[xwiki-users] Database Sanity Check showing errors

2013-01-14 Thread Stephen Martin
This is a new install  and I am a new XWiki user. 


Our setup is XWiki 4.4, Tomcat 7.0 on a Windows 2003 R2 virtual server
using MSSQLServer 2005. I have the Admin Tools extension installed (ver.
3.0.2) and when I run the SanityCheck it reports that Parent fields
don't exist. This occurs for every new user added. New users have been
added 2 different ways; 1) Manually through the wiki
Administration:Users page and 2) through ldap script if first time user
is connecting. The value that is being entered for xwd_parent is
different depending on which method is used but both will give this
report. For manually added users the value entered for xwd_parent is
xwiki:Main.UserDirectory and for ldap created users the value is


I have not come across any errors that point to this yet but it has had
very little use as we are still in the testing stage. What errors might
this produce (if any), should this be a concern, and what would be the
best way to correct this?



Steve Martin

IT Support

Jones Metal Products


(740) 623-5102


users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Style Sheet Extension not being applied with On Demand

2016-08-24 Thread Stephen Martin
In learning Xwiki, I am trying to use a Style Sheet Extension to apply CSS to 
only a group of pages. I have been following the Skin Extension Tutorial 
(http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/SkinExtensionsTutorial) and 
placing all of my work in the Sandbox.

The issue I am having is that when setting "Use This Extension" to On Demand 
Only the CSS is not applied but when setting "Use This Extension" to On This 
Wiki it works correctly.

What I have done:

1.   Created new page called StyleTest located under Sandbox.

2.   Added XWiki.StyleSheetExtension object to page.

3.   Named object StyleTestStyleSheet.

4.   Added the following in Code:
label {
  font-family: "Times New Roman", times, serif;

5.   Set "Use This Extension" to On Demand Only, "Parse Content" to No, 
"Caching Policy" to Default, "Content Type" to CSS.

Next I created a new page named Another Test Page and entered the following 

{{html wiki=true}}
  ; Name Label
  : Name
  ; Blank Label
  : Blank
  ; Lube Type Label
  : Lube Type

We are currently using  XWiki Enterprise 7.4.4.

What am I doing wrong?

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Custom Dashboard implementation

2016-12-06 Thread Stephen Martin
This is the scenario that we would like to implement:

A page (we'll call it the master page) that contains a dashboard like interface 
that contains other objects in which the master page will keep history for all 
the objects that are attached. Each individual object that is added to the 
dashboard can be edited and saved from the master page in which the history of 
the master page is updated.

The operation is very similar to how the current dashboard macro works but 
instead of using the display gadget to only display a page it would actually 
allow the editing of the objects on the page. The history of the page would 
keep track of any edits made to the different objects.

I was wondering if there is any recommended direction to head in implementing 
this or if there is already a way to do such a thing. We are currently using 
XWiki Enterprise version 7.4.4.



[xwiki-users] Multiple Objects per Page

2017-01-11 Thread Stephen Martin
In developing an in house app using XWiki I am having difficulty getting a page 
to display with more than one object.

Currently using XWiki Enterprise 7.4.4.

For testing purposes I have 2 classes: SetupHY32 and SetupUniqueValues.
I create a new page located in Sandbox called ObjGroupTest.
Selecting Object Editor I add the 2 classes and fill in data in each property 
for each class.
When I save and view, only the first object is displayed. When I go back to 
edit the objects, all the data is there.
The fully qualified name for each object is 
Sandbox.SetupHY32.Code.SetupHY32Class (1) and 
Sandbox.SetupUniqueValues.Code.SetupUniqueValuesClass (1).

According to XWiki data model page each page can have multiple objects.

So the ultimate question is, how can more than one object be displayed on a 
