Varnish Software

2010-02-09 Thread Per Buer
Hi list.

Redpill-Linpro  (RL) has been the main sponsor of Varnish for the last
three years.

RL is a services company, generating most (probably over 95%) of its
revenue on selling services and products in its local Scandinavian

Developing a product for a global market takes a different kind of
organization and a different kind of focus.

Therefore RL has decided to form a separate company around Varnish:
Varnish Software AS. The company will initially consist of Tollef Fog
Heen, Kristian Lyngstøl and myself, all moving from Redpill Linpro.
Our sales will intially be handled by Redpill Linpro. We'll expand the
staff with more people in the months to come.

So, what does this mean for Varnish?
1. Varnish continues as a BSD-Licensed Open Source project.
2. Varnish users worldwide will be able to get competent commercial
services, both contracting and service contracts, from a company who
specializes in Varnish and high performance web delivery.
3. We will be able to spend more time and money on developing Varnish.
Our goal is to make Varnish a de-facto standard for high performance
web sites. We're not quite there yet - but we will be.

Some of Redpill Linpros service agreement customers will be
transferred to the new entity and some will continue to be handled
directly by R-L. We are hoping to sign up other partners to cover the
whole world.

Don't hesitate getting directly in touch with me if you want to
discuss partnership, employment, a support agreement or if you are
just plain curious. Every detail isn't ironed out yet and more
information will be made available later.


Per Andreas Buer  CEO, Varnish Software AS
Phone: +47 21 54 41 21 / Mobile: +47 958 39 117 / skype: perbu
varnish-misc mailing list

Re: Varnish Software

2010-02-09 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message, Per B
uer writes:

Therefore RL has decided to form a separate company around Varnish:
Varnish Software AS. The company will initially consist of Tollef Fog
Heen, Kristian Lyngstøl and myself, all moving from Redpill Linpro.

Welcome Varnish Software!

Although there has never been doubt about Redpill-Linpros heart
being the right place for Varnish, it has never really fit that
well into the RL organization.  A new small focused company sounds
just like what the doctor ordered :-)

As you have guessed by now, I knew about these plans already, and
no, I will not be joining Varnish Software.

I will continue my own little company, where, I develop Varnish,
funded by the Varnish Moral Licenses and do other stuff for my other

Per has indicated that Varnish Software will pick up a Varnish Moral
License, to replace my current arrangement with RL, so the amount
of time I have available for Varnish is unchanged.

This is a good time to officially thank RL, and now Varnish Software,
for running our the Varnish project server for the Varnish Project:
Much appreciated!

This new development, does give me an excuse for growing up the
project a bit, so I have, hopefully for the last time, used my
dictatorial powers and appointed:

Arther sky Bergman (users)
Kristan Lyngstol (commercial)
Poul-Henning Kamp (developers)

to the Interrim Varnish Governing Board, which is tasked with
coming up with some sort of sensible project bylaws, ready for
ratification no later than VUG3.  (mail us your ideas, input etc)

So, back to the keyboards and see you at VUG2 in Amsterdam

(Until further notice: Defacto Ruler of The Varnish Project)

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20 | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
varnish-misc mailing list

Connections to backend not closing

2010-02-09 Thread Thimo E.
Dear all,

first of all, varnish is a really nice software! But... :)
...At the moment I have some problems with varnish and its backend 

After some time of running varnish (with some client connects and so 
one)  I see something like this in netstat -p:
tcp0  0 localhost:1234   localhost:37447 
FIN_WAIT2   19643/webserver
tcp3  0 localhost:37447 localhost:1234   
CLOSE_WAIT  19139/varnishd

- FIN_WAIT2 means the backend webserver has sent a TCP FIN packet, got a 
TCP ACK und waits for the TCP FIN from the other side (varnish).
- The CLOSE_WAIT state means that the varnish received the TCP FIN 
packet, acknowledged it with TCP ACK and shall now close the connection 
with a close() call.

Some time later (at least 5 minutes !) the last entry CLOSE_WAIT 
disappears but the FIN_WAIT2 persists, so the webserver still has a 
semi-open socket:
tcp0  0 localhost:1234   localhost:37447 
FIN_WAIT2   19643/webserver

The number of those entries grow over the time.

It seems as if the TCP connection closing in varnish doesn't perform 
correctly, the close() call in varnish is sometimes executed too late.

I am using varnish 2.0.6, linux 2.6.31
The backend is configured als follows:
backend vs_1x1 {
 .host =;
 .port = 1234;
 .connect_timeout = 5s;
 .first_byte_timeout = 300s;
 .between_bytes_timeout = 300s;

Any ideas why this happens ? Did I miss something in my backend 
configuration ?

Best regards
   Thimo E.
varnish-misc mailing list

Maintenance message

2010-02-09 Thread Brad Schick
I have a varnish server working well, but I'd like to have a standby server 
that does nothing but server up Sorry we are preforming maintenance. My 
thought was to write VCL code to check the health of the director, and if that 
was bad use a different server (something like the example below). But that 
doesn't work. Any suggestions?

backend web1 {
.host =;
.probe = {
.url = /;
.window = 5;
.threshold = 3;

backend web2 {
.host =;
.probe = {
.url = /;
.window = 5;
.threshold = 3;

backend maint {
.host =;
director cluster round-robin {
{ .backend = web1; }
{ .backend = web2; }

sub vcl_recv {
set req.backend = cluster;
else {
set req.backend = maint;

sub vcl_fetch {
if(req.backend == maint) {
varnish-misc mailing list