Re: Wicket context menu component

2013-06-17 Thread bronius
Yes I agree, thanks again :)

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Re: Wicket context menu component

2013-06-17 Thread bronius
Hi Sebastien,

Thats great news, I prefer to use library version as it has a lot of
advantages over rolling my own solution. I tried yours and it works fine for
me. I think example of how to recognize which link was clicked in demo would
be helpful for others, as context menu will certainly need this for real
world scenario. Here how I did it (let me know if thats how its intended to
final ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu("menu", Arrays.asList(menuItem1,
menuItem2, menuItem3, menuItem4)) {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private AjaxFallbackLink selectedLink = null;

protected void onContextMenu(AjaxRequestTarget target, Component
selectedLink = ((AjaxFallbackLink)component);

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target, IMenuItem item)
switch (item.getTitle().getObject()) {
case "Context menu 1":
if (selectedLink != null) {
case "Context menu 2":
System.out.println("Clicked " +
item.getTitle().getObject() + " on " +
case "Context menu 3":
System.out.println("Clicked " +
item.getTitle().getObject() + " on " +
case "Context menu 4":
System.out.println("Clicked " +
item.getTitle().getObject() + " on " +

Big thanks and best regards! :)


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Re: Wicket context menu component

2013-06-12 Thread bronius
Ok thanks again for helping out! :)
Well I found that 'options.$trigger.attr("id")' from parameters returns id
of link pressed (did not try yet on wicket side, but I think it should work)
and 'key' returns which context menu was pressed. Now my links represents
users and context menu some actions to do on users (say view profile). So
now I kinda can set user id as link id and then retrieve link id from
'options.$trigger.attr("id")'  and load user and do action from context menu
on it. But for some reason it does not feel right :) Is it ok to implement
it like that? What do you think? I don't have much wicket experience, but
wicketish way for me seems that context menu behavior could be added to link
component and then from that behavior I could invoke link's onClick lets
say. How would you would go forward from here for that kind of use case?

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Re: Wicket context menu component

2013-06-11 Thread bronius
Hi thanks for help! With your explanations and MenuBehavior example I made it
work. Now one last thing is to recognize which link was chosen for context
menu. I see this documentation about callback:
(function) callback
Specifies the default callback to be used in case an item does not
expose its own callback.
The default callback behaves just like item.callback.
Example: {callback: callback: function(key, opt){ alert("Clicked on " +
key + " on element " + opt.$trigger.attr("id")); }}

Is opt.$trigger.attr("id") what I want? How does this work out? I debugged
my select event for RequestCycleUtils.getQueryParameterValue("options") but
it returns nothing.

Here is my current working version of context menu:

public class ContextMenuBehavior extends JQueryBehavior implements
IJQueryAjaxAware {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private String selector;

private List menuItems;

private Map menuItemsMap = new HashMap();

private JQueryAjaxBehavior onSelectBehavior;

public ContextMenuBehavior(String selector, List menuItems) {
this.selector = selector;
this.menuItems = menuItems;
for (MenuItem menuItem : menuItems) {
menuItemsMap.put(menuItem.getId(), menuItem);

add(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ContextMenuBehavior.class,
add(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ContextMenuBehavior.class,
add(new CssResourceReference(ContextMenuBehavior.class,

// Methods //
public void bind(Component component) {

component.add(this.onSelectBehavior = this.newOnSelectBehavior());

// Events //
public void onConfigure(Component component) {


protected String $() {
// build menu items for jquery
StringBuilder items = new StringBuilder("items: {");
int nbOfMenuItems = menuItems.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nbOfMenuItems; i++) {
MenuItem menuItem = menuItems.get(i);
items.append("'").append(menuItem.getId()).append("': {name:
.append("', icon:
if (i < nbOfMenuItems - 1) {
return String.format("$(function(){$.contextMenu({selector: '%s',
callback: %s, %s});});", selector,
onSelectBehavior.getCallbackFunction(), items.toString());

public void onAjax(AjaxRequestTarget target, JQueryEvent event) {
if (event instanceof SelectEvent) {
IMenuItem item = this.menuItemsMap.get(((SelectEvent)

if (item != null) {

protected JQueryAjaxBehavior newOnSelectBehavior() {
return new JQueryAjaxBehavior(this) {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected CallbackParameter[] getCallbackParameters() {
return new CallbackParameter[] {
CallbackParameter.explicit("key"), CallbackParameter.context("options") };

protected JQueryEvent newEvent() {
return new SelectEvent();

protected static class SelectEvent extends JQueryEvent {
private final String key;

public SelectEvent() {
this.key =

public String getKey() {
return this.key;

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Re: Wicket context menu component

2013-06-10 Thread bronius

Yes I checked it. I also was reading this: However
context menu plug in was not standard here is jquery example:
selector: '.context-menu-one', 
callback: function(key, options) {
var m = "clicked: " + key;
window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m); 
items: {
"edit": {name: "Edit", icon: "edit"},
"cut": {name: "Cut", icon: "cut"},
"copy": {name: "Copy", icon: "copy"},
"paste": {name: "Paste", icon: "paste"},
"delete": {name: "Delete", icon: "delete"},
"sep1": "-",
"quit": {name: "Quit", icon: "quit"}

