SecondApp, lets say we have following mountPage option in that 
particular webapplication:
mountPage(/secondpage/${someinput}, SecondPage.class);

Now say, - goes to First application and it resolves 
to that FirstPage and does whatever it is supposed to do - goes to Second application and it 
resolves to that SecondPage and does whatever it is supposed to do

Now if we have a optional language parameter in the request path, how can we 
handle request mapping for that case without altering those applications mount 

Now, I know that we can change mount options as follows and tackle that each 
application will expect an optional language param.

mountPage(/#{language}/firstpage/${someinput}, FirstPage.class);
mountPage(/#{language}/secondpage/${someinput}, SecondPage.class);

But is it possible to handle it before even the request comes to WicketFilter? 
If yes, can anyone share any thoughts or views on that. I am not looking to 
edit all webapplications and all page paths to edit and add that optional 
language param, instead if I can handle the request url before even 
wicketFilter tries to resolve that page.. it would help. Also, I am stressing 
if that can be a common level because we might have multiple applications 
coming up and we want to tackle that issue in a common place..

Any pointers will be of great help.. Appreciate you help in advance.


Re: Request mapping question

2012-08-16 Thread Rama Kesara
Thanks Martin, I will take a look and let you know.

Martin Grigorov wrote:


Take a look at
and more specifically the usage of LocaleFirstMapper.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Rama Kesara wrote:
 We have been used Wicket for developing our web applications so far and 
 currently we are trying to tackle one issue where an optional language 
 parameters comes in the url for all applications. We are trying to see how 
 can we customize our applications to have a common page mapper or common 
 processor which interprets the request first to identify if there is any 
 language parameter that is being passed and if not just resolve the page 
 usually however wicket does it.

 Let me detail it further with an example. For example, if we have two web 
 application say FirstApp and SecondApp that are running in our environment 
 associated to their own contexts.

 Now for FirstApp, lets say we have following mountPage option in that 
 particular webapplication:
 mountPage(/firstpage/${someinput}, FirstPage.class);

 And for SecondApp, lets say we have following mountPage option in that 
 particular webapplication:
 mountPage(/secondpage/${someinput}, SecondPage.class);

 Now say, - goes to First application and it 
 resolves to that FirstPage and does whatever it is supposed to do - goes to Second application and it 
 resolves to that SecondPage and does whatever it is supposed to do

 Now if we have a optional language parameter in the request path, how can we 
 handle request mapping for that case without altering those applications 
 mount options.

 Now, I know that we can change mount options as follows and tackle that each 
 application will expect an optional language param.

 mountPage(/#{language}/firstpage/${someinput}, FirstPage.class);
 mountPage(/#{language}/secondpage/${someinput}, SecondPage.class);

 But is it possible to handle it before even the request comes to 
 WicketFilter? If yes, can anyone share any thoughts or views on that. I am 
 not looking to edit all webapplications and all page paths to edit and add 
 that optional language param, instead if I can handle the request url before 
 even wicketFilter tries to resolve that page.. it would help. Also, I am 
 stressing if that can be a common level because we might have multiple 
 applications coming up and we want to tackle that issue in a common place..

 Any pointers will be of great help.. Appreciate you help in advance.


Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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