$('.context-menu-one').on('click', function(e){
console.log('clicked', this);
Now the problem is I don't have knowledge about jquery, but from what I
understand it creates context menu instance with parameters: selector,
callback and items.  Differently from menu it does not have any markup
(items are passed as parameters and thats it) and also jquery syntax is
different. Menu jquery example is just like this:
 $(function() {
$( "#menu" ).menu();
 Thats why I extended JQueryAbstractBehavior, as jquery initialization is
quite different. What I implemented shows context menu, and callback
function is invoked(from jquery parameter), but I lack knowledge on how to
convert that callback function to wicket one. Menu example is ok, but its
different and also it seems I understand what separate methods do, but
because of my inexperience I lack bigger picture understanding how
everything works together. Any help is really appreciated :)

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Wicket context menu component

2013-06-09 Thread bronius

I needed context menu component, but surprisingly it does not exit for
current version, so decided to roll my own, even though i have very little
Wicket experience and know absolutely nothing about jquery, so im like that
dog :) 

Anyway I managed to get something working like this (maybe it will be
helpful for someone or maybe someone smarter will show me my mistakes):
1. Added dependency.
2. Chosen to use this jquery plugin:
3. After spending some time I managed to create Behavior like this:

public class ContextMenuBehavior extends JQueryAbstractBehavior {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private String selector;

private List menuItems;

public ContextMenuBehavior(String selector, List menuItems) {
this.selector = selector;
this.menuItems = menuItems;

add(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ContextMenuBehavior.class,
add(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ContextMenuBehavior.class,
add(new CssResourceReference(ContextMenuBehavior.class,

protected String $() {
// build menu items for jquery
StringBuilder items = new StringBuilder("items: {");
int nbOfMenuItems = menuItems.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nbOfMenuItems; i++) {
MenuItem menuItem = menuItems.get(i);
items.append("'").append(menuItem.getId()).append("': {name:
'").append(menuItem.getTitle().getObject()).append("', icon:
if (i < nbOfMenuItems - 1) {
return String.format("$(function(){$.contextMenu({selector: '%s',
callback: function(key, options) {var m = 'clicked: ' + key; window.console
&& console.log(m) || alert(m); }, %s});});", selector, items.toString());


4. $() method just prints jquery context menu initialization stuff from

5. Now when add this behavior to Page and add div class="userContextMenu" to
html right click on it gives me context menu so its working. Clicking on
menu also shows me simple alert message as it is in callback parameter.

6. So far so good, but now Im interested in how to link this to wicket
component listener. I will put this menu on multiple links, so i would like
to receive both on which link user clicked for context menu and which menu
item he have chosen. How would you implement this? Also am I even on the
right track? Is it good approach? Im sorry if this is stupid question :)

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Re: UrlResourceReference for images

2013-06-07 Thread bronius
Hi, I just tried it and it worked! Thanks guys for help, this situation
really surprised me :) On the bright side at least I learned about framework
when solving this little problem of mine as its easy to go inside and check
how it works (im quite new to wicket). 

Best regards!

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Re: UrlResourceReference for images

2013-06-07 Thread bronius
Yes that would be great, but src="app2/image?item-123" does not work (image
is not loaded) and after changing it with firebug to
src="http://localhost:8080/app2/image?item-123"; works fine. Any ideas why is
that? Any stupid mistake i overlooked? Maybe wicket interprets relative url
as http://localhost:8080/app1/app2/image?item-123 somehow? Maybe because
when i build url I put app2 as segment? (url.getSegments().add("app2");) I
will try different way to construct url later. Thanks for help appreciate it

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Re: UrlResourceReference for images

2013-06-07 Thread bronius
Relative is not good because resources are served from different application,
just currently both applications are deployed on same tomcat so they have
urls http://localhost:8080/app1 and http://localhost:8080/app2. When "smart"
wicket renders image src i get something like this: 
  so it thinks this is url of my main
application (app1), but its not. When i modify with firebug to use full
http://localhost:8080/app2 it works fine. So only solution is to override
UrlRenderer? That would mean I would have to override also RequestCycle?
Just for such simple case? Maybe there is simpler solution? 

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UrlResourceReference for images

2013-06-06 Thread bronius

Im trying to serve images from other server, but need to build url for
images on server side. This looks very simple and on most frameworks very
easy to accomplish, but on wicket I simply do not understand what to do...
Im trying like this: 
final Image img = new Image(IMAGE_ID_ADIMG, new

First of all Url api is extremely hard to work with, very hard to create url
i need, I think there should be some option to simply create it with simple
string. Anyway Url.parse method does not create full url for me (i have
localhost:8080/site1 and localhost:8080/site2, but when url is created i get
only site2 without full address). So I tried it myself like this:
 private Url createUrl(Charset charset) {
Url url = new Url(charset) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String toString(final Charset charset)
return toString(StringMode.FULL, charset);
url.setQueryParameter("param1", "1");
url.setQueryParameter("param2", "2");
return url;

Not really nice, but at least Url object returned normal full url that i
needed in toString. However UrlResourceReference still rendered not full url
and thats where i got too pissed off and decided I need some rest :) I'm
just interested if I'm even on the right track? How you would implement it?
And why this simple thing is so complicated? :) I admit I was a bit drunk :)
and don't have that much of experience with wicket, but this part looked
really strange for me. But I suspect I'm missing something. The problem is
probably because both applications have same start (http://localhost:8080)
and wicket is too smart. As image from other random website is shown

Looking forward hearing from you :)

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